Page 1: Yhwhswa    (my servant) says  YâwHu, the YâwHH


YâwHu is First



Page 2: Yhwhswa    (my servant) says  YâwHu, the YâwHH

And He said to Me,

“You are My Servant,


which within You I shall obtain honour for Myself!”

This is the name of the YâwHuaH HaMeshiakh in prophecy


Then YâwHu spoke to you from among the flames; you were hearing the

sound of words, but there was no form for you to be seeing, only a

voice. "And He informed you about His covenant, which He commanded

you to carry out--[that is], the Ten Declarations, and He engraved them

in two slabs of stone. "so that you will not act corruptly by making for

yourselves a particular carved image, resembling anything--the shape of

a male or female, "or lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens and see the

sun, the moon, the stars, and all the armies of heaven, you should be

impelled to bow down to them or enslave yourselves to these [things]

that YHWH has apportioned to all the nations under the whole heaven;

To those who worship the moon goddess here is a dire warning

We need to study what is written concerning worship of any likeness of


To whom was YâwHuaH (Yhwhswa) sent too

YashaYahuw 49:3

And He said to Me,

“You are My Servant, Y’Ishra’al, which within You I shall obtain honour

for Myself!”

Page 3: Yhwhswa    (my servant) says  YâwHu, the YâwHH

This is the name of the YâwHuaH HaMeshiakh in prophecy

YâwHu = Yhwh;

YâwHuaH= Yhwhswa;

YâwHH= (ALuahymn)

Ruakh YâwHu= Ruakh HaQodesh


The shepherd of Aleph drew back the veil and entered our dimension

has the king of YâhuwtHâ’H (Ishra’al)

Y’ishra’al means he who prevails with YâwHu

To prevail with YâwHu is to defeat the opponent HaShâwtan (who is the

God of this world) especially in a long and difficult contest

Ishra’al is first mentioned in

Shemot 4:7

But Pharaoh (HaShâwtan ) shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay

my hand upon Egypt,(sinful world) and bring forth mine armies, and my

people the children of I’shra‘al, out of the land(world) of Egypt (sin) by

great judgments

Rev 18:4

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And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my

people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of

her plagues.

The poet Mantuanus expresses this thought well: -

Vivere qui sancte cupitis, discelite; Romae

Omnia quum liceant, non licet esse bonum.

“Ye who desire to live a godly life, depart; for, although all things are

lawful at Rome, yet to be godly is unlawful.

Rev 4:1

After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the

first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me;

which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be



Today there are but a few of the remnant of the remnant of

YâhuwtHâ’H (Ishra’al) that understand we must become part of the

nation called his own, we are not of the nations of the world nor of the

world religion of Qayin

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a Sacred nation, a

peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath

called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

The prescribed boundaries and the proper legal procedures of Ishra’al is

the righteousness of YâwHu and should be studied to avoid sharing in

the sins of the world, for by carrying them out we see a precedence of

entering into his kingdom

Deuteronomy 4: 1.

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"So this time, I’shra’al, listen (shMAh) to the prescribed boundaries and

the proper legal procedures which I am teaching you to carry out, so

that you may survive, enter in, and take possession of the Land which

YâwHu, the YâwHH (ALuahymn) of your ancestors, is giving to you.


implies attention, intelligent understanding, and obedience.

The term is


ac: Hear co: Report ab: Obedience: A careful hearing of someone or something as well as responding

appropriately in obedience or action. [from:

(listening with the breath)

To hear as well as to respond to what is heard. [Hebrew and Aramaic]

hear, obey, publish, understand, obedient, diligently, show, sound,

declare, discern, noise, perceive, tell, report|

This word occurs and it appears 28 times in this Torah portion, so it is

pretty important! But we cannot obey if we are not careful to hear

exactly what is being said and let nothing distract us Repetition helps us

remember it better.

Today we have an urgent need to shMAh the end time message,

because we are about to take see HIS KINGDOM come

in the “mirror” the Torah we must examine ourselves.

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For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man

beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and

goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

But whoso looketh into the perfect Torah of liberty, and continueth

therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this

man shall be blessed in his deed.

Many stumble on this one point


But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own


our ways must change.

