edge of seven 2012 annual report


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The 2012 Annual Report from Edge of Seven. Edge of Seven is a nonprofit organization based in Denver, Colorado that engages volunteers in its mission to create access to education for girls and women in the developing world. www.edgeofseven.org


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Page 2: Edge of Seven 2012 Annual Report

We believe that discovery happens when we leave our comfort zones.

We believe that empathy strikes when we walk in someone else’s shoes.

We believe that important changes in our world often begin with one individual.

We believe, above all else, that change begins with HER .

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3 Letter from Founder, Erin Guttenplan Subedi | 5 Mission & Vision | 7 Why Nepal | 9 Why Girls | 10 Year in Review | 11 Note from Board Chair, Sarah Andrews | 16 Our Impact | 19 Leadership | 20 Finances | 22 Our Supporters | 23 Letter from Director, Emily Layton Stanley

Cover Photo Credit: Rachael WeaverPhoto Credit This Page: Sarah Andrews

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Young people often ask us how they can help address issues like sex trafficking or international poverty. Our first recommendation to them is to get out and see the world.

I’m a firm believer in this quote from the book Half the Sky, which argues that educating girls and women in the developing world is the key to economic and social progress across the globe. I believe in it so much so that in 2009 I quit my job and packed my bags to spend five months in Nepal, India, Thailand, and Cambodia to volunteer, discover, and learn.

The experience changed my life. For me, the real turning point came in November 2009 when I visited the village of Jarang, Nepal. What I saw there was a school that was literally collapsing around its students as they struggled to learn. (It’s unfortunately a sight that is all too common in remote areas of this country.) I’ll never forget the words of a villager that day who simply said, “It’s not safe to teach children here.”

The story of Edge of Seven can be traced back to that moment. While I knew this one primary school housing 80 students was really just a drop in the bucket when thinking of the millions of children not in school around the world, it seemed to me like a place to start. With the help of 30 volunteers, Edge of Seven had its first directive and we set out to



- Sheryl Wu Dunn & Nicholas Kristof in Half the Sky

Photo Credit: Sarah Andrews

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build a new school and a new future for the children of Jarang. While in Jarang, I began to connect the research I’d read about the lack of opportunities for girls and women with what I was seeing firsthand.

I was seeing that girls, like 7-year-old Sorbina, were always the last to arrive at school. They were also always the first people to wake in their households, rising early before dawn to begin tackling the myriad chores that fell on their tiny shoulders. Once finished with morning chores, they scrambled to school for a few hours before returning home to more work. But, yet, they did it day after day. And each day they made it to school helped to strengthen their hope and conviction that they would continue to receive an education.

Research consistently proves that educating and empowering girls breaks the cycle of generational poverty. The proof is in the data. When a girl is educated, she marries later, has fewer children, takes better care of her children, and becomes a responsible steward of her family’s resources. The result is healthier more prosperous communities.

At Edge of Seven, we are proud members of what has come to be known as the “girl effect” – a movement that champions the unique potential that educating girls has to end global poverty. To date, we have directly empowered more than 435 girls in Nepal to become change agents in their lives and their communities. Working with our partners, volunteers, and the local community members, we have built four school buildings in remote villages and completed two water projects, providing clean water, safer environments, and healthier living. We’ve also built one girls’ dormitory that provides housing and scholarships to 40 girls studying for college and attending grades 11 and 12.

We recognize, again, that our work is just a drop in the bucket of what needs to be done globally to eradicate poverty, which is why we will continue to provide a path to progress for girls and women in the developing world. We thank you for joining us on this mission. We couldn’t do it without your support.


Erin Guttenplan Subedi, Edge of Seven [email protected]


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OUR MISSIONEdge of Seven generates capacity-building services, volunteer support, and awareness for projects that create access to education, health, and economic opportunities for girls and women in the developing world.

Expanded Opportunity

We envision a world where every person is empowered to create the life they want to live. Our work is aimed directly at leveling the playing field of opportunity for girls and women, who most often face barriers to educational and economic advancement.

