egyptair news 14 july 2016


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14 ٤٣2016


خال ؼشع كبسجس اذ٠ 737-800ؿبئشاد ؿشاص اج٣ظ 9ظش ـ٤شا رؼ ػ ششاء

ثششاء رغغ ؿبئشاد أؽذس أػذ ششز٢ ظش ـ٤شا ث٣ظ اؼب٤خ ػ رغذ٣ذ رؼبب اغخذ

٤بس ع٤ ظش روش٣جب زا ٤9 دالس ثب ٣ؼبد 864ثو٤خ روذس ثؾ 737-800ؿشاصاد اج٣ظ ٢ اـ

هذ أػذ ششخ ث٣ظ ك٢ هذ عبثن ػ٠ هؼب االزش٠ ػ رذش٤ب ز اظلوخ غ ظش ـ٤شا

ؿـــبئشاد ز اظلوخ هج شــشخ دث٢ ظبػبد اـ٤شا Dubai Aerospaceزا ع٤ز ر٣ صــــب

Enterprise (DAE) Ltdاز٢ ٣وغ وشب ثذث٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

از١ ٣وب ؽب٤ب ك٢ 2016هذ ر اإلػال سع٤ب ػ زا ازؼب اغذ٣ذ خال كبػ٤بد ؼشع كبسجس اغ١

ظش ـ٤شا ndashا٤ب٤ اج٤ش٣ ػبب ز ثذء ازؼب ث٤ 50اؼبطخ اجش٣ـب٤خ ذ از١ ٣أر٢ رضاب غ شس

ب هبذ ظش 1996ػب 707ؽ٤ش شذ أ رؼب ث٤ب خال ششاء ؿبئشارب ؿشاص ndash ث٣ظ اؼب٤خ

1975ػب 737ـ٤شا ثششاء أ٠ ؿبئشارب ؿشاص اج٣ظ

ك٢ زا اغ٤بم أذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا خال شبسز ثبؼشع ػ

اذس اؾ١٤ از١ هبذ ث ششخ ث٣ظ ػ٠ ذاس األػا اغبثوخ ك٢ ثبء أعـ ظش ـ٤شا رض٣ذب

-NGS737وذ رذ ششخ ث٣ظ خـــال اغ٤ اغذ٣ذ ؿشاصذ اج٣ظ أػبف هبئال ثأؽذس اـشاصاد

أ رب صوخ اؼذ٣ذ جش٣بد ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ ب ٣ؾ زا اـشاص اهزظبد٣خ ك٠ ازشـ٤ 800

لبءح ك٢ األداء غز١ ػب اشكب٤خ كؼال ػ ب أػبكز ث٣ظ ه٤خ ج٤شح ب ششخ ؿ٤شا سائذح

أػؼ أ ثاؼب ؿبئشاد عذ٣ذح زا اـشاص خبطخ ثؼذ اػبكخ اطلبد خبطخ ك٢ ازؼبهذ اغذ٣ذ ؽ٤ش

اشكب٤خ ع٤ب اعزب اعزشار٤غ٤خ ظش ـ٤شا ؾ رؼض٣ض رؾذ٣ش ارغبع اوبػذ رع ص٣بدح غز٣بد

ثأؽذس اـشاصاد از٢ رزبعت غ رشـ٤ب شؽالد زعـخ ؿ٣خ اذ ئ٠ وبؽ زؼذدح ثشجخ خـؿب أعـب

غ ػ عؼبدر ثبزؼب غ ششخ االبسار٤خ ك٢ ر٣ ششاء صب ؿبئشاد ز اظلوخ DAEب أػشة

ثبعزال ز اظلوخ اغذ٣ذح ع٤ض زا NGS737-800 ؿبئشح زا اـشاص 20رزي ظش ـ٤شا ؽب٤ب

زا ثبإلػـــبكخ ئ٠ ازالب ـؼذد اـشاص اـبج٤خ اؼظ٠ ئعب٢ اـبئشاد از٠ رزب اششخ ؿشاصاد أخش

B777-200ERsؿبئشر٤ اـ B777-300ERsؿـــبئشاد ؿشاص اج٣ظ 6 زا رغزذف خـخ

20212020ؿبئشح ثب٣خ اؼب اب٢ 105رؾذ٣ش اعـ ظشـ٤شا اط ئ٠ ؾ

Dubai Aerospaceاـ٤شا عبج أػشة خ٤لخ اذثط اؼؼ ازذة ششخ دث٢ ظبػبد

Enterprise (DAE) Ltd ػ رشؽ٤ج ثظش ـ٤شا ػؼا عذ٣ذا ششخ دث٢ ظبػبد اـ٤شا ثـوخ اششم

أ اششخ رزـغ ئ٠ رؾو٤ن ػالهخ ضش ػ٠ اذ اـ٣ غ ظش ـ٤شا خال األعؾ أػبف هبئال

اغبخ ك٢ دػ خـخ ظش ـ٤شا اـؽخ ك٢ رؾذ٣ش أعـب

ب زا اـشاص ضا٣ب 737 ٢ األضش ساعب األضش ج٤ؼب ك٢ ػبئخ ث٣ظ 737-٣800ؼذ ؿشاص اج٣ظ

ػب هخ اعزالب هد اهزظبد٣خ رشـ٤ب كؼال ػ اخز٤بس جش٣بد ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ ؼ رشـ٤

سؽالرب غزؼ٤خ ثزا اـشاص وذسر ػ٠ اط ئ٠ ع٤غ اوبؽ ك٢ اؼذ٣ذ األعام ؽ اؼب خال رشـ٤

MAX 737 رز ز اضا٣ب ثاؿالم اـشاص اغذ٣ذ ز اؼبئخ ػ٠ خـؽ ؿ٣خ زعـخ اذ

2017از١ اوشس رغ٤ أ٠ ؿالث٤ز ك٢ اظق األ ػب

ك٢ اغ٤بم رار طشػ بسر٢ ث٤زشد بئت سئ٤ظ اج٤ؼبد ـوخ اششم األعؾ آع٤ب اعـ٠ ك٢ ششخ ث٣ظ

أ زا ازؼب اغذ٣ذ ٣ؼذ رأ٤ذا ػ٠ اضوخ از٢ رؼؼب ظش ـ٤شا ك٢ زا اـشاص خبطخ ـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ هبئال

أ ك٢ اعزشاس٣خ ز اششاخ أع اغبخ ك٢ رؾذ٣ش أعـ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اؽذ 737اـ

اـ٤شا اشائذح ثـوخ اششم األعؾ أكش٣و٤ب ششبد


ك٠ ؼشع 737-800ؿبئشاد ؿشاص اج٣ظ 9ظش ـ٤شا ث٣ظ ٣ؼب سع٤ب ششاء

اؼب ؿبئشاد ث٣ظ اعزب العزشار٤غ٤خ رؼض٣ض سئ٤ظ اششخ اوبثؼخ كبسجس اذ٠

رؾذ٣ش أعـب ثأؽذس اـشاصاد

ؿبئشاد 105خـخ رؾذ٣ش األعـ رغزذف اط ئ٠ سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا

أػذ ششزب ظش ـ٤شا ث٣ظ اؼب٤خ ػ رغذ٣ذ رؼبب ثششاء رغغ 20212020ثب٣خ اؼب اب٠

٤بساد ٤9 دالس ثب ٣ؼبد 864ثو٤خ روذس ثؾ 737-800ؿبئشاد أؽذس ؿشاصاد اج٣ظ ٠ اـ

ع٤ ظش روش٣جب ري ثؼذ أ أػذ ششخ ث٣ظ ك٠ هذ عبثن ػ٠ هؼب االزش٠ ػ رذش٤ب ز

ؿبئشاد ز اظلوخ هج شــشخ دث٠ ظبػبد اـ٤شا اظلوخ غ ظش ـ٤شا ع٤ز ر٣ صب

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltdهذ از٠ ٣وغ وشب ثذث٠ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

از ٣وب ؽب٤ب ك٠ 2016ر اإلػال سع٤ب ػ زا ازؼب اغذ٣ذ خال كبػ٤بد ؼشع كبسجس اغ

ظش ndashػبب ز ثذء ازؼب ث٤ ا٤ب٤ اج٤ش٣ 50اؼبطخ اجش٣ـب٤خ ذ از ٣أر٠ رضاب غ شس

ب 1996ػب 707ؽ٤ش ب أ رؼب ث٤ب خال ششاء ؿبئشارب ؿشاص ndashـ٤شا ث٣ظ اؼب٤خ

ك٠ زا اغ٤بم أذ طلد غ 1975ػب 737هبذ ظش ـ٤شا ثششاء أ٠ ؿبئشارب ؿشاص اج٣ظ

سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا خال شبسز ثبؼشع ػ اذس اؾ٤ از هبذ ث

أػبف ششخ ث٣ظ ػ٠ ذاس األػا اغبثوخ ك٠ ثبء أعـ ظش ـ٤شا رض٣ذب ثأؽذس اـشاصاد

أ رب صوخ NGS737-800وذ رذ ششخ ث٣ظ خال اغ٤ اغذ٣ذ ؿشاص ذ اج٣ظ طلد

اؼذ٣ذ جش٣بد ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ ب ٣ؾ زا اـشاص اهزظبد٣خ ك٠ ازشـ٤ لبءح ك٠ األداء

أػؼ أ ثبؼب غز ػب اشكب٤خ كؼال ػب أػبكز ث٣ظ ه٤خ ج٤شح ب ششخ ؿ٤شا سائذح

ؿبئشاد عذ٣ذح زا اـشاص خبطخ ثؼذ ئػبكخ اطلبد خبطخ ك٠ ازؼبهذ اغذ٣ذ ؽ٤ش ارغبع اوبػذ رع

ص٣بدح غز٣بد اشكب٤خ ع٤ب اعزب اعزشار٤غ٤خ ظش ـ٤شا ؾ رؼض٣ض رؾذ٣ش أعـب ثأؽذس

ب أػشة اـشاصاد از٠ رزبعت غ رشـ٤ب شؽالد زعـخ ؿ٣خ اذ ئ٠ وبؽ زؼذدح ثشجخ خـؿب

هب سئ٤ظ اإلبسار٤خ ك٠ ر٣ ششاء صب ؿبئشاد ز اظلوخ DAEغ ػ عؼبدر ثبزؼب غ ششخ

ثبعزال ز اظلوخ NGS737-800ؿبئشح زا اـشاص 20اششخ اوبثؼخ ئ ظش ـ٤شا رزي ؽب٤ب

اغذ٣ذح ع٤ض زا اـشاص اـبج٤خ اؼظ٠ ئعب٠ اـبئشاد از٠ رزب اششخ ؿشاصاد أخش ثبإلػبكخ

B777-200ERsؿبئشر٤ اـ B777-300ERsؿـــبئشاد ؿشاص اج٣ظ 6ئ٠ ازالب ــ

ؿبئشاد ثب٣خ اؼب اب٠ 105أػؼ أ خـخ رؾذ٣ش أعـ ظش ـ٤شا رغزذف اط ئ٠ ؾ

Dubai عبج أػشة خ٤لخ اذثط اؼؼ ازذة ششخ دث٠ ظبػبد اـ٤شا 20212020

Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd ػ رشؽ٤ج ثظش ـ٤شا ػؼا عذ٣ذا ششخ دث٠ ظبػبد

أ اششخ رزـغ ئ٠ رؾو٤ن ػالهخ ضشح ػ٠ اذ اـ٣ غ اـ٤شا ثـوخ اششم األعؾ أػبف هبئال

٣ؼذ ؿشاص ظش ـ٤شا خال اغبخ ك٠ دػ خـخ ظش ـ٤شا اـؽخ ك٠ رؾذ٣ش أعـب

ب زا اـشاص ضا٣ب ػب 737 ٠ األضش ساعب األضش ج٤ؼب ك٠ ػبئخ ث٣ظ 737-800اج٣ظ

هخ اعزالب هد اهزظبد٣خ رشـ٤ب كؼال ػ اخز٤بس جش٣بد ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ ؼ رشـ٤ سؽالرب

غزؼ٤خ ثزا اـشاص وذسر ػ٠ اط ئ٠ ع٤غ اوبؽ ك٠ اؼذ٣ذ األعام ؽ اؼب خال رشـ٤ ػ٠

از MAX 737رز ز اضا٣ب ثاؿالم اـشاص اغذ٣ذ ز اؼبئخ خـؽ ؿ٣خ زعـخ اذ

ك٠ اغ٤بم رار طشػ بسر٠ ث٤زشد بئت 2017 اوشس رغ٤ أ٠ ؿالث٤ز ك٠ اظق األ ػب

ئ زا ازؼب سئ٤ظ اج٤ؼبد ـوخ اششم األعؾ آع٤ب اعـ٠ ك٠ ششخ ث٣ظ ـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ هبئال

أ ك٠ اعزشاس٣خ ز 737اغذ٣ذ ٣ؼذ رأ٤ذا ػ٠ اضوخ از٠ رؼؼب ظش ـ٤شا ك٠ زا اـشاص خبطخ اـ

اششاخ أع اغبخ ك٠ رؾذ٣ش أعـ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ئؽذ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ثـوخ

اششم األعؾ أكش٣و٤ب


2025ؿبئشح ك٢ 156غزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ـ ظش ـ٤شا

اششخـ٤شا أ ظش ششخأذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ

ك٢ؿبئشح 156رغزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ثؾ٤ش ٣ظ ئ٠


اغبدح اؾزشذاخخ برل٤خ جشبظ ك٢أػؼ

أ ر٢ ك٢٣عق اؾغ٢٤ ازاع ػ٠ كؼبئ٤خ روذ٣

غبء أظ األسثؼبء أ اششخ رجؾش ػ ؿبئشاد رزكش

ك٤ب عبئ اشاؽخ ازك٤ش شبة

اغ٤بؽخأػبف أ اعزؾذاس األعـ ٣ذف ئ٠ اعزؼبدح

اظش٣خ شح أخش خال رك٤ش عج اشاؽخ األب



2021ؿبئشاد ك٢ 105رؾذ٣ش أعـ اـ٤شا ٤ظ ـ ظش ـ٤شا

أذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا أ

105ظش ـ٤شا رغزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ٤ظ ئ٠ ؾ

2021ؿبئشاد ػب

اغبدح اؾزشأػبف خال ذاخخ برل٤خ جشبظ

از١ ٣وذ اإلػال٢ ٣عق اؾغ٢٤ ازاع ػ٠ كؼبئ٤خ

9 أ ئهجب ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ ششاء أ ر٢ ك٢

٣أر٢ ك٢ ئؿبس رؾذ٣ش laquoث٣ظraquoؿبئشاد عذ٣ذح ؿشاص

ػ٤خ اـ٤شا ؽ٤ش ص٣بدح عبئ ازشك٤ ش٤شا ئ٠ أ

ارغبع اـبئشح ٣غب ك٢ خلغ رلخ أعؼبس اززاش ص٣بدح

رش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ اذاخ٤خ اخبسع٤خ


ػ٠ اخش٣ـخ ازش٣غ٤خ رذسط رشـ٤ ااد اغذ٣ذ رؼغ اغ٤بؽخ


أػذ صاسح اغ٤بؽخ ػ ػغ خـخ زشغ٤غ اغ٤بؽخ

اخبسع٤خ اذاخ٤خ ك٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ ػ ثشاظ

سؽالد اغ٤بؽخ خبطخ األهظش أعا ئػبدح رغ٤٤ش

سؽالد ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ عة ااد زشغ٤غ

ؿبجذ اصاسح ك٠ ئخـبس شع ـشكخ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠

