emily dickinson presentation2

Emily Dickinson life and art

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Post on 30-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Emily dickinson presentation2

Emily Dickinson

life and art

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FALSESome keep the Sabbath going to Church —I keep it, staying at Home —With a Bobolink1 for a Chorister2 —And an Orchard, for a Dome —

Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice3 —I just wear my Wings —And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,Our little Sexton4 — sings.

God preaches, a noted Clergyman —And the sermon is never long,So instead of getting to Heaven, at last —I'm going, all along.

1. bobolink: a common North American songbird.

2. chorister: a singer in a choir

3. a loose-fitting, broad-sleeved white vestment, worn over the cassock by clergy and choristers.

4. sexton: an official of a church charged with taking care of the edifice and its contents, ringing the bell, etc., and sometimes with burying the dead.

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Put down the apple AdamAnd come away with meSo shal’t thou have a pippin1

From off my Father’s tree!

1.) pippin: any of numerous roundish or oblate varieties of apple.


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My lost by sickness — Was it Loss?Or that Etherial1 Gain —One earns by measuring the Grave Then — measuring the Sun.

1.) ethereal: heavenly or celestial; extremely delicate or refined.
