el toro june 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 El Toro June 2012




    Manager: Teresa Cruz,

    Rutherford Investment Co.

    Ofce address: 28400 Granada Circle

    Phone: 510-783-5535

    Ofce hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday.

    Rent may be dropped in mail slot in ofce door

    (next to laundry room).

    Jeffrey Stoops, Assistant Manager

    On-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays

    In an emergency, call 510-783-5535.

    Call will be directed to pager (510-312-0277).


    The Spanish Ranch #1 Association and the SpanishRanch #1 Ladies Club are automatically comprisedof park residents. There are no dues.

    MEETINGS of the Association Board are the FIRSTTHURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse.

    Residents welcome.

    LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of eachmonth at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse.

    The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRDTHURSDAY of each month to go out to lunch at

    various area restaurants.

    NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH meets the SECOND TUESDAYof alternate months at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse


    of each month.


    The Clubhouses are available to residents forprivate affairs. Contact the Ofce, 510-783-5535

    SWIMMING POOL / HOT TUBPool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round.

    The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is availablefor residents to use. See the ofce for a key.


    are to be submitted to Park Management inWRITING and must be SIGNED.

    For any complaints or suggestions concerningsafety, maintenance, replace/repair, notify the

    Executive Board as well. This may be done throughthe website at www.spanishranch1.org,


    Bus transportation information on page 15.

    Spanish Ranch #1 Information

    ASSOCIATION OFFICERSPresident: Patty Smith 784-0105

    Vice President: Dawn Plaskon 887-2199Secretary: Jeanie Schultz 784-1997Treasurer: Peggy Nichols 782-8950


    Marvin Daley 783-0360Clint Dean 266-0979

    Brenda Glover 303-2308Jerry Higgins 410-6893

    Barbara Sacks 783-8176

    Spanish Ranch I Association Officers andExecutive Board Members meet the FIRST THURSDAY

    of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouseunless otherwise announced.

    ALL RESIDENTS WELCOMEAnnual Membership Meeting held each April.

    COMMITTEESDime Bingo . . . . . . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck, 783-7294HMOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OpenLunch Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ruth Horton, 732-6671


    Bingo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ron Gomez, 782-5183

    Neighborhood Watch . . . . Peggy Nichols, 782-8950

    N.E.R.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199

    EL TORO Jeanie Schultz 784-1997e-mail: [email protected]

    Deadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the10th of each month for the following month.

    WEBMASTER: Rev. Charles [email protected]

    SR-1 Association & Community Contacts

    is published monthly by Mobile Home Park

    Magazines and distributed by volunteers around the

    rst of the month. Dates and times of activities are

    noted on the calendar therein. Special activities will be

    announced in the regular pages.

    Extra copies of the magazine (or replacement

    copies if you got missed) are available in the Main

    Clubhouse after distribution is complete.


  • 7/31/2019 El Toro June 2012



    Letters to the Editor are welcome

    on any subject. Send to:

    [email protected].

    (You MUST sign your name but

    we wont use it if you so request.)


    Residents are welcome

    at the meeting of the

    SR1 Association Board

    THURSDAY,June 7, 2012

    7:00 p.m.in the main clubhouse

    The Executive Board meetson the first Thursday of each

    month.Residents are invited to attend.

    A special meeting will be called anytime there is a need to gather park

    residents for anything

    other than routine business.

    SR-1 Helping HandAre weeds, rubbish, or overgrown plants onyour lot a cause for concern? Is your home inneed of sprucing up with washing or painting?

    Were here to help!Give us a call, and well seewhat our team can do toextend a helping hand. Callus, or park management, toschedule a lot assessment.

    510-274-1771 (Assn msg);Marvin 783-0360.

    Come help keep

    our neighborhood

    pleasant and clean

    by joining our


    CREEK CLEANUPSaturday, June 16, 2012

    9 a.m. - noonMeet on Folsom Street at the

    gates to the road along the wallparalleling Miranda.