ششبد اغ٤بؽخ ثاكبدرب ئرا ب بى ؿت كؼ٠ ض٣بسح

ااد اغذ٣ذ عاء ب ع٤بؽخ داخ٤خ أ خبسع٤خ

ره٤زبرب اـت الؼ٠ ؾشخ اغ٤بؽ٤خ ازوذ ثب٥ساء

اوزشؽبد خال أعجع ؽز٠ رز ئػبدح اظش ك٠

رشـ٤ خـؽ ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ

زشغ٤غ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠


رأخش ئهالع سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ


شذد ؽشخ اـ٤شا ثـبس اوبشح اذ٠ ا٤ األسثؼبء رأخش ئهالع

سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ اـشدهخ شش اش٤خ ذح رض٣ذ

طشػ ظذس الؽ٠ ثبـبس ثأ ػ عبػخ ثغجت ؿن اغب اغ

ؿن اغب اغ ثـبس اوبشح ثغجت ازذس٣جبد اؼغش٣خ أد أ

ازغخ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ ذح 433رأخش سؽخ ظش ـ٤شا سه

ازغخ ئ٠ اـشدهخ ذح عبػخ 461عبػز٤ ئال سثغ اشؽخ سه

ؽ٤ش اوشس أ رغزأق اشؽالد ػوت كزؼ اغب اغ


زش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ ئعبصري ك٢ ظشرـن ظش ـ٤شا ا٤

ـ٤شا ا٤ اخ٤ظ أ ظش ششخرـن

أجش ؽالرب ازش٤ـ٤خ خال اع اظ٤ل٢

ظش ك٢ئعبصري اؾب٢ ري رؾذ ػا

اغ٤بؽخئؿبس ؽالد دػ رش٤ؾ ك٢ري



ارلبه٤خ رؼب ث٤ ظش ـ٤شا عشا ئزش٣ي

خذبد االعزشبس٣خ ارلبه٤خ ك٢ غب ( عشا ئزش٣ي)( ظش ـ٤شا)هؼذ ششزب

ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب غبػذح ك٢ رـ٣ش ئببد ظش اـ٤شا

CFM56-7Bإلطالػ اؾشى ع

أ االرلبه٤خ اشبخ رــ٢ اذػ ال٢ اخذبد -ك٢ ث٤ب ا٤ -( عشا ئزش٣ي)رشد

االعزشبس٣خ ؼ٤بد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد أعضائب ئطالؽب كؾظب ؿ٤شب

اخذبد اؼشس٣خ االصخ ؾظ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ شبداد اغدح

االػزبداد االصخ

ب ارلوذ اششزب ػ٠ دسعخ ئب٤بد رشـ٤ سشخ ؾشبد ظش ـ٤شا شض

ظ٤بخ ك٢ اـوخ

رو هب سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ اذط أثؿبت

ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ ثض٣بدح ؽغ أػبب ك٢ غب ط٤بخ اـبئشاد

ئطالؽب كؾظب رزعغ ك٢ ئببرب ثبعزخذا أؽذس ب رطذ ئ٤ ازع٤ب ؽز٠

٣ب روذ٣ خذبد ط٤بخ ئطالػ كؾض زبخ خزق أاع اـبئشاد ؾشبد

ؾ زـغ ؼ غ عشا ئزش٣ي زؼض٣ض ئببرب ثذف ط٤بخ اـبئشاد برب

ئطالؽ كؾظ ص ؼت دسا أعبع٤ب ك٢ هـبع طبػخ CFM56-7Bؾشى

ط٤بخ اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب

٤ل٤ بى ( عشا ئزش٣ي) عبج هب اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ خذبد ؾشبد

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا اششخ اؽ٤ذح از٢ روذ خذبد زبخ ك٢ غب ط٤بخ أ٤غزش

ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب ك٢ ظش رزـغ عشا ئزش٣ي غبػذح ظش

ـ٤شا خال االرلبه٤خ زع٤غ خجشارب ك٢ غب ئطالػ ؾشبد اـبئشاد كؾض

اغبخ ك٢ خن كشص ػ ػب٤خ ازو٤خ ك٢ اـوخ CFM56-7Bؾشبد

ـ٤شا ( عشا ئزش٣ي)ك٢ اغ٤بم هب بئت سئ٤ظ اششخ ج٤ؼبد ـوخ أكش٣و٤ب ـ

35عزؼضص ز االرلبه٤خ ششازب غ ظش ـ٤شا از٢ رزذ ألضش ػظب شع٢

٣ؼذ ري خ٤ش د٤ ػ٠ اعزشاسب ك٢ اؼ غ ششبئب إل٣غبد ؽ ؾ٤خ ثبء ػبب

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا أ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ك٢ اوذساد اخجشاد ك٢ ظش

اؼب ٣ؼذ رؼبب ك٢ عد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب عضءا عد

ظش اـ٤شا اغزشح ش٣بدح األػب


اغل٤ش اظش ثشع٤ب ٣ؼ ض٣بسح ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ ئ٠ ع األعجع


أػ ؾذ اجذس عل٤ش ظش ذ سع٤ب أ بى ص٣بسح

ؾزخ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ئ٠ سع٤ب

أػؼ األعجع اوبد ػ٠ سأط كذ صاسح اـ٤شا

أ كغز٠اجذس ك٠ رظش٣ؾبد بخ األجبء اشع٤خ

ص٣ش اـ٤شا ع٤ضس ك٠ اغزوج اوش٣ت سع٤ب ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أ أ ر ز اض٣بسح األعجع اوج بهشخ ػع

اعزئبف اشؽالد اغ٣خ ث٤ اجذ٣


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


خال ؼشع كبسجس اذ٠ 737-800ؿبئشاد ؿشاص اج٣ظ 9ظش ـ٤شا رؼ ػ ششاء

ثششاء رغغ ؿبئشاد أؽذس أػذ ششز٢ ظش ـ٤شا ث٣ظ اؼب٤خ ػ رغذ٣ذ رؼبب اغخذ

٤بس ع٤ ظش روش٣جب زا ٤9 دالس ثب ٣ؼبد 864ثو٤خ روذس ثؾ 737-800ؿشاصاد اج٣ظ ٢ اـ

هذ أػذ ششخ ث٣ظ ك٢ هذ عبثن ػ٠ هؼب االزش٠ ػ رذش٤ب ز اظلوخ غ ظش ـ٤شا

ؿـــبئشاد ز اظلوخ هج شــشخ دث٢ ظبػبد اـ٤شا Dubai Aerospaceزا ع٤ز ر٣ صــــب

Enterprise (DAE) Ltdاز٢ ٣وغ وشب ثذث٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

از١ ٣وب ؽب٤ب ك٢ 2016هذ ر اإلػال سع٤ب ػ زا ازؼب اغذ٣ذ خال كبػ٤بد ؼشع كبسجس اغ١

ظش ـ٤شا ndashا٤ب٤ اج٤ش٣ ػبب ز ثذء ازؼب ث٤ 50اؼبطخ اجش٣ـب٤خ ذ از١ ٣أر٢ رضاب غ شس

ب هبذ ظش 1996ػب 707ؽ٤ش شذ أ رؼب ث٤ب خال ششاء ؿبئشارب ؿشاص ndash ث٣ظ اؼب٤خ

1975ػب 737ـ٤شا ثششاء أ٠ ؿبئشارب ؿشاص اج٣ظ

ك٢ زا اغ٤بم أذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا خال شبسز ثبؼشع ػ

اذس اؾ١٤ از١ هبذ ث ششخ ث٣ظ ػ٠ ذاس األػا اغبثوخ ك٢ ثبء أعـ ظش ـ٤شا رض٣ذب

-NGS737وذ رذ ششخ ث٣ظ خـــال اغ٤ اغذ٣ذ ؿشاصذ اج٣ظ أػبف هبئال ثأؽذس اـشاصاد

أ رب صوخ اؼذ٣ذ جش٣بد ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ ب ٣ؾ زا اـشاص اهزظبد٣خ ك٠ ازشـ٤ 800

لبءح ك٢ األداء غز١ ػب اشكب٤خ كؼال ػ ب أػبكز ث٣ظ ه٤خ ج٤شح ب ششخ ؿ٤شا سائذح

أػؼ أ ثاؼب ؿبئشاد عذ٣ذح زا اـشاص خبطخ ثؼذ اػبكخ اطلبد خبطخ ك٢ ازؼبهذ اغذ٣ذ ؽ٤ش

اشكب٤خ ع٤ب اعزب اعزشار٤غ٤خ ظش ـ٤شا ؾ رؼض٣ض رؾذ٣ش ارغبع اوبػذ رع ص٣بدح غز٣بد

ثأؽذس اـشاصاد از٢ رزبعت غ رشـ٤ب شؽالد زعـخ ؿ٣خ اذ ئ٠ وبؽ زؼذدح ثشجخ خـؿب أعـب

غ ػ عؼبدر ثبزؼب غ ششخ االبسار٤خ ك٢ ر٣ ششاء صب ؿبئشاد ز اظلوخ DAEب أػشة

ثبعزال ز اظلوخ اغذ٣ذح ع٤ض زا NGS737-800 ؿبئشح زا اـشاص 20رزي ظش ـ٤شا ؽب٤ب

زا ثبإلػـــبكخ ئ٠ ازالب ـؼذد اـشاص اـبج٤خ اؼظ٠ ئعب٢ اـبئشاد از٠ رزب اششخ ؿشاصاد أخش

B777-200ERsؿبئشر٤ اـ B777-300ERsؿـــبئشاد ؿشاص اج٣ظ 6 زا رغزذف خـخ

20212020ؿبئشح ثب٣خ اؼب اب٢ 105رؾذ٣ش اعـ ظشـ٤شا اط ئ٠ ؾ

Dubai Aerospaceاـ٤شا عبج أػشة خ٤لخ اذثط اؼؼ ازذة ششخ دث٢ ظبػبد

Enterprise (DAE) Ltd ػ رشؽ٤ج ثظش ـ٤شا ػؼا عذ٣ذا ششخ دث٢ ظبػبد اـ٤شا ثـوخ اششم

أ اششخ رزـغ ئ٠ رؾو٤ن ػالهخ ضش ػ٠ اذ اـ٣ غ ظش ـ٤شا خال األعؾ أػبف هبئال

اغبخ ك٢ دػ خـخ ظش ـ٤شا اـؽخ ك٢ رؾذ٣ش أعـب

ب زا اـشاص ضا٣ب 737 ٢ األضش ساعب األضش ج٤ؼب ك٢ ػبئخ ث٣ظ 737-٣800ؼذ ؿشاص اج٣ظ

ػب هخ اعزالب هد اهزظبد٣خ رشـ٤ب كؼال ػ اخز٤بس جش٣بد ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ ؼ رشـ٤

سؽالرب غزؼ٤خ ثزا اـشاص وذسر ػ٠ اط ئ٠ ع٤غ اوبؽ ك٢ اؼذ٣ذ األعام ؽ اؼب خال رشـ٤

MAX 737 رز ز اضا٣ب ثاؿالم اـشاص اغذ٣ذ ز اؼبئخ ػ٠ خـؽ ؿ٣خ زعـخ اذ

2017از١ اوشس رغ٤ أ٠ ؿالث٤ز ك٢ اظق األ ػب

ك٢ اغ٤بم رار طشػ بسر٢ ث٤زشد بئت سئ٤ظ اج٤ؼبد ـوخ اششم األعؾ آع٤ب اعـ٠ ك٢ ششخ ث٣ظ

أ زا ازؼب اغذ٣ذ ٣ؼذ رأ٤ذا ػ٠ اضوخ از٢ رؼؼب ظش ـ٤شا ك٢ زا اـشاص خبطخ ـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ هبئال

أ ك٢ اعزشاس٣خ ز اششاخ أع اغبخ ك٢ رؾذ٣ش أعـ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اؽذ 737اـ

اـ٤شا اشائذح ثـوخ اششم األعؾ أكش٣و٤ب ششبد


ك٠ ؼشع 737-800ؿبئشاد ؿشاص اج٣ظ 9ظش ـ٤شا ث٣ظ ٣ؼب سع٤ب ششاء

اؼب ؿبئشاد ث٣ظ اعزب العزشار٤غ٤خ رؼض٣ض سئ٤ظ اششخ اوبثؼخ كبسجس اذ٠

رؾذ٣ش أعـب ثأؽذس اـشاصاد

ؿبئشاد 105خـخ رؾذ٣ش األعـ رغزذف اط ئ٠ سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا

أػذ ششزب ظش ـ٤شا ث٣ظ اؼب٤خ ػ رغذ٣ذ رؼبب ثششاء رغغ 20212020ثب٣خ اؼب اب٠

٤بساد ٤9 دالس ثب ٣ؼبد 864ثو٤خ روذس ثؾ 737-800ؿبئشاد أؽذس ؿشاصاد اج٣ظ ٠ اـ

ع٤ ظش روش٣جب ري ثؼذ أ أػذ ششخ ث٣ظ ك٠ هذ عبثن ػ٠ هؼب االزش٠ ػ رذش٤ب ز

ؿبئشاد ز اظلوخ هج شــشخ دث٠ ظبػبد اـ٤شا اظلوخ غ ظش ـ٤شا ع٤ز ر٣ صب

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltdهذ از٠ ٣وغ وشب ثذث٠ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

از ٣وب ؽب٤ب ك٠ 2016ر اإلػال سع٤ب ػ زا ازؼب اغذ٣ذ خال كبػ٤بد ؼشع كبسجس اغ

ظش ndashػبب ز ثذء ازؼب ث٤ ا٤ب٤ اج٤ش٣ 50اؼبطخ اجش٣ـب٤خ ذ از ٣أر٠ رضاب غ شس

ب 1996ػب 707ؽ٤ش ب أ رؼب ث٤ب خال ششاء ؿبئشارب ؿشاص ndashـ٤شا ث٣ظ اؼب٤خ

ك٠ زا اغ٤بم أذ طلد غ 1975ػب 737هبذ ظش ـ٤شا ثششاء أ٠ ؿبئشارب ؿشاص اج٣ظ

سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا خال شبسز ثبؼشع ػ اذس اؾ٤ از هبذ ث

أػبف ششخ ث٣ظ ػ٠ ذاس األػا اغبثوخ ك٠ ثبء أعـ ظش ـ٤شا رض٣ذب ثأؽذس اـشاصاد

أ رب صوخ NGS737-800وذ رذ ششخ ث٣ظ خال اغ٤ اغذ٣ذ ؿشاص ذ اج٣ظ طلد

اؼذ٣ذ جش٣بد ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ ب ٣ؾ زا اـشاص اهزظبد٣خ ك٠ ازشـ٤ لبءح ك٠ األداء

