effective dose calculation

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  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    Assessment of effective dose in

    various external exposureconditions




  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 2

    Exposure Conditions

    Gamma Ray and X-ray exposureconditions

    Neutron Exposure conditions

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 3

    Basic Terms

    Exposure Ability of radiations to Ionize (charge) the air is called exposure


    X = q/m

    Roentgen1 R = 2.58 E-4 Coulombs/Kg

    Production of one electrostatic unit (1 esu = 3.33 E-10 coul.) ofcharge of one sign from the interaction of gamma rays in 0.001293 gof air (1 cm3 of air at STP), is defined as I Roentgen.

    SI unit is exposure unit (X unit), is the production of 1 coulomb ofcharge in 1 kg of air.

    1 X unit = 3876 R

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 4

    Basic Terms

    Imparted Energy

    Energy deposition available for producing biological

    effects, Q is nuclear reaction energy


    = Ein


    + Q

    Absorbed Dose

    Imparted Energy per unit mass


    Kerma is defined as sum of all the kinetic energies of allcharged, ionizing particles released by indirectly ionizing

    radiations (mostly neutrons) per unit mass

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 5

    Acute Exposure

    The exposures/ doses for short time

    The effects of acute exposure mayhave

    Late effects

    Early Effects

    The effects which are evident with in 60 daysare called Early Effects. Early effects are nonstochastic in nature.

    Late Effects are evident after 60 days andcan be stochastic and non stochastic.

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 6

    Large Acute Doses: Early Effects

    Acute Dose (rems) Probable Observed Effects (Clinically observed Early Effects)

    5 to 75 Chromosomal Aberration and temporary depression of white blood

    cell level in some individuals. No other observable effects.

    75 to 200 Vomiting in 5 to 50 % of exposed individuals with in a few hours,

    with fatigue and loss of appetite. Moderate blood changes. Recovery

    with in few weeks for most symtoms.

    200 to 600 Doses > 300 rem, all exposed individuals will exhibit vomiting with

    in two hours. Sever blood changes, with hemorrhage and increased

    susceptibility to infection

    Loss of hair after 2 weeks, only 20% survive at the upper end of the


    600 to 1000 Vomiting with in 1 hour, sever Blood changes, hemorrhage,

    infection and loss of hair

    From 80- 100% of exposed individual will succumb within 2

    months; Surviving ones will be convalescent over a long period.

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    7/29April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 7

    Large Acute Dose: Late Effects

    There are considerable

    data showing late

    Radiation effects in

    persons who receive a

    large acute whole bodydose at least once in

    their life.

    Latent Period: Period of

    zero Prob. Of cancer. Plateau: Constant Prob.

    Risk coefficient

    Simplified Model of Radiation Induced


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    8/29April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 8

    Large Acute Doses: Late Effects





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    9/29April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 9

    Risk Calculation Examples (Acute Exposure)

    In a radiation accident, a 30 year old maleworker receives an acute whole body doseof 25 rem. Prob. Of death

    Solution: Assumtions : death from Bone cancer

    Avg age in US = 77 years,

    Latent period is 10 year and risk coefficient from 40 year on ward is 0.2

    per year per 10


    rem (WASH-1400).

    Prob. Of death = Dose * pleatu period * Risk Coefficient

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation

    10/29April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 10

    Example (Acute Exposure)

    = 25 * 30 * 0.2 *10-6

    = 1.5 x 10-4 (chance of 1.5 in 10,000)

    Similarly probability due to other cancers can be

    computed.So, total prob. = 4.7 x 10-3

    The prob. of dying from cancer at the age of 30years or older is approximately 0.25.

    Radiation increases the prob. by (4.7 x 10-3 /0.25= 0.019) 2 %.

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 11

    Acute Exposure: Large Population

    To determine the long term effects of an

    acute exposure, prob. of each cohort in

    population should be computed.


    In hypothetical radiation accident, one

    million person were exposed each receiving 1

    rem exactly. How many leukemia can beexpected to result in the population ?

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 12

    Acute Exposure: Large Population-2

    We may Need:

    Population Distribution and cohorts (wewill use US data)

    Risk coefficient, latent period and pleatuperiod for each cohort/group

    No. of persons, which will be falling inleukemia cancer are, 28.4.

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 13

    Cases of leukemia cancer

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 14

    Chronic Low Doses

    Doses of a few millirems per day, which accumulate up to

    a few rems per year, are of considerable concern in the

    development of Nuclear Power.

    This is the dose level permitted under current standards

    of radiation protection

    Due to lack of adequate human data, these effects are

    estimated, or postulated, by various dose-response models.

    For simplicity and conservatism, linear hypothesis

    model is used. Linear model entirely ignores biologicalrepairable mechanism

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 15

    Chronic Exposure

    The exposures in which doses are received over a timespan

    Late effects of chronic low doses is especially a tedious,if based on linear quadratic

    F(D)= D + D2

    the and are the linear coefficients, can range 1E-1to 5E-1 Gy-1 and Quadratic coefficient 1E-1 and 5E-2Gy-1

    With such a function, it makes a difference weatherannual dose of 20 mSv (5 rem) is received in one day or14 mrem per day through out the year

    With the linear model, fractionation of dose is irrelevant So only the total dose over a given interval need to be


  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 16


    A radiation worker takes a job at age of 18 year. Hecontinues to job for 50 year and retires at age of 68. Hereceive avg occupational dose of 5 rem through out hiscareer. Find prob. of death due to bone cancer.


