

:wsReview· Volume 63, Number 5 15 C~ent Rd .. Suite lOO.Greenbelr. MD 20770.1887

. . Beatlhe.luilh

Pleue aM 111 your copy OD Nonda,o or II leul by noon on Toordlys. We ue tryinJ not to Je1 IW.IIIped Tuacl.y .......

Thursday. Dec:ember 30, 1999

Greenbelt New Year 2000 Gala WiD Start Off with Fireworks

., ... lrotbers Tloere - INII)' a few day>

.left to oolldlfy !hose lasr­..... New Year's Eve plans. Those who haven't dec1ded yet how to bring 1n the new mll­lenntum are invited to JOin friends and neighbor~ at Greenbelt New Year 2000, the best pany in town.

The evening will start off with the best thing sint:e the 4th of July fireworks display on Braden Field besinning at 6:15p.m.

Acti\lilies will then move in­doors at five different lo,:a· tions. The Community Cenrer will hos1 the grear rhythm and sounds of Trinidad and Tobago (you'll think you're rn the 1!->· lands.) Kaydce Puppcl!t will delight lhe audience with "Jet your imaginacion take you away" puppet shows. to be fol­lowed by Tim Livensood wirh his wonderful storytelling.

Bridges t€'- Bliss will enter­tain the cn1ire family with their fun and whimsical songs. Dave Schuman will demonsltate his srear juulins •kill•. The children's ctafl roomlt will be open once again for a night of creativity.

For those who feel like

dancing, Blackberry will play their .. toe-lapping. grab yourself a partner" cajun music starting wuh a dance lesson, and John H1ll wjll prov1de parlygoers with a full mght of great music from his acous.aic guitar and wonderful vntce. Keep an eye out for a clown and a balloon ~culpturist roaming the hall~.

The Fulures & Fortunes Gift Shop and the artist stud1os will also be open for crea1ive and shopping plcuures. Guy 'N Tlc!t will provide great mu!!.ic while participants shop and take part in the acriviUC!l planned by the artists.

DC Motors wHJ begin lhc fi­nal celcbratwn and ring in the New Year in fine !ttylc with nonstop sounds spanning the last four decades!

Other Voauts The Youth Center will hnc

lots of "get involved" activities for everyone - sumo wrestling. an obstacle course and a karaoke OJ who will provide mus&c all niilJt long for hsten· ing as well as for sinaing.

Dave Schuman will move from the Community Center to the Youth Cenler, giving up h1s juggltng skills to conduct a swing dance le~son. followed by

a dance. The YoUih Center will alw host always-pnpular youth bingo. There will he plenty of food to eat - pina. hot dugs . chips. sodas and mw.:h more.

The Arts Center "'•II he pre­senting a delishttul .:hildren'!'l play, "The Hippo Who Wanred to be a Ballerina" llwn perfur­mances). starrin~ •.:hlldren but for audiences Of >~II >~ge' The progren1ve rock hand. Perux­ide. will fimsh out the evemng. in the Arh Cen.ter w1th the&r hoi. edgy sound>.

The Theatre ,...111 holtt Enc.: Henning. ma~1~o·1an extraordinaire. to dazzle the au­dience with "his w,mdcrful Illu­sions, m three show,. The New Deal Cafe will ho\t h re Dean and Btg Black Nun and will provide delicious f11tld all mght long. in both its new location and the Communny Cencer

Reasonably prked uckecs are &till available at the Community Center. Children undr.r five are froe. Tickets can be purchased in advance"' at lbe.door. Call 301· 397·2208 or ·•heck our rhe website -www . .; new year for further information.

Don't miss Greenbelt New Year 2000 ~ there ii still time to partake of the fesuvirie~!

"You caa rnt uoartd tile News Rnltw Ia Y:ZK ~t. .. ,; TlltsnrlorJ .............. .,

.On March 9, Groenbell reoidonll voted by ref""'ndum api1111 a pelirion ro annex Parkside. a J l·home subdivision off Good Luck Road on lhe soudl sido of Greenbclr Park. Pros and cona were do· baled before couneil and in letten 10 the editor with proponon1a uy.

IIPO B eel ins rhar Parbide raidonlo wish to be put of Greenbcl~ benefit from Robert Masterman. Is ODOr cily serviCes, and bring IYIOR tax revenueo to lbe city than the COOl

of services lo be provided. Oppone1111 ciled lbe oubdivision'a dillant:e

As Pouce Omcer Of the •ear from Olher secti~s or rhc ciry and the inconvenience and extro lime &I requrred IO provide IICI'\IICe IO the area. ()pponcnll IUC<CIIfuiJy <Jb..

by Berry Beraotoln The Cuy of Greenbelt Pnlu.:e

Depanment honored Master Pa­trol Officer CMPO) Roberr F. Musterman as the 1999 poh\."e officer of the year and gave recognition to sever•l other of­ficers at lhe annual Law Offic-ers Awards Banquet held on Friday, October 22 at Amencan Lesion Posr •136.

Officer Musterman came to work for the Greenbelt Pol ice Department" as a polil=e cadet m 1984; performed lhe durie; of a pauol officer from 1985 to 1990; and from 1990 rhrough 1998. served as a can1nc han­dler.

In 1998, Mu!tterman J!'l· sumed the role of superv1sur uf the eanme unit and rece1ved the Triple Crown Award under the U.S. Canine Association's Reaion Three certification trial Mustennan proved proficient in the areas of dog obedience, pa­trol tracking, apprehension techniques. agility dnlb. and narcotics detection skills. ac­cording to a Prince George's Counly Council proclamation of the award.

The banquet has been held for over a decade under the sponsorship of American Le­sion Posr 'I 36. Roushly 130 people aitended the banquer. Cercmon.ies included a dinner; reci .. l of rho "Pledae or Aile-

gian,;e": the National Anthem sung by Heather Byer!->, wafe of Greenbell police off1cer Barry Byers; an .open1ng prayer by Post ('haplcun Sam Hofherg; and several speakerlt who gave rheir comments on the ccr· cmuny.

"The Pollee Off1cer of the Year Award is an Important Le­gion and Americanism program for the promotion of public safety with recognition of those who provide that valuable ser­VICe, R1c Santos, chauman of the Policeman of the Year ban-quet, !->aid. II 1s our honor and pleasure that the Amencan le­gion and the Greenbelt Police Department are Jnmed together for lhe llrh Annual Pohce Of· ficer of the Year Program to ac­knowle<lge and to recogn•ze an ourstanding officer," Santos said.

Also in atlendance at the banquet were representatives from the City of Greenbelt. Prince George's County govern­ment. Maryland state govern­ment. and the Commanders of the Maryland Amencan Lceion.

"It was a lovely evening. The cily of Greenbeh and lhe American Legion should be commended for holdins lhis an­nual event. II provides the com­munity an opportunity to honor our law enforcement officers:· Mary Conroy, Maryland House

of Delegate~. ~a1d. "Ofll~o'er Mu!<!rerman grew up

1~ 8nw1e 1n .a very fmc family. I .am glad he llt !terv1ng hrllo commumry a .. a poll..:e officer," sard Conroy. who also Jrves in Bow1e

Others Hoaortd Greenbelt Police Ch1ef

James Craze abo honored rwo other pollee off1cers at the ban­quet, PFC Gordon Pracht and PFC Mark Sagan for their out­!l.landing ltCf\ ll"t' to the commu-nity.

Off~eer Pra.,;ht became a po­hce ofl1cer 1n July of 1996 af­ter ~pcndmg a year in the po­llee deparrmer11'lt commun1ca-liOn !>CCIIOn.

"A~ I rev1t:w hilt personnel file 1n prep.ararwn fur th1s event. I hwk note of a half­dozen \."ommendations from the­public exemplifying these at­tribute!> ... Chu::f Craze said.

Offrcer Mark Saaan has been with the Department for nearly mne years and is cur­rently a!l!'llgned to the special activitie!'l ... euwn as a street crime!t nfftcer

"I would be remiss if com­menr is nor made on Mark~s personahry ... Mark is success­ful in deahng wuh people duo. at lea!tt in pari, lo his aense of humor ... I hat 1s our Mark. the one to brtng a smile ... Chief Craze said.

lllined signatures or 1Y10R than 20 ptfttnl of lhe Cily's rep1141ered VOl· er!'l on pet1t1on~ lo bnna the •ssue to referendum.

Renovation of Roosevelt Center Afler ><veral years' otudy of variou> landscape desisn pl.aru; for

Rool~c:vclt Cenlc:r. lhc Greenbelt Cny CoWk.;l chose one mcorporat­'"S some of rhc 1937 features. Bradford pears came down; old red Bowmanite pavers came up, okl soal was replaced. Council .cldcd to lhe proje<l's cosr by asroeing lo re>lon: rhe dolcriororod mother and child lttatue, buy .a mov1e lhcater m8"quee and illllall security cam­eras. To off~t costs, council !tlaahed $26,000 by havina Public Works tackle both demolilion and landscapina tasb and ra11Cd s 10,000 lhrough rbe "sale" of new benches. alkova ..... and the London plane rrees planled earlier alons Conterw•y.

By early summer moor w"'k on Rooscvoll Conrcr wu complcl<d wrth table" and c.:hairs placed within four squares ICl off by low ev­erp:reen hedges. On October 24 the city hosted a grand rcdedK:alion of a renewed Roo!ICveh Center

Drought A drought of hl!t1oric proportions hu the !Jot.ate th1s year. Gover­

nor Parrrlt Glendcmna 1mposed mandatory water restnctionl 10 Aua• m rhponltC to the drought. Watering ouldoon wm. hmited to waler· mg by hand.

Few cuy p1anunss died. a number of rrca around lhe cily did. The droushr w .. broken when the remnan11 or hurricanes Dennis and Aoyd dum pod rain on the region' in September. 11te area expericnc:od a record number of "code red" poor lir"quality dayt this sammer.

