efl writing skills- dr. m. enamul hoque

AGENDA 1.WHAT IS PROCESS WRITING? 2.PRE-WRITING 3.GIVING FEEDBACK EFL Writing Skills Dr. M. Enamul Hoque ELT Specialist and Teacher Education Consultant Director , EDRC

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EFL Writing SkillsDr. M. Enamul Hoque

ELT Specialist and Teacher Education Consultant

Director , EDRC

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1. What is Process Writing?

Writing is a work in progress that is completed in steps.

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6 + 1 Traits of Writing

1. Ideas2. Organization3. Voice4. Word Choice5. Sentence Fluency6. Conventions (spelling and grammar)

+1. Presentation

Source: Culham, R. (2003). 6+1 Traits of Writing. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Education Library.

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Brainstorming: Planning to Write

Pre-writing Steps


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Brainstorming Tools

The purpose of brainstorming is to generate and organize ideas.

Can be done alone or in small groupsPossible brainstorming tools:

Use graphic organizers Ask the journalist questions (who, what, where, when,

why, and how) Think of crucial words (Million Dollar Words)

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Brainstorming and Organizing

Assignment: Descriptive essay on the Olympic GamesTool: Word Web

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Brainstorming and Organizing

Assignment: Descriptive essay on the Olympic GamesTool: Journalist Questions

Who: AthletesWhat: Compete for medals, championshipWhere: A different venue each year; the city that

wins the bidWhen: Every 4 years for each season (summer &

winter)Why: To unite people from all over the world, to

competeHow: Athletes first compete in their own

countries, then go on to international competition

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Brainstorming and Organizing

Assignment: Compare/contrast essay on cats and dogs

Tool: Venn diagram

Animals, mammals, pets, eat meat

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Brainstorming and Organizing

Assignment: Persuasive essay on an Environmental Issue, such as whether to limit fishing to protect the environment

Tool: Flow Chart

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Brainstorming and Organizing

Assignment: Persuasive essay on an Environmental IssueTool: Million Dollar Words activity

Depletion Conservation

Pollution Balance in atmosphere

National Parks


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Organizing Ideas

Students must translate brainstorming results into a workable structure for the writing assignment

Outline Show progression of ideas, events, descriptions in

writing assignment (by paragraph/by larger element) Power writing (simple outlines with one-word items)From outline to paragraphs Each paragraph has one main idea or thought and

corresponds to a section of the outline The first sentence of the paragraph (topic sentence)

summarizes the main idea of the entire paragraph

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If students are finding sources, they should consider their range of sources. Type of source (newspaper, internet, book, etc.) Author (expert, advocate, opponent, etc.)

While writing, students should offer their own opinions on the ideas in different sources, and how these ideas relate to each other

U.S. schools focus on citing sources. Students must clearly state when they are using the ideas or words of another author.

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3. Giving Feedback

What would you give as feedback to a student who turns in this piece of writing?

I like school. Classes at school is good, I do not like homework. For english class we are reading Where the Red Fern Grows it was good. School is a good place to see my friends. We love the playground. In science class we do experiment. My favorite is history because we study ancient times.

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Feedback: Examples of Teacher Corrections

Surface-Level Feedback Content-Level Feedback

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Feedback: Examples of Teacher Corrections

Both types of feedback are important However, giving both types at once may overwhelm


Surface-level feedback is appropriate for a class or lesson focused on English grammar

Content-level feedback allows students to look at their own work and ideas critically

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Feedback: Examples of Teacher Correction

Teacher corrections vs. teacher guidance in helping student find correct answer

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Feedback: Best Practices

The purpose of feedback is to efficiently maximize student learning.

Praise!Focus on a specific skill that relates to

classroom work. Targeted feedback is more effective than correcting all mistakes at once.

Written comments and corrections: reference for the future

“Teachers should be coaches, not crutches.” – Vincent Kovar

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Who can give feedback to the writer?



Writer (self-evaluation)

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Who can give feedback to the writer?


