drupal8 theming

Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis Drupal 8 front-end point of view

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Drupal 8 front-end point of view

Page 2: Drupal8 theming

Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

About meHristina Hristova-Bozadzhieva Front-end developer at FFW

E-mail: [email protected]

SlideShare: drupal8-theming

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Agenda1. Drupal 8 the new things2. Custom theme structure3. Classy – new base theme4. Twig. What is Twig? 5. How to debbug and some examples in Drupal 86. Resources

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

What’s new in Drupal 8

27 Questions (and Answers) from My First Drupal 8 Site Build

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

A new template engineDrupal 7 = PHP Template Drupal 8 = TWIG Template

Conflict between Back-end & Front-end

Potential Security Issues

55 templates 154 functions

Keeps Back-end & Frontend Separated

More Secure – Autoescaping

149 templates 21 functions

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Responsive ThemingDrupal 8 Not just mobile friendly, But mobile - first

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Stop Divs It!!! – How it’s look drupal 7

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

HTML 5 out of the box

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Drupal 8 WON’T supportInternet Explorer 6Internet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 8

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

CSS build on SMACSS and BEMhttps://smacss.com/Bembase layout component state themehttps://www.drupal.org/node/1887918

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Views in Core

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Views = fully customizable…With the Drupal 8 views, you can customize:

Admin listings Sidebar content Image galleries Slideshows REST output

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

New field types• E-mail• Link/URL• Phone number• Data/Time• Entity Reference

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

New Front-end libraries

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Create custom theme

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

CLASSY – a new base themeCore/themes/classy

In D8, default classes are stripped from Drupal core and moved into the base theme Classy.

The role of the Classy theme is to provide default markup and CSS for Drupal.

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

No more - Sites/all/where/the/f*ck/is/my/themes

[root]/themes/my_themeHow to create theme: great article by Matt Korostoff

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Drupal 8 theme structure• my_theme.info.yml• my_theme.libraries.yml• my_theme.breakpoints.

yml• my_theme.theme

• Css folder• Templates folder• Sass folder• Img folder• Js folder

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

theme.info.ymlname: [themename]type: themedescription: This is my custom Drupal 8 Themebase theme: classycore: 8.xengine: twigscreenshot: screenshot.png

# --- CSS ------------------------------------------stylesheets: all: - css/styles.cssstylesheets-remove: - normalize.css

# --- REGIONS --------------------------------------regions: header: ‘Header’...

# --- LIBRARIES --------------------------------------libraries: - [themename]/[namespace]

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

theme.libraries.yml# Global for all pagesglobal: version: 1.x css:

css/slider.css: {} js: js/slider.js: {} dependencies: - core/jquery

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis


label: mobile mediaQuery: '' weight: 0 multipliers: - 1x

my_theme.narrow: label: narrow mediaQuery: 'all and (min-width: 560px) and (max-width: 850px)'

weight: 1 multipliers: - 1.5x // supports Android

-2x // supports Mac retina displaymy_theme.wide:

label: wide mediaQuery: 'all and (min-width: 851px)' weight: 2 multipliers: - 1x

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

theme.theme• THEME.theme replace template.php

• Theme functions go here.

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

What is TWIG? Twig is a “modern” template language ->

symphony, used by other systems

+ It’s easy to learn

Twig is a template framework that has replaced PHP Template in Drupal 8.

fast, secure and flexible.



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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Intro to TwigThere are three delimiters you need to knows

• Print variables: {{ … }} • Comments: {# … #}• Execute statements: {% … %}

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

TWIGVariables can be accessed

directly in Twig.

Classes can be drilled into to show attributes:

<div {{ attributes }}> {{ content }} </div>

• Conditional statements: {% if … %}{% endif %}

• Loops: {% for … %}{% endfor %}

• Blocks: {% block blockname %}...{% endblock %}

• Extends:{% extends ‘.....’ %}

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis


<?phpprint $foo[‘bar’][‘und']->content['baz']['foo']['bar'];



{{ foo.bar.content.baz.foo.bar }}

Page 28: Drupal8 theming

Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Finding Stuff in Twig1.Print all available variables

{{ dump() }}

2. Print content of specific variable{{ dump(foo) }}

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

LoopsTwig template:


{% for user in users %}<li>{{user.username}}</

li>{% endfor %}






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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Loops{{ loop.length }}

{{ loop.first }}

{{ loop.last }}

{{ loop.index}}

{{% if loop.first %}}…{% elseif loop.index == 2 %}…{{% elseif loop.last %}}…{{% endif %}}

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

|FILTERTwig template

{% set name = ‘Hrisi’ %}<span> {{ name|length}}</span>



More info: http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/filters/index.html

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Filters Reference abs batch capitalize convert_encoding date date_modify default escape first format

join json_encode keys last length lower merge number_format raw

replace reverse round slice sort split striptags title trim upper url_encode

Page 33: Drupal8 theming

Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

First template {# base.twig #}

{% for post in posts %}

{% block post %} <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1> <p>{{ post.body }}</p> {% endblock %}

{% endfor %}

Second template {# child.twig #}

{% extends "base.twig" %}

{% block post %} <article> <header>{{ post.title }}</header> <section>{{ post.text }}</section> </article>{% endblock %}

TWIG Basics inheritance

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

TWIG inheritance result{# child.twig #}

{% extends "base.twig" %}

{% block post %} <article> <header>{{ post.title }}</header> <section>{{ post.text }}</section> </article>{% endblock %}

Now, when rendering the child template

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

TOOLSHow to find stuff and debug

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Where are the twig files? In the system templates folder


you’ll find more than 40 templates things like fields, nodes, pages, links.

All templates for the theme: [root]\core\themes\classy\templates\

They are separated in groups- layout- block- views- content- content-edit- field- navigation- dataset- forum- user- misc

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Services.yml If services.yml does not yet exist; copy default.services.yml and rename it to


Locate the twig.config parameters in your services.yml and make changes there.twig.config:

    debug: true

Twig auto-reloadauto_reload: true - Not recommended in production environments (Default:


Twig cachecache: false

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

SETTINGS.PHP Copy: sites/settings.local.php To: sites/default/settings.php

In Settings.php uncomment:

if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/settings.local.php')) {include __DIR__ . '/settings.local.php';


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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

FirebugIn firebug make sure that "Show Comments" is enabled:

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Disable CSS cache and clear the cache!!!

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

After refresh the page

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Another WayDevel module

• Download Devel module• Install Devel + Kint• Enable Devel and Kint

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Kint == Krumo for Drupal8

{{ kint(page) }}

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

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Formerly known as Bysted, Propeople, Blink Reaction, Chainbizz and Geekpolis

Questions &


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Thank you!