electric car

ELECTRIC CAR David Yabar, Jordi Duocastella and Sergi Gomez

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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Presentation of electric car.


  • 1. David Yabar, Jordi Duocastella and Sergi Gomez

2. Presentation of electric car Were going to talk about electric cars The petrol is disappearing Electric cars use clean energy Advantages and disadvantages 3. History of the car The first kind of cars were electric At the beginning electric cars were for rich people Improvement Improvements on the starting of internal combustiontechnology simplified thermic engines Electric cars totally disappeared in 1930 4. How electric motors work 5. Advantages There is no transformation of energy An electric engine is more simple than thermic engines Electric cars dont make much noise An electric engine is extremely efficient, around 90 percent 6. Disadvantages We still need a few hours or at least an hour torecharge it Batteries are not recyclable Electric cars are very expensive There are a few mechanics that can repair it 7. Conclusion Economic deals with governments. Pollution and greenhouse gases Electric car will have a positive impact