Page 1: Yavapai Signal · 1/10/2015  · Welcome to the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club (YARC) is an ARRL affiliate Special Service Club. ... +/- QRM N/A Thursday

Yavapai Signal The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club – Prescott, Arizona – DM-34 – Volume 32 – No. 1 – January 2017

Upcoming Club Events

Event: Date: Time: Place: Contact/Info:

General Meeting TH 01/05/17 1900 MST PMHMS Club Website

Fox Hunt SUN01/08/17

1300 MST OneAZ Credit UnionParking Lot, GG Wy.

& WC Rd.

Pete K6VVR or John WB9VGJ

YARC Breakfast TH 01/19/17 0800 MST BackBurnerRestaurant,

Prescott Valley

Don WB7TPH or Jeff WB7RFY

YARC Party SAT 01/21/17 1100 MST Antelope Hills GolfCourse, Prescott

Kathy KJ6KMK

YARC: Badges Patches Shirts

Features: Name & Call Club Name & Logo With or Without Name & Call

Contact Person(s): Dan Simpson AE7IH orErica Simpson KF7MAU

David Hanson W7BJ Pete Morrison K6VVR

Cost: $7.00 each $3.00 each Without Name & Call $20.00— With Name & Call $24.00


Share Your Surplus Items

Bring any ham related surplus items that you no longer have a need to the next club meeting. There will no longer be a table outside the building. Instead there will be a table inside the room where refreshments are served where your items can be placed. Let your fellow club member take those things with them that they feel might be useful to them. The table will be available at each monthly meeting.

Canned Food Donations

Bring your non-perishable food items to the monthly club meetings and Terry Pemberton KB7TRE will take them to the local food bank. Place your bagged items on Terry’s desk when you come in.

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Page 2: Yavapai Signal · 1/10/2015  · Welcome to the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club (YARC) is an ARRL affiliate Special Service Club. ... +/- QRM N/A Thursday

Welcome to the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club

The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club (YARC) is an ARRL affiliate Special Service Club. The club participates in many activities in the quad-city (Prescott, Prescott Valley, Chino Valley, and Dewey-Humboldt) area by providing communications for local events, emergency communications, and promotion of the hobby throughout the community.

Membership in YARC is open to any interested amateur or non-amateur alike. Dues are $20.00 per year (full-time students $15). YARC meets at 1900 MST on the first Thursday of every month in the technology classroom at Prescott Mile High Middle School, 300 South Granite Street in Prescott. Vehicular access to the school parking lot is via the entry at the intersection of South Montezuma Street and Carleton Street. Programs of interest are included as part of the meeting.


Club Nets

Band Mode Frequency PL Night Time

2M FM 147.260 MHz +103.5 Hz Wednesday 1900 MST

2M SSB (USB) 144.250 MHz N/A Wednesday 2000 MST

10M SSB (USB) 28.440 MHz +/- QRM

N/A Thursday 2000 MST

1¼M FM 224.080 MHz –156.7 Hz Wednesday 1930 MST

¾M FM 447.650 MHz –100.0 Hz Saturday 0900 MST

Yavapai County ARES/RACES Nets

2M FM 147.260 MHz +103.5 Hz Monday 1830 MST

2M FM 145.290 MHz –127.3 Hz Monday 1900 MST

Club Repeaters

2M FM 146.880 MHz –100.0 Hz Open Use 24/7 Open Use 24/7

¾M FM 447.650 MHz –100.0 Hz Open Use 24/7 Open Use 24/7

Club Mentors (“Elmers”)

Name Call Sign Telephone Number

Art Protas KG6AY 928-227-2954

Jim Zimmerman N6KZ 928-713-0542

[email protected]

Club Website Registration

Please register to get on the club's email distribution list and also gain access to the members'-only area of the website. The members'-only area contains the club roster and detailed club treasurer's reports. To register,go to, click “Join Us” and then select “Registration.” Fill out the requested information, and then click “Register.” The webmaster will then verify your membership and authorize your account. His response is not immediate in real time.

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From the President’s Deskby Kathy Laing, KJ6KMK

This is my first message from the President’s desk for the New Year. First of all I want to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year. Your new officers and board members for 2017 are: John Stevens AB9JS, Vice President; Ted Bishop KI7FWZ, Treasurer; Sandy Mattsen K9WIZ, Secretary; Art Jackson KA5DWI, Board Member; Rex Mauldin N7NGM, Board Member; Art Protas KG6AY, Board Member; and Frank Bender K8FB, Past President Board Member. The board and I will do our best to continue the good leadership that Frank and his team have provided for the past 2 years.

A very big THANK YOU to the retiring Board Members, Bill Noe W7PVA; Chuck Zappala KE7SA; Don Bauer WB7TPH; Randy Dashiell W6TYV; and retiring Secretary Kathy Laing KJ6KMK. We all appreciate the help and guidance you have provided the club these past 2 years.

Now just a note about my plans for 2017. My primary goal as your president will be to ensure that the club continues to be a vital organization by engaging the membership in the various club activities, as well as developing new areas of interest which will appeal to the current and new members.

