drawing portraits faces and figure - giovanni civardi

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  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Drawing PortraitsFACES AND FIGURES

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    Drawing PortraitsFACES AND FIGURESGiovanni Civardi


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    First pubis!"d in Gr"at #ritain $%%$ b& S"ar'! Pr"ss (i)it"d*W"wood* Nort! Far) Road* Tunbridg" W"s* +"ntTN$ ,DR

    Origina& pubis!"d in Ita& -../ b& II Cast"o Coan"T"'ni'!"*0iano

    Cop&rig!t 1 II Cast"o Coan"T"'ni'!"* 0iano -../

    Engis! transation b& 2ui" Carbonara

    Engis! transation 'op&rig!t 1 S"ar'! Pr"ss (i)it"d $%%$

    A rig!ts r"s"rv"d3 No part o4 t!is boo5* t"6t* p!otograp!s or

    iustrations )a& b" r"produ'"d or trans)itt"d in an& 4or) or b&an& )"ans b& print* p!otoprint* )i'ro4i)* )i'ro4i'!"*

    p!oto'opi"r* int"rn"t or in an& wa& 5nown or as &"t un5nown* orstor"d in a r"tri"va s&st")* wit!out writt"n p"r)ission obtain"d

    b"4or"!and 4ro) S"ar'! Pr"ss3

    IS#N - .%,.78 %. ,

    D"sign b& Gra9ia Cort"s"

    T!" portraits in t!is boo5 w"r" don" wit! t!" )od"s: agr"")"nt;

    an& r"s")ban'" to ot!"r p"op" is in'id"nta3

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    A portrait is 'o))on& p"r'"iv"d as t!" r"pr"s"ntation o4 a !u)anb"ing:s 4"atur"s* w!"t!"r t!" 4a'"* !"ad and s!oud"rs or t!" w!o"bod&3 It !as awa&s b""n an i)portant t!")" in 4igurativ" arts and a

    4avourit" wit! artists* w!o !av" 4ound in it* not our subs"=u"nt artisti' d"v"op)"nt wi d"p"ndon !ow 'o))itt"d &ou ar" to obs"rvation and !ow r"guar& &oupra'tis" drawing3 To t!is purpos"* &ou 'an* w!"n &ou approa'!&our 4irst drawings r"sort to obs"rving drawings don" b& ot!"rartists and ta5ing p!otograp!s o4 &our sub

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    >ou 'an draw a portrait using an& o4 t!" popuar )"dia; p"n'i* '!ar'oa* past"* p"nand in5* wat"r'oour* 4"t@p"n* "t'3 Ea'! on" o4 t!")* !ow"v"r* wi produ'" di44"r"nt"44"'ts* not on& du" to t!" sp"'i4i' '!ara't"risti's o4 t!" )"diu) and t!" t"'!ni=u"us"d* but aso in r"ation to t!" '!ara't"risti's o4 t!" sur4a'" on w!i'! it is drawn;s)oot! or roug!@t"6tur"d pap"r* 'ard* w!it" or 'oour"d pap"r* "t'3 T!" drawings s!ownon t!"s" two pag"s d")onstrat" !ow di44"r"nt )"dia "44"'tiv"& r"nd"r t!" 'o)p"6tona vau"s o4 t!" !u)an 4a'" and bod&3

    P"n and ba'5 Indian in5 on s)oot! pap"r

    In5 is wid"& us"d b& artists3 It 'an b" appi"d"it!"r wit! a brus! or wit! a p"n* but sp"'ia"44"'ts 'an b" a'!i"v"d using ba)boo r""ds*arg" nibs* 4ountain p"ns* t"'!ni'a p"ns*4"t@p"ns* or ba@point p"ns3 Ton"s 'an usua& b"grad"d b& drawing )or" or "ss d"ns" in"s ov"ron" anot!"r at rig!t ang"s 'ross@!at'!ingB3 It isadvisab" to draw on s)oot!* good =uait& pap"ror 'ard* so t!at t!" sur4a'" won:t 4ra& or absorbin5 irr"guar&3

    P"n'i # and $#B on roug!@t"6tur"d pap"r

    P"n'i is t!" )ost wid"& us"d )"diu) 4or an&t&p" o4 drawing and* in 4igur"s and portraits*it aows &ou to b" spontan"ous and is'onv"ni"nt to us"3 It 'an b" us"d 4or v"r&'o)p"6 drawings or 4or s)a studi"s and =ui'5r"4"r"n'" s5"t'!"s; 4or t!" att"r v"r& 4in" "ads

    ar" suitab"* w!i" 4or t!" 4or)"r &ou 'an us"t!i'5"r and so4t"r@grad" grap!it"s3 Grap!it"s"ads t!at ar" !"d in )"'!ani'a* 'ut'!p"n'isB as w" as p"n'is wood@"n'as"dgrap!it"sB ar" grad"d a''ording to t!"ir'onsist"n'&; 4ro) .H* t!" !ard"st* w!i'! tra'"st!in and 4aint in"s* to #* v"r& so4t* w!i'! tra'"st!i'5 and dar5 in"s wit! "as"3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Co)pr"ss"d '!ar'oa on pap"r