Creative Expression

We believe that stories and innovation have the power to change the world. We embrace creative expression as we seek solutions for the challenges facing girls and women across the globe.

Love for Community

We know that we do not have all the answers, and that we have much to learn from the communities where we work. We value collaboration in everything we do, which is why all of the projects that we support are initiated at a local level.

Commitment to Growth

We believe that important changes in the world often start with one individual. Sparking growth in knowledge, spirit, and opportunity for the girls and women we serve, the volunteers who travel abroad with us,and the partner communities we work with is our ultimate goal..

Passion for the Edge

We believe that discovery happens when we step outside our comfort zones. We believe that empathy strikes when we walk in someone else’s shoes. Our programs are designed for those seeking adventure, impact and exposure to new experiences, cultures, and ideas. We believe that it’s through this exposure that individuals will become empowered to change the world for the better.





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OUR VISIONAt Edge of Seven, we believe that educating and

empowering girls and women in the developing world is not only the right thing to do, it’s also the best way to alleviate

global poverty and improve the health and well-being of each and every person on the planet. Our Community

Development projects aim to do just this by giving more girls and women access to education, health, and

economic opportunities.

We also believe that each of us can play an important role in contributing to the empowerment of girls and women

worldwide. By fusing international travel with service, we create unique volunteer opportunities that lead to

development on both a personal and global level. The adventures we offer are life-changing, and our volunteers push their personal limits in order to improve the lives of

girls in the developing world.

Community Development Program

Provides funding and technical support to various infrastructure projects, such as schools, vocational training

centers, health centers, dormitories, and community water supplies, which create access to

empowerment for girls and women.

International Volunteer Program

Places volunteers at our project sites overseas with the goal of promoting cross-cultural understanding and

providing additional labor and support to our projects.


66Photo Credit: Rachael Weaver

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L? According to the World Bank, Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, with 25 percent of its 30 million residents living on less than one dollar per day. Investment in the education of girls and women in Nepal is desperately needed. Consider:

The literacy rate for Nepalese women is just 35 percent, compared with 65 percent of men. (Globalis)

Seven out of every 10 girls in rural areas in Nepal do not attain a secondary school education.

It’s estimated that 70 percent of women living in certain regions are victims of daily domestic violence due to being disempowered and disrespected by their husbands and communities. (DFID)

It’s estimated that nearly 10,000 Nepalese girls who are not in school are sold to the sex trade each year. (US Department of State)


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There is a beauty and mystery about Nepal that

is unlike anything I have ever experienced. Once you

scratch the surface, you will find people who possess the

most amazing spirits and resolve. - Kelli, Edge of Seven Volunteer

Photo Credit: Rachael Weaver

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IRLS? At Edge of Seven, we believe that investing in girls and women in the

developing world is the best solution to ending world poverty. That’s because:

High Drop-Out Rates1 in 5 girls in developing countries who enroll in primary school never finish. Yet when just 10 percent more girls are educated, a country’s GDP grows by three percent. (USAID)

Early Marriage1 out of every 7 girls in the developing world will marry before the age of 15. Studies show that early marriages lead to poorer health and economic outcomes for a girl and her family. Yet, girls who stay in school for seven or more years will, on average, marry four years later and have fewer children. (USAID)

Low EnrollmentIt’s estimated that there are more than 75 million girls not in school in the developing world. (PLAN)

Earning PotentialStudies show that every year of schooling increases a woman’s earning power by 10 to 20 percent, allowing her to lift her family out of poverty. (PLAN)

Maternal HealthA child’s probability of survival is increased by 20 percent when household income is controlled by the mother, rather than the father. (United Nations)


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Photo Credit: Rachael Weaver

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On May 3, 2012, I boarded a plane in Nepal bound for the U.S. While I was looking forward to seeing friends and family for the first time in eight months, I also felt immense sadness leaving this amazing country that had become my second home.

My time spent working on Edge of Seven’s projects in the villages of Khastav and Phuleli during 2011 and 2012 impacted me on a personal level in ways that are difficult to describe. But one thing I can easily convey is how the experience strengthened my conviction in the work Edge of Seven and our local partners are doing in rural Nepalese communities.

