Page 1: Why Wheat is Such a Problem in Modern Diet

by Catherine J. Frompovich

October 26, 2015 from NaturalBlaze Website

Wheat, which used to be considered a "staff of life," in recent times, has become a dietary scourge for numerous men, women, and children. What happened, especially when there are so many processed foods that contain wheat or wheat derivatives? First and foremost, we ought to realize that wheat grown today is a hybridized version of heirloom wheat during the early 20th century. Einkorn, [1] which probably was the oldest variety of wheat known and grown for thousands of years, has fallen out of favor even though it contains a lower percentage of gluten. According to Tropical Traditions' article, "Einkorn Ancient Grain," Since einkorn is such an ancient grain and the only known diploid classified variety of wheat still known to exist today, there has been considerable interest in the issue of gluten toxicity. One way of measuring gluten toxicity is by the gliadin to glutenin ratio, and einkorn has a much more favorable ratio than modern wheat varieties. Einkorn has a gliadin to glutenin ratio of 2:1 compared to 0.8:1 for durum and hard red wheat.

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While this lower gluten ratio may hold some promise for gluten intolerance disorders, it should be cautioned that einkorn DOES contain gluten, and so those desiring to avoid all gluten are NOT recommended to consume einkorn. [1] Gliadin is another classification of proteins in grains, e.g., wheat, whereas glutenin is the major protein in wheat (47%). Gluten is an elastic-like protein remaining after the starches are washed away. Numerous vegetarian "meats" are made with "Seitan". [2] As Tropical Traditions explains, "Einkorn has a gliadin to glutenin ratio of 2:1 compared to 0.8:1 for durum and hard red wheat. Old Ways Whole Grains Council says, [3]

Different types of wheat have different numbers of chromosomes, and some studies show that the older wheats, with fewer chromosomes, tend to have lower levels of gliadins, the type of gluten proteins that seem to cause most sensitivities. Einkorn, the oldest known type of wheat in our current food supply, has just 14 chromosomes, and is called a diploid wheat. Durum wheat (the kind most often used for pasta) and emmer are tetraploid wheats, with 28 chromosomes. Common wheat (used for most everything) and spelt have 42 chromosomes and are known as hexaploid wheats. Research shows that different tetraploid and hexaploid wheat varieties differ widely in gliadin levels, and it's possible to select "individual genotypes with less Celiac Disease-immunogenic potential." Some heirloom wheat varieties grew very tall and were not manageable for industrial farming practices, so newer varieties were developed in the 1950s and 1960s by Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution. He [Borlaug] pioneered new "improved" species of semi-dwarf wheat that, together with complimenting fertilizers and pesticides, increased yield spectacularly.

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This amazing new farming technology was propagated around the world by companies like Dupont and Monsanto, while mid-20th-century humanity applauded the end of hunger. [4] Furthermore, So let's reject the profound genetic changes in modern wheat, in favor of traditional species our bodies recognize. Let's reject the chemical fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides and pesticides of modern industrial farming in favor of organic farming and clean seed. [5] That's only half of the story regarding what's happened to wheat!

So, what else goes on with wheat?

Shortly before harvesting wheat - about 3 days, farmers routinely spray the crop with Roundup® [5] since glyphosate - its main component - is considered to be a desiccant that enables a more evenly ripened crop harvest, plus less work for farmers, or so it's been said. Not only is wheat sprayed with Roundup® pre-harvest, so are the following crops: Oats, non-GMO canola, flax, peas, lentils, non-GMO soybeans, dry beans and sugar cane! So, it's most important to buy, cook, and eat organically-grown grains, beans and lentils (legumes). Even if the crops are not GMO, they still can be sprayed with Roundup®! Glyphosate, the main active ingredient, has been declared a Class 2B carcinogen by the World Health Organization's IARC. [6] Wheat, when stored in grain silos, can be fumigated with toxins such as phosphine, chloropicrin, and methyl bromide. According to the University of Minnesota/Extension, So fumigants are able to penetrate into places that are inaccessible to insecticide sprays or dusts. All fumigants are poisons-highly toxic to humans and other warm-blooded animals, as well as to insects. Consequently, they are classified as Restricted Use Pesticides and in accordance with Minnesota State Pesticide Law can be applied only by certified and licensed fumigators. [7] When wheat grain is milled into flour, there are other processes that further compromise the resulting flour, e.g., milling, removal of bran, fiber and germ, to leave a powder-like substance, the endosperm, which becomes flour, that is bleached and 'enriched' with added synthetic B vitamins and iron.