    Many thanks to our April volunteers, Jeanie,Dawn, Carlos, Chue, Elizabeth and Joey. Many handsmake light work, so please join us in our efforts

    to keep our neighborhood looking cared for, whichhelps make it uninviting to the criminal element.

    Direct questions about helping to Dawn [email protected]. Or just show up!

    Heavy gloves and rubber boots arerecommended if you are willing to work in the

    creek channel but you dont have to.Theres trash to pick up on the sides

    of the channel, the road and the walkway, and wepaint out any graffiti thats accumulated.

    Canvas gloves, trash picks, garbagebags, paint and rollers are provided.

    Rain cancelsPARK WEBSITE!


    www.spanishranch1.orgThe El Toro and the Bylaws of the

    Spanish Ranch 1 Association are posted here.

    Voicemail phone number for theassociation is: 510-274-1771

  • 7/31/2019 El Toro June 2012



    ATTENTION!Soliciting donations or work,

    door-to-door sales of any

    kind, door-knob hanging or

    distributing ads or flyers by

    entities outside the park is

    PROHIBITED!DONT let anyone

    into your home!

    TELL the intruders that soliciting is not allowedand if they do not leave the park immediately,call the police! Then report them to the office.

    Help keep our residents safe!

    Join us for

    BINGOFirst and Last

    Saturdays of each month,

    NOON TO 3:00 P.M.Snack bar open before play and during breaks

    serving nachos, hot dogs, sodas, snacks.

    Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.

    NOTICEPer state law, no one under

    the age of 18 is allowed in theclubhouse during Bingo



    Put your mail in the


    MAILBOXlocated in front of Main Clubhouseclose to the street (near Park map).

    Join the Ladies Club at noon on thesecond Thursday for

    DIME BINGO!Ladies! Bring your lunch and lets get together.Dessert provided. Costs only a dime a game,

    winner take all! + .25 for the bank whichgets raffled back to somebody

    at the first gathering in January.

    Come to the Main clubhouse on theSecond Thursday, at noon!

    For more information call LorraineSchmuck 783-7294

    Dime Bingo 2012 Dessert Schedule:

    June: RuthJuly: Lunch/dessert provided by Ladies Club

    August: Louise September: Pat

    October: Lorraine November: IreneDecember: Christmas Party


    The El Toro will accept listings from residents forhousehold items or furniture, pet stuff or kid stuff,(whatever you might post on the bulletin boards)that you want to get rid of (or want to acquire).

    Fundraiser or special event for your kids school?

    We can give it a few lines.Put together what you want to say and email

    text/pix to the editor by the 10th of the month for thefollowing month.

    [email protected]

    Be sure to include your contact information(name, phone #, best time to call), and a price, ifapplicable in your item.

    You must also provide your address to verify thatyou are a resident, but it wont be published unlessyou want it to be.

  • 7/31/2019 El Toro June 2012



    Please Report Vandalism(tagging too, its vandalism)

    Please call the police and then the office if yousee anyone vandalizing property in the Park suchas breaking street lights, signs and back gatekey pad, etc. Please report anything suspicious.

    Thank you, Teresa Cruz, SR-1 Manager

    In addition to the ongoing Food Drive for theAlameda County Food Bank food barrels, residentshave an opportunity to contribute to other worthycauses throughout the year.

    February-April: We collect for the Animal shel-ter in time for their busy spring influx of puppies

    and kittens.May-July: School supplies are gathered to

    benefit Haywards Tools for Schools which dis-tributes them to needy families in August beforeschool starts.

    Aug-October: Hygiene and sanitary supplies andfood staples for HaywardCAN (Community ActionNetwork) which coordinates donations and vol-unteerism to help local residents in need and forhomeless outreach.

    November-January: One Warm Coat drive

    About SR-1 Charity Drives

    May-July we are collecting


    to benefit Haywards

    Tools for Schools.This collection is done during the summer,

    then assembled into kits ready for distributionwhen school starts in August.

    To make a donation as part of our drive,please call 510-274-1771 and leave a mes-sage or e-mail [email protected] torequest a pickup of your donation.

    Donations may also be dropped off at theBingo snack bar on Bingo Saturdays or with

    managers any time the office is open.