    C!ar'oa is p"r!aps t!" id"a )"diu) 4or portraitstud& as it is v"r& "as& to 'ontro w!"n app&ington"s but aso aows &ou to a'!i"v" 4air& s!arpd"tai3 It s!oud* !ow"v"r* b" us"d :broad&:*'on'"ntrating on t!" ov"ra r"nd"ring o4 t!":s!ap"s:; t!is "6poits its gr"at"st ass"ts* as it isbot! v"rsati" and "vo'ativ"3 >ou 'an us" "it!"r'o)pr"ss"d '!ar'oa or wiow '!ar'oa but b"'ar"4u* in "it!"r 'as"* not to s)udg" t!" s!""t3C!ar'oa stro5"s 'an b" b"nd"d and s)udg"d b&g"nt& rubbing wit! a 4ing"r* and ton"s 'an b"so4t"n"d b& botting wit! a so4t "ras"r 5n"adab"putt& "ras"rB3 T!" 4inis!"d drawing s!oud b"prot"'t"d b& spra&ing wit! 4i6ativ"3

    0ono'!ro)ati' wat"r'oour on )"diu)@t"6tur"dpap"r

    Wat"r'oours* wat"r@soub" in5s* andwat"r@diut"d Indian in5 ar" id"a 4or portrait stud&*at!oug! t!"& ar" 'os"r to painting t!an todrawing* as t!"& ar" appi"d wit! a brus! andr"=uir" a tona vision w!i'! is bot! 'on'is" and"6pr"ssiv"3 For =ui'5 studi"s &ou 'an us"wat"r@soub" grap!it"s or 'oour p"n'is to b"ndstro5"s "asi&* wip" t!") wit! a wat"r@soa5"dbrus!B and it is advisab" to us" !"av& 'ard so t!att!" )oistur" wi not 'aus" t!" sur4a'" to 'o'5"and b"'o)" irr"guar3

    P"n and in5* wat"r'oour* w!it" past" on'oour"d pap"r

    :0i6"d: )"dia invov"s using di44"r"nt )at"rias

    to a'!i"v" a drawing wit! unusua "44"'ts3At!oug! sti :grap!i': )at"rias* t!"ir )or"'o)p"6 appi'ation r"=uir"s good 'ontro and agood 5now"dg" o4 t!" )"dia t!")s"v"s i4 w"ar" to avoid )udd"d r"suts o4 itt" a"st!"ti')"aning3 0i6"d )"dia ar" v"r& "44"'tiv" ont"6tur"d and 'oour"d* or dar5* supports3

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    It is us"4u to outin" v"r& bri"4& so)"advi'" on portrait :pra'ti'":3 In t!"subs"=u"nt '!apt"rs so)" o4 t!"s"suboung subou 'an* in 4a't* draw

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    In a portrait drawing t!" di)"nsions o4t!" 4a'" s!oud not b" )or" t!an two@t!irds o4 t!" r"a 4a'" to avoid at"ringt!" proportions3 >ou s!oud us" a)a6i)u) si9" o4 /% 6 8%')- 6 $%inB 4or t!" drawing sur4a'"*w!"n portra&ing

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi




    P!otograp!& is us"4u to r"'ordspontan"ous and 4""ting i)ag"s o4 t!"sub

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Portrait stud&* oi on 'anvas* ,% 6 /%') -$ 6 -inB3

    T!is portrait was not drawn 4ro) i4" but 4ro) t!" p!otograp! on t!" "4t3 (oo5 'ar"4u& at t!"two i)ag"s to 4ind out to w!at "6t"nt t!" p!otograp!i' in4or)ation !as b""n ad!"r"d to*!ig!ig!t"d or disr"gard"d in t!" drawing3

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi




    W!"n drawing t!" !"ad it is n"'"ssar& to )a5" sur" t!at t!" proportions* i3"3 t!" r"ativ"di)"nsions b"tw""n its various 'onstitu"nt "")"nts "&"s* "ars* nos"* )out! @ w!i'! w"wi "6a)in" on" b& on" at"r onB ar" indi'at"d 'orr"'t& and pr"'is"&3 O4 'ours"* !"adsvar& gr"at& in si9" and in t!" 'o)bination o4 '!ara't"risti's* but t!"& 'an a b" r"du'"d

    to a proportiona diagra) w!i'! !"ps to si)pi4& t!" s!ap"s* to r"'ognis" t!"ir p"'uiart!r""@di)"nsiona asp"'t* and aso to position d"tais 'orr"'t& in r"ation to on" anot!"r3W!"n drawing a portrait pa& 'os" att"ntion to t!" ov"ra stru'tur" o4 t!" !"ad and"vauat" its )ain '!ara't"risti's as it is )ain& 4ro) t!"s" t!at a good i5"n"ss d"p"nds3D"tais aon"* "v"n i4 )inut"& r"produ'"d* a)ost invariab& r"sut in a vagu" andunsatis4a'tor& portrait* w!"n pa'"d in a g"n"ra 'ont"6t w!i'! a'5s a''ura'&3

