energy from fusion - “that” equation

Energy from fusion Energy from fusion - “that” equation - “that” equation

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Energy from fusion - “that” equation. The energy from stars comes from nuclear fusion in the core. Light nuclei fuse together & release energy - it takes less “binding energy” to hold the slightly bigger nucleus together than it did to hold the separate pieces together. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Energy from fusion - “that” equation

Energy from fusion - Energy from fusion - “that” equation“that” equation

Page 2: Energy from fusion - “that” equation

The energy from stars comes from nuclear fusion in the core.

Light nuclei fuse together & release energy - it takes less “binding energy” to hold the slightly bigger nucleus together than it did to hold the separate pieces together.

For hydrogen fusing into helium it’s a three stage process, called the p-p process because it starts with a couple of protons (aka 2 hydrogen nuclei).

Page 3: Energy from fusion - “that” equation

Let’s start with 2 hydrogen nuclei - protons

They’ll have to be travelling really fast to get close before their mutual repulsion forces them apart.

As they fuse, one of the protons emits a positron (a sort of anti-electron - exactly like an electron but positive). Having lost it’s positive charge it’s now neutral - it’s become a neutron.

Did you notice the other little particle fly out at the same time? That was a neutrino, an almost massless particle with no charge. It just carries away a bit of excess energy.

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Let’s look at the equation…

Enter two hydrogen nuclei (protons)…

H + H





… which fuse to become a deuterium nucleus (a heavier isotope of hydrogen with a mass of 2)



plus a positron

+ 0


and a neutrino


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Stage 2 - the deuterium fuses with another hydrogen…

… and this releases a bit more energy in a little photon of light (or more likely gamma waves).

… to make the isotope of helium with a mass of 3 …

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And the equation for this?

H + H He +







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Stage 3

Finally two of these helium-3’s collide and fuse into a stable helium-4, and shedding the two spare protons…

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And this equation is …

He + He He + 2 H









So over the three stages, we’ve effectively had…

4 hydrogen nuclei 1 helium nucleus + energy

But how do we work out the energy released?

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To measure the masses of things in the nucleus, we don’t use kg because that’s far too big a unit.

Instead we use the atomic mass unit, u

This is based on the nice, stable C nucleus having a mass of 12u



which means 1u = 1.660 540 x 10-27 kg…ish

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Doing the sums (with a few less sig figs…)

Oh! Some of the mass seems to have disappeared!

mass of hydrogen nucleus = 1.007276 u

mass of 4 hydrogen nuclei = 4.029104 u

mass of helium & 2 positrons = 4.002603 u

-________0.0265… u

= 4.40 x 10-29 kg

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We have a missing mass ( a “mass deficit”)

= 4.40 x 10-29 kg

Here comes that equation…

E = mcE = mc22

where E = energy releasedm = mass deficitc = speed of light

E = 4.40 x 10-29 x (3.0 x 108)2 = 3.96 x 10-12 J

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Energy released = 3.96 x 10-12 J

That doesn’t seem very big, but remember - that’s the energy released by just 4 hydrogen nuclei (protons) fusing into 1 helium.

The luminosity of the Sun is 3.8 x 1026 W(and remember, 1W = 1 Js-1)

so how many of these fusions are taking place per second?

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Energy released per fusion = 3.96 x 10-12 J

no. fusions = 3.8 x 1026 3.96 x 10-12

The luminosity of the Sun is 3.8 x 1026 W

= 3.8 x 1026 J s-1

= 9.6 x 1037 per sec

At this rate, how long will the Sun last?

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At this rate, how long will the Sun last?

Remember, the mass deficit every time one of these processes happens was 4.40 x 10-29 kg

mass loss per sec = mass deficit x no. per


= 4.40 x 10-29 x 9.6 x 1037

= 4.22 x 109 kg

- that’s 4¼ billion tonnes disappearing per


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At this rate, how long will the Sun last?

mass loss per sec = 4.22 x 109 kg

mass of the Sun = 1.99 x 1030 kg

lifetime of Sun = 1.99 x 1030 4.22 x 109

= 4.71 x 1030 s

= 1.49 x 1013 years

But a deeper understanding of astrophysics suggests that fusions at the core will die out when just over 0.0003 of its mass has been lost.

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At this rate, how long will the Sun last?

lifetime of Sun = 1.49 x 1013 years

But a deeper understanding of astrophysics suggests that fusions at the core will die out when just over 0.0003 of its mass has been lost.

lifetime of Sun as a star doing fusion

= 0.0003 x 1.49 x 1013

= 4.5 x 109 years