early byzantine empire. essential question what were main characteristics of the byzantine empire....

Early Byzantine Empire

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Early Byzantine Empire

Essential Question What were main characteristics of the

Byzantine Empire. Sprawling Empire Justinian Legal Code Public Works

What is Byzantine?

Rome splits into east and west. West falls to invaders and east becomes Byzantine.

Justinian I 527-565 Rebuilt Rome Justinian Code

Code lasted 900 years Wrote down laws in 12 tables Laws published in NOVELS Covered private and government arenasBuilt the Hagia Sophia: Famous Church

Move to Women’s Rights

Theodora is Empress. Appears on laws that were passed Women’s rights protected in laws

More Theodora

Constantinople Trade center between

Europe and southwest Asia

Hagia Sophia, The Mese (Farmer’s Market), and Hippodrome


Christianity Splits With a West and East of Rome Christianity

became the main religion. Different cities and regions led to exposure

to different ideas. Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox

Roman Catholic Services are in Latin Pope has authority over bishops, kings and

emperors Priests can’t marry

Eastern Orthodox Services are in Greek Patriarch and other bishops head church Emperor is leader over all religious leaders Priests can marry

Shared Traits Faith is based on Bible and Jesus Use sacraments such as baptism Religious leaders are priests and bishops Seek to convert

Disputes and Icons Popes and Byzantine Emperors clashed In 730, Emperor Leo banned Icons and

Pope excommunicated Leo. In 1504, differences led to a schism.