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ECS3703/101/3/2013 Tutorial letter 101/3/2013 International Finance ECS3703 Semesters 1 & 2 Department of Economics IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.

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Tutorial letter 101/3/2013 International Finance

ECS3703 Semesters 1 & 2 Department of Economics


This tutorial letter contains important information about your module.

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1 INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME .................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Tutorial matter ............................................................................................................................... 4

2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE ................................................................... 5

2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 5

2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 5

3 LECTURERS AND CONTACT DETAILS ........................................................................................ 5

3.1 Lecturers ....................................................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 6

3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 6

4 MODULE RELATED RESOURCES ................................................................................................. 6

4.1 Prescribed books .......................................................................................................................... 6

4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................... 7

4.2 Electronic Reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................. 7

5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE .................................................................. 7

5.1 Contact with fellow students: Study groups .................................................................................. 7 5.1 myUnisa ........................................................................................................................................ 8 5.3 Discussion classes ....................................................................................................................... 8 5.4 Tutorial support program .............................................................................................................. 8

6 MODULE SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN ................................................................................................. 8

6.1 Assignments and learning ............................................................................................................ 8 6.2 General remarks ........................................................................................................................... 9 6.3 Feedback on assignments ............................................................................................................ 9 6.4 Learning strategy and proposed study program ........................................................................... 9 7 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING ..................................... 13

8 ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................ 13

8.1 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 13

8.2 Assessment of assignments ....................................................................................................... 13

8.3 Assessment of examination ........................................................................................................ 13

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8.3.1 Examination admission ............................................................................................................... 13

8.4 General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 15

8.5 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 15

8.6 Due dates of assignments .......................................................................................................... 15

8.7 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 16

8.8 Assignments ............................................................................................................................... 17

9 OTHER ASSESSMENT OPTIONS ................................................................................................. 45

10 EXAMINATION ............................................................................................................................... 45

10.1 Examination period ..................................................................................................................... 45 10.2 Examination paper ...................................................................................................................... 45 10.3 Previous examination papers ..................................................................................................... 46 10.4 Tutorial letter with information on the examination ..................................................................... 46

11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ............................................................................................ 46

12 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................ 46

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1 INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME Dear Student We are pleased to welcome you to the International Finance module (code ECS3703) and hope that you will find it both interesting and rewarding. We shall do our best to make your study of this module successful. You will be well on your way to success if you start studying early in the semester and resolve to do the assignment(s) properly. You will receive a number of tutorial letters during the year. A tutorial letter is our way of communicating with you about teaching, learning and assessment. Tutorial Letter 101(this one) contains important information about the scheme of work, resources and assignments for this module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when working through the study material, preparing the assignment(s), preparing for the examination and addressing questions to your lecturers. In Tutorial Letter 101, you will find the assignments and assessment criteria as well as instructions on the preparation and submission of the assignments. This tutorial letter also provides all the information you need with regard to the prescribed study material and other resources and how to obtain it. Please study this information carefully and make sure that you obtain the prescribed material as soon as possible. We have also included certain general and administrative information about this module. Please study this section of the tutorial letter carefully. Right from the start we would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you receive during the semester immediately and carefully, as they always contain important and, sometimes, urgent information. We hope that you will enjoy this module and wish you all the best! 1.1 Tutorial material The Department of Despatch should supply you with the following study material for this module soon after registration: • Tutorial Letter 101 • A study guide Some of this tutorial material may not be available when you register. Tutorial material not available will be posted to you as soon as possible. It will also be available on myUnisa. Please note that the 200 series tutorial letter (Tutorial Letter 201) contains the discussions of the assignments and will therefore only be available after the closing date of the second assignment.

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If you have access to the internet, you can view and download the study guides and tutorial letters for the modules for which you are registered on the university’s online campus, myUnisa, (under official study material folder) at Please note that you must be registered on myUnisa to be able to submit assignments, to have access to the library functions, download study material, "chat" to your lecturers or fellow students and participate in online discussion forums and get access to all sorts of learning resources. 2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE 2.1 Purpose This module will enable learners to have fundamental understanding of basic issues in international money and finance. They will be able to view, reflect on and solve current issues in the light of their knowledge of the balance of payments, the foreign exchange rates and the different theories thereof. They will be able to understand the policy implications of the theories they have learned. 2.2 Outcomes This module will enable learners to name the items of the South African balance of payments (BOP) and explain the relevance of it as well as the relevance of imbalances, explain exchange rates and the theories on how they are determined, demonstrate the relationship between exchange rates and adjustments on the BOP and apply the different definitions, concepts and theories sustaining their own arguments on the relevant issues and discuss the past and present international monetary systems. More detailed module outcomes can be found at the beginning of each study unit in the study guide. 3 LECTURERS AND CONTACT DETAILS 3.1 Lecturers We, the lecturers who are responsible for this module, are available to assist you with any enquiries concerning the prescribed content. You may contact us as follows:


Malefane, R.M. Miss (Club1 Room 2-30) Tel 012 433 4641 [email protected]

Marais, M.R. Mr (Club 1 Room 2-16) Tel 012 433 4633 [email protected]

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Please direct all academic queries regarding this module to the above-mentioned lecturers. Also, ensure that you have your study material with you when contacting the Department on academic matters. Should you wish to write to us, please address your letter to: The Module leader: ECS3703- International Finance Department of Economics PO Box 392 UNISA 0003 You can also contact us by e-mail via myUnisa PLEASE NOTE: Letters to lecturers may not be enclosed with or inserted into assignments. 3.2 Department The Department of Economics has moved to Hazelwood. The physical address is Club1 Building, Corner of Dely road and Pinaster Avenue, Hazelwood, Pretoria. You can also contact the department’s coordinator, mr. Themba Mzangwa at 012 433 4661. 3.3 University If you need to contact the university about matters not related to the content of this module, please consult the publication my Studies @ Unisa which you received with your study material. This brochure contains information on how to contact the university (e.g. to whom you can write for different queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the times certain facilities are open). Always have your student number at hand when you contact the university. 4 MODULE RELATED RESOURCES 4.1 Prescribed book Your prescribed textbook for this module for this year is:

Salvatore, D (2011): International Economics: Trade and Finance. USA: John Wiley andSons Inc. 10th edition

Note that only Part III and part IV (Chapters 13 – 21, covering pp 433-784) of the book is applicable to this module. Part I and part II is only applicable to the module of International Trade.

