dried peel fraction of citrus sinensis partially reverses pathological changes in rat model of liver...

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Dried peel fraction of Citrus sinensis partially reverses pathological changes in rat model of liver cirrhosis Shakir Ali Ram Prasad Mohammed Naime Hina Zafar Amena Mahmood Indusmita Routray Mehmet Yalniz I ˙ brahim H. Bahcecioglu Kazim Sahin Received: 16 March 2010 / Accepted: 13 October 2010 / Published online: 3 December 2010 Ó Springer-Verlag 2010 Abstract Citrus sinensis is a seasonal fruit. Its zester is rich in bioactive phytochemicals, such as limonene, b-sitosterol, and ascorbic acid, which possess pharmaco- logical action. In this study, we report the effect of fraction prepared from dried peel of C. sinensis on biochemical and histopathological changes in rat model of liver cirrhosis. Liver cirrhosis was induced in rats by administering thi- oacetamide at a concentration of 0.03% in drinking water for 16 weeks. Thioacetamide was discontinued after 16 weeks and from the 18th week rats were given the extract orally for 9 weeks. Following the completion of the treatment, animals were killed and biochemical and histo- pathological changes associated with liver cirrhosis were evaluated. The treatment was found to reverse the elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase, c-glutamyl transferase, and other biochemical markers related to oxidative stress and selected drug metabolizing enzymes. Histopathology of the hepatic tissue confirmed the curative effect of the extract, and corroborated with the biochemical findings. HPTLC fingerprinting of the test fraction confirmed the presence of limonene, b-sitosterol, and ascorbic acid, which may par- tially explain the effect. The extract was also found to possess the anti-proliferative activity, determined by mea- suring the incorporation of radioactive thymidine by the hepatic DNA. The study indicates the inhibitory action of the test preparation on collagen accumulation in the extracellular matrix, and hence suggests its use as a potential therapeutic agent in liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. Keywords Citrus sinensis Á Liver cirrhosis Á Animal model Introduction Citrus sinensis (sweet orange), family Rutaceae, is a sea- sonal fruit widely grown in warm climates worldwide. Its zester, the outer-most layer of the rind, contains the oil glands and has a strong flavor similar to the fleshy inner part of the fruit. Citrus species have been studied for medicinal properties [13] and reported to contain numerous bioactive compounds, such as flavanone glycosides (narirutin, naringin, hesperidin, and neohesperidin) and natural anti- oxidants [46]. Particularly, the phenolic acids have attracted more attention for their antioxidant behavior and beneficial health-promoting effects in chronic and degen- erative diseases [7]. The fruit has been found to prevent the oxidative stress by enhancing the total antioxidant capacity and elevating liver antioxidant enzymes while modulating cardiovascular risk factors [8]. Epidemiological studies have suggested the protective role of the fruit in a variety of human cancers [9], which might be attributed to limonoids [10, 11]. D-Limonene, a key ingredient of orange peel inhibits N-nitrosomorpholine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis This work belongs to the PhD thesis of R. Prasad carried under the supervision of S. Ali at Jamia Hamdard University. S. Ali (&) Á R. Prasad Á M. Naime Á H. Zafar Á A. Mahmood Á I. Routray Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Jamia Hamdard University, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi 110062, India e-mail: [email protected] M. Yalniz Á I ˙ . H. Bahcecioglu Department of Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine, Firat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey K. Sahin Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Firat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey 123 Mediterr J Nutr Metab (2011) 4:57–67 DOI 10.1007/s12349-010-0033-8

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Dried peel fraction of Citrus sinensis partially reversespathological changes in rat model of liver cirrhosis

Shakir Ali • Ram Prasad • Mohammed Naime • Hina Zafar • Amena Mahmood •

Indusmita Routray • Mehmet Yalniz • Ibrahim H. Bahcecioglu • Kazim Sahin

Received: 16 March 2010 / Accepted: 13 October 2010 / Published online: 3 December 2010

� Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Citrus sinensis is a seasonal fruit. Its zester is

rich in bioactive phytochemicals, such as limonene,

b-sitosterol, and ascorbic acid, which possess pharmaco-

logical action. In this study, we report the effect of fraction

prepared from dried peel of C. sinensis on biochemical and

histopathological changes in rat model of liver cirrhosis.