So many young girls in these areas lack the resources they need to become educated. By building structures, like schools and dormitories, and assisting with community-wide improvements, like water supplies, we are lifting many of the barriers girls face when accessing an education. Working alongside our partner organizations, like The Small World, we are also seeing that these girls receive scholarship assistance and that entire communities are being taught about the benefits of educating their daughters, sisters, and mothers.

In 2012, we strengthened community and partner relationships and began to lay the groundwork for new projects that will provide educational and economic empowerment for girls and women far into the future. I’m not only excited by the progress we made in 2012, but for the continued progress that we will see each year that our schools and girls’ dormitories welcome in new students with promise.

On behalf of Edge of Seven’s Board of Directors, I’d like to say thank you to each and every one of you who has supported the girls and communities we work with through your donations, volunteer travel, and advocacy. The projects described on the following pages are a direct product of your generous investment.


Sarah Andrews, Edge of Seven Board [email protected]


11Photo Credit: Travis Hughbanks

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Secondary School in Phuleli, Nepal

In February 2012, Edge of Seven completed the Phuleli Secondary School, for classes 7 and 8, in a remote village in the Everest Region of Nepal. This

school gives students in Phuleli the opportunity to pursue secondary education in a safe environment that is close to home. Before the school was built, students in classes 7 and 8 had to commute over

two hours daily to the closest school. Because girls are typically responsible for all household chores, this commute time prevented many of them from

attending school.

Volunteers and the local community worked together to clear the project site, lay the foundation

and construct the school using the earthbag construction method, a seismically-resistant

construction technique that is advantageous for building in remote regions. The school was a

combined effort by Edge of Seven and Nepali NGO, The Small World, with design support from

Architecture for Humanity Boston.

1112Photo Credit: The Small World

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Higher Secondary School in Basa, Nepal

In the summer of 2012, Edge of Seven completed Phase One of a brand new higher secondary

school in the remote village of Basa in the Solukhumbu District of Nepal. This phase included

four classrooms housed in two school buildings. The school, which now stands as the only higher secondary school in this region, was constructed

with the earthquake-resistant earthbag construction method and has created classroom space for more

than 100 new students who were previously unable to access higher education. Phase One of this project was a combined effort by Edge of

Seven, the Nepali NGO The Small World, and Architecture for Humanity Denver.

o In 2013 and 2014, Edge of Seven will return to Basa to build four additional classrooms to house even more students and allow teachers to expand curriculum. We will also be building a

female-sensitive sanitation system at the school to accommodate female students who routinely miss

school during their monthly menstruation due to a lack of facilities.

13Photo Credit: Rachael Weaver

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High School Students Experience Culture & Service in Nepal

In the summer of 2012, Edge of Seven led 17 high

school students from the St. Andrews School in Austin, Texas on a service-oriented exploration of

Nepal that allowed them to experience the cultures of Nepalese people, as well as learn about the social issues and challenges affecting girls and

women in the country.

Starting in Kathmandu, the students traveled to the Solukhumbu Region where they participated in a cross-cultural exchange at Edge of Seven’s girls’ hostel in the district capital of Salleri, contributed

labor to a local water project, visited a nearby monastery, and trekked through the Solukhumbu

Region. All of these experiences combined helped to improve the students’ leadership skills

and allowed them to form an understanding of Nepalese culture and issues impacting

development in Nepal.

14Photo Credit: Lisa Culbertson

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Trek With a Purpose:Adventure in the Everest Region

In the fall of 2012, Edge of Seven launched “Trek with a Purpose,” a new fundraising initiative that

engages adventure-seeking trekkers with our mission of providing educational opportunities

for girls and women in Nepal. In October 2012, a group of intrepid trekkers set out for the

Solukhumbu Region to explore the Himalayas and view Edge of Seven’s project sites in the villages

of Salleri, Phuleli, and Basa. Each trekker fulfilled a fundraising goal prior to the trip, and all of the

money raised went to supporting Edge of Seven’s projects through our Community

Development Program.