    Please Donate:


    Hayward Municipal Band

    Sunday Concerts in the ParkPresented by Hayward Area Recreation and Park District

    Join the Hayward Municipal Bandas the great American traditioncontinues this summer. Bring yourfamily, friends and picnic lunch toMemorial Park to relax, listen andenjoy to Classical, Popular, Big Band, Jazz,

    Musicals, Latin and more! The Band playsunder the direction of Kathy Morelli Maier,and these concerts are produced in coopera-tion with H.A.R.D. and the City of Hayward.

    Hayward Memorial Park24176 Mission Boulevard, Hayward

    SUNDAYS AT 2:30 PMIndividual Dates: Jun 17 Jun 24 Jul 1

    Jul 8 Jul 15 Jul 22

    Mind your buttsIf you smoke, please dis-pose of your butts properly.

    Dont litter by throwingthem in the street, and

    especially dont throw themin peoples yards.

    You like to eat, right?

    Join the Lunch BunchCome join our group of park women

    as we visit area restaurants.

    Youll get acquainted with some great gals!

    LUNCH BUNCH SCHEDULEThe Lunch Bunch meets on the thirdTHURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) of each

    month at 12 noon. All are welcome to join us as we

    visit area restaurants. Call Wilma, 397-5701, to get

    on the list.


    June 21 Panera, Hayward

    July 19 Olive Garden, Hayward

    Questions, Ruth, 732-6671 or Myrtle, 786-1182

  • 7/31/2019 El Toro June 2012



    Comedy Corner contributed by S. Higman (no. 198)(most copyright info unknown - web-exchange)

    The Vacuum Cleaner Salesman

    The new salesman had just completed

    his training and was anxious to puthis skills to work. He took his Hoovervacuum cleaner to the front door of ahouse and rang the bell.

    A rather unpleasant woman answered. Before shecould say anything he threw a pile of cow patties inthe door behind her onto the rug. Lady, he said,If this vacuum cleaner doesnt clean up all thosecow patties, Ill eat them myself.

    Ill get you a spoon, scowled the lady. Ourelectricity hasnt been turned on, yet.

    My Work History Plays on Words

    My first job was working in an orange juice factory,but I got canned...couldnt concentrate.

    Then I worked in the woods as a lumberjack, but Ijust couldnt hack it, so they gave me the ax.

    After that I tried to be a tailor, but I just wasntsuited for it ...mainly because it was a so-so job.

    Next I tried working in a muffler factory but thatwas too exhausting.

    Then I tried to be a chef -- figured it would adda little spice to my life, but I just didnt have thethyme.

    I attempted to be a deli worker, but any way I sliced

    it, I couldnt cut the mustard.

    My best job was being a musician, but eventually Ifound I wasnt noteworthy.

    I studied a long time to become adoctor, but I didnt have any patience.

    Next was a job in a shoe factory; Itried but I just didnt fit in.

    I became a professional fisherman,but discovered that I couldnt live on my net income.

    I managed to get a good job working for a pool main-

    tenance company, but the work was just too draining.So then I got a job in a workout center, but theysaid I wasnt fit for the job.

    After many years of trying to find steady work Ifinally got a job as a historian until I realized therewas no future in it.

    My last job was working at Starbucks, but I hadto quit because it was always the same old grind.Rudy A. Swale

    Support a Family

    The prospective son-in-law was asked by his girl

    friends father, Son, can you support a family?

    Well, no, sir, he replied. I was just planning to

    support your daughter. The rest of you have to fend

    for yourselves.

    In 1853, the Tate Watch Company

    of Connecticut decided to branch

    out and produce other products.

    Compasses for the pioneers traveling

    west were their first new endeavor.

    Although they produced fine and accurate watches,

    the same was not true of their compasses. Travelers

    would sometimes end up in Canada or Mexico. Thus

    came about the phrase, He who has a Tates is lost.

    The Water Pistol

    My five year old son squealed withdelight when he opened his birthday

    present from his grandmother. It was

    a water pistol. He promptly ran to the

    sink to fill it.