    T!" diagra)s s!own !"r"* i4 studi"d 'ar"4u&* wi provid"&ou wit! t!" si)p" and "ss"ntia "")"nts o4 r"4"r"n'" andproportion o4 a :t&pi'a: !"ad s""n in 4ronta and at"rapro

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    T!" !"ad 'an b" 'o)par"d to t!" g"o)"tri' s!ap" o4 an ovoid and t!is* at t!" b"ginning at "ast* )a5"s drawing it si)p"r*as 4ar as proportions* as w" as ig!t and s!adows ar" 'on'"rn"d3 Noti'" !ow t!" two ovoids w!i'! r"pr"s"nt t!" 4a'" andt!" s5u 'an b" sup"ri)pos"d3 How"v"r* t!" roug!& round s!ap" o4 t!" !"ad 'an aso b" divid"d into 4at ar"as3 As aw!o"* t!"s" :sur4a'" pan"s:* ar" us"4u 4or 'on'is"& s!aping ar"as o4 ig!t and s!adow3 Tr& drawing sur4a'" pan"s on top!otograp!s w!i'! s!ow !"ads in a vari"t& o4 positions* and "arn to r"'ogni9" diagra)s si)iar to t!" on"s abov"3 W!"n &ou 4irst start drawing t!" !"ad* w!i'! is a v"r& 'o)p"6 s!ap"* &ou ar" i5"& to "n'ount"r gr"at di44i'uti"s andwon:t 5now w!"r" to start 4ro)3 A traditiona and s'!oasti'* but v"r& us"4u* approa'! is t!" on" )"ntion"d on t!"s" pag"sand w!i'! is d"v"op"d 4urt!"r in '!apt"r -$ s"" pag" ,$B3 #"ar in )ind t!at in portraitur" it is "ss"ntia* 4irst o4 a* to'aptur" t!" ov"ra individua '!ara't"risti's o4 t!" )od":s !"ad and t!"n stud& t!" '!ara't"risti's o4 t!" d"tais and !ow

    t!"& r"at" to on" anot!"r3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Stag"@ /

    In t!"s" diagra)s* i)it"d to t!" 4ront and sid"pro

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    A basi' 5now"dg" o4 t!" anato)& o4 t!" !"ad and ad

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    T!" )us'"s o4 t!" !"ad ar" divid"d into two groups; t!" )us'"s o4 4a'ia "6pr"ssion* r"sponsib"4or p!&siogno)i' "6pr"ssions and t!" )us'"s o4 )asti'ation* w!i'! )ov" t!"

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    THE E>E

    On'" &ou !av" "6a)in"d t!" ov"ra stru'tur" o4 t!" !"ad* &ou n""d to ana&s"'ar"4u& t!" individua d"tais o4 t!" 4a'"* i3"3 t!" nos"* )out!* "&"s and "ars3It )a5"s s"ns" to b" ab" to r"'ognis" t!" basi' )orp!oogi'a* i3"3 :'onstru'tiv":'!ara't"risti's o4 "a'! on"* as b& 4oowing t!") and pr"'is"& r"produ'ingindividua variations &ou wi obtain a v"r& good i5"n"ss3 T!" "&" is* p"r!aps* t!" )ost "6pr"ssiv" "")"nt and it is t!"r"4or" "ss"ntia todraw it in t!" 'orr"'t position and to t!" "6a't s!ap"3 Noti'" t!at t!" w!it" s"'tion

    o4 t!" "&"ba t!" s'"raB is not pur" w!it" but a'tua& '!ang"s 'oour du" to t!""44"'t o4 its own s!adow and t!" on" 'ast b& t!" "&"id3 #" 'ar"4u to draw bot!"&"bas and t!"r"4or" bot! pupisB oo5ing in t!" sa)" dir"'tion as t!""6pr"ssiv"n"ss o4 t!" "&"s d"p"nds on t!is3

    T!" diagra)s b"ow s!oud b" su44i'i"nt to s!ow t!" sp!"ri'a stru'tur" o4 t!" "&"* !ow t!" "&"ids r"st on it and* 4ina&*t!" stag"s to go t!roug! to draw it 'orr"'t&3

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Pra'tis" drawing "&"s in various positions and 4ro) di44"r"nt vi"wpoints* as s!own b& t!""6a)p"s on t!is pag"3 T!" 4")a" "&" usua& !as ong and t!i'5 "&"as!"s* w!i" "&"browsar" w" outin"d and t!in3 T!" iris o4 a '!id oo5s v"r& big 'o)par"d to t!" "&"ids3 Ed"r& p"op" s!ow s"v"ra d""p wrin5"s radiating 4ro) t!" 'orn"rs o4 t!" "&"s* t!" ow"r