To learn more about Edge of Seven’s Trek with a Purpose program and find out how you can raise funds and awareness for our community

development work in Nepal, please visit our website at www.edgeofseven.org/adventure or

email us at [email protected].




15Photo Credit: Sparky Millikin

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CT Over the course of three years, Edge of Seven, in partnership with local organizations and our international volunteers, has:

Provided 2 remote villages with a community water supply

Completed 4 school buildings in rural Nepal

Completed one girls’ hostel housing 40 girls pursuing a college-level education

Engaged 99 international volunteers in meaningful work at our project sites in Nepal

Provided direct access to education for 455 girls in Nepal

Directly impacted more than 875 individuals through our community infrastructure projects








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Ramita Magar, 17, has been living at our Salleri Girls’ Hostel since its opening in 2011. She is from the village of Garma, a five hour walk from the district capital of Salleri. Here she tells us how coming to the hostel has changed her life for the better.

Life in my village is very poor. There, I had to work in the field every day. The school was a one hour walk from my village, straight up a hill at the top of a mountain. Because school was so far from my village, it was difficult for me to make time for my education because I had to get up and work before going to school and then work when I got home. Since I have been at the hostel things are very different. Now, I have confidence. I go to school, and I don’t have any absences. I have also been involved in different competencies, like computer and English classes. It’s helped me to develop myself, and I feel very happy.

People in my village always say that education is like the third eye of a human being. If you do not have an education, you will not be able to do anything. Education is important for everyone, but especially women, because without it a woman [in Nepal] would just stay in her house just like her mother did. If I was still in my village, I would be married already and have a family. I’d have to spend my whole life with my husband, obeying him. Now, education is the most important thing in my life. After I finish school, my dream is to become a good, responsible social worker and travel to different villages in remote places in Nepal and help others who are not educated.

17Photo Credit: Binod Subedi

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Volunteer testimonial

On my trip with Edge of Seven, I was thoroughly impressed with the level of organization and our group’s ability to get things done. Not only did Edge of Seven

ensure our safety and comfort while engaging us to work toward a collective vision, they also have partner affiliates who are truly the best around. In Nepal, I fell in love with my host family, learned to speak a little Nepali, and, believe it or not, thoroughly

enjoyed back-breaking physical labor. If you’re thinking about volunteering with Edge of Seven, just stop thinking and GO! – June, Edge of Seven Volunteer

Photo Credit: Lisa Culbertson

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emily layton stanley . directorPrior to working with Edge of Seven, Emily spent six years at Outward Bound, where she held a number of positions before overseeing the Scholarship Program. Her experience working with low-income, high-potential youth through Outward Bound gave Emily an appreciation for pushing personal limits and finding innovative solutions to social challenges. Emily has spent time in both Kenya and Nepal working on community development initiatives and has also worked in evaluation with JVA Consulting. She holds a B.A. from James Madison University and an M.B.A. from the University of Colorado. She lives in Denver, Colorado.

sarah andrews . board chairSarah brings more than 10 years of experience in journalism, marketing communications, and nonprofit management to the Edge of Seven board. Most recently, she directed the communications and marketing department at Meals on Wheels and More in Austin, Texas, where she led various fundraising initiatives, media strategies, and community collaborations. She has also worked as a newspaper reporter and editor in Boston, a documentarian in rural Appalachia, and an events coordinator at Stanford University. Through her involvement with Edge of Seven, Sarah has spent a total of 12 months living and working in Nepal. She holds a B.S. and M.S. from Boston University and lives in Denver, Colorado.

erin guttenplan subedi . founder & board vice chairErin’s passion for international service led her to start Edge of Seven in 2010 after spending five months volunteering throughout Asia. During this experience, Erin saw an opportunity to join the movement that has been dubbed “The Girl Effect.” Edge of Seven was born from Erin’s belief that unleashing the power of girls and women in the developing world will change our world for the better. In addition to founding Edge of Seven, Erin has spent the last decade working with EF Education, the world leader in international education, where she has held positions in sales, customer service, marketing, human resources, and business development. Erin holds a B.S. from Cornell University, and lives in Denver, Colo.rado.

