elderly patients deserve clinical trials of chemotherapy in breast cancer

4 Elderly patients deserve clinical trials of chemotherapy in breast cancer Despite the fact that breast cancer is the commonest form of cancer in women over 70 years of age and> 50% of breast cancer deaths occur in those over 65 years of age, few trials of th erapy for breast cancer have been carried out in the elderly. Fears of excessi ve t oxicity of chemotherapy in the elderl y were shown to be unfounded in a recent studv and may be avoided by dose reductions. Mortality from causes other than breast ca nccr l11 a\ ' clo ud res ult s of sun' i\a l studies of nc \\ drugs i;l th c el derly but should not pre\l' nt cost-benefit studi es bei ng conducted. t-uti1 cnnor l' . IhL" belie·f thin chcrnct hcr: !py is in e tlect i\ e in postmenopausal \\ omen has been In 2 studies of patients with node- nega ti q' breast cancer. O f t ria ls th at have been condu cted in th e elde rh . I tri al in whi ch pa ti e nt s wi th breast cance;' rec e i\ ed tamo \i fe n f o r 2 yea rs had th e m05 t success ful res ults: a nu th er t ria l combini ng tamo\ ifc n and predniso ne \ \'as a lso e nco ura gin g. In both s tudi es the di se ase-frcl' sun i\a l \\ as Im pro\ ed. H o\\c\er. the addition of tamo\!icn 10 rad io thera py for I year did not appear to impro \ e s uni\al compared with radiotherapy al one. Future studies compar in g ta mox ifen , surgery and radiotherapy in the elde rl y a re underway and more are nee ded. (;oIJhir,,' h . \. ( ;c 'IIl1;\I, KS. l ;c' llwT K I) . C;"li ghIJ llc' \ 1. r 'c ,;, lmc' lll of hl"l .' JSl ... :all (.\.' r in ddl' r1 y palil' nh. I ;In!.:L't .l . '() : I SL' P I l)l)n 15 S rp 1990 /;\'PIIARMA"J ISSN 11156-2703/90/11915-0004/ 0SIJI. OO/0 «) Adis International Ltd

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Page 1: Elderly patients deserve clinical trials of chemotherapy in breast cancer


Elderly patients deserve clinical trials of chemotherapy in breast cancer

Despite the fact that breast cancer is the commonest form of cancer in women over 70 years of age and> 50% of breast cancer deaths occur in those over 65 years of age, few trials of therapy for breast cancer have been carried out in the elderl y. Fears of excessi ve t oxicity of chemotherapy in the elderl y were shown to be unfounded in a recent studv and may be avoided by dose reductions. Mortality from causes other th an breas t ca nccr l11 a\' cloud result s of sun' i\a l stud ies of nc\\ drugs i;l th c el der ly but should not pre\l' nt cost-benefit studies bei ng co nducted. t-uti1 cnnorl' . IhL" belie·f thin chcrnct hcr:!py is inetlect i\ e in postmenopausal \\ omen has been di s pro \\.~d In 2 studies of patients with node-negati q ' breas t cancer.

Of t ria ls th at have been condu cted in the elderh . I tri al in which pati ent s wi th breast cance;' recei\ed tamo\i fe n f or 2 yea rs had the m05t successful results: anuther t ria l combini ng tamo\ ifc n and prednisone \ \'as also encoura ging. In both s tudi es the di sease-frcl' sun i\a l \\ as Im pro\ ed . H o\\c\er. the add ition of tamo\!icn 10 rad iotherapy for I year did not appea r to impro \ e s uni\al compared with radiotherapy alone. Future studies comparing ta mox ifen , surgery and radiotherapy in the elderl y a re underway and more are needed. (;oIJ hi r,,'h .\. ( ;c' IIl1;\I, KS. l ;c' llwT K I). C;"lighIJ llc' \ 1. r ' c,;, l mc' lll o f hl"l.'JSl ... :all(.\.' r in ddl' r1 y pal il'nh. I ;In!.:L't .l .'(): S(\~ . I SL' P I l)l)n

15 S rp 1990 /;\'PIIARMA"J ISSN 11156-2703/90/11915-0004/ 0SIJI.OO/ 0 «) Adis International Ltd