These are the lines within which we must stay if we want to be part of

his kingdom

YâwHuaH (Yhwhswa) was asked

And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good

thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?

And he replied

And he said unto him, why callest thou me good? there is none good but

one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the


ah (Yhwhswa) said the way to eternal life is to keep these


Deut 4:2.

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"Do not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor diminish it in

any way, so that you can carefully guard the commandments of YâwHu

our YâwHH that I am laying upon you.

The 10 Commandments are "The Torah."

The Hebrew word “torah” is translated into English as meaning, "The


The word actually means much more.

The (archaic) root is:

Yarah (yaw-raw')



Rain: Teach:

To point the way one is to walk in life teach, shoot, archer, cast,

teacher, rain, laid, direct, inform, instruct, show, shooter, through watered

to point out (as if by aiming the finger), to teach:

And by implication; to discipline, and show

"the way."

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YâwHuaH (Yhwhswa) saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the

life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

It should be also said of us today

This one was instructed in the Way of YâwHu and was zealous in Ruakh

(spirit), he spoke and accurately taught the things about YâwHuaH

(Yhwhswa) .

That is, the way to righteousness!

Christians are taught, for the most part, that they live in the

"Dispensation of Grace" and we are not under the Torah. The 10

commandments are no longer in affect, because we have been given the

Rúakh YâwHu to guide us.

New Covenant writings disagree with this view point.

Deeds 24;14.

However, this I do confess to you, that according to The Way, which

they call a “sect”, thus I do serve (YâwHu /YHWH)) the mighty Ones

(YâwHH) of their Fathers, as I believe all the things which have been

written throughout the Torah and the Predicators,

Mattiyahuw 5:17

Do not think that I came to abolish the Torah or the Predicators: I did

not come to abolish, rather to fulfill!

YâwHuaH (Yhwhswa) fulfil the obligation of the covenant in that he kept

YâwHu comandments

Mattiyahuw 5:18

For ’âmë´n (certainly) I say to you, until the heaven and the earth

shall pass away, indeed not one Yowth (y) nor an accent mark shall pass

away from the Torah until all come to pass!

Luke 10:25-28

On one occasion an expert in the Torah stood up to test YâwHuaH


Page 9: Yhwhswa    (my servant) says  YâwHu, the YâwHH

"Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

"What is written in the Torah?" he replied. "How do you read it?"

He answered: "'Love YâwHu with all your heart and with all your soul

and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your

neighbour as yourself.'"

"You have answered correctly," YâwHuaH (Yhwhswa) replied.

"Do this and you will live."

Any deviation from the written word is a lie

Mosheh says to carry out the rulings in the way that he is telling us,

not in the way that makes the most sense to us or that we are most

comfortable with. If we fall short of these, we will also almost certainly

fall short of YâwHu YHWH commands; this--not just the direct words of

YHWH, but Mosheh explanation of how to keep them--is what guards

the others. YHWH added no more to what He said at Sinai

Duet 5:22

These Words YâwHH spoke to all your assembly, in the mountain from

the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a loud

voice, and He added no more. And He wrote them on two tablets of

stone and gave them to me.

what came later were clarifications and applications of the original

simple commands. So if we want to effectively guard YâwHu own

words, we cannot add to or change anything Moshe himself has already

ruled on. Not that we stop thinking or being creative, but stop rebelling.

We have to do it his way, because that builds a fence around the real

core, to protect it. We may not be comfortable with this, but it is better

than our own way, so we must at least learn to appreciate it. Moshe

had to trust , and we have to trust him. The only way to keep the

Torah from being burdensome is to make sure we don’t add to it. If we

do, we will by necessity diminish some other part, because it already

holds the perfect balance when we obey each part in season rather than

exaggerating an emphasis on any one part, which leaves us no time or

resources to keep some of the other parts. Both the right hand and left

are supposed to have healthy work-outs. Keep it simple, but do not

oversimplify it either.

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Eccles. 7:16

“Don’t be overly righteous or overly wise, lest you leave yourself


You would think you would want to be as righteous or as wise as

possible, as Shlomoh himself taught so much about both, but there are

other things afoot in YâwHu world, to which we also need to pay

attention. It is not complicated, but this means we are expected to

know it well, for it is the basis for everything else.