    Mom, I said. Im surprised at you. Dont you

    remember how we used to drive you crazy with water


    My mom smiled and said, Yes, I remember.

    Dogs and cats are better thanchildren because they:

    Eat less.

    Usually come when called.Are easier to train.

    Dont ask for money all the time.

    Dont drink or smoke.

    Dont hang out with friends who

    use drugs.

    Never ask to drive the car.

    Dont have to have the latest fashions.

    Dont want to wear your clothes.

    Dont need a gazillion dollars for college, and If they

    get pregnant, you can sell their children.

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    As you are reading this someof you will be aware that the An-nual Lot Inspections are well un-derway.

    Please take advantage of thepleasant weather to bring your

    spaces into conformity with theRules and Regulations of SpanishRanch #1 MHP.

    The remodel of the small club-

    house is complete. RutherfordManagement did a wonderfulinternal remodel, adding new tilefloors in the entry way, kitchen andbathrooms. The bathrooms havenew fixtures. A kitchen area wasadded with a full size refrigerator,a microwave, granite countersand cabinets. A pass through was

    added to aid in getting food intothe main room.

    Come by the office and wewill open the small club house foryour viewing.

    We will be working in the fu-ture to renovate the outside of thesmall clubhouse area.

    Did you know that being agood neighbor is work? It meansthat we need to think through ouractions, language, and how theymay affect others near us.

    An example of this is somethingthat some of our residents do andthis is, washing out their garbagecans in the gutters in front of theirhomes. We have to ask ourselves,where is this debris going andhow will it affect my neighbor?Besides a potential health risk toeveryone (drawing flys and bugsthat may breed illness) down-stream from your home, it is in theopinion of many, just simply rude.

    In the future, please wash yourdebris cans in your rear yard, thenyou can bag the debris and placethe bag in your trash can where itbelongs.

    Being a good neighbor alsoinvolves our vehicles. There are afew vehicles that are excessivelyloud (special exhaust pipes) andare causing undue stress to theirneighbors. Excessively loud ve-hicles are specifically addressed

    in the Rules and Regulations forSpanish Ranch #1.

    The pool is open. A copy ofthe Pool Rules is available in themain offices. Come by and pickup a copy so that you may more

    fully enjoy your pool facilities.Unauthorized parking still re-

    mains a problem. Remember, youmay park in the front of your homefor loading and unloading only.This means a period of less than 10minutes. Unauthorized parking invisitors parking is against the rulesand regulations. What is a guest ora visitor you may ask?

    That definition is covered inthe Rule(s) and Regulation(s) asfollows:

    2. GUESTSA. All guests must register in

    the Park if they stay more than atotal of 20 consecutive days or 30days in a calendar year. No guestmay stay for over 60 days in anycalendar year.

    B. You must acquaint all ofyour guests with the conditionsof tenancy of the Park, includingthese Rules and Regulations. Youare also personally responsible for

    all the actions and conduct ofyour guests.

    Except when your guests areentering and leaving the Park,you must accompany them at alltimes they are in the Park. If youwill not be present, your guestmay not occupy or use the mobilehome without our consent.

    Guillermos CornerIf you are bringing a young

    child that is not potty trained into

    the pool or the hot tub, PLEASE in-sure that they are wearing swim-mer disposable diapers. Regulardiapers are NOT allowed in thehot tub or swimming pool. Regu-lar diapers will fall apart and plugthe pool/hot tub equipment andwill cause them to fail. If you arefound with unapproved wear onyour child, you will be asked toleave.

    Vandalism continues to be a

    challenge at the car washes, smallclubhouse and on the internal andexternal fences in your communi-ty. The fences at the car washesand at the small clubhouse arebeing broken on purpose. Graffiti

    on the internal and external fenc-es is also on the rise.

    Report those that are ob-served doing this to the office.

    Garbage in the car wash areasis a continuing issue. Keep in mind,disposing of any type of materialOVER the fence into the creekareas may be a County or StateOffense and can be met with stifffines and other penalties.

