emergency response training

Emergency Response Programme

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Emergency Response Programme

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IndexUnderstanding TerminologyEmergency IntroductionCauses of EmergencyEmergency Response ProgrammeEmergency Management SystemEmergency Response TeamEmergency Response EquipmentsProcedures in the event of emergencyEmergency Responder ResponsibilityEmergency Responder Tool KitIn Case of Fire EmergencyIn Case of Earth Quake EmergencyIn Case of Bomb Threat EmergencyEmergency Handling and Transportation

Disaster is a situation in which the organization is incapable of coping.

Emergency is a situation in which the organization is capable of coping.

Risk is the probability that loss will occur as the result of an adverse event.

Hazard is the potential for a natural or human-caused event to occur with negative consequences.

A hazard can become an emergency; when the emergency moves beyond the control, it becomes a disaster.Understanding of Terminology

An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate loss to health, life, property or environment.

Type of Emergency:Emergency to lifeEmergency to healthEmergency to propertyEmergency to environmentEmergency Introduction

Causes of Emergency

Usage of Sub Standardized Wiring/Equipment.

Usage of Sub Standardized Cleaning Agents.

Overloading the circuitry.

Improper Usage of Equipments.

Improper Storage of Equipments and Documents/ Information's.

Improper Maintenance of Equipments and Information's.

Non-Adherence to policies and procedures

Hazards Internal Factors


Extreme Usage of Natural Resources

Emission of Hazardous Gases

Rebelling against Country/ leadership/Policy

Improper Landfilling

Meteors/ Storm/ Tsunami

Hazards External Factors

Emergency Response Programme is to;

protect critical assets of an organization from hazard & risks that can cause disasters or catastrophes, and

to ensure the continuance of the organization within their planned lifetime.Emergency Response Programme

Emergency Management Systems are technological aids that facilitate the effective management of disasters. Emergency Management System

An Emergency Response Team (ERT) is a group of people who are prepared for and respond to any emergency incident, such as an interruption of business operations.Emergency Response Team

ERT Roles and Responsibility Chart

Emergency Response Equipments

Emergency Response Programme - SutherlandEmergency Response Equipments

Know Your Evacuation Route





Procedure in the event of emergency

Quickly report to the Reception/ Security or instruct someone to do so.

The Manual Fire Alarm to be operated

Raise Alarm

The reception/ security should -Alert the fire brigade -Notify senior management-Notify all departments-Notify any other personnel required either for immediate action or to stand-byRespond Timely

Every employee should evacuate calmly and orderly through the nearest exit (escape) route.Do not wait to collect your belongings during evacuation process.(Picture: Employees evacuating through main entrance.)Every employee should know the alternative route incase the main escape route is not approachable due to fire. (Picture: Employees evacuating through main gate.)Should assemble at Assembly Point for roll call.After Roll Call to wait for the clearance from Security/ Fire Warden/ Incident Commander (Picture: Assembling at the Assembly Point)(Picture: Employees walking towards the assembly point)28Rapid Evacuation

Evacuate the wing/floor/building in a calm, complete and orderly manner through the nearest exit.

Search/sweep the respective floors(rest room, meeting room etc) and ensure that everyone have left. (Subject to the situation, existing in the floor)

Ensure Visitors and Vendors are also directed to the assembly point.

Take the head counts at the assembly point of the respective wing/floor/building.

Complete the roll call list and report to the Incident Commander.

Assist the differently abled and pregnant employees during evacuation.

ALL CLEAR will be declared by the INCIDENT COMMANDERER Responsibility

Ensure all employees to re-enter the building through normal entrance not through the emergency exits

Develop a backup, to support in case of absence or increase in head count.

Ensure passage or the area near the exit/emergency exit should free from obstacles.

Ensure evacuation layout boards are available in their respective floors.

Ensure fire extinguisher/ exit/ emergency exit/ First Aid/ In case of fire break glass signage's are available in their respective floors.

Ensure fire extinguishers are with in the maintenance period and are at prescribed location.

ER Responsibility

The Emergency Responder tool kits are the responsibility of the respective ER member and are to be associated with them at home or at office.

Took Kit Details:Identification CardIdentification Jacketstick PadPen/ PencilTorchlightWhistleBlanket

If the ER is been relocated - within the same/different company/building/floor/wing they need to inform the respective HR department, Functional Co ordinator

ER Tool Kit

Break the glass of the nearest push button fire alarm and push the button.Attack the fire with extinguishers provided.Notify the ERT Director or instruct someone to do so.Evacuate if necessary23In Case of Fire Emergency



Water N/A N/A N/A

Foam N/A N/A

ABC Powder

Carbon Dioxide N/A

Clean Agent (Hydro Chloro Fluro Carbon) Classes of Fire & Extinguishing Media



Aimthe base of fireFire Fighting PASS Method

In case of fire emergency

In Case of Earthquake Emergency Get under a sturdy table or desk

If your shelter moves, stay under it and follow it around

Brace yourself in an inside corner away from windows.

Stay away from tall shelves, cabinets and other furniture, which might slide or topple over.

Grab anything handy (cloth, newspapers, box, etc.) to shield your head and face from failing debris and splinting glass.

In Case of Earthquake Emergency Do Not Rush Outside. Stay on the same floor since stairways may be broken and exits jammed with people.

If you are outside within perimeter of the company, Move away from the building, garage, walls, power poles and lampposts.

Electric power lines are a serious hazard - stay away from fallen lines. If possible, proceed cautiously to an open designated assembly area.

After an Immediate EarthquakeRemain Calm. Don't Panic.

Wait until all motion has stopped.

Do not run down stairs or outdoors. Be prepared for additional shockwaves.

Do not light matches or try turn on electrical switches. Flashlights are one of the best light sources after a damaging earthquake.

Make a quick check for injuries or trapped people near you.

Do not try to move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger from further injury.

Kindly notify the situation to your nearest ERT member, if possible.

Await for further instructions.

In Case of Earthquake Emergency

If you receive a bomb threat call/ letter, Remain Calm. Don't Panic.

The matter should be kept as quiet and low-keyed as possible and should not be given any publicity.

Other Employees should not be informed of this, as it may only cause panic and lead to injury.

Information should be passed on to the nearest ERT member/ person in charge to receive this type of information.

Await for further instruction

In Case of Earthquake Emergency

Try to remain as CALM as possible;

Concentrate on listening;

Engage the caller in as much conversation as possible;

Try to find out the exact location of the device;

Try to find out the type of device;

Try to find out the time the device is expected to detonate;

Do not upset or panic the caller.

Take notes of the exact words of the caller and his/her accent

Try to determine the sex of the caller; and

Listen for any background music or noises.

Bomb Threat Call Observation

Bomb Threat - Preventive MeasuresEmployees should keep their immediate work area clean and tidy at all times;

Strange persons not accompanied by an employee/ security entering the process area or department should be approached so as to determine the reason for their presence;

Employees should check their immediate work area on the assumption of duty to ensure that there is nothing unusual or out of place;

Employees must report any suspicious objects to management, and to refrain from touching same;

In Case of Earthquake Emergency

Thank You