Duet 4:3.

"Your own eyes see what YâwHu has done to Ba-al-Pe'or, because

YâwHu our YâwHH has exterminated from your midst any man who

walked after Ba'al-Pe'or.

Here is a concrete example Mosheh uses of the types of rulings he is

talking about. The reference is to Numbers 25:1-5, when the Midyanite

women only invited us to dinner, but it turned out to be dedicated to

their Elohim, so YâwHu saw them as having gotten married to them,

and a Midyanite woman brought pagan religion right into the

sanctuary—definitely adding to Moshe’s words!

Duet 4:4.

"But you who stuck close to YâwHu our YâwHH are alive today--all of


Not one was lacking then, and YâwHu said this time not one kernel has

fallen to the ground and escaped His notice. (Amos 9:9) Stuck close:

pursued hard, overtook, and clung to, holding on as tightly as possible.

The parallelism here tells us clearly that what constitutes sticking close

to YâwHu is obedience to these rules he is talking about. It is not just a

stiff literal obedience, but seeking His face, trying hard to know Him,

becoming comfortable with all of His commandments. If we return to

Him, He will return to us with the same eagerness. They did not have

the attitude of

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"I've got to obey", but of "I get to obey!"

Duet 4:5

. "Observe closely! I have taught you prescribed limits and principles of

proper judgment, just as YâwHu my YâwHH has ordered me [to do], so

you may carry them out inside the Land to which you are going in order

to inherit it.

YâwHu = Yhwh;

YâwHuaH= Yhwhswa;

YâwHH= (ALuahymn)

Ruakh YâwHu= Ruakh HaQodesh

Prescribed limits and principles of proper judgment: parameters and

frames of reference around which to figure out how the rest applies.

Inherit: or "take possession". He is giving us access to the Land, but

only by following His principles carefully will we be able to harness all of

its potential. These prescribed customs were not just so our ancestors

could make it through the wilderness or so they could have a nice story

to tell, but so they would be strong enough to take possession of the

Land. These were practice for the Land, so we could become skilled

before arriving there and be ready to enter. If our attitude is, “If

(YâwHu)YHWH wants me to do these things, He will tell me himself; I

don’t need Moshe to tell me what to do!”, it is little wonder that He calls

us stiff-necked. The soldiers who think they must hear everything from

the general himself will be a losing army. The general does not even

know most of the privates; why do you think you are so important?

Duet 4:6.

"So you must guard them and carry them out, because this [will be]

your wisdom and your perceptiveness as the [other] peoples who hear

of all these customs will see it, and say, 'This nation is just [one] learned

and intelligent people!'

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What is meant to “wow” the world is not a lot of people in white

robes, but a people with understanding and wisdom. If “even a fool,

when he keeps silent will be thought to be wise” (Prov. 17:28), how

much more will the one who follows these commands truly be wise, not

just look wise! (YashaYahuw 35:8) Study them carefully so we can

accomplish their intended result. They are not meant to simply be done

without learning their deeper message. As we begin to do things to

protect the commandments, they will truly become ours. The more

effort we put into guarding them, the more important they will become

to us. Wisdom: witty skill.

Duet 4:7.

"--because which [other] nation is [so] great that their mighty one

comes close to them as YHWH our YâwHH does when we invite Him to?

Duet 4:8.

"And what great nation is there whose customs and rulings compare to

this instruction that I am setting before you today?

Just rulings: another example is the case of the daughters of

Tz’lafchad, who asked that general principles in the Torah be clarified.

(Num. 27)

Duet 4:9.

"Only, be on guard for yourself, and keep strict watch over your soul,

so that you will not forget the things your eyes have seen, nor will they

be taken away from your heart all the days of your life, but instill them

in your children and grandchildren!

Be on your guard: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” (Wendell

Phillips) Soul: mind, will, emotions, appetites, that which motivates you

most deeply. Forget: or "wither away from"—the result of not actively

nurturing the memory and keeping it fresh by recounting it to our

children and carrying out the memorial ceremonies YâwHu (YHWH) put

in place for us. But the root word means “to misplace”, for when

something is out of place and we cannot find it, we eventually become

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oblivious to it. These words should still be running through our heads

long after we hear them, not fading away. Heart: inclination or resolve.