Liver cirrhosis was induced in rats by administering thi-

oacetamide at a concentration of 0.03% in drinking water

for 16 weeks. Thioacetamide was discontinued after

16 weeks and from the 18th week rats were given the

extract orally for 9 weeks. Following the completion of the

treatment, animals were killed and biochemical and histo-

pathological changes associated with liver cirrhosis were

evaluated. The treatment was found to reverse the elevated

levels of alkaline phosphatase, c-glutamyl transferase, and

other biochemical markers related to oxidative stress and

selected drug metabolizing enzymes. Histopathology of the

hepatic tissue confirmed the curative effect of the extract,

and corroborated with the biochemical findings. HPTLC

fingerprinting of the test fraction confirmed the presence of

limonene, b-sitosterol, and ascorbic acid, which may par-

tially explain the effect. The extract was also found to

possess the anti-proliferative activity, determined by mea-

suring the incorporation of radioactive thymidine by the

hepatic DNA. The study indicates the inhibitory action of

the test preparation on collagen accumulation in the

extracellular matrix, and hence suggests its use as a

potential therapeutic agent in liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.

Keywords Citrus sinensis � Liver cirrhosis �Animal model


Citrus sinensis (sweet orange), family Rutaceae, is a sea-

sonal fruit widely grown in warm climates worldwide. Its

zester, the outer-most layer of the rind, contains the oil

glands and has a strong flavor similar to the fleshy inner part

of the fruit. Citrus species have been studied for medicinal

properties [1–3] and reported to contain numerous bioactive

compounds, such as flavanone glycosides (narirutin,

naringin, hesperidin, and neohesperidin) and natural anti-

oxidants [4–6]. Particularly, the phenolic acids have

attracted more attention for their antioxidant behavior and

beneficial health-promoting effects in chronic and degen-

erative diseases [7]. The fruit has been found to prevent the

oxidative stress by enhancing the total antioxidant capacity

and elevating liver antioxidant enzymes while modulating

cardiovascular risk factors [8]. Epidemiological studies

have suggested the protective role of the fruit in a variety of

human cancers [9], which might be attributed to limonoids

[10, 11]. D-Limonene, a key ingredient of orange peel

inhibits N-nitrosomorpholine-induced hepatocarcinogenesis

This work belongs to the PhD thesis of R. Prasad carried under the

supervision of S. Ali at Jamia Hamdard University.

S. Ali (&) � R. Prasad � M. Naime � H. Zafar � A. Mahmood �I. Routray

Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science,

Jamia Hamdard University, Hamdard Nagar,

New Delhi 110062, India

e-mail: [email protected]

M. Yalniz � I. H. Bahcecioglu

Department of Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine,

Firat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey

K. Sahin

Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Veterinary

Medicine, Firat University, 23119 Elazig, Turkey


Mediterr J Nutr Metab (2011) 4:57–67

DOI 10.1007/s12349-010-0033-8

[12]. Other bioactive compounds in the fruit, for example,

hesperidin and naringin, are powerful plasma lipid lower-

ing agents, increase the plasma antioxidant activity [13],

and have been reported to protect the liver against

CCL4-induced oxidative stress in rats [14]. Hesperidin also

attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced hepatotoxicity, pos-

sibly by preventing the cytotoxic effects of NO and

oxygen-free radicals [15]. Considering the multiple phar-

macological role of bioactive compounds in C. sinensis, we

proposed to study its effect on liver cirrhosis in animal


Materials and methods

Preparation of test fraction from dried orange peel

Citrus sinensis was purchased from commercial fruit

market in Delhi. The fruit was peeled and the peel was air

dried. A small amount of the peel was preserved under the

specimen voucher number BRL/A-3/03. Rest of the peel

was crushed in iron mortar, and subjected to extraction in

Soxhlet apparatus at 60–70 �C for 6 h continuously in 50%

ethanol. The extracted material was evaporated to dryness

under reduced pressure (40–50 �C), and suspended in dis-

tilled water in 1% gum acacia as suspending agent. The

suspended extract was stored in sterilized airtight vials in

refrigerator until further use.

Chemicals and other consumables for this study were

purchased from the standard commercial sources in India.

Animals and experimental design

Female rats (Wistar strain, inbred), weighing 160–180 g,

were used throughout the study. Animals were acclima-

tized for 1 week in polypropylene cages, and kept in an

environmentally controlled room (temperature: 21 ± 2 �C,

humidity: [40%) with a 12-h light–dark cycle. They were

provided pellet diet and water ad libitum. The study was

approved by the Animal Ethics Committee.

