emu-det russia project april 201 2

EMU-DET Russia Project April 2012 RussVzryv Ltd.

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EMU-DET Russia Project April 201 2. RussVzryv Ltd. RUSSIA: 1,200,000 t. LATVIA: 500 t. ESTONIA: 12,000 t. LITHUANIA : 1,200 t. POLAND: 35 ,000 t. BELORUS: 14,000 t. UKRAINE: 190,000 t. CZECH REP.: 1 2 ,000 t. SLOVAKIA: 4 ,000 t. Euro Market Consumption. Consumption - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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EMU-DET Russia Project

April 2012

RussVzryv Ltd.

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

Euro Market Consumption

LATVIA: 500 tLATVIA: 500 t

RUSSIA: 1,200,000 tRUSSIA: 1,200,000 t

CZECH REP.: 12,000 tCZECH REP.: 12,000 t

UKRAINE: 190,000 tUKRAINE: 190,000 t

POLAND: 35,000 tPOLAND: 35,000 t

BELORUS: 14,000 tBELORUS: 14,000 t

ESTONIA: 12,000 tESTONIA: 12,000 t

LITHUANIA : 1,200 tLITHUANIA : 1,200 t

SLOVAKIA: 4,000 tSLOVAKIA: 4,000 t

TOTAL: 1,468,700 tTOTAL: 1,468,700 t

Consumption of explosives

in Europe

Consumption of explosives

in Europe

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

Russian Federal Market (2011): Consumption



























0.549 0.533 0.548 0.5640.635

0.702 0.705







Explosives, MIL tonnes

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

EXPLOSIVES: 1,24 MIL tonnes

DETS EA: 18 MIL kits

DETS NA: 31 MIL kits

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Russian Federal Market (2011): Consumption

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

Russian Federal Market (2011): Consumption, Manufacturers & Market Shares

EXPLOSIVES: 1,24 MIL tonnes

overall consumption

Group “Nitro-Sibir”

Group “Azot-Vzryv”

FSE "Zavod imeni Ya. M. Sverdlova“

JSC “Znamya”

FSE “Permsky porohovoy zavod“

JSC "Promsintez”

FSE “Biyskiy oleumniy zavod“


JSC "Kalinovskiy Khimicheskiy Zavod”



Group “Azot-Vzryv” (JSC "Muromets“)


FSE “Chapayevskiy mehanicheskiy zavod“

LLC “Dino Nobel Russia”


MS = 27% (0,33 MIL t)

MS = 9% (0,11 MIL t)

MS = 8% (0,10 MIL t)

MS = 6% (0,08 MIL t)

MS = 4% (0,05 MIL t)

MS = 10% (0,12 MIL t)

MS = 4% (0,05 MIL t)

MS = 9% (0,11 MIL t)

MS = 78% (38 MIL kits)

MS = 13% (6,5 MIL kits)

MS = 5% (2,5 MIL kits)

MS = 16% (0,20 MIL t)

MS = 7% (0,09 MIL t)

MS = 1% (0,5 MIL kits)

MS = 3% (1,5 MIL kits)

MS = 0% (0,0 MIL kits)


overall consumption

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

Russian Federal Market (2011): Market Trends & Expectations of Consumers

A competitive advantage in the Russian market will have manufacturers that will provide for the emulsion explosives:

Highest range of explosive properties variation - for different rocks & for different conditions; Technologies and equipment for use in open pits and in underground mines; Flexible delivery schedule, the possibility of a one-time delivery of large volumes (over 100 tons at a time); Long period of storage for the matrix and the cartridges; Low temperature applications (below – 30 ºC); Applicability in hi-watered blast holes (including the possibility of injection in hole under the column of

water); Failsafe initiation of small diameter of the explosive charge; Safe use in coal deposits; Low cost "pumped into the blast holes - ready to explode”.

Market Trends:

1. Continued growth in markets of explosives and initiation systems;

2. Accelerating the conversion to the use of low-dangerous emulsion explosives and non-electric initiation systems;

3. With relative price stability are increasing direct costs of explosives manufacturers;

4. Market shares are redistributed for benefit of the most modern and largest manufacturers of explosives and initiation systems.

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

RussVzryv GOALS in Russia

STEP 1: Penetration in the Russian market of materials for explosion The Local Market:

30 000 tons of Explosive p.a.

STEP 2: Leading position in the regional market of explosive The Regional Market:

60 000 tons of Explosive p.a., 3 MIL kits of Initiation Systems p.a., Complete blasting service.

STEP 3: Expansion to other Russian regions The Federal Market:

250 000 tons of Explosive p.a., 7 MIL kits of Initiation Systems p.a. Complete service cycle: drilling + blasting, Geological prospecting works.

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

STEP 1: Penetration in the Russian marketProject Location

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The RussVzryv (Step 1) location shall be the Chelyabinsk city, Urals Federal District of the Russian Federation.

The Ural Federal District (UFD) consolidates 6 subjects of the Russian Federation: 4 regions (Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Tyumen) & 2 autonomous areas (Khanty-Mansi - Ugra, Yamal-Nenets).

