eco-stream services

When the people become involved in their government, government becomes more accountable, and our society is stronger, more compassionate, and better prepared for the challenges of the future. Arnold Schwarzenegger ECO-STREAM Sustainability Consulting Carlsbad, CA 92008 | 760-717-6627 | Services Sustainability Policy Development and Delivery We work with you to understand and integrate the vocabulary of Sustainability into your mission statement, define stakeholders, and develop delivery methods. Sustainability Plan Development and Implementation We work with you and your staff to develop your Sustainability Plan and scope, utilize targeted assessments and review, and develop implementation strategies, metrics, and reporting. Green Team Development Working cross-departmentally and in small groups, we work with your staff to understand and communicate the company’s sustainability goals, and to define and explore new opportunities. Advocacy and Outreach Program Development and Delivery Working within your community and government, we develop and engage in your sustainability outreach programs, and communicate your participation to stakeholders in person and via the press.

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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When the people become involved in their

government, government becomes more

accountable, and our society is stronger,

more compassionate, and better prepared for

t he c ha l l enges o f t he f u t u re .

Arnold Schwarzenegger

ECO-STREAM S u s t a i n a b i l i t y C o n s u l t i n g

Carlsbad, CA 92008 | 760-717-6627 |

Services Sustainability Policy Development and Delivery

We work with you to understand and integrate the vocabulary of Sustainability

into your mission statement, define stakeholders, and develop delivery methods.

Sustainability Plan Development and Implementation

We work with you and your staff to develop your Sustainability Plan and scope,

utilize targeted assessments and review, and develop implementation strategies,

metrics, and reporting.

Green Team Development

Working cross-departmentally and in small groups, we work with your staff to

understand and communicate the company’s sustainability goals, and to define

and explore new opportunities.

Advocacy and Outreach Program Development and Delivery

Working within your community and government, we develop and engage in

your sustainability outreach programs, and communicate your participation

to stakeholders in person and via the press.