ee 236 electronics - alexandria...

EE 236 Electronics Computer and Systems Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University Fall 2017 Bassem Mokhtar, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University Introduction 1-1

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EE 236 Electronics

Computer and Systems Engineering Department

Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University

Fall 2017

Bassem Mokhtar, Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Alexandria University

Introduction 1-1


Course Overview

Quick Review on Circuit Basics

Introduction to Electronics

Semiconductor Physics

Introduction 1-2

Course Information Instructor: Dr. Bassem Mokhtar

Office hours: TBD

Location: office room 4-4-F132, the 4th EED building floor

Lecture hours: 4 Two Lectures weekly (Sundays and Wednesdays)

Tutorial hours: 1 One tutorial class every two weeks

Lab hours: 1 One experiment every two weeks

Introduction 1-3

Course Website

Introduction 1-4

Course Outline

Introduction to semiconductor physics and materials (1.5 weeks) Conductors vs. Insulators vs. Semiconductors

p-type, n-type

p-n junctions (1.5 weeks) Diodes and diode circuits

BJT transistors (2 weeks) Different types of BJT circuits

DC and AC Biasing

FET transistors (one week) Brief Introduction

MOSFET (2 weeks) Different types of MOSFET circuits

DC and AC biasing

CMOS (2 weeks)

Operational Amplifiers (one week)

Logic and Integrated Circuits (one week) Memory

Introduction 1-5

Course Objectives

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to: (a) Comprehensively understand of electronic circuits and devices (diodes, BJTs, MOSFETs)

(b) Learn physical models of the operation of semiconductor devices

(c) Examine the design and operation of important circuits that utilize these devices

Introduction 1-6

Course Prerequisites: Course: EE x11 Electric Circuits

Do you remember? Your last second semester


Lecture Notes

“Microelectronic Circuits”, Sedra Smith,5th

edition, 2004.

“Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”,

Boylestad and Nashelsky, 7th edition

“Fundamentals of Microelectronics”, Razavi,


Introduction 1-7

Assessment Class and Lab Work: 8%


Simulations (LtSpice, ModelSim, etc.) and Reports

Midterm exam: 20%

Project: 12% Submitting project paper related to an electronic

device • Grading will relay on project material understanding and the

hardware prototype, quality of submitted paper, presentation and oral discussion

Final exam: 60%

Introduction 1-8


“Smart Electronic Circuit Meter for

Measurement and Analysis” Provide a design for a simple meter that can measure various

parameters at electrical circuits (current, voltage, power, ..) supporting

different loads and give an estimation for any necessary replacement of

elements and learn about the behavior of the connected load (for

example, determining if the load exhibits normal operation or not)

There will be a contest among all groups in the class depending on

The provided design (cost, space complexity, computational load and overhead, features of meter,

capability for development and reconfigurability

Best designs will get bonus marks

Introduction 1-9


The course project will be done in groups of seven (7) students.

The deadline for project groups formation and topics selection is on

Saturday, September 24th, 2017

Each group will work on a specific design and prepare and submit a

project paper

Note, similar designs will get half the project mark as max mark and no bonus (you will

be informed)

Each group should prepare and submit a progress report

Each group should submit a hard copy and an electronic copy of their

final project paper at least two days from the project discussion date

Each group will be given 20 minutes to present their hardware prototype

of the meter in the last week of the semester

Introduction 1-10

Quick Review (Circuit Basics)

Introduction 1-11

Quick Review (Circuit Basics)

Introduction 1-12

Quick Review (Circuit Basics)

Introduction 1-13

Test yourself now:

Write down an equation

for calculating iB in

terms of voltages and

resistors in the circuit

Quick Review (Circuit Basics)

Introduction 1-14

Quick Review (Circuit Basics)

Introduction 1-15

Quick Review (Circuit Basics)

Introduction 1-16

Quick Review (Circuit Basics)

Introduction 1-17

Quick Review (Circuit Basics)

Introduction 1-18

Quick Review (Circuit Basics)

Introduction 1-19

Introduction 1-20

Introduction to Electronics

Block diagram of a simple electronic system: an AM radio.