Another area which is also of great interest to me is the recruitment of new members through continuing to offerclasses for new hams and/or encouraging existing members to interest a fellow ham in joining YARC. We all saw in the appreciation slide show at the December general meeting that YARC is a very active club with approximately ½ of the members actively involved in some aspect of club activities. We have some greatopportunities for members to get involved in club activities this year: VE testing; public service events; Field Day; club picnic; Hot Shots Memorial Special Event; the new Saturday 70 cm net and the existing nets to namejust a few. I would like to expand participation this year — so provide any suggestions to the officers or board members.

Let’s all work together to continue to make YARC a fun experience for all our members. Just a final note, pleasemake sure to complete and return your membership survey so that the board can review the results and present the findings to the club in February.

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David W7BJ


General Repeater PrescottHamfest

November 2016 Fund Fund Fund

CASH – October 31, 2016 $10,490.67 $2,429.22 $632.40

Dues $225.00 $25.00

Donations $80.00 $200.00

Hamfest Sales $148.00

Annual Party $220.00

50/50 Raffle - net $64.00

Misc. < $50 $45.53 $0.06 $0.02

TOTAL INCOME $783.53 $225.06 $0.02

Elmer Supplies $120.25

Halgunseth Memorial $50.00

Club Station $113.79

Raffle Tickets $127.71

Misc. < $50 $100.74

TOTAL EXPENSES $384.78 $0.00 $127.71

CASH – November 30, 2016 $10,889.42 $2,654.28 $507.71

** Detailed statements are posted on

Respectfully submitted by David B. Hanson, W7BJ — Treasurer, Yavapai Amateur Radio Club

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Agenda for the November 22, 2016 YARC Board of Director’s Meeting

Note: There was not a quorum at the meeting, so no official meeting was held and no official action was taken on any of the agenda topics. There was discussion by the group about the agenda topics.

Present at meeting: KJ6KMK, W7BJ, AB9JS, and K8FB (not a quorum). [New 2017 board members and OfficersKA5DWI, KG6AY, N7NGM, and KI7FWZ were also present.]

Old Business:

Congratulations to New Officers and Board MembersClub Meeting Format Change Survey – KJ6KMKPrescott Hamfest at ERAU – 06/09 and 06/10/17 – K8FB— Membership approved $2700 expenditure for the hamfest in the November meeting.— November 16 planning meeting— Sub-committee chair persons have largely been selected, with a couple still pending— Grand Prizes determined and 2,500 tickets have been ordered

— FTDX1200 HF/ 6M Transceiver— FTM-100DR – Dual Band FM/C4FM Transceiver— FT1XD – Dual Band FM/C4FM Hand Held

Hamfest Website:— Steve La Vigne has gotten with Randy W6TYV regarding redirecting the site to— Steve has requested that the site be completely designed before it is built.Upcoming Programs – WB7TPH— December – Appreciation Awards/ Year in Review plus SIG breakouts.

— Year-in- review/Volunteer Appreciation slide show (ready to go) and celebration refreshments (Costco cake).— Two lifetime membership awards – Dick W6CCD has the award certificates prepared.— ARRL AZ Assistant SM – Rick Paquette W7RAP – 7 minutes on program.

— January – Suriname DXpedition – by N7CWWebsite Blog Update – W6TYVMember Suggestions— Honorary Lifetime Membership be offered to Jan Halgunseth, WA6ZZJ widow – suggested by W6CCD.— Club update the National Silent Key Archive for club silent keys – suggested by N6KZ447.650 MHz Repeater Net – NO1D has suggested that there be a Saturday morning net on the UHF repeater.

Doug has volunteered to be net moderator. Doug is coming up with a suggested time – to be discussed at the next general meeting.

Basic Hamfest Consignment Rate – N6KZ is running the 2017 hamfest consignment sales. He has recommended that the basic consignment fee be changed from 15% to 10% to encourage more participation and profits. It will also simplify the math to calculate the final payouts.

Practice Exam Sessions November 9th – David W7BJVE Exams November 12 – WB7TPH.Club Station Tower – Graham Bacheler, Jeep Posse Captain, gave YARC permission to install a permanent

tower at the club station. 4 x 4 x 6 ft. deep hole dug by Jeep Posse building addition concrete contractor for $100. Hole covered with plywood and barricades and caution tape placed around the hole. Elmer Group looking into tower possibilities. Major Expenditure form to be submitted to membership for expenditure authorization for complete tower acquisition and installation.

November 13 YARC FM Simplex Contest – WB7TPHNRA Birthday November 17 - K8FB— Conditions not good, but 311 total contacts— SSB QSOs – 128— Satellite QSOs – 32— CW QSOs - 151YARC Party January 21 – KJ6KMK

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New Business:

Club Secretary – K9WIZ has agreed to serve remainder of KJ6KMK’s Secretary term (for the year of 2017).Hamfest Sales at Harkfest November 5 th - $148 to YARC treasury.$50 Donation to ARRL – In memory of Lloyd Halgunseth WA6ZZJ mailed on November 14.Library Donation of ARRL Books - $200 special ARRL package. Donate to Prescottor PV Library. Requesting

board authorization.Elmer Group assisted with check of YCJP mobile radios again on November 10. N6KZ and KG6AY were asked

by the Jeep Posse to come out again to help check out the installations of radios and antennas in posse member vehicles.