أػؼ أ ثبؼب غز ػب اشكب٤خ كؼال ػب أػبكز ث٣ظ ه٤خ ج٤شح ب ششخ ؿ٤شا سائذح

ؿبئشاد عذ٣ذح زا اـشاص خبطخ ثؼذ ئػبكخ اطلبد خبطخ ك٠ ازؼبهذ اغذ٣ذ ؽ٤ش ارغبع اوبػذ رع

ص٣بدح غز٣بد اشكب٤خ ع٤ب اعزب اعزشار٤غ٤خ ظش ـ٤شا ؾ رؼض٣ض رؾذ٣ش أعـب ثأؽذس

ب أػشة اـشاصاد از٠ رزبعت غ رشـ٤ب شؽالد زعـخ ؿ٣خ اذ ئ٠ وبؽ زؼذدح ثشجخ خـؿب

هب سئ٤ظ اإلبسار٤خ ك٠ ر٣ ششاء صب ؿبئشاد ز اظلوخ DAEغ ػ عؼبدر ثبزؼب غ ششخ

ثبعزال ز اظلوخ NGS737-800ؿبئشح زا اـشاص 20اششخ اوبثؼخ ئ ظش ـ٤شا رزي ؽب٤ب

اغذ٣ذح ع٤ض زا اـشاص اـبج٤خ اؼظ٠ ئعب٠ اـبئشاد از٠ رزب اششخ ؿشاصاد أخش ثبإلػبكخ

B777-200ERsؿبئشر٤ اـ B777-300ERsؿـــبئشاد ؿشاص اج٣ظ 6ئ٠ ازالب ــ

ؿبئشاد ثب٣خ اؼب اب٠ 105أػؼ أ خـخ رؾذ٣ش أعـ ظش ـ٤شا رغزذف اط ئ٠ ؾ

Dubai عبج أػشة خ٤لخ اذثط اؼؼ ازذة ششخ دث٠ ظبػبد اـ٤شا 20212020

Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd ػ رشؽ٤ج ثظش ـ٤شا ػؼا عذ٣ذا ششخ دث٠ ظبػبد

أ اششخ رزـغ ئ٠ رؾو٤ن ػالهخ ضشح ػ٠ اذ اـ٣ غ اـ٤شا ثـوخ اششم األعؾ أػبف هبئال

٣ؼذ ؿشاص ظش ـ٤شا خال اغبخ ك٠ دػ خـخ ظش ـ٤شا اـؽخ ك٠ رؾذ٣ش أعـب

ب زا اـشاص ضا٣ب ػب 737 ٠ األضش ساعب األضش ج٤ؼب ك٠ ػبئخ ث٣ظ 737-800اج٣ظ

هخ اعزالب هد اهزظبد٣خ رشـ٤ب كؼال ػ اخز٤بس جش٣بد ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ ؼ رشـ٤ سؽالرب

غزؼ٤خ ثزا اـشاص وذسر ػ٠ اط ئ٠ ع٤غ اوبؽ ك٠ اؼذ٣ذ األعام ؽ اؼب خال رشـ٤ ػ٠

از MAX 737رز ز اضا٣ب ثاؿالم اـشاص اغذ٣ذ ز اؼبئخ خـؽ ؿ٣خ زعـخ اذ

ك٠ اغ٤بم رار طشػ بسر٠ ث٤زشد بئت 2017 اوشس رغ٤ أ٠ ؿالث٤ز ك٠ اظق األ ػب

ئ زا ازؼب سئ٤ظ اج٤ؼبد ـوخ اششم األعؾ آع٤ب اعـ٠ ك٠ ششخ ث٣ظ ـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ هبئال

أ ك٠ اعزشاس٣خ ز 737اغذ٣ذ ٣ؼذ رأ٤ذا ػ٠ اضوخ از٠ رؼؼب ظش ـ٤شا ك٠ زا اـشاص خبطخ اـ

اششاخ أع اغبخ ك٠ رؾذ٣ش أعـ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ئؽذ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ثـوخ

اششم األعؾ أكش٣و٤ب


2025ؿبئشح ك٢ 156غزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ـ ظش ـ٤شا

اششخـ٤شا أ ظش ششخأذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ

ك٢ؿبئشح 156رغزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ثؾ٤ش ٣ظ ئ٠


اغبدح اؾزشذاخخ برل٤خ جشبظ ك٢أػؼ

أ ر٢ ك٢٣عق اؾغ٢٤ ازاع ػ٠ كؼبئ٤خ روذ٣

غبء أظ األسثؼبء أ اششخ رجؾش ػ ؿبئشاد رزكش

ك٤ب عبئ اشاؽخ ازك٤ش شبة

اغ٤بؽخأػبف أ اعزؾذاس األعـ ٣ذف ئ٠ اعزؼبدح

اظش٣خ شح أخش خال رك٤ش عج اشاؽخ األب



2021ؿبئشاد ك٢ 105رؾذ٣ش أعـ اـ٤شا ٤ظ ـ ظش ـ٤شا

أذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا أ

105ظش ـ٤شا رغزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ٤ظ ئ٠ ؾ

2021ؿبئشاد ػب

اغبدح اؾزشأػبف خال ذاخخ برل٤خ جشبظ

از١ ٣وذ اإلػال٢ ٣عق اؾغ٢٤ ازاع ػ٠ كؼبئ٤خ

9 أ ئهجب ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ ششاء أ ر٢ ك٢

٣أر٢ ك٢ ئؿبس رؾذ٣ش laquoث٣ظraquoؿبئشاد عذ٣ذح ؿشاص

ػ٤خ اـ٤شا ؽ٤ش ص٣بدح عبئ ازشك٤ ش٤شا ئ٠ أ

ارغبع اـبئشح ٣غب ك٢ خلغ رلخ أعؼبس اززاش ص٣بدح

رش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ اذاخ٤خ اخبسع٤خ


ػ٠ اخش٣ـخ ازش٣غ٤خ رذسط رشـ٤ ااد اغذ٣ذ رؼغ اغ٤بؽخ


أػذ صاسح اغ٤بؽخ ػ ػغ خـخ زشغ٤غ اغ٤بؽخ

اخبسع٤خ اذاخ٤خ ك٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ ػ ثشاظ

سؽالد اغ٤بؽخ خبطخ األهظش أعا ئػبدح رغ٤٤ش

سؽالد ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ عة ااد زشغ٤غ

ؿبجذ اصاسح ك٠ ئخـبس شع ـشكخ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠

ششبد اغ٤بؽخ ثاكبدرب ئرا ب بى ؿت كؼ٠ ض٣بسح

ااد اغذ٣ذ عاء ب ع٤بؽخ داخ٤خ أ خبسع٤خ

ره٤زبرب اـت الؼ٠ ؾشخ اغ٤بؽ٤خ ازوذ ثب٥ساء

اوزشؽبد خال أعجع ؽز٠ رز ئػبدح اظش ك٠

رشـ٤ خـؽ ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ

زشغ٤غ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠


رأخش ئهالع سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ


شذد ؽشخ اـ٤شا ثـبس اوبشح اذ٠ ا٤ األسثؼبء رأخش ئهالع

سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ اـشدهخ شش اش٤خ ذح رض٣ذ

طشػ ظذس الؽ٠ ثبـبس ثأ ػ عبػخ ثغجت ؿن اغب اغ

ؿن اغب اغ ثـبس اوبشح ثغجت ازذس٣جبد اؼغش٣خ أد أ

ازغخ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ ذح 433رأخش سؽخ ظش ـ٤شا سه

ازغخ ئ٠ اـشدهخ ذح عبػخ 461عبػز٤ ئال سثغ اشؽخ سه

ؽ٤ش اوشس أ رغزأق اشؽالد ػوت كزؼ اغب اغ


زش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ ئعبصري ك٢ ظشرـن ظش ـ٤شا ا٤

ـ٤شا ا٤ اخ٤ظ أ ظش ششخرـن

أجش ؽالرب ازش٤ـ٤خ خال اع اظ٤ل٢

ظش ك٢ئعبصري اؾب٢ ري رؾذ ػا

اغ٤بؽخئؿبس ؽالد دػ رش٤ؾ ك٢ري



ارلبه٤خ رؼب ث٤ ظش ـ٤شا عشا ئزش٣ي

خذبد االعزشبس٣خ ارلبه٤خ ك٢ غب ( عشا ئزش٣ي)( ظش ـ٤شا)هؼذ ششزب

ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب غبػذح ك٢ رـ٣ش ئببد ظش اـ٤شا

CFM56-7Bإلطالػ اؾشى ع

أ االرلبه٤خ اشبخ رــ٢ اذػ ال٢ اخذبد -ك٢ ث٤ب ا٤ -( عشا ئزش٣ي)رشد

االعزشبس٣خ ؼ٤بد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد أعضائب ئطالؽب كؾظب ؿ٤شب

اخذبد اؼشس٣خ االصخ ؾظ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ شبداد اغدح

االػزبداد االصخ

ب ارلوذ اششزب ػ٠ دسعخ ئب٤بد رشـ٤ سشخ ؾشبد ظش ـ٤شا شض

ظ٤بخ ك٢ اـوخ

رو هب سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ اذط أثؿبت

ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ ثض٣بدح ؽغ أػبب ك٢ غب ط٤بخ اـبئشاد

ئطالؽب كؾظب رزعغ ك٢ ئببرب ثبعزخذا أؽذس ب رطذ ئ٤ ازع٤ب ؽز٠

٣ب روذ٣ خذبد ط٤بخ ئطالػ كؾض زبخ خزق أاع اـبئشاد ؾشبد

ؾ زـغ ؼ غ عشا ئزش٣ي زؼض٣ض ئببرب ثذف ط٤بخ اـبئشاد برب

ئطالؽ كؾظ ص ؼت دسا أعبع٤ب ك٢ هـبع طبػخ CFM56-7Bؾشى

ط٤بخ اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب

٤ل٤ بى ( عشا ئزش٣ي) عبج هب اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ خذبد ؾشبد

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا اششخ اؽ٤ذح از٢ روذ خذبد زبخ ك٢ غب ط٤بخ أ٤غزش

ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب ك٢ ظش رزـغ عشا ئزش٣ي غبػذح ظش

ـ٤شا خال االرلبه٤خ زع٤غ خجشارب ك٢ غب ئطالػ ؾشبد اـبئشاد كؾض

اغبخ ك٢ خن كشص ػ ػب٤خ ازو٤خ ك٢ اـوخ CFM56-7Bؾشبد

ـ٤شا ( عشا ئزش٣ي)ك٢ اغ٤بم هب بئت سئ٤ظ اششخ ج٤ؼبد ـوخ أكش٣و٤ب ـ

35عزؼضص ز االرلبه٤خ ششازب غ ظش ـ٤شا از٢ رزذ ألضش ػظب شع٢

٣ؼذ ري خ٤ش د٤ ػ٠ اعزشاسب ك٢ اؼ غ ششبئب إل٣غبد ؽ ؾ٤خ ثبء ػبب

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا أ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ك٢ اوذساد اخجشاد ك٢ ظش

اؼب ٣ؼذ رؼبب ك٢ عد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب عضءا عد

ظش اـ٤شا اغزشح ش٣بدح األػب


اغل٤ش اظش ثشع٤ب ٣ؼ ض٣بسح ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ ئ٠ ع األعجع


أػ ؾذ اجذس عل٤ش ظش ذ سع٤ب أ بى ص٣بسح

ؾزخ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ئ٠ سع٤ب

أػؼ األعجع اوبد ػ٠ سأط كذ صاسح اـ٤شا

أ كغز٠اجذس ك٠ رظش٣ؾبد بخ األجبء اشع٤خ

ص٣ش اـ٤شا ع٤ضس ك٠ اغزوج اوش٣ت سع٤ب ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أ أ ر ز اض٣بسح األعجع اوج بهشخ ػع

اعزئبف اشؽالد اغ٣خ ث٤ اجذ٣


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


ك٠ ؼشع 737-800ؿبئشاد ؿشاص اج٣ظ 9ظش ـ٤شا ث٣ظ ٣ؼب سع٤ب ششاء

اؼب ؿبئشاد ث٣ظ اعزب العزشار٤غ٤خ رؼض٣ض سئ٤ظ اششخ اوبثؼخ كبسجس اذ٠

رؾذ٣ش أعـب ثأؽذس اـشاصاد

ؿبئشاد 105خـخ رؾذ٣ش األعـ رغزذف اط ئ٠ سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا

أػذ ششزب ظش ـ٤شا ث٣ظ اؼب٤خ ػ رغذ٣ذ رؼبب ثششاء رغغ 20212020ثب٣خ اؼب اب٠

٤بساد ٤9 دالس ثب ٣ؼبد 864ثو٤خ روذس ثؾ 737-800ؿبئشاد أؽذس ؿشاصاد اج٣ظ ٠ اـ

ع٤ ظش روش٣جب ري ثؼذ أ أػذ ششخ ث٣ظ ك٠ هذ عبثن ػ٠ هؼب االزش٠ ػ رذش٤ب ز

ؿبئشاد ز اظلوخ هج شــشخ دث٠ ظبػبد اـ٤شا اظلوخ غ ظش ـ٤شا ع٤ز ر٣ صب

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltdهذ از٠ ٣وغ وشب ثذث٠ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

از ٣وب ؽب٤ب ك٠ 2016ر اإلػال سع٤ب ػ زا ازؼب اغذ٣ذ خال كبػ٤بد ؼشع كبسجس اغ

ظش ndashػبب ز ثذء ازؼب ث٤ ا٤ب٤ اج٤ش٣ 50اؼبطخ اجش٣ـب٤خ ذ از ٣أر٠ رضاب غ شس

ب 1996ػب 707ؽ٤ش ب أ رؼب ث٤ب خال ششاء ؿبئشارب ؿشاص ndashـ٤شا ث٣ظ اؼب٤خ

ك٠ زا اغ٤بم أذ طلد غ 1975ػب 737هبذ ظش ـ٤شا ثششاء أ٠ ؿبئشارب ؿشاص اج٣ظ

سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا خال شبسز ثبؼشع ػ اذس اؾ٤ از هبذ ث

أػبف ششخ ث٣ظ ػ٠ ذاس األػا اغبثوخ ك٠ ثبء أعـ ظش ـ٤شا رض٣ذب ثأؽذس اـشاصاد

أ رب صوخ NGS737-800وذ رذ ششخ ث٣ظ خال اغ٤ اغذ٣ذ ؿشاص ذ اج٣ظ طلد

اؼذ٣ذ جش٣بد ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ ب ٣ؾ زا اـشاص اهزظبد٣خ ك٠ ازشـ٤ لبءح ك٠ األداء

أػؼ أ ثبؼب غز ػب اشكب٤خ كؼال ػب أػبكز ث٣ظ ه٤خ ج٤شح ب ششخ ؿ٤شا سائذح

ؿبئشاد عذ٣ذح زا اـشاص خبطخ ثؼذ ئػبكخ اطلبد خبطخ ك٠ ازؼبهذ اغذ٣ذ ؽ٤ش ارغبع اوبػذ رع