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Please bear in mind that both the study guide and the textbook are prescribed for this course. The study guide may contain applications to South Africa that are not in the textbook, as well as other supplementary prescribed reading. The study guide is not, however, a substitute for the textbook. The purpose of the study guide is to guide your reading of the textbook, to expand on or clarify certain parts of the textbook and to supplement it where necessary. At the end of each study unit in the Study Guide there are a number of true-or-false questions (with answers at the back of the study guide), followed by some short-essay questions. The true-or-false questions are designed to test your knowledge and understanding of specific concepts while the short-essay questions test your ability to explain certain issues in more depth. Try to answer both the true-or-false and short-essay questions after you have completed a study unit. This will help you to learn actively rather than passively and make your study programme more effective. Don’t be discouraged if you do not get the correct answers straight away. The aim of the questions is to test your knowledge of the subject and for you to learn from your mistakes by referring back to the relevant sections of the study guide and the textbook. Prescribed books can be obtained from the University's official booksellers. Please refer to the list of official booksellers and their addresses listed in the my Studies @ Unisa brochure. If you have difficulty in locating your book at these booksellers, please contact the Prescribed Book Section at telephone 012 429-4152 or e-mail [email protected] 4.2 Recommended books There are no recommended books for this module. 4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) There are no e-reserves for this module. 5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g. student counselling, tutorial support programme and classes as well as language support), please consult the publication my Studies @ Unisa that you received with your study material. 5.1 Contact with fellow students: Study groups It is advisable to have contact with fellow students. One way to do this is to form study groups. You can get the names of other students in your area for the same modules by contacting the Department of Student Admission and Registration. For further information, please consult the my Studies @ Unisa brochure.

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5.2 myUnisa If you have access to a computer that is linked to the internet, you can quickly access resources and information at the university. The myUnisa learning management system is Unisa's online campus that will help you to communicate with your lecturers, with other students and with the administrative departments of Unisa – all through the computer and the internet. To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website,, and then click on the “Login to myUnisa” link on the right-hand side of the screen. This should take you to the myUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing in Please consult the my Studies @ Unisa brochure. 5.3 Discussion classes No discussion classes are offered in this module. 5.4 Tutorial support program Unisa offers tutor services for students as additional academic support at the various Unisa regional learning centres throughout the country. A tutorial is an organised session where students and tutor(s) meet regularly at a common venue and at scheduled times to discuss course material. The main purpose of the tutorial services is to facilitate student learning by developing the student’s independent learning skills and assisting students to become motivated and independent learners. Tutorials help the students to develop and enhance their learning experience and academic performance through interaction with the tutor and fellow students. Tutorials are not compulsory and willing students receive tutorial support at a nominal fee. Interested students are advised to consult a learning centre closest to them to enrol for tutorials. For further information on learning centres and tutorials consult the brochure my Studies @ Unisa. Note that tutors are not necessarily available for all modules and/or at all learning centres. 6 MODULE SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN 6.1 Assignments and learning Assignments are seen as part of the learning material for this module. As you do the assignment, study the texts, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow students or tutors or do research, you are actively engaged in learning. Looking at the assessment criteria given for this module, the three assignments will help you to understand what is required of you more clearly.

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If you have access to the internet, you can view and download the study guides and tutorial letters for the modules for which you are registered on the university’s online campus, myUnisa (under official study material folder) at 6.2 General remarks Use your my Studies @ Unisa brochure for general time management and planning skills. 6.3 Feedback on assignments As soon as your assignments are marked, you will receive Tutorial Letter 201, which will contain solutions to assignments 01 and 02 questions. Make sure that you understand where and why you made any mistakes. You will be referred to the relevant pages in the study guide (SG) or the prescribed textbook (TB). A detailed explanation will be provided if the answer is not self-evident from the relevant prescribed text. This Tutorial letter 101 also contains feedback on the self-assessment assignment (assignment 03). The feedback on this assignment is not in the form of model answers, but in the form of a guide as to how such essay-type questions should be answered. The self-assessment assignment is meant for the student to work through and assess how well they are familiar with the material. Students are not required to submit this assignment. 6.4 Learning strategy and proposed study program Approach each study unit in the study guide as follows: First read the study unit outcomes which will help you to focus on the important aspects and issues in that unit. Work through each section of the study guide together with the relevant chapter in the textbook. Remember that the study guide serves to assist you to work through the contents of the textbook. Make notes or summaries as you go along. At the end of every section or at end of a study unit, work through the activities provided in the study guide. You will see that the activities test your understanding of the content and cover a range of the different types of questions that will be examined. You should also check your answers against the solutions provided. If you are not clear on certain concepts or theories, revise them before proceeding to the next study unit. To help you to work on this module regularly and systematically, we provide a proposed study programme below and three assignments (see section 8.8 of this tutorial letter). The proposed study programme is based on the assumption that first-semester students will commence their studies before or during the last week of January and second-semester students before or during the third week of July.

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The table below gives you some indication of how you can arrange your study program for ECS3703. Remember that there are only about 15 study weeks in a semester, so it is vital that you work continuously from the first week onward. You should try to master the study units in your study guide and the associated chapters in the prescribed textbook during the study weeks listed below. You may find that you take less time mastering the introductory study units and chapters of the textbook than those that follow - please allow for this in your study programme. For example, you may take only one week to master study unit 1, but find that you need three weeks to complete study unit 3.

