el pretérito perfecto

EL PRETÉRITO PERFECTO (Present Perfect) El pretérito perfecto, se forma con el presente del verbo 'to have' a modo de auxiliar y el participio pasivo del verbo que se conjuga según la siguiente construcción: to have + participio del verbo a conjugar I have played You have played He has played We have played You have played They have played Yo he jugado Tú has jugado Él ha jugado Nosotros hemos jugado Vosotros habéis jugado Ellos han jugado La forma interrogativa, se obtiene anteponiendo el auxiliar al sujeto. Have you played? / ¿Has jugado? En la forma negativa se coloca 'not' después del auxiliar: He has not played / Él no ha jugado La forma interrogativa-negativa tiene la construcción auxiliar + not + sujeto Haven't you played? / ¿No has jugado? USO DEL PRETÉRITO PERFECTO (Present Perfect) El ‘present perfect simple’ conecta / une el pasado y el presente de una manera parecida al pretérito perfecto en español. Si decimos que algo ha ocurrido ('has happened'), pensamos del pasado y del presente a la vez como si hiciesemos un puente del pasado al presente.

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Useful for beginners.



EL PRETRITO PERFECTO (Present Perfect)El pretrito perfecto, se forma con el presente del verbo 'to have' a modo de auxiliar y el participio pasivo del verbo que se conjuga segn la siguiente construccin:

to have + participio del verbo a conjugarI have playedYou have playedHe has playedWe have playedYou have playedThey have playedYo he jugadoT has jugadol ha jugadoNosotros hemos jugadoVosotros habis jugadoEllos han jugado

La forma interrogativa, se obtiene anteponiendo el auxiliar al sujeto.

Have you played? / Has jugado?En la forma negativa se coloca 'not' despus del auxiliar:

He has not played / l no ha jugadoLa forma interrogativa-negativa tiene la construccin auxiliar + not + sujeto

Haven't you played? / No has jugado?USO DEL PRETRITO PERFECTO (Present Perfect)El present perfect simple conecta / une el pasado y el presente de una manera parecida al pretrito perfecto en espaol. Si decimos que algo ha ocurrido ('has happened'), pensamos del pasado y del presente a la vez como si hiciesemos un puente del pasado al presente.

Ejemplo:- I cant do my homework because Ive lost my book.- No puedo hacer mis deberes porque he perdido mi libro.

As que muchas veces podemos cambiar una frase del present perfect simple al present simple y queda con un significado parecido.

Ive lost my book I dont have it nowHave you seen the new Leonardo Di Caprio film Do you know it .Your sister has left the door open The door is open nowHasnt Danny got married yet? Is he still single?Ive finally found a job I have a job now

Usamos el present perfect simple para acciones en el pasado que tienen un significado o relevancia en la actualidad.

Ive passed my driving test! / He aprobado el exmen de conducirHave you seen the gorgeous new secretary? / Has visto a la atractiva nueva secretaria?

A terrorist has bombed a bus (accin en el pasado que tiene un significado ahora)Adolf Hitler bombed London (no tiene relevancia ahora)

TIME EXPRESSIONS (Las expresiones de tiempo)El present perfect es usado frecuentemente con las siguientes expresiones de tiempo:

Ever and neverHave you ever been to Scotland? / Has estado alguna vez en Escocia?Ive never eaten paella. / Nunca he comido paella.

JustIve just made tea, would you like a cup? / Acabo de hacer t. Quieres una taza?Ana and Jess have just had a baby / Ana y Jess acaban de tener un nio.

Recently and latelyIve recently passed the F.C.E. exam and Im studying for the C.A.E.Acabo de aprobar el exmen de FCE y estoy estudiando para el CAE.Have you seen John lately? / Has visto a John ultimamente?

So farIve had three beers so far this evening and its only eight oclock!He tomado hasta ahora tres cervezas esta tarde y slo son las ocho.

Yet and already'yet' - normalmente se utiliza en frases interrogativas y va al final de la oracin . Se usa cuando esperamos que algo va a pasar en el futuro, no en el pasado ni en el presente.