Treasurer Responsibilities – W7BJ brought up ways to make the Treasurer load lighter.AZ Gravel Rides Donation – Donated $75 to YARC in appreciation of our support of event communications for

the Bradshaw Grinder. K8FB sent a thank you note to them.Andrew Isbell K7DCT Donation – K7DCT donated $200 to the YARC repeater fund. K8FB to send a thank you

note to Andrew.=====================================================================================

Yavapai Amateur Radio Club, General MeetingDate: December 1, 2016


Call to Order at: 1900 MSTPledge of Allegiance: led by K8FBRestart of Volunteer Appreciation and 2016 Year in Review slide presentation – The presentation has been

posted to the club website. Select “Club” and then “Presentations, Docs, Forms, and History “.Welcome visitors: John KJ7ON; and Rick Paquette W7RAP, ARRL AZ Assistant SM.November general meeting minutes and October treasurer report: Motion to approve:

— A motion was made by K7POF and seconded by WN7E.. The motion passed.New Members: William Tice KD6QCU; Jim Miller KD7NFX; Kathy Krause KI7IOY; and Walt Loesche WF7J.

— A motion was made by WB9VGJ and seconded by AB9JS to accept KD6QCU as a member. Motion passed. Later in the meeting additional members were presented and a motion was made WB9VGJ andseconded by KI7FWZ to accept KD7NFX, KI7IOY, and WF7J as new members. Motion passed.

YARC Secretary – K9WIZ has agreed to serve as secretary; a motion was made by WB6ODR and seconded by KB7YVQ to accept the nomination of K9WIZ to serve the remaining 1-year term of KJ6KMK as secretary. Motion was passed.

Introduction of New Board Members and Officers:

Name: Call: Office: Name: Call: Office:

Kathy Laing KJ6KMK President John Stevens AB9JS Vice President

Ted Bishop KI7FWZ Treasurer Sandy Mattsen K9WIZ Secretary

Art Jackson KA5DWI Board Member Rex Mauldin N7NGM Board Member

Art Protas KG6AY Board Member Frank Bender K8FB Past PresidentBoard Member

ARRL Update – Rick Paquette W7RAP, AZ ARRL Asst Section Manager – Consideration to make AZ or AZ/NM anew ARRL Division

Awards and Appreciation –K8FB— Lifetime memberships awarded to K6VVR and Jeff Hanna WB7RFY— Appreciation awards were presented to retiring board members: W7PVA,; KE7SA; WB7TPH; W6TYV;

and retiring secretary KJ6KMK.New Jeep Posse Captain beginning 2017 – W6TYV

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Committee reports:NRA Birthday Nov. 17 – WB9VGJ;FM Simplex Contest Nov. 13 – WB7TPH:

— Fixed station award – WB6ODR, 86 points;l— Handheld award – KL7R, 52 points

YARC Party – KJ6KMKYARC Event Communications, K8FB – Taking signups for the Sedona Marathon on February 4, 2017.Repeaters – NO1D – The new 440 MHz repeater is working well. NO1D will host a new 440 MHz(70 cm) net on

Saturday mornings starting at 0900 MST. Both voice and digital modes will be available.Fox Hunt, K6VVR and WB9VGJElmer, N6KZ – KG7BAM is looking for donations of programming cables to help program club member hand-held FM transceivers at the general meetings.School Amateur Club, KB7TRE – Reminded people to bring food the meetings for donation to the food bank.VE, WB7TPH – Testing on Nov. 8 produced 28 new Technicians, 1 new General and 2 new Extras. Next test will be Jan. 14, 2017.Club Station – K8FB – a hole has been dug for the permanent tower.Hamfest, K8FBRaffle Tickets – N7PJN is stepping down as the seller of 50/50 raffle tickets at the general meetings. Thanks to N7PJN for his volunteer service. YARC now needs a new volunteer ticket-seller.Break – CAKE CELEBRATION; return at 2020 MST.50/50 Raffle – $67.50 winning ticket 2476903 K6VVR

Program – Special Interest Group (SIG) Breakouts

Special Interest Group: Moderator: Call Sign:

New HamsJim Zimmerman N6KZ

Art Protas KG6AY

Echolink/IRLP Rex Maudlin N7NGM

Amateur Television (ATV) Don Bauer WB7TPH

Software Defined Radio (SDR) Doug Theriault NO1D

Arduino/ Raspberry Pi Doug Theriault NO1D

10 Meter Net Bill Noe W7PVA

Digital Modes Tom Azlin W7SUA

Adjourn: 2100 hours

Recent and Upcoming General Meeting Programs

December Program – We had a 2016 volunteer appreciation party with cake and a slide show about “The Year 2016 in Review”. After the break there were Special Interest Group (SIG) breakouts.

The volunteer appreciation and 2016 year in review presentation, created by Frank Bender K8FB, has been posted to the club website, if you would like to download and run it. Go to the club website, select “Club” from the menu; select “Presentations, Docs, Forms, History”; and then select “Club Program Presentations”. Then download and view the “2016 Volunteer Appreciation and Year In Review” presentation by clicking the link.