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But that's not where wheat's tragic flour story ends. The chemical Azodicarbonamide (ADA) [8] is added as a dough conditioner when wheat flour is made into various food products like breads, pastries, etc. As a matter of fact, there are close to 500 food items that contain ADA. According to Dr. Edward F Group, DC, ND, founder of Global Healing Center, ADA can cause the following adverse health effects:

respiratory problems skin irritant disrupts the immune system is harmful to hormone function [9]

Personally, I imagine that it would negatively affect the gut microbiome and even cause digestive problems, e.g., heartburn. Additionally, ADA increases the gluten content in bread! That's not what we need, especially with all the gut problems and gluten sensitivities occurring in so many folks recently. Furthermore, ADA is banned in Europe and Australia! U.S. FDA and USDA, what gives with you, anyway? Why aren't you banning ADA in the USA? Additionally, ADA is an industrial chemical used in the manufacture of yoga mats, shoe rubber and synthetic leather! Mmm, mmm, good...! To top off the above, ADA creates toxic byproducts when heated:


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ethyl carbamate Semicarbazide causes free radical damage to DNA [9] and damages human immune cells and DNA of animals. [10] So, what's it doing in USA-made wheat products? Would readers like to know which brands and products contain Azodicarbonamide? Well, here's the list. Data provided by FoodEssentials as of 2/27/2014. Wheat is just one example of how a natural food crop, which humans subsisted on for millennia, has been bastardized by modern chemistry and farming practices into becoming a bane to eaters. The only way consumers can get relief is to:

1. Purchase and eat only organically-grown foodstuffs. 2. Boycott food purveyors who do not meet healthful standards and practices for the products they

produce and sell. 3. Complain in writing to federal and state agencies about toxins in the food supply. 4. Support those who are taking steps to clean up the toxic mess food has become.

Bon appétit...!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

By David Andrews, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, and Elaine Shannon, Editor-in-chief and publisher

Nearly 500 ways to make a yoga mat


If you’ve planked on a yoga mat, slipped on flip-flops, extracted a cell phone from protective

padding or lined an attic with foam insulation, chances are you’ve had a brush with an industrial

chemical called azodicarbonamide, nicknamed ADA. In the plastics industry, ADA is the

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“chemical foaming agent” of choice. It is mixed into polymer plastic gel to generate tiny gas

bubbles, something like champagne for plastics. The results are materials that are strong, light,

spongy and malleable.

As few Americans realized until Vani Hari, creator of, spotlighted it earlier this

month, you’ve probably eaten ADA. This industrial plastics chemical shows up in many

commercial baked goods as a “dough conditioner” that renders large batches of dough easier to

handle and makes the finished products puffier and tough enough to withstand shipping and

storage. According to the new EWG Food Database of ingredients in 80,000 foods, now under

development, ADA turns up in nearly 500 items and in more than 130 brands of bread, bread

stuffing and snacks, including many advertised as “healthy.”

EWG researchers who are constructing the database found that ADA is listed as an ingredient on

the labels of many well-known brands of bread, croutons, pre-made sandwiches and snacks,

including Ball Park, Butternut, Country Hearth, Fleischman’s, Food Club, Harvest Pride,

Healthy Life, Jimmy Dean, Joseph Campione, Kroger, Little Debbie, Mariano’s, Marie

Callendar’s, Martin’s, Mother’s, Pillsbury, Roman Meal, Sara Lee, Schmidt, Shoprite, Safeway,

Smucker’s, Sunbeam, Turano, Tyson, Village Hearth and Wonder.