    Thanks for all the help in report-ing inoperative street lights. Keep

    up the good work!Jeff Stoops

    SR1 Assistant Manager

    Newspaper Tubescurrently fashioned from large

    PVC pipe if your newspaper

    doesnt supply one, are used to

    notify residents of events via

    flyers and the monthly park

    magazine. Please call the office

    if you need a tube installed at

    your home. 783-5535

    COMPLAINTS/Suggestions or

    Reportsmust be submitted to Park

    Management in WRITING andmust be SIGNED.

    Only the person with the prob-lem or concern may file the com-plaint. None will be acceptedfrom third parties on behalf ofsomeone else. Forms are availablein a bin on the wall next to thebulletin board in the main club-house AND in almost every issueof the El Toro.

    To help your elected SR1 Assnleadership help you, please providea copy to the SR-1 Assn. Give a copyto any member of the board or fillout the form on the website.

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    Food Bank

    Donationsfor the Alameda

    County FoodBank Barrels,

    an ongoing community

    service project,

    may be dropped

    off in the office.(Due to scavenging and theft,

    the barrels are kept in the confer-ence room, but staff will see thatall donations are put into them.)

    NOTE!Food donations must be

    UNOPENED, not perishableand not require refrigeration.


    Thank you!

    COFFEE isavailable in theClubhouse dailyduring reg-ular ofce

    hours for

    residents ofSpanish Ranch 1.

    POOL RULES1. Pool hours are from 9 am to 9 pm. Pool is open May through

    October. Therapy pool is operated and heated year round.

    2. Pools are for the exclusive use of residents and their guests.All guests must be accompanied by a resident and the resident isresponsible for the conduct of their guests. Only four guests perspace are allowed, at any one time, and on a space available basis.

    3. Children under 14 should be accompanied and supervised by anadult when using the pool or therapy pool.


    5. All persons using pool or therapy pool must shower pool sidebefore entering pools. Anyone using suntan oils, lotions, or otherointments must re-shower before entering pools.

    6. Persons in swimming suits or trunks, wet or dry, will not beallowed in the clubhouse.

    7. Swim fins, diving masks, rubber floats, toys, balls and the likeare not permitted in the pools. (Individual swim goggles, baby lifejackets and arm floats for small children are OK.)

    8. Screaming, running, horseplay, cannonballing and diving arenot allowed in the pools.

    9. Only manufactured swim wear in good condition may be worn inthe pools. NO SHORTS, CARGO PANTS, UNDERWEAR, CUTOFFS

    10. No food, alcoholic beverages and/or glass containers arepermitted anywhere in the pool area.

    11. No bobby pins or jewelry are allowed in the pools.

    12. Residents climbing over or under the fence around the poolwill lose their pool privileges.

    Did you know that a permit is required for most physicalchanges to your home?

    The State Department of Housing & Community Development(HCD) requires a permit for exterior changes, such as:

    awning extensions room additions

    air conditioner installations storage shed construction porches decks

    Park managers are required by HCD to sign off on a permit appli-cation for exterior items.

    You might be surprised to learn that HCD requires permits forchanging your homes interior as well, but management does notget involved in this area.

    The management office has plot plan forms required for the per-mit application.

    Teresa Cruz, park manager

    Most exterior changes to Your HomeRequire a Permit!

    Speed Limit in Park is

    15 mphSlow Down!

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    Spanish Ranch I

    NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHClint Dean, 266-0979

    Peggy Nichols, 782-8950

    Judy Allen-Rogers, 785-4894

    Patty Little, 783-1534

    Report criminal activity the police first, butALSO to Neighborhood Watch!

    Call anyone on the team!










    For information that leads to the

    arrest and conviction of graffiti

    vandals in Hayward.

    Para informacin que dar lugar ala detencin y a la conviccin de los

    delincuentes de graffiti en Hayward.


