dynamic response of a winchester-type slider measured by laser doppler interferometry

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. MAG-20,NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 1984 921 DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF A WINCHESTER-TYPE SLIDER HEASURED BY LASER DOPPLER INTERFEROMETRY D.K. Miu , G. Bouchsrd*, D.B. Bogy , and F.E. Talke** ABSTRACT Opticalinterferometrictechniqueshave been used extensively in the past to measure the timeaveraged flying height of self-acting, gas-lubricated slider bearings commonly found i n magnetic recording disk files. Recently, their application has been extended to dynamical measurements[ 1,2]. Previously used optical techniques have an inherent disadvantage in that they require a specially made g l a s s disk, which is different from the usual oxide coated aluninum disks. Also, they are applicable only to steady state measurements. This paper presents a laser Doppler technfque capable of measuring the dynamic response of a slider in an unmodified magnetic disk file. INTRODUCTIO'IP Since the introduction of the IBM Ramac d i s k file in 1957, there has been a steady increase in performance of magnetic recording mass storage devices[3]. Much of this progress is associated with the improvement of the mechanical design of the self-acting, gas-lubricated slider bearings. The slider to media clearance, or :flying height", of recent commercial products has been reduced to a mere 0.3 p, canpared t o the 20.p of earlier designs. Over the years, many theoretical and experimental:investigations relevant to sl$der bearing research have been published. Various experimental techniques have been introduced in order to investigate the performance of new bearing designs and t o verify numerical results from proposed theoretical models. A review paper was written by Lin in 1973[4], which sumnarized the state of the art in flying height measurement techniques. Among those described were capacitive methods such as t h a t documented by Brunner et a1.[5], and optical I- loser beam Mikr I differential amplifier Fig.1 Optical and electrical component8 of the LDV. * Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of ** IBM Corporation, San Jose Research Iaboratories, California, Berkeley. California. methods such as that presented by Lin and Sullivan[6]. The former technique measures the clearance variation between a slider and the media by measuring the corresponding changes in capacitance of the lubricated film; it offers reasonable frequency response but requires modification of theslider bearing in orderto house a metallic electrode. The l a t t e r technique utilizes the principle of optical interference and permits the measurement of the bearing separation by setting up a c l a s s i c a l two-beam interferometer between theslider and the disk. This technique allows one to measure the time averaged flying heights but requires one of the bearing surfaces to be transparent, i.e., either a glass disk or glass slider must be used. Due to the small physical size of the recent slider designs, capacitive techniques, which are capable of measuring dynamic motions, are now difficult to implement. White lightinterferometry, on theother hand, continues to be an important tool in studying the steady state flying height of slider bearings. More recent efforts include those of Fleischer and Lin[l], and Nigam[Z]. In [l] an infrared laser interferometer was used to measure both the timeaveraged and the dynamic variations in flying height by continuously monitoring the intensity variations of t h e f i r s t order interference fringe. Such a technique has inherent noise problems and requiresextreme care in calibration and optical alignment. Nigam reported an alternative technique in which the slider is assumed t o v i b r a t e at a certain fundamental frequency and the amount of vibration is obtained by salving a pair of transcendental equations involvingtheamplitudes of the measured signals. However, t h i s method is not capable of measuring actual transient slider motions such as those due to an impulsedisturbance on the suspension arm or an asperity on the moving disk surface. Moreover, a l l previous interferanetric techniques require an optically flat glass disk, which can be quite different mechanically fran the oxidecoated aluninum disks cammonly used in present day magnetic disk files. This paper describes a novel laser Doppler technique capable of directly measuring transient motions of the slider in an unmodified magnetic disk file. Results will be presented to illustrate the dynamic response of the slider due to a anall mechanical defect on the disk surface. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS experimentalapparatusincl@es 1) a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) for measuring normal motions of a reflective surface, 2) a high speed A/D converter and a laboratory minicomputer fordataacquisition and analyses, and 3) a cormnercially available 5 1/4 in. magnetic disk file. Light reflected off a moving surface is frequency shifted by an amount proportional to the velocity of the motion. Such a phenomenon is a particular case of the well- known Doppler effect and is utilized in the LDV. Fig. 1 illustrates the optical and electrical components of such an instrument. Unlike conventional interferometric techniques, where thelimitation is the wavelength of light,theresolution and bandwidth of the LDV depend e n t i r e l y on the capability of the FM demodulator to derive the velocity canponent from the measured signal. Figure 2 illustrates the usable range of our LDV instrunentation. The optical section of our LDV was modified from a c-ercially available unit made by DISA Electronics. A similiar LDV was used in Wlezien, Miu, and Kibens[7] to characterize the surface contour ofa rotating flexible disk, and its performance was compared with that of a capacitance probe. 0018-9464/84/0900-927$01.0001984 IEEE