ص٣بدح غز٣بد اشكب٤خ ع٤ب اعزب اعزشار٤غ٤خ ظش ـ٤شا ؾ رؼض٣ض رؾذ٣ش أعـب ثأؽذس

ب أػشة اـشاصاد از٠ رزبعت غ رشـ٤ب شؽالد زعـخ ؿ٣خ اذ ئ٠ وبؽ زؼذدح ثشجخ خـؿب

هب سئ٤ظ اإلبسار٤خ ك٠ ر٣ ششاء صب ؿبئشاد ز اظلوخ DAEغ ػ عؼبدر ثبزؼب غ ششخ

ثبعزال ز اظلوخ NGS737-800ؿبئشح زا اـشاص 20اششخ اوبثؼخ ئ ظش ـ٤شا رزي ؽب٤ب

اغذ٣ذح ع٤ض زا اـشاص اـبج٤خ اؼظ٠ ئعب٠ اـبئشاد از٠ رزب اششخ ؿشاصاد أخش ثبإلػبكخ

B777-200ERsؿبئشر٤ اـ B777-300ERsؿـــبئشاد ؿشاص اج٣ظ 6ئ٠ ازالب ــ

ؿبئشاد ثب٣خ اؼب اب٠ 105أػؼ أ خـخ رؾذ٣ش أعـ ظش ـ٤شا رغزذف اط ئ٠ ؾ

Dubai عبج أػشة خ٤لخ اذثط اؼؼ ازذة ششخ دث٠ ظبػبد اـ٤شا 20212020

Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Ltd ػ رشؽ٤ج ثظش ـ٤شا ػؼا عذ٣ذا ششخ دث٠ ظبػبد

أ اششخ رزـغ ئ٠ رؾو٤ن ػالهخ ضشح ػ٠ اذ اـ٣ غ اـ٤شا ثـوخ اششم األعؾ أػبف هبئال

٣ؼذ ؿشاص ظش ـ٤شا خال اغبخ ك٠ دػ خـخ ظش ـ٤شا اـؽخ ك٠ رؾذ٣ش أعـب

ب زا اـشاص ضا٣ب ػب 737 ٠ األضش ساعب األضش ج٤ؼب ك٠ ػبئخ ث٣ظ 737-800اج٣ظ

هخ اعزالب هد اهزظبد٣خ رشـ٤ب كؼال ػ اخز٤بس جش٣بد ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ ؼ رشـ٤ سؽالرب

غزؼ٤خ ثزا اـشاص وذسر ػ٠ اط ئ٠ ع٤غ اوبؽ ك٠ اؼذ٣ذ األعام ؽ اؼب خال رشـ٤ ػ٠

از MAX 737رز ز اضا٣ب ثاؿالم اـشاص اغذ٣ذ ز اؼبئخ خـؽ ؿ٣خ زعـخ اذ

ك٠ اغ٤بم رار طشػ بسر٠ ث٤زشد بئت 2017 اوشس رغ٤ أ٠ ؿالث٤ز ك٠ اظق األ ػب

ئ زا ازؼب سئ٤ظ اج٤ؼبد ـوخ اششم األعؾ آع٤ب اعـ٠ ك٠ ششخ ث٣ظ ـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ هبئال

أ ك٠ اعزشاس٣خ ز 737اغذ٣ذ ٣ؼذ رأ٤ذا ػ٠ اضوخ از٠ رؼؼب ظش ـ٤شا ك٠ زا اـشاص خبطخ اـ

اششاخ أع اغبخ ك٠ رؾذ٣ش أعـ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ئؽذ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ثـوخ

اششم األعؾ أكش٣و٤ب


2025ؿبئشح ك٢ 156غزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ـ ظش ـ٤شا

اششخـ٤شا أ ظش ششخأذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ

ك٢ؿبئشح 156رغزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ثؾ٤ش ٣ظ ئ٠


اغبدح اؾزشذاخخ برل٤خ جشبظ ك٢أػؼ

أ ر٢ ك٢٣عق اؾغ٢٤ ازاع ػ٠ كؼبئ٤خ روذ٣

غبء أظ األسثؼبء أ اششخ رجؾش ػ ؿبئشاد رزكش

ك٤ب عبئ اشاؽخ ازك٤ش شبة

اغ٤بؽخأػبف أ اعزؾذاس األعـ ٣ذف ئ٠ اعزؼبدح

اظش٣خ شح أخش خال رك٤ش عج اشاؽخ األب



2021ؿبئشاد ك٢ 105رؾذ٣ش أعـ اـ٤شا ٤ظ ـ ظش ـ٤شا

أذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا أ

105ظش ـ٤شا رغزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ٤ظ ئ٠ ؾ

2021ؿبئشاد ػب

اغبدح اؾزشأػبف خال ذاخخ برل٤خ جشبظ

از١ ٣وذ اإلػال٢ ٣عق اؾغ٢٤ ازاع ػ٠ كؼبئ٤خ

9 أ ئهجب ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ ششاء أ ر٢ ك٢

٣أر٢ ك٢ ئؿبس رؾذ٣ش laquoث٣ظraquoؿبئشاد عذ٣ذح ؿشاص

ػ٤خ اـ٤شا ؽ٤ش ص٣بدح عبئ ازشك٤ ش٤شا ئ٠ أ

ارغبع اـبئشح ٣غب ك٢ خلغ رلخ أعؼبس اززاش ص٣بدح

رش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ اذاخ٤خ اخبسع٤خ


ػ٠ اخش٣ـخ ازش٣غ٤خ رذسط رشـ٤ ااد اغذ٣ذ رؼغ اغ٤بؽخ


أػذ صاسح اغ٤بؽخ ػ ػغ خـخ زشغ٤غ اغ٤بؽخ

اخبسع٤خ اذاخ٤خ ك٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ ػ ثشاظ

سؽالد اغ٤بؽخ خبطخ األهظش أعا ئػبدح رغ٤٤ش

سؽالد ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ عة ااد زشغ٤غ

ؿبجذ اصاسح ك٠ ئخـبس شع ـشكخ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠

ششبد اغ٤بؽخ ثاكبدرب ئرا ب بى ؿت كؼ٠ ض٣بسح

ااد اغذ٣ذ عاء ب ع٤بؽخ داخ٤خ أ خبسع٤خ

ره٤زبرب اـت الؼ٠ ؾشخ اغ٤بؽ٤خ ازوذ ثب٥ساء

اوزشؽبد خال أعجع ؽز٠ رز ئػبدح اظش ك٠

رشـ٤ خـؽ ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ

زشغ٤غ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠


رأخش ئهالع سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ


شذد ؽشخ اـ٤شا ثـبس اوبشح اذ٠ ا٤ األسثؼبء رأخش ئهالع

سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ اـشدهخ شش اش٤خ ذح رض٣ذ

طشػ ظذس الؽ٠ ثبـبس ثأ ػ عبػخ ثغجت ؿن اغب اغ

ؿن اغب اغ ثـبس اوبشح ثغجت ازذس٣جبد اؼغش٣خ أد أ

ازغخ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ ذح 433رأخش سؽخ ظش ـ٤شا سه

ازغخ ئ٠ اـشدهخ ذح عبػخ 461عبػز٤ ئال سثغ اشؽخ سه

ؽ٤ش اوشس أ رغزأق اشؽالد ػوت كزؼ اغب اغ


زش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ ئعبصري ك٢ ظشرـن ظش ـ٤شا ا٤

ـ٤شا ا٤ اخ٤ظ أ ظش ششخرـن

أجش ؽالرب ازش٤ـ٤خ خال اع اظ٤ل٢

ظش ك٢ئعبصري اؾب٢ ري رؾذ ػا

اغ٤بؽخئؿبس ؽالد دػ رش٤ؾ ك٢ري



ارلبه٤خ رؼب ث٤ ظش ـ٤شا عشا ئزش٣ي

خذبد االعزشبس٣خ ارلبه٤خ ك٢ غب ( عشا ئزش٣ي)( ظش ـ٤شا)هؼذ ششزب

ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب غبػذح ك٢ رـ٣ش ئببد ظش اـ٤شا

CFM56-7Bإلطالػ اؾشى ع

أ االرلبه٤خ اشبخ رــ٢ اذػ ال٢ اخذبد -ك٢ ث٤ب ا٤ -( عشا ئزش٣ي)رشد

االعزشبس٣خ ؼ٤بد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد أعضائب ئطالؽب كؾظب ؿ٤شب

اخذبد اؼشس٣خ االصخ ؾظ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ شبداد اغدح

االػزبداد االصخ

ب ارلوذ اششزب ػ٠ دسعخ ئب٤بد رشـ٤ سشخ ؾشبد ظش ـ٤شا شض

ظ٤بخ ك٢ اـوخ

رو هب سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ اذط أثؿبت

ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ ثض٣بدح ؽغ أػبب ك٢ غب ط٤بخ اـبئشاد

ئطالؽب كؾظب رزعغ ك٢ ئببرب ثبعزخذا أؽذس ب رطذ ئ٤ ازع٤ب ؽز٠

٣ب روذ٣ خذبد ط٤بخ ئطالػ كؾض زبخ خزق أاع اـبئشاد ؾشبد

ؾ زـغ ؼ غ عشا ئزش٣ي زؼض٣ض ئببرب ثذف ط٤بخ اـبئشاد برب

ئطالؽ كؾظ ص ؼت دسا أعبع٤ب ك٢ هـبع طبػخ CFM56-7Bؾشى

ط٤بخ اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب

٤ل٤ بى ( عشا ئزش٣ي) عبج هب اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ خذبد ؾشبد

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا اششخ اؽ٤ذح از٢ روذ خذبد زبخ ك٢ غب ط٤بخ أ٤غزش

ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب ك٢ ظش رزـغ عشا ئزش٣ي غبػذح ظش

ـ٤شا خال االرلبه٤خ زع٤غ خجشارب ك٢ غب ئطالػ ؾشبد اـبئشاد كؾض

اغبخ ك٢ خن كشص ػ ػب٤خ ازو٤خ ك٢ اـوخ CFM56-7Bؾشبد

ـ٤شا ( عشا ئزش٣ي)ك٢ اغ٤بم هب بئت سئ٤ظ اششخ ج٤ؼبد ـوخ أكش٣و٤ب ـ

35عزؼضص ز االرلبه٤خ ششازب غ ظش ـ٤شا از٢ رزذ ألضش ػظب شع٢

٣ؼذ ري خ٤ش د٤ ػ٠ اعزشاسب ك٢ اؼ غ ششبئب إل٣غبد ؽ ؾ٤خ ثبء ػبب

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا أ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ك٢ اوذساد اخجشاد ك٢ ظش

اؼب ٣ؼذ رؼبب ك٢ عد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب عضءا عد

ظش اـ٤شا اغزشح ش٣بدح األػب


اغل٤ش اظش ثشع٤ب ٣ؼ ض٣بسح ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ ئ٠ ع األعجع


أػ ؾذ اجذس عل٤ش ظش ذ سع٤ب أ بى ص٣بسح

ؾزخ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ئ٠ سع٤ب

أػؼ األعجع اوبد ػ٠ سأط كذ صاسح اـ٤شا

أ كغز٠اجذس ك٠ رظش٣ؾبد بخ األجبء اشع٤خ

ص٣ش اـ٤شا ع٤ضس ك٠ اغزوج اوش٣ت سع٤ب ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أ أ ر ز اض٣بسح األعجع اوج بهشخ ػع

اعزئبف اشؽالد اغ٣خ ث٤ اجذ٣


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


2025ؿبئشح ك٢ 156غزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ـ ظش ـ٤شا

اششخـ٤شا أ ظش ششخأذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ

ك٢ؿبئشح 156رغزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ثؾ٤ش ٣ظ ئ٠


اغبدح اؾزشذاخخ برل٤خ جشبظ ك٢أػؼ

أ ر٢ ك٢٣عق اؾغ٢٤ ازاع ػ٠ كؼبئ٤خ روذ٣

غبء أظ األسثؼبء أ اششخ رجؾش ػ ؿبئشاد رزكش

ك٤ب عبئ اشاؽخ ازك٤ش شبة

اغ٤بؽخأػبف أ اعزؾذاس األعـ ٣ذف ئ٠ اعزؼبدح

اظش٣خ شح أخش خال رك٤ش عج اشاؽخ األب



2021ؿبئشاد ك٢ 105رؾذ٣ش أعـ اـ٤شا ٤ظ ـ ظش ـ٤شا

أذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا أ

105ظش ـ٤شا رغزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ٤ظ ئ٠ ؾ

2021ؿبئشاد ػب

اغبدح اؾزشأػبف خال ذاخخ برل٤خ جشبظ

از١ ٣وذ اإلػال٢ ٣عق اؾغ٢٤ ازاع ػ٠ كؼبئ٤خ

9 أ ئهجب ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ ششاء أ ر٢ ك٢

٣أر٢ ك٢ ئؿبس رؾذ٣ش laquoث٣ظraquoؿبئشاد عذ٣ذح ؿشاص

ػ٤خ اـ٤شا ؽ٤ش ص٣بدح عبئ ازشك٤ ش٤شا ئ٠ أ

ارغبع اـبئشح ٣غب ك٢ خلغ رلخ أعؼبس اززاش ص٣بدح

رش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ اذاخ٤خ اخبسع٤خ


ػ٠ اخش٣ـخ ازش٣غ٤خ رذسط رشـ٤ ااد اغذ٣ذ رؼغ اغ٤بؽخ


أػذ صاسح اغ٤بؽخ ػ ػغ خـخ زشغ٤غ اغ٤بؽخ

اخبسع٤خ اذاخ٤خ ك٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ ػ ثشاظ

سؽالد اغ٤بؽخ خبطخ األهظش أعا ئػبدح رغ٤٤ش

سؽالد ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ عة ااد زشغ٤غ

ؿبجذ اصاسح ك٠ ئخـبس شع ـشكخ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠

ششبد اغ٤بؽخ ثاكبدرب ئرا ب بى ؿت كؼ٠ ض٣بسح

ااد اغذ٣ذ عاء ب ع٤بؽخ داخ٤خ أ خبسع٤خ

ره٤زبرب اـت الؼ٠ ؾشخ اغ٤بؽ٤خ ازوذ ثب٥ساء

اوزشؽبد خال أعجع ؽز٠ رز ئػبدح اظش ك٠

رشـ٤ خـؽ ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ

زشغ٤غ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠


رأخش ئهالع سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ


شذد ؽشخ اـ٤شا ثـبس اوبشح اذ٠ ا٤ األسثؼبء رأخش ئهالع

سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ اـشدهخ شش اش٤خ ذح رض٣ذ

طشػ ظذس الؽ٠ ثبـبس ثأ ػ عبػخ ثغجت ؿن اغب اغ

ؿن اغب اغ ثـبس اوبشح ثغجت ازذس٣جبد اؼغش٣خ أد أ

ازغخ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ ذح 433رأخش سؽخ ظش ـ٤شا سه

ازغخ ئ٠ اـشدهخ ذح عبػخ 461عبػز٤ ئال سثغ اشؽخ سه

ؽ٤ش اوشس أ رغزأق اشؽالد ػوت كزؼ اغب اغ


زش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ ئعبصري ك٢ ظشرـن ظش ـ٤شا ا٤

