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Education in Sweden Education and research 2009

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Education in SwedenEducat ion and research


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Statistics Sweden 2009

Education in Sweden 2009

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Education in Sweden 2009

Previous publication På tal om utbildning 2008 Education in Sweden 2007 På tal om utbildning 2006 Education in Sweden 2005 Fickskolan 2004 Ausbildung in Schweden 2000 Education en Suède 2000

Producer Statistics Sweden, Education and jobs SE-701 89 Örebro, Sweden +46 19 17 60 00 [email protected]

Inquiries Lars-Olov Sundh, +46 19 17 66 64 [email protected]

When quoting material from this publication, please state the source as follows:Source: Statistics Sweden, Education in Sweden 2009.

Graphic design: Jan-Aage Haaland, Ateljén SCB Coverphoto: Bildbyrå Ekengren.sePhoto: Jan-Aage Haaland, Marit Jorsäter, Arne Orrgård

ISSN 1654-1596 (online) ISSN 1104-4381 (print)ISBN 978-91-618-1485-5 (print)URN:NBN:SE:SCB-2009-UF08ST0901_pdf (pdf)

Printed in Sweden

Statistics Sweden 2009

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5Statistics Sweden


Education in Sweden 6

The way through school 22

Adult education 60

What happens after education? 78

International overview 86

Municipal adult education (Komvux) 63 Adult education for adults with learning disabilities 65 Swedish for immigrants 67 Advanced vocational training 69 Supplementary education 70 Labour market training 71 Folk high school 73 Adult education associations 74 Staff training 76

Preschool and child care 24 Preschool class 27 Compulsory school 28 Upper secondary school 36 Special schools for pupils with learning disabilities 44 Sami school 45 Special schools for pupils with learning disabilities 46 Special school 47

Universities and higher education institutions 48

Educational attainment 12 Educational expenditure 18

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The Swedish model of education offers education to all ...

Education in Sweden

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... and students can continue for as long as they desire.

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The Swedish educational


Statistics Sweden

The Swedish educational system ...... can be roughly divided into five main groups: child care, the public school system, higher education, the public

school system for adults and other adult education.

An explicit objective for the education policy ... ... is that Sweden should be a leading country in terms of knowledge characterised by high-quality education and life-long learning for growth and impartiality.

A basic principle ...... is that education shall be free-of-charge, of high quality and available to everyone, regardless of ethnicity, social status or geographic location.

From an international perspective ...... Swedes are relatively well educated. Formal education is not the only thing that contributes to a well-educated population. We must also take into account the long-lasting general education tradition that exists in Sweden.

Sweden's membership in the EU ...... also means adapting to the EU's three joint goals for 2010, when the EU will be the world's most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy. The main objectives are as follows:– to provide better quality and effectiveness in the educational system,– to facilitate access to the educational system,– and to open the educational system to the rest of the world.

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Special schools for pupils with impaired hearing, vision or other physical disabilities 500

Statistics Sweden

Preschool activities and child care for schoolPreschool activities Preschool Family daycare 25 000 Open preschool no registration of children

Child care for school children Leisure time centre Family daycare 25 000 Open leisure time centre no registration of children

Public school systemPreschool class 98 000

Compulsory school Basic compulsory school 906 000 Sami school 150 Special schools for pupils with learning 13 000

Voluntary school forms Upper secondary school 396 000 Special upper secondary school 9 000

Higher educationUniversities and higher education institutions 385 000

Advanced vocational training 38 000

Other post secondary school education 2

Public school for adult educationMunicipal adult education (komvux) 170 000

Adult education for adults with learning disabilities 4 900

Swedish for immigrants (sfi) 74 000

Other adult educationSupplementary education 5 200 Folk high school (long courses) 26 000

Adult education assocations no information

Staff training 2 100 000

Labour market training 14 000

1. Children in family daycare centres are not broken down divided into preschool and child care for school children.

2. These include for example training programmes at the National Police Academy, military training and training programmes run by the Swedish Church.

Number of pupils/participants

433 000

346 000

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Swedes' participation in


Statistics Sweden

More than half of the Swedish population ...... takes part in formal or informal education. There are approximately

900 000 compulsory school pupils. If one were to add the number studying between the ages of 16 and older, then it means that more than two million persons take part in formal education. These figures can be compared to Sweden's population of nine million. Adding to this the informal education that exists through study circles, staff training and labour market training, then six of ten Swedes takes part in some form of education during a given year.

Today's high rate of participation in education is a result of ...... a number of educational investments over the past 50 years. Upper secondary schools were built extensively in the 1950s and 1960s. This resulted in more persons being qualified for university studies and the number of students at universities and institutions of higher education more than tripled in the 1960s.During the 1990s institutions of higher education were expanded further and the number of students is approximately 300 000 today.

The number of pupils at the upper secondary level has increased ...... continuously since 2000. This was the result of the baby boom during the end of the 1980s and the start of the 1990s. From 2006 to 2008 the increase were by about 20 000 pupils.

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11Statistics Sweden

The number of persons studying municipal adult education ... ... in the ten years up to 2007 has decreased by nearly 150 000.

Staff training ... ... deviates from other forms of education by being largely financed by the employer.

In the first half of 2008 2.1 million people took part in a total of 3.1 million course, conferences, seminars and other studies.

There are consistently more women than men ...... in most forms of education. Women are especially dominant in municipal adult education, where two thirds of those studying are women. The share of female students is over 60 percent in the folk high schools and undergraduate education.

In upper secondary school and advanced vocational training and in postgraduate education the distribution of sexes is even.

Number of students


100 000

200 000

300 000

400 000

500 000

1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2007

Upper secondary school

Universities/higher education institutions

Municipal Adult Education

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12 Statistics Sweden

Educational attainment

People who think they know everything

are very irritating to us who do.


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Educational attainment

Level of education 1990–2008. Number of persons 25–64 years Percent

Statistics Sweden

Rising level of education There are more highly educated Swedes than less educated ones.More than one fifth (22 percent) of the population aged 25–64has at least a three year post-secondary education, while 15 percent has only compulsory education.

The opposite was the case earlier. At the beginning of the 1990s one third of the population had no more than compulsory education while only a tenth had longer post-secondary education.

The level of education of the Swedish population has therefore risen significantly in recent years.






-90 -91 -92 -93 -94 -95 -96 -97 -98 -99 -00 -01 -02 -03 -04 -05 -06 -07 -08

Compulsory education

Upper secondary education less than 3 years

Upper secondary education 3 years

Post-secondary education3 years or more

Post-secondary educationless than 3 years

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Educational attainment

Level of education 2008. Number of persons aged 25–64 years

0 200 000 400 000 600 000 800 000

Information about educationmissing

Compulsory education

Upper secondary educationless than 3 years

Upper secondary education3 years

Post-secondary educationless than 3 years

Post-secondary education3 years or more

Postgraduate education

Women Men

Statistics Sweden

Upper secondary education is most commonRoughly half of Sweden's 4.8 million inhabitants aged 25–64 have a upper secondary education as their highest education.The most common level of education is the upper secondaryeducation that is less than three years, over 1.3 million persons have this as their highest level of education. This level isdecreasing since the two-year upper secondary programmes werediscontinued in the beginning of the 1990s.

More than one in three Swedes have some form of post-secondary education, and more than one fifth has a post-secondary education of three years or more. Nearly 53 000 persons have postgraduate degrees, the highest formal level of education.

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Educational attainment

Statistics Sweden

Large differences among immigrant groups A slightly larger share of foreign born people have only compulsory school compared to people who were born in Sweden. When looking at higher education the difference is only marginal.

The difference is however large between people with different countries of birth and between immigrant groups, mainly because age structures and reasons for immigrating vary. For example, 29 percent of people born in Iran and 24 percent of people born in Poland are highly educated, compared to 22 percent for people born in Sweden. Nearly every other person born in Turkey has a low level of education. Also persons born in former Yugoslavia and Iraq have a relatively large share (30 percent) of persons with compulsory education as their highest level of education.

Level of education for foreign-born from the most common countries of birth 2008. Number of persons 25–64 years

0 20 000 40 000 60 000











Post-secondary educ.3 years or morePost-secondary educ.less than 3 yearsUpper secondary educ.

Compulsory educ.

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Educational attainment

DanderydLundLidingöLommaTäby UppsalaSolnaStockholmUmeåSollentuna




168 90085 30043 80037 90027 80023 00020 70016 70016 70015 400

1 085 000



Share of inhabitants with at least a 3 year post-secondary education

Municipalities with the greatest share and the largest number of inhabitants with at least a three year post- secondary education in 2008. Number of persons 25–64 years

Municipality Number of in-habitants with at least a 3 year post-secondary education


Statistics Sweden

Stockholm county has highest level of education The majority of municipalities with the highest level of education are in Stockholm county. In Danderyd, Lidingö, Täby, Solna, Stockholm, Sollentuna, Nacka and Vaxholm 30 percent or more of the population had at least a three year post-secondary education. More than 30 percent of inhabitants in Lund, Lomma, Uppsala, Umeå, Linköping and Göteborg were also highly educated.

The high level of education in the greater Stockholm area can be explained by a large part of the labour market having many workplaces for academics and highly educated persons and by the extensive and ready access to higher education.