Instilling them in the next generation(s) is the way to guard them. The

way to not forget is to teach someone else. If we lose the next

generation, we lose our own lives, because they are the continuance of

our lives. So YâwHu tells us to teach the second generation after us as

well as the first. This not only covers us in case our sons turn out to be

wicked and uninterested in passing on our heritage, but they, who have

not experienced first-hand what we have, may have gaps in their

recounting of the story, so when we teach the third (or even fourth) we

both fill in the added details and reinforce them in the minds of the

second generation as well. As they learn Torah from the earliest days,

they should be even more I’shra’alite than we are!

Duet 4:10.

"The day on which you stood before YâwHu our YâwHH in Chorev--

when YâwHuuHuu told me, 'Assemble the people for Me, and I will let

them hear My words, so they might learn to stand in [reverent] awe of

Me all the days that they live on the earth, and so they might teach their


His intimacy with them would be greatly diminished, as they would be

spreading across a whole land and not gathered in one place as one

body as they had been. The memory must be preserved even in those

who have not seen it as vividly as the generation to whom he speaks. If

the children do not learn, it will all fall apart in one generation. One

cannot each what he does not remember. The first thing any

community needs is a place to teach the children.

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11. "So you approached and stood beneath the mountain, with the

mountain on fire, burning to the heart of heaven--thick darkness, a

cloud mass, and obscuring dimness.

Beneath (or under): based on the word for "compressed", because

like the crossing of the sea, they had to put themselves in a position

where they could be crushed by its weight. This is probably the context

for YâwHuaH (Yhwhswa) comment that if one has faith he can tell "this

mountain" to be removed. The Torah which they were accepting upon

themselves here becomes not a threat hanging over their heads, but a

wedding canopy for the betrothal ceremony between YâwHu and

I’shra’al, in which the two tablets formed the ketubah (the written

contract for the marriage). Mosheh leads the Bride to her Husband.

Velikovsky's theory that the earth was passing through the tail of a

comet during the exodus could explain the massive force that it would

take to lift the mountain off the ground. The head of the comet would

have an extremely strong gravitational pull. (It may have been what

lifted the walls of water up when they passed through the Reed Sea.)

The "flashes" (v. 16) may have been the exchange of electrical

discharges between the comet and the earth, in a much more violent

phenomenon than we usually imagine, to the point that Tehillim 18, 29,

and 46 could be taken literally. Tehillim 77 actually says "the universe

[itself] shook". Tehillim 68 says "Sinai itself was moved". Tehillim 97

says the "mountains melted like wax." Obviously there is something

cataclysmic going on, not just an isolated east wind; that only

accomplished the rapid drying of the land between the waters for them

to cross the sea.

Duet 4;12.

"Then YâwHu spoke to you from among the flames; you were hearing

the sound of words, but there was no form for you to be seeing, only a


Seeing...a voice: By tradition this took place on Shavuoth, the feast of

Weeks, and the voice went out in 70 languages, to correspond with the

70 nations in Bber 10. 3,000 who were disobedient to the commands fell

in one day. (Shemot 32:28) 1,500 years later "tongues of fire" were

visible above the heads of the "sent ones" as the mighty sound of wind

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returned, and glad news went out in many languages, and 3,000 obeyed

it--a reparation of what took place the previous time. In the Torah, we

were bequeathed with words—not videotape—so that we will not stop

with the literal level of what went on, but so we will find the deeper

meanings in the words as well—the prophetic and mystical levels, the

connections to other places that use the same words, but especially the

applications to our lives today.

Duet 4;13.

"And He informed you about His covenant, which He commanded you to

carry out--[that is], the Ten Declarations, and He engraved them in two

slabs of stone.

Duet 4:14

. "At that time YHWH also ordered me to teach you prescribed

boundaries and the proper legal procedures in order that you may put

them into effect in the Land which you will cross over to take possession


YâwHu gave the initial instructions, but because they were afraid to

hear directly from Him, only Moshe heard the rest of what He said, and

though they had designated him to be the spokesman for YâwHu, they

had to trust that He was relaying what YâwHu actually said, for to obey

YâwHu they had to obey Moshe.