Metro Dev.lopment Public puticipotion in the rwo-yoar lone Seetional w.p Amcnd­

menr planmna Process of propos<d development near the Cftcnllell S.TI!M 5


The Old Curmudgeon

~~;If,~ I - j __

' _.._,) ... --- if , . -"You'•• spent ...,ucb ynn Ia dial cbalr to be a nominal«! as a hlstor'c sit~."

-Thanday, April 29, 1999

The Old Curmudgeon

"I hlr'Md 80 J-nlay ... l •- to k•• II l'a YlK compallble!" -nundaJ, No .. mber 18, 1999

The· Old Curmudgeon

CaUiqall bl<ycln. .. CaiUq all bleycles ... -TbundaJ, Ntnembt-r 4, 1999

'" '• I '• ' ~ ~ I.~

Kubrick Festiwl Scares Hils

bJ .,_. Jelallaa ne Old Greenbell Thcalre is

showing lhe Stanley Kubrick Festival this week. The tea­lured films are "Lolila," "Full Metal Jacket." and "Clockwork ora,.e.·

"Lolita" is the story of a m•ddle-as,ed profes;o,or (James Mason) who falb m lo\lc with his landlady's (Shelly Winlers) school g1rl daughter (Sue Lyom). Tbe relationship would be com1c if it weren't so pain­ful tO watch. The landlady is a loud hustler and the good pro­fcs!!Qr manics her '" spite of the fact thai he !>till lo'lles the daughter. Nothmg the profeswr d<H:S earns him any credit with the girl. Peter Seller~ has what m1ght be called a cameo in the movie. He plays several roles m the movie, all of them trick.­stcn, The professor finds out that he's been tricked and shoot~ him. Poor professor. He's shot the wrong man. The girl has married another man. The movie gets two stars.

"Full Me1al Jackel" is a tough. hard-nosed look. at Ma­nne boot camp and the U.S. in­volvtment in the Vietnam War. The episode in boot camp is long and grueling hke real boot camp. The drill sergeant is hard on his men as a drill ser­geant should be, bul. as usual. lhcrc's a fat boy who can't do all the drill sergeant demand:. roughly. The boy retaliates roughly. The language 1be drill sergoant uses is realisllc, if ob­Kene.

The second half of "Full Metal Jacket" deals wilh Viel· nam, from the pcrspectjVc: ·of one of the men who's been is­signed as a reporter to Stars and Stripes. h's an interesting per>peclive. As a reporter, he gets to move around a good bit, allowmg us lo sec a lot of lhe horror of the war. He has a dispute with his commanding off1cc:r. The officer assigns him to a combat patrol. in which he gets lost and runs into sniper fire. It's a harrowing. excruci­ating sequence. The movie gets three stars.

The last film is "Clockwork Orange." It's about a punk Brllish thief and h1s ·gang. The<c ·, plenly of nudity. ob­scenily. rape, and violence as we follow along. Eventually. he ~ts caught, sentenced, and Jailed. In his eagerness to get ou1 of jail, he volunteers for an experimental program which of­fers freedom, provided that he goes through an experimental psychologtcal condilioning pro­grant. The thad expects that he'll set out of jail with miai­mal hardsllip. Of coul'5l!, he·· in for several rude shocks. The film ts a hard-hitting satire. h gets three stars.

Greenbelt CARES Teresa Smithson contacted

Cccllaa Cardanu. Crisis lnter­venti~m Counselor at Greenbelt Elertentary School. to discus!> m-~~hool group counsehng for !.tud~nh. Cardano expressed an Lntere~l tn CARES asststing: wnh group!> addre!t!tinj! an~er management !tlulb. Smllh!ton and ('ardanu wl(l meet on Janu­ar) ~. ~()(X) to heg:m planmng f(lr the: group~

Thursday, December 30, I !199

The Old Curmud eon

uwe •oa't h•ve to worry •bout Y2K ... We doe'l ewn a computer ... Wby did tbe dock stop?"

Federal Pay Raise Amounts to 4. 94%

Coo,........ Su:ny Hoyer ,._ ce!llly announced dial federal em­ployees in the Baltimore-Wash­ington area will receive a 4.94~ pay raise, effective January I. The Clinton AdministratiQn re­leased lhe figures December 21 detailing lhe localily pay adjuSI­ment. This makes the Fiscal Year 200Q pay r.U"" lhe laraest for federal employees in lhis area since 1981.

Hoyer lw. been working since February to ensure that federal employees would rece1ve a pay raise equal to the military person­nel pay rai!iC. The Defense Au· thorization and Appropriations bills passed by bo<h houses of Congress provide for the 4.8~ pay ra1se for mihtary personnel, so Hoyer and Sena1or Ted SleVen

NARFE Meeting The nex1 meeung of NARFE

Chap1er 2146 lakes place a1 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19 at lhc New Carrollton Municipal Center on Princess Garden Park­way.

The Washington Regional Transplant Consonlum will pro­vide a speaker to adv1se members on organ transplants, their organi­zational efforts and public aware­ness. Tbe pubHc Is Invited.

(R-Aiaska) agreed to include a 4.8% federal employee raise in the Treasury Postal Service and General Government Appropria­tions Confm:nce Report. II man· dated the Clinton Administration 10 enacl a 4.8% pay raise for fed­eral employees. which will be­come effective on the first of the year

s, ••••• ,, News Review

AN INOEPENOENT NEWSPAPER 15 c--.t Rolld, Suba 100, ... ~ 2077G-1887

-..vftO.-nbelt.-.. 301 ... 74-4131 • FAX 301"'7.w.IO

Alfred M ~ PrHIOent. 18!58-len Elltine Skontl. PTn6dent, 1on-1i85

PrMidenl Enwllul. 1H,5..

Editor. MaryLou w-.m10n. (301)441·2882 Aullcant EcMor. Barbara lJkowski (301} 474-8483

Nrwt Editor EliiM Slcdnlk. (301) 982·0768

STAFF Hopi AuerbKh. Suz.ltN S.tra. Yrglnla ~. LIUf'l Bedcert, Jucty Bell, L~ catwton. Tom Chapnwl, Stwon ca..r. Joe ero...ct, Pat Dtvte, ~ ..uo&a. LQffi.W'III Do.n, EilrMn Famhlm.Tim Fan._ Thotna1 F•lhtteck, c.aww.. Francoeur. -~.Ooba.-... _._Gono.--.J .... -. --.Potly-.J -.--.Soilngt-.L--. - .... ·----..... ---·-LM>It· =~~~~~==~:.= carol Flilecfy. J-. ReNier, Altoril: Bell ROM, lJndl S.Vage, .... , 89nl, F~ Sc:twnuellng.. S.01 Surber Smllh, t::lorcJih¥ Suchlf. A1bwt1 Tompklnl, Joann1 Tucker, -·-·-"""'·"""""'-·-w-. ........ YounQ.-YounQ. v~ z.w.. Kllltl z..,..~~o~. 1ne1 Zev•llorl

BUSINESS MANAGER ...., tWard; Om o1 ar..nt.1t C6rcu111Mon: a.rt TuduMn 1:101)_:....,.._..,__""-, ........... ,.., ......... .

BOARD OF DIAECiOAS DIMIOberg. .......... ;J_...O...,vtce~ ~~.truluret; EMIIM, ~; MdAIIorieW .. ON.

Greeobe-ft Communrty Cenler a' tS Crescent Rd OFFICE HOURS lilondlly2 · 4pm · 8 ·tOp m. 'TUMdey8 ·10p m

At the library Clllldn.'l .........

Tllesday. January 4, a1 7 p.m .. p J. Storytime for - 4 - 6.

Thwsday, January 6, 10:15 a.m .• Drop-In Sl<llytime for ages 3 -5.

Toddler Tune for 1w<>-year-olcls and parent or caregiver al 11:15 a.m. A_...,.._

SaiunJay, January 8, 11 10:30 a.m., Poetry Plus. a reading and diocuasion JIOUP.

. Genealagical Group Meets January 5

Tbe Prirx:e Oeorae's <Jenealosi· cal Society will .met Wednesday, January S, at 7 p.m. in the Greenbelt Library, II Crescent Road. The ..-ing is open 10 the public and !here is no cftarse.

This prosnm.-~ by the members. will be .. Show and Tell." Members wishing 10 par­licipale should call Program Chair Diana Hale.

Gnlenway "Swap Shop" Open far Exchanges

by Ndda Y011111 December 26 lhrough 29 1he

Greenway Center Gift Swap Shop. located in a lruck !railer in the shopping ceatc:r parking lot, accepted new and unused mer­chandise still in its original pack­aaing. One gifl exchange per penon was allowed per day.

Their ad read, .. .Bring your weird. wacky and trong g1fts. swap 'ern for SOIDCOfte else's un­likely, unsuitable and underapprecialed ones." The ilem had to have a miaimum retail value of $10. No receipts. no price tag$ were required. In ex­change the donor could choose any previously donaled iu:m or a SIO gift certificate rcdec:mable a1 any shop in Greenway c.-.

Linda Dreyer. marketins man· a .. at Combined Pri>penies. said. "We consider lhe Swap Shop a service to the communily." 1998 was !heir kick·off year al Green­brier Town Center in Chantilly, Virgini•. On tile first day in 1998. 24 customers rrutde dona­liona, after four days of operation a lOla( of 2.500 people showed up and 1.500 gifts bad been ••­changed. On the fint day in 1999, the Greenway Swap Shop was oo tnck 10 match Chantilly's 1998 numbers.

What items were donated at Greenbelt on che first day? Charge N Start; Joan Collins' book "Health, Youth and Happi­neu"; New World Order Colloct­ible, an Alien Metal Candle Holder; a I.MI Supper wall clock that chimes Hallelujah on the hour; a lpOIII kit c:ontaini"' bin­oculan; Tbe Fiptiaa Nun. a hand JlUJII>OI; and -· All ileml n­mlini"' at the close of busineu on the founh and lut day wen doutecl lo Goodwill Industries. Dreyer said the Swap Shop ex­pecll 10 be bock al the Greenway Ceater in 2000.