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1 21 January 1

2 28 January 2

3 4 February 3

4 11 February 4

5 18 February 1 to 2

6 25 February 3 to 4

Remember to submit compulsory Assignment 01: Due date:11 March 2013

7 4 March 5

8 11 March 6

9 18 March 7

10 25 March 5 to 7

11 1 April Complete and submit Assignment 02: Due date: 15 April 2013

12 8 April 8 to 9

13 15 April Complete Assignment 03

14+ 22 April Prepare for examination

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1 15 July 1

2 22 July 2

3 29 July 3

4 5 August 4

5 12 August 1 to 2

6 19 August 3 to 4

Remember to submit compulsory Assignment 01: Due date:2 September 2013

7 26 August 5

8 2 September 6

9 9 September 7

10 16 September 5 to 7

11 23 September Complete and submit Assignment 02: Due date: 30 September

12 30 September 8 to 9

13 7 October Complete Assignment 03

14+ 14 October Prepare for examination

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7 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING There are no practicals for this module 8 ASSESSMENT 8.1 Assessment plan In general, assessment will be done by the module leader and, where applicable, the module team and/or contracted external markers and examiners. The names of examiners will also be indicated on examination question papers. 8.2 Assessment of assignments Assessment of the assignments will be done as follows: the multiple-choice questions in all the assignments will be marked electronically in accordance with mark-reading ‘masters’ provided to the Assignment section by the module leader. One mark will be awarded for each correct answer. No marks will be deducted for incorrect answers. Note that assignment 01 in each semester is a compulsory assignment. While assignment 02 is not compulsory, it will contribute towards your semester mark. 8.3 Assessment of examination For general information and requirements as far as examinations are concerned, see the brochure my Studies @ Unisa which you received with your study material. Please note that the applications for, and the administration of re-marks of examination scripts are handled solely by the Examinations department and not academic departments. 8.3.1 Examination admission For students to fully benefit from our formative tuition and assessment, the Management of the University decided to continue with compulsory assignments in all modules. You are, therefore, required to submit a compulsory assignment (assignment 01) to obtain admission to the examination. Please ensure that you submit the correct assignment that corresponds with your registration. For example, if you have registered for the first semester course you should submit Assignments 01 and 02 under Semester 1. Failure to comply with this instruction will invalidate your submission (even if all your answers are correct) and may result in your being denied admission to the examination. Admission will be obtained by submitting the compulsory assignment and not by the marks you obtain for it.

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Please ensure that assignment 01 reaches the University before the due date! Late submission of the assignment will result in you not being admitted to the examination. Also, note that there is a sub minimum mark for the semester mark. You must obtain at least 40% in your final examination for your semester mark to be included in the final mark. For example, if you obtain 99% in the assignments and 35% in the final examination, your final mark will not include the 99% semester mark because your exam mark is below the sub-minimum (threshold). In this case, your final mark will be 35% (i.e. the exam mark). Please ensure that you familiarize yourself with this important academic rule. How will this work in practice? Semester mark Your semester mark is based on your assignment marks. The two assignments that you submit during the semester will contribute towards your semester mark. Different weights are allocated to the assignments. The first assignment contributes 40%, while the second contributes 60% to your semester mark. If an assignment is not submitted or submitted late (for whatever reason), zero marks are awarded for such assignment. For Example:

Student A Assignments Marks Achieved Percentage % X Weight % semester mark

01 7/10 70% X 0,4 28%

02 4/10 40% X 0,6 24%

Total semester mark 52%


Student B Assignments Marks achieved Percentage % X weight % semester mark

01 6/10 60% X 0,4 24%

02 Submitted late or did not submit at all

0% X 0,6 0%

Total semester mark 24%

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The examination mark The percentage achieved in the examination is used in the calculation of your final mark. Final mark The weight of the assignments will be 10% while the examination's weight is 90%. Your final mark will be calculated as follows: Semester mark (out of 100) x 10% + Examination mark (out of 100) x 90% For example: Suppose your semester mark is 46% and you get 60% in the examination. Your final mark will be:

(46 x 10%) + (60 x 90%) = (46 x 0,1) + (60 x 0,9) = 4,6 + 54,0 = 58,6%

• If your final mark (as calculated in the method above) is 50% or more, you pass ECS3703. • If your final mark (as calculated in the method above) is between 45% and 49%, you do not pass

ECS3703 but qualify for a supplementary examination. • If your final mark (as calculated in the method above) is less than 45%, you fail ECS3703 and you

have to reregister for ECS3703. 8.4 General assignment numbers Assignments are numbered consecutively per module, starting from 01. In this module there are three assignments per semester, namely 01, 02 and 03. Assignment 03 is self assessment. 8.5 Unique assignment numbers In addition to the general assignment number (e.g. 01 or 02), each assignment must have its own unique assignment number (e.g. 361927). In this module assignments 01 and 02 consists of only multiple-choice questions and therefore must be completed on a marking-reading sheet with an own unique assignment number. Assignment 03 is a self assessment assignment which does not need to be submitted. 8.6 Due dates of assignments Please note that the due dates for the submission of assignments to Unisa are indicated in the proposed study programme as well.

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The first ten questions of Assignment 01 are designed to obtain information required for the compilation of a student profile for this module. Your kind cooperation is requested, as this information assists the department in its ongoing efforts to ensure quality tuition. Your marks for this assignment will be based on your answers to questions 11 to 20.


Assignment number

Unique number

Due date Contents of assignments

Type of assignment

01 361927 11 March 2013 Study units 1 to 4 Multiple-choice

02 382235 15 April 2013 Study units 5 to 7 Multiple Choice


Assignment number

Unique number Due date Contents of assignments

Type of assignment

01 337427 02 Sept 2013 Study units 1 to 4 Multiple-choice

02 199651 30 Sept 2013 Study units 5 to 7 Multiple choice

8.7 Submission of assignments You may submit your assignments either by post or electronically via myUnisa. Assignments may not be submitted by fax or e-mail. For detailed information on assignments, please refer to the my Studies @ Unisa brochure. To submit an assignment via myUnisa:

• Go to myUnisa. • Log in with your student number and password. • Select the module. • Click on assignments in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. • Click on the assignment number you wish to submit. • Follow the instructions on the screen.

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8.8 ASSIGNMENTS Please read the explanation of the role of assignments in the assessment system in section 6 of this tutorial before you attempt the assignments themselves.