This synthetic additive has been largely overlooked because it is not known to be toxic to people

in the concentration approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration – 45 parts per

million. According to the World Health Organization, workers handling large volumes have

reported respiratory symptoms and skin sensitization, but ADA has not undergone extensive

testing of its potential to harm human health.

One thing is clear: ADA is not food, as food has been defined for most of human history. It is an

industrial chemical added to bread for the convenience of industrial bakers. In centuries past,

flour fresh from the mill had to age several months before it could be kneaded into dough and

popped into the oven. But in 1956, a New Jersey chemical, pharmaceuticals and engineering firm

called Wallace & Tiernan, best known for inventing a mass water chlorination process,

discovered that ADA caused flour to “achiev[e] maturing action without long storage.” The

result, the firm’s patent application stated, was commercial bread that was “light, soft and

suitably moist, yet suitably firm or resilient, and that [had] crusts and internal properties of a

pleasing and palatable nature.” The FDA approved ADA as a food additive in 1962. It is not

approved for use in either Australia or the European Union.

In the early 1990s, ADA became the preferred dough conditioner of many American commercial

bakers as a result of California’s Proposition 65, which went into effect in 1987. This law

required California authorities to list certain chemicals in food as “possibly dangerous to human

health.” Potassium bromate, then a common dough conditioner, was found to be carcinogenic in

test animals and made the Prop 65 list in 1991. ADA was widely adopted as a safer substitute.

Over the years, health activists concerned about synthetic chemicals in food have attacked the

widespread use of ADA, but it did not attract nationwide headlines until Hari of Food Babe

circulated a petition demanding that Subway, among the nation’s biggest fast-food outlets, stop

using the chemical in its loaves. Subway responded that ADA was safe, but even so, it had

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quietly been seeking a substitute over the past year. The company pointed out that ADA is

“found in the breads of most chains such as Starbuck’s, Wendy’s, McDonald’s, Arby’s, Burger

King, and Dunkin Donuts.” Those other fast food giants joined Subway on the defensive.

EWG's Food Database, which is now being tested but is still under development, shows that

ADA is widespread in supermarket items as well as fast food. The EWG project is being built on

data gathered by FoodEssentials, a company that compiles details about the ingredients in foods

sold in American supermarkets. To this data, EWG is adding layers drawn from its research on

hazard concerns such as pesticide residues, food additives, and contaminants such as mercury.

EWG’s Food Database will be the first of its kind – looking deeply at the nutritional value of

foods sold in supermarkets as well as their potential health hazards and degree of processing. The

interactive project is funded by support from the GRACE Communications Foundation, the Brin

Wojcicki Foundation and EWG’s online community and partners. It is scheduled to be made

available to the public in the fall.

The database has two purposes: to empower consumers with the information they need to make

healthier shopping choices and to put pressure on food manufacturers to clean up the nation's

food supply. It draws on EWG’s expertise and experience gained in developing online databases

that have dramatically affected policy debates and consumer awareness on topics including farm

subsidies, tap water contaminants, pesticides in produce, hazardous ingredients in personal care

products and home cleaners, and the damage done to public land by oil, gas and uranium


The information detailed in this report on ADA, gathered from FoodEssentials on Feb. 11,

represents a snapshot of food market on that date. EWG recognizes that the marketplace is

constantly changing as food processors reformulate, discontinue and introduce products. The list

of products in this report represents an extensive look at the ingredients in food recently

available in stores, but it may not be comprehensive. Shoppers must read product labels to know

for certain whether ADA and other chemical additives are in items they’re contemplating buying.

The consumers’ search for healthier food may get easier as the “clean label” trend in food

manufacturing gains momentum. Last month, the trade journal Snack Food & Wholesale Bakery

reported that commercial bakers and snack food manufacturers are seeking new, better

ingredients “mostly due to consumer demand for better-for-you products with clean labels and

no genetically modified organisms (GM0s).”