January Program – Suriname DXpedition – by Bud Semon N7CW.

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License Testingby Don Bauer, WB7TPH

Our next test session will be Saturday, January 14, 2017.

On Saturday November 12, 2016 our test session had 35 candidates who took a total of 39 tests. We now havesome happy new hams in our midst! We graduated a total of 33 new and upgraded licenses — including one new General and two new Extras. Congratulations to all for a very successful test session. And a big “Thank you!” to all of our volunteer examiners for their dedication and service—without whom we would not have our wonderful testing program.

Upcoming License Testing

Date City Location Time Sponsor Contact Walk-in

01/14/17 Prescott Jeep PosseBuilding

0900 MST YARC Don Bauer928-775-4690


03/11/17 Prescott Jeep PosseBuilding

0900 MST YARC Don Bauer928-775-4690


YARC Party – January 21, 2017

The 2017 YARC Party is scheduled for January 21, 2017 at the Centennial Center at1989 Clubhouse Dr., Prescott, AZ 86301 - at the Antelope Hills Golf Courses. The luncheon will begin at 1100 MST. We are now taking paid reservations. The deadline for reservations is Saturday, January 7, 2017.

Here are the dinners available and meal prices, which include complementary beverages, dessert, tax, and tip. There will be a cash bar available. The quoted price includes a $5 discount paid for by YARC:

Vegetarian Pasta Toss -$20

Chicken Parmesan - $20

Grilled Fillet of Salmon -$25

Prescott Prime Rib - $25

Please give your meal choices and your check to Kathy Laing KJ6KMK at the next club meeting. Or you can select menu choice “Join Us” from the club web site and then select “Shopping Cart” to choose and pay for your meals using PayPal.

Each attendee is asked to bring a wrapped “white elephant” gift for a gift exchange. No non-working or gag items, please.

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New Members

The following new YARC members were voted in at the December meeting. Please introduce yourself to themand make them feel welcome:

KD7NFX James Miller KI7IOY Kathy Krause William Tice KD6QCU Walt Loesche WF7J

Note: Walt is a founding member of the club who just returned to the area.

Congratulations to a New Amateur Radio Familyby Loren Singh, AE7CG

Congratulations to Judith Davidson, KI7ION and Frank Davidson, KI7JAU of Dewey on recently passing theirlicense examinations and receiving their Technician licenses.

Window Pass-through for Coaxial Cablesby Mike Reid, N7IEP

Go to and

Select “Become a Ham” —> “Resource Material” —> “Newbie Resources”

Further information can be obtained from Mike at [email protected] and 480.250.6093.

“Thank You!” to Fred Zimmerman, N7PJN

Fred Zimmerman N7PJN (a founding member of YARC) is stepping down as sales volunteer for the 50/50 rafflethat we have every club meeting. Fred has been doing this every month for a number of years. We appreciate what he has done for the club. The 50/50 raffle brings in a good amount of money to the club every month.

We are looking for someone who would be willing to replace Fred. That person would need to come to the meeting early and sell tickets before the meeting and during the break. If interested, please contact club president Kathy Laing KJ6KMK.

Public Service Event Communications

Following are two upcoming public service events:

— The Sedona Marathon will be February 4, 2017 and begins the winter/spring public service event season.

— The Whiskey Basin Trail Run will be April 8, 2017.

If you would like to help out with either of these events, contact Frank Bender K8FB, [email protected] . Don’t worry if you have never participated in a public service event before. We will make sure to pair you up with an experienced ham. Please let Frank know your T-shirt size as well.

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Jeff WB7RFY Pete K6VVR (Photo courtesy of John Broughton WB9VGJ)

Jeff Hanna, WB7RFY — Life Membership Award, 2016

— Joined YARC January 2006

— Manned tent at World’s Art Festival October 2006— Secretary and Treasurer of ARCA— Manned water station for Walk for Diabetes November 2007. Elected Secretary or 2008— Hamfest planning June 2008— Ragnar Del Sol Relay Race April 2009— Hamfest July 2009— Constructed special award for AC6AA September 2009— Helped start AZ-WAC October 2009— 2010 YARC Party February 2010— Hamfest March 2010— Assisted Field Day August 2011— Filled in for Secretary June 2012— Presentation on ARCA September 2012— Program on ARCA March 2013— Discussion on ham license plates June 2013— W7W Special Event Station May 2014— Elected Chairman for ARCA November 2014— Ambassador to GOTA station August 2015— ACRA Ham of the Year award September 2015— Hamfest. Backburner breakfast coordinator June 2016

For your dedicated service as YARC Secretary in 2008 and 2009, support of World’s Art Festival, Hamfest planning and support 2008, 2009, 2010, 2016, Ragnar Del Sol Relay Race, constructing special award for AC6AA, helped start AZ-WAC, 2010 YARC Party coordination, filled in for Secretary, programs on ARCA, W7W Special Event Station, elected Chairman for ARCA, Ambassador to GOTA station, ARCA ham of the year award, Field Day support, Backburner breakfast coordinator, and numerous other activities in support of the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club.