Have you done your homework yet? / Has terminado ya los deberes?I dont think Manoli has done the shopping yet. / Creo que Manoli todava no ha hecho la compra.

'already' - se usa en frases afirmativas e interrogativas y normalmente va detrs de los verbos auxiliares o modales y delante de los dems verbos. Con 'already' decimos que algo est en el presente o el pasado, no en el futuro.

Yes, Ive already finished my homework / S, ya he terminado mis deberesEn Ingls britnico yet y already acompaa habitualmente a los tiempos perfectos. En Ingls Americano prefieren usar los tiempos pasados.

Compara:Have you phoned your mother yet? (UK) Did you phone your mother yet? (USA)Ive already phoned her (UK) I already phoned her (USA)

Since and for'For' - (how long something has lasted) Se usa para decir cunto tiempo ha durado una accin. En espaol suele decirse desde hace.

Weve had this computer for about six months. / Tenemos esta computadora desde hace unos seis meses.

'Since' - (when something started) Se usa como una referencia a un punto de tiempo cuando algo empez. En espaol suele decirse desde o desde que.

Weve had this car since January / Tenemos este coche desde enero.

Comparar:Ive known Eric since 1989. Ive known Eric for 15 years (si estamos en 2004)

3 - Cambia las siguientes frases del present perfect a frases con un significado parecido en el present simple poniendo el verbo entre parntesis. Sigue el ejemplo.

Luis has bought a new computer (have)

1. Ive written the report. (finish) 2. Angeles has lost her keys. (not find) 3. Have you seen Ruben? (be) 4. Ive bought a new camera. (have) 5. The secretary has gone to lunch. (not be) 6. We havent cleaned the flat. (be) 7. Im sorry, Ive forgotten your name. (not remember) 8. Figo has broken his leg. (be) 9. Carolyns had a baby. (have) 10. The Pope has died. (be)

4 - Pon since o for en los espacios en blanco.

1. Ive lived in Valencia five years.2. Angeles and I have known each other 1998.3. I havent eaten anything breakfast.4. My parents have been married more than fifty years.5. Israel has been an independent country 1948.6. Ive been really busy. I havent been out about two weeks.7. We havent seen Luis and Manoli last Tuesday.8. Graham has had his Porsche nearly a year.9. Danny has been in Michigan two years.10. I havent had a good steak ages.

5 - Ahora escrbe frases con since y for siguiendo el ejemplo

Craig and Angeles live together. They started living together five years ago.Craig and Angeles have been living together / have lived together for five years.

1. Graham has a Porsche. He bought it two years ago.

2. Deek is studying German. He started in 1999.

3. Luis and Craig started working on La Mansin del Ingls in 2001.

4. Cathy is in Cuba. She went there three weeks ago.

5. Tom plays the saxophone. He began last March.

6. Craig teaches English. He started in 1991.



This section will help you to understand the differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Simple Past Tense.

The present perfect is used when the time period has NOT finished: I have seen three movies this week.(This week has not finished yet.)

The simple past is used when the time period HAS finished: I saw three movies last week.(Last week has finished.)

The present perfect is often used when giving recent news: Martin has crashed his car again.(This is new information.)

The simple past is used when giving older information: Martin crashed his car last year.(This is old information.)

The present perfect is used when the time is not specific: I have seen that movie already.(We don't know when.)

The simple past is used when the time is clear: I saw that movie on Thursday.(We know exactly when.)

The present perfect is used with for and since, when the actions have not finished yet: I have lived in Victoria for five years.(I still live in Victoria.)

The simple past is used with for and since, when the actions have already finished: I lived in Victoria for five years.(I don't live in Victoria now.)