10/20 Mile Runs Sat., January 8

The 3$tb unual Jo.'20 mile runnina raca will be held on Saturday. Januory 8, at 10 a.m. ReJisler at 1be Orceabelt Youth Coater lllrtiDI ~~ ~ a.m. The I'IICCI are open ID r111111Cn tA all .... and abililiel provided dial adequate tniaina hu bc:ca dane. There io a fee. Aae troup awards wiD bo Jiwn ill _. ,_ and eac:b oab'an1 will receiVe a commernontive poll:h. Refreoh. mont& afler the race will be pro. vided m lhe Youth Center. Call Joe Broderick al 301·661·5019 for additional informalion or call lbe D.C. Roadrunner's Club hot line al 703-241-0395.

Tutoring Resumes At SHL Rec Center

Witb the end of the school winter break. free cutorina wlll sian again at the Sprin&hill Lake Recreation Center for the remain· der of the school year .. folloW!i:

The Greenbeli Moving Abead program (GMA) will resume on Saturday. January 8, from 10 a.m. lo noon for middle and hi&h school sludc:niS.

The free tutoring and home­work club will swt Wednesday. January 5, from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Capable llll<ln are available 10 help. For more information call Janet Goldberg al\er 2:30 p.m .. at 301-397-2212.

The Founh .Annual Career Fair will be ·beld on Marclt 6 at the Springhill Lake Recrealion Center from 10 a.m. to I p.m. More detailed information aboul the Fair will follow later.

City Noles The streets crew bepn using

the new street sweeper to clean the streets throughout the city. They also received delivery of 100 rons of road salt and ln­slalled salt spoaclen 10 prepare for tbe possibilily or inclement weather.

The. parks crew repaired and readied snow equipment for lhe coming ICUOO. They continued collocting leaves around the cily and hauled stockpiled leaves 10 College Park for compo11ing. They continued playground in· spoctions and secured the batting cage II the Linle League Field after vand81iim.

The horticullure crew installed tree' and abrubs al Huncina RidF and repaired cJamaee 10 the moc1ian at llr<c:zewood Drive and SprinJhill Lane.

The buildin1 mainten1ncc crew met with the contrw:tor to continue inatall•tion of sc:auity cameras at Roosevelt Center. They also continued wor~ on HVAC at the Police Stalion.


From )'CU' community credit union

Gree•belt Fedenl Credit U•io• 301-474-S'IOO

_, ...... R.laacilionleview

Clnenloeii.New Year 2()00 hu a h licbla left for purchase. Pillllla '9!1 ..S colebrale the stan tA lbe - ~ Wid! a non-alco­bolic colebratloa for all ases. The eVent nma flom 6 p.m. 10 1 a.m.. Del:em._ 31 lo January I. CaD 301-397-2208 for more de· llila.

Oct the lew year off to a healthy start wilh a hearty mom· iDI swim - the Annual Resolulion Mile Swim It the Grcenbcll Aquatic and. Fiuas Center. fu. reJistration is required Call 301-397-2204 for ~ mformatwn. . On Friday. December 31, lhe

Youth Cenler and 1he Spronghill Lake Recrution Center will be open from noon .0 S p.m. The Aquatic and Fitness Center will be open from 6 a.m. 1u 6 p.m. The Community Center w11l be open from 9 a.m. 10 I p.m.

Greenbelllen w= """""*' 10 bear of the doado of Leroy "Lee" Clark, a member of one of Greenbell's pioneer families.

Conlfalulations 10 a.-.bel1er Lloyd Michael Puckett. who hu received a mu1er1 depee in pub­lic administration from the Uni· venity of Oklahoma.

Former Greenboller Bernard Penney aod wife. Julie. of PiiiSboro. NC, welcome daujhler Skylar Olga. Skylar arrived in lhe early momina Christmu Doy. weighong in al 8 lbo., 12.S oz. Proud grandparenls are Walter and Leonie Penney of Northway. Her nine cousins (children of former Greenbelllen Olp Penney Garber. Leesbura. VA, and Wall Penney, Takoma Park) can't wait for her to join ahem in their games.>

·~Cic'b·OI--- . Tile Greenbelt Poll DMt:en will holt a he ._ .,..., a> kick orr tbe lftiUenlli... 1'llo evea1 will take place at tile Oreo!lllel1 YO!IIIt c- 011 ..,.. day, Juuary 7. 2000 IIMIIIII • 7:30 p.m. Lipt refreah-11 will bo aervod.

The daat:e puty .,._isea 1D be peat fun. a Jlood way ID oo­cialiM and aa "'II<>Jalole way 10 101 some mild .....we aclirity. The inatructor. Rolatld ........._ teaches dances rro. all ..,. of the world. Greek, 11&10.. 1 .. r ael i. German. Enalltll ancl American dant:ea are often foa• lured.

The Or_.,lt Folk o.-. WeAl Orpnilled -~ 20 yean aao; durin& the last four the group baa been meeuna in Greenbelt.

Ahhouah partners are not neccuary, comfonab1e shoe& are important. for funher in­formaCion call' the Oreenbelt Re~;reation Dep•rtment, 30J~ 397-2208. On Saturday. January 1. the

Youlh Center and Spronghdl Lake Recreation Center v.tll be open from noon lo 10 p.m. The Aquatic and Fitnes~ Center will be open from noon to 8 p.m. The Community Center will be open from 9 a.m. lo 10 p.m.

Greenbelt Astronomy Club Off.n Clciu Reader& who want to learn

how to find their way arourKf the night !tky or arc curious about whal the brighl poonts of liBhl in lhe nighl sky are called now have a chance to find out. Beginnina

Mrs. Greenbelt Is January 27. lhe Greenbeh As· c...-ht for p .. ageant lronomy Club will offer a six· VVVW class course of 12 lessons with

The Mrs. Maryland lnterna- two practical laboratories de­tiona! 2000 pageant Ill- seeking signed spcci()cally for lhe be&in­Mrs. Greenbeh 2000 ou compete ncr loolr.inB for the very basics of in lhe Mn. Maryland lnlerna- exploring the nip sky. ~.~ liooal paaeanr. class will be beld Thuncfly 1anu-

Mrs. Greenbeh lalemalional ary 27 at 7:30 p.m. 11 doe H.B. 2000 will compete for the tide of Owena Science Center. The Mn. Maryland lntomational 2()00. coune will take IIUdeniS lhroup The pa1ean1 is scheduled for the Astr.-ical LeaJUC'• "Uni­April 2000 to be hekt at lhe vene Sampler." proar•m. a Chesapeake College Performong proven coune of illllnlelioa on Arts Center and is sponsoral by the basica rA the nicht oky. 'l1len! the Comfon Inn at the Kent Nar- · will be no tuition fee for this rows. course, but 5tudcnra will lleDd 10

The Mr!t. Maryland lnterna· purchase a proar•m m•nu•l, a Ilona( pageanl celebraleS die IC• brighl star map and a led fiilered complishmcnts or married women fluhlight. · Auist•ncc: obllining through marnage. career. family theiC is available from the club and community !.ervtcc. Appli- secretary. lnterated penons can cants must be between a .. of 23 contact John Senle. dub tecre­and 56. marned a yeo< by Auaust lary. 11 301·277.-4041 before 2()00, and a resident of Maryland January 2 or coalael the secmary for •i• munlh>. The contestant& lhrou&h the olub weboile 11 hllp~ at the stale pagwu are jud.,.S on llbeawww.qofc.nua.aovlclocs/oul· interview. physical fitnesa. reachlpciGAC.hlml. evening gown. and platform. The Univene Samplor oboerv-

For further mformation call ina program is a unique proanm State Dircctur Sherry Benson at deai&ned for the beainning ob-410-643·8306. server. 11 ia desipled 10 upooe

Greenbelt Aquatic and

£Fitness Center

Holiday Hours

J'llew Year's Eve

Friday, December :5 L 1999


J'llew Year's Day

Saturday, January l, 2000



for more information

the be&inner 10 a ....,pie of the many dilferenl typea of objacts lhal die universe hu Ill offer for oboervina enJOymenl and 10 learn his or her way ...,..nd lhe sky. The propam also teaches """"' of the buia rA ......,..y. It of­fenon....._~llatof deep aky objects for those wllo are inreresled in a&lranOmy -. shy away beCause they clo IIQI have a leleacope or binoaalan. ~wilt_ lie taken Oft

an excilina journey t11roup the hea-. 'l'lleywill-­of the ~ --. ·leant their names and the collllellllionl In which they are found. The ...,., and some of tbe planeto that share the solar oyo- will lie viailld u well u II leur one tA the OOIIIetl that leave the OUter reacbeo of the solat syitcm to visit the aeilhbooflood rA tile am. Participant• will become ac· quaintcd with double a.. . ..,;. able 111n. star clustcB, ~lae and plaxiea.

Tbe January Z7 ...... dale is also the nex1 rqularly scheduled

· meetina or the Greenbelt· Aa· tronomy Club.

........ ~ ~ ..... OLDII:IIilllll ......

... " auat I'll...._,"'*-* F­

MIIIIJidtM5:00014.00 ... ...., Kloiiiii*F-.. -~o..nge

4:30el4.00 l.olla 7:00el4.00

MIII11JaMt:30el4.00 ......... ~F­l.olla •=15014.00 ~o..nge

-· lll8nley KLtorlt:k F­Cioc:l<-'< Orangot


301-47M744 301-47M7411 __,......,.,_


r--- --- - ---- -

L_9B_G.~A_'·- "

Joseph ....., Clartl Joseph Leroy "Lee" Clark,

76, died on Sunday, DecembcT 26. He wu a member of one of GreeDbeh's pioneer families.

Born in Oklohoma City, he moved to Greenbelt with has family in 1938. Hn. father. who had been a lawyer, gave it up to work wnh has hands tn woodworkang. He became a black>mith and got a job at the Beltsville farms (now BARCJ. His mother wu one of the first employees of the Greenbelt Post Otr&ee.

H1s friend, Grccnbeh Ptoncer Donnu~ Wo-lfe, remembers htm as the best .all-around athlete in Greenbelt. He was manager of the Greenbelt Shamrocks base­ball team.

Growma up 1n Greenbelt he was a good student at Greenbelt High School, Wolfe uid.