Animals were fasted overnight before the experiment and

divided into the following four groups: Group I (NC) con-

sisted of the control rats treated with normal saline for the

entire duration of the experiment; Group II (CS) consisted

of rats which were administered the orange peel extract

alone for 9 weeks to see the effect of the peel extract on rats;

Group III (LC) received thioacetamide for 16 weeks to

induce liver cirrhosis, this group was left untreated for next

10 weeks and served as positive control; Group IV (T)

consisted of the cirrhotic rats that received the test extract

for 9 weeks. On completion of the treatment, animals were

killed, and the tissue was subjected to histopathological and

biochemical examination. The experimental protocol is

shown in Fig. 1. The dose of the test extract was 800 mg/kg

body weight per day; equivalent dose in human weighing

60 kg, as calculated using the standard conversion formula

[16], comes out to be 2.3 g/day, t.d.s.

Gross morphology, liver weight/body weight ratio,

and tissue histopathology

Gross morphological examination of the liver of each rat

was done and documented. The liver weight and body

weight of each animal was taken to calculate the liver

weight and body weight ratio and a small piece of the

hepatic tissue was cut and fixed in 10% buffered formalin.

Histopathological sections were stained using hematoxy-

lin–eosin (HE), and examined by a pathologist who was not

aware of the treatment groups.

Biochemical analysis

After completion of the treatment, blood was collected

from the abdominal aorta and the serum was prepared for

biochemical markers of liver cirrhosis. Hepatic tissue was

subjected to further biochemical analysis. The procedure

for the preparation of sample and subcellular fractionation

was similar to the one described in one of our earlier

publications [17]. Serum aminotransferases [18], alkaline

phosphatase [19], and hepatic c-glutamyl transferase [20],

Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the treatment protocol design to

induce liver cirrhosis and study the effect of test fraction in rat.

Following the completion of 16 weeks treatment with thioacetamide,

rats were left untreated for 1 week to ensure that the thioacetamide or

its metabolites are eliminated and the constituents in the extract do not

interfere with the metabolites or the drug metabolizing system [17]

58 Mediterr J Nutr Metab (2011) 4:57–67


lipid peroxidation [21], reduced glutathione [22], glutathi-

one reductase [23], glutathione peroxidase [24], and cata-

lase [25] were measured in all groups. Selected Phase I and

Phase II drug metabolizing enzymes, xanthine oxidase [26]

and glutathione s-transferase [27] were also measured in

the post-mitochondrial supernatant.

HPTLC fingerprinting and TLC autography of the test


The chemical fingerprinting of the extract was performed

on HPTLC. Briefly, 2.0 mg of the dried peel extract was

suspended in 1 mL methanol and filtered through mem-

brane filter (pore size: 0.45 l). CAMAG HPTLC system

equipped with an automatic TLC sampler (Linomat 5), TLC

scanner 3, and integrated software winCATS version 3 were

used. Chromatography was performed on a pre-coated

silica gel HPTLC plate of 0.20-mm thickness. Sample was

applied onto the plate with an automatic TLC sampler

(Linomat 5) under the flow of N2 gas. Linear ascending

development was carried out in the CAMAG twin trough

chamber (10 cm 9 10 cm), which was pre-saturated with

the mobile phase for 30 min at room temperature. For

limonene, hexane:diethyl ether:glacial acetic acid (80:20:1)

was used as the mobile phase. For b-sitosterol and ascorbic

acid, respectively, the mobile phases were as follows,

hexane:ethyl acetate:acetic acid (75:25:1), and acetoni-

trile:acetone:water:acetic acid (80:5:15:2). Following the

completion of the run, the plate was dried in oven at 60 �C

for 5 min, and the post-chromatographic derivatization of

limonene and b-sitosterol was carried out in 5% anisalde-

hyde followed by heating at 110 �C for 2 min. For finger-

printing, the plate was scanned in absorption mode at

250–500 nm under computerized CAMAG TLC scanner 3.

Standards of limonene, b-sitosterol, and ascorbic acid were

analyzed along with the extract. Standards were prepared in


TLC autographic assay was performed to demonstrate

the antioxidant activity of the extract according to the

method described by Galvez et al. [28]. Briefly, 5 lL

extract (in methanol) was spotted on silica gel plate

(10 9 10 cm) and run on a TLC plate using a solvent

system consisting of hexane, ethyl acetate, and glacial

acetic acid (75:25:05) for 20 min. TLC plate was dried and

sprayed with 0.2% 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)

prepared in methanol, and examined. Yellow or light spots

against a purple background indicated the presence of

antioxidants in the extract. Radical scavenging activity of

the extract against stable DPPH was also determined

spectrophotometrically. In presence of the antioxidants,

the DPPH is reduced and change color from deep violet to

light or yellow, which can be measured at 517 nm in


Free radical scavenging activity of the herbal extract

was determined as described by Yamaguchi et al. [29].

