eat like a swede 2.0

How to eat like a Swede Personal guide for you By: Cornelia Karlsson & Molly Sandahl Bengtss

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Post on 07-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Eat like a Swede 2.0

How to eat like a Swede

Personal guide for you

By: Cornelia Karlsson & Molly Sandahl Bengtsson

Page 2: Eat like a Swede 2.0


A Swedish breakfast looks like this:Crispbread – ”Knäckebröd” We eat it with butter, ham or cheeseOatmeal – ”Havregrynsgröt”Eaten with milk, jelly and sugarCoffee – ”Kaffe”Did you know we drink the most coffee in the world?Kaviar – ”Kaviar”we put fisheggs in a tube, and eat it with eggs Link:

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FRUKTSTUND (FRUIT-TIME) 09.30-11 Swedish tradition: Beetween breakfast and lunch we take something small to eat When we were small the foodtruck came with apples to the children 9.30, so we could make it until lunch

Appel – ”Äpple”Banana – ”Banan”Orange – ”Apelsin”Pear – ”Päron”

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LUNCH 12-13

At noon we starting to get hungry again: Typical things we eat at lunch in school

1. Falukorv med mos och ketchup (Swedish sausage with mashed potatoes and ketchup)

2. Köttbullar med lingon och potatis (meatballs with lingonberry and potatoes)

3. Fiskgratäng (gratinated fish)

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In Sweden it´s common to get together in the afternoon and eat sweets and drink coffee.

Cookies – ”Kakor”Back in the days a book named ”7 sorters kakor” (7 types of cookies) was written, and those cookies is a common thing to eat when we visit our grandparents. Youghurt – ”Youghurt”It´s tasty and healthyCoffee/Tea – ” Kaffe/Te”An again, the coffee. A Swede drinks about five cups of coffee every day

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Hungry again! The sun´s going down pretty early, so we eat our last big meal around 17-18 AM

Stew with meat, potatoes and vegetables – ”Gryta med kött, potatis och grönsaker” Spaghetti Bolognese – ”Sphagetti med köttfärsås” Taco – ”Tacos”Every Swedish family eats tacos every single Friday, never gets old!

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Last meal, and we are up for something sweet. Small candy – ”Smågodis”Something that´s very Swedish is to go pick your own candy from boxes in the store. It´s hard to explain, but look at the picture.

Common Swedish candy you need to try:Salt licorice – ”Salt lakrits”Ahlgrens cars – ” Ahlgrens bilar”Marabou – ”Marabou”Kexchoklad – ”Kexchoklad”Daim – ”Daim”