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Page 1: Dynamic response of a Winchester-type slider measured by laser Doppler interferometry



D.K. Miu , G. Bouchsrd*, D.B. Bogy , and F.E. Talke**


Optical in terferometr ic techniques have been used extensively in the past to measure the timeaveraged flying height of self-act ing, gas- lubricated s l ider bear ings commonly found i n magnetic recording disk files. Recently, t h e i r a p p l i c a t i o n h a s b e e n e x t e n d e d t o d y n a m i c a l measurements[ 1,2]. Previously used optical techniques have an inherent disadvantage i n that they require a special ly made glass disk, which is different from the usual oxide coated aluninum disks. Also, they are applicable only to s t e a d y s t a t e measurements. This paper presents a l a s e r Doppler technfque capable of measuring the dynamic response of a s l ider in an unmodified magnetic disk f i le.


Since the introduction of the I B M Ramac d i s k f i l e i n 1957, there has been a steady increase in performance of magnetic recording mass storage devices[3]. Much of this progress i s associated with the improvement of the mechanical design of the self-acting, gas-lubricated slider bearings. The s l ider to media clearance, or :flying height", of recent commercial products has been reduced to a mere 0.3 p, canpared to the 20.p of earlier designs. Over the years , many t h e o r e t i c a l and experimental: investigations relevant to sl$der bearing research have been published. Various experimental techniques have been introduced i n order to investigate the performance of new bearing designs and to verify numerical resu l t s from proposed theoretical m o d e l s .

A review paper was wr i t ten by Lin in 1973[4] , which sumnarized the s ta te of the art in f lying height measurement techniques. Among those described were capacitive methods such as that documented by Brunner e t a1.[5], and opt ical

I- loser

beam Mikr I

differential amplifier

Fig.1 Optical and e lectr ical component8 of the LDV.

* Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of

** IBM Corporation, San Jose Research Iaboratories, California, Berkeley.


methods such as that presented by Lin and Sullivan[6]. The former technique measures the clearance variation between a s l ider and the media by measuring the corresponding changes i n capacitance of the lubricated film; it offers reasonable frequency response but requires modification of the sl ider bearing i n order to house a metallic electrode. The l a t t e r technique ut i l izes the pr inciple of optical interference and permits the measurement of the bearing separation by set t ing up a c lass ica l two-beam interferometer between the s l ider and the disk. This technique allows one to measure the t ime averaged f lying heights but requires one of the bearing sur faces to be t ransparent , i.e., e i t h e r a g l a s s d i s k o r g lass s l ider must be used.

Due to the small physical size of the recent sl ider designs, capacit ive techniques, which are capable of measuring dynamic motions, are now d i f f i cu l t t o implement. White light interferometry, on the other hand, continues to be an important too l in studying the steady state f lying height of s l ider bearings.

More recent e f for t s inc lude those of F le i scher and L i n [ l ] , and Nigam[Z]. I n [ l ] a n i n f r a r e d l a s e r interferometer was used to measure both the timeaveraged and the dynamic variations in flying height by continuously moni tor ing the in tens i ty var ia t ions of t h e f i r s t o r d e r interference fringe. Such a technique has inherent noise problems and requires extreme care i n c a l i b r a t i o n and optical alignment. Nigam reported an al ternat ive technique i n which t h e s l i d e r is assumed t o v i b r a t e a t a c e r t a i n fundamental frequency and the amount of v i b r a t i o n i s obtained by s a l v i n g a p a i r of transcendental equations involving the amplitudes of the measured signals. However, th i s method is not capable of measuring actual transient s l ider motions such as those due to an impulse disturbance on the suspension arm or an asper i ty on t h e moving d isk surface. Moreover, a l l previous interferanetric techniques require an op t i ca l ly f l a t g l a s s d i sk , which can be quite different mechanically fran the oxide coated aluninum disks cammonly used i n present day magnetic disk f i les.

This paper describes a novel laser Doppler technique capable of direct ly measuring t ransient motions of the s l ider in an unmodified magnetic disk file. Results w i l l be presented to i l l u s t r a t e t he dynamic response of the s l ider due to a a n a l l mechanical defect on the disk surface.


experimental apparatus incl@es 1) a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) for measuring normal motions of a r e f l e c t i v e s u r f a c e , 2) a high speed A/D conver te r and a laboratory minicomputer for data acquisition and analyses, and 3) a cormnercial ly avai lable 5 1/4 in. magnetic disk f i l e .