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Pete Morrison, K6VVR — Life Membership Award, 2016

— Joined YARC December 2005— Headed up foxhunt FD/picnic 2008— Took over as VP Oct 2008 for term through 2009— Foxhunt program June 2008, Oct. 2011, June 2013, June 2016— VE 2008 or earlier until present— Chair of committee to develop guidelines for Life Membership in club Dec. 2008— Build foxhunting antenna project Aug. 2009 with WB7UZV; Feb 2012, July 2013— Proposed regular foxhunts Feb. 2009— Program on foxhunts with W6CCD April 2009— Took over as President Oct. 2009; President through 2010— Program on coax cable assembly Jan. 2010— Monthly hunts began Jan. 2010 - Pete coordinating— Co-chaired Statehood event 2010, 2013— Program for new hams Oct. 2010, Jan,. 2013— Participated in Emergency Fair Sept. 2011— Build 2M J-pole project March 2011— Program on programming HTs Feb. 2011— Served as club webmaster July 2010 - March 2011— Handle club shirts 2011 - present— Handle club badges 2011 - Sept. 2012— Took over as W7YRC and repeater trusteeship from WB6ODR March 2012— Led effort to find restaurant for club&#39;s annual party Sept. 2012; chaired party committee for 2013 party— Worked with W7BJ on club equipment inventory 2012 - 2013— Program committee chair Jan. 2013 - 2014— Program to check output and deviation on HTs Aug. 2013— Took on 440 MHz repeater project 2015— Participated in organizing club Slow Code Net— Given control of club&#39;s obsolete surplus equipment to scrap— Volunteer Instructor for license classes.

For your dedicated service to YARC as Vice President (2008), President (2009), established fox hunting, chaired committeeto develop guidelines for lifetime membership, numerous meeting presentations and build sessions, co-chair of Statehood event, program for new hams, YARC webmaster, Volunteer Examiner, t-shirts, badges, W7YRC trustee, 440 MHz repeater project, slow code net, chaired party committee, volunteer instructor, and numerous other activities and services to YARC.

SARA Western Conferenceby Tom Azlin, W7SUA

The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) Western Region Conference will be held on March 17-18, 2017 in Socorro, NM. Details can be found at:

NVCON — March 31–April 2, 2017 — ARRL Nevada State ConventionEastside Cannery Casino & Hotel

Las Vegas,

Exhibit Hall, Presentations & Speakers, ARRL VEC License Testing, Saturday Night Banquet, Raffles & Door Prizes, Tailgate/Swap Meet, Elvis Siting, etc.

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Mike W1DGL Operating at K7NRA (Photo courtesy of John Broughton WB9VGJ)

NRA Birthday Special Eventby John Broughton, WB9VGJ

The annual NRA Birthday Special Event operation was held at Gunsite Academy on November 11, the NRA’s145th birthday. The event consisted of four stations: the usual HF phone station using the station of Gunsite’s owner, Buz Mills K7GST; a satellite station set up by Dale KL7R, assisted by his XYL Chris NL7DU; a CW station operated by Frank K8FB; and a CW station operated by Ray N6VR. Both CW stations were operated from the homes of the operators.

The noise level on 20M and 40M was very bad again this year, making it difficult to make good contacts. The operators tried all advertised bands, 15M, 20M and 40M, but at several times the CQs we were sending out were not answered. As a result, the number of phone contacts was down from last year. Dale again had good luck with his satellite efforts with a total of 32 contacts on 3 different satellites with 6 satellite passes – very similar to his results last year.

We had 18 hams and no non-hams show up at Gunsite. Of those 18, 10 of them took their turn at operating thephone station: WB9VGJ, KB7TRE, KL7R, NL7DU, KG7DKG, KF7WOT, KG7BAM, KG7RGG, KI6AHH and W1DGL. Unfortunately, Mike K7NRA was unable to attend again this year. He is very generous in lending his call sign for the event. We had 128 contacts on phone, 151 on CW and 32 on satellite for a total of 311 contacts.

Our special thanks to Buz K7GST for his hospitality in using his facility; to Mike K7NRA for the use of his call sign and to Chaz Cone W4GKF in Atlanta, GA who makes and distributes the online certificates to those stations who request them via email. He offered this as an idea last year and volunteered to handle it for us andis doing a great job with it.

Pictures Dale and I took of the event can be seen at:

Mike W1DGL has posted some pictures he took on his Facebook page (You need a Facebook login to access them.):;hc_location=friends_tab&amp;pnref=friends.all

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December 2016 Foxhuntby John Broughton, WB9VGJ

The monthly foxhunt was held Sunday, November 6th. Pete, K6VVR, and Patrick, KG7EWD were the foxes.Jeff and Pete found an excellent, hard-to- find location to hide the transmitters: on Upper Sky Terrace Drive off of Senator Highway. A parallel, dirt street, Sky Terrace Drive is just a little south it. It does connect to Upper Sky Terrace Drive up a steep hill at its end. All teams except the winning team found the transmitters by driving in on Sky Terrace Drive. As you can see in the pictures, it doesn’t look like much of a road and it seems more a private drive in the upper portion than a public street. It made a somewhat challenging approach.

