e,.-'-,qal the- · 'e,.-'-,qal x0*: * the- vi:. xxv no. 21 fe kuary- '-1 49-...


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: * THE-

VI:. XXV No. 21

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THE ISCHAEMIC LIMB Peter Martin, M.Chir. 77


(Vienna), M.R.C.S.(Eng.),L.R.C.P.(London) 83




All rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproducedin any form without permission in writing from the publishers.

EDITOR:Andrew Monro, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.


Charles Read, F.R.C.S., F.R.C.O.G. A. Clifford Morson, O.B.E., F:R.C.S.David Levi, M.S., F.R.C.S. K. I. Nissen, F.R.C.S.Harold Davis, M.B., M.R.C.P. R. S. Bruce Pearson, D.M., F.R.C.P.Colin Edwards, M.B., M.R.C.P. N. Lloyd Rusby, D.M., F.R.C.P.Terence Millin, M.Ch., F.R.C.S. Sol. M. Cohen, M.A., F.R.C.S.

PUBLISHERS:The Fellowship of Post Graduate Medicine, I, Wimpole Street, London, W.

BUSINESS MANAGER:R. H. Blythe, 24, Margaret Street, London, W. i. LANgham 4526.

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A4nnotationsSir James Paget, Baronet (I814-I899), was

surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital andPresident of the Royal College of Surgeons. Hepublished in I874, in the St. Bartholomew'sHospital Reports, his account of the disease of thenipple which goes by his name. In I876 he read apaper to the Royal Medico-Chirurgical Society(predecessor of the Royal Society of Medicine)' On a form of chronic inflammation of the bones.'Kindly, helpful, home-loving by nature, in lectur-ing he never referred to notes, never hesitated.Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson wrote of him:-' Myadmiration for his character was unbounded andfor some years I never missed an opportunity oflistening to his teaching. . . . Whenever his ser-vices could be obtained he was sure to besought for, and he never accepted an appoint-ment without' zealously attending to its duties....No one could express his views more clearly ortersely.'He reached the pinnacle of his fame as President

Qf the International Medical Congress in Londonin I88I. Previous triennial Congresses had been

neither large, important nor successful. Paget andhis committee decided that the London Congressshould be so. For two years they planned, Pagetnever missing a meeting. When he rose to deliverhis inaugural address he faced an audience of 3,000,including H.R.H. The Prince of Wales (later KingEdward VII), the Crown Prince of Germany(later Emperor Frederick), Pasteur, Lister, Vir-chow, Koch, Langenbeck, Charcot and Volkmann.' Sir James Paget presided over it as no other manin our profession could have done' (Sir WilliamMacCormac).

In I877 Sir James Paget delivered the HunterianOration at the Royal College of Surgeons. Hisaudience included the Prince of Wales and manyleading men in all walks of life. At the dinner inthe evening, Mr. Gladstone proposed his health.Sir James replied in these words:-' There is onlyone way in which it may be possible to surpass Mr.Gladstone as an orator, and that way I will pro-ceed to put in practice. You all know that althoughspeech may be silvern, silence is golden. Youshall have the gold.'

In i 822 a young Canadian trapper, Alexis St.Martin, accidentally received the full charge of ashot-gun. A hole the size of a man's hand wasblown in his flank. A piece of lung' the sizeof a turkey's egg ' protruded, whilst adherent to thelower part of the wound was the stomach punc-tured by a fragment blown from the 6th rib. Dr.Beaumont, U.S. Army surgeon from the neigh-bouring fort, dressed the wound and left thepatient, as he thought, to die. Returning later, hewas amazed to find him no worse. He thereforedressed the wound further, freeing the lung from arib upon which it was impaled. The lung' there-upon returned to the chest but could not be main-tained there during coughing, which was frequent.'The wound was treated with carbonated ferment-

ing poultices consisting of flour, hot water, char-coal and yeast. After ii months' stormy con-valescence during which some lung and a piece ofstomach sloughed, the patient made good his re-covery. One year later the fistula had the appear-ance of a normal anus, admitting the index fingereasily and resisting all efforts at closure. Beau-mont's carefully recorded observations on thestomach's action on a piece of beef suspendedthrough the fistula by a length of string, on thepresence or absence of resting juice and on manyother such subjects form the basis of our presentknowledge of gastric function.'The Life and Letters of Dr. William Beau-

mont ' by J. S. Myer. St. Louis: C. V. Mosbyand Co., I912.

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been made in all the main branches of clinicalmedicine during the past decade. They have casttheir net widely, whilst the twelve contributors,who for the most part are well known and recog-nized specialists in their own fields, have gaugedthe size of the mesh nicely.

All 13 chapters are good, while some are out-standing. Although it may seem invidious toapportion individual excellence, the sections. ongastro-intestinal disorders, tropical medicine, blooddiseases and endocrine disorders merit specialmention.The contributors have, with few exceptions,

adhered to the wishes of the Editors, whose ' aimhas been to present as simply as possible such partsof recent work as are of proven value,' while somehave indicated specifically that there have been noadvances in certain aspects of their subject. Thisnegative information is to be encouraged whendiscussing important topics, for it not only savesthe interested and busy reader unnecessary enquirybut points the way to further possible research.Although some readers, particularly those with

highly specialized interests, will find their ownhobby horse summarily dealt with in many in-stances, they will discover a useful literature towhich they can refer. Whilst the bibliographycovers a wide field, it does not appear to beadequate; for out of a total of more than 700references, there are a bare dozen later than I946.It is not intended that this hiatus should reflecteither upon the Editors or contributors; paperrestrictions and the unavoidable delay in publicationare alone responsible. But it does mean that Drs.Daley and Miller should already have plans underway for the preparation of their second edition. Itis only thus that their excellent book and its pro-gressive title will achieve more than ephemeralvalue in these days of high velocity medicine.The excellence of the contents, the high standard

of production and the format of the present edition,should make a strong appeal not only tc cliniciansand post graduates working for higher examinations,but also to general practitioners, who would be welladvised to make time to read this valuable andinexpensive symposium. D.S.L.

BOOKS RECEIVEDThe Editorial Board acknowledge with thanks the receipt of thefollowing volumes. A selection from these will be made for review.