Duet 4:15

. "So keep careful guard over your souls, because you did not see any

form on the day YâwHu spoke to you at Chorev from the midst of the


Form: likeness, representation of any particular shape. Flames are

ever-changing, so that we cannot get the idea that “this is what YâwHu

looks like”. The following verses specify that no animal, man, or star

could adequately depict Him. He is not to be defined by any of the

things He has made. Like His commandments, they are all here to serve

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us, not enslave us. We are not to understand Him according to the

limitations of any particular creation of His. When they made the golden

calf, they called it YHWH. They were not consciously going after other

gods, but were putting His name on pagan things.

Duet 4:16.

"so that you will not act corruptly by making for yourselves a particular

carved image, resembling anything--the shape of a male or female,

The only “image of YâwHH ” spoken of in Torah is Âwdam before

Chawwah was separated from him, so neither male nor female can

adequately depict it, and no one remembers what that “shadow” of an

image looked like. An inscription was later found on an item devoted "to

YHWH and His ashërâh" (a consort-goddess); it was trying to give Him

honour in the way the other nations honoured their deities. But He does

not wish to be worshipped or understood in such a way. In the modern

world, where we seldom worship idols as such, the guarding our souls

(our passions and motivations, v. 15) is where the emphasis should be,

because it is often our own ideas, ideals, plans, tastes, and preferences

that crowd out what He considers priority, and in that sense we worship

them. That is another reason to have a community of Torah-keepers

around us, who can keep our own thoughts in check, because when

they run unfettered with no feedback from others who can see from a

different angle, they often become obsessions that distort the truth.

Duet 4:17.

"the shape of any beast that is on the earth, the shape of any winged

creature (flyer)that flies through the sky,

HaShâwtan was a winged (flyer)creature

The Babylonians worshipped deities symbolized by bulls, lions, and


Duet 4;18.

"the shape of anything that creeps on the ground, or the shape of any

fish that is in the waters below the land

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It is interesting to note that the only specific animal he names is the

fish, and this is precisely what Christians have identified with the

Messiah, whom they worship. In a more immediate reference, the

Philistines also worshipped something shaped like a fish.

YâwHu = Yhwh;

YâwHuaH= Yhwhswa;

YâwHH= (ALuahymn)

Ruakh YâwHu= Ruakh HaQodesh

Pivotal verse

Duet 4;19.

"or lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens and see the sun, the moon,

the stars, and all the armies of heaven, you should be impelled to bow

down to them or enslave yourselves to these [things] that YHWH has

apportioned to all the nations under the whole heaven;

Anyone can see the heavenly bodies, but we have heard from YâwHu.

There is no “hard copy” of Him! People want something they can

identify with, which is what makes the “god-man” concept so attractive,

because it makes them think they can be gods too. We can only

understand what YâwHu allows us to know about Himself, and we

cannot control what we cannot comprehend. Apportioned: divided,

assigned, distributed; Aramaic, "designated to serve". I.e., He gave

them to all the nations and they are common (contrast v. 20). But none

of them is to be identified specifically with YâwHu.

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Duet 4:20

. "But YâwHu has selected you, and brought you out from the crucible of

iron--from Egypt--to become His own--for the purpose of being a people

[that are His own] prized possession, just as [is the case] today."

Any wood placed into a furnace for smelting iron would be consumed

immediately. Egypt completely used them up, while feeding them—like

pack animals. Even the products forged of iron there—chariots—were

used to kill them. Now they were going to a place that would serve

them rather than consuming them. Nothing in the Tabernacle was

made of iron; YâwHu had no use for it at this point. Prized possession:

How awesome! Why throw away such a rare privilege and settle for

something that the nations all stoop to--nations that He considered a

mere drop in the bucket in comparison (YashaYahuw 40:15)?

Duet 4;21.