“Clean label,” like “natural,” has no precise legal definition. Food manufacturers often use the

term to mean wholesome, without synthetic and unpronounceable ingredients – notably


EWG recommends that consumers take steps to avoid the industrial additive ADA in their food.

It is an unnecessary ingredient, its use has raised concerns about occupational exposure, and

questions remain about its potential risk to consumers.

EWG also calls on all manufacturers to immediately end its use in food.

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Nearly 500 foods containing azodicarbonamide

Brand Name*† Product

Aladdin Bakers Jumbo Bagels Cinnamon Raisin

America's Choice Muffin Sandwiches Turkey, Sausage, Egg & Cheese

Amigos Tortillas

Arnold Bakery Light 100% Whole Wheat Bread

Sandwich Rolls, Wheat

Artichoke Basilles Pizza Co. Margherita Pizza

Artisan Fresh Jumbo Wheat Hoagie

Aunt Hattie's Onion Buns

Potato Hamburger Enriched Buns

Aunt Millie's Honey & Hamburger Buns

Whole Grain Bread

Bagel-Fuls Bagel Filled With Cream Cheese, Original

Baker's Treat Big Texas Cheese Roll Pastries

Ball Park Flame Grilled Barbeque Chicken Slider

Flame Grilled Beef Sliders

Flame Grilled Cheese Burger Silders

Hot Dog Buns

Bell's Traditional Stuffing

Betty Crocker Pasta Caesar Salad

Suddenly Pasta Salad, Caesar

Big Az Cheeseburger

Bimbo Bread Crumbs

Double Fiber Bread

Large Wheat Bread

Sabor Chocolate

Toasted Bread

Toasted Bread, Original

Bon Appetit Apple Danish

Blueberry Cream Pastry

Cheese & Berries Danish

Cheese Croissant

Super Cinnamon Roll

Bridgford Cinnamon Pull-Apart Monkey Bread

Ready-Dough Frozen White Bread Dough

Brownberry Chicago Hot Dog Rolls

Kaiser Sandwich Buns

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Sandwich Buns, Onion

Sausage Rolls, Original

Bunny Hot Dog Buns

Butternut 1/2 Loaf White Enriced Bread

All Whole Grain 100% Whole Wheat Bread

Brown' N Serve Enriched Rolls

Deluxe Buns

Enriched Burger Buns, Sliced

Enriched Hot Dog Buns, Sliced

Hearty Rye Bread

Honey Wheat Bread

Italian Bread

Large Enriched Bread

Sliced Buns, Seeded

Whole Grain White Bread

Whole Wheat Bread

Castillo Castillo Croissants

Centrella Hot Dog Buns, Enriched

Restaurant Style Caesar Crotons

Chef M.J. Brando Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Cheddar

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Swiss

Clear Value White Bread

Cloverhill Apple Danish

Cole's Cheesesticks

Garlic Mini Loaf

Connella Bread Crumbs

Corfu Foods Inc. Hand Made Pita

Country Hearth Dakota Style 12 Grain Bread

Hearty Homestyle 100% Whole Wheat Bread

Hearty Homestyle Honey Grain 'n Oat Bread

Split Top Wheat Bread

Split Top White Bread

D'italiano Italian Bread

Day'n Night Bites Country Sausge Muffin With Egg'n Cheese

Drake's Danish Pastries Cheese

Earthgrains Honey Wheat Berry Bread

Sliced French Premium Bread

Wheat Rolls

Entenmann's Raspberry Danish

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Essential Everyday 5 Cheese Texas Toast