In 1943 he went into the ser· vice and became an aerial gun­ncr tn a Martin 8-26 bomber whach was ·made in Baltimore. He was stationed in England and flew mtsstons over E•opc.

Clark recetved a basketball scholarship to the University of Maryland and went on to study Jaw at George Wuhington Unt­vers•ty (OW). While at OW he drove a cab Wolfe often rode wtth h1m to keep ham ~ompany.

After be ·101 his Jaw degree, lac followed in has father's r~ He ourted a framina bali- Md then extended it into Woodworking.

AllllouP Lee left Greenbelt •fter the war Wolfe says he ne•er fO<JDC Greenbelt. He of. ten said Greenbelt was lhc best thing that ever happened to him, Wolfe added. He lo•ed Greenbelt to lhe day he left us, Wolfe said.

Bob Sommers. Julie Andrus, Donnie Wolfe and Lee, as adulu. would meet for lunch from tame to time. One time they started lO name as many people as they could an the couns. starting at 2 Ridge to Nonhway and back to I Cres­cent. They found they could name about 50% of those who li>Cd in eocll coun - lhe origtnal Or.enbelt from 1937- 1941.

He married h1s first wife Lmda and moved out west. They had fi•e children. He later returned to th1s area. At the ume of his death he hved in Howard County.

His surVivors include his wife Jane, aons Steven and Josh. dauahrer. Kristine. brochcr, Lewia and four grand­children.

Friends aathered at the Hines-Rinaldi Funeral Home on December 2g.

In lieu of flowers donatwns may be nude lo a chan1y of one's thoice.

_, ... rn.. rtpl, II abow• ben U a JOIIq !DaD play-IIIIJoe JmG,...bell.,_bell buq .. L From rtpl

•R: A ... ..., Boll s--n, Roy a ....... (town -uaer), Clarll ud J,J. A ....... ( .. rreatly Il•lq ._ Lllkewoocl). Tbe pboto appean I• "G......,.h: H...., ofa New Town, 1937-I987."

....... C'WI'Iey ef a.b ud tiM' GrHII-h MDMUOI

Glaucoma Awarenesi Month Is January

Jaeuary is Glaucoma

County Offers Y2K Information Hotline

Maanet frotram brochure> are now availabLe at all Prm~e George's Coumy public school;. libraries, municipal buildings and community canters. The bro· chures provide application infor­lllllion ll wdl-aa general data re. prding the ~arious Magnet Pro· lf'MJ5 available within the Pnnce George's Coanty Public Sehoul Syatem. Students not enrolled within the coonty should use lhe lpplic:llion& coatained In the bru· chure. Students currently en. rolled wiU rective a pre-pnnted lottery applicalion in the mad For additional informauon. (.;t>n· tact the Magnet Office at 30 I . 952-6044.

Paint Braocb Unitarian Univenallst Church

3215 Powder Mill Road. BcluvilleJAdelphi (301-937-l6MI

Welcmws Yft to OIIT O/Wn, flllr111Tinl COtMUUiiJy

J-, Z.-· ••. J ... m. "~'-..... .. Malle Cbttd''

c,....,.,......,H\oaJ IRtl.-o .. t.ll HUN, __ ,TW!HoM, -..,.... ... __ ,_ .. ... , ......

Investigate Summer Erti'ichment Programs

Awareness Month. and the prevention of Blindncsa Soci­ety or the Metropolitan Area along w1th the National Eye lnsiJt\Jte is hlghlightin& the importance of eye care and safeguarding vtsion. Glau­coma IS a leading cause of ir­reversible v1sion los• and af­fects about three million Americans. Up to one holf of this number may be unaware they •ave the disease. Hiah~ risk aroups are everyone over the aae of 60, African-Ameri­cans over the age of. 40. and people who have a family his­tory of glaucoma. Thoae at risk for glaucoma should aet a dilated eye examination at least every two yean.

The Princ:e George's County government is offering a county Y2K information hotline at 301-Y2K-1999 (301·925-1999). Residents are encouraged to call wilh questions or concerns pertaining to the county's Y2K readiness. The phone number will be effecuve through Janu· ary 2000 and wtll be staffed 24 hours a day.

Also, pamphlels will be made available at grocery stores, libraries and county gov­ernmenl butldings. A Web site has also been established at pg. md. usly2k/.

-rhe wnta of t.a ant poweness to- bock !hom lllotllfljoy near IIOCOIIOio ThMfnlm -.g thou - toward& 111o horizon of Thy glofy, and lllo ...._of trials mua~ fa I kt draw away .00 hinder IUCh aa are~ CleYoled 10 Thy wllll1001 approochJng Thy court.·

The Prtnce Geoi'Je's County school system is worktng 10 in­crease the number of JtudenCI who panicipatc in summer pro­grama by distnbutina a booklet entitled ··summer Search 2000: Expandtng Educational Hori­ZOOIIi."

The booklet lists 307 summer cnru:hmcnt opportunities for au­dent.s at all pade le>eb, althoup Its main focus IS ou hagh school students. The (lfOttl'lllls listed ore desianed "' help SIUdcnls ~n Jeamong capobdity, de>elop sltills, and explore canoer intereot.s.

Summer Search 2000 iJ avail­able for review at all county middle and high scboola, ll well as publiC librariea. Pan:nu who want to review the book1er and gather information about aummer

enridunenl -- may conta:1

Mun•c 1paf Bu11d1ng Sundays lOAM

You're '+" ., ~ 1 Welcome ""tal• Here St. George's

Episcopal Church ~A .....

eorn.r a~.---.- (llm 11>41 andGimallolo_)loot_af

Go:<obdt ld (lllll9J), ...... -301-161-JZM


!ouldoyScntc.. 9anf~-*k~ilnlrfplftdforthr

llj;JMiant<illr>linK) 10 am {r.- aU a,:es,)llflll~'

tlteir chtkl'a ~e counselor, maJDCt PI'Oif'll" coordmator. or the chair of lhe school's math­ematics depmment.

For more informa11on call Ca­reer Development Spectaltst Marla Wei-berg, at 301-749-

4519~ .... For a free pamphlet on glaucoma. call the Prevention of Blindness Society ot 202-234-1010.

lt Community Church UNITED cttVRat Of a..J

...._ .. ere...t .... Phone 381-47U171 .....

SlJNOAYW..... 10:15a.a.'

Darnel Hamlin, PIIIOI' "A. cbrch of the Opt!n mind. rite warm hean, the iring soul, and the social vision ... "

UIII.,.D MI!THODIST CHURCH ........................................ ·;~;~;~~;;:-


~-­-Siudy ---......- ll--

...... ,..,fi"1.i!XJ'5Stt' Rey Guillermo Chayez. PMpr ,AJI person:, fr()(ll au r,l(f>\ arx1 culturctJ backgrrunds are vvek:ome "i1 l~_Jerhcr we lt'drn ro ',f'r>f(• Chmt

MAUICIIIDUUz ...._.a,.ao, '' ..... 12120 ..... ..............

Daily Mass: AI. annoonced Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:4S-4:4S p.DL

a.,.'"- F. Crowley. Pastor •In Residcotce: Rev. Waller J. TUippe

IT.IIUCHI'S CA1HOUC CIIUilCII 135 Creocmt Roed, Gl'fttlbe!t, MeL

--·~--... G...-Boba1C-ty P.O.Jios245

<:-,MD li'T7t lll-345-1911 lll·:lle-31"

"*"""-01 .oout lht BIN't FMh IS on lhe ---.. Hlp·--...,

f OLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH Fntlftdly peopie ~God •nd senowtg ,_,. commur11ty ,


S:OO PM. Communion Sttvice

Sunwy Worship Services 8:30 and 11: I 5 A.M. Education Hour- !O:OOA.M.

-~--~11020770 • F•• 301·2:IIHIIIM • E-

-.~,.... ... RoY. SUophon H.--(301) :w&-Sitl

'nanday,.,.,...,.,. 30, 1999

TBIITOP (~tn. ... 1)

MellO Slltion came to an end in No•ember with a draft document prq>aiCd by the oounty"s planning department 1ea111 with citizen IIIII ltlbholdor input leC<Oi>ing its almost final IC\'ision. In January 2000 the propooa1 for the area under study, which incl~ as its core the A. H. Smilh property and the metro sice, will so to the county coun­cil.

At the begmning of 1999 public attention intenJified when a new group, .Citizens lo Conser.e and Rellore Indian Creek (CCR1C), formed to prolcct the &tream and wetlands in the =- of the core property. Developers !hen considered scaling back their plans from an upscale retail mall to a more modest "main street .. model that would keep the woodland iniaC!. Anolher issue, whecher or not to con­struct a Beltway interchange to the metro site, was unresolved at year's end. The Greenbelt City Council Oflll'lSCd the concept but bolh county and stale pblilicians authorized engineering environmemal ShJd. ies by the State Highway Administration for such an interchange.

Historic District Members of Greenbelt Homes, Inc. voced" via mail ballot to pur· ·

sue being named as a historic district The city sought GHI's input first as the largest property owner. If Greenbelt become~ such a disw tnct. the program would follow destgn gutdehnes. In return, GHI would be eligible for a 10 percent propcny tax credit for approved rehabilit.uion work. and indivKiuals buildmg approved additiom withm the guidelines would qualify for a 10 percent property 1.1x credit. The city's Advisory Planning Board will meet to discu» how best to re­view the process, requirements. and guidelines of the County\ Ht.!l· tone District Dcsignatmn.

Nursing Center Closes The year beg . .m with a ~hoc.:k for the 82 rc.!.ident~ of the Granbeh

Nursmg and Rehabllll;tllon Ct!ntl!r .md thetr famtilc~. Who learned of a federal order clo!>Jnt! lhL· laL·tllt~· hy the end of January. Just a fc:w months earher. federal ulltL"tab had appomted a temporary manager and monllor to re~oh.c pn,hlcm:. at the factllty. Whtle upholdmg the legality uf the order to do-.c. US DlslnL·t Judge Alex.and~ W1lliams wrote m h1~ opmton that ''the Court behevc~ th1~ is an inequllable rc~ult."