Introduction 1-21

Introduction to Electronics



Signal sources (oscillators)

Wave-shaping circuits

Digital logic functions


Power supplies


Common “Blocks” in an Electronic System

Introduction 1-22

Introduction to Electronics

Analog vs. Digital Signals

Introduction 1-23

Introduction to Electronics

Analog to Digital Conversion

Introduction 1-24

Introduction to Electronics

Signals and Noise

Introduction 1-25

Introduction to Electronics

Analog vs. Digital Digital circuits advantages

Better immunity to noise

Easier to implement with IC techniques

More adaptable to variable uses

Analog Circuits advantages

Require less devices

Better to deal with low signal amplitudes

Better to deal with high frequencies

What is the foundation material for all modern electronics ?

Answer: Semiconductor materials

Introduction 1-26

Introduction 1-27

Brief History Rectification in metal-semiconductor contact (Braun, 1874)

Theory of thermionic emission (Bethe 1942)

Transistor (point-contact transistor) using polycrystalline germanium (Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain, 1947)

Bipolar junction transistor (Shockley, 1947)

Integrated circuit (Kilby and Noyce, 1958) using bipolar junction transistors

Practical metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices (1960s)

Small Scale Integration (SSI) (~10 Trs.chip) ->MSI(~100 Trs/chip)-> LSI (10,000 Trs/chip) in the 1970s)

VLSI (~10^5 Trs/chip) -> ULSI (10^6 Trs/chip) in the 1990s

Multicore chip processors -> 10^8 Trs/core up to 8 processors by 2010

The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) predicts 8 nm feature size with 1000 cores in 2020

Introduction 1-28


Semiconductor Physics

Introduction 1-29

Introduction 1-30

Semiconductor Materials Atom Bohr Model

Atom have planetary type of structure consisting central nucleus equipped with the proton and surrounded by orbiting electron

Proton are positively charged and electron are negatively charged

Atomic number The atomic number is equal to the number of

protons in an atom’s nucleus

Distinguishes the chemical group characteristics

Electron shells and orbits Electrons near the nucleus have less energy

than the outer one

Electron orbits are grouped in shells (energy bands)

Introduction 1-31

Maximum number of electrons

(Ne) that exist in each shell of

atom can be calculated as

Ne = 2n2

where n(1,2,3,…) is the

number of the shells.

Semiconductor Materials Energy level increase as the distance from the

nucleus increase Valence electron

The outermost electrons are in the valence shells and known as valence electrons Valence shells represents the energy band of an atom The farther the electrons from the nucleus, the higher energy it gets Strongly related defining chemical reaction, bonding

structure and electrical properties Semiconductors have four valence electrons at the outermost

atomic shell Most conductors have just one electron in the valence shell

(high probability to form covalent bonds) Insulators have eight valence electrons

Introduction 1-32

Semiconductor Materials

Introduction 1-33

Valence shells represents the band of energy of an atom

Conduction bands

Existence of free electrons. Where a valence electron becomes a free electron when acquiring enough additional external energy

Energy gaps

Energy differences between conduction bands and valence bands (define the required energy for electron valence to be a free electron)

Comparison Conductor

Easily can conduct electrical current Loosely bounded valence electrons

Insulator Does not conduct electrical current under normal

condition Most insulating materials are compounds Tightly bounded valence electrons

Semiconductor Element that is neither a conductor nor an insulator but

lies between the two elements A material that is between conductors and insulators in

its ability to conduct electrical current Easily affected by temperature and light energy Most of them have 4 valence electrons on the valence

shells-bounded in intermediate strength

Introduction 1-34

Introduction 1-35

Lecture Summary

Covered material Course Introduction

Load, assessment and topics

Quick Review (circuit basics) Introduction to Electronics and Semiconductor

Physics Material to be covered next lecture

Continue Semiconductor Physics Types of semiconductors Types of charge “carriers” in semiconductors Creation of electron-hole pairs Doping