engl 5a

Sales Letters Typical sales letters start off with a very strong statement to capture the interest of the reader. Since the purpose is to get the reader to do something, these letters include strong calls to action, detail the benefit to the reader of taking the action and include information to help the reader to act, such as including a telephone number or website link. Order Letters Order letters are sent by consumers or businesses to a manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order goods or services. These letters must contain specific information such as model number, name of the product, the quantity desired and expected price. Payment is sometimes included with the letter. Related Reading: How to Do Cover Letters for a Newspaper Publisher Complaint Letters The words and tone you choose to use in a letter complaining to a business may be the deciding factor on whether your complaint is satisfied. Be direct but tactful and always use a professional tone if you want the company to listen to you. Adjustment Letters An adjustment letter is normally sent in response to a claim or complaint. If the adjustment is in the customer’s favor, begin the letter with that news. If not, keep your tone factual and let the customer know that you understand the complaint. Inquiry Letters Inquiry letters ask a question or elicit information from the recipient. When composing this type of letter, keep it clear and succinct and list exactly what information you need. Be sure to include your contact information so that it is easy for the reader to respond. Follow-Up Letter Follow-up letters are usually sent after some type of initial communication. This could be a sales department thanking a customer for an order, a businessman reviewing the outcome of a meeting or a job seeker inquiring about the status of his application. In many

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Sales Letters

Typical sales letters start off with a very strong statement to capture the interest of the reader. Since the purpose is to get the reader to do something, these letters include strong calls to action, detail the benefit to the reader of taking the action and include information to help the reader to act, such as including a telephone number or website link.

Order Letters

Order letters are sent by consumers or businesses to a manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order goods or services. These letters must contain specific information such as model number, name of the product, the quantity desired and expected price. Payment is sometimes included with the letter.

Related Reading: How to Do Cover Letters for a Newspaper Publisher

Complaint Letters

The words and tone you choose to use in a letter complaining to a business may be the deciding factor on whether your complaint is satisfied. Be direct but tactful and always use a professional tone if you want the company to listen to you.

Adjustment Letters

An adjustment letter is normally sent in response to a claim or complaint. If the adjustment is in the customer’s favor, begin the letter with that news. If not, keep your tone factual and let the customer know that you understand the complaint.

Inquiry Letters

Inquiry letters ask a question or elicit information from the recipient. When composing this type of letter, keep it clear and succinct and list exactly what information you need. Be sure to include your contact information so that it is easy for the reader to respond.

Follow-Up Letter

Follow-up letters are usually sent after some type of initial communication. This could be a sales department thanking a customer for an order, a businessman reviewing the outcome of a meeting or a job seeker inquiring about the status of his application. In many cases, these letters are a combination thank-you note and sales letter.

Letters of Recommendation

Prospective employers often ask job applicants for letters of recommendation before they hire them. This type of letter is usually from a previous employer or

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professor, and it describes the sender’s relationship with and opinion of the job seeker.

Acknowledgment Letters

Acknowledgment letters act as simple receipts. Businesses send them to let others know that they have received a prior communication, but action may or may not have taken place.

Cover Letter

Cover letters usually accompany a package, report or other merchandise. They are used to describe what is enclosed, why it is being sent and what the recipient should do with it, if there is any action that needs to be taken. These types of letters are generally very short and succinct.

Letters of Resignation

When an employee plans to leave his job, a letter of resignation is usually sent to his immediate manager giving him notice and letting him know when the last day of employment will be. In many cases, the employee also will detail his reason for leaving the company.

Letter of Complaint

A letter of complaint will almost certainly result in an official response if you

approach it from a businesslike perspective. Make the complaint brief, to the point

and polite. Politeness pays off regardless of the extent of anger you are actually

feeling while composing this type of business letter.

Resume Cover Letter

A cover letter that accompanies a resume should revel in its brevity. You should

take as little time and as few words as possible to accomplish one task: persuading

the reader to anticipate reading your resume. Mention the title of the job for which

you are applying, as well or one or two of your strongest selling points.

Letter of Recommendation

A recommendation letter allows you to use a few well-chosen words to the effect of

letting someone else know how highly you value a third party. Resist the temptation

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to go overboard; approach your recommendation in a straightforward manner that

still allows you to get the point across.

Letter of Resignation

An official letter of resignation is a business letter that should be fair and tactful. Be

wary of burning any bridges that you may need to cross again in the future. Offer a

valid reason for your resignation and avoid self-praise.

Job Applicant Not Hired

In some cases you may be required to write a business letter that informs a job

applicant that he was not chosen for an open position. Offer an opening note of

thanks for his time, compliment him on his experience or education and explain that

he was just not what the company is looking for at the present time.

Declining Dinner Invitation

Declining a dinner invitation is a topic for a business letter that, if not done tactfully,

may result in a social disadvantage. Extend your appreciation for the invitation and

mention that you already have an engagement for that date. Do not go into detail

about what the engagement is.

Reception of Gift

It is very polite to return a formal business response letting someone know that you

have received her gift. Extend a personalized thanks to let her know that you are

exactly aware of the contents of the gift. If possible, it is a good idea to include a

sentiment suggesting that you have put the gift to use.

Notification of Error

When sending a business letter that lets the receiving party know that an error has

been corrected, it is good business sense to include a copy of the error in question if

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there is paperwork evidence of it. Make the offer of additional copies of material

involved in the error if necessary.

Thanks for Job Recommendation

A letter of thanks for a party that helped you get a job should be professional and

courteous. Above all else, avoid the temptation to go overboard in offering your

thanks. Be aware that your skills also helped you land the job and it was likely not

handed to you as a result of the third party.

Information Request

A business letter that requests information should make the request specific and

perfectly understandable. It is also a good idea to state the reason for the

information request. Extend advance appreciation for the expected cooperation of

the recipient.