Although a spoke"'per:.on for the facihty'~ operator vowed "We're not closing. we're tcmporanly cea!l-tng operatton!>," the facthty remams do~. despite having paid a fine to ~ule the federal charge!>.

Green Ridge House Green Ridge Hou!loe re~1denh · demand!!o for more parking remain

unmet at yc'ar's end desptte counctl approval early m the year of a plan to enlarge the parkmi!l lot by 14 spw . .'el'lo at the expen!>C of 10 trees. City staff Is Mill workmg: to obtam nece~sary permits for the work. Pmpouls for a larger expansaon, a new Jot behind the bUild­ing and angle patting on Rttlge Road were abandoned m response to concerns ratsed by other Ridge Road restdents.

Greenbelt Theater On May 19 the Old Greenbelt Theatre featured 11s firM of ~veral

first-run mov1es In years. "A Midsummer NiFoht\ Dream." In the pa!!ol the theater got muvies weeh after they were shown ebcwhere The theater's booster, Friendl'lo of Greenbelt Theatre. !,!rew to ::oo ~uppnn· ers and raised $6,300 tOr the theater by late Apnl. Other effort~ to 1ncrease attendance have mcluded f1lm fe~11vab and more fir~t·run features. Plans are al~o underway to recreate the ongmal marquee.

New Post Office Plan!!. for budding a new Greenbelt po!!l office were placed in

limbo when Cir~o:uit Coun Judge Walliam B. Spellbrmg, Jr. ruled tn

September that a untlateral land covenant restricting property at the comer of Hanover Parkway and Ora Glen Drive for office use only was enforceable. BJB Associates. present owners of Lot 2 of the Commerce Ceoter, and the U.S. Postal Service hoped that the cov­enant would be voKlcd by the court. No appeal of the det·1s10n Wallo filed within the 30-day t1me hmal. Servmg Goddard Space Flight Center and areu east of the city as wdl a~ all propcny withm the city. the Greenbelt factllty need!! more 'pace. Retail sales and a bo:r. rental offi~o:e would remam at RlKJ"evelt Center.

TheBus Comes to Greenbelt Prince George's Coumy supplemental bu ... service, ThcBu .... began

the operation of new mute~ m Greenbelt. Rnute II, !>Crving Grccnhelt West, was expanded. Route 15 began in August fur a stx-month tnal period. The small bU!Ioe!!o serve the cuy from the Metro stauon. Ser­VICe is provided to Spnnghall Lake. Capatal Office Park. Beltway Plaza. the U.S. District Counhouse. Roosevelt Center, Greenbelt Eal'lot and the Goddard Space Flight Center. Other TheBu!!o roule~ for Greenbelt are being consodered.

¥v¥v¥v¥v¥v¥7¥v¥7• Greenbelt Swim Team

........ opealap mllbeir- .blbe Willter-Sprtq s--.-Ju...., 9 to May ta•

u.iletl.,.aiYiiW!IebtDcu I J tal:al ...... ,... ..._ s-7,_. old.

CluHite repntiouu .t. evalaalioou of- ......... J_,. ~ 4:55-5:55

--TM. &n... .,, - ,,,, ... _,,_,~·

For- illforDtaliallllOitla:l: Erill Q111cbe11 301-93s-5233 or I..calie Hlllilnl l01-474-7504

Or'l'ialt_'tlldllile ............... ~

1he Old Curmudgeon · fwlts.niel'twats r----------=-------, ·~~wiU

"She's usln~: Lam·um" on thl' \forhn and Desltln on the Child!., ·Thursday, M•y 27, 1999

Retirement Planning For the New Year

Learn what lo t.Jn tu work to­ward!!o a s.UCI.'e!!o!!olul .md happy re­tirement. The !.cmmar wtll be held un Monday. January lO al 3:30 p.m. at Wa~h1ngton Advenll~t Ho:-,pital. 76(X) Carroll Ave., Takoma Par~ Pre-regi~tr.a­tlon •~ requtred. l".1ll J.I«JJ.,S42-5096



OLENo.t-Uiall a ·~

Support Group Meets The Alliance fur the Men­

tally Ill will hold a free •uppon group meeung t"ur famahct. and fraend~ who deal Wllh menial dine!!~. It Wall be held Wedne!lo­day January 5. at 7 p.m. at the

"Bow1e YMCA. 3512 Moylan Dnve, Room 9. For anfnrma· lion call 301-577-6026.

1101&,... ....... _

7 .. &7111 ....... -

hold I free landKapo pllocopa­phy .....tahap s.tunlay, 1auary 8, from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., 11 Kenilw~rth Park and Aquatic Gardens. The workallop pre· oetieed by Jamea Ouzel of After· alow Phototrlphy,' will co•er Q0111P111it1on ""'"'- In block and while photoaraplty, expo--· and the IYJIO of film and filten 10 uac. The workshcp will beain at the visitor center in Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardena located in the 1500 block of "-oooia Avenue, NE. Wulllngton. D.C.

Plnicipants should bring I 35· mm camer• widt manual expo­sure capabthty, ISO 100 - 400 film, a lripod. and 11 least one of the followina filten: polarizina. red, medium. or dark yellow. liaht areen. For IIKlR infooona­tion IIIII di~tions. call the park at 202-426-690S .

Post-Mark Artwork Shown at Monlpet.r

Artist!. arc invited 1u mail otiglrial an to Montpelier Cuhural An Cencer'• "P<»t-Mark Millen­mum" an 5hc.1w. An mU51 we1gh leu than SO pounds and bear a year 200} postmark. The center wall try to dasplay piecQ prtor to the Show's opemng on January IS. The center will retaan the p1cces. Send anwork by January 13 •o.: Po$t·Mark Millenn1um, Montpelier Cultural Arts Center. 12826 Laurel-Bowie Road. Lau­rel. MD 20708.

For more mformation call 301· 953-1993 or TTY 301-490-2329.

Prestige Angus Beef Bd'leless Sirloin Steak

:r"' ,.. ~ ... ,. .. "' .. •, I •, •. I 1 I •••••••• EKIIIIilped Clnnillllon Apples

Fresh 151M! Extra Lean

SID Ground Round



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I lb. bag

Salsa Aat.

LlpiDn =='-·· • _.....,...... 6·9 oz. ., .. 50 oz.

liB 3pll. .. 3pll.

....,_. bd 'IIIIa Mix ...._2001L

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...-n· Potato Chips

...,., ox lloulllon Cubes ...,.~

Nutritious Rlpe-or-J ._10 Green 1bs.19

Baru~nas ·


1 u Slle 6J7Ai Navel 7 ... Oranges

E.a.m Red .,..ldous

6 pack 12 oz. Ntn

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I iiiiii . -co-op I I YOPtAIT I t Yoowr fill I I CUSTAIID·LiaHT· I I bauuur 6 oa. I I ..,11111._.,,~~.:-:.,......,._.- I L ~=:;~f'O.:'!:~!.m:'- .J ~------·----- .. i=1Ma~I!!W.IM -i I JOLLY ~ BUY 1 I I MICROWAVE . Cin' 1 I I POPCORN fBII I I llurn•·LiaHr·IILAsT Jo.s oz. I I •11111c._'"~~~......,._.- I L -~==-=-PO.:.:=:.m:.-_ ..1


Local Alti8t8 Help Create New CoDege Pal'll .......

by Mlrlu. ,_.,. Thanks 10 lhe contributions of

local anis!i, a blank wall 11 the Yara Auto Pllrt> """' localed at Berwyn Road and Route 1 in Collqe Park is no longer an eye· sore. lnllcld, it has been trans­formed Into a work of art-a mural, to be euct.

M1chael McMullin. Dan Kennedy IDd Eleulor Roosevelt High School student, John Norden, all o( ORcnbelt contril>­utcd their artistic talents to the project

It all staned when Sandra · Tyler of the Berwyn Arts Ex­change attended a Berwyn Ots­tr1ct C1111C Associallon (80CA) mcctmg last ~ring. The neigh­borhood was concerned w1th the sh.tbby appearance of the stOI'C'I wall, wh1ch as located at a major entry Way anto the neighborhood. The SOC A asked if the Berwyn Arts Ell~hange would coordinate the proJCl'l. It agreed and Tyler wrote a grant m May and talked to rhc ~•IY ahout e~.:onomlC help. The total hud~t lt"lr the proj«t as SIJ.750

McMullan. a muraltsL wu contacted 1t1 do the project how­ever he recommended Kennedy because he felt Kennedy's mural CXptrtCil\ . ."C Wa.' bcner SUited )IU'ICe

McMullan mu~tly worked wuh modern art McMullan ended up managing rh~ pnljC"l.'t.

Kcnn~dy created a de~1gn fmm the rheme. "Hentageffram­porbtaon ··

'The de~agn hearken) back to

the 19th century when the Berwyn ncighb.rikxxt was an im­pc.1rtant rJIIroad stop bcrwecn Bal­ttmore and OC," satd Kennedy.

The Berwyn neighborhood wa~ developed tn the 1880s be­cause nf 1ts pro:umity to the

8&0 railroed line- Berwyn is abo ~ 10 Route I, lhe his­toric turnpib linking DC and Baltimore. T'ttc streetcar line built in 1900 bilected Berwyn.

The -- - linked Berwyn to Hy-Wk ... I -.r net• wort in DC.

Two nciatrborhood artists, 8oMie o·oa.opue and Kathy Hausman, ..... wilb six Eleanor Roooevelt Hip School studenli """-"' tlleir ti-. 10 paint w1th Kamaly IIIII McMullin.

Accardi .. 10 Kennedy. the ERHS ...._.. wanted an15.tic experience with murals. The SIU·

D1• ·Keaaetly, cn•lor of the munl.

denbo helped mix colon lln pafl("r plates and crated a few char a~.:. ters. McMullin satd Norden wa)l energetiC. very ded1catcd • .md a big help.