ـ٤شا ا٤ اخ٤ظ أ ظش ششخرـن

أجش ؽالرب ازش٤ـ٤خ خال اع اظ٤ل٢

ظش ك٢ئعبصري اؾب٢ ري رؾذ ػا

اغ٤بؽخئؿبس ؽالد دػ رش٤ؾ ك٢ري



ارلبه٤خ رؼب ث٤ ظش ـ٤شا عشا ئزش٣ي

خذبد االعزشبس٣خ ارلبه٤خ ك٢ غب ( عشا ئزش٣ي)( ظش ـ٤شا)هؼذ ششزب

ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب غبػذح ك٢ رـ٣ش ئببد ظش اـ٤شا

CFM56-7Bإلطالػ اؾشى ع

أ االرلبه٤خ اشبخ رــ٢ اذػ ال٢ اخذبد -ك٢ ث٤ب ا٤ -( عشا ئزش٣ي)رشد

االعزشبس٣خ ؼ٤بد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد أعضائب ئطالؽب كؾظب ؿ٤شب

اخذبد اؼشس٣خ االصخ ؾظ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ شبداد اغدح

االػزبداد االصخ

ب ارلوذ اششزب ػ٠ دسعخ ئب٤بد رشـ٤ سشخ ؾشبد ظش ـ٤شا شض

ظ٤بخ ك٢ اـوخ

رو هب سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ اذط أثؿبت

ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ ثض٣بدح ؽغ أػبب ك٢ غب ط٤بخ اـبئشاد

ئطالؽب كؾظب رزعغ ك٢ ئببرب ثبعزخذا أؽذس ب رطذ ئ٤ ازع٤ب ؽز٠

٣ب روذ٣ خذبد ط٤بخ ئطالػ كؾض زبخ خزق أاع اـبئشاد ؾشبد

ؾ زـغ ؼ غ عشا ئزش٣ي زؼض٣ض ئببرب ثذف ط٤بخ اـبئشاد برب

ئطالؽ كؾظ ص ؼت دسا أعبع٤ب ك٢ هـبع طبػخ CFM56-7Bؾشى

ط٤بخ اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب

٤ل٤ بى ( عشا ئزش٣ي) عبج هب اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ خذبد ؾشبد

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا اششخ اؽ٤ذح از٢ روذ خذبد زبخ ك٢ غب ط٤بخ أ٤غزش

ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب ك٢ ظش رزـغ عشا ئزش٣ي غبػذح ظش

ـ٤شا خال االرلبه٤خ زع٤غ خجشارب ك٢ غب ئطالػ ؾشبد اـبئشاد كؾض

اغبخ ك٢ خن كشص ػ ػب٤خ ازو٤خ ك٢ اـوخ CFM56-7Bؾشبد

ـ٤شا ( عشا ئزش٣ي)ك٢ اغ٤بم هب بئت سئ٤ظ اششخ ج٤ؼبد ـوخ أكش٣و٤ب ـ

35عزؼضص ز االرلبه٤خ ششازب غ ظش ـ٤شا از٢ رزذ ألضش ػظب شع٢

٣ؼذ ري خ٤ش د٤ ػ٠ اعزشاسب ك٢ اؼ غ ششبئب إل٣غبد ؽ ؾ٤خ ثبء ػبب

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا أ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ك٢ اوذساد اخجشاد ك٢ ظش

اؼب ٣ؼذ رؼبب ك٢ عد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب عضءا عد

ظش اـ٤شا اغزشح ش٣بدح األػب


اغل٤ش اظش ثشع٤ب ٣ؼ ض٣بسح ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ ئ٠ ع األعجع


أػ ؾذ اجذس عل٤ش ظش ذ سع٤ب أ بى ص٣بسح

ؾزخ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ئ٠ سع٤ب

أػؼ األعجع اوبد ػ٠ سأط كذ صاسح اـ٤شا

أ كغز٠اجذس ك٠ رظش٣ؾبد بخ األجبء اشع٤خ

ص٣ش اـ٤شا ع٤ضس ك٠ اغزوج اوش٣ت سع٤ب ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أ أ ر ز اض٣بسح األعجع اوج بهشخ ػع

اعزئبف اشؽالد اغ٣خ ث٤ اجذ٣


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


2021ؿبئشاد ك٢ 105رؾذ٣ش أعـ اـ٤شا ٤ظ ـ ظش ـ٤شا

أذ طلد غ سئ٤ظ اششخ اوبثؼخ ظش ـ٤شا أ

105ظش ـ٤شا رغزذف رؾذ٣ش أعـب ٤ظ ئ٠ ؾ

2021ؿبئشاد ػب

اغبدح اؾزشأػبف خال ذاخخ برل٤خ جشبظ

از١ ٣وذ اإلػال٢ ٣عق اؾغ٢٤ ازاع ػ٠ كؼبئ٤خ

9 أ ئهجب ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ ششاء أ ر٢ ك٢

٣أر٢ ك٢ ئؿبس رؾذ٣ش laquoث٣ظraquoؿبئشاد عذ٣ذح ؿشاص

ػ٤خ اـ٤شا ؽ٤ش ص٣بدح عبئ ازشك٤ ش٤شا ئ٠ أ

ارغبع اـبئشح ٣غب ك٢ خلغ رلخ أعؼبس اززاش ص٣بدح

رش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ اذاخ٤خ اخبسع٤خ


ػ٠ اخش٣ـخ ازش٣غ٤خ رذسط رشـ٤ ااد اغذ٣ذ رؼغ اغ٤بؽخ


أػذ صاسح اغ٤بؽخ ػ ػغ خـخ زشغ٤غ اغ٤بؽخ

اخبسع٤خ اذاخ٤خ ك٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ ػ ثشاظ

سؽالد اغ٤بؽخ خبطخ األهظش أعا ئػبدح رغ٤٤ش

سؽالد ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ عة ااد زشغ٤غ

ؿبجذ اصاسح ك٠ ئخـبس شع ـشكخ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠

ششبد اغ٤بؽخ ثاكبدرب ئرا ب بى ؿت كؼ٠ ض٣بسح

ااد اغذ٣ذ عاء ب ع٤بؽخ داخ٤خ أ خبسع٤خ

ره٤زبرب اـت الؼ٠ ؾشخ اغ٤بؽ٤خ ازوذ ثب٥ساء

اوزشؽبد خال أعجع ؽز٠ رز ئػبدح اظش ك٠

رشـ٤ خـؽ ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ

زشغ٤غ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠


رأخش ئهالع سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ


شذد ؽشخ اـ٤شا ثـبس اوبشح اذ٠ ا٤ األسثؼبء رأخش ئهالع

سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ اـشدهخ شش اش٤خ ذح رض٣ذ

طشػ ظذس الؽ٠ ثبـبس ثأ ػ عبػخ ثغجت ؿن اغب اغ

ؿن اغب اغ ثـبس اوبشح ثغجت ازذس٣جبد اؼغش٣خ أد أ

ازغخ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ ذح 433رأخش سؽخ ظش ـ٤شا سه

ازغخ ئ٠ اـشدهخ ذح عبػخ 461عبػز٤ ئال سثغ اشؽخ سه

ؽ٤ش اوشس أ رغزأق اشؽالد ػوت كزؼ اغب اغ


زش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ ئعبصري ك٢ ظشرـن ظش ـ٤شا ا٤

ـ٤شا ا٤ اخ٤ظ أ ظش ششخرـن

أجش ؽالرب ازش٤ـ٤خ خال اع اظ٤ل٢

ظش ك٢ئعبصري اؾب٢ ري رؾذ ػا

اغ٤بؽخئؿبس ؽالد دػ رش٤ؾ ك٢ري



ارلبه٤خ رؼب ث٤ ظش ـ٤شا عشا ئزش٣ي

خذبد االعزشبس٣خ ارلبه٤خ ك٢ غب ( عشا ئزش٣ي)( ظش ـ٤شا)هؼذ ششزب

ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب غبػذح ك٢ رـ٣ش ئببد ظش اـ٤شا

CFM56-7Bإلطالػ اؾشى ع

أ االرلبه٤خ اشبخ رــ٢ اذػ ال٢ اخذبد -ك٢ ث٤ب ا٤ -( عشا ئزش٣ي)رشد

االعزشبس٣خ ؼ٤بد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد أعضائب ئطالؽب كؾظب ؿ٤شب

اخذبد اؼشس٣خ االصخ ؾظ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ شبداد اغدح

االػزبداد االصخ

ب ارلوذ اششزب ػ٠ دسعخ ئب٤بد رشـ٤ سشخ ؾشبد ظش ـ٤شا شض

ظ٤بخ ك٢ اـوخ

رو هب سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ اذط أثؿبت

ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ ثض٣بدح ؽغ أػبب ك٢ غب ط٤بخ اـبئشاد

ئطالؽب كؾظب رزعغ ك٢ ئببرب ثبعزخذا أؽذس ب رطذ ئ٤ ازع٤ب ؽز٠

٣ب روذ٣ خذبد ط٤بخ ئطالػ كؾض زبخ خزق أاع اـبئشاد ؾشبد

ؾ زـغ ؼ غ عشا ئزش٣ي زؼض٣ض ئببرب ثذف ط٤بخ اـبئشاد برب

ئطالؽ كؾظ ص ؼت دسا أعبع٤ب ك٢ هـبع طبػخ CFM56-7Bؾشى

ط٤بخ اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب

٤ل٤ بى ( عشا ئزش٣ي) عبج هب اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ خذبد ؾشبد

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا اششخ اؽ٤ذح از٢ روذ خذبد زبخ ك٢ غب ط٤بخ أ٤غزش

ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب ك٢ ظش رزـغ عشا ئزش٣ي غبػذح ظش

ـ٤شا خال االرلبه٤خ زع٤غ خجشارب ك٢ غب ئطالػ ؾشبد اـبئشاد كؾض

اغبخ ك٢ خن كشص ػ ػب٤خ ازو٤خ ك٢ اـوخ CFM56-7Bؾشبد

ـ٤شا ( عشا ئزش٣ي)ك٢ اغ٤بم هب بئت سئ٤ظ اششخ ج٤ؼبد ـوخ أكش٣و٤ب ـ

35عزؼضص ز االرلبه٤خ ششازب غ ظش ـ٤شا از٢ رزذ ألضش ػظب شع٢

٣ؼذ ري خ٤ش د٤ ػ٠ اعزشاسب ك٢ اؼ غ ششبئب إل٣غبد ؽ ؾ٤خ ثبء ػبب

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا أ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ك٢ اوذساد اخجشاد ك٢ ظش

اؼب ٣ؼذ رؼبب ك٢ عد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب عضءا عد

ظش اـ٤شا اغزشح ش٣بدح األػب


اغل٤ش اظش ثشع٤ب ٣ؼ ض٣بسح ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ ئ٠ ع األعجع


أػ ؾذ اجذس عل٤ش ظش ذ سع٤ب أ بى ص٣بسح

ؾزخ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ئ٠ سع٤ب

أػؼ األعجع اوبد ػ٠ سأط كذ صاسح اـ٤شا

أ كغز٠اجذس ك٠ رظش٣ؾبد بخ األجبء اشع٤خ

ص٣ش اـ٤شا ع٤ضس ك٠ اغزوج اوش٣ت سع٤ب ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أ أ ر ز اض٣بسح األعجع اوج بهشخ ػع

اعزئبف اشؽالد اغ٣خ ث٤ اجذ٣


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


ػ٠ اخش٣ـخ ازش٣غ٤خ رذسط رشـ٤ ااد اغذ٣ذ رؼغ اغ٤بؽخ


أػذ صاسح اغ٤بؽخ ػ ػغ خـخ زشغ٤غ اغ٤بؽخ

اخبسع٤خ اذاخ٤خ ك٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ ػ ثشاظ

سؽالد اغ٤بؽخ خبطخ األهظش أعا ئػبدح رغ٤٤ش

سؽالد ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ عة ااد زشغ٤غ

ؿبجذ اصاسح ك٠ ئخـبس شع ـشكخ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠

ششبد اغ٤بؽخ ثاكبدرب ئرا ب بى ؿت كؼ٠ ض٣بسح

ااد اغذ٣ذ عاء ب ع٤بؽخ داخ٤خ أ خبسع٤خ

ره٤زبرب اـت الؼ٠ ؾشخ اغ٤بؽ٤خ ازوذ ثب٥ساء

اوزشؽبد خال أعجع ؽز٠ رز ئػبدح اظش ك٠

رشـ٤ خـؽ ظش ـ٤شا ئ٠ ؾبكظخ ااد اغذ٣ذ

زشغ٤غ اغبت اغ٤بؽ٠


رأخش ئهالع سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ


شذد ؽشخ اـ٤شا ثـبس اوبشح اذ٠ ا٤ األسثؼبء رأخش ئهالع

سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ اـشدهخ شش اش٤خ ذح رض٣ذ

طشػ ظذس الؽ٠ ثبـبس ثأ ػ عبػخ ثغجت ؿن اغب اغ

ؿن اغب اغ ثـبس اوبشح ثغجت ازذس٣جبد اؼغش٣خ أد أ

ازغخ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ ذح 433رأخش سؽخ ظش ـ٤شا سه

ازغخ ئ٠ اـشدهخ ذح عبػخ 461عبػز٤ ئال سثغ اشؽخ سه

ؽ٤ش اوشس أ رغزأق اشؽالد ػوت كزؼ اغب اغ


زش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ ئعبصري ك٢ ظشرـن ظش ـ٤شا ا٤

ـ٤شا ا٤ اخ٤ظ أ ظش ششخرـن

أجش ؽالرب ازش٤ـ٤خ خال اع اظ٤ل٢

ظش ك٢ئعبصري اؾب٢ ري رؾذ ػا

اغ٤بؽخئؿبس ؽالد دػ رش٤ؾ ك٢ري



ارلبه٤خ رؼب ث٤ ظش ـ٤شا عشا ئزش٣ي

خذبد االعزشبس٣خ ارلبه٤خ ك٢ غب ( عشا ئزش٣ي)( ظش ـ٤شا)هؼذ ششزب

ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب غبػذح ك٢ رـ٣ش ئببد ظش اـ٤شا

CFM56-7Bإلطالػ اؾشى ع

أ االرلبه٤خ اشبخ رــ٢ اذػ ال٢ اخذبد -ك٢ ث٤ب ا٤ -( عشا ئزش٣ي)رشد

االعزشبس٣خ ؼ٤بد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد أعضائب ئطالؽب كؾظب ؿ٤شب

اخذبد اؼشس٣خ االصخ ؾظ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ شبداد اغدح

االػزبداد االصخ

ب ارلوذ اششزب ػ٠ دسعخ ئب٤بد رشـ٤ سشخ ؾشبد ظش ـ٤شا شض

ظ٤بخ ك٢ اـوخ

رو هب سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ اذط أثؿبت

ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ ثض٣بدح ؽغ أػبب ك٢ غب ط٤بخ اـبئشاد