' Techniques in Physiotherapy.' Edited by F. L.Greenhill, S.R.N., M.C.S.P., T.H.T. Pp. x +222, with 37 illustrations and 8 plates. London:Hodder and Stoughton. I948. 12S. 6d.

' Mycoses and Practical Mycology.' By N.Gohar, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Pp. xi + 234, with4 colour plates and 134 illustrations. London:Bailli&re, Tindall & Cox. I948. 25s.

' Sex Variants. A Study of Homosexual Pat-terns.' By George W. Henry, M.D. Pp. xxii+ I 128, with 29 figures. London: HamishHamilton. 1948. 40s.

'Diseases of the Nose and Throat.' By Sir St.Clair Thomson, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S. sthEdition. Pp. xix + 1,004, with 369 illustrations and43 plates. London: Cassell & Co. 1948. 70s.

' Psychosocial Medicine.' By J. L. Halliday,M.D., D.P.H. Pp. 277. London: Wm. Heine-mann. 1948. I 7s. 6d.

'Joseph Lister.' By Hector Charles Cameron.Pp. i8o, with xiii plates. London: Wm. Heine-mann. I948. I7s. 6d.

'Clinical Chemistry in Practical Medicine.' ByC. P. Stewart-, M.Sc., Ph.D., and D. M. Dunlop,B.A., M.D., M.R.C.P. 3rd Edition. Pp. vii +324, with 30 figures. Edinburgh: E. & S. Living-stone. I 949. I 7s. 6d.

' Atlas of Neuropathology.' EBy William Black-wood, M.B., F.R.C.S.E., T. C. Dodds, F.I.M.L.T.,F.R.P.S., and J. C. Sommerville, A.I;M.L.T. Pp.xi + I99, with 262 illustrations. Edinburgh:E., & S. Livingstone. 1949. 35S.

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The information contained in this section is published by courtesy of theorganizations concerned and no responsibility for any changes of detailor omissions can be accepted by the publishers. In all cases, applicationsfor enrolment orfurther information should be made direct to the sponsorsof the course.

FELLOWSHIP OF POST GRADUATEMEDICINESurgery (F.R.C.S.). February 5th and 6th. Allday Saturday and Sunday. Hillingdon Hospital.Limited. Fee, C3 3s. od. (No entries accepted untilsyllabus is published and circulated.)Obstetrics (D.Obst.R.C.O.G.). February 14th to1gth. All day. West Middlesex Hospital, Isleworth.Limited. Fee, £4 4s. od.Infectious Diseases (M.R.C.P.). February xg.hand 2oth. All day Saturdav and Sunday. ParkHospital, Hither Green. Limited. Fee, £,3 3s. od.(No entries accepted until syllabus is published andcirculated.)Children's Diseases (D.C.H.). February 2ISt toMarch 5th. Daily, 5.30 to 7 p.m. Princess LouiseKensington Hospital. Limited. Fee, £s ss. od. (Noentries accepted until syllabus is published and circu-lated.)Neurology (M.R.C.P.). February 2ISt to Marchx8th. Afternoons. West End Hospital for NervousDiseases. Limited. Fee, £4 4s. od.Surgery (F.R.C.S.). February 28th to April 8th.Monday, Thursday and Friday mornings. Limited.Fee, £12 12S. od. (No entries accepted until syllabusis published and circulated.)Anaesthetics (Revision). March 7th to igth. Allday. Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. Limited. Fee,£10IOS. od.Rheumatic Diseases. March 26th and 27th. Allday Saturday and Sunday. Rheumatic Unit, St.Stephen's Hospital. Fee, £2 12S. 6d.Proctology. April 25th to May 7th. All day. St.Mark's Hospital. Limited. Fee, C6 6s. od.Please note that instruction arranged by the Fellowshipof Post Graduate Medicine is open only to Members(annual subscription, from month of joining, Ios. 6d.). Inthe case of 'limited' courses no entries are accepted inadvance of the detailed syllabuses being published andcirculated ; post graduates (whether Members are not) arenot automatically included in the mailing lists, but mustnotify the Fellowship of Post Graduate Medicine, I,Wimpole Street, London, W.z, if they wish to be sentsyllabuses as published, and must specify the subjects inwhich they are interested. Information regarding coursescan be obtainedfrom the Office, dailv between so a.m. and5 p.m. (Saturdays io a.m. to 12 noon.) Telephone:Langham 4266.

ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OFENGLANDThe following lectures will be delivered at 5 p.m. eachday. Admission free:Hunterian LecturesFebruary2nd Prof. Terence Cawthorne. Some observations on

the pathology and surgical treatment of laby-rinthine vertigo of non-infective origin.

7th Prof. R. W. Raven. The properties and surgicalproblems of malignant melanoma.

Moynihan LectureFebruarygth Prof. Sir Henry Cohen. Hypoglycaemia and


Hunterian LectureFebruarytoth Prof. Michael Oldfield. Advances in hare-lip

and cleft palate surgery, following the treatmentof 500 patients.

Hunterian OrationFebruary14th Mr. H. S. Souttar. John Hunter-the observer.

Hunterian LecturesFebruaryI7th Prof. J'. G. Bonnin. Diastasis of the tibio-

fibular syndesmosis.2ist Prof. D. F. Ellison Nash. The development of

micturition control.23rd Prof. W. S. Lewin. Acute subdural and extra-

dural haematoma in closed head injuries.24th Prof. Robert Roaf. The treatment of residual

disability following injuries of the peripheralnerves of the upper extremity.

28th Prof. R. A. Russell Taylor. The aetiology,pathology, diagnosis and treatment of acutepancItatitis; a review of I IO cases.

A programme of post graduate teaching has beenarranged, including study of the basic sciences, surgeryand surgical and allied specialties. In the basic sciencesin addition to Lectures, Practical Demonstrations e-tending over a period of three months are also held.The following post graduate lectures and demonstrationswill be held at the College:-

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Anatomy, Applied Physiology and PathologyApril, May and June, 1949 (72 lectures).Anatomy, Applied Physiology and Pathology,Practical DemonstrationsMarch, April, May and June, 1949.Surgery and Allied SpecialtiesApril, I949 (24 lectures).AnaestheticsMarch 29th to April 22nd (45 lectures).Plastic SurgeryMarch, 1949 (12 lectures).Details of the above courses will be published later.