"Yet YâwHu was angry with me because of your words, and swore that

there would be no crossing over the Yarden for me, or entering into the

pleasant Land that YâwHu is giving you as an inheritance

While admitting his guilt (unlike Âwdam) and submitting to YâwHu

sentence, he would not lie and say he liked the verdict. He still held

some resentment for their parents’ ungratefulness that he blamed for

disqualifying him from the goal he had spent 40 unnecessary years

preparing them for. He should have arrived there when he was much

younger and had time to enjoy it, so he lays this guilt trip on them so

they will remember that they owe it to his memory to at least examine

themselves and be decent people by walking in the Torah he had

brought them. They could do something about their parents’ guilt, but it

meant that they had to feel that guilt first.

Duet 4;22.

"because I will die in this land; for me there will be no crossing over the

Yarden, but you are crossing over, and have inherited that pleasant


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I.e., “I can’t go, so you had better make the most of the fact that you

can! Do with it what I would have done with it! I will not be there to

remind you anymore; you must be ready to stand on your own. Do not

start the delay all over again for another generation.”

Duet 4:23.

"Be on your guard lest you forget the covenant of YâwHu our YâwHH,

which He has cut with you, and fashion for yourselves a carved image

resembling anything about which YâwHu our YâwHH has given you


Duet 4:24.

"because YHWH our YâwHH is a consuming fire; He is a jealous El.

Duet 4;25.

"When you have begotten children and grandchildren and have

remained so long in the Land as to be spoiled, and you make a carved

image resembling anything, and do what is evil in the sight of YHWH

your Elohim, to provoke Him to anger,

Mosheh was a prophet, but as a shepherd he also could read the

tendencies of this flock and knew it would not take long for their bad

habits to show up again. But in telling them this, he was also

challenging him to prove him wrong. When we are working to get

something, we tend to be diligent, but as soon as we receive it, it loses

its appeal, and it is human nature to pay less attention to it. We take it

for granted and “doze off”, and soon we have lost track even of where it

is. We thought the Kingdom would be more magical than farming the

Land; we need an emotional fix—something new to spark our interest

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again! By the time the third generation is in the Land, they may have

relaxed and started considering what is now our goal to be merely the

place that they live—just their “neighbourhood”. They become

comfortable enough with the lay of the Land that they think they can

get away with things YâwHu hates. Every step of getting there required

a price, and to a generation born already in the Land, it could seem

commonplace—just like any other place, and it would not even matter to

them if they stayed there or not. If they forget just how much of a

treasure it is, they could lose it again. We must impress on them where

they came from so that they, too, will cling to it. If He is angry, how will

we experience His love? But His response to our provocation is to

provoke us to jealousy by showing favour to other peoples who we may

think do not deserve it. (32:21)

Duet 4:26.

"I invoke heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that you

will completely vanish from the Land into which you are crossing to

dispossess it. You will not cause your days to be lengthened on it;

rather, you will be utterly overthrown,

I witnesses: the traditional covenant style. Note that

there are two witnesses, which is by Torah what it takes to establish a

matter in I’shra’al. (17:6) After making a promise like this, even YâwHu

(YHWH) could not show pity at first. Though YehuwDah has again

inhabited the Land, they cannot be said to truly possess it when they

can be forced to give parts of it away.

Duet 4:27.

"and YâwHu (YHWH) will cause you to be fragmented among the

peoples, and you will be left few in number among the nations into

which YâwHu (YHWH) will cause you to be driven.

Few: You will always be a minority wherever you go.

Page 21: Yhwhswa    (my servant) says  YâwHu, the YâwHH

28. "What's more, you will serve YâwHH (ALuahymn) made by human

hands there--wood and stone, which can neither see nor hear nor eat

nor smell!

Serve YâwHH ( ALuahymn): If we become slack and make a carved

image, He will turn us over to it. In case we might think we have never

done something so primitive, we must be reminded that paper money is

made from trees and coins are made from mineral stones. Both have

images on them. And mental images will also leave us among the

Gentiles, whose hallmark is worry about tomorrow. Here is Mosheh’

litmus test: Can it hear? Can it eat? Can it smell? If not, do not serve

it; instead, serve our fellow Ishra’alites who can.

Duet 4:29.

"Yet if from there you will diligently seek YâwHu your YâwHH you will

find [Him], whenever you inquire after Him with all your determination

and all your passion.