ئطالؽب كؾظب رزعغ ك٢ ئببرب ثبعزخذا أؽذس ب رطذ ئ٤ ازع٤ب ؽز٠

٣ب روذ٣ خذبد ط٤بخ ئطالػ كؾض زبخ خزق أاع اـبئشاد ؾشبد

ؾ زـغ ؼ غ عشا ئزش٣ي زؼض٣ض ئببرب ثذف ط٤بخ اـبئشاد برب

ئطالؽ كؾظ ص ؼت دسا أعبع٤ب ك٢ هـبع طبػخ CFM56-7Bؾشى

ط٤بخ اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب

٤ل٤ بى ( عشا ئزش٣ي) عبج هب اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ خذبد ؾشبد

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا اششخ اؽ٤ذح از٢ روذ خذبد زبخ ك٢ غب ط٤بخ أ٤غزش

ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب ك٢ ظش رزـغ عشا ئزش٣ي غبػذح ظش

ـ٤شا خال االرلبه٤خ زع٤غ خجشارب ك٢ غب ئطالػ ؾشبد اـبئشاد كؾض

اغبخ ك٢ خن كشص ػ ػب٤خ ازو٤خ ك٢ اـوخ CFM56-7Bؾشبد

ـ٤شا ( عشا ئزش٣ي)ك٢ اغ٤بم هب بئت سئ٤ظ اششخ ج٤ؼبد ـوخ أكش٣و٤ب ـ

35عزؼضص ز االرلبه٤خ ششازب غ ظش ـ٤شا از٢ رزذ ألضش ػظب شع٢

٣ؼذ ري خ٤ش د٤ ػ٠ اعزشاسب ك٢ اؼ غ ششبئب إل٣غبد ؽ ؾ٤خ ثبء ػبب

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا أ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ك٢ اوذساد اخجشاد ك٢ ظش

اؼب ٣ؼذ رؼبب ك٢ عد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب عضءا عد

ظش اـ٤شا اغزشح ش٣بدح األػب


اغل٤ش اظش ثشع٤ب ٣ؼ ض٣بسح ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ ئ٠ ع األعجع


أػ ؾذ اجذس عل٤ش ظش ذ سع٤ب أ بى ص٣بسح

ؾزخ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ئ٠ سع٤ب

أػؼ األعجع اوبد ػ٠ سأط كذ صاسح اـ٤شا

أ كغز٠اجذس ك٠ رظش٣ؾبد بخ األجبء اشع٤خ

ص٣ش اـ٤شا ع٤ضس ك٠ اغزوج اوش٣ت سع٤ب ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أ أ ر ز اض٣بسح األعجع اوج بهشخ ػع

اعزئبف اشؽالد اغ٣خ ث٤ اجذ٣


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


رأخش ئهالع سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ


شذد ؽشخ اـ٤شا ثـبس اوبشح اذ٠ ا٤ األسثؼبء رأخش ئهالع

سؽز٤ ظش ـ٤شا ازغز٤ ئ٠ اـشدهخ شش اش٤خ ذح رض٣ذ

طشػ ظذس الؽ٠ ثبـبس ثأ ػ عبػخ ثغجت ؿن اغب اغ

ؿن اغب اغ ثـبس اوبشح ثغجت ازذس٣جبد اؼغش٣خ أد أ

ازغخ ئ٠ شش اش٤خ ذح 433رأخش سؽخ ظش ـ٤شا سه

ازغخ ئ٠ اـشدهخ ذح عبػخ 461عبػز٤ ئال سثغ اشؽخ سه

ؽ٤ش اوشس أ رغزأق اشؽالد ػوت كزؼ اغب اغ


زش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ ئعبصري ك٢ ظشرـن ظش ـ٤شا ا٤

ـ٤شا ا٤ اخ٤ظ أ ظش ششخرـن

أجش ؽالرب ازش٤ـ٤خ خال اع اظ٤ل٢

ظش ك٢ئعبصري اؾب٢ ري رؾذ ػا

اغ٤بؽخئؿبس ؽالد دػ رش٤ؾ ك٢ري



ارلبه٤خ رؼب ث٤ ظش ـ٤شا عشا ئزش٣ي

خذبد االعزشبس٣خ ارلبه٤خ ك٢ غب ( عشا ئزش٣ي)( ظش ـ٤شا)هؼذ ششزب

ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب غبػذح ك٢ رـ٣ش ئببد ظش اـ٤شا

CFM56-7Bإلطالػ اؾشى ع

أ االرلبه٤خ اشبخ رــ٢ اذػ ال٢ اخذبد -ك٢ ث٤ب ا٤ -( عشا ئزش٣ي)رشد

االعزشبس٣خ ؼ٤بد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد أعضائب ئطالؽب كؾظب ؿ٤شب

اخذبد اؼشس٣خ االصخ ؾظ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ شبداد اغدح

االػزبداد االصخ

ب ارلوذ اششزب ػ٠ دسعخ ئب٤بد رشـ٤ سشخ ؾشبد ظش ـ٤شا شض

ظ٤بخ ك٢ اـوخ

رو هب سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ اذط أثؿبت

ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ ثض٣بدح ؽغ أػبب ك٢ غب ط٤بخ اـبئشاد

ئطالؽب كؾظب رزعغ ك٢ ئببرب ثبعزخذا أؽذس ب رطذ ئ٤ ازع٤ب ؽز٠

٣ب روذ٣ خذبد ط٤بخ ئطالػ كؾض زبخ خزق أاع اـبئشاد ؾشبد

ؾ زـغ ؼ غ عشا ئزش٣ي زؼض٣ض ئببرب ثذف ط٤بخ اـبئشاد برب

ئطالؽ كؾظ ص ؼت دسا أعبع٤ب ك٢ هـبع طبػخ CFM56-7Bؾشى

ط٤بخ اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب

٤ل٤ بى ( عشا ئزش٣ي) عبج هب اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ خذبد ؾشبد

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا اششخ اؽ٤ذح از٢ روذ خذبد زبخ ك٢ غب ط٤بخ أ٤غزش

ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب ك٢ ظش رزـغ عشا ئزش٣ي غبػذح ظش

ـ٤شا خال االرلبه٤خ زع٤غ خجشارب ك٢ غب ئطالػ ؾشبد اـبئشاد كؾض

اغبخ ك٢ خن كشص ػ ػب٤خ ازو٤خ ك٢ اـوخ CFM56-7Bؾشبد

ـ٤شا ( عشا ئزش٣ي)ك٢ اغ٤بم هب بئت سئ٤ظ اششخ ج٤ؼبد ـوخ أكش٣و٤ب ـ

35عزؼضص ز االرلبه٤خ ششازب غ ظش ـ٤شا از٢ رزذ ألضش ػظب شع٢

٣ؼذ ري خ٤ش د٤ ػ٠ اعزشاسب ك٢ اؼ غ ششبئب إل٣غبد ؽ ؾ٤خ ثبء ػبب

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا أ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ك٢ اوذساد اخجشاد ك٢ ظش

اؼب ٣ؼذ رؼبب ك٢ عد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب عضءا عد

ظش اـ٤شا اغزشح ش٣بدح األػب


اغل٤ش اظش ثشع٤ب ٣ؼ ض٣بسح ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ ئ٠ ع األعجع


أػ ؾذ اجذس عل٤ش ظش ذ سع٤ب أ بى ص٣بسح

ؾزخ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ئ٠ سع٤ب

أػؼ األعجع اوبد ػ٠ سأط كذ صاسح اـ٤شا

أ كغز٠اجذس ك٠ رظش٣ؾبد بخ األجبء اشع٤خ

ص٣ش اـ٤شا ع٤ضس ك٠ اغزوج اوش٣ت سع٤ب ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أ أ ر ز اض٣بسح األعجع اوج بهشخ ػع

اعزئبف اشؽالد اغ٣خ ث٤ اجذ٣


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


زش٤ؾ اغ٤بؽخ ئعبصري ك٢ ظشرـن ظش ـ٤شا ا٤

ـ٤شا ا٤ اخ٤ظ أ ظش ششخرـن

أجش ؽالرب ازش٤ـ٤خ خال اع اظ٤ل٢

ظش ك٢ئعبصري اؾب٢ ري رؾذ ػا

اغ٤بؽخئؿبس ؽالد دػ رش٤ؾ ك٢ري



ارلبه٤خ رؼب ث٤ ظش ـ٤شا عشا ئزش٣ي

خذبد االعزشبس٣خ ارلبه٤خ ك٢ غب ( عشا ئزش٣ي)( ظش ـ٤شا)هؼذ ششزب

ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب غبػذح ك٢ رـ٣ش ئببد ظش اـ٤شا

CFM56-7Bإلطالػ اؾشى ع

أ االرلبه٤خ اشبخ رــ٢ اذػ ال٢ اخذبد -ك٢ ث٤ب ا٤ -( عشا ئزش٣ي)رشد

االعزشبس٣خ ؼ٤بد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد أعضائب ئطالؽب كؾظب ؿ٤شب

اخذبد اؼشس٣خ االصخ ؾظ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ شبداد اغدح

االػزبداد االصخ

ب ارلوذ اششزب ػ٠ دسعخ ئب٤بد رشـ٤ سشخ ؾشبد ظش ـ٤شا شض

ظ٤بخ ك٢ اـوخ

رو هب سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ اذط أثؿبت

ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ ثض٣بدح ؽغ أػبب ك٢ غب ط٤بخ اـبئشاد

ئطالؽب كؾظب رزعغ ك٢ ئببرب ثبعزخذا أؽذس ب رطذ ئ٤ ازع٤ب ؽز٠

٣ب روذ٣ خذبد ط٤بخ ئطالػ كؾض زبخ خزق أاع اـبئشاد ؾشبد

ؾ زـغ ؼ غ عشا ئزش٣ي زؼض٣ض ئببرب ثذف ط٤بخ اـبئشاد برب

ئطالؽ كؾظ ص ؼت دسا أعبع٤ب ك٢ هـبع طبػخ CFM56-7Bؾشى

ط٤بخ اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب

٤ل٤ بى ( عشا ئزش٣ي) عبج هب اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ خذبد ؾشبد

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا اششخ اؽ٤ذح از٢ روذ خذبد زبخ ك٢ غب ط٤بخ أ٤غزش

ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب ك٢ ظش رزـغ عشا ئزش٣ي غبػذح ظش

ـ٤شا خال االرلبه٤خ زع٤غ خجشارب ك٢ غب ئطالػ ؾشبد اـبئشاد كؾض

اغبخ ك٢ خن كشص ػ ػب٤خ ازو٤خ ك٢ اـوخ CFM56-7Bؾشبد

ـ٤شا ( عشا ئزش٣ي)ك٢ اغ٤بم هب بئت سئ٤ظ اششخ ج٤ؼبد ـوخ أكش٣و٤ب ـ

35عزؼضص ز االرلبه٤خ ششازب غ ظش ـ٤شا از٢ رزذ ألضش ػظب شع٢

٣ؼذ ري خ٤ش د٤ ػ٠ اعزشاسب ك٢ اؼ غ ششبئب إل٣غبد ؽ ؾ٤خ ثبء ػبب

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا أ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ك٢ اوذساد اخجشاد ك٢ ظش

اؼب ٣ؼذ رؼبب ك٢ عد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب عضءا عد

ظش اـ٤شا اغزشح ش٣بدح األػب


اغل٤ش اظش ثشع٤ب ٣ؼ ض٣بسح ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ ئ٠ ع األعجع


أػ ؾذ اجذس عل٤ش ظش ذ سع٤ب أ بى ص٣بسح

ؾزخ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ئ٠ سع٤ب

أػؼ األعجع اوبد ػ٠ سأط كذ صاسح اـ٤شا

أ كغز٠اجذس ك٠ رظش٣ؾبد بخ األجبء اشع٤خ

ص٣ش اـ٤شا ع٤ضس ك٠ اغزوج اوش٣ت سع٤ب ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أ أ ر ز اض٣بسح األعجع اوج بهشخ ػع

اعزئبف اشؽالد اغ٣خ ث٤ اجذ٣


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


ارلبه٤خ رؼب ث٤ ظش ـ٤شا عشا ئزش٣ي

خذبد االعزشبس٣خ ارلبه٤خ ك٢ غب ( عشا ئزش٣ي)( ظش ـ٤شا)هؼذ ششزب

ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب غبػذح ك٢ رـ٣ش ئببد ظش اـ٤شا

CFM56-7Bإلطالػ اؾشى ع

أ االرلبه٤خ اشبخ رــ٢ اذػ ال٢ اخذبد -ك٢ ث٤ب ا٤ -( عشا ئزش٣ي)رشد

االعزشبس٣خ ؼ٤بد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد أعضائب ئطالؽب كؾظب ؿ٤شب

اخذبد اؼشس٣خ االصخ ؾظ ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ػ٠ شبداد اغدح

االػزبداد االصخ

ب ارلوذ اششزب ػ٠ دسعخ ئب٤بد رشـ٤ سشخ ؾشبد ظش ـ٤شا شض

ظ٤بخ ك٢ اـوخ

رو هب سئ٤ظ غظ ئداسح ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ اذط أثؿبت

ششخ ظش ـ٤شا ظ٤بخ اذعخ ثض٣بدح ؽغ أػبب ك٢ غب ط٤بخ اـبئشاد

ئطالؽب كؾظب رزعغ ك٢ ئببرب ثبعزخذا أؽذس ب رطذ ئ٤ ازع٤ب ؽز٠

٣ب روذ٣ خذبد ط٤بخ ئطالػ كؾض زبخ خزق أاع اـبئشاد ؾشبد

ؾ زـغ ؼ غ عشا ئزش٣ي زؼض٣ض ئببرب ثذف ط٤بخ اـبئشاد برب

ئطالؽ كؾظ ص ؼت دسا أعبع٤ب ك٢ هـبع طبػخ CFM56-7Bؾشى

ط٤بخ اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب

٤ل٤ بى ( عشا ئزش٣ي) عبج هب اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ خذبد ؾشبد

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا اششخ اؽ٤ذح از٢ روذ خذبد زبخ ك٢ غب ط٤بخ أ٤غزش

ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب ك٢ ظش رزـغ عشا ئزش٣ي غبػذح ظش

ـ٤شا خال االرلبه٤خ زع٤غ خجشارب ك٢ غب ئطالػ ؾشبد اـبئشاد كؾض

اغبخ ك٢ خن كشص ػ ػب٤خ ازو٤خ ك٢ اـوخ CFM56-7Bؾشبد

ـ٤شا ( عشا ئزش٣ي)ك٢ اغ٤بم هب بئت سئ٤ظ اششخ ج٤ؼبد ـوخ أكش٣و٤ب ـ

35عزؼضص ز االرلبه٤خ ششازب غ ظش ـ٤شا از٢ رزذ ألضش ػظب شع٢

٣ؼذ ري خ٤ش د٤ ػ٠ اعزشاسب ك٢ اؼ غ ششبئب إل٣غبد ؽ ؾ٤خ ثبء ػبب

رؼزجش ظش ـ٤شا أ ششبد اـ٤شا اشائذح ك٢ اوذساد اخجشاد ك٢ ظش

اؼب ٣ؼذ رؼبب ك٢ عد ط٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ئطالؽب كؾظب عضءا عد