•Teachers are experts, can see the mistakes

•Teachers have authority

+•Promotes self-

evaluation on the part of students

•Learners see their own mistakes

•More involvement•Builds confidence

+•More student involvement

•Peer feedback may be less threatening

-•Very time-consuming

•Students are not involved

•Students rely on teachers instead of

learning to edit their own work

-•Student may not see

own mistakes

-•Students may be afraid of giving or receiving criticism

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Peer Feedback

Students have different strengths and weaknesses

Students need to be taught how to evaluate each other’s work as well as their own

Must be structured collaboration

Most effective if students are evaluated on and held accountable for the feedback that they give

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A rubric is a grading tool that has a range of possible grades for a set of criteria. The

rubric should define the criteria and include examples.

Why use rubrics? They create clear expectations for students’ work They are adaptable They make grading easier for teachers Students may be more comfortable using rubrics

during peer evaluations

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Sample Rubric4





Clear flow of ideas; sentence order is logical;

Ideas are related to each other; sentence order is mostly logical

Some ideas are weakly related to each other; same for sentences

Writing is hard to understand; sentences are not related;


0 - 5 errors in spelling or grammar

5 - 10 errors in spelling or grammar

10 - 15 errors in spelling or grammar

Many errors in spelling and grammar

Ideas Arguments are clear and strong

Arguments are good but can be strengthened

Arguments are present but weak or unclear

No clear arguments

Examples Examples are specific and relevant

General and mostly relevant examples

Limited examples show some relevance

No examples or irrelevant examples

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Clear flow of ideas; sentence order is logical

Ideas are related to each other; sentence order is mostly logical

Some ideas are weakly related to each other; same for sentences

Writing is hard to understand; sentences are not related

How would you grade this piece of writing on the sample rubric?

The most important subgect in school is history. It is important because we see good things and bad things that happened for the past. For example we see that wars are bad. History is important because we learns to be better people. We know mistakes in the past so we sometimes know not to do the same mistakes again.

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How would you grade this piece of writing on the sample rubric?






0 - 5 errors in spelling or grammar

5 - 10 errors in spelling or grammar

10 - 15 errors in spelling or grammar

Many errors in spelling and grammar

The most important subgect in school is history. It is important because we see good things and bad things that happened for the past. For example we see that wars are bad. History is important because we learns to be better people. We know mistakes in the past so we sometimes know not to do the same mistakes again.

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How would you grade this piece of writing on the sample rubric?

The most important subgect in school is history. It is important because we see good things and bad things that happened for the past. For example we see that wars are bad. History is important because we learns to be better people. We know mistakes in the past so we sometimes know not to do the same mistakes again.





Ideas Arguments are clear and strong

Arguments are good but can be strengthened

Arguments are present but weak or unclear

No clear arguments

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How would you grade this piece of writing on the sample rubric?

The most important subgect in school is history. It is important because we see good things and bad things that happened for the past. For example we see that wars are bad. History is important because we learns to be better people. We know mistakes in the past so we sometimes know not to do the same mistakes again.





Examples Examples are specific and relevant

General and mostly relevant examples

Limited examples show some relevance

No examples or irrelevant examples

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How would you grade this piece of writing on the sample rubric?

Organization: 3

Conventions: 4

Ideas: 2

Examples: 2

Total score: 11 / 16

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Using Rubrics: Best Practices

Teachers can write their own rubrics or use an appropriate general rubric.

Tips for writing rubrics: Keep it simple Use very clear language Adapt to your goals for the class or assignment, and to

your students

Use rubrics to target your feedbackYou will probably want to introduce rubrics

slowly and give students plenty of practice using them.

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There are many steps in the process of writing

The students must do the actual writing, but the teacher sets goals, helps in planning, and gives feedback

Provide structure for students during all steps of the writing process

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The Writing Teacher: http://www.thewritingteacher.org/A blog that gives tips, techniques, and strategies for teaching writing. The two pre-reading assignments are on this website

Scholastic: http://teacher.scholastic.com/writeit/ Scholastic is a global children's publishing, education and media company.

Rubrics: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/ A free tool that helps teachers create rubrics.

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Final Questions and Comments

Thank you for participating!

Dr. M. Enamul HoqueELT Specialist and Teacher Education Consultant

Director , EDRC