Here we are in the Book of Life if we do this! Seek: includes hunting,

even prying or demanding: Where is He? Where must we be in order to

meet Him? Determination: "heart", including the understanding,

memory, knowledge, and conscience--the innermost being. Passion:

emotion, self-life, appetites, and active will--almost an addiction.

Duet 4;30.

"In your distress and when you have met with all of these things, then

in the last days, you will return to YâwHu YHWH our YâwHH, and obey

His voice,

Duet 4:31.

"because YHWH your Elohim is a compassionate El; He will not abandon

you or bring about your ruin, nor will He forget the covenant which He

swore with your ancestors.

Duet 4:32.

"Because--ask, now, the earliest days, which took place before [you

existed], from all the way back when YâwHH created humanity upon

Page 22: Yhwhswa    (my servant) says  YâwHu, the YâwHH

the earth, or from [one] end of the sky to [the other] end of the sky,

'Has there ever been [any] thing as great as this? Or has [anything] like

it [ever] been heard?'

Has there ever been? We are commanded to ask, so that we will be

sure to hear the negative answer. The "earliest days" are invoked as an

additional witness. What can we learn from our past—from Sinai, from

the mistakes that made our ancestors lose the Land?

Duet 4;33.

"Has a nation ever heard the voice of an YâwHH speaking out of the

midst of the fire as you have heard--and survived?

As at the burning bush, the whole nation heard Him through a fire,

because a fiery sword stands between us and who we were in the



"Or has an Elohim [ever] tried to take for himself a nation out of the

midst of [another] nation, by proof-tests, by distinguishing signs, by

miracles, by war, by a firm hand and an outstretched arm, and by awe-

inspiring spectacles such as YâwHu our YâwHH performed for you in

Egypt--before your [very] eyes?

We have this history as a precedent, yet one day there will be

something that so far supersedes this when He takes us out of not just

one, but many nations (Yirm. 16:14-15; 23:5ff), that the former exodus

will hardly even be mentioned in comparison! And already He is

beginning to rattle bones that have been dead for over 2,700 years. We

can add, where else has a people who for that long had forgotten who

they were realized again that they were meant to be a unified nation,

and returned to its heritage though every one of them was a citizen of

another land? Has a nation ever been reconstituted after so long?

Duet 4:35.

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"You have been shown, so you might know that YâwHu (YHWH) is

YâwHH; apart from Him there is no other.

No other people can truthfully make this claim; there has never been

anything like Him.

Duet 4:36.

"From out of the heavens He made His voice audible to you, so He

might instruct you, and on the earth He made His great fire visible, and

you heard His words from within the fire.

Voice: or "thunderous sound". The more paganism we jettison, the

more we wonder if there is anything we can trust. But we can trust

YâwHH voice, for, like those who made it to the other side of the Reed

Sea, none of us would have come as far as we have if He did not bring

us there.

Duet 4:37.

"Then in transferring the love He had for your ancestors, He chose their

descendants after them, and led you out from Egypt with His presence--

[Such] great power He had! --

Duet 4:38.

"to dispossess nations greater and more numerous than you from

before your face, and to give you their Land as inherited property, as [it

is] this day.

Duet 4:39.

"So be aware today, and bring it back to mind, that it is YâwHu who is

YâwHH in the heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other.

Like Yhwhswa, Mosheh does not say that he is the highest authority;

though he must remind us of his position to keep us in line, all of his

instructions are reminders to be devoted to YâwHu (YHWH).

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Duet 4:40.

"So hear [and obey] His prescribed customs and His orders that I am

laying on you today, so that it may go well for you and for your

descendants after you, and so that you may extend [your] days on the

soil that YâwHu our YâwHH is giving to you [for] all time."

If the Land is to be given to us forever, why do we need to prolong

our days on it? Because, as he has just reiterated, we will lose it if we

are not diligent, but when we are ready to receive it back, His intention

is that it will be forever this time. Whether or not it is is up to us.

Duet 4:41.

Then Mosheh set aside three cities on the sunrise side of the Yarden

Duet 4:42.

to which a manslayer who had unwittingly killed his fellow could escape

(when he had not already hated him beforehand, and, having fled to

one of these cities, might survive):

This way he ensured that it would be done before he died. He took

responsibility for the part of the Land that he did enter, even if it was

not the Land proper. He showed that justice is not a mere idea in one’s

head and heart; the guarding of YâwHu (YHWH) Torah for the

prolonging of life must be made concrete, so that even those who were

allowed to stay on that side of the river would have the same Torah and

the same expectations placed on them as on those who did cross over.