"1-le helped. solve a maJor ~r­spective problem .,..irh the roof hne of the rrarn sWIInn," )la1d McMpllin. Norden ... ud hc en­joyed patnting wuh ht)l fncnd~ hen though it took J lnt ut free

Students of Eleuor Roooeftll Hl1b Scllool help palllt • ,.urol by Greenbellortlst, Don Kennedy ot Rl. I - Berwyn Road depldiDI the old lerwy• roll rood stadoa.

ttme. The J S-year-old scudent helped p.atnt after school and on weekends. He IS the son of Beth and Arnold Norden. "W~ d1J the hest we could

~.:on~1J4nng the ilm1ta110ns." said Kennedy He )lauJ the ~:mder block ~A-·all ~~ a pomu~ surface, whlCh made 11 dafl"lcult lo

McMullm and Kennedy have art ~tlldto~ at the Grecnbelc Commllntty Center. Kennedy teache~<> prl\oate art le!!son~ 1n land!>capmg and human f1gurc pa1nt1n!! McMullan has gtven free art workShop)~ 1n c.:ummunuy pa1ntaog tor Grr:cnhell for the pa~t ti "e year~.

''The anvol\o'emcnl of the com­munlt)l 1s heart""arm1ng," said Tyler. whn 1!'1 plcaM:d With the ourcome. She 'ii.lld there will be a pre!>c:llll.ltion party ~omecime in Januar)·. Anyone interested in

contnbuting '" the project can ERHS IIIJd .. rs John Norden and llmlly Coadoa-Douglas work \."c.mlad Tyler at 301·."\45-3692. on the naur•l.

We promise you caring, comfortable ... affordable dentistry ..

and we're in your neighborhood!

Our family has been serving your

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Our main concern is to give you safe

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DIS11NC110NS AND AWAIIDS: Dll. ClAYTON 5. MCCA1U.. SL Fellow in lnt.rnotional College of Denlilb. Fellow in American College of Dentist>. Retired Nov. 1996 Dll. ClAYTON S. MCCA1U.. ._ Fellow in Academy al General Dentistry. DL JAY MCCAitl. Dentol Implant Symposium at Boston Unr..onity. Fellow in ~y of General Dentistry. DL DIMD J. MCCAll Ouirmoss-:. Award lor Exc.llence in Clinical ResloratiYe Dentistry.

DRS. MCCARL 301-474·4144

28 Ridge Rood Gtoonbell, Moryland 20n0{)717

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by ....... Y_ "I saw an ad in lhe newspaper

to t~h music in Papua New Guinea." is lhe reason Ridge Road resident Betsy Buber gives for leovin& lhe Wuhington areo ia 1993 10 arab lhe brass ring of adventure, fonakina everything familiu and traveling alone to far-otr New Guinea, a disuoc:e of about B.SOO miles. She signed 1

-.yea- COIIII'ICI to teleh music to YOUII8 .people 11 the University o( l'lpUI New Guinea in iii capi­tal city, Port Moresby. It was dur­in& Ibis time that abe found a sc­rioualy ill puppy who came to be the centerpiece of her life. The dog is "Kina. •• the. Australian ''sin&ing dog" she nursed back 10 heollh and brought with her when she returned to America and moved to Greenbelt in 1996.

Alone in New Gu1nea for three years except for her do& and 1

pidaip-En&lish-speaking helper nomed Nop, the soft-spoken Bar­ber. who hu a Ph.D. in music. led 1 choir and taught privlllc sru­donls, clolaea in piano, music his­tory IDd edmomusic41ity, as well

"Klalo" doe Sl-aia& Doc. --..,.a.!..,_,.-u elutes in eor-lraining and lhe history of popular music. She lived in a Jmall concrete house given to her by the university and had the privilese of being inviled by mountain tribespeople to stay in a traditional gra11 house. Gradually, warily, she learned lhe ways and strict rules of lhe tribal people she came 10 admire and, in some cases, love. 1'hcy're all lrlisli," she says, remembering hearing beautiful sinains around campfires at night, watching dancing and lhe crealion of the large, intricate carvings and impeccably woven baskets that now surround her 'in her Greenbelt home.

900 ............ There are 900 different lan-

guoaes, each with iii own alplla­bel, spolten in Papua New ow­by 900 different coastal a•d mountain tribes. Bur luckily· for Dr. Barber, many of the tribol people speak pid&in En&lisb, u did Nop. Mony of the natives who live out in tbe buoh~­scendants of the Chinese, Polyncoians and Africans who mi­grol<d some SO,OOO yean 1&0 10 the beautiful. wild mountainoua ial..-otill live by fishing and fanning in a place where tourism is minimal.

"'riginally," says Barber, "Na· tive people lived on yams and ai spiMCh-like vegetable and wbol· ever animals they could hunt. Fomgnen who came from differ­ent countries introduced tropical fruit plants and brought cotton clothing, warm sweaters and coal&, and cooking ulenlils, which was wonderful. Unfortunately, though, they also disrupted the traditional way of life and. con­vinced the natives that much of their art work was not in line

- 20tiH:enrury progress. Sadly, m.aay artistic treaaurea were burned or left to rot because of thia lllitude."

Papua New Guinea is about lhe size of California, but there are """" people in Sydney, Aua­tnlia, than in this land. The fl111 colonizers were the Portuguese. wha claimed lhe counb)' atarling 110111111 1600, "but !hey sailed by ond didn't even gel off their boob," Bllber says. Two bundled Jeor1 l.ola', lhe Fn:nch came and ldtled a few colonies, followed by the Germans. In the 19th cen· lilly the lln&lish came, followed by die A8(ilnlians. The _,. plt lb iadopendeace in 1978.

Ia Greenbelt, Betsy .Barber tiveo in a peocefuJ house and en­joys the closeness of her neigh­bon. "I especially love lhe lake," uys Barber. "King and I 10 110111111 it nearly every day." Her con- is full of interesting jux..,.itions about life in New Guinea. as when she credits her suy with inspiring her to pick up a lnah and stan paintin&. and 10 conlinue her IIIUiic.

Then there's this: "I loved lhe exrcnclecl family plrl of tribal· iJm...-bow everyone takes c""' of everyone else. One child would hive a reo! father and real mother ond then 25 different pops and 11101111, oil of whom would be re­._ible for it. There might be another SO aunt1es and uncles also.'' s.he says.

Memories or Nop The talk turns lo Nop, Barber's

mountain tribe helper who came to her one day and said ... 1 am

F'Mt Students Earn Community Credits Five Eleanor Roosevelt High

School (ERHS) students had lhe opponunity to experience the community spirit of Orcenbell. On Saturday, November 19 the Junior Civitan members from· ERHS joined rnemben of GIVES to rake leaves in live yards. fol. lowing - low, Prince Geofse's County studeniJ must earn 75 Community service cm:lita in or~ der 10 graduare from lUsh IChool.

Kelly Haisfield, Kate Sullivan, Bri!Uiny Terrell-Singleton, Mike

An IIIIOmlled chicken inspec­tion sysmn bas beeft developed by 1 lleltaville Agricultural Re· -.:11 Center raeon:lter. the u.s. Depart-ar or Agriculture 1w ....-.cec~. The .-putcmect syJtem ICIDI up to 140 birds a

Willllon and Ning Ji were~ nicd by and assisled by their leaeher, Richard Carrington, and GIVES members Ruth HugiDJ, Jeoane Bozzi and John Taylor. Leof bop and refreohmenll wae doDoted by Greenbelt Homes (GfU). Transportation was pro­vided by lhe Recreation Deplrl· llV:III -' otter the work was done. GHI's member service director

- Kroll lid 001 a spread of food and soft drink• for the hunsry ......ton.

rninute. alerting a human inspec­&or with a red light to mdicate that a particular bird warrants clooer inspection. The payoff for thia raeorch mcludes .. rer poul­ay pnducU, with less salmonella IDd compylobocter

going to be your maid and you are &oin& to pay me $50 every two weeks... Says Barber, "I wun 't soinJ to argue with some­one who waa twirhng a bush knife, so I uked people about her and they told me. take her. They were right. She stayed with me for three whole years. She was illiterate, a master fire builder, a fine weaver, and an ex­celtOJn story·teller '" pidgin En­glish. She become my teleher." . "Nop took me everywhere and

lived in the spare room in my llouse. Her tribe had doc:ided Jbe would hive that room," Barber &aid.

Nop 's people were iqenious, Barber found, remembering "they would buy a bui, get a licenae, and start driving. You could go anywheR for 40 centJ. and every four or live minutes another bus would show up. You didn't hive to woit long. AI the bu& stop, Nop would call out 10 one of her tri........, who wu a driver, and he would invite ua on board wheR we would sit-Nop, King, and l-in a front row ae11 enjoy· ing the drive.

Nop .... !be ..._ "One mghl when the water

was shut off (which happened on a regular basiS), I complained be· cause I wanted and needed a shower. It had JUSt rained. Nop said, 'Come on. I'll show you how Co take a real ~bower.' We dressed tn our ~arongs., rook a towel and bar nf soap and, be­cause tt had JUst rained, went

from tree 10 trca, shakinJ Wlla' from lhe bnncha. The lllan _, out, huae and brilliAnt, IDII lhe water spluhed over ua like ring­ing bells, and we lau1hed like school chiklml. I will never for. set lhe beauty o( !bat night Once Nop and I performed together at a concert, she dancing and play· ing a jew's·harp' while I drummed and sana. We brought the house down."

A Trip 1D lloMol Barber wu invited lO VIlli a

tribe in Rablul and spent teven unforplllblc day& living with the very ho&pitable and intereatinJ people in East New Britain. While there, she wil a witness 10 the famed Whip Dancers of Rabaul-youna "en who, after initi.tion, proved they rell no poin during a dance where they were fiercely whipped by thc1r dancins companions. ..They danced toaelher." Buber recalls, "then one dancer stopped and thrusl his hand in the air and the other whipped him with a long rope-like vine."

Borber was up ckloe enoup to see the skin welt on the boy's ann, yet lhe boy beillg whipped didn't bar an eye. 't'rhc dance CODliAUCd aDd the' boy Wll

whipped perhap's Hl-12 limes. Then, after the whi(ipin&. both partnm continued daJ!cing a very fast dance with estrernely compli· caled fOOl patterns. This conhn· ued fur aoother 4S mlnutco."