Garlic Bread

Garlic Bread Sticks

Garlic Texas Toast

European Bakers Onion Rolls

White Sub Rolls

Farm Rich French Toast Sticks, Cinnamon Sprinkle

French Toast Sticks, Original

Fiber One Hamburger Buns

Hot Dog Buns

Fleischmann's Simply Homemade Baking Mix, Pretzel Creations

Simply Homemade No Knead Bread Mix, Country White

Simply Homemade No Knead Bread Mix, Italian Herb

Simply Homemade No Knead Bread Mix, Multi-Grain

Food Club Caesar Restaurant Style Croutons

Garlic Cheesesticks

Garlic Dinner Rolls

Seasoned Restaurant Style Croutons

Strawberry Strudel

Stuffing Classics Cornbread Stuffing Mix

Texas Toast, 3 Cheese

Texas Toast, Garlic

French Toast Sticks

Garlic Bread Sticks

Texas Toast, 3 Cheese

Freihofer's White Bread

Fresh Gourmet Premium Croutons, Butter & Garlic

Premium Croutons, Cheese & Garlic

Premium Croutons, Classic Caesar

Premium Croutons, Garden Herb

Premium Croutons, Italian Seasoned

Premium Croutons, Parmesan Ranch

Furlani Garlic Bread

Multi Grain Garlic Toast

Parmesan Garlic Toast

Texas Toast, Garlic

Texas Toast, Pizza

Texas Toast, Three Cheese

Gateway Soft Rye Bread

Gimbo Conchas Fine Pastry

Gollo Galletas De Huevo (Eggs Crackers)

Gonnella Sandwich Rolls

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Great Value Honey Buns

Hot Dog Buns

Wheat Sandwhich Bread

Grissom's Hot Dog Sliced Enriched Buns

Harvest Pride Awesome Rolls

Seeded Italian Bread

Texas Toast Bread

Wheat Bread

White Enriched Bread

Hauswald's Enriched Bread

Split Top Wheat Bread

Healthy Life 100% Whole Grain Wheat Bread, Flaxseed

100% Whole Grain Wheat Bread, Sugar Free

100% Whole Wheat English Muffins

100% Whole Wheat Whole Grain Bread

High Fiber White Bread

Hot Dog Buns, Whole Grain

Italian Bread

Light English Muffins

Light Multigrain English Muffins

Soft Style 100% Whole Grain Bread

Hearth Of Texas Bread


100% Whole Wheat Bread

Enriched Large White Bread

Extra Thin White Bread

Split Top Wheat Bread

Whole Grain White Bread

Honey Hot Dog Buns

Hormel Country Crock Homestyle Stuffing

Hungry-Man Roasted Carved White Meat Turkey

Ihop French Toast Breakfast Sandwich, Egg, Canadian Bacon &


French Toast Breakfast Sandwich, Maple Sausage, Egg &


J. Skinner Cinnamon Craver's Roll

J.C. Potter Sausage On A Bun

J.J. Cassone 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Rolls

Enriched Vienna Rolls

Italian Bread

Sliced Hero Rolls

Sliced Sandwich Rolls

Wheat Bran Sandwich Rolls

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Jimmy Dean Delights Honey Wheat Flatbread, Bacon, Egg & Cheese