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Educational attainment

Fields of education 2008 for the population with at least upper secondary education. Number of persons 25–64 years

0 200 000 400 000 600 000 800 000 1 000 000



Engineering andmanufacturing

Social sciences,law, commerce,


Health care andnursing, social care

Teaching methodsand teacher education

Natural sciences,mathematics and


Other educationalfields

Statistics Sweden

Women in healthcare, men in the workshop’Engineering and manufacturing’, ’social sciences/law/commerce/administration’ and ’health care and nursing, social care’ are the most common educational fields for persons aged 25–64 with an upper secondary or post-secondary education. There are large differences between men and women.

The highest education for every other man was in the field of engineering and manufacturing, compared to only six percent of women.

Women's education was to a great extent in the fields of health care and nursing, social care, social sciences/law/commerce/administration and teaching.

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At school I learned that money isn't everything and that the most important

thing is to be nice. When my mother found out I immediatley had to change


Zsa Zsa Gabor U.S. (Hungarian born) actress

Statistics Sweden

Educational expenditure

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Educational expenditure

Total expenditure for the educational system in current prices 2007

Compulsory schoolUniversities/higher education institutionsPreschoolUpper secondary schoolFinancial aid to students (excl. the loans)Special schools for pupils with learning disabilitiesPreschool classMunicipal adult educationAdult education associationsLabour market policy programmeCentral costsFolk high schoolSwedish for ImmigrantsAdvanced vocational trainingSpecial schools for pupils with impaired hearing, vision or other physical disabilitySupplementary educationsEducation for adults with learning disabilitiesSwedish education abroadNational Centre for Flexible Learning(CFL)1

Total cost


75 29647 07944 61733 92019 277

6 4814 4043 8363 5283 2322 8352 7501 2411 159




250 821






School/education/form of activity

SEK millions

1. CFL discontinued their activities during the year.

Statistics Sweden

Total expenditure for the educational system ...... in Sweden amounted to SEK 251 billion in 2007, which is equal to 8.2 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measured in current prices.

All expenditures and comparisons in this section are calculated with 2007 as the reference year. The index used is the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

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Educational expenditure

Total expenditure for compulsory school, upper secondary school and higher education


20 000

40 000

60 000

80 000

1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2007

Universities/higher education institutions

Compulsory School

Upper Secondary School

Statistics Sweden

Compulsory, upper secondary, and university studies accounted for 62 percent ...... of the total expenditure for the educational system in Sweden 2007. Compulsory school was the school/education/form of activity that accounted for the highest cost at SEK 75.3 billion, which is 30 percent of the total expenditure. Universities and institutions of higher education had a cost of SEK 47.1 billion, which is equal to nearly 19 percent of the total expenditure. Costs for upper secondary schools were SEK 33.9 billion, about 14 percent of total expenditure.

The cost for upper secondary school increased by SEK 1.4 billion…… between 2006 and 2007. This is an increase of 4.4 percent. Between 2006 and 2007 the cost for universities/higher education institutions increased by 0.5 percent while the cost for compulsory school decreased by 0.5 percent.

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Educational expenditure

787 700

310 800

105 000

88 900

79 200

74 300

59 670

48 000

39 900

31 900

30 600

Special schools

Education for pupils with learning disabilities

Supplementary education

Upper Secondary School

Compulsory school

University / Institution of higher education1

Advanced vocational training2

Preschool classes

Education for adults with learning disabilities

Municipal adult education

Swedish for Immigrants3 (sfi)

School/Educational form


Average cost per pupil or student distribu-ted by school or educational form in 2007Current prices

Statistics Sweden

The cost per pupil or student varies ...... among the different school or educational form. The lowest average cost per pupil is found with Swedish for Immigrants (sfi) and the highest cost per pupil or student is found with the special school.

Variations in costs per full-time student at sfi were large among individual municipalities. The municipality with the highest cost per full-time student had SEK 147 300 and the lowest cost was SEK 3 600.

The number of pupils in special school decreased by 7.8 percent between 2006 and 2007 while the cost per pupil increased by 8.0 percent during the same period.

1) Compensation per full year student2) Cost per place for a full year student3) Cost per full-time student

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Education for all is a correct statement.

The way throughschool

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Over 90 percent of all people in Sweden attend school up to the age of 19. Over 40 percent of these people also continue to study some form of higher education, either directly or a few years after leaving school.

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A child of five would understand this.

Send someone to fetch a child of five!

Groucho Marx (1890–1977) U.S. comedian

Statistics Sweden

Preschool class – child care

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Preschool class – child care

Number of children enrolled in child care1


100 000

200 000

300 000

400 000

500 000

1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Leisure time centres


Family daycare centres


Statistics Sweden

Preschool activities and child care for school children

Preschool activities involve children aged one ...... until they enter school and is conducted as a form of preschool, family daycare centres and open preschools.

Child care for school children involves children as old as age 12 that go to school (preschool classes or compulsory) and is conducted in the form of a leisure time centre, family daycare centre and open leisure centre.

Preschool is the first step into the education system and as of 1 January 2003 is available to all children aged four and five. In the autumn of 2008, there were 804 000 children registered in preschool activities and child care for school children. Of these, there were 433 000 enrolled in preschool, 25 000 in family daycare centres and 346 000 in leisure time centres. 93 percent of all children aged 4–5 are enrolled in preschool and four percent in family daycare centres.

1. An interruption in the time series occured in 1998 due to a new measurement method and the inclusion of preschool classes.

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Preschool class – child care

Staff in preschool activities and child care for school children, autumn 2000–2008


20 000

40 000

60 000

80 000

100 000

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Number of annual workers in preschool

Number of daycare staff

Number of annual workers in leisure centres

Statistics Sweden

Sparse for personnel and larger groups ...... in preschool. Over 2005 and 2006 municipalities managed a government subsidised effort to increase the number of preschool staff members. This resulted in increased personnel density. The government subsidised effort ceased on 1 January 2007 and the number of children per annual worker again was increasing shortly thereafter. In the autumn of 2008 there were 5.3 children per annual worker in preschool compared to 5.2 children the year before.

The share of children enrolled in preschool continues to increase. In 2008, 80 percent of all children aged 1–5 was enrolled in preschool. In 2000 that figure was 66 percent. The number of children in an average-sized group was 16.9 in the autumn 2008, compared to 16.7 the year before.

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Preschool class – child care

Statistics Sweden

Preschool class

Preschool class, established school year 1998/99, ...... is compulsory for municipalities to offer all six year olds a place for at least 525 hours. The child's participation is voluntary.In academic year 2008/09 there were 97 600 pupils in the 3 843 schools with a preschool class.

The share of six year olds in preschool class was 95 percent while nearly 4 percent were enrolled in compulsory school. Nine percent of all pupils in preschool class were in a school that were not managed by the municipality.

The number of employees in preschool class, recalculated to annual workers, was 6 330 in academic year 2008/09. Personnel density was 6.5 annual workers per 100 pupils. As is the case with preschool, almost all employees are women (93 percent). The share of annual workers with teaching qualifications in the autumn 2008 was 83 percent.

Number of pupils and teachers (annual workers) in preschool class

2001/022002/032003/042004/05 2005/062006/072007/08

2008/09 of wich Municipal Other

Teachers (annual workers) per 100 pupils

99 60093 60089 50089 300 88 40091 90093 400

97 600 89 500 8 100

8 1407 5307 0106 600 6 3006 1806 440

6 330 5 710



6,5 6,4 7,6

Number ofpupils

Academic year

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It is better to ask and appear ignorant

than remain ignorant.

Chinese adage

Statistics Sweden

Compulsory school

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Compulsory school

Number of pupils in compulsory school 1980/81–2008/09 and calculated the number up through 2009/10–2015/16


200 000

400 000

600 000

800 000

1 000 000

1 200 000

1980/81 1985/86 1990/91 1995/96 2000/01 2005/06 2010/11 2015/16

Statistics Sweden

The number of pupils in compulsory school increased ... ... during the entire 1990s and culminated in the academic year of 2001/02. The total number of pupils for the 2008/09 academic

year was about 900 000 and the number of pupils is calculated to sink further to under 900 000 in just a few years due to low birth rates in recent years. Because compulsory school is obligatory, the distribution of girls and boys is even, with 49 percent girls and 51 percent boys.

The majority, 90 percent, of pupils are educated in municipal schools. The number of pupils in independent schools has more than tripled during the past ten years.

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Compulsory school

Share of pupils studying various foreign languages 2008/09 Number of pupils as a percent of total number of girls and boys in each year


SpanishFrenchGirls BoysGerman



Girls Boys



Girls Boys




Statistics Sweden

English has been obligatory ...... as a foreign language for many years. Schools can decide for themselves which year

they will begin to teach English. Nearly 94 percent of pupils in year 9 have for the past five years

achieved the lowest pass grade for English.

In addition to English, pupils are offered other languages ... ... such as French, Spanish, German (modern languages within language choice). It is common for year 6 pupils to try these languages for a time and then eventually choose one of the languages. Schools can also offer pupils other languages, including Finnish, Italian, Sami and Russian. They can also choose to study a third foreign language (modern languages within the pupils' choice).

Boys and girls make different choices regarding languages. Boys make up the majority of pupils that study German, Spanish and French are more popular among the girls.

The number of pupils choosing Spanish has increased quickly, and Spanish is the most common language choice. Spanish is clearly in a class of its own as the most common language among the pupils' own choice.


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Compulsory school

Number of pupils that take part in another mother tongue than Swedish1

Statistics Sweden

Classes in mother tongue offered to all children with ...... at least one parent having another mother tongue than Swedish and where the other language is used on a daily basis in the home.