To assist in achieving the study unit/chapter outcomes In the case of assignments 01 and 02, to

- assist students in their first engagement with the study material and - encourage critical thinking about the correctness of statements on international finance and - emphasise the critical importance of correct terminology and - accumulate a portion of the final mark for the module.

In the case of Assignment 03, to - assist students to explain and reason about international finance in a more comprehensive

manner and - thereby also serving as an aid to examination preparation.

Assessment criteria:

The multiple-choice questions in assignment 01 and 02 will be marked electronically in accordance with mark-reading ‘masters’ provided to the Assignment section by the module leader.

One mark will be awarded for each correct answer. No marks will be deducted for incorrect answers.

Guidelines are provided in thisTutorial Letter 101 for self-assessment of Assignment 03.

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8.8.1 Assignment 01 (First semester) THIS ASSIGMENT IS COMPULSORY. YOU MUST SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT BEFORE THE DUE DATE TO OBTAIN ADMISSION TO THE EXAMINATION. NO EXTENSIONS FOR THE SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED. Answer the following questions on a mark-reading sheet. (For guidelines on how to complete mark-reading sheets, please consult the booklet My studies @ Unisa). For further detail on the submission of completed assignments, see the information under heading 8.7. As mentioned, the first ten questions are designed to obtain information required for the compilation of a student profile for this module. Your kind cooperation is requested, as this information assists the department in its ongoing efforts to ensure quality tuition. Your marks for this assignment will be based on your answers to the remaining questions from 11 to 20.

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Closing date: 11 March 2013 Contents: Study units 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the study guide Questions: 20 Multiple-choice questions(1 mark each for questions 11 to 20) N.B Keep a copy of your assignment 01 in the event that the assignment is lost before it can be

assessed. 1. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

[1] This is my first registration for ECS3703. [2] I have been registered for this module before but have never written the examination. [3] I have written the examination for this module once before. [4] I have written the examination for this module twice before [5] I have written the examination for this module three or more times before.

2. In my matric results*

[1] I passed Mathematics with a C-symbol or higher. [2] I passed Mathematics with a D-symbol or lower. [3] I passed Mathematical Literacy with a C-symbol or higher. [4] I passed Mathematical Literacy with a D-symbol or lower. [5] I did not take Mathematics for matric.

* Students who don’t have a South African matric should choose the option that is most relevant to

them. 3. Which ONE of the following describes your situation best?

[1] I am a full-time student who does not work at all. [2] I am a full-time student who works part-time for extra pocket money (not to pay for my

studies). [3] I am a full-time student who works part-time to pay for my studies. [4] I work full-time and study only after hours, and the work that I do is not related to my degree

at all. [5] I work full-time and study only after hours, and the work I do is related to my degree.

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4. How long after you registered did you receive your study material?

[1] Immediately (with registration) [2] In less than a week [3] Between one and two weeks [4] Between two and three weeks [5] More than three weeks

5. How long after you registered did you buy or receive your prescribed book?

[1] In less than a week [2] Between one and two weeks [3] Between two and three weeks [4] More than three weeks [5] I already had one when I registered

6. The section(s) of the study guide that I had to study to complete this assignment

[1] helped me to work through the textbook systematically. [2] did not help me to understand the study material in the textbook better. [3] was totally irrelevant to the assignment questions. [4] I did not use the study guide at all although I have one. [5] I have not yet received a study guide.

7. Do you plan to consult any of the lecturers for ECS3703 in person?

[1] Yes [2] No, I can cope on my own. [3] No, I have to work. [4] No, it is too far from where I live. [5] No, for any other reason.

8. Which ONE of the following describes your situation best?

[1] I worked through all the prescribed study material before attempting this assignment. [2] I quickly glanced through the prescribed study material before attempting this assignment. [3] I did not study the prescribed study material before attempting this assignment, but looked

for the answers in the study material. [4] I could answer the questions without referring to the study material. [5] I just chose my answers randomly.

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9. Which ONE of the following best describes your access to SMS-messages?

[1] I can receive SMS-messages on my cell phone. [2] I can receive SMS-messages on the cell phone of someone who lives with me. [3] I can receive SMS-messages on the cell phone of someone I know but who does not live

with me. [4] I cannot receive SMS-messages at all.

10. Which ONE of the following applies to you?

[1] I have access to internet. [2] I have access to e-mail. [3] I have access to both internet and e-mail. [4] I do not have access to either internet or e-mail.

11. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) The trade balance is not shown explicitly in the South African balance of payments. (b) South Africa’s trade balance in 2009 was R 2 271m. (c) South Africa generally experiences a negative balance of net current transfers. [1] All the statements are correct [2] a and b [3] a and c [4] b and c [5] Only c 12. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) South Africa’s trade balance in 2007 was R -144 553m.

(b) A surplus on the financial account of the South African balance of payments occurred in 2003.

(c) The “unrecorded transactions” reflect the difference between the recorded change in the net gold and foreign exchange reserves and the sum of the current, capital transfer and financial account balances.

[1] None of the statements is correct. [2] Only c [3] Only b [4] a and b [5] a and c

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13. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(a) Interbank foreign exchange dealers quote each other one selling rate and three different buying rates.

(b) If the rand/dollar exchange rate is 10,0000 this would be the same as saying that the dollar/euro exchange rate is 0,1000.

(c) With a spot rate of $2 = €1 a U.S.A. importer scheduled to make a payment of €100 000 in three months can hedge his foreign exchange risk by purchasing $200 000 on the forward market.

[1] Only a [2] Only b [3] Only c [4] a, b and c [5] None of the statements is correct. 14. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(a) In the forward foreign exchange market the amount of foreign currency is decided on now but the exchange rate is decided on at a given date in the future.

(b) Covered interest arbitrage is the borrowing of money in low interest-yielding currencies to invest in higher interest-yielding currencies and simultaneously buying a forward exchange contract to cover the risk of unfavourable changes in exchange rates.

(c) Stabilizing speculation refers to the sale of the foreign currency when the exchange value of such currency is falling.