UFD occupies 11 % of Russian territory (1,8 million sq. km.), 8,5 % of the Russian population (12,3 million people) live in UFD.

UFD is in the border of:  - from the west - the Volga Federal District with the eastern part thereof being an extension of the Urals mountain ridge.  - from the south - the North-Western part of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The exploitability of the region is based upon the similar (as the one of the Russian Urals) geology.  - from the east - the Siberia Federal District with waste territories of a various geology pattern and the wealth of the resource base.

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

STEP 1: Penetration in the Russian marketProject Location

6 6 ,7 % o f th e R u s s ia n o i l r e s e rv e s (6 % s h a re o f w o r ld ) & 7 7 ,8 % o f g a s

re s e rv e s (2 6 % s h a re o f w o r ld ) a re c o n c e n t ra te d in U F D .

U F D h a s th e e n o r m o u s e x p lo r e d r e s e r v e s : iron ores, pow er sta tion coa ls , chrom ic and m anganese ores , titan iferous m agnetite and copper ores , tungsten- m olybdenum ores , phosphorites, bauxites , p iezooptic quartz , nob le and rare m eta ls , peat, asbestos, zeo lites, benton itic c lay, nonm eta llic bu ild ing m ateria ls, precious & sem iprecious stones …

66,7% of the Russian oil reserves (6% share of world) & 77,8% of gas reserves (26% share of world) are concentrated in UFD.

UFD has the enormous explored reserves: iron ores, power station coals, chromic and manganese ores, titaniferous magnetite and copper ores, tungsten- molybdenum ores, phosphorites, bauxites, piezooptic quartz, noble and rare metals, peat, asbestos, zeolites, bentonitic clay, nonmetallic building materials, precious & semiprecious stones…

T h a n k s to th e m o s t c o m p lic a te d g e o lo g y, U F D - o n e o f th e r ic h e s t R u s s ia n

s o u r c e o f r a w m a te r ia ls .

U F D is th e a re a o f l iv in g d e v e lo p m e n t o f r e s o u rc e s ( c a rb o h y d ra te s a n d

m e ta ls ) fo rm in g th e b a s is o f th e R u s s ia n e x p o r t c a p a c ity.

F o r s o m e U ra ls ' d e p o s it o c c u r re n c e s , c e r t i f ic a te d s to c k s o f b a s ic re s o u rc e s

m a k e , in to ta l, th e a m o u n t e q u a l to th a t o f 5 0 -1 5 0 y e a rs o f e x t ra c t io n

(p ro v id in g th e s a m e e x t ra c t io n ra te ) .

T h e e s t im a t io n o f e x p lo r e d r e s e r v e s U F D e x c e e d s E U R 7 t r i l l io n .

Thanks to the most complicated geology, UFD - one of the richest Russian source of raw materials.

UFD is the area of living development of resources (carbohydrates and metals) forming the basis of the Russian export capacity.

For some Urals' deposit occurrences, certificated stocks of basic resources make, in total, the amount equal to that of 50-150 years of extraction

(providing the same extraction rate). The estimation of explored reserves UFD exceeds EUR 7 trillion.

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

STEP 1: Penetration in the Russian marketRegional & Local Markets

In 2011 the UFD regional consumption: 139 000 tons / year of Explosive, & 9,8 MIL kits / year of Initiation Systems,

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In the Chelyabinsk region where first RussVzryv plant will be builted, explosive consumption during the same period has exceeded 64 thousand tons.

The radius of 350 kilometres from RussVzryv plant in Chelyabinsk covers more than 50 large and mid-size mining objects.

New mining projects of the Chelyabinsk region, such as Miheevskoe and Tominskoe deposits of copper ores (owner of a licenses & developer deposits - JSC "Russian Copper Company") will require an additional 25,000 tons of explosives in 2013 and 25 000 tonnes in 2015.

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

UFD Regional Market: Consumption

2005 2008 20110.0






Explosives, MIL tonnes

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

UFD Regional Market: Consumption

2005 2008 20110.0










Initiation Systems, MIL kits

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

UFD Regional Market (2011): Consumption

EXPLOSIVES: 0,139 MIL tonnes

DETS EA: 0,9 MIL kits

DETS NA: 8,9 MIL kits

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

UFD Regional Market (2011): Consumption, Manufacturers & Market Shares

EXPLOSIVES: 0,139 MIL tonnes

overall consumption

Group “Nitro-Sibir”(LLC “Uralskiy Sibirit”, UFD - Chelyabinsk region)

MS = 13% (0,018 MIL t)Emulsion


overall consumption

Group “Azot-Vzryv”(LLC “AVT-Ural”, UFD - Sverdlovsk area) (LLC “AVT-UralService”, UFD - Sverdlovsk region)

MS = 32% (0,044 MIL t)Emulsion / Mixed

JSC "Zavod “Plastmass“(UFD - Chelyabinsk region)

MS = 5% (0,007 MIL t)Mixed / Emulsion

JSC “UralAsbest”(UFD - Sverdlovsk region)