Briefly, 5 mg of dried 50% ethanolic extract of C. sinensis

was dissolved in 1 mL methanol. Final reaction mixture

consisted of 0.1 mL sample dissolved in methanol, 0.3 mL

methanol, and 0.4 mL of 0.3 mM DPPH (in methanol).

The mixture was vortexed for 15 s and left to stand at room

temperature for 10 min. The absorbance was read at

517 nm using UV spectrophotometer. Pyrogallol was used

as control. Scavenging effect of DPPH was calculated as

follows: Scavenging activity (%) = [(OD of blank - OD

of sample)/OD of blank] 9 100.

Treatment protocol for cell proliferation assay

The anti-proliferative activity of the test preparation was

studied on thioacetamide mediated increase in [3H]-thy-

midine incorporation into hepatic DNA synthesis. Briefly,

24 female rats were randomly divided into four groups,

each having six animals. Group I was administered nor-

mal saline. Group II and IV were orally administered the

test preparation (800 mg/kg body weight/day, orally) for

three consecutive days. On third day of experiment,

Groups III and IV were given a single intraperitoneal

injection of thioacetamide (400 mg/kg body weight)

freshly dissolved in 0.9% NaCl. Thioacetamide was

administered 45 min after the administration of the last

dose of the test preparation. After 16 h of thioacetamide

administration, all groups were injected [3H]-thymidine

(20 lCi/0.2 mL saline/100 g body wt, i.p.) and killed

exactly after 2 h by cervical dislocation. Liver was

excised quickly, washed in ice-cold saline (0.9% NaCl),

and processed for subcellular fractionation for the esti-

mation of hepatic DNA synthesis.

Estimation of hepatic DNA synthesis

The isolation of hepatic DNA and incorporation of [3H]-

thymidine in hepatic DNA was performed according to

the method described by Smart et al. [30]. The liver

homogenate (20%, w/v) was prepared in ice-cold distilled

water. After homogenization, equal volume of ice cold

TCA (10%) was added and centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for

10 min. The supernatant was discarded. The precipitate

was dissolved in 5 mL ice-cold TCA (5%), and centri-

fuged at 5,000 rpm for 10 min. After the centrifugation,

supernatant was discarded and the pellet was dissolved in

5 mL of ice-cold perchloric acid (PCA) (10%) and kept

for 18 h at 4 �C. After 18 h, all tubes were centrifuged at

5,000 rpm for 10 min and the pellet was obtained. The

pellet was mixed with 5 mL of ice-cold PCA (5%)

and centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for 10 min at 4 �C. The

precipitate obtained after the final centrifugation was

Mediterr J Nutr Metab (2011) 4:57–67 59


incubated with 5 mL of warm PCA (10%) in boiling

water bath for 30 min. The sample was again centrifuged

and the supernatant filtered through a Whatman-50 filter

paper to get clear solution, which was used for DNA

estimation and counting radioactivity. For counting

radioactivity in the sample, 200 lL of the solution was

added to the scintillation vial containing 5 mL of scin-

tillation fluid and counted in the scintillation counter

(LKB-Wallace1410). The amount of DNA in the filtrate

was estimated by the diphenylamine method of Giles and

Myers [31]. The amount of [3H] thymidine incorporated

was expressed as d.p.m. (disintegration per minute)/lg


Statistical analysis

The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. Mean ±

S.E.M. (n = 6) was calculated in each group. The signifi-

cance of difference between the positive control and the

treated group was determined; p \ 0.05 was considered

statistically significant.


Effect of treatment on organ indices and serum marker

of liver cirrhosis (Tables 1, 2)

Percent liver weight body weight ratio, which doubled in

the liver cirrhosis group (6.3%), was found to decrease

significantly in treated rats (4%) (Table 1). A significant

increase in ALP, and also GGT was found in liver cir-

rhosis. Treatment with the orange peel faction could bring

down the increased values close to normal (Table 2).

Gross morphology and histopathology of the liver

Deposition of collagen, which is secreted by the activated

hepatic stellate cells (HSC), is a characteristic feature of

liver cirrhosis that results in gross morphological changes

and changes in the hepatic tissue architecture. The whole

organ and the sections from the treated and the control

group (Fig. 2) show characteristic nodules on the liver in

the LC group (Fig. 2c). The texture of the liver in the

control and test fraction treated rats was almost similar in

comparison to the LC group. Analysis of the representative

photomicrographs of sections from various groups provides

an insight into the hepatic tissue architecture. Control rats

(NC and CS) had normal lobular architecture with central

veins and radiating hepatic cords (Fig. 2a, b). On the other

hand, the LC group had proliferating bile ducts in the septal

area and a large nodule of regenerating hepatocytes; vac-

uolization of hepatocytes can be seen in the upper left

corner of sections from the cirrhotic liver, where the septa

are comparatively thick (Fig. 2c). Sections from the treated

group (Fig. 2d) showed hepatic parenchyma and regener-

ating hepatocytes and a more natural architecture (Fig. 2d).