    "&"ids b"'o)" :bagg&:* and "&"brows b"'o)" irr"guar& t!i'5 and bus!&3

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    T!" "ar is support"d )ain& b& t!in 'artiag" arrang"d in'ir'u)voutions3 At!oug! its )orp!oogi'a '!ara't"risti's var&gr"at&* its ov"ra s!ap" r"'as a s"as!" and is 4air& si)iar in bot!s"6"s3 Ears ar" o4t"n part& !idd"n b& on":s !air and t!"ir "6pr"ssiv"'!ara't"r d"p"nds on t!"ir pr"'is" position on t!" sid"s o4 t!" !"ad* asI !av" s!own in t!" s5"t'!"s b"ow3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    In an adut* t!" !"ig!t o4 t!" "ar 'orr"sponds* on av"rag"* to t!at o4 t!" nos" in a '!id it oo5s

    rat!"r big in r"ation to t!" !"ad and in an "d"r& p"rson it t"nds to "ngt!"n b"'aus" o4 t!"t!inning and w"a5"ning o4 t!" 'artiag" tissu"3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    T!" nos" is rat!"r di44i'ut to r"pr"s"nt as it sti'5s out o4 t!" 4a'" and t!"r"4or" itsapp"aran'" vari"s d"p"nding on t!" vi"wpoint3 Its p&ra)id@i5" s!ap" is part& du"to two s)a* 'os" tog"t!"r bon"s and part& to 'artiag"s* and t!is 'an b" s""n'"ar& on its dorsu)3 Obs"rv" t!" s5"t'!"s s!own on t!"s" two pag"s and pra'tis"drawing t!" nos" in various positions* r"4"rring to p!otograp!s i4 it )a5"s it "asi"r tound"rstand its stru'tur"3 Noti'" t!at t!" dorsu) )ov"s awa& 4ro) t!" bridg" to r"a'!)a6i)u) pro

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    THE 0 O U T H

    A4t"r t!" "&"s t!" )out! is t!" s"'ond )ost "6pr"ssiv" "")"nt o4 t!" 4a'"3T!" pin5is! 'oour o4 t!" ips is du" to t!" tissu" t!"& ar" )ad" o4*transitiona b"tw""n t!" )u'ous )")bran" 4ound insid" t!" )out!B andt!" s5in3 W!"n drawing t!" ips )a5" sur" t!at* abov" a* &ou 'ar"4u&draw t!" in" w!i'! s"parat"s t!") @ "nsur" t!at it i"s on t!"s")i@'&indri'a sur4a'" o4 t!"

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    On t!is pag" I !av" drawn)out!s in a rang" o4

    s)iing postur"s w!i'!t&pi'a& 4"atur" inportraits3 Not" t!at t!"t""t! ar" bar"& drawn*wit! itt" att"ntion paidto )inor d"tais o4 itt"signi4i'an'"3 T!" ips o4"d"r& p"op" t!" twodrawings at t!" botto)Bar" o4t"n t!in* and4urrow"d b& a nu)b"r o4v"rti'a wrin5"s3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    Co)position invov"s arranging on t!" drawing sur4a'" t!" "")"nts w!i'! )a5" up t!"i)ag" w" ar" s"t to r"pr"s"nt3 T!"r" ar" no 4ir) ru"s "6'"pt* p"r!aps* t!" on" 'on'"rningt!" :god"n s"'tion:B but rat!"r prin'ip"s r"ating to our visua p"r'"ption* i3"3 unit&*'ontrast and baan'"3 Portrait 'o)position di'tat"s t!at w" )a5" so)" '!oi'"s straig!tawa&; d"'iding w!"t!"r to draw t!" 4u 4igur" or

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    W!"n wor5ing 4ro) i4" it is awa&s us"4u tostud& t!" )od" t!oroug!& b& s5"t'!ing t!"!"ad in various positions and 4ro) di44"r"ntvi"wpoints3 T!is aows &ou to "vauat" t!"ov"ra so)ati' asp"'t and '!oos" t!" pos"and attitud" w!i'! )ost 4ait!4u& and"44"'tiv"& r"pr"s"nt t!" p!&siogno)i'4"atur"s and t!" :'!ara't"r: o4 t!" sub

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    To wor5 in a )or" r"a6"d wa& &ou'an* to start wit!* us" p!otograp!sbut drawing 4ro) i4" is d"4init"&)or" "44"'tiv"3 In addition* it"nab"s &ou to "6por" n"w'o)positiona rout"s* :going around:t!" )od" to 'at'! "v"r& itt""6pr"ssiv" nuan'" and to )ast"r t!"ov"ra s!ap"* w!i'! is so i)portantto a'!i"ving a i5"n"ss3 R"nd"rt!"s" studi"s b& wa& o4 si)p"*:'"an: stro5"s* ai)ing 4or t!"ov"ra stru'tur" o4 t!" !"ad rat!"r

    t!an '!iaros'uro "44"'ts3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    T!" sa)" advi'" outin"d in t!"pr"vious pag"s aso appi"s to t!"4u@4igur" portrait3 On t!is pag"&ou 'an s"" two o4 t!" studi"sI did in p"n and in5B 4or an oiportrait3 T!" )od":s pos" and t!"4ina 'o)position ar" su))"d upin t!" drawing on pag" $.3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Stud& 4or a portrait3Drawing in p"n and ba'5 Indian in5 onpap"r* ,, 6 /') -, 6 WinB3 T!" rig!tar) r"sting on t!" '!air 'ontrasts wit!t!" v"rti'a dir"'tion o4 a t!" ot!"rparts o4 t!" 4igur" and )a5"s t!"'o)position )or" :d&na)i':3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    W!"n drawing a portrait it is v"r& i)portant to 'onsid"r t!" dir"'tion* =uait& and int"nsit&o4 t!" ig!t 4aing on t!" )od" as it is t!an5s to ig!t and s!adows t!at w" g"t a s"ns" o4t!" s!ap" and t!" pasti' 4or) o4 t!" 4a'"3 Usua& w!"n drawing a portrait arti4i'ia ig!t*w!i'! is "as& to ad

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    (ig!ting 4ro) b"ow

    Is v"r& :dra)ati': and is !ard& "v"r us"d inportraitur" as it at"rs t!" i5"n"ss anddistorts t!" '!ara't"risti's o4 t!" 4a'"3

    Front ig!ting

    Is si)p"* but 4att"ns t!" d"tais o4 t!" 4a'"it is v"r& suitab"* !ow"v"r* 4or :in"ar: andd"'orativ" portraits3

    Ang"d ig!ting 4ro) abov"* )idwa& b"tw""n 4ront and sid"; is t!" t&p" o4 ig!ting )ost wid"& us"d in portraitur" as itprop"r& !ig!ig!ts t!" p!&siogno)i' '!ara't"risti's and "44"'tiv"& 'onv"&s t!" pasti'it& o4 t!" 4a'"3 T!"s" twop!otograp!s var& sig!t& in t!" in'ination and distan'" o4 t!" sub

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    In t!is '!apt"r* up to pag" ,7* I iustrat" t!" stag"s on" !as to go t!roug! to draw a portrait3T!" )"t!od indi'at"d is rat!"r s'!oasti' but us"4u to t!os" n"w to portrait drawing3 On'"4a)iiar wit! t!" "")"nts w!i'! ar" "ss"ntia to '!ara't"ris" a 4a'"* it wi b" "asi"r and)or" spontan"ous to )ov" gradua& 4ro) t!" 4irst s5"t'! to a )or" 'o)p"6 drawing and4ind &our own* )or" i))"diat" and p"rsona* wa& 4orward3 0& advi'" is to do so)" o4 t!"s""6"r'is"s using iv" )od"s and p!otograp!s* and to tr& to und"rstand !ow "a'! stag" !"ps&ou ta'5" and sov" a sp"'i4i' prob") and !ow &ou g"t to draw a !"ad 'orr"'t&* at "ast

    4ro) a 4or)a point o4 vi"w3 Us" s!""ts o4 w!it" pap"r at "ast ,% 6 /%') - $ 6 - i n B in si9"and p"n'is o4 various grad"s* as I !av" indi'at"d3

    Stag" -

    Obs"rving t!" )od" 'ar"4u&* 4indt!" r"ation b"tw""n )a6i)u)!"ig!t and )a6i)u) widt! b&o'ating t!" points o4 t!" 4a'" t!atprotrud" )ost* bot! !ori9onta& andv"rti'a&3 S5"t'! t!" ova s!ap" andindi'at"* a''ording to t!" ru"s o4p"rsp"'tiv"* bot! t!" )"dian in"'urv"d in t!is t!r""@=uart"r vi"wB*and t!" !ori9onta in"s w!i'! divid"t!" 4a'" into di44"r"nt parts3 In t!is"6a)p" I !av" drawn t!") "v"wit! t!" !airin"* t!" "&"brows* t!""&"s* t!" bas" o4 t!" nos"* and t!"ri)a t!" in" b"tw""n t!" ipsB3 Us"a 4air& !ard p"n'i HB* w!i'! won:ts)udg" t!" s!""t* and draw t!"stro5"s s)oot!& and ig!t&3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Stag" $

    Continu" to r"4in" &our s5"t'! and 'ar"4u& position t!" d"tais o4 t!" 4a'"* i3"3 t!" "&"s* t!" nos"* t!")out! and t!" "ars3 Not" t!at t!" subdivision o4 t!" 4a'" into t!r"" s"'tions is

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Stag" ,

    At t!is stag" it:s b"tt"r to 'on'"ntrat" on r"'ogni9ing t!" :sur4a'" pan"s:* i3"3 t!os" ar"as w!i'!ar"* in a bar"& noti'"ab" wa&* distinguis!"d b& t!" di44"r"nt "44"'t o4 t!" ig!t3 Con'is"&outin" t!" ar"as bot! it and in s!adowB w!i'! 'an* as a w!o"* !"p &ou giv" a 4""ing o4 soidvou)"tri' 'onstru'tion to t!" drawing3 #" 'ar"4u not to ov"rdo t!" straig!t stro5"s to avoid a:!ard:* anguar s!ap"3 How"v"r* a '"rtain :dr&n"ss: 'an !"p to si)pi4& t!" tona pan"s in vi"w

    o4 t!" subs"=u"nt stag"s3 Us" a )"diu)@grad" p"n'i* su'! as H#3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Stag" /

    At t!is stag" w" ta'5" t!" prob") o4 s!adows* ar"ad& a'5now"dg"d in t!" pr"viousstag"* and w" s!ow t!" arg"r* )or" int"ns" and i)portant on"s3 >ou wi noti'" t!att!" s!adows on a 4a'" var& gr"at& in int"nsit& and ar" "6tr")"& 'o)p"63 For t!"si)pi4i"d vi"w n""d"d at t!is stag"* !a4 'os" &our "&"s unti &ou p"r'"iv"

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Stag" 8

    At t!is stag" and* i4 n"'"ssar&* in t!" n"6t on"s* pro'""d to 4as!ion t!" sur4a'" s!ap"s o4 t!" 4a'"* oo5ing 4ort!" int"r)"diat" ton"s w!i'! in t!" pr"vious stag" w"r" "4t out and in'orporat"d in t!" ov"ra ar"a o4s!adowB3 In addition* d"4in" t!" )ost signi4i'ant d"tais* 4or instan'" t!" "&"s and t!" ips* "n!an'ing or

    ig!t"ning t!" tona vau"s w!i'! d"4in" t!")3 Again* us" a H# p"n'i var&ing t!" int"nsit& o4 t!" stro5" b&in'r"asing or d"'r"asing t!" pr"ssur" on t!" pap"r3 H p"n'i 'an b" us"d to indi'at" ar"as o4 v"r& w"a5 ton"3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    T!" drawing* now at an advan'"d stag"* pr"s"rv"s tra'"s o4 t!" pr"vious stag"s3 Do not "ras" t!")* rat!"r:so4t"n t!") up:* 4urt!"r p"r4"'ting t!" ton"s and b"nding t!")3 It is i)possib" and us""ssB to tr& tor"produ'" in a drawing a t!" tona s!ad"s on" 4inds in i4"3 T!"r"4or" don:t ov"rdo t!" :4inis!ing tou'!"s:

    and t!" insigni4i'ant d"tai b"'aus" a good drawing is awa&s t!" r"sut o4 'ar"4u s""'tion and int"ig"nt*s"nsitiv" si)pi4i'ation3 S!adows 'an b" int"nsi4i"d in pa'"s wit! a $# p"n'i* w!i'! is rat!"r so4t3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    T!" s5"t'!"s abov" ar" r"'onstru'tions don" :a4t"rwards: 4or t!" purpos" o4d")onstrationB o4 so)" o4 t!" stag"s w!i'! I 4oow as a ru"* b& now a)ostinstin'tiv"&* w!"n I draw a portrait3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Portrait stud&; H# p"n'i wit! so)" $# add"d onB on )"diu)@t"6tur"d pap"r* ,, 6 /') -, 6 WinB3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    C!ar'oa is suitab" 4or portraitur" b"'aus" it aows &ou to =ui'5& and "44"'tiv"& tona& draw t!"4a'"3 T!" )"t!od is sig!t& di44"r"nt 4ro) t!at 4oow"d wit! a p"n'i; wit! a 4"w ig!t stro5"soutin" t!" !"ad* t!"n 4i and b"nd wit! &our 4ing"rs or a wad o4 'otton woo stag" -B "6"r'ising)or" pr"ssur" on t!" '!ar'oa* dar5"n t!" ar"as o4 t!" 4a'" w!i'! app"ar in s!adow and b"nd againstag" $B t!"n gradua& tr& to 4ind t!" di44"r"nt ton"s o4 '!iaros'uro* dar5"ning so)" ar"as*ig!t"ning ot!"rs )or" "6pos"d to t!" ig!t stag"s , and /B3 To "ras" or ig!t"n ton"s us" a5n"adab" putt& "ras"r* g"nt& pr"ssing it and rubbing ig!t&3 Do not grad" t!" s!ading "6'"ssiv"&or &ou wi :w"a5"n: t!" drawing and giv" it a p!otograp!i'* a44"'t"d oo53 Rat!"r* pa& att"ntion tot!" big )ass"s and t!" )ain 4"atur"s o4 t!" 4a'"3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Portrait stud&; 'o)pr"ss"d s"pia '!ar'oa on )"diu)@t"6tur"d pap"r* ,, 6 /') -, 6 WinB3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Co)pr"ss"d s"pia '!ar'oa on ,% 6 /8') -$ 6 -inBpap"r3 To draw a s)iing "6pr"ssion "44"'tiv"&* us"p!otograp!s as* a4t"r a 4"w )o)"nts* t!" 4a'" os"s:spar5": and t!" 4"atur"s s!ow t!" "44"'t o4 an unnatura*"6t"nd"d* "44ort* inst"ad o4 )aintaining t!" '!""r4u andp"asant attitud" w!i'! '!ara't"ri9"s t!" sub

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    S"4@portrait3 H# and $# p"n'i on pap"r* ,, 6 /') -, 6 -.inB3T!" on" )od" &ou 'an stud& w!"n"v"r &ou i5" and in an& 'ondition is t!" on" &ou s"" w!"n &ou oo5 at &ours"4 in t!")irror3 Pra'tis" drawing &our )irror i)ag" and don:t worr& too )u'! i4* in t!" "nd* &ou won:t b" ab" to r"'ogni9" &ours"44u& in t!at s"4@portrait3 Posing is tiring and* a4t"r a s!ort w!i"* &our usua "6pr"ssion wi oo5 :drawn: and !ard3 >ou 'oud*o4 'ours"* us" p!otograp!s* as wit! an& ot!"r portrait* but i4 &ou draw 4ro) i4" t!" r"sut is )or" grati4&ing3 Abov" a tr& tog"t t!" r"ativ" proportions o4 t!" w!o" !"ad and t!"n ins"rt t!" d"tais3 Gass"s* i4 worn a t!" ti)" as in )& 'as"B*b"'o)" part o4 t!" p!&siogno)& o4 t!" 4a'" and 'an signi4i'ant& '!ara't"ri9" it3 ("ns"s 'an distort t!" si9" and s!ap" o4t!" "&"s* "narging t!") or )a5ing t!") s)a"r3 Aso b"ar in )ind t!" s!adows 'ast b& t!" 4ra)"3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    H# p"n'i on pap"r* ,% 6 /%') -$ 6 -inB3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    A portrait is not n"'"ssari&i)it"d to t!" 4a'" @ t!"w!o" 4igur"* or part o4 it*'an b"tt"r '!ara't"ri9" t!"p"rson r"pr"s"nt"d and'r"at" an int"r"sting'o)position3 Pa& att"ntionto t!" anato)i' stru'tur"*at!oug! it is !idd"n b&'ot!"s* as t!"s" i" on:s!ap"s: and t!" drawing)ust 'onv"& t!is t!r""@di)"nsiona i)pr"ssion3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    H p"n'i on ,% 6 /% -$ 6 WinBpap"r3 C!idr"n ar" di44i'ut toportra& b"'aus" t!"& ar"r"st"ss and don:t i5" b"ingwat'!"d and t!"r"4or" turn'ross and di44id"nt3 Us"p!otograp!& to !"p &ou andg"t &our itt" )od" to'on'"ntrat" b& giving t!") anint"r"sting ga)" or "ttingt!") wat'! T3 T!" proportions

    o4 a '!id:s !"ad ar" di44"r"nt4ro) an adut:s "3g3 t!" 4a'" isow"r in r"ation to t!"'raniu)B* t!" !air is )u'!4in"r and t!" "&"s app"ar v"r&big3 Si)p" in"ar drawing*wit!

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    H# p"n'i on pap"r* ,7 6 /8')-/ -$ 6 -inB3 T!is is a =ui'5s5"t'! in w!i'! I portra&"d twop"op"* )ot!"r and daug!t"r* att!" sa)" ti)"* 'on'"ntrating on&on t!" in" and oo5ing 4or a'o)position t!at was bot!spontan"ous and unusua*arrang"d diagona&3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    # p"n'i on pap"r* ,/ 6 /') -, 6 -.inB3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    H and H# p"n'i on pap"r* ,% 6 /') -$ 6 WinB3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    P"n'i on pap"r* ,8 6 /8') -/ 6 IinB3It is so)"ti)"s wort!w!i" introdu'ing"")"nts w!i'! 'an )a5" a portrait "ss:4or)a:* as 4or "6a)p" t!" bas5"t in t!isstud&3 T!is !as "nab"d )" to 'at'! t!"sub

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    P"n'i on pap"r* 8- 6 ,') $% 6 $8inB3T!" sub

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Portrait3 C!ar'oa on pap"r* ,, 6 /') -, 6 -.inB3To draw t!is stud& I us"d w"a5 sid" ig!ting as it s"")"d parti'uar& suit"d to !ig!ig!ting t!" :s"v"r":'!ara't"r o4 t!" sub

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    T!" pro4i" 'an )a5" a v"r& "44"'tiv" portrait*"sp"'ia& w!"r" t!" "d"r& ar" 'on'"rn"d ast!"ir 4"atur"s ar" "n!an'"d b& t!" pr"s"n'" o4big wrin5"s and 4ods o4 s5in3 Noti'"* 4orinstan'"* !ow t!"& 4or) around t!" ipsso)"ti)"s 'urv"d inwards w!"n t!" t""t!!av" r"gr"ss"d or 4a"nB and n"ar t!" t!roat3(in"ar drawing* wit!out '!iaros'uro is suitab"4or t!"s" studi"s3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    T!is portrait stud& was drawn wit! H# grap!it" on 'ard* -8 6 $%') 6 inB3I "n!an'"d so)" s!adow ar"as wit! wat"r@diut"d Indian in5 appi"d wit! a roundbrus!3 Fina&* I :ga9"d: t!" w!o" sur4a'" in ord"r to so4t"n and "v"n t!" ton"s3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Portrait* H# p"n'i on gr"& 'ard* -/ 6 -') 8 -$ 6 7inB3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Portrait* H# p"n'i on gr"& 'ard* -, -$ 6 -') 8 6 7inB3


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



    On t!"s" ast pag"s I t!oug!t it us"4u to s!ow so)" portraits r"nd"r"dwit! )or" 'o)p"6 t"'!ni=u"s t!an t!os" pr"s"nt"d in t!" pr"vious'!apt"rs3 T!"& 'an b" 'assi4i"d as :)i6"d )"dia: s"" pag" 8B and ar"id"a 4or "vo'ativ" and int"r"sting wor5s &"t at t!" sa)" ti)" t!"&"av" on" 4r"" to r"sort to pur"& grap!i' or )or" )ar5"d& pi'toria)"t!ods to a'!i"v" "44"'ts w!i'! ar" unusua and v"r& "6pr"ssiv"3

    For t!" drawing &ou s"" !"r" in its "ntir"t& on t!is pag" w!i" a d"tai is s!own on t!"n"6tB I !av" us"d p"n and in5s* a'r&i' 'oours* past"s* 'arbon p"n'is and w!it" t")p"raon 'ard* 8- 6 7-') $% 6 $inB3 T!" portrait 'o))ission"d was pubis!"d to iustrat" anint"rvi"w t!" sub

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi



  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    T!is portrait* w!"r" t!" !air is )or" pro)in"nt t!an t!" 4a'ia 4"atur"s* isunusua* but is a good i5"n"ss* in spit" o4 b"ing a)ost a ba'5 vi"w3

    It was paint"d wit! v"r& diut"d a'r&i' 'oours on t!" roug! sur4a'" o44ibr" board* - 6 $-') 7 6 inB* pr"par"d wit! a'r&i' '!a53


  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Fro) anato)& and ton" to 'r"ating r"aisti'

    4"atur"s and i5"n"ss"s* t!is inspiring guid"o44"rs "as&@to@4oow in4or)ation on !ow to

    draw portraits o4 '!idr"n and aduts3

    U+ K3.. USL-73.8

    IS#N -@.%,.78@%.@,

    A pra'ti'a art boo5 4ro) S"ar'! Pr"ss

  • 8/10/2019 Drawing Portraits Faces and Figure - Giovanni Civardi


    Seja pago para desenharTalvez voc seja uma artista e provavelmente usa seu tempo desenhando ou simplesmenterabiscando. Porm isso parece que no est te levando a nenhum lugar, alm de uma

    prateleira ou gaveta empoeirada dentro do seu quarto. o entanto, na realidade, poss!vel atroca de todo esse trabalho por uma renda online. " e#boo$ Como Ganhar DinheiroTrabalhando com Desenhos e Fotosmostra como come%ar uma carreira, e voc nemprecisa ser um &a 'inci para receber o pagamento. 'oc pode ganhar dinheiro mesmosendo um desenhista amador.

    (uitas pessoas e empresas pagam por coisas como)







    * para voc trabalhar e vender essas coisas, no precisar +azer entrevista ou qualquercoisa parecida. um trabalho baseado na internet. Sem a menor quantidade de estresse evoc ainda pode trabalhar em qualquer lugar e quando quiser. *sse e#boo$ a+irma que pode

    ajud#lo a publicar o seu trabalho na internet, e ser pago por isso in-meras vezes. Seudesenho ser usado mais de uma vez e voc ser pago a cada vez que algum usar.

    lem disso, se o seu trabalho +or uma obra de arte, um logotipo, ou um desenho, vocpoder receber muito mais em compara%o com o que voc imagina. propriedadeintelectual muito cara, e h muitos leil/es online que podem garantir um e0celente pre%opelo seu trabalho.

    Como Ganhar Dinheiro Trabalhando com Desenhos e Fotos um e#boo$ muitoin+ormativo. 1om muitas diretrizes de como voc entrar no mercado de trabalho e ainda trazmuitos e0tras. So mais de 23 lin$s que te levaro para sites de cursos, artigos tcnicos emuito mais.

    Esse e-boo n!o promete dinheiro "#cil, voc precisar trabalhar para poder ganhardinheiro com desenho, mas se voc gosta de desenhar, esse e#boo$ vai mostrar o trabalhoideal para voc.

    lm de poder trabalhar em qualquer horrio ou lugar, voc tambm poder desenhar o quequiser. 4sso permitir que a sua imagina%o criativa assuma o total controle, e dessa +orma
