english expressions: the ultimate guide

English Expressions The Ultimate Guide

Upload: shana-thompson

Post on 15-Apr-2017




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English Expressions

The Ultimate Guide

How it works:

Each image represents an expression/idiom in English.

1. Guess what the expression means.

2. Teacher reveals expression

3. Create a story using this expression.

Practice tenses!

Optional Use: Practicing Tenses

A picture is worth a thousand words and in this case, a thousand stories.

Try to tell the story of each image: What happened before, during and after?

If you could give any advice to any person or animal each picture, what would you say?




Solutions2. Jog your memory 3. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 4. Barking up the wrong tree. 5. Beat around the bush. 6. Open up a can of worms. 7. The last straw 8. To have a green thumb 9. That’s how the cookie crumbles. 10. To get cold feet. 11. Get out of my hair! 13. Miss the boat 14. It’s not over until the fat lady sings! 15. Hit the hay 16. It costs an arm and a leg. 17. To walk on eggshells 18. Walk all over someone 19. Jump on the band wagon.

21. Use your noodle. 22. Hindsight is 20/20. 23. When hell freezes over. 24. Off the record 25. Kill two birds with one stone. 26. Packed like sardines. 27. Under the weather 28. Steal your thunder 29. Bite off more than you can chew. 30. Who let the cat out of the bag. 32. Break the ice 33. 34. Off your rocker 35. Over your head 36. Pull your leg 37. Piece of cake 38. To be in a sticky situation 39. Cry over spilled milk 40. Take a rain check 41. When shit hits the fan. 42. Play it by ear.

About ChattercardsThese images were created for a project called Chattercards, by Chatterplot, a site that helps you find tandem partners and language tutors nearby to meet up in person.

If you would like to pre-order a copy of these as flashcards, please contact Shana at [email protected].