Effect on the oxidative stress biomarkers

Elevated lipid peroxidation (LPO) is an important factor

for the development of liver fibrosis. It is also an oxidative

Table 1 Effect of the test fraction on liver weight body weight ratio

Group Liver weight Body weight Liver wt/Body

wt ratio (%)

NC 08.24 ± 0.47 266.67 ± 15.08 3.08

CS 08.10 ± 0.25 250.50 ± 6.50 3.23

LC 10.92 ± 0.79* 173.33 ± 5.42* 6.30

T 09.75 ± 0.15 220.10 ± 8.90 4.42

Data represent Mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6)

NC normal control, CS rats receiving the test fraction alone, LC liver

cirrhosis, T post-treatment group (the group of rats receiving the test

fraction following the induction of liver cirrhosis)

* p \ 0.05, when compared to the control group of rats. No signifi-

cant difference was found in NC and CS groups. Administration of

the test extract caused a decrease in the liver weight body weight ratio

Table 2 Effect of the test fraction on serum markers of hepatic injury


NC 72.28 ± 0.71 (100) 130.77 ± 2.78 (100) 14.68 ± 0.86 (100) 302.00 ± 12.51 (100)

CS 71.08 ± 1.82 (98.33) 130.82 ± 1.18 (100.03) 15.31 ± 1.26 (104.29) 295.91 ± 16.05 (97.98)

LC 75.01 ± 1.16 (103.77) 139.87 ± 2.30 (106.95) 21.10 ± 0.93* (143.73) 359.93 ± 18.56* (119.18)

T 70.85 ± 1.14 (98.02) 132.25 ± 2.29 (101.13) 15.67 ± 0.69 (106.74) 305.33 ± 14.90 (101.10)

Data represent Mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6)

NC normal control, CS rats receiving the test fraction alone, LC liver cirrhosis, T post-treatment group (the group of rats receiving the test

fraction following the induction of liver cirrhosis), ALT alanine aminotransferase (units/mL), AST aspartate aminotransferase (units/mL), ALPalkaline phosphatase (equivalent units/mL), and GGT c-glutamyl transpeptidase (nmol of p-nitroanilide/mg protein)

* p \ 0.05, when compared to the control group of rats. Values in bracket show percent change with respect to the normal control. Post-

treatment with the peel extract normalized the activity of ALP, GGT, and AST to almost normal level

60 Mediterr J Nutr Metab (2011) 4:57–67


stress biomarker that can be measured in the whole tissue

lysate as malondialdehyde and expressed as nmol/mg

protein. LPO increased to 127% in the LC group over the

control group (598.9 ± 4.2 vs. 472.3 ± 9, *p \ 0.05).

Following the extract treatment, the value decreased to

506.2 ± 11.5, which in percent-activity was in the range

close to the normal control (Table 3). Reduced glutathione

(GSH), which decreased significantly (*p \ 0.05) in the

Fig. 2 Gross morphology of

the liver and respective

histopathological sections of the

following groups: a normal

control, b the group receiving

the test fraction, c rats with liver

cirrhosis, and d the group post-

treated with the test fraction. PTportal triad, CV central vein,

BDP bile duct proliferation

Mediterr J Nutr Metab (2011) 4:57–67 61


LC group, was almost normal in the treated group

(Table 3). Glutathione reductase (GR), the enzyme

required for the recycling of GSH (from its oxidized form,

GSSG) also decreased in the LC group (400.02 ± 7.97),

and attained the value similar to the control in treated rats

(518.97 ± 11.26 vs. 509.10 ± 13.21) (Table 3). The per-

oxide metabolizing enzymes, catalase, and GPx (Table 4)

decreased significantly (*p \ 0.05) in the LC group and

tend to increase in the treated rats.

Effect on selected phase I and II drug metabolizing


Non-microsomal Phase I drug metabolizing enzyme xan-

thine oxidase (XO) was particularly studied for its ability to

generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) while catalyzing

the reaction. XO was found to increase (p [ 0.05) when

compared to the mean control value (Table 5), and

decreased in the group receiving the extract post-treatment.