The mother tongue is studied alongside the usual curriculum or instead of another subject. About 18 percent were eligible for mother tongue teaching in 146 different languages during 2008. Slightly more than half of these actually took classes in their mother tongue. Participation levels varied considerably for the different mother tongue languages. A larger share of girls than boys studied their mother tongue language.

The ten mother tongues that had the highest number of eligible pupils were, in descending order, Arabic, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, English, Finnish, Somali, Albanian, Persian, Kurdish/North Kurdish and Turkish.

Nearly eight percent of all pupils (42 percent of the eligible pupils) receive instruction in Swedish as a second language.

1. Applicants for political asylum were not included after 1993/94.2. Data not available.


20 000

40 000

60 000

80 000

100 000

1978/79 1983/84 1988/89 1993/94 1998/99 2003/04 2008/09


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Compulsory school

The distribution of grades for pupils in the spring term of year 9, 2008Percent

1. Does not include pupils with no final grades in any subject

Statistics Sweden

Pupils1 final grades are set ...... on the basis of the goals that the pupils are expected to fulfil by the end of the ninth year. The different grades that are assigned are: pass

(G), pass with distinction (VG) and pass with special distinction (MVG). A pupil who has not achieved the goals for a "G" in a given subject is not given a grade in that subject. Except for sports, girls had better grades than boys in all subjects. More girls had VG and MVG than boys. There were also more girls than boys who fulfilled the goals for the "Pass" grade. The least differences were seen in English, mathematics and science, while the greatest differences were found in home and consumer economics.


Pass Pass withdistinction

Pass withspecial


Grade notissued





Girls Boys

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Compulsory school

Statistics Sweden

A pupil is qualified to enter upper secondary school when ...... he or she has received the minimum grade of "Pass" in mathematics, Swedish/swedish as a second language and English. In total, 88.9 percent achieved qualifications for entry into the nationally standardised and especially designed upper secondary school programme in academic year 2007/08. There were slightly more girls than boys. Those lacking the entry qualifications can study through the individual programme.

The share of pupils fulfilling the goals in all subjects has decreased since academic year 1997/98. In contrast, the share of pupils totally lacking a final certificate has remained relatively constant at about one percent of all pupils.

Pupils completing year 9

1997/98 2007/08

Pupils with grades in all subjects, 80 %

Pupils without final certificate, 1 %

Pupils who did not fulfil goals in two or more subjects, 12 %

Pupils with-out a grade in one subject, 7 %

Pupils without final certificate, 1 %

Pupils with grades in all subjects, 77 %

Pupils with-out a grade in one subject, 8 %

Pupils who did not fulfil goals in two or more subjects, 14 %

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Compulsory school

Number of teachers working in compulsory schools


20 000

40 000

60 000

80 000

1992/93 1996/97 2000/01 2004/05 2008/09



Statistics Sweden

Number of teachers in service ...... in compulsory school amounted to over 88 000 for academic year 2008/09. In addition, there were 8 000 preschool

teachers and youth recreation leaders, 5 800 headteachers and nearly 900 study and vocational guidance counsellors working in compulsory schools.

The gender distribution ... ... among teachers in compulsory schools has been unequal for a long time. Three out of four teachers were women in the 2008/09 academic year. The share of women among headteachers increased strongly since the beginning of the 1990s. 64 percent of all headteachers were women in the 2008/09 academic year.


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Compulsory school







Teachers working in compulsory schools Percent and teacher – pupil ratio












Female teachers

Teachers with formal qualifications

Teachers with permanent employment

Teachers in independent schools

Teacher – pupil ratio (full-time employment) per 100 pupils







Statistics Sweden

The proportion of teachers with formal teaching qualifications ...... has decreased since the middle of the 1990s. During later years however the downward trend is thought to have turned around and the proportion has increased somewhat in the last five academic years.

Among municipalities, the share of teachers with formal teaching qualifications varies greatly. The highest share of 88 percent were in larger cities and the lowest share of 83 and 82 percent were in larger cities and suburban municipalities. Municipal schools had a higher share of teachers with formal teaching qualifications, 87 percent, than independent schools with 68 percent. There were also considerable differences among the different categories of teacher. Half of the mother tongue teachers lacked formal teaching qualifications compared to four percent of the teachers in the first years of compulsory school.

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When we are twenty, we have answered the question of life,

when we are thirty, we begin to wonder and when

we are forty we realise it is unanswerable .

August Strindberg (1849–1912)Swedish playwright

Statistics Sweden

Upper secondary school

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Upper secondary school

Number of pupils in upper secondary school at municipal or independent schools.


100 000

200 000

300 000

400 000

1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2008

Municipal schools

Independent schools

Statistics Sweden

Almost all pupils go on from ... ... compulsory school to upper secondary school. 98 percent of pupils that left compulsory school in the spring term of

2008 returned to upper secondary school in the autumn. 75 percent of the pupils were admitted to their first choice of upper secondary schools. Social science and natural science are the most popular among the national programmes, as 21 percent chose social science and 13 percent chose natural science among those applying to a national programme. The food programme had the least number of applicants at 0.6 percent.

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Upper secondary school

Childcare & RecreationConstructionElectric engineeringEnergyArtsVehicle EngineeringBusiness and ManagementHandicraftsHotel & RestaurantIndustyFoodMediaUse of Natural ResourcesNatural ScienceHealthcareSocial scienceTechnical Programme International Baccalaureate (IB)Waldorf Individual ProgrammeSpecially designed programmeTotal

Programme15 80016 90023 8003 800

23 40017 00019 10010 70015 40010 6001 900

17 60011 30044 90014 10092 40020 6003 100

70024 9008 300

396 300

Number of pupils Share with foreign background2






The number of pupils in upper secondary school 1, distributed by programme and share with foreign background 2008/09

Statistics Sweden

The number of pupils in upper secondary school has grown ...... for several years now. Over 396 000 pupils were enrolled in upper secondary school in the 2008/09 academic year, which is 20 000 more than the previous academic year. Most pupils study one of the national programmes. However, the share of pupils in the national programmes has decreased over the past few years, which is mainly due to many pupils studying the specially designed programme and the individual programme. The large increase in independent schools has also contributed to the decrease in the national programme.

1. Including students in independent schools, 77 500 students. 2. "Foreign background" applies if a pupil is born outside of Sweden or if both parents

were born outside of Sweden.

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Upper secondary school

Pupils in upper secondary school by programme 2008/09 Percent

020406080100 20 40 60 80 100


Childcare & RecreationFood

Use of Natural Resources

ArtsBusiness and Management

Hotel & RestaurantWaldorf

International BaccalaureateSocial Science

MediaNational recruitment

Natural ScienceNo specific orientationImmigrant IntroductionIndividual Programme

Technical ProgrammeIndustry

ConstructionVehicle Engineering


All programmes



Women Men

Statistics Sweden

Choice of education follows traditional patterns ...... in a number of study programmes. No significant changes have occurred since the mid 1980s. The breakdown by sex was balanced in only some of the upper secondary programmes during the autumn term of 2008.

1. Specially designed programme.

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Upper secondary school

Statistics Sweden

92 600 pupils received ...... their final degrees from upper secondary school in the 2007/08 academic year. Their grade point

average was 14.0 out of a maximum 20.0 and the share of those qualified for admission to university or institutions of higher education was 88.9 percent. Corresponding information for women was 14.7 and 91.5 percent and for men 13.3 and 86.3 percent.

Pupils in the natural science programme (or related subjects at independent schools or specially designed programmes) had the highest grade point averages. These pupils also achieved the highest share of those qualified for admission to university or institutions of higher education, 95.5 percent. Another three programmes had pupils achieving over 90 percent qualifying for admission to university or institutions of higher education. Pupils in the vehicle engineering programme had the lowest grade point average of 11.7.

Women had higher grade point averages than men in all national programmes except the energy programme. The difference between women and men was greatest in industry, handicrafts and technical programmes.

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Upper secondary school

Pupils qualified for higher education and average grades, 2007/08 Percent

0 100 Women Men

20 40 60 80

Childcare & Recreation





Vehicle Engineering

Business and Management


Hotel & Restaurant




Use of Natural Resources

Natural Science


Social Science

Technical Programme

Upper secondary school total

Statistics Sweden

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Upper secondary school

Number of teachers working in upper secondary schools


5 000

10 000

15 000

20 000

1992/93 1996/97 2000/01 2004/05 2008/09



Statistics Sweden

Number of teachers in service ...... at upper secondary level was over 38 400 for academic year 2008/09. In addition there were a little less than

2 000 headteachers and over 2 000 study and guidance counsellors in service at the upper secondary level. 81 percent of teachers were in service during academic year 2008/09 in municipal schools, 1.5 percent in county council schools and 18 percent in independent schools.

The distribution of the sexes ... ... among the teachers is fairly even. 49.9 percent of the teachers were men and 50.1 percent were women. Among headteachers, 56 percent were men and among study and guidance counsellors 76 percent were women.


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Upper secondary school

Female teachersTeachers with formal qualificationsTeachers with permanent employmentTeachers in independent schools

Teacher – pupil ratio (full-time employment) per 100 pupils







Teachers working in upper secondary schools Percent and teacher – pupil ratio



87 2




79 9









Statistics Sweden

Share of teachers with formal teaching qualifications has ...... decreased by nearly 20 percent since the mid-1990s. 28 percent of teachers lacked formal teaching qualifications during the 2008/09 academic year. The share varies greatly among different types of municipalities. The highest share of teachers with formal teaching qualifications were in metropolitan areas and other larger cities (80 percent) and least the share was in sparsely populated municipalities and smaller municipalities (68 percent). Municipal schools had a higher share of teachers with formal teaching qualifications (77 percent) than the county council schools (63 percent) and the independent schools (51 percent). There are also fairly considerable difference between the teacher categories. Among teachers with computer science and multimedia subjects, 43 percent had formal teaching qualifications compared to 92 percent among special needs teachers.