scott mcclintock . board treasurerScott brings more than a decade of experience in entrepreneurial and nonprofit management to the Edge of Seven board, having served as Executive Director of Hill House in Boston and Treasurer of the Beacon Hill Business Association. Scott received a B.S. and MBA from Cornell University, and currently works as Director of Sales for Digital Lumens and lives near Boston, Mass. with his family.

travis hughbanks . board memberTravis is a LEED certified architect with over 10 years of design experience in both commercial and residential architecture. Between 2010 and 2012, he visited Nepal twice to oversee the construction of four school buildings in the rural villages of Jarang, Phuleli, and Basa. In addition to his work as an architect, Travis is a web and graphic designer and filmmaker. He received a B.A. and M.A. from the University of Idaho and lives in Denver, Colorado.

julia alvarez . board memberJulia has traversed down many paths in her life, from facilitating youth leadership development conferences to working as a policy assistant in Washington, D.C. Now as the National Training Director at JVA Consulting, Julia helps nonprofit leaders maximize their potential and capacity and strengthen their skills in fundraising, board governance, grant writing, and management. Julia holds a B.A. from Kenyon College and an M.A. from the University for Peace in Costa Rica. She lives in Denver, Colorado.







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Charitable ContributionsEarned Income - Volunteer Trip FeesTotal Revenue


Program ServicesFundraisingManagement & GeneralTotal Expense

















Edge of Seven is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. As an early stage social purpose venture, we take great pride in our financial transparency and accountability to our donors:


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The future must not belong to those who bully women.

It must be shaped by girls who go to school and those

who stand for a world where our daughters can live their

dreams just like our sons. - President Barack Obama

Photo Credit: Rachael Weaver

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This list includes donors who contributed $200 and above in 2012 and other key supporters. We have done our best to be accurate in compiling this list of extraordinary supporters. If we missed someone or misspelled a name, we sincerely apologize and ask that you let Edge of Seven know about the error.

Our Loyal Supporters

John CleseAfrica School Assistance ProjectJennifer AlevyJulia AlvarezAnonymousEllie AntrimArhaus FurnitureTamara ArredondoJulian ArredondoAsana YogaKatelyn BakerAnne BanisterMorgan BarnhillBattery 621Eric BeatoKassia BinkowskiConnor BlakeSharone BlonderBoldLeadersKim BongiornoJeffrey ChoClif Bar Family FoundationCommunities Foundation of TexasMeghan ConwayTom CoxHeather CrandallLisa CulbertsonDaniel CusherDelaware Community FoundationGregg DevitoDavid & Marilyn DickeyDavid DilleCharles Dix Jr.

Steve & Corinne DomahidyKatie DonahueLauren Sullivan DowneyEF EducationRachel EpicTiffani ErdmanczykKatharine ErvinDan FeigheryMary S. FillmanFlatgrass RealtyKacey FlemmingFrontier Graphics & InstallationMichael Gamel-McCormickAriana GhezJuan Sebastian GomezWendy Swart GrossmanDean GuttenplanJudy & Paul GuttenplanH+L ArchitectureMatt HaleyTina & Jim HappelAlison & Nathan HargreavesSara HarperSteve HartBrandon HawkinsAllison & Tony HillGeoff & Jaime HorsfallTravis Hughbanks & Sarah AndrewsMonroe HughbanksStephen HughbanksFineas & Nancy HughbanksIcelanticPromise Jensen

Avery JohnsonCaroline JonesJames JonesErin KeeferGerald KnievelLindsay KrugerCorey LambornHon Peng LauGarrett & Elizabeth LaytonShannon LeePolly & David LeshanLingerLoHi FitnessDorothy LorenzeRobert LukeMelinda MathewsMatt McCallScott & Marissa McClintockCasey McManeminJosephine McManeminElle McPhersonMorgan MechlingDale & Robert MegillNathan MichaudMidtown Obstetrics & GynecologyAlexa MilesJonathan MillerMarguerite MillerRobert "Sparky" Millikin & Sylvia GeigerShelley & Ed MinchUrsula MiniszewskiJackson Moody