[1] None of the statements is correct. [2] All the statements are correct. [3] Only b [4] b and c [5] Only c 15. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(a) The purchasing-power parity theory works relatively well over very long periods of time. (b) The monetary approach to the balance of payments views the balance of payments as an

essential monetary phenomenon. (c) According to the monetary approach (under fixed exchange rates) a currency depreciation

results from excessive money growth over time.

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[1] Only a [2] Only b [3] Only c [4] a and b [5] None of the statements is correct 16. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(a) The sticky–price monetary model has difficulty explaining the observed volatility of exchange rates in the short run.

(b) According to the portfolio balance approach, a reduction in the risk premium on the foreign bond leads domestic residents to increase the demand for the foreign bond.

(c) According to the portfolio balance approach, a financial portfolio is likely to hold domestic money, domestic bonds and foreign bonds.

[1] a, b and c [2] None of the statements is correct [3] a and b [4] a and c [5] b and c 17. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(a) Stock adjustments in financial assets are usually much larger and quicker to occur than adjustments in trade flows.

(b) If the real sector adjusted instantaneously to disturbances (as financial sectors do) there would be no exchange rate overshooting.

(c) Overshooting is per definition a long-run phenomenon. [1] All the statements are correct [2] Only b [3] a and c [4] a and b [5] b and c 18. Which of the following statements is/are correct? A devaluation or a depreciation of the USA dollar

(a) always leads to a reduction in the USA quantity demanded of euros. (b) always leads to a reduction in the USA quantity demanded of euros aside from one

unusual case. (c) always leads to an increase in the USA quantity demanded of euros.

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[1] Only a [2] Only b [3] a and c [4] b and c [5] Only c 19. Which of the following statements is/are correct? The tendency of a nation’s trade balance to first

deteriorate before improving (following a devaluation of its currency) is called (a) elasticity pessimism. (b) the J-curve effect. (c) currency pass-through. [1] a and b [2] All the statements are correct [3] None of the statements is correct [4] Only b [5] b and c 20. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the Gold Standard? (a) Exchange rates were flexible. (b) The tendency for a currency to depreciate was countered by monetary policy. (c) Adjustment relied on changing the external value of the national currency. [1] a and b [2] None of the statements is correct [3] b and c [4] a and c [5] Only b

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8.8.2 Assignment 02 (First semester) THIS ASSIGMENT IS NOT COMPULSORY. THE MARKS YOU OBTAIN FOR IT WILL HOWEVER CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR SEMESTER MARK, PROVIDED THAT YOU SUBMIT THE ASSIGNMENT BEFORE THE DUE DATE. NO EXTENSION FOR THE SUBMISSION OF THIS ASSIGNMENT CAN BE CONSIDERED. Answer the following questions on a mark-reading sheet. (For guidelines on how to complete mark-reading sheets, please consult the booklet My studies @ Unisa). For further detail on the submission of assignments, see the information under heading 8.7.



Closing date: 15 April 2013 Contents: Study units 5, 6, and 7 in the study guide Questions: 10 Multiple-choice questions (1 mark each) ASSIGNMENT 02 (QUESTIONS) 1. Which of the following statements is/are correct? The absorption approach (a) stresses the supply side of the economy. (b) implicitly assumes an adequate demand for the nation’s exports. (c) is another name for the elasticity approach. [1] None of the statements is correct [2] a and b [3] Only a [4] Only c [5] Only b

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2. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) Automatic income changes can have serious disadvantages. (b) Automatic adjustments are part of government policy. (c) For the automatic monetary adjustments to operate a nation must give up its use of monetary

policy to achieve full employment without inflation. [1] Only a [2] Only c [3] a and c [4] Only b [5] None of the statements is correct 3. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Expenditure changing policies include (a) automatic income adjustment mechanisms. (b) an increase in government expenditures. (c) an increase in the exchange rate. [1] Only a [2] a and b [3] Only c [4] a and c [5] only b 4. Which of the following statements is/are correct? The Swan diagram (a) assumes that the balance of payments is equal to the current account. (b) indicates how a nation can simultaneously attain internal and external equilibrium with

automatic adjustment mechanisms. (c) indicates how a nation can always simultaneously attain internal and external equilibrium

without any change in the exchange rate. [1] None of the statements is correct [2] a and c [3] Only a [4] b and c [5] Only b

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5. Which of the following statements is/are correct? The Mundell-Fleming model (a) indicates how a nation can simultaneously attain internal and external equilibrium without any

change in the exchange rate. (b) assumes short-term capital to be responsive to international interest rate differentials. (c) assumes fixed exchange rates. [1] Only a [2] a and c [3] b and c [4] a and b [5] Only b 6. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Under fixed exchange rates and perfect capital

mobility (a) monetary policy is completely ineffective. (b) fiscal policy is completely effective. (c) the currency will depreciate in the event of a deficit on the trade account. [1] Only a [2] Only b [3] Only c [4] a and b [5] None of the statements is correct 7. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Under flexible exchange rates and perfect capital

mobility, (a) monetary policy is completely effective. (b) fiscal policy is completely ineffective. (c) the government will devaluate the currency in the event of a deficit on the trade account. [1] All the statements are correct [2] a and b [3] Only a [4] Only b [5] Only c

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8. Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to fig 19.9 (left panel) on p684 of

the textbook? From initial equilibrium point E expansionary fiscal policy under fixed exchange rates will

(a) increase output temporarily beyond the natural output level. (b) lead to an increase in prices. (c) increase output permanently beyond the natural output level. [1] a and b [2] None of the statements is correct [3] Only a [4] Only b [5] Only c 9. Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to fig 19.9 (right panel) on p684 of

the textbook? From initial point R expansionary fiscal policy under fixed exchange rates will (a) increase output temporarily. (b) lead to an increase in prices. (c) increase output permanently. [1] None of the statements is correct [2] only a [3] Only b [4] Only c [5] b and c 10. Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to fig 19.11 on p688 of the

textbook? From initial long run equilibrium point E expansionary monetary policy to stimulate growth

(a) will increase output temporarily. (b) will lead to an increase in long-run prices. (c) can increase output permanently. [1] None of the statements is correct [2] Only a [3] Only b [4] Only c [5] a and b

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Due date: None Contents: The whole module Questions: 3 essay-type questions (25 marks each) Assignment 03 Questions: 1. Explain the simple version of the portfolio balance approach to the balance of payments.