Delights Honey Wheat Flatbread, Turkey Sausage, Egg &


French Toast Griddlers

Muffin, Sausage, Egg & Cheese

Sausage, Egg & Cheese On A Muffin

Turkey Sausages Egg White & Cheese Whole Grain Bagel

Joseph Campione Authentic Hearth Baked Garlic Bread

Bread Sticks, Garlic

Cheese Stuffed Bread Sticks

Dinner Rolls, Parmesan Garlic

Garlic Bread, Authentic Hearth Baked

Garlic Mini Loaf

Texas Toast, 5 Cheese

Texas Toast, Garlic

Texas Toast, Parmesan

Key Food Seeded Rye European Hearth Bread, Deli Style

Seedless Rye European Hearth Bread, Deli Style

Kid Cuisine Kc's Campfire Hot Dog

Kroger White Enriched Bread

White Hamburger Enriched Buns

L'oven Fresh Split Top Wheat Bread

Lakeland Hot Dog Buns Enriched

White Enriched Sandwich Bread

Lewis Healthy Life Wheat Hot Dog Buns

Whole Wheat Sandwich Buns

Liberty Hearth New York Deli Kaiser Rolls, Poppy

Little Debbie Cheese Danish Classic Pastry

Cinnamon Rolls With Icing

Cream Cheese Danish Pastry

Danish Pastry, Cherry Cheese

Honey Buns

Maglio Stromboli, Philly Style Steak & Cheese

Manischewitz Pumpernickel Bread

Mariano's 100% Whole Wheat Bread

Asiago Cheese Focaccia

Bell Pepper Focaccia Muffins


Butterflake Rolls

Cheese Pizza Bread

Chefs Collection Italian Focaccia Half

Cinnamon Raisin Bread

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Club Rolls

Egg And Onion Brat Bun

Egg Dinner Rolls

English Muffin Bread

Fresh Tomato Focaccia

Garlic Bread

Ham Swiss Sub

Hamburger Buns

Hard Rolls

Hot Dog Buns

Italian Bread

Italian Specialty Bread By The Pound

Jalapeno Cheddar Focaccia

Jalapeno Cheddar Focaccia Muffins

Kaiser Rolls

Large Kaiser Rolls

Marble Rye Bread

Olive And Parmesan Chop Block Bread

Onion Rye Specialty Bread

Paisano Italiano Sandwich

Parisian Chocolate Croissant

Roast Beef & Cheddar Croissant

Rotisserie Chicken Salad Croissant

Rye Specialty Bread By The Pound

Salami And Provolone Chop Block Bread

Tomato Basil Chop Block Bread

Walnut Raisin Specialty Bread

Wheat Bread

Wheat Club Rolls

Wheat Dinner Rolls

Wheat Hamburger Buns

Wheat Hot Dog Buns

White Bread

Whole Wheat Specialty Bread

Marie Callender's Flaky Croissant With Ham & Swiss

Flaky Croissant With Sausage, Egg & Monterey Jack

Spaghetti With Meat Sauce

Market Street Butterflake Rolls

Martin's Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Potato Bread

Hoagie Rolls, Unseeded

Long Roll, Potato Rolls

Potato Bread, 100% Whole Wheat

Potato Bread, Sandwich

Potato Rolls

Potatobred Soft Cubed Stuffing

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Marty's Large Rolls

Master Hamburger Enriched Buns

Hot Dog Enriched Buns

Mckee Cheese Danish With Icing

Cinnamon Rolls

Mediterranean Pita Bread

Met Foodmarkets Giant White Enriched Bread

Hamburgers Enriched Buns

Hot Dogs Enriched Buns

Mother's Giant Enriched White Bread

Split Top Wheat Bread

Mrs. Baird's Pastry Kitchen Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon Rolls, Cherry

Cinnamon Rolls, Original

Mrs. Cubbison's Butter & Garlic Croutons

Corn Bread Stuffing, Seasoned

Seasoned Croutons

Mrs. Freshley's Honey Buns

Murry's French Toast Bites, Cinnamon Blase

New York Bread Sticks With Real Garlic

Hand-Tied Garlic Knots With Real Garlic

Texas Toast, 5 Cheese

Texas Toast, Garlic

New York Deli Kaiser Rolls, Plain

Kaiser Rolls, Sesame

Old Style Cottage Potato Bread

One Republic Skinny Buns

Oroweat Raisin Cinnamon Bread

Palagonia 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Rolls

French Bread

Italian Bread

Mini Heros

Panino Italiano


Sliced Italina Bread

Patriotic Honey Buns

Pelmen Blueberry Perogies Peroguis Aux Bleuets

Mushrooms Champigons

Perogies, Cherry

Perogies, Potato With Cheddar Cheese

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Perogies, Potato With Cottage Cheese