    English & Espaol

    More info:www.hayward-ca-gov

    You can complete and submita police report online for seventypes of non-emergency inci-dents:

    harassing phone calls hit and run lost property theft

    vandalism vehicle burglary vehicle tampering.GO TO


    Under Online Services, clickPolice ReportsBefore using the online report-

    ing system, be aware that the in-cident must meet the followingconditions:

    Be a non-emergency.Call 9-1-1 if the incident is an


    Have occurred within the Hay-

    ward City limits only, not in anoth-er city, nor in the unincorporated

    areas of Alameda County, nor ona State freeway.If the incident happened in

    another city, call the police de-partment in that city. If the inci-dent happened on a State free-way, call the California HighwayPatrol office nearest you. If the in-cident happened in the unincor-porated area of Alameda County(Ashland, Castro Valley, Cherry-land, Fairmont Terrace, Fairview,Mt. Eden and San Lorenzo) con-

    tact the Alameda County Sheriff'sDepartment.

    Have no known suspects.This means neither you nor

    someone else knows who did thecrime, or that person's location,or the license plate of the vehicledriven by those who committedthe crime.

    Not involve Identity Theft.Police reports regarding identi-

    fy theft are not taken online. If you

    are a victim of identity theft anda Hayward resident, please call510-293-7272.

    If the non-emergency inci-dent occurred in the Hayward citylimits, but does not meet the oth-er conditions listed above, call510-293-7272.

    After completing and submit-ting the online report:

    You will get a case number,and be able to print a copy of thereport.

    Your report will be reviewedby a police officer. You may be contacted if fur-

    ther investigation of your case isneeded.

    Note: Filing a false police re-port is a crime.

    *If you are reporting a Harass-ing Phone Call, there is an addi-tional step required: After filing a

    report, call SBC Security (1-800-698-7223) with the report numberfor more instructions.

    Submit a police report online

    If theincident

    is anEmergency,


    Upcoming events

    JULY 30th: Annual CAR-A-VAN

    starts at 6 pm. Meet in the park-

    ing lot at Southland by JC Penney

    at 5:30 to decorate your cars.

    AUGUST 7th: National Night Out


    help with set-up, cooking, sign-in,serving, clean-up, and games.

    All help would be GREATLY appre-


    OCTOBER 6: Public Safety Expo,

    11-3 at Southland Mall will discuss

    bike safety and other topics for

    families and kids.

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    Pet Owners! Keep em IN!Only indoor pets are allowed in the park.

    Dont let your CAT out to be digging in your neighbors'landscaping or flowers! Walk your DOG on a leash(its the law) and its your responsibility to pick up

    your dogs waste and properly dispose of it.

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  • 7/31/2019 El Toro June 2012



    POOL PARTYWe had a lovely warm day for the pool

    opening and served hot dogs or polish, greensalad or cole slaw, chips, and soda to morethan 150 residents. A relaxed and pleasant timewas had by all.

    Fund raising was undertaken jointly by SR1Association, NERT and Neighborhood Watch.Special thanks to those who donated to help

    sponsor this event AND National Night Outcoming up in August.Todd Su of Realty World $200Ron Gomez of Prudential $100Ernest Costa of Advantage Homes$100NERT$100Los Rancheros Charities (Bingo)$100SR1 AssociationMany thanks to all those who helped with

    setup, tear-down, cooking, and serving.

    Photos by Pat Smith, Jeanie SchultzAbove: Dawn Plaskon cooking, Manager Teresa Cruz serving

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    The May 3, 2012 Special-call General MembershipMeeting and regular Board Meeting of Spanish Ranch1 Association was called to order at 7 p.m. by Presi-dent Pat Smith. Present were VP Dawn, Secty Jeanie,Treasurer Peggy, an board members Marvin, Clint,

    Jerry and Brenda. Barbara Sacks was excused.

    New president Pat and board member Brendawere welcomed by the group and guests were intro-duced.

    Special Order of BusinessInsurance Policy

    In years past the Association has shared the costof a $1,000,000 general liability insurance policy withLos Rancheros Charities, that runs Bingo. This policyprovides protection against lawsuits or claims againstBingo or the association should anyone suffer injury orharm while attending social events sponsored by us.

    The owners of the park have liability insurance, ofcourse, which covers them and us for any incidentinvolving the buildings, furnishings and infrastructureof the park.