MS = 17% (0,024 MIL t)Emulsion

JSC "Promsintez”(Volga FD – Samara region)

MS = 9% (0,013 MIL t)Mixed / Emulsion

FSE "Zavod imeni Ya. M. Sverdlova“(Volga FD – Nizhniy Novgorod region)

MS = 3% (0,004 MIL t)Mixed

JSC "Kalinovskiy Khimicheskiy Zavod”(UFD - Sverdlovsk region)

MS = 21% (0,029 MIL t)Mixed / Emulsion

JSC NMZ “ISKRA”(Siberia FD – Novosibirsk region)

MS = 65% (6,4 MIL kits)EA, NA “SINV”

Group “Azot-Vzryv” (JSC "Muromets“)(Central FD – Vladimir region)

MS = 28% (2,7 MIL kits)EA, NA "Edilin“ / "Korshun”

CJSC "VSI”(Volga FD – Samara region)

MS = 7% (0,7 MIL kits)NA "Primadet"

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

UFD Regional Market (2011): Prices



Whilst the fact of cartel agreement had not been confirmed, sometimes, a majority of Explosive Substances (ES) manufacturers symmetrically set their prices at the same level (± 5%).  Current (03/2012) prices (EXW)* of major mixed ES manufacturers are:- for regular NON-water-resisting ES € 500 ÷ 850 / ton, - for water-resisting ES € 800 ÷ 1,200 / ton, - for regular packaged ES € 900 ÷ 1,000 / ton.  (*) it should be noted that the utilization of final ES means hazardous freight transportation and intermediate warehousing, as well as commonly manual or deficiently mechanized loading. It results in constituent additional consumer's costs estimated as € 450 ÷ 750 per 1 ES ton.

Current (03/2012) prices (EXW)* of Russian Initiation Systems (IS) are:- for NA systems "SINV" / "Edilin" / "Korshun” € 0.85 ÷ 1.76 per a unit, - for EA systems € 0.35 ÷ 1.00 per a unit,  Current (03/2012) prices (EXW)* of Initiation Systems (IS), assembled in Russia from imported parts, are:- for NA systems "Primadet" / "Nonel" / others € not available*

(*) – set up for every Consumer individually, higher than prices of the Russian manufacturers and depend on the current ruble rate. A prominent part of price is played by 20% customs fee for component parts used for Initiation Systems assembly.

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

STEP 1: Penetration in the Russian market Products

Products: Emulsion Explosives

Type Bulk Cartriges

Annual production Volume: 18 000 tons 12 000 tons

Subtypes of products: for open pits, for underground mines, for coal-mining industry, high–power for hard rocks, for low (to -30C°) and ultralow (to -46C°) temperatures.


Products: Emulsion Explosives

Type Bulk Cartriges

Annual production Volume: 18 000 tons 12 000 tons

Subtypes of products: for open pits, for underground mines, for coal-mining industry, high–power for hard rocks, for low (to -30C°) and ultralow (to -46C°) temperatures.


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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

STEP 1: Penetration in the Russian market Raw Materials

Source Raw Material

Ammonium Nitrate

Sodium Nitrate

Филиал «Азот» ОАО «ОХК «УРАЛХИМ» (г. Березники, Пермский край)

Calcium Nitrate

ОАО «Минудобрения» (г. Россошь, Воронежская обл.)

ОАО «Буйский химический завод» (г. Буй, Костромская обл.)


ООО "ЦИТРОБЕЛ" (г. Белгород)

Филиал «Азот» ОАО «ОХК «УРАЛХИМ» (г. Березники, Пермский край)

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R u s s V z r y v L t d .

STEP 1: Penetration in the Russian market Raw Materials

Source Raw Material

Oils, wax/paraffin

ООО "ЛУКОЙЛ-Нижегороднефтеоргсинтез« (г. Нижний Новгород)

ООО «ЛУКОЙЛ-Пермнефтеоргсинтез» (г. Пермь)

ОАО “Славнефть-ЯНОС” (г. Ярославль)


Croda Chemicals International (Moscow) Ltd (г. Москва)

Lubrizol Ltd (UK, Hazelwood P. O. Box 88, Belper, Derby)Sensitizers (Microspheres, Sodium nitrite)

Филиал «Азот» ОАО «ОХК «УРАЛХИМ» (г. Березники, Пермский край)

ОАО «Газпром нефтехим Салават» (г. Салават, Республика Башкортостан)

ООО «Уралсфера" (Калужская область)

ООО «Научный центр «Эпитаксия» (г. Новосибирск)

Aluminium powder

ООО «Волгоградская алюминиевая компания порошковая металлургия» (г. Волжский, Волгоградская область)

РУСАЛ: «Порошковая металлургия – Шелехов», «Порошковая металлургия – Краснотурьинск», «Порошковая металлургия – Волгоград»


ООО "ЦИТРОБЕЛ" (г. Белгород)

Филиал «Азот» ОАО «ОХК «УРАЛХИМ» (г. Березники, Пермский край)

Packaging material

ООО "Фабрика ЮжУралКартон» (г. Коркино, Челябинская область)

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