L ight re f lec ted o f f a moving surface i s frequency shifted by an amount proportional to the velocity of the motion. Such a phenomenon i s a particular case of the well- known Doppler effect and i s u t i l i z e d i n t h e LDV. Fig. 1 i l l u s t r a t e s the optical and e lec t r ica l components of such an instrument.

Unlike conventional interferometric techniques, where the limitation is the wavelength of light, the resolution and bandwidth of the LDV depend en t i re ly on the capability of the FM demodulator to derive the velocity canponent from the measured signal. Figure 2 i l lust rates the usable range of our LDV instrunentation.

The o p t i c a l s e c t i o n of our LDV was modified from a c-ercially available unit made by DISA Electronics. A similiar LDV was used in Wlezien, Miu, and Kibens[7] to character ize the surface contour of a r o t a t i n g f l e x i b l e d isk , and i t s performance was compared with that of a capacitance probe.

0018-9464/84/0900-927$01.0001984 IEEE

Page 2: Dynamic response of a Winchester-type slider measured by laser Doppler interferometry




Fig.2 Usable range of the LDV.


In o r d e r t o e x c i t e t h e s l i d e r and to s tudy i t s dynamical behavior, a small physical defect was a r t i f i c i a l l y introduced on the surface of the disk. This defect is merely an impact-induced depression of substantial depth relative t o t h e f l y i n g h e i g h t o f t h e s l i d e r ; i t measures approximately 1.2 mn long and 0.3 mn wide with i t s length along the radius of the disk. As the depression t rave ls past the bearing region, it creates a very localized low pressure region which causes the slider to deviate frau its steady state flying position. The defect i s located near the 5 an radius where the surface velocity is 19 d s for a rotational speed of 3600 rpm. The e f f e c t of this depression on the s l ider motion is observed when the R / W head is located on the following tracks : track n m k r 58 to 76 (depression under the right r a i l of the slider), 83 t o 92 (center ra i l ) , and 99 to 117 ( l e f t r a i l ) .

The i n i t i a l measurements are concerned with the general runout of the d i sk and the corresponding motion of t h e s l i d e r . The l a s e r beam is f i r s t focused on the d i sk a t a track affected by the defect and the velocity signal due to the disk profile is recorded. Then, the sl ider is positioned an the same track and its ver t ical veloci ty i s recorded a s well. Figure 3 presents these results together with the cor- responding displacements obtained by integration. The sam- pling rate i s 50 kHz, so that 2000 data points represent a t o t a l of 40 ms, which is s l i g h t l y more than two revolutions of the disk. In Fig. 3(A), we observe thzit the disk velocity signal has three large spikes d& to the depression (one per revolution), while Fig. 3(C) shows that the slider signal has smaller spikes a t the same locations corresponding to i t s dynamical response to the excitation. The disk velocity a l s o e x h i b i t s some high frequency components evidently related to the disk surface roughness. Moreover, one can observe that the displacements of the disk and the s l ider are nearly identical. %e slider follows the disk runout v e r y c l o s e l y , so t h a t any difference between t h e two displacements w i l l be r e l a t i v e l y small. The peak-trrpeak displacenent of the disk is found to be less than 20 p but this depends strongly on the way the disk is m o ~ t e d on the spindle.

The transient motion of the sl ider i s next investigated in more detai l . This is accmplished by using a higher sam- p l i n g r a t e t o r e c o r d a smal l por t ion of the p rev ious ly displayed signals concerned with the excitation. Figure 4 presen t s t he ve loc i ty s igna l at the r ea r cen te r of the s l ider as it f l i e s over the defect, together with its FFT and the resulting displacement. The sampling rate is 2 MHz. T& spectrm shws a clear separation between low frequency components associated with the disk runout and higher frequency terms related to the transient response. This is

\ E E O

W i

z -20 -

-1oL 0 10 20 30 4 0 m s

Fig.3 General runout: disk velocity (A), disk displacement (B), sl ider veloci ty (C), and slider displacement (D).


-. 2 L

@ n 0 .25 . 5 .75 I m s

( C ) n

Fig.4 Transient motion of the slider: velocity (A), displacement (B) , and veloci ty spectm (c) .

a lso observed on the displacement &ere a high frequency motion i s superposed on a low frequency one. In the following dynamical study, the signal is therefore high-pass f i l t e r e d a t 1.5 kHz to eliminate the low-frequency disk runout components.