There were only three cities of refuge on the other side; here there was

one for each tribe, suggesting that Mosheh expected more trouble from

those who wanted to do things their own way. What can be done

outside the Land, we can start to institute even before we enter.

Duet 4:43.

Betzer in the wilderness of the plateau for the Reuvenites, Ramoth in

Gil'ad for the Gadites, and Golan in Bashan for the Menashites.

Duet 4:44

. And this is the instruction that Mosheh set before the descendants of


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Duet 4:45

. these are the evidences, the prescribed customs, and the legal

procedures that Moshe talked [intensely] about to the descendants of

I’shra’al about after they left Egypt

Evidences: or witnesses; the Ark of the Covenant was a specific one,

and it housed the Ten Utterances. But even what we witnessed at Sinai

was not enough, for he had not clarified how to carry it out. Loving our

neighbour as ourselves is the hedge YâwHu (YHWH) gives us to protect

our relationship with Himself. These added procedures are not the

same as what YehuwDah calls “oral torah”, though there is overlap, for

much of that came from these very later rulings, so much of it is

authoritative. No matter how strange, backward, illogical, worn out, or

barbaric these boundaries seem to modern people, we need to learn to

walk in them again so that we can truly and permanently possess the

Land this time.

Duet 4:46.

across the Yarden in the valley in front of Beyth-Pe'or in the territory of

Sikhon king of the Emorites, who had been living in Heshbon when

Mosheh and the descendants of I’shra’al attacked while they were

leaving Egypt.

Duet 4:47.

So they took possession of his territory and the territory of Og the king

of Bashan, both kings of the Emorites, which are on the side of the

Yarden toward the rising of the sun,

Duet 4:48.

from Aroer, which is on the bank of the River Arnon and all the way to

Mount Sion (which is Hermon),

Duet 4:49.

Page 26: Yhwhswa    (my servant) says  YâwHu, the YâwHH

as well as all the Aravah on the sunrise side of the Yarden all the way

to the sea of the Aravah below the slope of the cliffs.

Aravah: i.e., the Rift Valley. Sea of the Aravah: The Dead Sea or Salt

Sea. Cliffs: the eastern escarpment of the Great Rift Valley.

After all that I hope I do not burst your balloon,

when I say the Torah is the book of the nation of Ishra’al and all who

become part of that nation, its not a closed nation nor of the believe of

the tribe of the Jews, but the book belongs to the nation Ishra’al in all

its entirety; upon hearing his voice calling, repent, believe and be

immersed (physically) and Rúakhually in the torah and by the laying on

of hands receive the Rúakh YâwHu: let the other nations make gods

after Qayin (world religion), let them call upon them to save them

Then YâwHu spoke to you from among the flames; you were hearing

the sound of words, but there was no form for you to be seeing, only a


Time reminds us of sin not of saving

Let this be your prayer too


ALuahymn YâwHuaH ‘HaMeshiakh

Page 27: Yhwhswa    (my servant) says  YâwHu, the YâwHH

In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

Yâwhu be with you.' and they answered him, Yâwhu bless you.'


Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that

YâwHuaH passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Yâwhu,


Ben David. An YâwHuaH stood still, and called them, and said, what will

ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him, Yâwhu, that our eyes may

be opened. So YâwHuaH had compassion [on them], and touched their

eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours

shalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of Yâwhu


Remember me and pray for me that Yâwhu will be gracious unto me and be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be to

them that read and that hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Page 28: Yhwhswa    (my servant) says  YâwHu, the YâwHH

Freely ye have received, freely give A rule necessary, and of great

extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though worthy of his

Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for hire, or

make a secular traffic of the Rúakh (Raukhual work): what a scandal is it

for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have

received from the Rúakh YâwHu, of which he is not the master, but the

dispenser. He who preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is guilty

of the most infamous sacrilege

The Everlasting Covenant is The Sabbath

YâwHuaH `HaMeshiakh

be with your Rúakh

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