FACULTY OF DENTAL SURGERYGeneral, Oral and Dental SurgeryFebruary 2ISt to March i8th, 1949 (24 lectures).September, 1949 (24 lectures).Lecture-Demonstrations in Anatomy, AppliedPhysiology and Pathology in their applicationto Dental SurgeryJuly and September, 1949.Details of the above courses will he published later.Fellowship and Dental Examinations. SpecialFinal Fellowship Examinations have been instituted inOphthalmology and Oto-Laryngology. A Fellowshipin Dental Surgery has also been instituted.Conjoint Examinations. The Diplomas of L.R.C.P.,M.R.C.S., are granted jointly with the Royal College ofPhysicians, as well as Diplomas in i i specialties.Scholarships and Prizes. The College grants manyResearch Scholarships and Prizes and in certain casesmakes grants in aid of surgical research, the work beingcarried out either in the College or elsewhere.HOSTEL. Residential accommodation will be availablein the College for post graduate students from early1949-Full partitulars may be obtained from the Secretar', PostGraduate Education Committee, Royal College ofSurgeons, Lincolns Inn Fields, W.C.2.

SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OFLONDONDiploma of Industrial Health. The examinationsare held in July and December each year.Diploma of Mastery of Midwifery (M.M.S.A.).The examinations are held in May and November eachyear.For regulations apply to the Registrar, Society of Apothe-caries, Black Friars Lane, E.C.4.

MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDONFebruary14th 8.30 p.ru. Discussion on 'Old age' to be intro-

duced by Dr. Trevor Howell and Mr. W. SampsonHandley.

Lettsomian Lectures at 9 p.m. on February 21St,28th and March 7th, by Dr. Horace Evans.March8th Anniversary Dinner.

r4th 8.30op.m. Short papers on ' Electro-encephalo-graphy' by Dr. John Denis Williams, and' Warts ' by Dr. Isaac Muende.

AprilI Ith 8.30 p.m. Discussion on ' Acute cholecystitis '

to be introduced by Dr. E. R. Cullinan and Mr.Guy Blackburn.


8 p.m. Annual General Meeting.8.30 p.m. Annual Oration by Dr. A. C. Palmeron ' Temperament.'

June13th 8 p.m. Exhibition of films.Julyiith 8.30 p.m. Discussion on 'Anexoria' to be

introduced by Dr. C. E. Lakin and Dr. BernardSchtlesinger.

Visitors are admitted on the introduction of a Fellow.For further information apply to the Registrar, MedicalSocietv of London, i I Chandos Street, Cavendish Square,London, W.i.

DENTAL BOARD OF THE UNITEDKINGDOMPost Graduate Clinical Demonstrations. A fur-ther revision course of four clinical meetingsw;ll take place at the Eastman Dental Clinic, Gray'sInn Road, London, W.C.I, to demonstrate surgicalcases of particular interest. There will be six demon-strators, each of whom will provide two cases. Thecandidates, in groups of four, will have an opportunityof examirning each case and will be questioned ondiagnosis, pathologv and treatment. The demonstra-tions will take place on February 24th, March 3rd,ioth and I7th, 1949, at 2 p.m. The fee for the coursew ill be £4 4s. od. Arrangements can be made with theDirector of the Dental Post Graduate Bureau forcandlidates to attend sessions at Hill End Hospital, St.Albans, and at the Queen Victoria Hospitai, EastGrinslead. Applications to attend the course togetherwith a remittance for the fee should be made to theRegistrar of the Dental Board of the United Kingdom,44 Hallam Street, London, W.i.Application fot general information should b& addressed tothe Diroctor (Brigadier R. A. Brode,ick, D.S.O., M.C.,M.D.S., M.B.), Dental Post Graduate Bureau, 44Hallam Stueet, London, W.i.

UNIVERSITY OF LONDONLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.A lecture on 'Virus reseatch and the virus problem'will be given by Di. Pierre Lepine, at 5.15 p.m. onFebruary 8th. Admission free, without ticket.Westminster Medical School, Horseferry Road,S.W.I. A lecture on ' Surgical aspects of meningitis'will be given by Professor Sir Hugh Cairns, at 5 p.m.on February icth. Admission free, without ticket.A lecture will be given on ' Malaria as a world problem'by Professor B. G. Maegraith, at 5 p.m. on February24th. Admission free, without ticket.St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School, AlbeitEmbankment, S.E. i. A course of two lectures on' Ionic exchange and electrical activity in nerve andmuscle' will be given by Dr. A. LI. Hodgkin, at 5.op.m., on March 3rd and iol h. Admission free, withoutticket.

92 February 194b9

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February 1949 r U.s& .L6I654

BRITISH POST GRADUATE MEDICALFEDERATION(University of London)Refiesher Courses for General Practitioners will be heldas followsGeneralFebruary 14th to igth. Metropolitan Hospital, E.8.March 7tb to 12th. Hackney Hospital, E.g.April 25th to May 7th. Royal Northern Hospital, N.7.May 23rd to 28th. West Middlesex Hospital, Isle-worth.May 23rd to 28th. Royal Sussex County Hospital,Brighton.April-June (extended). Oldchurch Hospital, Romford.One afternoon weekly.Obstetrics and GynaecologyFebruary 28th to March 5th. Hackney Hosrital, E.g.Marcb 14th to igth. Institute of Obstetrics andGynaecology.April 4th to gth. Lewisham Hospital, S.E.r3.May i6th to 2ISt. West Middlesex Hospital, Isleworth.PaediatricsMarch (extended). South Eastern Hospital for Children,S.E.26. Two afternoons weekly.Fees: /Io ios. od. for two weeks' course; [.5 5s. od.for one week. Schemes of financial assistance areavailable, subject to certain conditions, for (a) de-mobilized general practitioners and (b) N.H.S. prac-titioners.Applications for places and for further information shouldbe made to the Secretary, British Post Graduate MedicalFederation, 2 Gordon Square, London, W.C. I. Theyshould state if the practitioner is applying under (a) or (b)above, or neit4er.

INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY(National Heart Hospital) (University ofLondon)Full-time course of instruction lasting three months isavailable for Membership candidates and generalphvsicians. Fee, £26 5s. od.A limited number can be accepted for casual attendanceat Out-patient sessions only. Fee for each attendance,5s.Special short courses lasting two weeks are given atintervals. Fee, Iz2 12S. od.Further details and applications for admission to thesecourses should be made to the Dean, Institute of C.ardi-ology, National Heart Hospital, Westmoreland StreetLondon, W. i

INSTITUTE OF DISEASES OF THECHEST (Brompton Hospital) (Universityof London)The Institute of Diseases of the Chest (MedicalSchool of the Hospitals for Diseases of the Chest).The teaching is primarily by means of attendance onhospital practice, students enrolling for three months ormore on what is at present approximately a half-timecourse of instruction consisting of clinical work on thewards and out-patients departments of the Bromptonand' London Chest Hospitals, and a certain number oflectures and demonstrations. For this the fee is 5guineas for one month or I2 guineas for three months.In special cases a whole-time programme can be ar-

ucwsa- 93

ranged, but the numbets are restricted for the presentby lack of accommodation. There are three termsannually, commencing in January, April and September.For further information applications should be addressedto the Deqn, InstiPtte of Diseases of the Chest, BromptonHospital, Fulham Poad, S.W.3.

INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH (Uni-versity of London) (Hospital for SickChildren)The Institute of Child Health is associated withThe Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street,and the Post Graduate Medical School at Hammer-smith Hospital, and also has an arrangement with theQueen Elizabeth Hospital for Children, Hackney. Inits programme, teaching on every aspect of child healthis provided, inciuding the Department for the new-bomand premature infant at the Post Graduate School,Maternity and Child Welfare Clinics, Nursery Homes,etc. The Institute provides tuition throughout the yearin three terms of three months' duration each, com-mencing in January, May and September, and inaddition a series of lectures by specialists and expertsin various spheres is given each term. The fees varyfrom 25 guineas for six months' attendance to 3 guineasfor a week.A course of lectures on ' Respiratory Disorders inChildhood ' will be given on Tuesdays at 5 p.m., atthe London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,Keppel Street, London, W.C.I, as followsFebruaryIst Mr. H. S. Sharp. The upper respiratory tract.8th Dr. .7. L. Livingstone. Asthma and bronchitis.x5th Dr. W. G. Wyllie. The pneumonias.22nd Dr. N. C. Oswald. Bronchiectasis.Marchist Dr. C. Elaine Field. Bronchiectasis.8th Prof. R. S. Pilcher. Surgery.

i5th Mr. T. Holmes Sellors. Surgery.22nd Prof. A. Moncrieff. Tuberculosis.29th Dr. Margaret Macpherson. Tuberculosis.April5th Miss.7. Reed. Physiotherapy (followed by a cine

film).Fee for single lectures, ios. 6d.Applications should be made to the Dean, Institute ofChild Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Great OrmondStreet, London W.C.i.

INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY (St.John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin)(University of London)The Institute of Dermatology (Medical Schoolof St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin). Clinicalteaching takes place in the out-patient department twicedaily, for which the fee varies from I guinea for oheweek to I5 guineas for a year. There are also facilitiesfor study and tuition in the pathological laboratory, butowing to the present restricted accommodation, no wardinstruction is possible as yet. A short course of lecturesis intended for the summer months, and a longer andmore systematic course in the winter. The fees forthese courses will be approximately 4 guineas and xoguineas respectively. Clinical Assistantships will bearranged for the more advanced students.

PAP# hToome#s

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A course of lectures is being given at 5 p.m., as follows:-FebruaryIst Dr. W. N. Goldsmith. Lupus erythematosus.3rd Dr. R. T. Brain. Physio- and electro-therapy.8th Dr. I. Muende. Histopathology of the skin.ioth Dr. G. B. Mitchell-Heggs. Drug eruptions.Isth Dr. H. Corsi. Diseases of the nails.z6th Dr. C. W. McKenny. X-ray technique.22nd Dr. I. Muende. Histopathology of the skin.MarchIst Dr. D. I. Williams. Sex hormones in derma-

tology.3rd Dr. Brian Russell. Investigation and treatment

of ano-genital pruritis.8th Dr. I. Muende. Histopathology of the skin.ioth Dr L. Forman. Bullous eruptions.i5th Dr. A. C. Roxburgh. Cutaneous syphilis..6th Dr. C. W. McKenny. X-ray technique.22nd Mr. A. K. Monro. The treatment of varicose

conditions of the lower limb.29th Dr. I. Muende. Histopathology of the skin.3Ist Dr. H. Gordon. Pitfalls in treatment.An examination will be held at the end of the course,in April, when the Chesterfield Medal will be awardedto the best candidate, provided the required standard isreached.Clinics. Instructions will be given in the out-patientdepartment to a limited number of Post Graduates.Laboratory. Arrangements can be made for Classes,individual instruction or for research work.Thefeefor the lectures is £2 2S. od. per month (C xo Tos. od.for six months). Enquiries should be made to the Dean,Institute of Dermatology, St. John's Hospital, 5 LisleStreet, Leicester Square, London, W.C.2.

INSTITUTE OF LARYNGOLOGY ANDOTOLOGY (Royal National Throat, Noseand Ear and Golden Square Hospitals)(University of London)A comprehensive course lasting 20 weeks and designedto cover the whole field of the specialty is held twice ayear in January and July. This consists. of lectures,demonstrations and attendance on the practice of thehospital, with facilities for dissection. A special point ismade of the anatomy, physiology and pathology relatedto the subject. Advanced students may obtain additionalexperience by appointment as Out-patient Assistants.An Advanced Revision Class (io weeks) for M.S. andF.R.C.S. students is also given twice yearly. Thecomposite fee, including enrolment as a clinical assis-tant, attendance on the hospital practice and at oneof the comprehensive courses, but excluding dissection,varies from 35 guineas for three months to 45 guineas fora year. There are lower rates for attendance on thehospital practice only.For further information applications should be addressedto the Dean, Institute of Laryngology and Otology, 330Gray's Inn Road, W.C.i.