    Given that many of our events are attended byfriends and relatives from outside the park, and Bingoand our periodic flea markets are open to the public,Association leadership felt the insurance is in our bestinterests. Besides Los Rancheros Charities, the SR1 As-sociation, NERT and the Ladies Club are specificallymentioned as sponsoring social events. NERT and theLadies Club run the Bingo snack bar.

    The $1000 cost of the policy is to be split $500 Bingo,$400 Association and $100 NERT/Ladies Club.

    It was moved and seconded to approve the ex-penditure of $400 for the insurance. Motion carried.


    The tabled minutes of the March 2012 meetingwere approved as published. The minutes of the April5, 2012 meeting were approved as published.

    Treasurers Report

    The treasurer reported a balance of $1338.53 andno activity for the month.

    New ResidentsFor the benefit of the several new residents in atten-

    dance, the various park committees were explainedas we went along.

    Helping Hand/Yard Cleanup

    Inspections are underway so there have been afew inquiries. Marvin noted that he understood thatresidents were being given a reasonable time toclean up and management intended to charge $300if they had to clean up your yard.

    Residents on Murcia got a letter from the city tell-ing them they had to clean up the graffiti on the wallsat the back of their lots. It was established that theywere referring to the flood walls bordering the park,and residents are NOT responsible for those.

    Creek Cleanup

    It was pointed out that the crew doing bimonthlycreek cleanup does paint out the graffiti on the wallborder the park paralleling Miranda, but materialsare supplied by the county. There again, individualresidents are not responsible. The next creek cleanupis scheduled for June 16.

    Social Events Discussion

    In keeping with the focus on community-buildingand social events, the group discussed event ideas.The Pool Party is already planned for Sunday, May

    6. Among the suggestions were a spaghetti feed,ice cream social and a movie night, similar to thosesponsored by the City at City Hall. A committee wasformed to get this rolling consisting of Pat, Dawn,Jeanie, Denise West, Larry Cooper and Cindy Evans.Denise provided Pat with names of Moreau students,previously involved with Spectrum, who have ex-pressed interest in helping with our events.

    Emergency Prep update

    A park-wide Emergency Preparedness meeting willbe held May 15. Regional Manager Greg OHaganhas agreed to come and speak to the group.

    Self-Help Groups

    A resident asked about the possibility of using theclubhouse for ongoing AA, 12-step, or similar meetingson a regular basis and was told by management toapproach the homeowners association. There wereno objection to helping the resident look into this.

    Community Reports:

    HMOA The next meeting is May 19 at HaywardMobile Country Club.

    Neighborhood Watch meets June 12. They areplanning for National Night Out on August 7 which is

    kicked off with a Car-a-van on July 30.Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,Jeanie Schultz, Secretary

    Minutes of the SR1 Board MeetingMay 3, 2012Meetings of the elected Spanish Ranch I Executive Board are held on the first Thursday of each month

    (unless otherwise announced) at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse. ALL residents are welcome to attend!

    Treasurers Report For April 2012No activityEnding Balance $1,338.53

  • 7/31/2019 El Toro June 2012



    Neighborhood WatchKnow Your Neighbors!

    Courtesy of SR1 Association and Neighborhood Watch

    Please do your share!Lets all watch out for each other!

    Fill in your neighbors nameson this handy reference sheet.

    In an emergency youll needthis information, but in the mean-time youll know who to call ifyou spot a problem your neigh-bor should know about.

    Across Left Across Across Right

    Next Door to Left Next Door to Right


    Report a CrimePOLICE FIRE RESCUE


  • 7/31/2019 El Toro June 2012



  • 7/31/2019 El Toro June 2012




    Route number 68 (which replaced line 77), a 2-direc-tional circular route, services both the South Hayward BARTstation, as well as the Union Landing Shopping Center.

    Weekdays, going to South Hayward BART, board thebus across the street at Tampa / Folsom (where the park is)hourly from 6:32am until 8:32pm, arriving at BART at 6:46amuntil 8:46pm. Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:32amuntil 6:32pm.