This effect can be correlated to the activity levels of

peroxide metabolizing enzymes (Table 4), oxidative stress

markers (Table 3), serum markers of liver cirrhosis

(Table 2), and other signs and symptoms of hepatic injury

(Table 1; Fig. 2). Further, GST, which is a phase II drug

metabolizing enzyme, increased in the LC group and

decreased significantly following the treatment with the

test preparation (Table 5).

HPTLC finger printing and the TLC autography

of the test fraction

HPTLC chemical fingerprinting of the extract showed

several peaks at 250–500 nm. Photographic images of the

HPTLC plates in Fig. 3 demonstrate the presence of lim-

onene, b-sitosterol, and ascorbic acid in the extract; the

structures of limonene, b-sitosterol, and ascorbic acid are

shown in Fig. 4. TLC autographic assay was used to

demonstrate the presence of antioxidants in the extract. The

extract showed 94% free radical scavenging activity when

compared to pyrogallol (Fig. 5).

Table 3 Effect of the test fraction on oxidative stress markers


NC 472.34 ± 09.01 (100) 1,392.79 ± 22.37 (100) 518.97 ± 11.26 (100)

CS 470.75 ± 15.38 (99.66) 1,395.44 ± 11.49 (100.19) 522.06 ± 25.34 (100.59)

LC 598.86 ± 4.24* (126.78) 1,305.14 ± 23.69* (93.70) 400.02 ± 7.97* (77.07)

T 506.18 ± 11.53 (107.16) 1,379.62 ± 12.86 (99.05) 509.10 ± 13.21 (98.09)

Data represent Mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6)

NC normal control, CS rats receiving the test fraction alone, LC liver cirrhosis, T post-treatment group (the group of rats receiving the test

fraction following the induction of liver cirrhosis), LPO lipid peroxidation (nmol malondialdehyde/mg protein), GSH reduced glutathione (lmol/

g tissue), and GR glutathione reductase (nmol NADPH oxidized/min/mg protein)

* p \ 0.05, when compared to the control group of rats. Values in bracket show percent change with respect to the normal control. While the

level of GSH and GR reduced significantly (*p \ 0.05), LPO increased (* p \ 0.05). Post-treatment with the extract almost normalized the


Table 4 Effect of the test fraction on peroxide metabolizing enzymes

Groups GPx Catalase

NC 198.16 ± 10.01 (100) 2,289.57 ± 54.32 (100)

CS 174.55 ± 8.70 (88.08) 1,853.67 ± 69.85 (80.96)

LC 139.97 ± 3.53* (70.63) 1,451.27 ± 43.18* (63.38)

T 162.59 ± 6.35 (82.04) 1,680.59 ± 43.88 (73.40)

Data represent Mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6)

NC normal control, CS rats receiving the test fraction alone, LC liver

cirrhosis, T post-treatment group (the group of rats receiving the test

fraction following the induction of liver cirrhosis), GPx glutathione

peroxidase (nmol NADPH oxidized/min/mg protein)

*p \ 0.05, when compared to the control group of rats. Values in

bracket show percent change with respect to the normal control. Activity

of both GPx and catalase decreased in the LC group (*p \0.05), and

was found to increase in the post-treated rats; the activity of catalase was

expressed as the nmole H2O2 consumed/min/mg protein

Table 5 Effect of the test fraction on selected Phase I and Phase II

drug metabolizing enzymes

Groups XO GST

NC 174.25 ± 5.06 (100) 653.31 ± 22.49 (100)

CS 159.54 ± 6.91 (91.55) 639.12 ± 11.42 (97.82)

LC 193.34 ± 4.46* (110.95) 707.83 ± 8.65* (108.34)

T 163.16 ± 10.58 (93.63) 611.72 ± 22.74 (93.63)

Data represent Mean ± S.E.M. (n = 6). *p \ 0.05, when compared

to the control group of rats. Values in bracket show percent change

with respect to the normal control. Both XO and GST increased in the

LC group and decreased in the treated rats

NC normal control, CS rats receiving the test fraction alone, LC liver

cirrhosis, T post-treatment group (the group of rats receiving the test

fraction following the induction of liver cirrhosis), XO xanthine

oxidase (lmol of uric acid/mg protein), GST glutathione s-transferase

(nmol of CDNB conjugate/mg protein)

62 Mediterr J Nutr Metab (2011) 4:57–67


Cell proliferation assay (Fig. 6)

Effect of the test preparation on the incorporation of

radioactive thymidine into hepatic DNA of thioacetamide-

treated rats showed a significant decrease in thymidine

incorporation, when compared to the thioacetamide alone

treated group of rats, suggesting the anti-proliferative

activity of the test preparation.