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Sami school –Special school

and others

That is what learning is: You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life

but in a new way.

Doris Lessing (1919–) English writer

Sami school – Special school and others

Statistics Sweden

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Sami school – Special school and others

Statistics Sweden

Sami school

Sami school covers the first …… six years of compulsory school. In addition to the usual subjects, Sami school provides education to safeguard, and develop the Sami language and cultural heritage. Teaching takes place in Sami (Northern Sami, Lulean or Southern Sami) as well as in Swedish. The subject Sami should be taught in all years.In years 7–9 pupils attend compulsory school where they, if they so wish, receive integrated Sami instruction at their compulsory school.

In the academic year 2008/09 there were a total of 139 pupils at the five schools where Sami schools were conducted.Sami is the national minority language of Sweden. This means that Sami pupils have the right to mother tongue training, even if Sami is not the primary language used in the home.

All Sami pupils have the right to mother tongue training regardless of the size of the group.

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5 000

10 000

15 000

20 000

1995/96 1998/99 2001/02 2004/05 2007/08

Special compulsory school

Special upper secondary school


Sami school – Special school and others

Number of pupils in special compulsory school and special upper secondary school

Statistics Sweden

Special school for pupils with learning disabilities

Special school is for children and young people with learning disabilities ...... who cannot attend normal compulsory and upper secondary school.

In academic year 2008/09 the number of students in special schools amounted to approximately 22 600. Of these some 13 300 study at one of 714 special compulsory schools and 9 300 in one of the 271 special upper secondary schools.

Of all pupils in the compulsory school system, the share of pupils in the special compulsory school has nearly doubled from 0.8 percentage points at the start of the 1990s to 1.4 percentage points in academic year 2007/08.

Every seventh pupil in the special compulsory school was integrated, i.e. attended compulsory school in the academic year 2008/09. An ever larger share of the special school pupils have been integrated into compulsory school since the end of the 1990s. The teacher-pupil ratio is 27 teachers per 100 pupils.

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Sami school – Special school and others

Number of pupils and teachers in special school

Special school

Special school is for pupils with seriously impaired vision, hearing or language disabilities The majority of pupils are educated using the special teaching assistance in the normal compulsory school.

The number of pupils has steadily decreased since 2000 and in the academic year 2008/09 amounted to 516. Out of 516 pupils in special school 233 were girls. The majority, 94 percent, were deaf or hearing impaired.

The number of teachers in service in academic year 2008/09 amounted to 259, of which 202 were women. The share of teachers with special needs training from their university education was 36 percent and has decreased by 12 percentage points over the last eight years.






1 000

1998/99 2000/01 2002/03 2004/05 2006/07 2008/09

Number of pupils

Number of teachers

Statistics Sweden

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We teach people how to remember, we never teach

them how to grow.

Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) Irish poet and playwright

Universities and higher education institutions

Statistics Sweden

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Universities and higher education institutions

Statistics Sweden

A total of 295 000 persons ... ... applied to universities and higher education institutions in the autumn of 2008. Of these applicants, 65 percent were

admitted. Nearly a third of the applicants, 94 000, had no earlier university training. This was an increase of 2 400 or 3 percent compared to the previous autumn term. This is largely due to the increase in applicants aged 19. To some extent the increase can be explained by the age group of nineteen year olds being larger than the previous year. Of those with no previous higher education, 59 percent were women and 41 percent men. The distribution among the sexes has been the same over the last 10 year period.

Of the applicants without previous higher education, there were 54 percent admitted in the autumn of 2008. The corresponding figure for autumn 2007 was 55 percent. Seen for the long-term perspective, the share of admitted applicants has increased.


20 000

40 000

60 000

80 000

1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008



University applicants with no previous higher education1

1. Since autumn 2002 only applicants with complete personal identity numbers are included in the report.

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Universities and higher education institutions

Number of students in higher education at first and second cycle studies


50 000

100 000

150 000

200 000

250 000

300 000

1998/99 2001/02 2004/05




Statistics Sweden

The number of students in higher education ...

... at first and second cycle studies amounted to 385 000 in academic year

2007/08. The number increased strongly during academic years 1998/99–2003/04 and then remained at roughly the same level. More than 60 percent of the students were women and less than 40 percent were men.

In academic year 2007/08 there were most students at Stockholm University with 41 000 students followed by the universities of Gothenburg and Lund with 34 000–35 000 students.

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Universities and higher education institutions

Statistics Sweden

One of four university entrants ... ... is a student from abroad.

The number of university entrants – students who for the first time conduct university studies in Sweden – increased during academic years 1998/99–2002/03 to 84 000. There followed a few years of decreased university entrants. In academic year 2007/08 the number of university entrants increased again, to 87 000.

The share of students from abroad has increased from 11 percent to 25 percent of university entrants during academic years 1998/99–2007/08. The increase of students from abroad has been larger among men than among women. If we exclude the students from abroad, the number of university entrants amounted to 65 000 in academic year 2007/08, which is 6 000 fewer than for the peak academic year of 2002/03.

Number of university entrants, of whom some are students from abroad 1

Other university entrants Students from abroad



10 000

20 000

30 000

40 000

50 000

60 000

1998/99 2001/02 2004/05 2007/08


1998/99 2001/02 2004/05 2007/08

1. Students from abroad refer to foreign students that either are included in an exchange programme or who organise their studies on their own.

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Universities and higher education institutions

Share of 25 year olds who have begun higher education, Swedish or foreign higher educationPercent








1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007



Statistics Sweden

Men lagging behind women ...... in higher education studies begun at the age of 25 years.

Roughly 44 percent of a group of 25 year olds have by the age of 25 started higher education studies, including those receiving student loans for study abroad. This share increased from 37 to 44 percent for those aged 25 over the years 1998-2007.

The female share (51 percent) that started higher education studies is higher than the male (37 percent) for those aged 25 in 2007.

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Universities and higher education institutions

Higher education begun by persons born in 1982 at age 25 years by parental educationPercent

1. The highest education level attained by the parents according to SUN, Swedish standard classification of education.

0 20 40 60 80 100

Postgraduate education

Post-secondary education>= 3 years

Post-secondary education< 3 years

Upper secondary education> 2 years

Upper secondary education<= 2 years




Statistics Sweden

Parents1 level of education is determinative ...... for higher education studies. Of persons born in 1982 to post graduate educated parents 86 percent had started higher education at age 25. The share decreases according to the parents' level of education, for students to parents with compulsory school education the share was 22 percent.

Regardless of the parents' level of education a larger share of women than men begin a higher education. The least difference between the sexes is found for students whose parents had postgraduate education.

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Universities and higher education institutions

University entrants by background in academic year 2007/081 Percent

Swedish background

Foreign background: Born in Sweden with two foreign-born parents

Students fromabroad

Foreign background:Foreign born

Statistics Sweden

The share of university entrants with foreign background 1 ...... has increased. In academic year 2007/08, 14 percent of the 87 000 university entrants had foreign background. Further, if one exclude the students from abroad and those of unknown background from the total number of entrants then the share with foreign background amounts to 18 percent. The difference between the different immigrant groups and educations is large however. Among national programmes for professional degree, pharmacology has a high share of students with foreign background, 56 percent. Training as a pharmacists assistant or biomedical analyst also has a high share. In contrast, the percentage was low in educational fields such as agriculture and forestry.

1. "Foreign background" refers to individuals who were born outside Sweden and individuals who were born in Sweden but whose parents were both born outside of Sweden. For adopted students, their adoptive parents have been prioritised before the biological parents.

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Universities and higher education institutions

Number of undergraduate degrees awarded


10 000

20 000

30 000

40 000

50 000

60 000

1998/99 2001/02 2004/05





Statistics Sweden

There were 57 800 degrees awarded ...... from institutions of higher education, at first and second cycles in

the academic year of 2007/08, which is a decrease of one percent compared to the previous academic year but 53 percent higher than a decade earlier. Two thirds of all degrees were awarded to women. Many students complete more than one degree during a single academic year. 51 500 persons graduated during the 2007/08 academic year. Most degrees awarded to women in the 2007/08 academic year were within the fields of social science and health care, while most degrees awarded to men were in technical and social science fields.

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Universities and higher education institutions

This report does not include students from abroad. 40 credit points correspond to one year of full time studies.

Degrees or credit points for university entrants in academic years 1999/2000 with follow up work up to academic year 2005/06. Percent

DegreeNo degree:Minimum 120 credit points40–119 credit points20–39 credit points1–19 credit points0 credit points





Programme students







Degree or credit points within seven years

Course studentsWomen MenWomen Men




Statistics Sweden

Not all students complete higher education studies with a degree University entrants can be divided into programme students and course students. Degrees require at least three academic years or six terms of full-time studies. It is significantly more common for programme students to have been registered for six terms at university compared to course students.

In follow up work, seven years after the start, 80 percent of programme students had optained a degree or completed 120 credit points without taking a degree. The corresponding share among course students is approximately 20 percent.