PRESENT PERFECT OR PAST SIMPLE? 1. Tom (go)__________ to the cinema yesterday. 2. John is playing a game of tennis. He (play)______________ for 2 hours. 3 I (book)__________ the tickets two weeks ago for the concert in Vienna. 4. The teach (speak)____________ English since the beginning of this lesson. 5. In your life, how many countries (you-visit) _______________? 6. The Bank(open)__________ a branch in new shopping centre last month. 7. The bus is late and Julie is cold. She (wait)__________ for 10 minutes. 8. Caroline (work)__________ here between 1997 and 1999. 9. Before boarding, John (buy)_______ a book to read during the flight. 10. So far today, I (learn)____________ several new words in English.Find the mistake

Each of the sentences below has a mistake. Find it and correct it.(Example : I have written the article yesterday . I wrote the article yesterday.) 1. I have visited New York two months ago.

2. Anne isnt here at the moment. Shes been to London.

3. In your life, how many different places did you live in?

4. Theyve opened the new shopping centre last week.

5. How many pages did you read so far this week?

6. When have you bought your car?

7. Ive lived in London since 5 years.

8. Ive seen that film last Friday.

9. His English improved a lot this year.

10. In his last job, Peter has travelled to Germany every month.

11. Julie has worked here between 1997 and 1999.

12. How many films did you see this month?

13. When has Mary arrived?

14. Before leaving for Boston, I have bought a good dictionary.

15. So far I didnt receive a reply to my invitation.

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

Principio del formulario

Someone [?] my bike. (steal)Susan [?] lunch yet. (not finish)We [?] her at the party last night. (not see)They [?]! (just/arrive)[?] to London yesterday? (Susan/go)It [?] since May. (not rain)[?] to Paris? (you/ever/be)Their marriage [?] twenty years. (last)Peter [?] in Brighton two years ago. (be)They [?] for two hours. (wait)He [?] much lately.(not work)John [?] my car this morning. It's now 11 a.m. (borrow)I [?] for hours last night, but nobody came to see me. (wait)Peter [?] that film. (already/see)She [?] much in the last few days. (not smile)Susan [?] shopping this afternoon. It's now 9 p.m. (go)[?] Susan recently? (you/see)


Ambos tiempos describen acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado, si bien presentan ciertas diferencias:a) Past Simple - Accin que se desarroll y finaliz en el pasado, sin que se de ninguna informacin sobre cual ha sido su repercusin en el tiempo presente.When I was young I played tennis (no nos da ninguna infomacin sobre si en la actualidad sigo jugando al tenis o no)- Accin que se desarroll y complet en un periodo de tiempo ya finalizado.This morning I had a very tense meeting with my boss (ya es por la tarde, la maana ha finalizado)Yesterday I went to the cinema with my friendsb) Presente Perfect - Accin que se inici en el pasado y que an contina desarrollndose.I have worked in this bank for ten years (todava contino en el banco) - Accin que acaba de finalizar.I have missed my train (lo acabo de perder)- Accin que se ha desarrollado en un periodo de tiempo que an no ha terminado.This morning I has had a very tense meeting with my boss (an es por la maana)Today I have visited my parents (el da todava no ha finalizado) - Accin desarrollada en el pasado pero cuya repercusin an se manifiesta en el tiempo presente.My brother has broken his glasses (las gafas se han roto recientemente y siguen rotas)Comparar con la siguiente oracin:

My brother broke his glasses (no sabemos si las gafas ya estn arregladas o no)

Para terminar, sealar que en ocasiones las diferencias entre estos dos tiempos no son muy ntidas, y de hecho en algunos casos cabra utilizar cualquiera de ellos.

It Happened, But I Don't Know When

Lesson Topic: Using The Present Perfect.

There are times when you are talking about an event in the past, but

you don't know when it happened,

you don't care when it happened, or

the time when it happened is a secret.

When talking about past events AND the time is unimportant, unknown, or a secret, the present perfect is a good tense to use. What is the present perfect? Here is an example:

I have visited 56 countries.

How is this grammar formed? It is formed with the following words:

Ihavevisited56 countries.

subject+have or has+past participle

The past participle and the simple past are sometimes the same. Sometimes they are different. For the word visited, the simple past and the past participle are the same. If the simple past and past participle are different, they are usually irregular verbs.