Perogies, Potato With Spinach & Feta

Perogies, Sauerkraut

Perogies, Sauerkraut Mushrooms

Perogies, Sweet Cottage Cheese

Pillsbury Artisan Dinner Rolls

Artisan Pizza Crust With Whole Grain

Breadsticks, Original

Crusty French Loaf

Italian Bread

Pizza Crust, Thin Crust

Toaster Scrambles, Cheese Sauce, Egg & Bacon

Toaster Scrambles, Cheese Sauce, Egg & Sausage

Toaster Strudel Pastries, Apple

Toaster Strudel Pastries, Apple Cream Danish

Toaster Strudel Pastries, Blueberry

Toaster Strudel Pastries, Boston Cream Pie

Toaster Strudel Pastries, Cinnamon With Brown Sugar

Toaster Strudel Pastries, Cream Cheese & Strawberry

Toaster Strudel Pastries, Danish Style Cream Cheese

Toaster Strudel Pastries, Strawberry

Potmann's Select Seasoned Croutons

Rainbo Thin Sliced White Bread

Raybern's New York Deli


Raybern's New York Deli Style Philly Cheesesteak

Roast Beef Cheddar Melt

Rhodes Cinnamon Rolls, Cream Cheese Frosting

Roman Meal 100% Whole Wheat Bread

Rosa Bianca Garlic Bread

Rosen's Sweet Hawaiian Rolls

Roundy's 100% Whole Wheat Bread

Blueberry Bagels

Bratwurst Enriched Buns, Sliced

Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bagel

Croissant Sandwiches

Croutons, Cheese & Garlic

Croutons, Seasoned

Deli Rye Bread, Seedless

Enriched Hot Dog Buns

Everything Bagels

French Bread

Garlic Bread, Original

Garlic Bread, Parmesan

Hamburger Enriched Buns

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Italian Sausage Tortelloni

Meat & Fine Herbs Ravioli

Muffin Sandwiches, Ham Egg And Cheese

Muffin Sandwiches, Sausage, Egg & Cheese

Plain Bagels

Presliced Everything Bagels

Quarter Pound Chicken Sandwich

Select 9 Grain Bread

Texas Toast, Garlic

Texas Toast, Three Cheese

Wheat Bread, Split Top

Wheat Muffin Sandwiches, Turkey Sausage, Egg White &


White Enriched Bread

White Enriched Sandwich Bread

S.Rosen's Black Bavarian Rye Bread

Bohemian Style Rye Bread

Brat & Sausage Rolls

Enriched Hot Dog Buns

French Rolls, Italian Beef Rolls

Hawaiian Bread, Pineapple

Kaiser Buns

Marble Rye Swirled

Multi Grain Bread

Rye Bread

Rye Bread, Caraway Seeds

Rye Bread, Unseeded

Wheat With Oat Bran Buns

Safeway Cornbread Stuffing Mix

Five Cheese Garlic Toast

Sara Lee Blueberry Crumble Breakfast Bread

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Breakfast Bread

Center Split Deli Rolls, White

Cinnamon Breakfast Bread With Raisins

Cinnamon Raisin Bagels

Cinnamon Rolls

Classic Dinner Rolls

Deluxe Bagels, Blueberry

Deluxe Bagels, Cinnamon Raisin

Deluxe Bagels, Plain

Hearty & Delicious 100% Whole Wheat Deli Rolls

Hearty & Delicious Center Split Deli Rolls, White

Honey Wheat Bread

Soft & Smooth 100% Whole Wheat Bread

Soft & Smooth 100% Whole Wheat Hot Dog Buns

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Soft & Smooth Hamburger Buns, White