A more complete description of the slider motion can be achieved by recording the vertical displacements a t its four corners. Assunling that these displacements remain small canpared to the overa l l dimensions of the s l i d e r (5.4 mn length by 3.6 mn width), the pitch angle, roll angle, and ve r t i ca l mo t ion a t t he geomet r i c cen te r are e a s i l y calculated. Data is obtained with the s l i d e r positioned on track 108, 80 that the perturbation occurs on the l e f t rail. The corner motions appear i n Fig. 5. me calculated center displacements, pitch motions, and r o l l motiolis are shown in Fig. 6. The sampling rate in these curves is 1 MHz.

Page 3: Dynamic response of a Winchester-type slider measured by laser Doppler interferometry

Note that the peak displacements observed l o c a l l y a t t he co rne r s a r e much g rea t e r t han t he ca l cu la t ed cen te r motions (200 nm v s 70 nm). These r e s u l t s emphasize the localized character of the excitation. Since the width of the defect is very small compared to that of the s l ider , it bare ly genera tes enough force t o p e r t u r b t h e s l i d e r ver t ical ly: hence the small center displacements. On the other hand, precisely because of its small size, the defect generates a substantial pitch and r o l l motion as it t rave ls across the bearing region: hence the large corner d i s p l a c e m e n t s . One c a n a l s o o b s e r v e t h e d a m p i n g characteristics of the transient signals. In particular, a l l disturbances are damped out after 1 ms, which corresponds to about f o q times the length of the slider.

Finally, we examine the frequency content of the front and rear s l ider motions. Figures 7(A) and (B) are obtained by perfomiw a FE’T on data similar to that presented i n Figs. 5(B) and 5(D) respectively, but at a lower sampling

Fig. 5

i l g -. 25

Y - 2 5 r W ( C )

Transient motion of the s l ider : ver t ical displacements of the 4 corners at track 108. As viewed from the top: front right (A) , front l e f t (B) , rear right (C), and rear l e f t (D).

. l -

E 1

cn 0

L i o +i

-. 1 -

- 1 a -60

Fig.6 Calculated vertical center motion (A), pitch (B), qnd r o l l (C) of the slider at track 108.


rate (2 MHz) for better frequency resolution. The s l ider has a steady state pitch angle with larger spacing in front so that the stiffness of the air-bearing at the trail ing end is higher than that of the leading end. Therefore, one w u l d expect that when excited, the.rear part of the s l ider wil l vibrate a t a s l i g h t l y higher frequency. Indeed, fran Fig. 7, one can observe that the predominant frequency of the front motion is a t 8 kHz while that o f the rear motion is around 11 kHz. Also, one can observe that many other resonances e x i s t , which a re r e l a t ed t o t he coup l ing of t he va r ious s l ider mot ions and to the na tura l f requencies o f the suspension a m These resul ts qual i ta t ively eorrelate with those published by On0 [8], who used capacitance probes t o measure the dynamic response of a s l ider due to ve r t i ca l disk motions. The resonance frequencies found here, +w=ver, a r e somewhat higher, probably because of the different physical characteristics of the slider bearings used.

0 5 10 15 ZOkHz

Fig.7 Yelocity spectra of the front (A), and rear (B) s l ider motions.

conccLusIoI A technique uti l izing the Doppler effect has been

applied here to measure the dynamic response of a s l ider bearing i n an unmodified magnetic disk f i l e . Un l ike previously used interferanetric techniques, this schene does not require a transparent disk or slider and is capable of detect iq t ransient s l ider motions in an actual d isk f i le . In order to demonstrate the feasibi l i ty of this instrunent, a comnercially available “Winchester“ disk drive with a small mechanical defect on the disk surface was used. The response of the s l ider t o t h i s a r t i f i c i a l p r e s s u r e disturbance was measured, and the daninant frequencies and the dampirq: characteristics of t h e s l i d e r / d i s k i n t e r f a c e y r e examined. A strong coupling between the various slider motions i s observed, id ica t ing the need for a nonlinear dynamical analysis i f one attempts t o model the head/disk interface analytically.


This research was sponsored by the Center for Magnetic Recording Research d e r Contract UCB ENG-5730. One of us, DKM, a lso acknowledges the support fran the Hertz Foundation.


Fleischer, J.M., and Lin, C., IBM J. R 6 D, 18, 1974, 529 Nigam, 11, Trans. ASME, Ser. F, 104, 1982, 60 Harker, J.M., et al . , IBM J. R & D, 25-5, 1981, 677 Lin, C., IEEE Trans. Magn., 9-4, 1973, 673 Brunner, RK., e t al., IBM J. R & D, 3-3, 1959, 260 Lin, C,, and Sullivan, RF., I B M J. R & D, 16, 1972, 269 Wlezien, R, et al., J. SPIE, July 1984 Gno, It, et al., Bull. JSME, 22-173, 1979, 1672