There were four teams for this hunt and we had some new hunters involved: 1) Bob WB6ODR and his grandson, a non-ham; 2) Jeff WB7RFY; John WB9VGJ; and Jim KD7NFX; 3) Robert WA6FBA and Larry KG7TTD; and 4) Dave W7BJ and Alan, KI7ALL.

The results of the hunt were:

Finish Team Time

1 Robert and Larry 32 min.

2 Bob and grandson 1 hr. 8 min.

3 Dave and Alan 1 hr. 25 min.

4 Jeff, John, and Jim 1 hr. 34 min.

Robert discovered he had his Doppler antennas hooked up improperly last month. His result in so quickly finding the transmitters showed that his Doppler system works extremely well when set up correctly. Congratulations to Robert and Larry on their success.

You can see pictures of the hunt here:

We had our usual after hunt socializing session at the Prescott Junction restaurant. We would encourage more folks to get involved in the hidden transmitter hunts. They are really fun and help develop direction-finding skills.

For Sale

ICOM IC-7200 HF/ 6M Transceiver with Astron RS-20M power supply - $650John Conrad NO7N

(928) 778-4810

For Sale from the Estate of Jim Jackson NS2K:ICOM 7700 HF/6M Transceiver – 200 Watts - $3,000 (price new is $5700)

Paul Jackson – Prescott Valley(207) 650-1795

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Page 14: Yavapai Signal · 1/10/2015  · Welcome to the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club (YARC) is an ARRL affiliate Special Service Club. ... +/- QRM N/A Thursday

Williams Hamfest Discontinued

The Amateur Radio Council of Arizona (ARCA) has decided to discontinue the Williams Hamfest, which has been held at the end of each July. ARCA is looking for another hamfest event to hold its annual meeting. The Show Low Hamfest, Coconino Hamfest, and Prescott Hamfest at ERAU are all under consideration to provide avenue for the ARCA annual meeting.

YARC Volunteer OpportunitiesContact Kathy Laing, KJ6KMK ([email protected]) if you are interested

in helping out in any of these or other areas.

Opportunities Descriptions

YARC MembershipCommittee Chair

We are looking for someone to manage the membership rosters for the club. The activities would include receiving the membership applications, managing the membership rosters and sending reminders for membership renewals. Membership applications are usually either received by email or presented at a club meeting. The membership chair would not be responsible for collecting any membership dues. This duty would still be handled by the club treasurer.

Public Service EventCoordinator

The club needs someone to coordinate the public service events.

Elmer Group Helpers The club has a very active Elmer Group consisting of core members Jim ZimmermanN6KZ and Art Protas KG6AY. If you would like to help out Jim and Art and have antenna installation skills, contact Jim N6KZ. You can also be of help if you have a specialized skill such as programming frequencies into radios, digital communications, or other similar skill. You can help out on a regular basis or be called upon when your specialized skill might be needed.

2017 Field DayChairperson

We are looking for someone to coordinate our 2017 Field Day weekend operating activities. We usually have lots of helpers for this operating event on the last full weekend of June.

2017 Picnic Chairperson Our annual club picnic is held on the Saturday of Field Day (last full weekend of June). We are looking for someone to coordinate this event and see if we can find a “chef” to equal or top the 2016 picnic menu.

2017 Yuma Hamfest

The Yuma Hamfest is just a little over two months away on February 17-18, 2017. Yuma has become the site ofone of the largest hamfests in the southwestern U.S. and will be the site of the ARRL Arizona Section Convention for 2017.

It will feature commercial vendors, tailgating, grand prizes worth over $25,000, on-site RV camping, free parking, seminars held in parallel tracks, $8 amateur license testing, DXCC card checking, an antennaclinic & transmitter hunt, the famous "Buzzard BBQ" dinner, a near-space balloon launch, great hourly door prizes, a hospitality area, the "Country Store" consignment sales area, and much more.

Admission is only $5, tailgating spots are $10 for the weekend, and it will offer a food concession run by a professional chef. Our "Buzzard BBQ" dinner will only be $10. Mark February17-18 on your calendar and plan on attending the Arizona Section Convention in Yuma.

Please check our website at or more information.If you have questions, contact us at [email protected] or by phone at 928-305-1034.

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Zeitz, Germany Sister City Anniversary

We received an email from Kartsten DL3HT indicating that Zeitz, a sister city of Prescott, is celebrating the city’s 1050th anniversary in 2017. He is looking for opportunities to make Prescott contacts on the air and on the internet in June 2017.

YARC could certainly try to make some contacts with German hams from our club station. Please let Frank Bender K8FB ([email protected]) know if anyone is fluent in German who might be willing to work withus in contacting the Zeitz stations. Of course, we should also be able to make contacts using English.

We are looking for additional detail from Karsten in the coming months. Following are some relevant URLs: .