Soft & Smooth Hot Dog Buns, White

Soft & Smooth Wheat Hamburger Buns

White Bread

Schmidt Enriched Bread

Enriched Hamburger Rolls, Sliced

Rye Bread

Wheat Rolls

Whole Grain White Bread

Select Signatures Spicy Chicken Sliders

Shoprite Bangles Whole Wheat

Cinnamon Bread

Country White Bread

Enriched Cinnamon Swirl Bread

Enriched Honey Wheat Bread

Enriched Light Hot Dog Rolls

Enriched Light Wheat Bread

Enriched Round Top White Bread

Garlic Bread Sticks

Garlic Dinner Rolls

Hot Dog Rolls

Italian Bread

Onion Bagels

Poppy Bagels

Potato Hamburger Rolls

Premium Bread

Premium Bread With 100% Stone Ground Wheat

Sandwich White Bread

Sesame Bagels

Sliced Hearth Baked Plain Bagels

Split Top White Bread

Swirl Rye Bread

Texas Toast Garlic

Wheat Bread

Simplyaddwater Premium Challah Bread Mix

Smucker's Uncrustables Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly Sandwich

Uncrustables Peanut Butter & Grape Spread Sandwich, Reduced


Uncrustables Peanut Butter & Rasperry Spread Sandwich

Uncrustables Peanut Butter & Strawberry Jam Sandwich

Uncrustables Peanut Butter & Strawberry Spread Sandwich,

Reduced Sugar

Snacks Iced Honey Buns

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Storehmann Split Top Wheat Bread

White Bread

Sun-Maid Raisin Bread, Cinnamon Swirl

Sunbeam Enriched Buns

Grill'n Griddle Bread

Hot Dog Buns

Large, Enriched Bread

Texas Toast Enriched Bread, Thick Sliced

Super Bread Giant White Enriched Bread

Hamburger Enriched Buns

Honey Wheat Bread

Hot Dog Enriched Buns

Raisin Bread

Tastykake Glazed Honey Buns

Honey Bun

Iced Honey Buns

The Bakery At Walmart Glazed Yeast Donuts

Jumbo Croissant

Toufayan Bakeries Bagels Blueberry

Cinnamon Raisin

Everything Bagels

Mini Bagels, Cinnamon Raisin

Mini Bagels, Plain

Pre-Sliced Bagels, Whole Wheat

Pre-Sliced Mini Bagels, Whole Wheat

Turano Brat & Sausage Rolls

Extra Long French Bread

French Rolls

Gourmet Sandwich Rolls

Italian Bread

Kaiser Rolls

Old Fashioned Italian Bread

Soft Sub Rolls

Wheat French Rolls

Wheat Rolls

Tuscan Garden Caesar Gourmet Restaurant Style Croutons

Tyson Mini Chicken Sandwiches

Mini Chicken Sandwiches With Cheddar Cheese

Mini Grilled Chicken Sandwiches

Unger's Puff Pastry Shells

Vachon Carrot Cakes

Valu Time Wheat Bread White Enriched Bread

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Van De Kamp's Enriched Hot Dog Buns Sliced

Village Hearth 100% Whole Wheat Bread

Cottage Bread, Wheat

Honey Wheat Bread

Light 12 Grain Bread

Light Italian Bread

Light Wheat Bread

White Brat Buns

Weight Watchers Smart Ones English Muffin Sandwich, Canadian Style Bacon

English Muffin Sandwich, Egg Whites & Cheese

Homestyle Turkey Breast With Stuffing

White Castle Cheeseburgers

Microwavable Hamburgers

White Rose Stuffing Mix

Wonder Light Wheat Bread

Potato Hot Dog Buns

Texas Toast Bread

Source: Data provided by FoodEssentials as of 2/27/2014.

* The original version of this report included Nature's Own because its bakery products used to

contain ADA. On Feb. 28, 2014, Nature’s Own informed EWG that it had removed ADA from its

products in the fall of 2013 and has begun updating its packaging to reflect that change.

A company spokesperson said, "in a few limited markets, some varieties may still have the

outdated packaging with ADA listed in the 'one or more of the following' list. However, the

products do not contain ADA."

† The original version of this report included Target-branded Archer Farms Simply Balanced

100% Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns. On March 7, 2014, Target informed EWG that this

product was discontinued in December 2012. The report has been updated to reflect this


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