Maybe you are asking, "What is the difference between the simple past and the past perfect?" That's a good question. You are so smart! Let's take a look at the above sentence in both the simple past and the present perfect.

simple past

present perfect


I visited 56 countries. I have visited 56 countries.

feeling and meaning

The feeling and meaning here is that the person visited 56 countries, but his/her traveling is finished.

The feeling and meaning here is that the person visited 56 countries, and so far the traveling is finished; however, his/her traveling may continue in the future (but it may not continue).

specific time? The person may put a specific time in this sentence. It is optional.

The person may NOT add a specific time.

CORRECT:I visited 56 countries last year. INCORRECTI have visited 56 countries last year.

The present perfect can give a starting time or an amount of time only if you use the words since and for. When using these words, the sentence usually means that the action is continuing. If you do not use since or for, the sentence means the action is finished, and it may or may not continue in the future. Take a look at these examples:

I have smoked.

I have smoked for 12 years.

NOT SURE it continues

SURE it continues

Meaning: The person smoked in the past (we don't know when), and he/she may still smoke, but we do not know.

Meaning: The person started to smoke 12 years ago, and he/she still smokes.

Therefore, when the present perfect sentence does not have since or for, we do not know if it is still continuing.

So, the present perfect is used for one of the following two reasons:

1. When the time is unimportant, unknown, or a secret.


2. If the time is known and the action is continuing (for or since are used in this situation).

Some verbs are NOT used with for or since because they do not have any length of time. The following is a list of some verbs that can be used in the present perfect when the time is unimportant, unknown, or a secret. These words very rarely use for or since because they do not have a length of time. In other words, the following actions occur, but then almost immediately do not continue; they do not have a length of time. Therefore, they do not use for or since.

start arrive begin meet end leave stop

Here is an example of what we mean:

CORRECTWe have begun the test.


We have begun the test since yesterday.

The first sentence is correct because it does not use since or for. Begin (begun) does not have a length of time. After a few seconds, it is over; you cannot continuously begin the same test.

Some of you may know the present perfect progressive. If you do, then you may want to know what the difference is. For example,

present perfect

I have worked here since 1977


present perfect progressive

I have been working here since 1977.

Actually, there is little or no difference between these two sentences. You may want to know when to use the present perfect and when to use the present perfect progressive. We will continue this topic in our next lesson, but for now, remember this: the present perfect progressive almost always means it started in the past and is continuing; the present perfect means the action is continuing only if it uses since or for (otherwise, we are unsure if it is continuing). For example,

I have lived in Iran.

Not sure if this person still lives in Iran; the time is also unknown.

I have lived in Iran since 1997.

We are sure this person still lives in Iran; we also know the time.

I have been living in Iran since 1997.

We are sure this person still lives in Iran; we also know the time.

The second and third sentences above have identical meanings. The first and second sentences have (potentially) different meanings even though they look almost the same.1. I ________ snowboarding.

1. ?have never try

2. ?have never tried

3. ?has never try

4. ?has never tried

2. The books ________ on that shelf for fifteen years.

1. ?have be

2. ?have been

3. ?has be

4. ?has been

3. She ________ hard this semester.

1. ?have worked

2. ?have work

3. ?has worked

4. ?has work

4. I ________ since I left my house this morning.

1. ?have rode

2. ?have ridden

3. ?has rode

4. ?has ridden

5. She ________ three pieces of pizza already.

1. ?have ate

2. ?have eaten

3. ?has ate

4. ?has eaten

6. They ________ a brand new sports car.

1. ?have just bought

2. ?have just buy

3. ?has just bought

4. ?has just buy

7. ________ an eagle?

1. ?Have you ever seen

2. ?Have you ever see

3. ?Has you ever seen

4. ?Has you ever see

8. Someone ________ my video player!

1. ?have stole

2. ?have stolen

3. ?has stole

4. ?has stolen

9. My car ________ down again.

1. ?have broke

2. ?have broken

3. ?has broke

4. ?has broken

10. We ________ across the Pacific three times.

1. ?have sailed

2. ?have sail

3. ?has sailed

4. ?has sail

Current Events Article

Recognizing Present Perfect Tense

Tower of Pisa gets a new lean on life

Famed building, now stabilized, is opened for a day

(read original article

HYPERLINK "http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/02/18/economy2_17.a.tm/index.html" )6/17/00

PISA, Italy - When the tower was closed to the public a decade ago, officials said it would be open again in just a few years. The ambitious plan to stop the tower's increasing tilt has taken far longer than expected, but officials say it is succeeding.