A larger share of women programme students than men take a degree. The share of those who take a degree among course students was roughly as large for women as it was for men.

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Postgraduate students

Universities and higher education institutions

Share of women and men among doctoral students Percent







1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



Statistics Sweden

The number of active doctoral students ...... amounted to more than 16 900 in the autumn 2008. After increasing

steadily for a number of years, the share of female doctoral students has now stabilised at the same level as last year, with 49 percent women and 51 percent men in the autumn 2008.

Among new doctoral students, the share of women has increased from 46 percent in 2007 to 47 percent in 2008.

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Universities and higher education institutions

Number of doctoral degrees



1 000

1 500

2 000

2 500

3 000

3 500

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008




Statistics Sweden

The share of women completing doctoral degrees ...... has increased remarkably, from 37 percent 1999 to 47 percent in 2008. Medicine and technical sciences are the largest research areas. Half of all doctoral degrees were done in these areas in 2008.

The share of women and men in each research area varies greatly. 66 percent of doctoral degree holders in the field of agricultural sciences are women and 34 percent are men while in mathematics there are 24 percent women and 76 percent men.

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Universities and higher education institutions

Sex distribution among university staff by employment category 2008

0 20 40 60 80 100

ProfessorSenior lecturer

Postdoctoral fellowTechnical staff

Other research or technical staffRemunerated temporary staff

Postgraduate student

Guest lecturer and part-time teacherJunior lecturer

Library staffAdministrative staff

Cleaning staff Women Men

Statistics Sweden

More than 62 700 persons were employed ...... at universities and higher education institutions in Sweden in October 2008.

This equals a little more than 50 200 full-time employees. Staff engaged in teaching or research made up 63 percent of the employees.

More than half of the employees were women. However, the sex distribution was uneven in many employment categories. 19 percent of professors were women in 2008. Of those holding a position in teaching or research 57 percent were men.

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In the 1970s, the first generations of young people with 11 to 12 years of education appeared and an increasing number of these also continued on to higher education.

Adult education

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The older generations have been able to take part in adult education.

Today there is an overwhelming number of courses and study programmes on offer. Every year, roughly half of the adult population take part in some form of adult education.

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I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.

Groucho Marx (1890–1977)U.S. comedian

Statistics Sweden

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Number of students in municipal adult education

Adult education

Statistics Sweden

Municipal adult education

Municipal adult education, ...... called "komvux", consists of compulsory adult education, upper secondary adult education and supplementary training. Almost 80 percent of the pupils study at the upper secondary level. It was also the upper secondary education that showed the strongest signs of increase. A large increase occurred in 1997/98 in connection with the Adult Education Initiative Programme, which was a government initiative to promote educate for the unemployed or who lacked the full three year upper secondary qualifications. This effort was a labour market policy programme during a business cycle downturn.


50 000

100 000

150 000

200 000

250 000

300 000

350 000

1992/93 1996/97 2000/01 2004/05 2007/08

Adult upper secondary


Adult compulsorySupplementary training

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Adult education

Number of students in municipal adult education


100 000

200 000

300 000

400 000

1998/99 2000/01 2002/03 2004/05 2006/07

Foreign born students



Statistics Sweden

Number of students decreased sharply ...... in municipal adult education over several years. However the number of students decreased by eight percent in academic year 2007/08. This was due to reduced government contribution but also in part due to the upturn in the business cycle.

The share of foreign born persons in municipal adult education increases and has done so steadily every academic year. Metropolitan areas have the highest share of foreign-born students. 87 percent of the students in compulsory municipal adult education are foreign born persons. The number of women in municipal adult education has been double the number of men for a long time. The distribution of women and men varies among the different levels of municipal adult education.

Upper secondary education had the highest share of women with 68 percent in academic year 2007/08.

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Adult education

Statistics Sweden

Number of teachers in municipal adult education

01 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000

1997/98 2000/01 2003/04 2006/07




The number of teachers continues to decrease in municipal adult education In academic year 2008/09 there were 4 800 teachers in service. Compared to academic year 1998/99 the number of teachers was 14 100 at its highest. The decrease is 66 percent.

In academic year 2008/09 nearly two out of three teachers were women and nine percent of the teachers were born abroad. The share of teachers with formal teaching qualifications has increased slightly since the turn of the century and amounted to 76 percent in academic year 2008/09.

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Adult education

Statistics Sweden

Adult education for adults with learning disabilities

Adult education for adults with learning disabilities ... ... aims to provide knowledge and skills equivalent to those provided in special school.

Special adult education has three levels: compulsory school, training school and secondary school.

The number of students in special adult education continues to increase and there were 4 900 students in the 2008/09 academic year. Of these, slightly less than half, 49 percent, were women. Among students in special adult education, the median age is 36 years and ten percent are foreign-born. The considerable rise in the number of students at secondary school level continues, the number having almost quadrupled during the past ten year period.


1 000

2 000

3 000

4 000

5 000

6 000

1995/96 1998/99 2001/02 2004/05 2007/08


Special compulsory school level

Training school level

Special upper secondary school level

Number of students in adult education for adults with learning disabilities

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Adult education

Number of students in Swedish language for immigrants


10 00020 000

30 00040 000

50 000

60 00070 000

80 000

1995/96 1997/981999/2000 2001/02 2003/04 2005/06 2007/08




Swedish for immigrants (sfi)Swedish language teaching for immigrants (sfi) aims to give ...... basic knowledge of the Swedish language and Swedish society. The number of students has increased strongly since last year, due to the increased immigration. There were 74 000 participants in sfi during the academic year 2007/08. The number of municipalities where sfi instruction takes place was 259.

Of all students during 2007/08 31 percent were classed as refugees. Arabic was the most common mother tongue language among the students. More than 18 300 has Arabic as a mother tongue. After these, students with Thai and Somali origins numbered 4 300 followed by students from Poland numbering 4 200. 56 percent of the total number of students were women and 44 percent were men. The median age of students was 32 years.

Roughly 60 percent of the students had at least ten years of previous education.

Statistics Sweden

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Whenever people agree with me

I always fell I must be wrong.

Oscar Wilde (1854–1900)Irish poet and playwright

Statistics Sweden

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Adult education

Number of students in advanced vocational training

Statistics Sweden

Advanced vocational training

Since 2002, advanced vocational training ... ... has been a regular form of education. Advanced vocational training consists of post upper secondary education. The training is a flexible form of education close to the workplace and adapted to the needs of working life. Advanced vocational training is organised by municipalities, companies, organisations, institutions for higher education and foundations. At least one third of the programme should be dedicated to work-study. Many educational programmes comprise 80 credit points, which is the equivalent of two years of full-time studies. During 2007 were 760 educational programmes organised. Most of the programmes were in the areas of "economics, management and sales", "technology and manufacturing", "health and medical care" and "social work".

The number of students has steadily increased since the introduction of the 1997 studies reform and was 38 000 in 2007. The number of places for full-year students was 19 400 in 2007. The distribution by sex in different advanced vocational training programmes has been very balanced in the period of 1997–2007.

010 00020 00030 00040 000

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

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Adult education

Number of schools, programmes and students




Number of schools

Number of students

Total of which women

Number of programmes


7 1005 8805 7005 3105 5505 3605 180

3 5903 7403 9203 6103 8303 5903 420

Statistics Sweden

Supplementary education

Supplementary education are education for ... ... young persons and adults that are supported by the government but that are outside the official school system.

The number of schools offering supplementary education with government supervision amounted to 102 in the autumn of 2008. The number of educational programmes amounted to 240. Most educational programmes were in handicrafts and most pupils were studying skin care, hair care, health, fitness activities and the environment. In the autumn of 2008, the number of pupils reached 5 180 and the mean age was 28. The distribution between men and women was uneven when two out of three pupils were women. The highest share of women were educated in animal care and fashion design. There was a high share of men in those educational programmes concerning aviation and technology.

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Adult education

New participants in labour market training

Total Women Men % %

30 60029 80019 10017 20018 90028 60014 300

59 605964626366

Younger than 35 %




Statistics Sweden

Labour market training

The aim of labour market training is to help ...... individuals to find and keep a job as well as to adress the shortage of skills that are demanded on the labour market.

The number of new participants in labour market training during 2007 was 14 300, which is half as much compared to year 2006. Men were over-represented in the labour market training programmes, 66 percent, in relation to their share of the unemployed, 53 percent, in 2007. The new participants were to a great extent from the group aged 25–34. During 2007, 57 percent of the new participants were younger than 35. As was the case in earlier years, men dominate the younger age groups. Programmes in "healthcare and nursing" continued to decrease from 26 percent in 2003 to 11 percent in 2007. Industry dominated programmes have increased the most during the corresponding period. The highest share, 21 percent, was within programmes for manufacturing and handicrafts.


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An old dog will learn no new tricks.

W. Walker 1672

Statistics Sweden

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Adult education

Number of course participants at Folk high schoolParticipants in autumn term


20 000

40 000

60 000

80 000

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007



Statistics Sweden

Folk high school

Courses in folk high schools ...... vary in length from a few days to three years. These can be general courses or directed towards specialised subjects such as colour and form, sports, music, drama, media, philosophy and environment/nature, to mention just a few. General courses can be theoretical and offer qualifications for higher learning or professional training. The number of participants in folk high school courses during the autumn term 2007 was 121 000. From 2000 up to 2006 the number of students decreased by approximately 12 400. During the autumn term 2007 the number of students at folk high schools increased by 9 800 to a total of 121 000.