[25] 2. (a) Explain how the Gold Standard operated.

(15) (b) Discuss direct investment as well as portfolio investment with regard to the South African

balance of payments (10) [25]

3. (a) Use a diagram to explain the Swan analysis of the economy. (15)

(b) Briefly explain the proposals for the reforming of the present exchange rate arrangements. (10) [25]

Suggested answers The answers below are suggested answers as well as an indication of how marks could be awarded. Each student has of cause his/her own style of writing. Also keep the following in mind in the examination:

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Write legible. Use headings and paragraphs. Be careful not to spend too much time on one question and then have too little left for the others (you cannot get more than full marks for a question). Question 1 (TB section 15.4A) Assumption……………………………………………. (2) Postulation…………………………………………….. (1) Differ from Monetary Approach …………………….. (2) Wealth are held in combination of: Domestic money ……………………………. (1)

Opportunity cost is yield forgone ….. (1) Transaction ………………………… (1) Inverse relationship………………… (1)

Domestic Bond……….……………………… (1) Yield…………………………………. (1) Risk………………………………….. (1) Foreign Bond………………………………… (1) Additional risk of depreciation……… (2) Advantage…………………………… (2) Portfolio that maximises satisfaction…………………. (1) Factors…………………………….…. (5) Equilibrium……………………………………………… (2) Question 2(a) (TB sections 16.6 and 21.2A) Mint parity………………………………………… (2) Gold export point………………………………………. (2) Gold import point ……………………………………… (2) Price-specie-flow mechanism………………………. (5) Rules of the game …………………………………….. (2) Actual experience……………………………………… (2) Question 2(b) (SG section 1.3.2) Direct Define……………………………………………….. (2) SA version…………………………………………... (1) Meaning of pos/neg………………………………… (2) Preferred…………………………………………….. (1)

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Portfolio Define………………………………………………. (2) Notoriously fickle…………………………………… (2) Question 3(a) (TB section 18.2) Figure (including four zones)…………………………. (5) Assumptions…………………………………………… (2) Describe EE curve……………………………………. (2) Describe YY curve…………………………………… (2) Example of return to equilibrium……………………. (2) About expenditure-changing and -switching………. (2) Question 3(b) (TB section 21.6D) Target zones…………………………………………… (3) Extensive policy coordination………………………… (2) Objective indicators…………………………………… (2) Restriction of international speculative capital flows.. (3)

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8.8.4 Assignment 01 (Second semester) THIS ASSIGMENT IS COMPULSORY. YOU MUST SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT BEFORE THE DUE DATE TO OBTAIN ADMISSION TO THE EXAMINATION. NO EXTENSIONS FOR THE SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE CONSIDERED. Answer the following questions on a mark-reading sheet. (For guidelines on how to complete mark-reading sheets, please consult the booklet My studies @ Unisa). For further detail on the submission of assignments, see the information under heading 8.7. As mentioned, the first ten questions are designed to obtain information required for the compilation of a student profile for this module. Your kind cooperation is requested, as this information assists the department in its ongoing efforts to ensure quality tuition. Your marks for this assignment will be based on your answers to the remaining questions from 11 to 20.



Closing date: 02 September 2013 Contents: Study units 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the study guide Questions: 20 Multiple-choice questions(1 mark each for questions 11 to 20) N.B. Keep a copy of your completed assignment 01 in the event that the assignment is lost before it can be assessed. 1. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

[1] This is my first registration for ECS3703. [2] I have been registered for this module before but have never written the examination. [3] I have written the examination for this module once before. [4] I have written the examination for this module twice before [5] I have written the examination for this module three or more times before.

2. In my matric results*

[1] I passed Mathematics with a C-symbol or higher. [2] I passed Mathematics with a D-symbol or lower. [3] I passed Mathematical Literacy with a C-symbol or higher. [4] I passed Mathematical Literacy with a D-symbol or lower. [5] I did not take Mathematics for matric.

* Students who don’t have a South African matric should choose the options that are most relevant

to them.

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3. Which ONE of the following describes your situation best?

[1] I am a full-time student who does not work at all. [2] I am a full-time student who works part-time for extra pocket money (not to pay for my

studies). [3] I am a full-time student who works part-time to pay for my studies. [4] I work full-time and study only after hours, and the work that I do is not related to my degree

at all. [5] I work full-time and study only after hours, and the work I do is related to my degree.

4. How long after you registered did you receive your study material?

[1] Immediately (with registration) [2] In less than a week [3] Between one and two weeks [4] Between two and three weeks [5] More than three weeks

5. How long after you registered did you buy or receive your prescribed book?

[1] In less than a week [2] Between one and two weeks [3] Between two and three weeks [4] More than three weeks [5] I already had one when I registered.

6. The section(s) of the study guide that I had to study to complete this assignment

[1] helped me to work through the textbook systematically. [2] did not help me to understand the study material in the textbook better. [3] was totally irrelevant to the assignment questions. [4] I did not use the study guide at all although I have one. [5] I have not yet received a study guide.

7. Do you plan to consult any of the lecturers for ECS3703 in person?

[1] Yes [2] No, I can cope on my own. [3] No, I have to work. [4] No, it is too far from where I live. [5] No, for any other reason.

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8. Which ONE of the following describes your situation best?

[1] I worked through all the prescribed study material before attempting this assignment. [2] I quickly glanced through the prescribed study material before attempting this assignment. [3] I did not study the prescribed study material before attempting the assignment, but looked for

the answers in the study material. [4] I could answer the questions without referring to the study material. [5] I just chose my answers randomly.

9. Which ONE of the following best describes your access to SMS-messages?

[1] I can receive SMS-messages on my cell phone. [2] I can receive SMS-messages on the cell phone of someone who lives with me. [3] I can receive SMS-messages on the cell phone of someone I know but who does not live

with me. [4] I cannot receive SMS-messages at all.