Barber aJso was invited to sil around a huae bonf .... <lhe 111m0o

.... ,

- ,._ ..,.a.IIIJ..,­

,....., perhllpl 20 leer hip) .... watched the equ-lly f01110us Rabaul Fire Doncen-opln. Y"""' boys initilllod 111 feel 110 paiD .. !hey danced ........ die r ... borefooled. ticJtinlthe a-­ina logs until lhe fire wu -. They wore huae. pote~que nwU and danced 10 I .,..,.. o(

male drummers, drullmi•& 1 verry fill and compliatled tlrivina rhytlun.

Now retired, Dr. Barber moved to Greenbelt becauae or ill do&·friendly poaple IDd lhe lake. She paiRII, writca. volun­teers for !'eta on Wheela, and iJ Involved in aeveral muical shows u well u lhe Oreelobelt

Writers Group. Sewnly -­tized by his early llbal!do­and mistreatrnenl. Kina.,_ be left alone. at leaJI - yet. so Barber'a lifestyle hu cbupd from sboppina .,._ IIIII -rant-hoppinJ to walta 1110111111 GreeDbell Like with her friend.

••••••••••• * . • * 'The Staff * * ~r of~"-·· ·* IJil 'J'ftwS .n&'V- $

* Wislies our * ·• readtrs * * '}(am 'J(o(ufays * * mula * * 'B"Bht '1few Year * •••••••••••

' .. >.~.

s..d on inlomllllion released 1>y me Gf9flllbell PoliCe De­pattmerrt. Dales IJI!d tmes are those wflen police wsre first contiJCied about incidents.

Ha4&ne on Drugs The Greenbelt Police De­

panmenl needs ohe help of reudents. Any cit1zen with io­fom1Aiion about possible druJ activity In the city is encour­aaed to call the Greenbelt Narcotics Hot L•.1e at 301· 507-6522. Callen may re­maan anonymou:,.

llllrllorJ - 1WI Eleoncr Rooae>dl ltiah School. Doc. 17, 10:30 Lm., a 35-year-old ... IIJI'RSidaol - ct.rpd 00 •

- wilh t.qlay ond - after an ollioe - ..-nd by removinc 1111: door 11'11 """"Y - .....

9IXIl block of - T<r­ra:e, Doc. 17. lp!ll'lloimaty nom. two NOiololas ._., brolal .., by kickirqJ lfwoualo 1111: _..,.... ca~ ing. In ooe caoe. ......., ~ was IIIIa!; in 1111: Olho:r, no pupr:ny ~IOha .. t-1 .....

Beltway Plaza Mall. Doc. 19, 6: IS p.m .. mooey was llk<n fran a .....

6400 l*dt r:llvy Lane. Doc. Jl, 3:45 p.m .. a lapoop """"'*' was llkm from an ollioe -.

6tOO blodr. r:l Lalre Pille Drive. Doc. 20, 6: 14 p.m .. jewelry was llkmfromaoaidora.

6100 l*dt r:l Spqllill T,_ Doc. 21. 9:23 p.m. • .,....,.... chocb --from·-

VoltldtC.... The~ .....a- ....

pliiOd ..... a..,-~ 1987 a-dot Now ... ~ lip DNI 1~. Doc. 21, from 1111: 6100 block of ............. Court. and • while blf.<b:l' 191M ...... -wilh LouiliiDo ... BJ 598. Doc. 21 ......... 75111 blodr. r:l Manion -......,._ II>. lllofts from. and ......,.., ..... of--~

pliiOd in lho ..... -- 8300 blodr. of c.n.. 'll:m<c. lldlway Plaza ~1. a.-way Shopping ea.. 9100 bb:l of Edmonslon -- and 600) blodr. of ~nghill Dri.._

The Lion in W1111er Open Auclilions

The award-wi...U.g Prince Georp's Lillie ~ lll1llOWICeS

oudiliono lor ill Mlldl pnxb:ID> r:l 1111: c:lo8: .... ~ 'The lJOO ., w,..· by,_ Ockm1m n.. l1on in Winter tella the tale of ~s Kinllt.y D as he faces lhl:polilical~r:lhi>wife Elara, hi> chikhn nl 1111: king of mr.:e. .~ Kalil Brown ~ casllng

one woman. aae .CO to 60; one -inllorllll;ooeman.:tj!040 10 to; ..., .......... 1010 ca1y lOs; an:IIWO m<n, IF loe ...... 10 ca1y n. AI "*'" "" upon Auditions will be held ~ 10 on! II, II 7:30 p.aa. • a..- c.rou Micklle School ill New ~ Audi­liono will COIIIist of cold -gs from dto oaipl. Ari:lrmances will be - 10. 12. 17, 19, 24 on! 25, II dto Prnle OccoF's I'Uillrl Play­""'-ina.e-!y.

For IIIIR .,_, call Kalil Brown. 301-9112..t405.

BRICK· BLOCK·,..,.,. .. ,...,~ F,.. EallmlleMITown........,.. "~~ GIWflbelt For 30 Ymr.r"

Call Dick GdwiDg 30 1/441·1246 8303 581h Ave. • MD

u.s. Fid. and Wilclife .......... ProtP-ams The U.S. if;sh IIIII Wlldlilie S..- tilldy to bocOoae endons-d or

vtce announca propams held at extiact the Nllional Wildlife Visitor Ceo- ~Art 0.. -1'111a11111 ter, iocad on """"*r MiD Road Slluray, ~ 29. aaes &-8, -the Baltimore-W-...,.. 10-11 LBL .... - 9-12, 11:30-1 Parkway aJt:l Rt. 197 in Laurd. p.m. Olikhe con improve their Maryland: alt stillt while ........ aboul 1111:

w .... ,.... WODIIon of widli(e.

~ J_,- IS, 16, 22. .......... .._., 23, 29, 301....,.• 12:30p.aa. Suaclay, January 30, 10:30-and 2:30p.m. - - 8+. Dio- 11:30 Llll. ... 1-2 p.m.. ages 5-7. eo>er bow ~ ....,_ ~ Discovu who& aU IIIIIIIIJIIals have llefuee II:IMiy povidco holilll far iD COIDIDOa aod some Of lbe wildlife on ~ 45-minulle walb. uDique adaplations that some .... t6..... IIIIIIUIIals have deoeloped.

-r-.p.t: JlfOIIWD- w..w.lay. ..... January 19,' 6:30-8:30 p.m.; coa- Monday, January 31, 4-5 p.m., linuin& ~y. J_,- 23, 8:15- aaes 8+. Oi~<:ovcr lhc many 10:30 L""; .,. 16+. Dilcwaioa ways and whys of animal com-111111 wolk ~.., bini _,._ muaicatioa. CIIIOII. hlbilla. IIIII .....,...._ All procroms are rree: but re-~ ~a.._..._ quin: advance r<Jilltrltion. Reg-

SIIurday, '-J 22. for - iatration is conducted Tuesday­&.8, 10-11 .. m.; .... 9-12, 11:30- Thursday from I 10 4 p.m. by I p.m. Olitftn ..., ........., ..,... ealling 301-497-5789. Please ad­art skiDs wtile leoming llbout the vise of any special needs so lhal wonders of ~kllife. they may be accommodated.

-.. Dolodha Hloe Visit the webslle: Sonlay, Janu.y 23, 10:30-11:30 paluxeol.fws.,ov for program

a.m. or 1-2 p.m.; a&cs 8+. J1e. listings and upcoming events. come betler observen of 1111: natu-ral world by scan:bing for animo! duc:i.

Eslllodloa . Monday. January 24, 4-5 p.m..

ages 8+. Discover the causes of extinction lnd whlll animals arc

Holbert'• Home Imp.

Corpefllry Palnttng Remodeling RepaiB

M.H.I.C. 25916 c.l ........ .


: ti' 1 L~ t'"' ;_.' r: ', = ~:

Evening Hours

ZEUS ElECTRIC Ca8l1l Qulllly lJiuk Done WI Prid<'

Nojllbmsmall. Senllz'llri:onlnew homs

All. ..,...,by_fikdrlcitm t ..... u.~c. tuOl rr Goo.



--01-t.dMolul .............. ....,ot-....._,_0.,..._ .. ~~~ em, ........ ..,_ ror ...... ................. t7.0re­........ o.-.r.ab. ... .- ........... 30.[0[

Apply' CiJy .t C.-ob<l• Prr­aoaael. %5 Creu•nt Rd .• Crt~e~~Wt. llarylaad or nil 301-474-1172 r ............ op­plieabo..

Y-...... .-aT.VIIIY. a boualebold ......... ~! ' ............. ,e.n.We.-e u.e~•·n · a,a.'-e...ngiY­'lllllerw~ ~· .... Ill .... -* ..... CalL ... ~ ............ -!ldpyoa ouL

-Weekly. bl--'dy, or monthly servlc:e --Sprlna cae..lng 1111)' tbne of the year -Window dMninl! -Help far spedal occasions -FREE l!ldmates

l'rol pp' MRI _,.ate,.~ J'OGCII . Plloae 301-262-5151

Recovering cancer patients can learn new 8JOO"'ing ~eehniques to minimize treatment s1de effects. The elliS wiU be held m Monday. J__,. 10 a1 9 Lm. 11 Washington Adwntiat Hcopillll at 7600 C.-roll Ave., Tllo:oma Plrlt. Rlr men: in­formation call 1-gQ0-542-5096. Rcgislration is oequired.

Good News on Taxes City Manaaer Michael P.

M<J.aushlin .... !Old 1111: Grembell city cooncil !hat the city's WI clif­fen:nlial application for fiscal year 2001 hu been approved. Based on this news, McUughlin esti­mala 1111: lax diffen:nlial will in­crease hy .03 usesscd valuation. That mean& the county tax rate paid by Gn:enbell taxpayers will be lowen:d by .03.