INSTITUTE OF OBSTETRICS ANDGYNAECOLOGYQueen Charlotte's Maternity Hospital and the ChelseaHospital for Women have combined with the Post

Graduate Medical School of London to form an In-stitute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Applicationsare invited from post graduates holding a registrablemedical qualification, who wish to specialize in thesesubjects. The Spring Term, lasting nine weeks, beginson Jknuary 12th, 1949. On enrolment post graduateswill be posted to one of the constituent hospitals andwill also attend combined classes at the other twohospitals on two days a week. This provides a widevariety of teaching and clinical material. An enrolmen.fee of £3 is charged and a fee of £2o a term, or £35 fortwo terms.General practitioners wishing to obtain further ex-perience of obstetrics may be accepted at Queen Char-lotte's Hospital to attend the practice of the hospital,for periods of two or four weeks, during which time theywill have opportunities for delivering nonnal cases. Inaddition they will attend the combined classes of theother two hospitals. A fee of £3 a week is chargedduring term time, for attending the practice of thehospital. Post graduates may attend the practice of thehospital at the Post Graduate Medical School and QueenCharlotte's Hospital during the vacation, when a chargeof Li a week is made. A refresher course, suitable forgeneral practitioners, will be held at the end of theSpring Term.Hostel accommodation is available at the Post GraduateMedical School and at a short distance from QueenCharlotte's Hospital.Applications for further information and for enrolmentforms should be made to the Secretary, Institute ofObstetrics aind Gynaecology, Post Graduate MedicalSchool, Ducane Road, London, W.I2.

INSTITUTE OF OPHTHALMOLOGY(Royal London Ophthalmic, Royal West-minster Ophthalmic, Central LondonOphthalmic Hospitals) (University ofLondon)A course of lectures and classes extending over a periodof five months, to meet the requirements of candidatesentering for the examinations for Diplomas and Degreesin Ophthalmology, will be given by members of theStaff of the Hospital and others, commencing onMarch Ist and October Ist of each year.Part I. Anatomy (including embryology and his-tology), physiology of the eye, optics (elementary andphysiological). Composition fee, L'5 I5ss. od.Part II. Bacteriology, pathology, operative surgery,ophthalmoscopic conditions, medical ophthalmology,lectures on extemal diseases, retina and optic nerve,motor anomalies, uveal tract, etc. Composition fee,,£26 5s. od.Students can attend the clinical practice of the Hospitaland hold the appointments of Junior Clinical Assistantsand Clinical Assistants concurrently with the abovecourse.Extra Courses. Slit Lamp Microscopy (fee,,£5 5s. od.), Orthoptic Training (one week's intensivecourse, fee, £5 5s. od.), Contact Lenses (one week'sintensive course, fee, £io ios. od.), Advanced Course(fee, £5 5s. od.).A course of lectures on recent advances in ophthalmologyand a series of pathological demonstrations will be giveneach evening at the Institute, beginning February Ist,at 5.30 p.m. Admission by ticket only.For further information applv to the Academic Secretary,Institute of Ophthalmology, Judd Street, London, W.C.x.

February i94994

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F yPost Graduate News

INSTITUTE OF ORTHOPAEDICS(University of London)The Institute is concerned with post graduate educationin orthopaedics and with research. The practice of thehospital, both at the Central Hospital in Great PortlandStreet, and at the country branch at 'Stanmore, is opento post graduates, who may attend for various periods.In addition to hospital practice, formal courses of variouslengths are held during academic terms. Selectedstudents have opportunities of taking an active part inthe work of the Institute and Hospital and of spendingin the Institute up to two years of their training ; a highstandard is demanded and they should have previoussurgical training, experience or qualification, or previousanatomical, physiological or pathological experience.A sys1ematic course in orthopaedics started on October4th which will continue until March Igth. This is acomprehensive course including the full practice of theTown and Country Hospitals and over 15o demonstra-tions and lectures. A week's course in Advanced ClinicalOrthopaedics will be held from April 25th to 30th. The' practice of the hospital ' is open to post graduates whocan join at any time. Facilities for advanced clinicalwork are available for selected candidates having a suit-able sciendific or surgical training.Further particulars may be obtained from the Dean,Institute of Orthlnpaedics, Royal National OrthopaedicHospital, 234 Great Portland Street, W,. j .

INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY (BethlemRoyal Hospital and Maudsley Hospital)(University of London)The following lectures will be given at the MaudsleyHospital, Denmark Hill, S.E.5February7th 4.30 p.m. Dr. G. L. Brown. The transmission

of nervous activity.23rd 2.45 p.m. Prof. W. E. Le Gros Clark. The

organization of the cerebral cortex.March3rd Mr. Terence Cawthorne. Physiology of the

vestibular apparatus.Admission free.Application for further information should be made tothe Secretary, Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital,Denmark Hill, London, S.E.5.

INSTITUTE OF UROLOGY (CombinedSchool of St. Peter's and St. Paul'sHlospitals) (University of London)Courses to be held in I949 are as follows:-First LongCourse, April igth to July 23rd. Second Long Course,September 20th to December 22nd. Instruction in-cludes systematic lectures, out-patient sess;ons, wardvisits, operation sessions and tutorial demonstrations.All post graduates attending a course are expected toattend lectures, and may attend all the tutorial demon-strations. They will be allotted individually to certainout-patient sessions, ward visits and operation sessions.Fee, L I5 I SS. od.A short intensive course of two weeks' duration will beheld on March 7th to March 2ISt for post graduatestaking higher surgical examinations.Venereology. Two courses of four months durationwill be held as follows :-First course, April Ist toJuly 31st ; second course, September ist to DecemberIsth.

Applications shouldi be addressed to the Secretary, St.Peter's Hospital for Stone, Henrietta Street, W.C.2.