Liver cirrhosis is the end stage of liver fibrosis, which

results from the deposition of collagen and other extra-

cellular matrix proteins, primarily secreted by the activated

HSC triggered by a number of factors including the free

radicals, chemicals, and virus. The fibrosis can persist and

lead to the development of hepatocellular carcinoma [32,

33]. Therefore, inhibiting or at least partially reversing the

progression of fibrosis and cirrhosis also inhibit the

development of hepatocellular carcinoma. Till date there is

no suitable agent that can be used against liver cirrhosis.

Compounds derived from the natural products claim effi-

cacy in liver diseases [34, 35], but do not exhibit appre-

ciable results in liver fibrosis or cirrhosis. In this study, we

provide substantial and convincing evidence suggesting the

therapeutic effect of an aqueous-alcoholic extract of dried

orange peels in animal model of liver cirrhosis.

Thioacetamide induces hepatic injury by various

mechanisms [17, 36–38], and produces various forms of

Fig. 3 HPTLC chemical fingerprinting of the test fraction reveal-

ing the presence of a limonene (kmax 357 nm, Rf 0.39 ± 0.01),

b b-sitosterol (kmax 490 nm, Rf 0.47 ± 0.02), and c ascorbic acid

(kmax 265 nm, Rf 0.87 ± 0.02). The samples were run in duplicate.

First two lanes on each plate (from left) show respective standard;

‘a1’ indicates the limonene standard, ‘a2’ the limonene in the extract,

‘b1’ is the peak of b-sitosterol standard, ‘b2’ is b-sitosterol in the

extract, ‘c1’ is the ascorbic acid standard, and ‘c2’ is the ascorbic acid

in the extract. Comparison of standards and peaks confirmed

limonene, b-sitosterol, and ascorbic acid in the test fraction

Mediterr J Nutr Metab (2011) 4:57–67 63


liver diseases depending on the dosage and duration of

administration: higher dose produce necrosis [39], ful-

minant hepatic failure, and early death [40], whereas lower

doses administered over a prolonged period of time cul-

minates in liver fibrosis/cirrhosis [41] and hepatocellular

carcinoma [42]. In this study, thioacetamide was used to

induce liver cirrhosis in rat model [43]. This model has

many of the alterations owing to the liver cirrhosis in

human [44–46]. In the experimental animals, liver cirrhosis

was confirmed by studying the gross organ morphology,

histology, and biochemical changes. Liver weight body

weight ratio of control and the extract-treated rats were

compared and found that the dried peel extract could

decrease the ratio significantly (Table 1). This effect could

be attributed to the changes in nutrient absorption and

metabolic utilization and efficiency that have been descri-

bed in earlier studies on thioacetamide-induced liver cir-

rhosis [47]. Further, portal hypertension and impaired bile

acid metabolism have been reported in liver cirrhosis [48],

both influencing the nutrient utilization. Biochemical

analysis of serum markers of hepatobiliary diseases (liver

cirrhosis) shows increased alkaline phosphatase and GGT

[49, 50], which has also been reported in this study

(Table 2). Extract treatment could cause a significant

decrease in the elevated levels of these enzymes. Serum

Fig. 4 Structures of a limonene, b b-sitosterol, and c ascorbic acid

Fig. 5 a TLC autographic

image demonstrating the

antioxidant activity of

C. sinensis (C.S) and pyrogallol

(P). b Comparison of the free

radical scavenging activity of

pyrogallol and C. sinensis

Fig. 6 Effect of the test preparation on [3H]-thymidine uptake by the

hepatic DNA. Data represent Mean ± SEM (n = 6). *p \ 0.05,

when compared to group III, and #p \ 0.05, when compared to Group

I. Group I: normal control, Group II: control rats receiving the test

fraction alone, Group III: treated with thioacetamide, and Group IV:

the group treated with the test fraction followed by thioacetamide

64 Mediterr J Nutr Metab (2011) 4:57–67


biochemical markers of liver cirrhosis corroborated with

the gross organ morphology (Fig. 2) and the tissue histo-

pathology. The extract was found to not only protect the

liver against hepatocyte damage and decrease collagen

deposition, but also ameliorated oxidative stress as indi-

cated by decreased LPO and increased GSH level in the

extract-treated rats (Table 3).