    Using Linear hypothesis, we may require the lifeexpectancy data from 18 to 68

    Risk coefficient for bone cancer is 0.2 per yearper 106 rem

    Latent period is 10 years

    Plateau Period is 30 years

    Using the Additive model, the prob. wascomputed as 1.38 x 10-3

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 17

    Calculation of Prob. of cancer for Chronic Exposures

    Age Life ExpectancyPlateau Period or

    Life expectancy Risk Coe Dose rem Prob. Of cancer

    18 59 30 0.4 5 0.00006

    19 58 30 0.4 5 0.00006

    20 57 30 0.4 5 0.00006

    21 56 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    22 55 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    23 54 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    24 53 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    25 52 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    26 51 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    27 50 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    28 49 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    29 48 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    30 47 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    31 46 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    32 45 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    33 44 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    34 43 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    35 42 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    36 41 30 0.2 5 0.00003

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    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 18

    Calculation of Prob. of cancer for ChronicExposures (contd.)

    37 40 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    38 39 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    39 38 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    40 37 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    41 36 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    42 35 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    43 34 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    44 33 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    45 32 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    46 31 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    47 30 30 0.2 5 0.00003

    48 29 29 0.2 5 0.000029

    49 28 28 0.2 5 0.000028

    50 27 27 0.2 5 0.000027

    51 26 26 0.2 5 0.000026

    52 25 25 0.2 5 0.000025

    53 24 24 0.2 5 0.000024

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    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 19

    Calculation of Prob. of cancer for ChronicExposures (contd.)

    54 23 23 0.2 5 0.000023

    55 22 22 0.2 5 0.000022

    56 21 21 0.2 5 0.000021

    57 20 20 0.2 5 0.00002

    58 19 19 0.2 5 0.000019

    59 18 18 0.2 5 0.000018

    60 17 17 0.2 5 0.000017

    61 16 16 0.2 5 0.000016

    62 15 15 0.2 5 0.000015

    63 14 14 0.2 5 0.000014

    64 13 13 0.2 5 0.000013

    65 12 12 0.2 5 0.000012

    66 11 11 0.2 5 0.000011

    67 10 10 0.2 5 0.00001

    Total 0.00138

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 20

    Computation of Exposures and Dose

    External Exposure to Gamma Ray Roentgen can be related to energy

    deposition in air for charge liberation

    To produce 2.58 x10-4 coulomb charge(2.58 x10-4 /1.6 x 10-19= 1.61 x 1015 ionpairs). 34 eV (32 to 36 eV) must bedeposited by Gamma ray in air for theproduction of one ion pair.

    So, for 1.61 x 1015 ion pairs in 1 kg ofair, energy deposition is (34 x 1.61 x1015 = 5.47 x 1016 eV )

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 21

    Computation of Exposures and Dose

    1R = 5.47 x 1016 eV/kg

    = 5.47 x 1010 eV/kg

    = 87.5 ergs/g

    Energy deposition per unit mass is:I.E.(a/)


    I- gamma ray intensity

    E- Energy of gamma Ray(a/)

    air-Mass absorption coefficient ofair at energy E

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    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 22

    Computation of Exposures and Dose

    X=I.E.(a/)air/ 5.47 x 107

    = 1.83 x 10-8 I.E.(a/)air (R/sec)

    = 0.0659 IE(a/)air (mR/hr)

    Dose calculation from gamma rays

    1 rad = 100 ergs per gram of tissue

    = 6.25 x 107 MeV/g


    D=I.E.(a/)tis/ 6.25 x 107= 1.6 x 10-8 I.E.(a/)

    tissue (rad/sec)= 0.0576 IE(a/)

    tissue (mrad/hr)


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    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 23

    Dose assessment due to gamma exposure

    To obtain dose rate in tissue that issubjected to an exposure rate X :

    D/X = 1.6 x 10-8 I.E.(a/)tissue/1.83 x 10-8


    D = 0.874 ( a/)tissue/ I.E.(a/)air) X


    . .

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 24

    Dose assessment for Gamma Rays

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 25

    Dose from Neutrons-external exposure

    Dose computations for neutrons issome what more difficult than gammarays due to complex interaction withmatter

    Neutron may under go elastic orinelastic, radioactive capture andvarious other reactions

    Elastic scatteringstuck nucleolusmay recoil with sufficient energy-causing ionization, charged particle.

  • 7/28/2019 Effective Dose Calculation


    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 26

    Dose from Neutrons-external exposure

    In inelastic scattering and radioactivecapture, gamma rays may also be emittedand in reaction ionization may be produced.

    Due to this complexity, energy deposition iscalculated numerically using Monte Carlomethod.

    Actual history of neutron and secondaryradiations is traced in simulation

    Curves are drawn for different energyneutrons

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    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 27

    Dose from Neutron-Simulation

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    April 14, 2008 Radiation Protection Course 28

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    April 14 2008 Radiation Protection Course 29