LONDON CHEST HOSPITALA course of lectures and demonstrations is being givenat 5 p.m. on Fridays, as followsFebruary4th Dr. E. H. Hudson. Differential diagnosis of

carcinoma of the lung.iith Dr. K. F. W. Hinson. Pathology of pneumo-

coniosis.i8th Mr. J7. W. S. Lindahl. The place of E.N.T.

surgery in the treatment of chest diseases.25th Mr. D. S. M. Barlow. Treatment of empyema.March4th Dr. Bertram Jones. Atypical pneumonia.iith Dr. Parry Brown. General anaesthesia for sur-

gery of the heart.i8th Dr. 7. Browning Alexander. Acute pericarditis.25th Dr. H. V. Morlock. Indications for broncho-

scopy in chest diseases.Applications should be addressed to the Dean, LondonChest Hospital, Victoria Park, London, E.2.

METROPOLITAN EAR, NOSE ANDTHROAT HOSPITALThe post graduate training is the traditional one ofbeing appointed as clinical assistant to one of thehonorarv surgeons, taking part in the out-patient clinicsand assisting at operations. Special four-week coursesare held for general practitioners, which necessitateattendance at the hospital at least twice a week forlectures, practical demonstrations and training in theexamination of patients. In addition there are frequentintensive week-end courses for general practitioners.There is.a daily Hearing Aid clinic at the Hospital.For further in*formation applications should be addressedto C. Eisinger, M.D., Metropolitan Ear, Nose and ThroatHospital, 14-16 Granville Place, W.i.

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FORMENTAL HEALTHCourses for Medical Officers on 'Educationally sub-normal children and mental defectives, 1949,' are or-*ganized by the Extra-mural Department of theUniversity of London in co-operation with the NationalAssociation for Mental Health; they are intended forqualified medical practitioners, more especially thoseengaged as School Medical Officers and. as CertifyingOfficers under the Mental Deficiency Act.Courses in 1949 will be held at the University of LondonExamination Hall, Imperial Irnstitute Road, SouthKensington, as follows:-February 28th to Marchi8th; May 2nd to 20th; October 3rd to 22nd. Fee fora course, £I5.Applications for further information and for enrolmentshould be made to the Educational Secretary, NationalAssociation for Mental Health, 39 Queen Anne Street,London, Wi.

NATIONAL HOSPITAL, Queen Square(Institute of Neurology)A course of instruction in clinical neurology will begiven in the spring term for ten weeks, beginning onJanuary joth, 1949. The course is complete in itselfbut is supplementary to that held in the precedingterm. The first half will include lectures and demon-,

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strations in applied anatomy and physiology of thenervous system, neuropathology and methods ofexamination and lectures in psychological medicine, andthe second half will be devoted chiefly to medical andsurgical neurology and ancillary subjects. Specialaddresses by extra-mural lecturers are also included.Clinical teaching will be given daily in the out-patientdepartment and at demonstrations on Wednesdayaftemoons and Saturday mornings. Fee, C21.Extra Lectures. The following addresses will begiven in the Lecture Theatre at 5.o p.m. on Thursdays:February3rd Prof. Sir F. Bartlett. Human toleTance limits.17th Prof. E. D. Adrian. The physiolcgy of the

olefactory oigan.24th Prof. A. G. Weiss. Leucotomy for intractable

pain.March3rd Prof. B. Brouwer. Positive and negative aspects

of hypothr.lmic disorders.17th Ptof. 7. Lhermitte. Visual hallucinations.31st Sir Edward Mellanby. Nervous disorders pro-

duced by wrong growth of bone; an experi-mental study.

Fee, ios. 6d. per single lecture.Applications should be addressed to the Dean, MedicalSchool, National Hospital, Queen Square, London, W.C. i.

POST GRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOLOF LONDON (University of London)The Post Graduate Medical School of London (formerlythe British Post Graduate Medical School) is associatedwith the Hammersmith Hospital, Ducane Road, W.12.It has University Departments in Medicine, Surgery,Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Pathology. TheDepartment of Obstetrics and Gvnaecology togetherwith Queen Charlotte's and the Chelsea Hospitals, nowforms the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Theteaching in the clinical departments, which is of anadvanced nature and based on ward work, is continuousand is supplemented by lectures during three io-weeksessions starting in January, April and October.Suitable students are encouraged to undertake researchwork. A course for the University Diploma in ClinicalPathology, lasting one year, is available for a limitednumber of selected students. This commences inOctober. In anaesthetics, short practical courseslasting a fortnight, and longer periods of training fur sixmonths, are provided. The Department of Radiologyof the Hospital provides courses for the Diplomas inMedical Radiology of the University and ConjointBoard. The fees vary from /C3 for one week to £60for a year.For further information application should be made to theDean, Post Graduate School of London, Ducane Road,W.12.

ROYAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLICHEALTH AND HYGIENEThe next course of instruction of the Institute for theCertificate in Public Health, and for Part I of theDiploma in Industrial Health-which is the same andruns concurrently-will begin on Friday, March 25th,I949. Successful candidates thereat who desire to doso, will proceed to the course of instruction for theDiploma in Public Health, beginning in August,1949. The course for Part II of the D.I.H. begins onFebruary i8th, 1949, for those eligible to take it.

Fuirther information can be obtained from the Secretary,Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, 28 PortlandPlace, W.i.

ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL MEDICALSCHOOL (University of London)The following lecture-demonstrations will be givenin the Large Lecture Theatre at 4.30 p.m. on Thurs-daysFebruary3rd Dr. Curran.ioth Dr. Feiling.17th Dr. Curran.24th Dr. Feiling.For further information applv to the Dean, MedicalSchool, St. George's Hospital, Hyde Park Corner, S.W.I.

ST. STEPHEN'S HOSPITAL(Rheumatism Unit)Two concentrated week-end courses in the RheumaticDiseases are given each year, in March and in October,under the auspices of the Fellowship of Post GraduateMedicine.A limited number of post graduates can attend the Out-Patient Sessions of the Unit on Wednesday and Fridaymornings at io a.m.Applications for attendance at these sessions should bemade to the Medical Registrar, Rheumatism Unit, St.Stephen's Hospital, Fulham Road, S.W.xo.

EMPIRE RHEUMATISM COUNCILLecture courses in Rheumatic Diseases are arranged forgeneral practitioners and other post graduatesperiodically.Particulars are obtainable from the General Secretary,Empire Rheumatism Council, Tavistock House (N),Tavistock Squai e, London, W.C.i.