10. Which ONE of the following applies to you?

[1] I have access to internet. [2] I have access to e-mail. [3] I have access to both internet and e-mail. [4] I do not have access to either internet or e-mail.

11. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) The balance of payments is a measure of the existing national stocks of goods, services and

financial assets. (b) South Africa’s current account surplus in 2002 was R 9 680. (c) Net gold exports are regarded as a current account transaction in the South African balance

of payments. [1] Only a [2] Only b [3] Only c [4] a and b [5] b and c

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12. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(a) A deficit on the current account of the South African balance of payments is often associated with a surplus on the financial account.

(b) Trade credit is recorded under the financial account. (c) Changes in the foreign exchange reserves reflect corresponding changes in the domestic

money supply. [1] All the statements are correct [2] Only a [3] Only b [4] Only c [5] a and b 13. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) If the ZAR/USD exchange rate is 10, 0000 it implies a USD/ZAR exchange rate of 0,1000. (b) Foreign exchange dealers use the USD as a common currency denominator. (c) The exchange rates in table 2.1 (Study guide p16) are nominal effective exchange rates. [1] a and b [2] a and c [3] Only b [4] b and c [5] All the statements are correct 14. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(a) Buying an identical ton of steel where it is relatively cheap and selling it in a market where it is more expensive is called “foreign exchange arbitrage”.

(b) The exchange rate between any two currencies is kept the same in different monetary centres by hedging.

(c) Hedging against the risk of changes in the exchange rate eliminates the chance of gains arising from favourable changes in the value of the currency.

[1] Only a [2] Only c [3] a and c [4] All the statements are correct [5] b and c

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15. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) The futures market differs from the forward market. (b) The buyer of a foreign exchange option is assured of a profit. (c) Forward contracts and futures are options. [1] All the statements are correct [2] a and b [3] a and c [4] b and c [5] Only a 16. Which of the following statements concerning the purchasing power theory is/are correct? (a) It can work well for highly traded individual goods. (b) For any level of aggregation it works reasonably well over very long periods. (c) It can work well in cases of purely monetary disturbances and in very inflationary periods. [1] Only a [2] a and b [3] a and c [4] All the statements are correct [5] b and c 17. Which of the following statements is/are correct? According to the portfolio balance approach

(a) the smaller the risk premium on foreign bonds the more home-country residents will hold domestic instead of foreign bonds.

(b) the higher the foreign interest rates the more of the domestic bond home-country residents will want to hold.

(c) a decrease in domestic real income or GDP leads domestic residents to increase the demand for the foreign bond.

[1] a and b [2] b and c [3] All the statements are correct [4] a and c [5] None of the statements

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18. Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to fig16.1 on p 555 of the textbook? (a) AB represents the deficit on the financial account of the balance of payments. (b) AB represents the deficit on the trade account of the balance of payments. (c) E represents equilibrium on the trade account of the balance of payments. [1] None of the statements [2] a and b [3] a and c [4] b and c [5] Only b 19. Which of the following statements is/are correct? When the foreign exchange market is unstable (a) a flexible exchange rate system increases a balance of payments disequilibrium.

(b) an appreciation of the deficit nation’s currency is required to eliminate a deficit on the balance of payments.

(c) A depreciation of a surplus nation’s currency is required to eliminate a surplus on the balance of payments.

[1] None of the statements [2] All the statements are correct [3] Only b [4] Only c [5] Only a 20. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the adjustment mechanism under the

Gold Standard? (a) It was done by means of fiscal and monetary policy. (b) It relied on a change in internal prices in the deficit and surplus nations. (c) It was automatic. [1] None of the statements [2] All the statements are correct [3] b and c [4] Only c [5] Only a

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8.8.5 Assignment 02 (Second semester) THIS ASSIGMENT IS NOT COMPULSORY. THE MARKS YOU OBTAIN FOR IT WILL HOWEVER CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR SEMESTER MARK, PROVIDED THAT YOU SUBMIT THE ASSIGNMENT BEFORE THE DUE DATE. NO EXTENSION FOR THE SUBMISSION OF THIS ASSIGNMENT CAN BE CONSIDERED. Answer the following questions on a mark-reading sheet. (For guidelines on how to complete mark-reading sheets, please consult the booklet My studies @ Unisa). For further detail on the submission of completed assignments, see the information under heading 8.7.



Closing date: 30 September 2013 Contents: Study units 5, 6, and 7 in the study guide Questions: 10 Multiple-choice questions(1 mark each) 1. Which of the following statements is/are correct? The absorption approach begins with the identity: (a) Production is equal to consumption plus domestic investment plus foreign investment. (b) Income is equal to consumption plus domestic investment plus foreign investment. (c) Y = C + I + (X - M) [1] a and b [2] a and c [3] b and c [4] Only a [5] All the statements are correct 2. Which of the following statements is/are correct? To achieve their economic goals nations have

the following policy instruments at their disposal: (a) Automatic income adjustments. (b) Automatic price adjustments. (c) Automatic monetary adjustments. [1] a and b [2] a and c [3] b and c [4] None of the statements [5] All the statements are correct

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3. Which of the following statements is/are correct? Expenditure switching policies include (a) depreciation. (b) appreciation. (c) revaluation. [1] All the statements are correct [2] Only a [3] Only c [4] Only b [5] None of the statements 4. Which of the following statements is/are correct according to the Swan diagram (TB fig 18.1

p629)? Starting at point J, the following policy measures will be sufficient for a nation to attain simultaneous internal and external equilibrium (point F):

(a) Contractionary fiscal policy alone. (b) A devaluation of its currency alone. (c) Contractionary fiscal policy and a revaluation of its currency. [1] All the statements are correct [2] None of the statements [3] a and c [4] b and c [5] Only a 5. Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to fig 18.7 (TB p 641)? Point E’

indicates (a) a tendency for the nation’s interest rate to rise. (b) a sustainable situation. (c) a depreciating currency. [1] Only a [2] Only b [3] b and c [4] Only c [5] a and c