Production of ROS cause the generation of lipid per-

oxides, which have deleterious effects on cell and trigger/

sustain the metabolic and signaling pathways leading to

hepatic injury [51]. LPO is a degradative process in the

tissue arising from the production and propagation of free

radical reactions primarily involving the membrane poly-

unsaturated fatty acids and production of end products,

such as MDA and 4-hydroxynonenal [52]. MDA, one of

the major products of LPO, has been extensively used as a

sensitive oxidative stress marker [21]. Increased LPO often

depletes the level of GSH, an endogenous antioxidant that

counteracts the effect of oxidative stress due to LPO and

other causes, and also affects GR. In this study, both GSH

and GR decreased and the LPO increased, which is con-

sidered a factor for the development of liver cirrhosis.

Further, the peroxide metabolizing enzymes and the non-

microsomal phase I drug metabolizing enzyme xanthine

oxidase and GST also increased in the LC group, which

suggests the role of ROS in the development of liver

fibrosis/cirrhosis. XO generates ROS while catalyzing the

reaction. Increased production of ROS has been demon-

strated to trigger hepatic injury.

Xanthine oxidase is a Mo–Fe–S flavin hydroxylase that

initiates the production of hydroperoxides and stimulates

the tissue antioxidant armory including the catalase to

counteract the damaging effect of peroxides. As shown in

Table 4, activity of catalase decreased in the LC group, but

improved in the treated rats. Induction of XO observed in

the LC group (Table 5) indicates excess generation of

superoxide anion radicals and other ROS. As discussed

earlier, ROS is reported to activate the HSC proliferation,

which is a key event in liver cirrhosis [53]. The peel extract

could attenuate the elevated activity level of XO, inhibiting

the generation of ROS, thereby, inhibiting the activation of

HSC and, therefore, the progression of fibrosis/cirrhosis. In

this study, we suggest XO as a possible cause that might

trigger/sustain liver cirrhosis. In the group of rats receiving

the extract (Group IV), activity level of XO decreased

(Table 5), which may be attributed to the presence of

caffeic acid in oranges [54] that has been reported to inhibit

xanthine oxidase [55]. The role of XO is further substan-

tiated by measuring the activity levels of peroxide metab-

olizing enzymes (Table 4), oxidative stress biomarkers

(Table 3), serum markers of liver cirrhosis (Table 2), and

other signs and symptoms of hepatic injury (Table 1;

Fig. 2). Further, GST, which is a phase II drug

metabolizing enzyme, increased in the LC group and

decreased significantly following the post-treatment

(Table 5). GST is essential for eliminating the toxic

chemical moieties by conjugating them with GSH. This

study also demonstrates the anti-proliferative activity of the

test preparation (Fig. 6).

An overview of the findings reported in this study pro-

vides an insight into the mechanism of action of the peel

extract. While emphasizing the ability of test preparation in

attenuating the production of ROS by XO, this study sug-

gests the role of other bioactive molecules, such as the

limonene, b-sitosterol, and ascorbic acid (Figs. 3, 4) found

in the extract. Limonoids and the antioxidants have a

variety of pharmacological actions. Limonene, a major

constituent of several citrus oils (orange, lemon, mandarin,

lime, and grapefruit) inhibits rat mammary and tumor

development [56, 57], hepatic preneoplastic lesions, cell

proliferation [12], and GST [58]. GST, besides acting as a

phase II enzyme, is also involved in prostaglandin (PG)

metabolism, which has been reported to contribute to

hepatic injury.

Several studies have shown the possible benefits of

antioxidants from plant sources in altering, reversing, or

forestalling the negative effects of oxidative stress. The

antioxidants, such as polyphenols, carotenoids, and vita-

mins have an important role in cellular defense against

oxidative insult, which is pivotal to liver pathology [59,

60]. The antioxidant and the free radical activity of the

extract have been demonstrated in vivo using TLC autog-

raphy and DPPH assay (Fig. 5); free radical scavenging

action is considered to be one of the mechanisms for

antioxidation [61]. The antioxidants found in the extract

might be responsible for its effect on HSC proliferation

and collagen synthesis. The exact mechanism, however,

remains elusive, and would be the subject of future

research particularly with regard to its effects on

NF-KappaB and JNK pathways.


Taken together, the results provide evidence suggesting the

role of the dried peel extract of C. sinensis in liver fibrosis

and cirrhosis in animal model. The extract contains mul-

tiple constituents that appear to act synergistically. An

overview of the results led us to propose that the test

fraction acts by multiple mechanisms, which can be

attributed to the presence of several constituents in it,

instead of a single molecule.

Acknowledgments Authors acknowledge UGC for providing the

infrastucture development grant to the Department of Biochemistry,

Jamia Hamdard.

Mediterr J Nutr Metab (2011) 4:57–67 65


Conflict of interest None.


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