2016 ARRL 160 Meter Contest

by Jim Peterson, K6EIDecember 12, 2016

This year I operated QRP with an Elecraft K3 from a cabin located at the end of a peninsula on Loon Lake (in eastern

Washington state north of Spokane) for this year’s 160M contest. Antennas included a 670-ft Beverage 10-ft up for receive

(oriented for east/west reception) and a 160M dipole with its feedpoint up 60-ft (on top of a 90ft hill surrounded by lake to

the north, east, and south.) The good news was that I could hear really, really well, which was a real pleasure. Band

conditions this year were good, with a solar flux around 85, A index around 3 and K index of 1. Being out in the woods,

there was no electrical noise at all. That was amazing. And the 160M dipole was every bit as good as the Beverage on

receive 98% of the time. (The exception was for one weak JA signal that was stronger on the Beverage.)

The downside this year was that since I was running QRP, my transmit signal wasn’t big — which meant that 90% of the

folks that I could hear couldn’t hear me. When I operate from my home in Sunnyvale, California, the elevated noise floor

covers up all the DX so I don’t realize what I’m missing. Even though the dipole at Loon Lake was physically high, on 160M

it wasn’t high enough to put out much power at low elevation angles. So working the East Coast this year was a challenge.

Next year I hope to either put up an inverted L with a good ground plane (similar to what I used in 2009, 2010, and 2011 in

the hills at Morrison Canyon east of Fremont, California) or else I’ll “join the dark side" and start running 100W instead of

5W. I got lucky regarding the weather. There was no snow on the ground while I was there, which meant installing the

antennas on Thursday and taking them down on Sunday wasn’t a problem.

Bottom line: I made 194 QSOs with 51 multipliers. Not bad for QRP on Top Band from the West Coast.

Sedona Marathon, February 4, 2017 -15- Yavapai Signal January 2017

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This Month's Featured Ham — Kathy Laing, KJ6KMKby Pat Oliver, K7DUC

Kathy first got her license in 2010, as an anniversary present for her OM, John, K7PRS. She had met a group called the Western Amateur Radio Association, which impressed her, and a result she was encouraged to get her license.

Currently, she is net control for the Western Amateur Friendship Radio Association on 75 meters, and is active on the ARES/RACES 2 meter net. Kathy also made lots of contacts operating the Hotshots Memorial Special Event station on 20 and 40 meters. At their Prescott home, which has been their primary residence for 42 years, Kathy shares a Ham shack with John and his well-equipped station.

Her most memorable contact was with a ham in Chile. John was doing some DXing and told her that an OM in Chile liked tomake contacts with women. Kathy contacted him and was excited to have a QSO.

Kathy's most memorable radio mail was from an Official Observer. She only had her General License for a short while whenshe received a card from James Armstrong, NV6W, complimenting her on her operatingskills.

Kathy was born in East Palestine, Ohio. She eventually joined the Marine Corps and became a Ground Radio Technician. She married in the service, had a child, and her husband was killed in Viet Nam. Kathy returned to Ohio and was encouraged by her sister to move to Phoenix to work in electronics. She applied at EMP Electronics and was hired by John as a Final Test Technician. They married one year later.

Kathy has spent 38 years working in electronics and retired in 2013. She is a NASA certified solderer, a certified hardware/software engineer, and quality auditor. She worked as a Field engineer for General Telephone Information Systems, repairing computers, etc. She worked at McDonnell Douglas for 10 years, Motorola for 5 years, and Northrup Grumman in California for 10 years as a Software Quality Manager and Hardware Inspector. Kathy also had her own business for a while, which included building Heathkits for people. She was an instructor at Yavapai College for 2 years, teaching electronic construction practices, and really enjoys building things.

Kathy is active in ARES/RACES, is a VE, has been YARC Secretary in 2016, and now will take on the responsibility of YARC President for the next two years. She feels Frank, K8FB has done a great many things to improve the club, and she would like to expand upon that. She would like to conduct electronic construction classes at the Jeep Posse building, as part of the Special Interest Group (SIG). She also would like to promote more social activities, such as the ice cream social, and perhaps form a women's group.

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Is there a market for a $400 “prepper” radio?by Dan Romanchik, KB6NU

A couple of days ago, a reader wrote:

"I would like to know if it would be feasible to build a radio with the following features:

* SSB operation (only SSB is required, CW would be an additional benefit) * 20 – 50W of power * Portable-friendly (lightweight, capable of operating at lower voltages from small portable batteries) * Low receiver current drain * Coverage of 40m and 80m bands. Very limited coverage is acceptable. Even channelized coverage of a few select frequencies would be acceptable. * S-meter

"It strikes me that there is a large market for ham radio products for “preppers,” and there has been a lot of interest in the Baofeng line of radios from that market. I think there would be a LOT of interest in a radio that could go far beyond line-of-sight and contact friends or family hundreds of miles away. Preppers would have little interest in contacts more than a state or two away, and no interest at all in novel operating modes. I wonder if a radio that trims away excess features (all-mode operation, wide frequency coverage, high power output, sophisticated audio filtering) could be produced for a lot less cost than currently available HF rigs. If so, and it was paired with a decent NVIS dipole and some General-class study materials and sold as a package deal, it could be a huge hit – Something you could tuck in a bug-out-bag, set up in the field, and use to make contacts in a reasonably local area, or set up in your backyard at home and use minimal power to operate.