Lindsay MooreO'Brien Group LLCHoney OnstadLianna OwensOxford HotelBrian PavlakChristopher PazolesMatt PazolesPeaks FoundationPelican Seven StudiosAmy PondPonderosa High SchoolSarah PonkoLouise PopleAlex PrainZach PrybyloTalia RadfordRedLine GalleryZackery ReeserGiuliana RichettaPete RickettsMichelle Robles-GarciaRocky Mountain Roofing & RestorationPaul and Lorraine RothsteinTracy RothsteinChelsea RozanskiErika SchlichterMichelle SchroderJulia SchuttKristi & Mark SchwesingerKarma SherpaLisa ShuskoTara Skredynski

Claire Slattery-QuintanillaShanti SosienskiAlisa Spirit of the WindSt. Andrews SchoolBen & Emily StanleyBinod Subedi & Erin Guttenplan SubediLiz SudderthKatie SullivanKevin SunTen Thousand VillagesThe Crossland Group, LtdThe Small WorldAlli TolbertSohita TorgalkarBetsy & Keith TottenStacey TwiggEmily TynonMuhammad UmairAllison Van BoeningVerso CellarsPam WarrenBrett & David WaxRachael WeaverZach WendelElizabeth WeplerBrandon WheelerPaul WolynCarly WymanJesse YoungZonta Club of Denver


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To Our Family at Edge of Seven,

Now in our third year, with your support, Edge of Seven continues to work hard to create access to more opportunities for advancement for women and girls worldwide. You’ve seen the numbers. We’ve built four school buildings, completed two water supplies, and constructed a hostel so that girls can attend high school in the remote Solukhumbu Region of Nepal. We have hosted 99 international volunteers and provided direct educational access to 455 girls. These are big numbers, but it’s the stories of the individuals behind these numbers that motivate us daily.

Individuals like Pema, who will graduate from the Salleri Girls Hostel in 2013 with our first class of girls. Without adequate housing, she never would have been able to attend college. The hostel gave her access to a degree, but her personal growth transcends the schoolyard. We’ve seen Pema become a leader in her community, helping to instill in family and friends a greater understanding of what it means to be educated. Pema says that she “has never seen the greater community (in rural Nepal) so hopeful for their daughters.”

Or Lisa, the Dean of Students at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, who took 17 high school students on a volunteer expedition to Nepal. She creates access to opportunities for girls by showing her students how vitally important young women are to alleviating poverty in the developing world. These students, in turn, pass this knowledge on to their parents and brothers and sisters, creating more support for girls education.



Photo Credit: Ben Stanley

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Or Maya, a student at the Basa Higher Secondary School. Now that she has a regular opportunity to attend school, we’ve seen Maya blossom. She has become more confident. She wants to delay marriage and understands the consequences of poor nutrition. Someday, she wants children of her own so she can teach them what she has learned. She hopes her daughters will not have to confront issues of educational access because, if we work hard enough, education will be universal.

And Tamara. Tamara has worked with Edge of Seven since the start of our second project and, this year, had the opportunity to go on our first fundraising trek to Nepal. She saw first-hand, the rugged landscape of the rural areas where we work, the opportunity that safe schools bring to these areas and the benefits of providing education, particularly, to girls. She returned home, ready to impart change and continues to work for Edge of Seven, advocating widely for girls education.

These incredible people are why, together, we do what we do. And we certainly couldn’t do it without your support. Thank you for being a vital part of the Edge of Seven family and for making education, good health and economic opportunity more accessible to women and girls worldwide.

Namaste and thank you,

Emily Layton Stanley, Edge of Seven [email protected]

These incredible people are why, together, we do what we do. And certainly

we couldn’t do it without your support.

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www.edgeofseven.org3132 West 46th Ave, Denver, CO 80211

[email protected]