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Page 3: Worn magazine

“My style icon is anyone who makes a bloody effort” - Isabella Blow

WORN MAGAZINE is an independent fashion journal which is released twice a year, once during the winter and once during the summer season. The magazine is neither time nor content specific and seeks to report on uniquely

interesting and relevant issues rather than on recent trends that other mainstream magazines aim to do. Worn

Magazine focuses on discussing cultures, subcultures, personal stories and history with relation to fashion, as

well as seeking to keep the opinion and commentary in the magazine untainted from the demands of mainstream advertising. The magazine strives to embody a space

between pop culture and an academic journal, therefore ‘cutting and pasting’ areas of interest into a magazine that

is of an entirely different style and genre.

“It’s a fashion magazine with an indie heart and a grad student’s soul” – David Hayes

“It’s a mag for the fashion diehard who’s fed up with the usual glossies, and for the feminist theorist who never

imagined herself picking up a fashion magazine” – Ashley McAllister

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It would be difficult to choose a mainstream film magazine such as Empire as it simply does not fit with the entire look or our project, particularly appealing to a niche

audience of young adults it would be difficult to choose such magazines as we are trying to appeal to an entirely

different audience. The reason why I chose Worn Magazine is because it would attract a similar audience to our

‘Paperclip’ film and that it fits in with the look we are trying to achieve with a ‘rare’ and ‘independently stylish’

appearance to it which magazines such as Worn, Eye, Mule and Little White Lies.

It would be very unlikely that a rare independent youth drama such as our film ‘Paperclip’ would ever feature on

the cover of Empire or mainstream film magazines as they do not share the same intended audiences. However, these

magazines such as Worn would more easily feature our film on the cover as it corresponds with the physical

appearance of the magazine and explores themes which the magazine also intends to express such as breaking

from the boundaries of society, seeking individuality and liberation. Therefore Worn Magazine would be far more appropriate to analyse than conventional film or fashion


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-This magazine cover has very minimal titles on the cover, showing only the titles ‘WORN’ informing the readers of the name of the magazine and ‘FASHION JOURNAL’ indicating what contents the magazine has to offer. However, the limited use of text means that the magazine relies on the readers prior knowledge on the magazine or that this creates an enigma so the readers will desire to read on, in order to sell the magazine.

-The title ‘ISSUE NO. 5’ also appears on the cover to inform the readers of what order this particular magazine takes in a sequence, for example which is a useful tool for collectors of the magazine or if readers are searching for a specific issue.

-The fact that the main title is in bold creates the useful mechanism of attracting the interest of viewers, and by placing it slightly to the left, appeals to the idea that our eyes naturally draw to the side and therefore the title will be more easily noticed. This title literally and visually connotes the idea of fashion by suggesting the wearing of clothing, particularly in the past tense and indicating that the magazine focuses on fashion in the past, looking from a retrospective point of view. The visual design of the title is made to appear like sewn fabric therefore showing a timeless style and recognition of a symbol of fashion, relating to the theme of the magazine again.

-The small price at the top right of the cover informs the reader of the price of the magazine being sold.

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-This image matches the theme of the issue which is based on ‘Stitching with Ink’ and how designers or artists use sketches or doodles to inspire and create their work. Therefore this particular image was drawn to represent a pleasant curiosity and a world that borders between fantasy and reality in order for artists and designers to imaginatively explore their ideas. This image was also created intending to place a contemporary, playful twist in the ‘pretty’ renaissance style as seen through the recurring images of the high, elegantly styled hair and conventional clothing.

-The fact that the image is doodled can suggest that both the magazine and the area of fashion is an imaginative one which relies on the unique exploration of ideas, which creates an interest in the reader for seeing this cover and seeking to read more information inside.

-Because the image looks childlike in the way it is drawn suggests that the magazine is taking a naive perspective to fashion or the issues discussed in this issue such as through looking at the world with ‘new, vivid and untainted eyes’. Or that because images of the past have been skewed into a modern look, reminds the reader that the magazine views fashion in a unique way which intends to look back at the history of fashion with a contemporary perspective.

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-The colour of the magazine cover sticks to a specific palette which both the text and image stick to. The initial impression that the reader get from looking at the colour of the magazine is its relation to symbols of vintage fashion or aged objects such as by being a slightly faded colouring. This indicates to the reader that the magazine could be focusing on these types of fashion or that the magazine takes an interest in fashion that transcend time and still remains fashionable even after long periods of time, despite age.

-Another impression is that the colouring of the images appears slightly distorted or skewed so that the colours to do not entirely match with their true colours in reality such as striped hills for example. This implies that there is a contrast and blurring of boundaries between what is truly reality or fantasy and that the magazine seeks to explore both worlds in this issue. The fact that the image is also widely ranged in colour relates back to the idea of the creativity and imagination that designers must express in their work.

-The use of patterns can be seen as ‘trendy’ or timeless patterns which continue to exist in the fashion world regardless of time as shown in the hills and that despite the range of colour, it still matches within the specific colour palette. This suggests to the reader that even though the world of fashion is vast and diverse there are still many styles that continue to exist and fit in the ‘frame’ or ‘trend’ of fashion – which is entirely what the magazine is all about.

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