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Adult education

Number of study circle participants 1


500 000

1 000 000

1 500 000

2 000 000

2 500 000

3 000 000

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Statistics Sweden

1. A person can have taken part in many study circles and can therefore be reported several times.

Adult educational associations

2 million study circle participants ...... during 2007. The number of participants in study circles almost doubled during the 1970s. At the start of the 1980s the number of participants decreased by roughly one third, in part due to reduced government subsidies.

During the last decade the number of participants in study circles has decreased from 3 million to 2 million persons.

The general study circles are divided into nearly 180 subject groups. The single most common study circle subject during 2007 was "improvisational music", followed by "song music for groups". Study circle activities per inhabitant is clearly higher in the more sparsely populated areas than in metropolitan areas.

Government subsidies in 2007 for study circle activities were near to SEK 1.5 billion.

A study circle consists of at least three participants at three different meetings.

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Adult education

Number of arrangements in adult education association's cultural program 1 2 3

1. Source: Swedish Arts Council2. A person can take part in many cultural programmes and thus be reported several times.3. Cultural programmes include the participating audience in different events.


50 000

100 000

150 000

200 000

250 000

300 000

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Statistics Sweden

Aside from study circles the adult education association arranges ...... cultural programmes also. Cultural programmes are performed in front of an audience. This can for example be lectures, concerts, theatre performances, art or dance.

The number of cultural programmes arranged has increased from the start of the 1990s and reached 253 000 during 2007. "Song and music" were the most popular cultural programmes with more than 88 000 events. The number of participants was 6.6 million persons, of which a large share were the audience.

The largest number of participants per event was by "Exhibitions" with 102 persons. Cultural programmes during 2007 had a total of 15.6 million participants.

"Literature" was the event that had the least amount of participants.

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It took me fifteen years to discover that I didn’t have a talent for

writing, but by then it was too late because I was already famous.

Robert BenchleyAmerican author

Statistics Sweden

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Adult education

Share of employed persons participating in staff training First half of each year. Employed persons aged 16–64 years. Percent.

Statistics Sweden

Staff training differs ...... from other forms of education by being mainly financed by the employer. The employer decides the type of training that will be the most beneficial for the staff. Except for the year 2000, from 1997 to 2006 the number of participants and the share of participants in staff training increased. During the first half of 2008 the share had decreased while the number of participants remained at the same level as 2006. In the first half of 2008, 2.1 million persons participated in a total of 3.1 million courses. Participating men went to 4.3 days of training on average and women went to 4.0 days. The training courses were for the most part led by teachers.







1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008


n.a. n.a.

Note. Data not availible for some years (n.a.)

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78 Statistics Sweden

Enter the job market, or continue to study?

What happens after education?

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What happens after education?

1. According to a survey conducted by Statistics Sweden in 2008.

Statistics Sweden

Jobs are the most common employment among upper secondary student ...... who stopped studying in academic year 2004/051.

Nearly 70 percent of all had jobs in April 2008. However, the choice of programmes in upper secondary school had great importance. Three years after upper secondary school, those who took a study preparation programme had work to a much lesser extent than those who took a vocational programme, or 58 percent compared to 81 percent.

Among men, those who took the vehicle engineering programme had the highest percentage of people with work, or 92 percent. Among women, those who took the hotel and restaurant programme had the highest share of people with work, or 87 percent.

20 percent had studied at some time after finishing upper secondary school due to lack of work. The proportion was somewhat higher among women than among men and among foreign-born compared to Swedish-born.

Difficult to find work in "right" occupational fieldRoughly half of those who had taken a vocational programme and who had work as their main occupation in April 2008 were working entirely or partly within the right occupational field.

Four out of ten men had a job that was entirely/mostly within the vocational area they trained for. In addition, two out of ten of the men were working in their "right" occupational field to a certain extent. The corresponding figures for women were 39 and 17 percent respectively.

Foreign born persons have a more difficult time than Swedish born persons when it comes to getting work in the correct occupational field.

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What happens after education?

Statistics Sweden

Upper secondary school entrants in autumn 2000 that did not complete upper secondary studies by the school year they quit Percent







School Year 1 School Year 2 School Year 3

Study preparatory programme

Vocational programme

Individual programme

Being tired of studying is the biggest reason for quitting ... ... upper secondary school1. One third of women and half of the men that quit did so due to being tired of studying. The second most common reason was poor psychological or physical health, which was the main reason for quitting for every sixth woman and every tenth man.

In all, almost every fourth quit their studies before receiving a final certificate. Women quit upper secondary school to a lesser extent than men, 21 percent to 26 percent. Most of those who quit, 57 percent, were in the third year. Over half regretted quitting having seen their situation in light of present circumstances.

More support by teachers or other school staff could have resulted in completion of studies for nearly half the women and one in three men. Regardless of sex, more practical work encouraged to a great extent a continuation of studies.

1. According to a questionnaire survey conducted by Statistics Sweden in spring 2007 among upper secondary school entrants in autumn 2000.

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What happens after education?

Statistics Sweden

The share of gainfully employed in April 2008, three years after graduation and how well occupations matched their educations

80 100

Neither optimistic norpessimistic

Women Men

Very optimistic

Fairly optimistic

Fairly pessimistic

Very pessimistic

0 20 40 60

95 percent had a job in April 20081 ... ... of those undergraduates completing university studies in academic year 2004/05. There were equal share of men and women. The share that had jobs was lower among foreign born persons than Swedish born persons at 90 and 96 percent, respectively.

Nine of ten of the university graduates both men and women were fairly or very satisfied with the jobs they had in April 2008.32 percent of university graduates had been unemployed at some time after graduation. The difference between men and women is not significant. 10 percent of university graduates had studied at some time because they could not find work. Of those university graduates that worked, 66 percent had a job entirely or for the most part in the correct occupational field. This was truer for women than for men. 9 percent of all graduates worked in a totally different occupational field.

1. According to a questionnaire survey conducted by Statistics Sweden in 2008.

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What happens after education?

Statistics Sweden

Those finishing upper secondary


Establishment in the labour market in 2005 for students leaving upper secondary school in academic year of 2001/02.1


1. Students are not included in the calculations or the figure to make possible comparison of labour market establishment among programmes of study where the percentages classified as studying are of varying sizes.

More men than women established in the labour market during 2005

Three years after graduating from upper secondary school in the academic year of 2001/02, 43 percent of the women and 58 percent of the men were established in the labour market. The share of established women was 50 percent or higher in four out of sixteen programmes of study. The share of established men was 50 percent or higher in thirteen programmes of study. Those who studied technical vocational programmes, such as the vehicle engineering programme, the industry programme, the energy and electrical engineering programmes had the best position on the labour market in 2005.

0 20 40 60 80

Electrical engineeringVehicle engineering



Social scienceBusiness andadministrative

IndustryNatural science

Hotel and restaurantMedia

Use of natural resources

Child care and recreation

Arts0 20 40 60 80

Electrical engineering




FoodBusiness andadministrative


Hotel and restaurantMedia

Use of natural resources

Child care andrecreation



Vehicle engineering

Social scienceNatural science

Women Men

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What happens after education?

Statistics Sweden

Share of upper secondary pupils that made the transition to higher education within three years after upper secondary school Percent

The transition to higher education occurs primarily ... ... in the three first years after completing upper secondary school.

More women, 46 percent, than men, 35 percent, continued to study in higher education within three years of completing upper secondary school in academic year 2004/05.

Over the last ten academic years the share of persons continuing to higher education has increased among both men and women. In 1995/96 academic year 42 percent of women and 32 percent of the men started studies in higher education within three years after finishing upper secondary school.

Most of those continuing higher education studies have completed a natural science programme or social science programme.







1995/96 1997/98 1999/00 2001/02 2004/05



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What happens after education?

Statistics Sweden

Share of students working during spring term 2007 as planned rate studies Percent

Six out of ten students work while studying1 ... Six out of ten students worked while studying last spring to a greater or lesser extent. The share of women who worked was slightly higher than the share of men. It was more common for part time students to work while studying than for full time students. 85 percent of those who planned to study ten points during the spring worked while studying and more than half of the full time students worked while studying. There were fairly large differences between students pursuing different educations. Those studying to become civil engineers had the lowest share working and studying at 39 percent while those studying to become teachers had the highest share at 65 percent.

Nearly half of all students did not buy their course literature due to a lack of money during the spring 2007. This affected students younger than 30 to a greater extent than older students. There were no major differences between the sexes.

Half of all students did not travel to relatives or friends living elsewhere. One in three could not visit a dentist. One in four could not afford a monthly public transport ticket due to a lack of money during the spring 2007.





Less than 10 points 10-19 points 20 points or more

Women Men

1. According to a questionnaire survey conducted by Statistics Sweden in 2007.

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What happens after education?

Statistics Sweden

Those completing higher education

Gainful employment among university graduates Gainfully employed in November one year after graduation year. Percent







1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006




Nine out of ten ... ... higher education graduateswere gainfully employed during 2007 within two years of earning

their degrees1. Swings in the labour market situation do not affect those with higher education as much as those with a lower level of education. 86 percent of women and 85 percent of men had jobs in 1998. By 2007 this share had increased to 89 percent of women and decreased to 82 percent of men. In 2007, ten percent of men and four percent of women were "not registered in Sweden". Part of the difference in gainful employment between men and women can be explained by men having worked abroad to a greater extent than women after earning their degrees. During 2007 there were two percent of men and women that continued to study after earning their degrees.