LONDON COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETYAt the Annual General Meeting on January 5th, thefollowing officers were elected :-President, Dr. C. D.Coyle; Vice-President, Dr. Iain Matheson; Hon.Treasurer, Dr. L. T. Hilliard; Hon. Secretary, Mr. J.Gabe. A programme for the year is being arranged.The next meeting will be held on February 3rd, at4.30 p.m. at Mile End Hospital, Bancroft Road, E.I.Dr. A. F. Kohun and Dr. J. Rubie will open the discussionon ' Streptomycin in the treatment of tuberculosis.'The annual subscription of 5s. is now due and should besent to the Hon. Treasurer, Dr. L. T. Hilliard, TheFountain Hlospital, S.W.17. Membership is open toany medical practitioner.Enquiries and all communications should be addressed tothe Hon. Secretary, Y. Gabe, Esq., F.R.C.S., St. Alfege'sHospital, Vanbrugh Hill, S.E.io.

BATHTuberculosis Educational InstituteA course on the Treatment of Tuberculosis will begiven at The Pump Room, Bath, from April 2sth toApril 29th. Fee, £5 5s. od.Applications for further information and enrolment shouldbe sent to Dr. Harley Williams, Tuberculosis EducationalInstitute, Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,London, W.C.i.

96 Februa-ry I'949

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Post Graduate News9

BRISTOLMedical Post Graduate Department of theUniversity of BristolC.P.H. (Certificate in Public Health) and D.P.H.(Diploma in Public Health). Preliminary course forthe C.P.H. occupies ten weeks. Final course for theDiploma occupies the Spring and Summer Terms.Courses run concurrently and begin in October.D.M.R.D. & T. (Diploma in Medical Radio-Diagnosis and Radiotherapy). The D.M.R.D.covers a period of i8 months. The D.M.R.T. covers aperiod of two years. Course begins in October.D.P.M. (Diploma in Psychological Medicine)Part I. The course covers a period of three monthsand begins in January.D.C.H. (Diploma in Child Health). A courselasting three months begins in OctoberApplication for further information and for enrolment incourses should be made to the Director, Medual PostGraduate Studies, The University, Bristol, 8.

CARDIFFThe Welsh National School of MedicineC.P.H. Wales (Certificate in Public Health).Three months' full-time course, October to December.D.P.H. Wales (Diploma in Public Health). Twelvemonths' part-time course, January to December.T.D.D. Wales (Tuberculosis Diseases Diploma).Five to six months' full-time course, January to June.D.M.R.D.Eng. (Diploma in Medical Radio-Diagnosis). Eighteen months' full-time course fromOctober.The number of admissions to each of the above courses isstrictly limited and early application should be made tothe Secretary, The Welsh National School of Medicine,34 Newport Road, Cardiff.

DUBLINRoyal College of Surgeons in IrelandA two months' post graduate course in surgery, limitedto 30 students, will start in April, 1949. Fee, C21.For further information apply to the Registrar, RovalCollege of Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St. Stephen's Green,Dublin.

University CollegeThe following courses will be held during the session,I948-49C.P.H. Course and examination. Michaelmas Term.D.P.H. Course and examination. Hilary and Trinity

Terms.D.P.M. Course and examination. Michaelmas Term.D.C.H. Course and examination. Hilary Term.Further particulars may be obtained on application to theRegistrar, University College, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin.

EDINBURGHEdinburgh Post Graduate Board ofMedicineMedical Sciences. A three months' course in AppliedAnatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Bacteriology andBiochemistry will begin on July 4th, I949. This couiseis suitable for post graduates wishing to take the Primary

Fellowship examination. The number will be limited.Fee £31 IOS. od.General Surgery. A five months' course of postgraduate surgery is arraged to start on March 28th,1949. It is suitable for surgeons requiring a refreshercourse in the current outlook on general surgery, or forgraduates preparing to specialize in surgery; approxi-mately 300 hours of instruction are provided. A similarcourse begins in October, I949. Fee, £36 I5S. od.Internal Medicine. A course lasting X2 weeks, suit-able for graduates wishing a refresher course, or tospecialize in Medicine, begins on April xith, 1949. Asimilar class will start in October, 1949. These coursesconsist of 320 hours' instruction, comprising lectures,clinical demonstrations and ward visits. There arestill a few vacancies in the April course. Fee,X313Is. od.Paediatrics. A short course of instruction is run inconjunction with the course in Medicine, and is primarilyintended for those who wish additional experience inthis subject. A small fee is charged, and the numbersare limited.Obstetrics and Gynaecology. A four weeks' coursehas been arranged for March 2ISt to April 14th, 1949.It will be conducted in the Edinburgh Royal Infirmaryand the Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion by thesenior staff and the clinical teaching staff, and willconsist of approximately 8o hours of lectures, operatingsessions, clinical work and pathological demonstrations.The class will be limited to a maximum of 20 graduates.Only those with considerable post graduate experiencein Obstetrics and Gynaecology should apply as thecourse is intended for those wishing to specialize and isnot a general refresher course. Fee, £21.Applications for enrolment should be addressed to Directorof Post Graduate Studies, University New Buildings,Edinburgh, 8. Applicants for courses, except generalpractitioners, should supply particulars of qualificationsand post graduate experience.

Royal Medical SocietyThe meetings of the Society are held in the Society'Hall on Friday evenings during the Autumn and SpringTerms. Meetings consist of Private Business (at 7 p.m.)and Public Business (at 8 p.m.) in which dissertationsby members or addresses by prominent medical men onsubjects of medical interest are given. Clinical meetingsare held periodically in the Royal Infirmary and filmshows of the latest medical films are given in the Society'sRooms. Prospective members will be welcomed on anyFriday evening in the Society's Hall before publicbusiness.Applications for further information should be addressedto the Secretary, Royal Medical Society, 7 MelbournePlace, Edinburgh, i.

