eighth international congress of electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology

ANNOUNCEMENT EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY AND CLINICAL NEUROPHu Marseille, France--September 1-7, 1973 The Congress will be held on September 1-7, 1973, at Marseille, France. All official and scientific activities will be located at the Facult~ de M~decine of the Universitd d'Aix-Marseille. Ample hotel facilities will be available nearby. Low-cost housing will be available for students and technicians within the Citd Universitaire, adjacent to the Facultd de M~decine. The Congress will occupy seven days or fourteen half-days. These will be divided approximately as follows: one half-day for registration and the opening session; one half-day for the Congress Common Session; two half-days for Symposia on both EEG and EMG: one half-day for the Council Meeting and the GenerM Assembly; one half-day free; eight half-days for Free Communication. The topics for the Common Session and the Symposia will be selected by the Scientific Program Committee, in collaboration with the EMG Commission inso- far as EMG symposia are concerned. The Scientific Program Committee will also select several central topics around which Free Communications will be grouped. However, Free Communications will not have to be related to one of the specific topics to be acceptable, as several sessions of miscellaneous papers will be scheduled. Topics will be announced later. A series of didactic lectures and perhaps workshops will be offered for in- terested members of the Congress. This program will take the place of the "EEG Course" which was held prior to several past Congresses, and will be conducted in parallel with the scientific program during days devoted to Free Communications. Since the Free Communications sessions and the didactic program will probably appeal to different audiences, it is hoped that this arrange- ment will minimize conflicts. A further parallel didactic program for tech- nologists, arranged by the Technologists Liaison Committee of the Federation, is under consideration. [continued overleaf 149

Post on 13-Aug-2016




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Marseille, France--September 1-7, 1973

The Congress will be held on September 1-7, 1973, at Marseille, France. All official and scientific activities will be located at the Facult~ de M~decine of the Universitd d'Aix-Marseille. Ample hotel facilities will be available nearby. Low-cost housing will be available for students and technicians within the Citd Universitaire, adjacent to the Facultd de M~decine.

The Congress will occupy seven days or fourteen half-days. These will be divided approximately as follows: one half-day for registration and the opening session; one half-day for the Congress Common Session; two half-days for Symposia on both EEG and EMG: one half-day for the Council Meeting and the GenerM Assembly; one half-day free; eight half-days for Free Communication.

The topics for the Common Session and the Symposia will be selected by the Scientific Program Committee, in collaboration with the EMG Commission inso- far as EMG symposia are concerned. The Scientific Program Committee will also select several central topics around which Free Communications will be grouped. However, Free Communications will not have to be related to one of the specific topics to be acceptable, as several sessions of miscellaneous papers will be scheduled. Topics will be announced later.

A series of didactic lectures and perhaps workshops will be offered for in- terested members of the Congress. This program will take the place of the "EEG Course" which was held prior to several past Congresses, and will be conducted in parallel with the scientific program during days devoted to Free Communications. Since the Free Communications sessions and the didactic program will probably appeal to different audiences, it is hoped that this arrange- ment will minimize conflicts. A further parallel didactic program for tech- nologists, arranged by the Technologists Liaison Committee of the Federation, is under consideration. [continued overleaf


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Scientific exhibits and demonstrations, including TV and "live" demon- strations, as well as commercial exhibits, will be presented throughout the Con- gress.

Simultaneous translations will be provided in French and English for at least a portion of the scientific and didactic programs.

More detailed plans including specific topics for the Common Session, Sym- posia and Free Communications, social events, etc., will be published in these pages as such plans are completed.

Further information can be obtained from the Secretary-General of the Con- gress, Mme le Dr. G. C. Laity, Laboratoire d'Eeg, H6pital Henri Rousselle--1, rue Cabanis--Paris 14 ~ France.