ظش اـ٤شا اغزشح ش٣بدح األػب


اغل٤ش اظش ثشع٤ب ٣ؼ ض٣بسح ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ ئ٠ ع األعجع


أػ ؾذ اجذس عل٤ش ظش ذ سع٤ب أ بى ص٣بسح

ؾزخ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ئ٠ سع٤ب

أػؼ األعجع اوبد ػ٠ سأط كذ صاسح اـ٤شا

أ كغز٠اجذس ك٠ رظش٣ؾبد بخ األجبء اشع٤خ

ص٣ش اـ٤شا ع٤ضس ك٠ اغزوج اوش٣ت سع٤ب ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أ أ ر ز اض٣بسح األعجع اوج بهشخ ػع

اعزئبف اشؽالد اغ٣خ ث٤ اجذ٣


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


اغل٤ش اظش ثشع٤ب ٣ؼ ض٣بسح ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ ئ٠ ع األعجع


أػ ؾذ اجذس عل٤ش ظش ذ سع٤ب أ بى ص٣بسح

ؾزخ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ئ٠ سع٤ب

أػؼ األعجع اوبد ػ٠ سأط كذ صاسح اـ٤شا

أ كغز٠اجذس ك٠ رظش٣ؾبد بخ األجبء اشع٤خ

ص٣ش اـ٤شا ع٤ضس ك٠ اغزوج اوش٣ت سع٤ب ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أ أ ر ز اض٣بسح األعجع اوج بهشخ ػع

اعزئبف اشؽالد اغ٣خ ث٤ اجذ٣


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


٣غ٤ئؽب ا٢ ش ػبعج ص٣ش اـ٤شا

أصبس رؼ٤ن ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٠ شش٣ق كزؾ٢ خال اإرش از١

ػوذ ا٤ العزوجب أ ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ اعز٤بء

ئؽب هب اص٣ش ك٢ رظش٣ؾبد طؾل٤خ اػؾب ث٤ اؾؼس

د أ ٣ػؼ اوظد ٣غ٤ ؿظت ػ ا٢ ش ػبعج

رظش٣ؾبد اص٣ش عبءد ك٢ ع٤بم ازؼ٤ن ػ٠ ط ثشعبز

أ ؿبئشح ك٢ اؼب رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ 2عالس ئجبظ

أػبف شش٣ق كزؾ٢ أ اؾذس ئ٠ ـبس اوبشح كغش األسثؼبء

٣غب ك٢ ازش٣ظ اغ٤بؽ٢ ظش


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


ب 13ؽ ثذأ ز 2عالس ئجبالط ص٣ش اـ٤شا أطجؼ ؽو٤وخ ػب

اغزوج هب شش٣ق كزؾ٢ ص٣ش اـ٤شا اذ٢ ئ

ػ اإلسادح اؾ ـبهخ اظ٤لخ أد أ أرؾذس

ب ذ شبسب ك٢ إرش 13كز ثغ٤ق ( اإل٣برب) ػب

اغ٤غ رؼغت غشد ؿشػ كشح ؿبئشح رـ٤ش ثبـبهخ

اشغ٤خ از٢ بذ ؽب غ٤غ ارلوا أ بى طؼثخ

ب ٣زـج شذ٣ذح ك٠ رل٤ز الشح ػ٠ أسع ااهغ

اعزضبساد رـ٤٤ش ؾ رل٤ش اشؼة األش

أػبف كزؾ٠ ك٢ إرش طؾل٢ ثبعجخ ط اـبئشح

رشبء ثـبس اوبشح 2عالس ئجبالط اشغ٤خ

ػبب ألطجؼ ص٣ش اـ٤شا 13اظشف ٤ش ػ٠ اؾ

اذ٢ اظش١ أشبسى ك٠ االؽزلب ثزي االغبص كبؾ

٣زؾون ثبضبثشح ازبثؼخ زي اروذ لش٣ن ػ

اـبئشح ثبزؾ٤خ أدػ اغ٤غ أ ٣ؾ ٣ؾون أؽال

كبغزوج ـبهخ اظ٤لخ ٣غت أ ذػب ع٤ؼب ؾ

غزوج ششم


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


ص٣ش اـ٤شا اظش ٣غزوج ا ؿبئشح رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغجخ

طذ ؿبئشح عالس ئجظ از٢ رؼ ثبـبهخ اشغ٤خ ثبب ئ٠

اوبشح ؽوذ كم األشابد رضب أث٢ ا

هذذ اـبئشح ذ٣خ أشج٤٤خ اإلعجب٤خ شد ك٢ أعاء اغضائش

ا٤برظ ئ٣ـب٤ب بـب

بذ اـبئشح هذ جـذ ك٢ ـبس اوبشح ك٢ هذ جش طجبػ األسثؼبء

ص ساكوزب ؿبئشح ٤ثزش ربثؼخ غ٤ش اظش١ زؾ٤ن كم أشابد

اإلخجبس٣خ األشااغ٤ضح أث٢ ا ؽغجب هبذ ثاثخ

ري ٢ اشؽخ هج األخ٤شح ك٢ عخ اـبئشح ؽ اؼب

72 48 رغزخذ اـبئشح اهد أصبء ازؾ٤ن ذح رزشاػ ث٤

عبػخ اػزبدا ػ٠ األؽا اغ٣خ از٢ راعب أصبء اشؽخ

ثزي رغزش اـبئشح اجزشح ك٢ اكبء ثب رؼذ ث ؿبهب ازؾ٤ن

ك٢ عخ ؽ اؼب د اعزخذا اهد

ثؼذ اوبشح رجو٠ ك٢ اغخ اؼب٤خ ـبئشح ؾـخ اؽذح رزؼ

2015آراس اـ٤شا ئ٠ دث٢ از٢ ثذأد ب اـبئشح عزب ك٢ بسط

هبد اغ٣غش١ ثسشجشؽ عالس ئجظ ئشج٤٤خ ئ٠ اوبشح

اوشس أ ٣غ ه٤بدرب ئ٠ ثشرشاذ ث٤بسد از١ ٣ز٠ او٤بدح اوبشح

ئ٠ دث٢ ك٢ اإلبساد اؼشث٤خ ازؾذح

جؽ اـبئشح ك٢ ظش ؾـخ بخ ثبغجخ إعظ ششع اـبئشح

عخ اجب اـبئش ثشا٣زشؾ 17عالس ئجبظ ئر جؾ ك٢ اوبشح ز

اجب األ از١ هب ثغخ ؽ اؼب ثال رهق3أسثزش


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


ؿذا ؽ ػ اصاسح ك٠ أكش٣و٤ب اشئ األكش٣و٤خص٣ش اـ٤شا أب

رؼوذ غخ اشئ األكش٣و٤خ ثغظ ااة ثشئبعخ ااء ؽبر

ثبشبد ظش ؿذا اخ٤ظ اعزبػب ثؾؼس شش٣ق كزؾ٠ ص٣ش

اـ٤شا اذ٠ بهشخ سؤ٣خ ػ صساح اـ٤شا اذ٠ خال

اوشس أ ٣غزؼشع ص٣ش الزشح اوبدخ ك٢ أكش٣و٤ب

وزشؽخ زغ٣ن ششخ ظش ـ٤شا اـ٤شا اذ٠ اخـخ ا

ك٠ اوبسح األكش٣و٤خ ك٠ ػء رع٤بد او٤بدح اغ٤بع٤خ

اظش٣خ ثبزؾشى ؾ أكش٣و٤ب


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


كال١ دث٢ عشا ئزش٣ي رـوب ؽال سه٤خ ؼبد اشجبد

اؽذا أ ؽ laquo عشا ئزش٣ي ـ٤شاraquolaquo كال١ دث٢raquoأؿوذ اغخدث٠

ر laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoاغؾبث٤خ از٢ ؿسرب laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoاؼالء اشه٤خ اعزبدا ئ٠ ظخ

ك٢ اؾذ أصش اشؽالد laquo كال١ دث٢raquoغبػذح laquo ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجبدraquoرظ٤ ؽ

ازأخشح ػ٠ اؼ٤بد رؾغ٤ ك هبدح اـبئشاد غ٤ش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ثبزضا غ

laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـج٤ن ؽ ؼبد ػ٤بد اشجخ ػ٠ ظخ ػجؾ ااػ٤ذ اؼبئذاد

2016ثغبػ ثب٣خ س ٤٣ laquo كال١ دث٢raquoذ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoهب ع٤ دا٢٣ بئت اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ؼ٤بد اشه٤خ ك٢

روذ ز اخـح رعب بب ػ األعة األض زؼب اجبء از١ ٣ضش ػ laquoـ٤شا

lsquo كال١ دث٢رؼ ز اؾ ششخ زبئظ عخ رغبػذ اؼالء ػ٠ رؼض٣ض البءح

أداد كس٣خ ل ا٥صبس اجبششح الوـبػبد اؾزخ ك٢ ازشـ٤ األش از١ ع٤غب

٣ؼ ذع ـس ثذس ك٢ اؾذ أصش ز االوـبػبد ػ٠ ػ٤بد اشجخ

غ اؼالء ك٢ شض ازؼب ك٢ كبسجـش ثبإلػبكخ ئ٠ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاجشغ٤بد ك٢

ازؼش٣ق ثبؾ اشه٤خ ازؼوخ ثج٤ببد اـ٤بس ازو رؾ٤ اشؽالد ؾ شاؽ اشؽخ

أداح ازؾون طؾخ اؾشى

عشا raquoرض ز ازـساد ك٢ رو٤بد اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد برط ػ األعة از١ رزغ

ؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ زـ٣ش رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoك٢ رظ٤ق ظخ laquo ئزش٣ي

اظبػ٢ رؼ خالب ػ٠ رؾ٣ اج٤ببد ا٤٥خ ؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ ئ٠ ؼبد هبثخ

العزخذا زـ٣ش األداء ك٢ هـبع اـ٤شا

شض ثذث٢

ذػ ػ٤بد اؼالء 2015اكززؾذ أ شض زؼب ك٢ دث٢ ػب laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoبذ

٣غش١ 2016ب ر اكززبػ اشض ازو٢ ك٢ ثبس٣ظ ك٢ زظق ٤٣ ك٢ اـوخ

ازخـ٤ؾ الكززبػ شض آخش ك٢ أعز ثال٣خ رغبط األ٤ش٤خ ك٢ اخش٣ق اوبد


خظ٤ظب زؼب غ laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoؾعجخ اغؾبث٤خ laquo ثش٣ذ٣ظraquoر رـ٣ش ظخ

ازـج٤وبد اؼبد اظبػ٤خ رؼ ػ٠ رشـ٤ رـج٤وبد جزشح إلزشذ اظبػ٢

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرؼزجش زؾ٣ اج٤ببد ئ٠ ؼبد رغبػذ ػ٠ ارخبر هشاساد أضش عشػخ

٢ ضد ػب٢ ؾشبد اـ٤بساد laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquo ؽذاد أػب ششخ laquo ـ٤شا

ازغبس٣خ اؼغش٣خ هـغ اـ٤بس اؾ اشه٤خ أظخ اـبهخ اشثبئ٤خ اغزخذخ ك٢



ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


ؿ٤شا اإلبساد اكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب

ػ عائض عب١ laquo 2016أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب raquoبذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أظ عبئضح

أكؼ ظب رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ raquoب ؽظذ ػ٠ عبئضح 2016رشاظ بهالد اغ٣خ اؼب٤خ

laquoأكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اششم األعؾraquoغخ اضب٤خ ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ عبئضح laquo اؼب

٣غش١ ؼ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب اػزبدا ػ٠ زبئظ أعغ غؼ رظ٣ذ

ؾذ عائض عب١ رشاظ زا اؼب اعزبدا ئ٠ آساء غبكش٣ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ

٣و٤ظ غؼ عب١ ششخ خـؽ ع٣خ 280د ش ٤104 شخض 192

إششا ألداء ك٢ ازغبد اخذبد اوذخ 41رشاظ ؼب٤٣ش اغدح ػجش

اشح اشاثؼخ

ز ٢ اشح اشاثؼخ از٢ روـق ك٤ب ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ز اشرجخ از٤ضح ز ئؿالم ز

ػبب ؽ٤ش بذ هذ كبصد ثأ عبئضح عب١ رشاظ أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ 15اغائض هج

ثزي ر 2013 ص ك٢ ػب 2002 رشس اإلغبص ك٢ اغخ ازب٤خ 2001اؼب ػب

عبئضح عب١ رشاظ ك٢ خزق الئبد ز 20ؿ٤شا اإلبساد هذ ؽظذ ػ٠ ب غػ


٣ششكب زا ازش٣ عائض عب١ رشاظ هب اغ٤ش ر٤ السى سئ٤ظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد

ؾ ك٢ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ؼغ اؼالء دائب ك٢ شض ب لش ك٤ أ ؼ اشهخ

جز أهظ٠ ب ك٢ عؼب زك٤ش أكؼ رغشثخ خ ؼالئب ؽ اؼب ك٢ خزق اغبالد

أػبف أب اط االعزضبس ك٢ زغبرب خذبرب ػ٠ األسع ك٢ األعاء ك٢ ٣

اج٤بثؾغت غزغ ؼالئب ثؼب٣خ ص زؾذ ألغب زغبص رهؼبر ٤ظ زج٤زب كوؾ

٣ش ؽظ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد عبج هب ئداسد ث٤غزذ سئ٤ظ عب١ رشاظ ازل٤ز١

ػ٠ عبئضح أكؼ بهخ ع٣خ ك٢ اؼب ئغبصا سائؼب شبدح ػ٠ شؼج٤خ ابهخ ري أ ئسػبء

اؼالء خزق الئبد بؿن اؼب ٤ظ ثبألش ا٤غ٤ش ؿ٤شا اإلبساد راط

ؽظذ ئػغبة اؼالء ثزغبرب خذبرب اوذخ ك٢ ابرت اـبساد ػ٠ اـبئشاد

هذ اط ظب ازشك٤ اغ١ االعزئضبس ثبزب اؼالء ٣وزظش األش ػ٠ اجشاظ از٢

٣كشب ث رؼذا ئ٠ اؼب٤٣ش اشاه٤خ ألعضح اؾذ٣ضخ اغزخذخ خظطب ػ٠ ؿبئشاد


ابهخ األجش

رؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد أجش بهخ ع٣خ ػب٤خ رــ٢ شجخ خـؿب ازب٤خ ثبعزشاس

دخ ػجش هبساد اؼب اغذ غ ازوب عظ ػجش اوش اشئ٤ظ 81عخ ك٢ 154

رشـ ابهخ اؽذا أؽذس أعبؿ٤ اـبئشاد راد اغغ اؼش٣غ ك٢ ؼ٤برب ك٢ دث٢



ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

ال ٣وزظش ر٤ض ز اـبئشاد ػ٠ لبءرب ازشـ٤٤خ ث ٣زؼذاب ئ٠ رك٤ش اشاؽخ شبة ئربؽخ اغب

خال اإلص٢ ػشش ششا ابػ٤خ اعزضشد ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ زش٤ت رك٤ش أؽذس ازغبد اغ٣خ