Aum Rr.ruls (t RoAD Sl!lma

licyde Repairs

Wt promi.k a fast and pkasanl piii'Chase cvtry

tinu you ~isit.

161CBUi ..... -·21711 Catt474 8348

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3 Bd, Vinyl ovrr BICN:k 7E Ridge 562.000, Garage

laundry room addition

Brick-1 Bd w/scl'<aled-ln porch

4 Cl or Soullway near library lir ttnkr

61 B tidF S+t,OOO 2 Bd, kks IO woods. Newer kltcbe,..._...,.,_

lllu: a nooclel

HoDeymooa CotlaF 39 A Ridft s.6,000

New -Ftnad Yard­


' I

), l t\ -I ;

.,...,....,. 31,1999

OASSIFIED: Sl.SD miounwn for ......... ,, ___ .No

ct.p lor tillilc i1ans lbll an: fouod. SaNoilodwilll""""'"'10dle-Ro­--b)' IOp.m.'l'ueoday,O<IO lbc Nn'll lln1ew drop bo~ in the ~ OHip poccry -.lodor< 7 p.m. n.e.tay, or mail 10 IS Cracenl Road. SWie 100, Cir<eabeh, Maryland 20770

BOXED: S6.2S column incb. M•n•· nun I 112 inches ($9.38). Deadhnc 10 p.m. Mooday.

batludeM~T~t, phone no. and addrt~l> wtth ad copy. Ads not constdm:d Ole·

ccpood uniJI pubbohcd.


GREENBELT CONDO for rent, do)C to NASA. spac1ous one bedroom, :.U~o:. w/d, d-.·. patiO, pool. S73~ mclude!. ulil., 301-345-9043 tv. Msg Or JOI· 286-6137 day.


FOR SALE -Couch. lo\'e seat and chairandbedframew1thfuton. IKEA fum M4 ~Mba 4:1ve computer. Call 301-47 .. ~20.

YEAR END blowout! Ar"ch steel buildings. Select modelJ - 2Sx30, 3Qa42. ~110. '99 Sleel prim whole supplies lasl! Gnat workshopslga· rases. Call 1-800-341-7007.


AFFORDABLE HOUSE CLEANING - Ironing, cooking 4 pet sittin1 by mature & responsible woman. Call PenhL 301-474-9578.

CARPETS: GHI homos deep cleaned deodorized and sanitized. Only $50.00. Pnce andudcs all or above for one firm flal nle. 301-213-3273.

HOME MOVIES Slides. Pktures transferred to VHS. Tape Repair. HLM ProduciiOns.lnc. 301-414-6748

COMPUTER · Repa1rs. upgrades and software ln)tallal.lon. Tom. 301-47-4-1401.

ENGLISH TEACHER. mahm:. refer· ences, )('eks studentt. S I Slhour. 30 I· 474-2192

TOM McANDREW · GREENBELT WINDOWS&. PAINTING· Replace­ment windows and doors and vmyl sW­Ing. Phone 3011474-9434, MHIC 26087.

UGHT MOVING. hauling & odd Jobs. Call Qumcy 301-:145-1007.

F.A. Bowley ' Plumbing 301-345-1115 30 y~artJ in arf'a

New llalhs, Faucets, Washer Drains, Disposals A/1/llnds of service...,.

..._ .......... ....

• .. to ... C.-pet •• dlltt Eatel'priN CUpetR

WISUI COIISIIUCTON Lewta Merritt 301-441·1266

PETIPLANT SITID.- I'm Oexiblc, wollsii/Walk pets, a10 for pllniS in Old Greenbelt Adult.tefl.lOI~I-3921.

CARPETS: TOWNHOMES all floon and steps deaneddeodonzcd sanibzcd. Mo1t pet stains 1nd odors gone $75.00. 301-213-3173.

NEED A haute sitter? Ma1ure, refs., cue for pets, planu. 301-474-2192.

STATE MOVERS. Moving? Wanna rnove • room. otric:e.apart~nt, house, eoc: call301-~5-8323 Good rates.

u ..................... . 301-47 .. 2192. .


BOOKS WANTED- All t}~~- t:a~h paid. 301-5'16-6156

CARPOOL DRIVI'RIRIDER Greenbelt to Federal Tn • .mglc. work hours 7-4.30. CaU JoAnne. :!m-482· 2487 (W). 301-47-4-n. l.:! (IIJ

I.iJce a good neighbor, State Farm is there.

See me for car. home. life and health insurance.

Don W. Teulelle, CLU 7707 Belle Point Dr.

Greenbelt, Md. 20770


Pff RECEmONIST ('l'llundoy!Pri­doyl. up. •l'PiDI n1 ntina. Eace~ lent ttlephone .tills. Coli !01-474--4161. ext. 152. EOE.

CHILDCARE PROVIDER NI!I!Dl!D­Sunday IIIOmUIJIIIocalcburcll '9a.m . • I p.m. S 10 hour. nice wort environ­meld. 301-937-3666.

GREENBELT ACCOUN11NO o11ice seeks put-lime. rult-time l&aff ... •ants and accowanu. IUitinl in Janu­ary 2000. Ae.iblt -.. Compensa-1100 baed upon e•peritaot. Call301-441 1526

S..rvi"' lndivldualo Sm.UB.,.__

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~----.. ---·------·-·-




Tile Lllte Leldl Batra ...... 'bered ba ..... Stol7 b7 Derodo7 Soodoer and recalled dlat he had tr•ns- Another friend remin•sced in

This ·week. u pari of tU Ia ted all tbe Larin sclcnufic the article about the time when end-of-thc-miUeDniMm coverage. 1erms into l.,..acsc. Batra babysat for her three-the Wuhin.lfOn Post ran a se- Batra wu also a man with a month-old and put ham to sleep rics that marked the passing m seru.e of humor, and Tousignant by delivering a lecture on 1999 of 10 people wbose lives recalled 'tbe lime he "showed botany. made a difference. Allhough up ar the Grecqbeh Labor Day Suzaane Batra ,ommented in tbey were noc famous they were parade accompaaicd by a huge the Polit article that her late lmportant to many others. One sow and 13 pt .. cts he'd bor- husband would have enjoyed of the ten was the late Lekh rowed from dw Research Cen- his (uneral receptwn. where Batra of Greenbell, who d•ed rer. He wu weanng a srraw mourne~ were .sen·cd fungi of May 20. at the age of 69. He hat, jeans, alld a pla1d )hlrl." many k•nds. The mult1-cuhural .aad his wife Suunnc: had l1vcd memorial servu:e, led by the here for over 30 year~ and he Rev. Danael R. Hamlin, ot had participated 1 n many Greenb~lt Community Church. Greenbelt activities, especaally included Hindu and Muslim tboae supponina the prcsern- prayers, a Jewish kaddtl>h, and a lion of s;reen space and the reading from Chn~uan M:npture. ori&inal doaiJn of the planned Lekh Baora was a brilliant community. He was a proof and mulli-facetcd man who will reader for the News Rev1ew for be missed by family. fnends, many years. and curtlmunity. He came a

Born to a traditional Handu long way from the small village family in a "all age '" Bnllsh of hts b1.~·rh geograph11..:ally, pro-India, BatrJ and h111 family fesstonaUy. and personally, and were uprooted during the ech.Jric his time here on earth made a violence thar accompanied the differencic to many. 1947 pwtilioning of IDdia. The (This .article is based in pan family had 'so little food that on a Wahington Post story by Batra would go foraaing Peter Pae published December in lho billa for mushroonu 10 LeU Baln 81 • JHDI maa. 26, 1999.) sell. These he found in abun-dance, and he found his life's work as well - mycology, the ! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • = ••udy of mushrooms. :GREENBELT NEW YEAR 2000 :

Workeol 81 llellll•llle · In 19~6 he came 1o 1he : ,,.,.,.. ,.,.,/r.a til• Follollitll(l lp()lltUJn :

Un11ed State~ and o.~ltended • llw fkllr HIMirJIItl flllpport/1 • Cornell Unaverstty. where he ! .__... 0

earncid a Ph.D 1n b<>uny. : ~· '"'7 ~~~ : Later he JOined rhe su,ff or the • . ' -- ' • Belllvlile Asricullural Research : •A C'AJonoL CA.DILLAC .'~fat~- l_,: ~f~'~:, <!~~~6r::~be~o·~: •• :- DLTWAY PLAZA MAU, • GpM ~·. achieved eminence in h" field. : GRitSNIIELT co-op GROC:SRY - GoU : and bis professional work is :~·TOM W111TE a, .·-~ :· known worldwide. He diacov- o SUJIUIBAN SIGNS . G.u . • ered 38 new species of fun&i J'EDEaAL 'UNION.~= and senn funaal diaeue1. aod wrote four books and more than 130 art1cle~. Former Greenbeher Mane Toa&•lnant. who wu a coiJeaaue who wu quoted In the Poat Article, helped him with a section oa food and a1ricul1ure for a 60-v<>lume encyclopedia on lire support •ystenll. She noced his fluency in several lan1U11e1

Tile lrfts *u.d: lloo Ve.,. NoloJ 'lllolrlollalloo• Dlo ... ooll'ole•r Y<•ar'< ••• prodactlooo er "'l'bo Hippo Wllo Wua.d 18 Be. • B•llerlna": From ldl J••ll••l•ae Kittrell, Jeroml•b H•mmell, Rachel Qelal<l•, Mlclloolo Kober · - pllolo by Raody Bo"h


friday, Decemba 31 • 6 p.m. to 1 a.m.

l'lcblapmt .. ~, .... ~ ~


Cekln'dt~ the MU'-Ium lllltb your . Mlgbbors, ftnltlly 111111


nctr.lprlcea: ..... 12/25

$5.00 Aflllr 12/25 -··door $7.00 ~ .... 5


GrMnbelt Youth c.m.r ·

In The Gym concurrent shows Talk of 1M Town end Karaoke OJ

8:00PM to 12:00 PM

In The Game Room SwlngO...

LAMon end o.-

9PMto 10PM

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Room Youth Bingo

games aiiMifling 7:30PM lo 11:30PM

Food Vendors located"

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