"Is there a reason why I don’t see radios like this on the market, some kind of technological limitation that wouldmake this sort of thing impractical? If something like this was built, what kind of cost and performance would you expect? I’m certainly not expecting any kind of detailed analysis, but even just a speculation about if such aproject could be feasible would be appreciated."

I replied:

"I think one of the reasons you don’t see radios with the feature set you describe is that more full-featured radios are already pretty inexpensive. The Yaesu FT-450D, for example, costs less than $800 and offers 100W output. The FT-817ND, which is designed for portable operation, costs less than $700. Is that too much for preppers?

"While it might seem like you could sell a radio with fewer features for less, I think that you hit the law of diminishing returns. At some point, removing features, doesn’t reduce the cost all that much. For example, removing the CW capabilities from a transceiver capable of SSB operation really doesn’t save that much because in a way CW operation is really just a subset of SSB operation. You’ll save the cost of a key jack, but how much is that? Maybe a buck or two. Having said that, it could be that the big amateur radio manufacturers are overlooking an opportunity here."

We swapped a couple more e-mails about this. He noted, “Most preppers would probably rather buy a high-endAR-15 or several months worth of storage food for $800 than a radio.” I suggested, “If there was a catastrophic event, and you really needed to communicate, wouldn’t it seem silly to have not spent the extra $400 on a really decent radio?”

What do you think? Is my analysis a little too simplistic perhaps? Are amateur radio manufacturers ignoring a potential market?==================================Dan KB6NU is the author of the "No Nonsense" amateur radio license study guides, and blogs about amateur radio at KB6NU.Com. You can contact him by e-mailing [email protected]

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W7YRC 2M FM Net — 147.260 MHz, PL +103.5 Hz — Wed., 1900 MSTNCS = Net Control Station

Call Name 11/16/16 11/23/16 11/30/16 12/07/16 12/14/16


K6VVR Pete x x x x x

K7DCT Andrew x x x

KA5DWI Art x x x x x

KF7FPD Jerry NCS x x x NCS

W7OTB Vince x

KF7PQV Dan x x x x

KG6AY Art x

KG7EWD Patrick x x x x

W7HAM Ralph x x x x x

WA6AQK Ken x x x x x

WN7E Tom x x x x

KI6AHH Tony x

KG6IDN Joe x x

W7PVA Bill x

NØSCA Frank x x x

KG7LMJ Mike x x

Breakfast and Lunch Gatherings

There are a number of lunch and breakfast gatherings in the area that are open to all radio amateurs and interested

persons. Please let us know of any updates or corrections at [email protected] .

Third Thursday of the Month – YARC holds an informal breakfast gathering at the BackBurner Restaurant at 0800 MST.

The restaurant is at 8400 Long Mesa Drive in Prescott Valley. Contact Don Bauer WB7TPH or Jeff Hanna WB7RFY.

Second Tuesday of the Month – Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) brunch gathering,

1030 MST to 1230 MST at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Frontier Village in Prescott, off Highway 69. You do not have to

be a QCWA member to attend.

Every Monday – Dan Nichols Memorial Lunch, 1100 MST to 1230 MST at roving locations.

Contact Bob Rosevear WB7RRQ, 928-458-7830, [email protected]; or Bob Smith WB6ODR,

928-443-9321, [email protected] for the next location.

Every Wednesday – Breakfast at 0700 MST at the Manzanita Grill at the Antelope Hills Golf Course, near the Prescott


Every Wednesday – Lunch – 1100 MST at Costco — “The Umbrella Club”

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Club Officers, 2017

Officer Name Call Sign Email Address

President Kathy Laing KJ6KMK [email protected]

Vice President John Stevens AB9JS [email protected]

Treasurer Ted Bishop KI7FWZ [email protected]

Secretary Sandy Mattsen K9WIZ [email protected]

Director Art Jackson KA5DWI [email protected]

Director Rex Mauldin N7NGM [email protected]

Director Art Protas KG6AY [email protected]

Director Frank Bender K8FB [email protected]

Editor Emeritus Joseph Oliver AC6AA [email protected]

Editor Loren Singh AE7CG [email protected]

Webmaster Randy Dashiell W6TYV [email protected]

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Yavapai Amateur Radio Club — W7YRC Club Station Access List — Effective March 31, 2016

Name: Call: Lic. Class Notes: Telephone:

F. Bender K8FB E YARC President 379-5575

P. Morrison K6VVR E W7YRC Trustee 899-8555

B. Semon N7CW E Elmer Group 771-8267

J. Zimmerman N6KZ E Elmer Group 713-0542

A. Protas KG6AY E Elmer Group 227-2954

D. Freeman KV8TD E N7GMH Trustee 759-0958

D. Bauer WB7TPH E VE Chair 775-4690

R. Dashiell W6TYV G Dual Member 602-501-2571

J. Grimm KD7RMV T Dual Member 759-0747

D. Hanson W7BJ E Dual Member 602-615-3444

R. Mauldin N7NGM E Rotating Member 216-2637

M. Belanger W1DGL E Rotating Member 420-0498

R. Redford KG7LMI G Rotating Member 227-1586

A. Jackson KI6AHH G Rotating Member 562-644-0528

-20- Yavapai Signal January 2017

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