GLASGOWPost Graduate Medical EducationCommitteeIntensive Course in Surgery. A seven weeks' full-time course in Surgery will be conducted from Aprilxith to May 27th, 1949. The course will consist ofclinical meetings, pathological demonstrations andlectures. Fee, £23 2S. od. Since the number of en-rolments is limited to 20, early applications should bemade.Intensive Course in Medicine. An eight weeks'full-time course in Medicine will be conducted from

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April ixth to June 3rd, 1949. The course will consistof clinical meetings, pathological demonstrations, andlectures. Fee, £26 5s. od. Since the number of enrol-ments is limited to 20, early application should be made.Refresher Courses for General Practitioners. Twoshort consecutive courses each of one week's duration,comprising ward visits clinical demonstrations, andlectures, will be held in March, I949. The first week,commencing March 14th, will include General Medicine,Surgery, Obstetrics and Paediatrics. The secondweek, beginning March 2ISt, will be devoted to In-fectious Diseases, Pneumonia and Tuberculosis. Itis open to practitioners to attend both courses, oreither separately. The fee is /5 5s. od. per week.Subject to certain conditions, fee, travelling, sub-sistence and locum allowances may be paid to de-mobilized Medical Officers within one year of release,and to N.H.S. practitioners. Early application should bema4e.For further information and for enrolment in courses,applications should be addressed to the Director of PostGraduate Medical Education, The University, Glasgow, W.2.

LIVERPOOLUniversity of LiverpoolThe following post graduate courses of instruction areoffered :-Orthopaedic Surgery. A full-time Is-month courseleading to a Masteiship in Orthopaedic Surgery(M.Ch.Orth.) open to all medical graduates of ap-proved Universities and to graduates in other facultieswith qualifications in medicine and an F.R.C.S. of oneof the British colleges or its equivalent. The fee for thewhole course is £80. High priority is given to candidateswho have already attained an F.R.C.S. and to those withexperience in approved centres in general surgery and/orin orthopaedic surgery. The course begins in October,but graduates may join at other times without dis-advantage.Radiology. A full-time two-year course leading to aMastership in Radiology (M.Rad.) which can be takenin either Radiodiagnosis or Radiotherapy, open tomedical graduates of approved Universities and tomedically qualified candidates who hold approved highermedical diplomas and a degree in a faculty other thanmedicine. The courses amply cover the requirementsof the D.M.R.D. and D.M.R.T. of the Conjoint Board.The fee for the full two-year course -is £Cio. Tnecourse begins in October.Surgery. A full-time one-year course leading to theMastership of Surgery (Ch.M.) of the University ofLiverpool, open to medical graduates of approvedUniversities and to graduates in other faculties withqualifications in medicine and an F.R.C.S. of one of theBritish colleges or its equivalent. The course is suitablefor candidates who have already completed the Primaryof their F.R.C.S. and will not include instruction inanatomy and physiology suitable for this examination.The fee for the course is £60. The cotirse normallybegins in October, but graduates may join at other timeswithout disadvantage.Public Health. A full-time one-year course leading tothe Diplonma in Public Health, open to candidates witha medical cqualification from an approved University ormedical school. The fee is £6o. All courses of in-struction begin in October.Anaesthesia. A full-time course of post graduateinstruction, limited to ten students, will begin onOctober Ist and last for one year. This course has beenaccepted by the Conjoint Board of England as fulfilling

the requirements of candidates for the Diploma inAnaesthetics. The fee for the course is £60.Internal Medicine. For graduates proceeding to ahigher qualification in medicine (e.g. M.R.C.P. orM.D.) there is a part-time course lasting one year.This comprises lectures and demonstrations in path-ology, bacteriology, general medicine, neurology, cardi-ology and radiological diagnosis. The course normallybegins in Octeber, but graduates may join at other timeswithout disadvantage. The fee for the year's course is 20.Refresher courses for general practitioners arearranged from time to time.Applications for further in7formation should be addressedto the Dean, Faculty of Medicine, The University,Liverpool, 3.

MANCHESTERUniversity of ManchesterRadiology. D.M.R.T.(R.C.P. & S.Eng.). Acourse of instruction will be given at the Holt RadiumInstitute, Manchester, from April Ist, 1949, to the endof January, 1950, with a month's holiday in August.Lectures and practical demonstrations will be given inthe following subjects:Physics as applied to radiotherapy. Mr. W. J. Meredithand Physics Staff.Biological effects of radiation. Dr. E. Paterson and Dr.W. M. Dale.Pathology in relation to radiotherapy. Prof. S. Bakera-id Dr. H. Russell.Principles and practice of radiotherapy. Dr. RalstonPaterson and Radiotherapy Staff.Thereafter it is hoped that paid posts will be found forcandidates in Radiotherapeutic Departments" where theymay complefe the attendance required by these regula-tions. All applicants will be required to attend forinterview before being accepted for the course. It isimportant that applications should be sent in as soonas possible, as only a limited number can be acceptedand it is necessary for each candidate to ascertain fromthe Secretary of the Royal Colleges whether he will beeligible to sit for the examination.D.M.R.T.(R.C.P. & S.Eng.). A course of instruc-tion will begin in mid-April, 1949, and extend overI8 months. The course is full-time, non-resident ; fee,£52 IOS. od. Applications musc be sent before February28th, and candidates must fulfil the requirements as toprevious medical experience laid dowr by the Examina-tion Board (D.M.R.D. Regulations, December, 1945),8-ii Queen Square, London, W.C.i.Applications for further information and for enrolmentshould be addressed to the Dean of Post Grad,sate MedicalStudies, University of Manchester, Manchester 13.

SOUTHENDSouthend General HospitalAn abdominal operation session is held every Saturdayafternoon from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., at which Post Graduatesare welcome. There is no fee. Trains from FenchurchStreet to Southend or to Westcliff are as follows, butPost Graduates are advised to check them in case ofalterations, the time of arrival is stated in brackets.To Southend: 12.1 (1.7), 12.7 (1.19), I2.13 (1.25),12.25 (1.32), 12.32 (1.46). To Westcliff: 12.1 (I.3),12.7 (l.I5), T2.25 (I.28), 12.32 (i.4). Trains re-turning to Fenchurch Street are as follows. FromSouthend,: 7.34 (8.55), 8.4 (9.56). From Westcliff:7.3 (8.30), 7.39 (8.55), 8.8 (9.56).

98 February I1949