egypts golden empire video questions student copy

Name: ___________________________________ Per. # _____ Date: _____________________ Egypt’s Golden Empire Video Questions Directions: Watch the video Egypt’s Golden Empire, and answer the following questions. Warrior Pharaohs 1. How many years separate the building of the pyramids and the New Kingdom? ______________________________________________________________________ ____ 2. Why might the Golden Age of Egypt never have happened? ______________________________________________________________________ ____ 3. What city was the ruling Egyptian family from? ______________________________________________________________________ ____ 4. Why did Kahmose and Ahmose hate the Hyksos? ______________________________________________________________________ ____ 5. How did most Thebans feel about living in a divided Egypt?

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Page 1: Egypts Golden Empire Video Questions Student Copy

Name: ___________________________________ Per. # _____ Date: _____________________

Egypt’s Golden Empire

Video Questions

Directions: Watch the video Egypt’s Golden Empire, and answer the following questions.

Warrior Pharaohs

1. How many years separate the building of the pyramids and the New Kingdom?


2. Why might the Golden Age of Egypt never have happened?


3. What city was the ruling Egyptian family from?


4. Why did Kahmose and Ahmose hate the Hyksos?


5. How did most Thebans feel about living in a divided Egypt?


6. Who did the Hyksos attempt to make an alliance with to help them destroy Egypt?


7. Why is Ahmose forced to watch from the sidelines as his brother prepares and then goes off to war?


8. What animal does Kahmose compare his soldiers too after destroying a Hyksos town?


9. Why does Kahmose fail at expelling the Hyksos from Egypt?


10. How many eyewitness accounts remain of Ahmose’s war against the Hyksos?


Page 2: Egypts Golden Empire Video Questions Student Copy

11. What god does Ahmose attribute his victory too?


12. How many years does Ahmose rule?


13. What structure was Hatshepsut famous for having constructed in Thebes?


14. Why was Hatshepsut erased from Egypt’s historical records?


15. What was shocking about Hatshepsut’s rule as co-regent?


16. How many women were pharaoh before Hatshepsut?


17. What makes Egyptian women different from other women in the ancient world?


18. According to Ma’at what gender does the king need to be?


19. What great British ruler doe the historians/archaeologist compare Hatshepsut to?


20. What great project is Senenmut put in charge of by Hatshepsut?


21. What was the crowning achievement of Hatshepsut’s reign?


22. How do we know that Hatsheput’s trading expedition to Punt was a success?


23. How many years does Hatshepsut rule?


Page 3: Egypts Golden Empire Video Questions Student Copy

24. How does Thutmose III make Hatshepsut “pay” for keeping him off the throne?


25. What happens when you erase someone’s image from their mortuary monument?


26. How many divisions make up Thutmose III’s army?


27. Who leads the army of Egypt?


28. What countries name is recorded for the first time on the walls of Karnak?


29. Why was the third path to Megiddo so dangerous for Thutmose III’s army?


30. Who won the first battle outside the walls of Megiddo?


31. How many months does the siege of Megiddo last?


32. What god does Thutmose III attribute for his victories?


33. Who was the first ruler to believe in only 1 god?


Page 4: Egypts Golden Empire Video Questions Student Copy

Name: ___________________________________ Per. # _____ Date: _____________________

Egypt’s Golden Empire

Video Questions

Directions: Watch the video Egypt’s Golden Empire, and answer the following questions.

Pharaohs of the sun

34. What was Amenhotep’s challenge since there were no more wars to fight?


35. How did weaker kingdoms pay tribute to Egypt?


36. What resource gave Amenhotep III an advantage over neighboring kingdoms?


37. What god did Amenhotep III give thanks to for his continued success?


38. How did Amenhotep III spread information around his empire to his people?


39. What was unique about Queen Ty?


40. Why was it important for the pharaohs of Egypt keep control of Nubia?


41. How did Amenhotep attempt to shift power away from the priests of Amen-Re?


42. How did foreign rulers react to the death of Amenhotep III?


43. Who takes the throne after Amenhotep III?


Page 5: Egypts Golden Empire Video Questions Student Copy

44. What is the religious revolution that Amenhotep IV embarks on?


45. How many gods does Amenhotep IV worship, and which god is it?


46. What is the new name of Amenhotep IV?


47. What is the new capital city built by Akhenaten?


48. Who was the beautiful wife of Akhenaten?


49. What happens to Nefertiti at the height of her power?


50. How does the death of Nefertiti, his daughter, and mother affect Akhenaten?


51. What happens to Akhenaten in 1336 BC?


52. After Akhenaten dies, how do the people of Egypt react?


53. Who becomes pharaoh after Akhenaten?


54. Who does Tutankhamen blame for neglecting Egypt’s traditional gods and plunging Egypt into chaos?


55. What happens to Tutankhamen when he is 19 years old?


56. Why is Tutankhamen so famous today?


Page 6: Egypts Golden Empire Video Questions Student Copy

57. Why was Carter’s find so unique?


58. How do we know that Tutankhamen’s burial was not a planned burial, but a rushed one?


Page 7: Egypts Golden Empire Video Questions Student Copy

Name: ___________________________________ Per. # _____ Date: _____________________

Egypt’s Golden Empire

Video Questions

Directions: Watch the video Egypt’s Golden Empire, and answer the following questions.

The Last Great Pharaoh

59. What did King Tutankhamen’s death mark the end of?


60. What advanced people threatened Egypt’s empire around 1279 BC?


61. Who must lead Egypt against the invading Hittite army?


62. What physical features set Ramses apart from the average Egyptian?


63. How were the Hittites able to fool Ramses and ambush him at the battle of Kaddesh?


64. How does Ramses have the scribes of Egypt write about the outcome of Kaddesh?


65. What is so significant about the treaty signed between the Egyptians and the Hittites?


66. How does Ramses seal the treaty with the Hittites?


67. What was Ramses capital?


68. Who does Ramses marry and make his chief wife?

Page 8: Egypts Golden Empire Video Questions Student Copy


69. How does Ramses honor his wife after she dies?


70. Why does Ramses build the temples of Abu Simbel so far to the south?


71. How was Ramses long life also a curse?


72. How many pharaohs after Ramses II shared his name?


73. What mysterious and fearsome people destroyed the Hittites and threatened Egypt?