It was easiest for those educated as engineers, school teachers, dentists, doctors and in other health care fields to get a job.

1. A register study based on data from the University and Higher Education Register and register based labour market statistics (RAMS).

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Education in Sweden rates well internationally ...

... and there is room for improvement.


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International overview

1. Including post-upper secondary education (not higher education).

Educational attainment in OECD countries, 2006Individuals aged 25-64. Percent















New Zealand





SpainUnited Kingdom


the Czech Republic






OECD average

Higher education

Upper secondary education

Compulsory education


0 20 40 60 80 100
















New Zealand





SpainUnited Kingdom


the Czech Republic






OECD average

Higher education

Upper secondary education

Compulsory education


0 20 40 60 80 100

Statistics Sweden

Educational level

The Swedish population's level of education is relatively high ...... compared to other OECD countries.

Nearly one third of Swedes aged 25-64 have obtained higher education in 2006. The OECD average is 27 percent.

The top of the OECD list has Canada at 47 percent and Japan at 40 percent. Turkey was once again at the bottom of the list.The share having only compulsory education as their highest level of education, was clearly lower in Sweden, than in most OECD countries.

The OECD average was 30 percent, while Sweden's share was 16 percent.

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International overview

Statistics Sweden

Level of education in Sweden has been on a strong rise ...... over the last three decades. At the beginning of the1970s only one of three Swedes had upper secondary or higher education. In 2006 had 84 percent of Swedes aged 25–64 upper secondary or higher education.

As in Sweden, the level of education has risen in many OECD countries. The share of people with upper secondary or higher education in the OECD countries was, on average, 70 percent in 2006.

The difference in education among the generations ... ... is still relatively large in almost all OECD countries. By 2006 in Sweden over 90 percent of persons aged 25–34 had an upper secondary educations as their lowest level of education. The corresponding share for the group aged 55–64 was 73 percent. Among OECD countries the corresponding share for those aged 25–34 was 78 percent and for those aged 55–64 was 55 percent. United States is the only OECD country that does not have any differences between the different age groups. The share for both age groups was 87 percent.

Young Swedish women are relatively well-educated ...... compared to women in other OECD countries. Among Swedish women aged 25–34, 45 percent have obtained higher education 2006. 36 percent is the average for the corresponding age group within the OECD. In 2006, more than every other women aged 25–34 in Canada, Japan, and South Korea had obtained higher education.

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International overview

Source: OECD, Education at a Glance 2008.

Share of higher education 2006 Persons aged 25–34 years. Percent

Higher education,3 years or more

Higher education, less than 3 years

0 10 20 30 40 50 60


BelgiumSouth Korea


New ZealandSpain




United KingdomGermany





OECD average

Statistics Sweden

The share of at least 3 years of higher education ...... aged 25–34 in Sweden amounted to 31 percent in 2006. This proportion is slightly higher than the OECD average of 25 percent, but clearly lower compared to Norway. There 40 percent of persons aged 25–34 had at least 3 years of higher education in 2006.

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International overview

Calculated share of postgraduate degrees in the population 2006Percent


United KingdomFinlandAustria




Norwaythe Czech Republic


ItalyNew Zealand






0 1 2 3 4

Statistics Sweden

Source: OECD, Education at a Glance 2008

Postgraduate education

The share of persons with post-graduate degrees in Sweden ...... is above the OECD average. Presently it is 2.2 percent of the population. An

average of 1.4 percent of the population of OECD countries had postgraduate degrees in 2006. The share varies from 0.2 percent in Mexico and Turkey to 3.1 percent in Switzerland. Sweden shares third place, together with the United Kingdom, at 2.2 percent. Among the Nordic countries, Finland was also above the OECD average at 2.1 percent of the population holding postgraduate degrees. Nearly eight of ten OECD countries had share of women taking advanced degrees to the same or higher extent than men, while a number of OCED countries had male majorities as regards postgraduate degree holders.

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Student mobility

International overview

0 5 10 15 20 25


United Kingdom






Other OECD countries

Other countries outside OECD

Statistics Sweden

Student mobility increases ...… in pace with globalisation. Over 2.9 million persons pursued studied in higher education in another country

than their native country in 2006. This is an increase of more than 50 percent since 2000. Most studied in the U.S.A., United Kingdom, Germany and France.

These four recipient countries accounted for almost 50 percent of all foreign students in 2006. Sweden's share was 1.4 percent of students as a recipient country.

U.S.A. was the country that reduced their share the most between 2000 and 2006, falling from 26 percent to 20 percent.The selection of a country to study in, depends to a great extent on the country's reputation and the language spoken there.

Students in higher education distributed by recipient country year 2006


Source: OECD, Education at a Glance 2008

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Educational expenditure

International overview

Statistics Sweden

Sweden was above the OECD average by 6.4 percent ...

... for education costs that are a share of gross domestic product (GDP) during 2005.

Among OECD countries, Iceland had the highest share, or 8.0 percent. At 6.4 percentage points, Sweden is in seventh place.

The OECD country average has varied between 5.5 to 5.9 percentage points during the period of 1995–2005.

Four countries, Iceland, U.S.A., South Korea and Denmark were above 7 percent in 2005.

0 2 4 6 8 10


South KoreaU.S.A.

New ZealandMexico


United KingdomSwitzerland







ItalyCzech Republic




Education costs as a share of GDP in OECD countries in 2005 Percent

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International overview

Statistics Sweden

United States invests most ... ... of all OECD countries into system of higher education.The share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) devoted to education amounted to 2.9 percent in 2005. The Nordic countries belong to the group of OECD countries that invest roughly as much. Denmark and Finland shared third place with 1.7 percent. While Sweden came in just after that at 1.6 percent. During the years 1995-2004 the OECD average was fairly constant at 1.4 percent of GDP.

There are very large differences in cost per student ...... and levels of education among the OECD countries. The biggest differences are between the preschool and university levels.

Preschool costs varied during 2005 from USD 1 950 in Mexico to USD 8 300 in U.S.A. In Sweden these costs coincided with the OECD average of approximately USD 4 900.

Greece had the least costs per full-time university student at USD 6 150, while U.S.A. had the highest at USD 24 350. The cost per university student for Sweden and the OECD was USD 15 950 and USD 11 500, respectively. Only U.S.A. and Switzerland had higher education costs per university student than Sweden.

Lower costs per student in compulsory school ...... is not synonymous with low quality of education. South Korea and Finland have low or average education costs per student at the compulsory school level. These countries had the best results according to the international knowledge test PISA for 15 year olds during 2006.

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International overview

Statistics Sweden

Sweden's 15 year olds that performed slightly over the average in PISA1 in 2006 had a cost per compulsory level student of USD 7 720, which is over the OECD average of USD 6 650. Fifteen year olds in U.S.A. and Norway clearly performed under the OECD average while these countries top the list of countries with high costs for compulsory level education.

Sweden's cost per knowledge point, USD 15, ... ... was higher than the OECD average of USD 13 but lower than the average for the Nordic Countries of USD 16. Countries such as Norway and U.S.A. had a cost per knowledge point of USD 19 while South Korea has a cost per obtained knowledge point only amounted to USD 9.

Pupils costs per average point in knowlege test PISA 2006

0 5 10 15 20





GermanySouth Korea

Nordic CountriesOECD

1. PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment).

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International overview

0 200 400 600










South Africa

OECD (19)



Ten year olds' reading ability in countries selected by average points and sex 2006

Statistics Sweden

Swedish fourth graders performed quite well ... ... ... in their studies from an international perspective, according to the Progress in Literacy Study1 (PIRLS) in 2006. PIRLS is one of the most extensive surveys of students reading ability ever devised. Only a few countries, such as Russia with 565 points, of the 45 participating countries performed better than Sweden with 549 points.

However in 2001 Sweden had the highest average points of all countries at 561. Among both boys and girls in Sweden, it is the share with "strong" or "very strong" reading ability that decreased since 2001.

In most participating countries, the girls clearly had better reading abilities than the boys.

Some differences in reading ability in municipal and independent schools was not evident in Sweden.

1. PIRLS (Progress in Literacy Study).

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International overview

AustraliaDenmarkFinlandFranceGreeceItalyJapanCanadaNorwaySwedenSouth KoreaGermany

Nordic countries


Reading Comprehension

Average points for students in a survey of countries by each knowledge area in PISA 20061




Boys Girls532509572505488489513543508528574517



Mathematics Natural Sciences





Boys Girls







Boys Girls527491565494479474530532489503523512







1. The OECD initiated the PISA project in order to investigate the extent to which different countries' educational systems contribute to 15 year old compulsory school students' being well-prepared to face the future's challenges, how they manage analysis and how they are prepared for life-long learning. 2. The average grade came from three knowledge areas: reading comprehension, mathematics and natural science

Statistics Sweden

Swedish 15 year-old students perform better ... ... than the OECD average for reading comprehension and mathematics.

Four countries had better results than Sweden in all know-ledge subjects. The countries were Finland, South Korea, Canada and Australia. Another two countries, Japan and New Zealand, got better results than Sweden in mathematics and natural sciences.

One third of the OECD countries, among them Norway and Greece, performed significantly worse than Sweden in all subject areas.

Results also showed that Sweden had a smaller share of weakly-performing students in reading comprehension, natural science and mathematics compared to the OECD average.

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International overview

Average results in mathematics and natural sciences, 8th grade , in TIMMS 1995 and 2007. Sample of countries


South KoreaJapanthe Czech RepublicSwedenRussiaUnited KingdomNorwayU.S.A.