Engineers are working on a complex project to stabilize, but not totally straighten, the 58-meter (189-foot) bell tower, which was leaning five meters (16 feet) from the vertical at the start of the latest stabilization work in 1998. Giant steel braces were applied to protect the 150,000-ton tower during excavation designed to take it fractionally back toward the upright.

The lean has been gradually reduced. On Saturday, the tower was tilting 14 centimeters less (5.6 inches) than in January, said Edda Stagno, a spokeswoman for the project.The goal is to reduce the tilt by about 45 centimeters (18 inches) and restore the marble masterpiece to its angle of 300 years ago. "Then, we'll be set for the next two-and-a-half centuries," spokeswoman Edda Stagno said.

Project officials hope to have the work finished next spring. When they do, the monument will lean less than it did in 1700 -- enough to stabilize it, but not enough for the naked eye to detect.

The tower is built on a spongy subsoil in an area known as the Campo dei Miracoli (Field of Miracles). It was started in 1173 as a belfry for the nearby cathedral and has been leaning to the south since its third story was added in 1274. It was completed in 1350.

The experts warn that even when the tower reopens, visitors might not be allowed in regularly. "The monument might hardly sustain the millions of tourists who would flock to it every year," warned a member of the experts' committee, Giorgio Macchi, pointing out how past visitors have worn down the stairs.

Only a handful of people have been inside since the tower was closed to tourists in 1990.



Principio del formulario

1. What are the two main past tense forms used in this sentence and in the rest of the article?

"When the tower was closed to the public a decade ago, officials said it would be open again in just a few years. The ambitious plan to stop the tower's increasing tilt has taken far longer than expected, but officials say it is succeeding."

was closed


has taken


2. What is the time indicated by this tense?

"The monument might hardly sustain the millions of tourists who would flock to it every year," warned a member of the experts' committee, Giorgio Macchi, pointing out how past visitors have worn down the stairs.

an action started in the past and finished in the past

an action occurring in an unspecified period of time in the past ,

a repeated action beginning in the past and continuing up to now

3. What is the time indicated by this tense?

"The lean has been gradually reduced. On Saturday, the tower was tilting 14 centimeters less (5.6 inches) than in January, said Edda Stagno, a spokeswoman for the project."

an action started in the past and completed in the past

an action occurring in an unknown time in the past ,

a repeated action beginning in the past and continuing up to now

4. Does this sentence use the present perfect tense?

"Project officials hope to have the work finished next spring."



HYPERLINK "http://smccd.net/accounts/sevas/esl/reviewlesson/presperfart.html" \l "reason4" reason

5. What is the time indicated by this use of the present tense?

"It was started in 1173 as a belfry for the nearby cathedral and has been leaning to the south since its third story was added in 1274.

an action started in the past and completed in the past

an action which occurred during an unknown time in the past

an action beginning in the past and continuing up to now

6. What adverb or "time word" is used in these sentences to indicate a time in the past when the action began?

. . . and has been leaning to the south since its third story was added in 1274.

Only a handful of people have been inside since the tower was closed to tourists in 1990.

Time Adverbs

Unfinished Time Finished Time


this weeklast week

this yearlast year

this morning*this morning*

this afternoon*this afternoon*

this evening-

during the last two yearsduring the summer

since I left schoolbefore I saw you

-at six o'clock

-when I met him.

-five minutes ago



* Can be finished or unfinished, depending on the time of day

** ever is only used in questions

*** just is used to describe a very recently completed action

Final del formulario

Final del formulario




Time period

1 2 3




Youve had It looks

your hair cut. really nice.
































