ػذد ازغبد اخذبد اغذ٣ذح ثب ك٢ ري شق اوبة ػ وبػذ عذ٣ذح ك٢ دسعخ سعب األػب

اطخ رع٤غ رـ٣ش شجخ طبالرب اخبطخ ك٢ اـبساد 300ER-777ػ٠ ؿبئشاد ث٣ؾ

طبخ غ اكززبػ أؽذصب ك٢ ٤ت رب ئؿالم د٠ أؿو أشـخ عذ٣ذح غبكش٣ 39اؼب٤خ زظ ئ٠

اظـبس أؿو ػب٣خ شخظ٤خ عذ٣ذح شبة اذسعز٤ األ٠ سعب األػب ؿ٤شب اض٤ش

رشك٤ ع١

اطذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد االعزئضبس ثغبئضح أكؼ رشك٤ ع١ ك٢ اؼب د بكظ غخ اضب٤خ

ػششح ػ٠ ازا٢ ري ثلؼ ظبب الش٣ذ اشائذ ػ٠ غز اظبػخ ؼبد االرظبالد

راط ؿ٤شا هبح خبطخ ثبألؿلب 90هبح ب أضش 2689از١ ٣كش iceازشك٤ اغ١

اإلبساد رع٤غ رـ٣ش ظبب ازشك٢٤ از١ ٣كش ـبهب اعؼب األكال اؾذ٣ضخ االع٤٤خ

اغغالد اجشاظ ازلض٤٣خ اش٤شح اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ أؼبة اج٤رش

اجشاظ 35شذ اظب ز كص اؼب ابػ٢ ثبغبئضح رـ٣شا ج٤شا ئر صاد ػذد اواد

ب رعؼذ خ٤بساد ر١ االؽز٤بعبد اخبطخ خال 35اواد اغػخ 20ازلض٤٣خ

ط ازط٤ق اظر٢ شبذ ز١ اإلػبهخ اجظش٣خ ازط٤ق ازة ز١ اإلػبهخ اغؼ٤خ

ب عؼذ ؿ٤شا اإلبساد خذخ اجش ازلض٢٣ اؾ٢ ـخ 37ػذد اـبد اغزخذخ ئ٠


٣غززغ سبة ؿ٤شا اإلبساد ك٢ ع٤غ اذسعبد ػ٠ ؼظ ؿبئشاد األعـ ثب ك٢ ري ع٤غ ؿبئشاد

ك٢ ازعؾ ٣غزخذ اإلزشذ أصبء اشؽالد أضش ثبالرظب ثشجخ اإلزشذ االع٢ A380ئ٣شثبص

عبػخ أ أضش 12 سثغ اشبة ٣شرلغ اشه ئ٠ اظق ػ٠ اشؽالد از٢ رجؾ ذرب

laquoعشا ازش٣يraquoرذ٣ذ اؼ ثبرلبه٤خ غ

رذ٣ذ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ اهؼخ غ ششخ عشا ئزش٣ي زك٤ش ؽ إلطالػ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoأػذ

ث٣ؾ raquoاز٢ رشـ أعـ اششخ ؿبئشاد GE90-115Bؾشب ؿشاص 54ط٤بخ ػشح

777-300ERlaquo ٤ دالس ؿا ذح عش٣ب 400رجؾ ه٤خ اؼ ثبشؽخ اغذ٣ذح االرلبه٤خ


ؿبئشح ػبخ 118ثاهغ laquo 777ث٣ؾ raquoاألعـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؿبئشاد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرزي

از٢ laquoعشا ئزش٣يraquoراط اششخ عؼ٤ب زؿ٤ذ ػالهزب ابعؾخ غ هبساد 6ػ٠ خـؽ رــ٢

رو ػ٠ رجبد ازو٤بد االثزبساد ثغب ط٤بخ اؾشبد اخذبد راد اظخ رغ ثش كبػ

ك٢ رـ٣ش هـبع اـ٤شا ازغبس١ ػ٠ غز اؼب

ثظلزب laquoعشا ئزش٣ي خذبد اؾشبدraquoهب ٤ل بب٤غزش اشئ٤ظ اشئ٤ظ ازل٤ز١ ششخ

ثش عش١ ػ٠ اصه٤خ laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoرؼزذ GE90اشـ األجش ك٢ اؼب ؾشبد

ثاطخ روذ٣ خذبد laquo عشا ئزش٣يraquoاـالهب ري رلخش اؼب٤خ ز اؾشبد إلسػبء ػالئب

ري خال رذ٣ذ GE90اؼبخ ثؾشبد laquo ؿ٤شا اإلبسادraquoسك٤ؼخ اغز ألعـ ؿبئشاد

رؼظ اجبهبد اخظظخ ظ٤بخ ؾشبد اـبئشاد ازغبس٣خ ذ ػن عؼخ اؼ ثبالرلبه٤خ

اإلببد خ٤بساد ازخظ٤ض ازكشح ػ٠ ازذاد دسح ؽ٤بح اؾشى

هذساد زوذخ

عشا ئزش٣ي raquoرشرض ع٤غ اخ٤بساد از٢ ركشب ثبهبد اؾ ػ٠ اوذساد ازوذخ ششخ

خجشرب ااعؼخ ك٢ غب رظ٤ق اج٤ببد ازؾ٤الد اـو٤خ زك٤ش سؤ ؼوخ ػ٠ laquoـ٤شا

httpwwwalmasallatravel 2


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


2016أق ؽو٤جخ خال 720ـبس ؽذ ٣غغ

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ

٤ غبكش ٣ؼ 930غ 2015اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ثب ؿبهز ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤

رؼب ـبس ؽذ اذ٢ از١ ٣ؼزجش وش اؼ٤بد اغخاذؽخ

٤ 930غ 2015ازشـ٤٤خ خـؽ اغ٣خ اوـش٣خ خال ػب

ازشـ٤٤خ ثؼذ ؼ٢ أه عز٤ ػ٠ غبكش ٣ؼ ثب ؿبهز

اـالم ػ٤بر

ـبب أصجذ 70ئ٠ عبت رزؼ ثؼذ شس عـ٢ ٣ظ ئ٠

لبءح ظب و األزؼخ اخبص ث ـبس ؽذ اذ٢

ؽو٤جخ خال اغخ اب٤خ 71811919ؽ٤ش رؼب زا اظب غ

٣ؼزجش زا األداء ث٤ األكؼ ػ٠ 1ثغجخ خـأ رزغبص 2016

غز ششبد اـ٤شا اؼب٤خ



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران



s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


s8MAX 20 737 orders EuropaAir

Boeing and Air Europa reported an order for 20

737 MAX 8s at the 2016 Farnborough

International Airshow The order was previously

attributed to an unidentified customer on

Boeinglsquos Orders amp Deliveries website Air

Europa announced an order for 14 787-9

Dreamliners in 2015 the largest ever Boeing

widebody order from a Spanish carrier Air

Europa now has a combined total of 22 787-8s

and 787-9s on order as it continues its transition

to an all-Boeing long-haul fleet


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


new orders and commitments for 10 Boeing signs

Boeing Converted Freighters

Boeing has signed 10 new orders

and commitments on July 13 for its

Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF)

program Cargo Air based in Sofia

Bulgaria and Lineas Aereas

Suramericanas (LAS) Cargo based

in Bogota Colombia will each

receive two 737-800BCFs Air

Algerie based in Algiers Algeria

signed a commitment for two 737-

800BCFs An unidentified customer

ordered four 767BCFs


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


Orders380 Airbus Gains Time To Land More A Bregier

CEO Fabrice Bregier believes this weeklsquos decision to reduce AirbusmdashFARNBOROUGH

Aproduction of the Airbus 380bought the company about 2ndash3years to find new orders

and to continue producing its largest aircraft for a longer overall run

The manufacturer plans to keep A380 output at low levels ―for a few years before we

can ramp back up again Bregier told reporters at the Farnborough International

Airshow He insisted he sees ―big upside potential in the program despite this weeklsquos

move On July 12 Airbus announced it would reduce the A380lsquos production rate from

the current 25 aircraft per month to one per month by 2018

Bregier argued that Emirates will have to replace its existing fleet which will grow to

142 aircraft over the next few years He pointed to statements by Emirates Airline

President Tim Clark that the carrier would want to replace the aircraft with the A380

again and that an order for up to 200 aircraft was possible In addition Bregier believes

general air traffic growth will require airlines to upgauge aircraft size ―The trend is with

us he said

Airbus has firm orders for 319 A380s 193 of which were delivered by the end of June

Emirates has outstanding orders for 61 more aircraft In the remaining non-Emirates

backlog totaling 65 aircraft several orders look shaky The order book still includes 20

aircraft from lessor Amedeo which has not yet placed the aircraft with any operators10

aircraft originally planned for Hong Kong Airlines six for Virgin Atlantic and three for

the defunct Russian carrier Transaero

Bregier conceded ―We need to face reality and said new orders did not come through

as quickly as expected One of the issues Airbus is facing with the A380 is that ―It is not

an upgrade of an existing product but an improvement in terms of capacity he said

But Bregier is bullish in regard to the program eventually ramping back up ―Maybe we

will be back up at 30ndash40 aircraft in 2030 he said

The other big challenge is keeping costs under control Bregier said Airbus knows it can

profitably built 20 A380s down from the current level of 27 He indirectly conceded that

going to 12 aircraft will not be profitable ―I donlsquot say we will break even at 12 he said

On the other hand he stressed that losses incurred at that production rate ―will not be

material for Airbus ―

The A380neo project which Airbus shelved earlier this year will be postponed not for

months but for years Bregier said Therefore Airbus will have to rely on increased

demand for the existing type in its efforts to sustain long-term production


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


GE Turns Big Data Into Personal Healthcare For Engines

has set out to become the worlds Digital Industrial General Electric

Company transforming itself by using Big Data to shape everything from the

way it makes things to supporting customers in the field

ldquoBig Data is transforming our businessldquo says Kevin McAllister president and

CEO of GE Aviation Services ldquoTo my knowledge GE is the only company to

invest in data analytics to match its industrial scale ldquo

Investment in GE Digital the companywide center for Big Data will total

US$14 billion this year giving business units access to 1100 data scientists

whose job it is to help derive new data-based products

Working under the umbrella Predix they make sense out of huge amounts of

data and bring new insights into products and services ldquoScale doesnrsquot work

if you have only five people (in a back room)ldquo or farm out data analysis to

outsiders says McAllister ldquoNow we can combine our depth of aviation

product knowledge with our rapidly growing digital capabilities This marriage

of physics and analytics is delivering better customer outcomes faster than

ever before ldquo

For GE Aviation this amounts to personal healthcare for the 35000 engines it

has in the field For its customers it moves engine care and maintenance into

the world of prediction not only by fleet but engine-by-engine and even by

individual components

Earlier this year GE Aviation Services rolled out TrueChoice a broad suite of

engine maintenance offerings for the commercial aviation industry with the

ability to customize data analytics and service options for the needs of

individual customers

TrueChoice Flight Hour brings customized offerings that help optimize cost

of ownership over the entire lifecycle with flexible risk transfer and payment



True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

True Choice Overhaul tailors time and material workscopes specific to shop visit

objectives economic priorities and ownership horizons whether for one engine or an

entire fleet

TrueChoice Material determines the right mix of new used and repaired parts and helps

determine technology upgrades for airlines and MROs that enhance engine performance

over the lifecycle and support higher engine residual value

TrueChoice Transitions analyzes a broad range of options for changing ownership

horizons including green time leases exchanges and material buy-back plus custom

workscopes with shorter builds and maximum used material

Different airlines and leasing companies have different cost and life cycle objectives for

the engines and these tools help them toward those goals explains McAllister

50000 aircraft will change hands over the next decade Thatlsquos 4300 a year

We can be a key partner in transactions and help fleet planning objectives for used

aircraft around the world ―

TrueChoice has operational implications too

For example in comparing shop visit data of a particular airlinelsquos engines to the fleet GE

Aviation was able to determine that the airline typically used higher thrust settings than

most when taking off in hot-and-high conditions This operating practice was causing

unnecessary stress to turbine blades leading to their premature replacement Now the

airline has changed its procedures and the parts are lasting longer

McAllister explained that data analysis showed this was an airline-specific issue and

there was no need to inspect or replace similar parts throughout the fleet

One size doesnlsquot fit all ―We live in a world of tremendous variations the environment

can be hot or 50-degrees below sandy salty or dusty and operations can range from

long to short flights slow or fast climb hot-and-high takeoffs We have an abundance of

data 35000 engines talking to us as well as airline operators and service shops Lots of

engines big scale and lots of variation

Analytics gives us insights we wouldnlsquot otherwise see and finds correlations we were

never looking for says McAllister

Predictive analytics is a huge game-changer as can now offer personalized medicine by

individual engine ―

New Products

A new software application called Flight Phase Analyzer is enabling customers who

provide continuous engine operating data to access the power of GEs Predix analytics

platform to gain new insight into optimizing their flight operations

The Water Wash Optimizer application details the significant time-on-wing gains that can

be achieved through effective water wash and offers tools to optimize the procedure for

maximum fuel savings

It delivers fleet-wide and engine-level views of engine operating parameters before and

after engine water wash making it easy to see the amount of exhaust gas temperature

recovery achieved from the procedure It also provides a fuel savings scenario planner

to customize wash procedures for maximum fuel savings

httpaviationweekcom 2


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


CAO Council amends procedures relating to

International Conflict Zone Repository

The Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) has agreed to amend the ICAO Conflict Zone

Information Repository (CZIR) procedures This follows on its

assessment of a report following the scheduled one-year

review of the CZIR

CZIR postings will now be restricted to information which

strictly pertains to conflict zones and posts will only be made

immediately available when the risk information is submitted

by the State where the conflict is occurring

Provision has also been made to continue to permit a State to

post conflict zone warnings regarding another Statelsquos

sovereign airspace when there is no disagreement between

the submitting State and the implicated State

States retain the right to post global aviation safety and

security risk warnings on their respective national websites

and the ICAO CZIR will now be amended to include links to

those individual State pages

States will also continue to make use of the existing Aviation

Security Point of Contact (POC) Network to share critical

security-related threat and risk information

Source ICAO


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران


OpenAirlinesOman Air implements fuel efficiency software from

Oman Air has selected OpenAirlines- Skybreathereg to provide

its cloud-based fuel efficiency software solution The solution

will provide both predictive and post-flight analysis by fusing

a combination of multiple data sources to identify and realize

opportunities for fuel savings and track implementation

success The software will also cover the airlinelsquos

requirements for compliance with the European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

Deployment of the software has already commenced and is

expected to be fully operational by end-September 2016

Besides over 100 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are

currently configured in the software Oman Airlsquos fuel

management team has identified several of its own fuel

efficiency measures which will be included in the

deployment of the software The OpenAirlines software will

support the airline in monitoring and reporting fuel

efficiencies as well as significantly boost compliance to

maximize the benefits to the airline

Source Oman Air

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران

الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران