drama synopsis

DRAMA Rumpelstiltskin

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Post on 30-Nov-2014




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ALL ABOUT THE PLAYWRIGHT Angela Lanyon Born in Leamingston Spa, England, in

December 1930. Married to a civil engineer. Has three children. Has lived in Scotland, Wales as well as England. Is a member of the Worchester Writer’s Circle. Worked in children’s theatre as a writer, an

assistant manager and an administrator. Written plays for adults and schools. These plays have been published as literary

series by Heinemann. Currently greatly involved in Theatre

Management and is based in the south coast of England.

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SYNOPSIS “Rumpelstiltskin” is a story about a miller and his

wife who lie to the king that their daughter (Lisa) could spin straw into gold.

The king takes Lisa to his castle and locks her in a high tower room which has a big heap of straw and one spinning wheel.

As suggested by the father, the king instructs her to spin the straw into gold by morning, or be executed.

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She has given up all hope when a strange little man appears in the room and spins straw into gold for her in return for her necklace.

The king is impressed, but he wants more gold. The little man returns at night and spins gold for her in return for her ring. The greedy king wants more gold.

So on the third night, when she has nothing to reward him, the little man spins straw into gold with one condition - that Lisa’s first-born child will be given to him.

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The king is so impressed that he marries Lisa.

However, when their first child is born, the little man returns to claim his reward.

Lisa is frightened and offers him all the gold he wants if she can keep the child.

The little man refuses but finally agrees to give up his claim to the child if Lisa can guess his name in three days.

Will Lisa manage to guess the little man’s name? What will happen if Lisa is unable to guess the right name?

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Exposition (the beginning of the story) The miller and his wife

boast to the king about their talented daughter, Lisa, who could do anything which includes spinning straw into gold.

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Rising Action (series of events that lead to the climax of the story) The greedy king brings

Lisa back to his palace and forces her to spin straw into gold for three nights in a row. Lisa is helped by a little man. In return, she has to give her necklace and ring to the man. When she has nothing else to give, she promises to give her first-born child to the man.

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Climax (the exciting part of the story, the high point) The little man

comes to the palace to take his prize. Lisa begs and he relents with one condition Lisa has to guess his name. If she fails, she will not see her son again.

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(the events that take place after the climax, leading to the resolution) Lisa fails to guess

the name of the man for the first two nights. On the third day, her parents spy upon him. On that night, Lisa correctly guesses the man’s name.

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PLOT COMPONENTS Resolution (problem solved)

Lisa’s parents vow not to be boastful anymore. .

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SETTING Time, People and culture: i. The Feudal Society A social system that existed in Europe during the Medieval era

(from 5th to 15th century) Powerful Kings or Lords owned the lands In order to live on these lands, the people must serve and fight

for the Kings or Lord.

ii. Rumpelstiltskin The name is derived from German Rumpelstilzchen which means

"little rumble stilt". A rumpelstilt or rumpelstilz is a mischievous and noisy goblin. It

clatters stilts or posts and hits planks.

Places: i. The cottage In a village of a small country Belongs to Lisa and her parents

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ii. The tower At the King’s palace Lisa is held in three different rooms. Each room is bigger and has more straw than the one before. In each room, there is a spinning wheel, heaps of straw and a

window. Rumpelstiltskin climbs into each room using the window.

iii. The nursery At the King’s palace The place where Lisa nurses her baby son There is a cot in the room.

iv. The woods Lisa’s parents follow Rumpelstiltskin to the woods to discover

his name. Rumpelstiltskin reveals his name in the woods.