    Weekdays, returning from South Hayward BART, boardthe counter-clockwise, Tampa directional bus hourlyfrom 6:30amuntil 8:30pm, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:42amuntil 8:42pm. Weekends and Holidays, service is from 6:00am

    until 6:00pm.Weekdays, going to Union Landing, board the bus at

    the corner in front of the 2 houses at Tampa / Folsom hourlyfrom 6:37am until 8:37pm, arriving at Union Landing at 6:54amuntil 8:54pm. On Weekends/ Holidays, service is from 6:37amuntil 6:37pm

    Weekdays, returning from Union Landing, Board theclockwise, Tampa directional bus hourly from 6:22amuntil 8:22PM, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:39am until 8:39pm.Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:22am until 6:22pm.

    Additional frequency (now every 45 minutes, as opposedto every 1-2 hours) has been added to the Tuesday &Friday shoppers shuttle (Spanish Ranch to Southland

    Route 391).

    Busses now leave the Spanish Ranch Clubhouse at10:10, 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm and arrive atSouthland Mall at 10:35, 11:20am, 12:05, 12:50, 1:35, and2:20pm. NOTE The last trip leaving Spanish Ranch at 1:55pmwhich arrives at Southland Mall at 2:20pm has no directreturn trip back to Spanish Ranch.

    Return trips leave Southland Mall at 10:42, 11:27am,12:12, 12:57 and 1:42pm, arriving back at Spanish Ranch at10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm.

    Route 22: For those who wish to walk to/from TennysonAve, on weekdays route 22 will go to the South Hayward

    BART station every 30 minutes from 6:22am until 11:22pmweekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from6:22am until 11:22pm. From the South Hayward BART sta-tion going down Tennyson will leave every 30 minutes from6:04am until 11:04pm weekdays, and hourly on weekendsand holidays from 6:17am until 11:17pm.

    Route 22 is a circular route, serving Tennyson, Hesperian(both Chabot College and Southland Mall), Winton, andboth Hayward and South Hayward BART stations alongMission Blvd. Visit AC Transits web site at www.actransit.orgfor more information.

    AC TRANSIT FARES $2.00 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and65+ are $1.00. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an addl 25.

    From the EditorArticles that appear in the El Toro are presented

    as an informational service to the residents. Contentsare the option of the editor but do not necessarilyrepresent the opinion of the editor, the homeownersassociation or management.

    Reader response is welcome. Your article must bein my paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or post-

    ed to my e-mail address, no later than the 10th ofthe month. All submissions must be signed with yourname/phone number included, as any article mustbe verified. Your name will not appear, if you so re-quest.

    Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. Articlesconsidered in bad taste will not be printed. Submis-sions must meet the Editorial Guidelines as set forth byMobile Home Park Magazines.

    If you are submitting an item someone e-mailed toyou, COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mail windowto send to us: [email protected].

    Thanks, Jeanie Schultz, editor



    15 MPH SlowDo





    EDITORIAL POLICIES(http://mobilehomeparkmagazines.com/mhbsite/


    The Mobile Home Board publications informs and

    promotes the mobile home system; residents, man-

    agement and those that serve the mobile home


    The Mobile Home Board publications are not politi-cal tools. They are a source of information and enjoy-

    ment for park residents. To ensure this policy we have

    developed the following guidelines:

    Editorial Guidelines:

    Editor is responsible for gathering information and

    sending it to us in a form they want. Each editor must

    allow all residents organizations and management

    to participate in the publication.

    The publication is not to be used for disputes by

    either residents or management. Mobile Home Park

    Magazines must remain neutral in all resident/man-

    agement issues to preserve the integrity of the maga-

    zine. Not all residents are on one side or the other of

    an issue. Since we do not research each story, we

    cannot use Mobile Home Park Magazines to weigh

    either side of these very fragile relationships.

    Resident political organizations are asked to limit

    their information to meeting notices and reports of

    chapter meetings.

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    El ToroDeadline




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    SR-1 AssnBoard

    Meeting7:00 p.m.

    All residentsare welcome

    to attend.

    Fathers Day






    Memorial Day