Points in Mathematics1995 2007

Points in Natural siences1995 2007





Statistics Sweden

Students in Sweden in 8th grade ... ... perform under the EU & OECD averages for mathematics, as shown in the results from TIMSS1 in 2007.

Compared to the measurement performed in 1995, Sweden's results in mathematics for 2007 were nearly ten percent lower.

Thus, Sweden is one of the countries that have worsened their mathematical skills the most. Since 1995 the share of students not achieving the most basic level of mathematical knowledge has more than doubled.

The share of students in Sweden that performed at the highest level decreased even more between the years 1995 and 2007.

Swedish pupils performed roughly at the average OECD level in the natural sciences. As was the case with mathematics, skills in these areas have decreased between 1995 and 2007.

Between the years 1995 and 2007, the boys have worsened results to a greater extent than girls in both mathematics and natural science.

1. TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study)

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International overview

Statistics Sweden

The Swedish students in 4 th grade ... ... in mathematics under the OECD and EU average in a TIMSS study in 2007. The share of that did not achieve the elementary level, i.e. to be able to add and subtract with integers was seven percent in Sweden.

In natural science subjects, Swedish pupils in year 4 performed roughly at the same level as the average for OECD and EU countries. Other EU and OECD countries at roughly the same level include Germany, Australia and the Netherlands.Students in independent schools had better average results in TIMSS 2007 than students in municipal schools.

Average results in mathematics and natural sciences, 4th grade, 2007. Sample of countries. Percent




Un. Kingdom








New Zealand

Natural sciences

0 200 400 600

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Labour market

International overview

Statistics Sweden

Share of employed persons (aged 25–64) by level of education 2006. Percent

Sweden has a high share of employed women ... ... compared to the average of OECD countries in 2006. The Nordic Countries

had a similar sexual distribution to that of Sweden. In Sweden 78 percent of women and 84 percent of men were employed in 2006. The corresponding figure for OECD was 64 percent and 82 percent, respectively.

Share of employed persons varies greatly ...... with reference to the level of education. In most OECD countries the share of employed persons was higher among persons with higher education than in the population in general. This difference was particularly marked for women. The share of employed persons was on average 13 share points higher in OECD among women aged 25–64 with longer university educations than women with an upper secondary level of education. The corresponding difference for women in Sweden was ten share points.

The corresponding value for men was six share points in the OECD and four share points in Sweden.

1. Corresponds to upper secondary's national and specialised programmes.





Compulsory school

Upper secondary education 1

University and research training


Women MenOECD SwedenOECD Sweden

Highest level of education













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List of termsAbbreviations FörkortningarAbout OmAbroad UtlandetAcademic year, school year LäsårActivity, operations VerksamhetAdmitted (to university and higher education intitutions) Antagna (högskolan)Adult education Vuxenutbildning Adult educational associations Studieförbund Advanced Vocational Education Kvalificerad and Training (AVET) Yrkesutbildning (KY)Against, towards MotAge Ålder Age group ÅldersgruppAll SamtligaApplicants Sökande Area of research VetenskapsområdeAt least LägstAt the most HögstAutumn term HöstterminenAverage GenomsnittligaAverage mark/grade Medelbetyg Background, origin BakgrundBasic Grundläggande Beginners Nybörjare Born FöddBoys Pojkar Branch, option Gren/arBy, after Efter

Child care Skolbarnsomsorg Child/children BarnChoice of language Språkval




List of terms

Statistics Sweden

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Circles CirklarComparability JämförbarhetComplete Avsluta Completed Fullföljd, genomförd Compulsory Obligatoriska Compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities Grundsärskola Correspondence ÖverensstämmelseCosts, expenditure Kostnader Country of birth, native country Födelseland Course Kurs Course organiser, education provider Utbildningsanordnare Course participant KursdeltagareCourse student Kursstudent Credits PoängCultural programmes Kulturprogram Daycare center Daghem Degree certificate, diploma ExamensbevisDegree, diploma Examen Degrees, diplomas, qualifications ExaminaDescription BeskrivningDifferent OlikaDistribution FördelningDoctoral degree Doktorsexamina

Educated UtbildadeEducation UtbildningEducation expenditure Utbildningskostnader Education for adults with Vuxenutbildning för learning disabilities utvecklingsstörda (särvux) Education for pupils with learning disabilities Särskola Educational background UtbildningsbakgrundEmployed, employees Anställda



List of terms

Statistics Sweden

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Employees, employed Personal Enrolled RegistreradeExplanations FörklaringarExtent Omfattning

Failed, fail Icke godkänd (IG) Family daycare unit Familjedaghem Field Område Field of occupation YrkesområdeFinished Slutat First cycle Grundnivå Fiscal year Budgetår/et Folk high school Folkhögskola Folk high school courses FolkhögskolekurserForeign Utländsk Foreign language Främmande språkFull-time employees (FTE) HelårspersonerFunctional disability Funktionshinder Gainful employment FörvärvsarbeteGeographical location of school UtbildningsortGirls Flickor Goal MålGoal-related grades Mål- och kunskapsrelaterade slutbetyg Grade Betyg Graduated Avgångna/Avlagda/Examinerade Graduates from postgraduate education Forskarexaminerade Graduation rate Examensfrekvens Group of degrees ExamensgruppGroup of subjects Ämnesgrupp

Higher education Högskolestudier/högskoleutbildn.Higher education institution Högskola Hours of attendance Närvarotimmar




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Statistics Sweden

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Immigrant origin Invandrarbakgrund Immigrants InvandrareInclusive InklusiveIndividual programmes Individuella program Integration IntegrationIntellectually disabled Utvecklingsstörda Junior level of compulsory school (years 1–3) Lågstadiet Knowledge-related Kunskapsrelaterade Labour market training Arbetsmarknadsutbildning Language/s Språk Leaving certificate Slutbetyg Leaving-classes AvgångsklasserLevel Stadium Level of education Utbildningsnivå Main HuvudsakligMain subject HuvudämnesgruppMeasurement week MätveckaMedian MedianMen Män Most FlestMother tongue Modersmål Municipal adult education Kommunal vuxenutbildning (komvux) National programmes Nationella program New doctoral student Doktorandnybörjare9-year compulsory school Grundskolan Number Antal







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Of which, of whom Därav Orientation, study path, field Inriktning Other Övrigt/övriga Participants Deltagare Participation in education StudiedeltagandeParticipation, attendance DeltagandePassed with distinction Mycket väl godkänd (MVG) Passed with honours Väl godkänd (VG)Passed, passing grade Godkänd (G) Percent Procent Popular education FolkbildningsverksamhetPopulation Befolkning Postgraduate degree Forskarexamen Postgraduate students DoktoranderPreparing for further studies Studieförberedande Preschool activities FörskoleverksamhetPreschool class FörskoleklassPreschools Förskolor Primary and lower secondary FörgymnasialPrivate, independent Fristående Production of credits PoängproduktionProfessional or vocational qualification YrkesexamenProgramme Program Programme student ProgramstudentPupils, students Elever Qualified, eligible Berättigade Registered for first time Nyregistrerade Regular education Reguljär utbildning Remedial teaching/instruction Specialundervisning Research subject area Forskningsämnesområde





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Sami school Sameskola (School) leaving certificates Avgångsbetyg School unit SkolenhetSchool/s Skola/or Schools abroad Utlandsskolor Schools for pupils with impaired hearing/vision and physical disabilities Specialskolan/or Second cycle Avancerad nivåSelected UttagnaSenior level of compulsory school (years 7–9) Högstadiet Sex Kön Share, percentage AndelSources KällorSpring VårStart, begin BörjaStatistics StatistikStudents Studerande Students enrolled Registrerade studenterStudents from abroad Inresande studentStudies Studier Study circles StudiecirklarStudy programmes, lines Linjer Subject teacher Ämneslärare Subject/s Ämne/n Supplementary course Påbyggnadsutbildning Supplementary education Kompletterande utbildningarSwedish SvenskSwedish crown (SEK) Kronor (Kr)Swedish standard classification Svensk utbildningsnomenklatur of education (SUN) (SUN)Swedish tuition for Svenska för invandrare immigrants (sfi)


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Statistics Sweden

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Teacher(s) Lärare Teaching modes UndervisningsformerTeaching, tuition Undervisning Tertiary Eftergymnasial Thousand SEK TkrThree-family system TrefamiljesystemTime of study StudietidTo T.o.m.Total Totalt/summaTransfer rate, transfer frequency ÖvergångsfrekvensTransition Övergång Type TypType of employment Tjänstekategori Undergraduate education GrundutbildningUnemployed Arbetslös University Universitet University entrants HögskolenybörjareUpper secondary school Gymnasieskolan Upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities Gymnasiesärskola Within InomVocational course YrkesutbildningVocational training Yrkesträning Women Kvinnor Work, employment Arbete Year of leaving education AvgångsårYear, grade Årskurs, åkYear/s År






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For more information: and research/

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Adult educatione-mail: [email protected]:

What happens after education?e-mail: [email protected]: [email protected] also

International overviewe-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] also

Statistics Sweden Education and jobs SE-701 89 ÖREBRO Sweden

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Education in Sweden offers a glimpse of the Swedish educational system, providing quick answers to the whe-res, hows, and sometimes whys of the system

ISSN 1654-1596 (online)ISSN 1104-4381 (print)ISBN 978-91-618-1485-5 (print)