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6. Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to fig 18.9 (TB p 645)? Point E’

indicates (a) a tendency for the nation’s interest rate to rise. (b) a sustainable situation. (c) an appreciating currency. [1] Only a [2] Only b [3] a and b [4] a and c [5] All the statements are correct. 7. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) Direct controls often interfere with the market mechanism. (b) Expenditure-changing and expenditure-switching policies work through the market. (c) Expenditure-changing and expenditure-switching policies may take too long to operate. [1] Only a [2] Only b [3] a and b [4] a and c [5] All the statements are correct. 8. Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to fig 19.9 (right panel) on p684 of

the textbook? The recession represented by point R can be eliminated by (a) expansionary monetary policy. (b) expansionary fiscal policy. (c) market forces. [1] All the statements are correct [2] Only a [3] Only b [4] a and b [5] Only c

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9. Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to fig 19.9 (right panel) on p684 of

the textbook? Expansionary monetary policy under flexible exchange rates will (a) increase output temporarily. (b) lead to an increase in prices. (c) increase output permanently. [1] Only b [2] Only a [3] b and c [4] a and b [5] a and c 10. Which of the following statements is/are correct with reference to fig 19.12 on p689 of the

textbook? A large increase in petroleum prices could result in (a) a lower natural output level. (b) an increase in prices. (c) stagflation. [1] Only a [2] All the statements are correct [3] Only b [4] Only c [5] a and c

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Due date: None Contents: The whole module Questions: 3 essay-type questions (25 marks each) Questions 1. Explain, with the aid of a diagram (use the IS/LM/BP analysis), the effectiveness of expansionary

fiscal and monetary policies in an open economy with fixed exchange rates and perfect capital mobility.

[25] 2. (a) Describe the effect of expectations and interest differentials on exchange rates.

(20) (b) Draw a graph (using supply and demand curves) demonstrating an unstable foreign

exchange market (no discussion required). (5)

[25] 3. Explain exchange rate policy and management in South Africa since 1960.

[25] Suggested answers The answers below are suggested answers as well as an indication of how marks could be awarded. Each student has of cause his/her own style of writing. Also keep the following in mind in the examination:

Write legible. Use headings and paragraphs. Be careful not to spend too much time on one question and then have too little left for the others (you cannot get more than full marks for a question).

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Question 1 (TB section 18.4D p641) Figure………………………………………………………………………………………… (5) Fiscal policy: IS to right…………………………………………………………………………………....... (1) Intersection with LM curve indicates tendency of i-rate to↑…………………………….. (2) Because of perfect capital mobility……………………………………………………....... (1) There is capital inflow………………………………………………………………………. (1) M↑ …………………………………………………………………………………………..… (1) Reason……………………………………………………………………………………….. (1) LM to right…………………………………………………………………………………….. (1) New eq at higher Y………………………………………………………………………….. (1) Thus effective……………………………………………………………………………....... (1) Monetary policy: LM to right…………………………………………………………………………………….. (1) Intersection with IS curve indicates tendency of i-rate to↓…………………………….... (2) Because of perfect capital mobility………………………………………………………... (1) There is capital outflow……………………………………………………………………... (1) M↓ ………………………………………………………………………………………….…. (1) Reason……………………………………………………………………………………….. (1) LM back to original position………………………………………………………………... (1) New eq at same Y as before……………………………………………………………….. (1) Thus ineffective…………………………………………………………………………..….. (1) Question 2(a) (TB section 15.3D p520) Increase in expected rate of inflation leads to an immediate equal depreciation of currency…………………………………………….. (2) an immediate actual change in the exchange rate by an equal percentage…………. (2) Explain i-i* = EA…………………………………………………………………………………. (4) Example of consequences when i>i*……………………………………………………….. (4) Example of consequences of change in EA……………………….. (4) Example of consequences when i<i*................................................................................ (4)

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Question 2(b) (TB section 16.4A p562) Axes labelled correctly…………………………………………………………………….….. (2) Curves drawn and labelled correctly with correct slopes…………………………………. (3) Question 3 (SG section 9.7 p64 ) Write as much as you can from this section (remember that time is a factor in the exam).

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9 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS There are no other assessment options for this module. 10 EXAMINATION For general examination guidelines and examination preparation guidelines, please refer to the my Studies @ Unisa brochure. 10.1 Examination period This module is offered in a semester period of approximately 15 weeks. This means that if you are registered for the first semester, you will write the examination in May/June 2013 and the supplementary examination will be written in October/November 2013. If you are registered for the second semester you will write the examination in October/November 2013 and the supplementary examination will be written in May/June 2014. During the semester, the Examination Section will provide you with information regarding the examination in general, examination venues, examination dates and examination times. 10.2 Examination paper The main features of the exam paper are: The examination will consist of one two-hour paper. The examination paper will comprise essay questions similar to those given in the assignment 03. This is why it is important for you to work through assignment 03. The structure of the examination paper for 2013 is as follows: It is a two-hour paper and consists of 2 sections (A and B) making up a total of 100 marks. Section A consists of 2 compulsory questions. Section B consists of 4 questions of which you must do 2.Each question is 25 marks. A final mark (semester mark + examination mark, as explained under Section 8.3.1: How will this work in practice) of 50% is required to pass this module.

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10.3 Previous examination papers Some previous examination papers are available to students on myUnisa under the “official study material” folder. Should you obtain previous examination papers from elsewhere, we advise you not to focus on such old papers only as the content of modules and, therefore, examination papers may change from year to year. To concentrate only on previous examination papers will not guarantee a pass. You must be able to answer questions on all the prescribed work and study outcomes. 10.4 Tutorial letter with information on the examination To help you in your preparation for the examination, you will receive the mentioned Tutorial Letter 201 that will again explain the format of the examination paper. 11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS The my Studies @ Unisa brochure contains an A-Z guide of the most relevant study information. 12 CONCLUSION International Finance is a very relevant subject (refer for example to many of the issues in the Euro-zone crisis). We trust that you will enjoy the module and that it will be useful to you in future. All the best! Your Lecturers