Page 1: Whats New CimatronE 9.0 General

June 2009

What’s New inCimatronE 9.0 General

June 2009

Page 2: Whats New CimatronE 9.0 General

June 2009 CimatronE 9.0 – General


Table of Contents

Data Interface ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Read Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) into CimatronE ..................................................... 1 Import DXF – Improvements ........................................................................................................... 2 Export Drawings to DWF................................................................................................................. 3 Export DI, Controlling the Reference UCS in Assembly.................................................................. 4 Export to IGES and STEP – New Parameters to Control Assembly Constructions ........................ 5

Output .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Plotting – Enhancements................................................................................................................. 6 Export to PDF .................................................................................................................................. 7

User Interface and Display................................................................................................................... 8 Scroll of Middle Mouse Button (MMB) ............................................................................................. 8 Texture Mapping.............................................................................................................................. 9 Hide/Show in Sub-Assembly – Improvements .............................................................................. 10 Rotate to Plane – Enhancement.................................................................................................... 11 Mark Hidden Lines as Dashes....................................................................................................... 12 Crosshair Cursor ........................................................................................................................... 13

Others .................................................................................................................................................. 14 User Customization Retained when Upgrading CimatronE........................................................... 14 Save and Control User Profile ....................................................................................................... 15 Control Panel................................................................................................................................. 16 Drag-and-Drop from Browser to CimatronE Window .................................................................... 17 Pre-Selection – Improvement to Ignore Invalid Entities................................................................. 18 Picking the Center of an Edge of Cylindrical Face ........................................................................ 19 Visualize Information when a Function Failed – in Taper, Shell, Remove and Extend, Extend

Object ............................................................................................................................................ 20 UCS Manager................................................................................................................................ 21 PDF Help ....................................................................................................................................... 22

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June 2009 CimatronE 9.0 – General


Data Interface

Read Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) into CimatronE

Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) conveys important information about the design of a product’s components for manufacturing. CimatronE version 9.0 is capable of reading PMI from Pro/E and Catia5.


Users can easily access important Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) from UG and Catia files.

Improves communication.

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June 2009 CimatronE 9.0 – General


Import DXF – Improvements

When importing DXF and DWG files, if the CimatronE background color is white, users won’t see any white entities that are imported.

To see imported entities that are colored white, users need to either change the CimatronE background color (via the Preferences menu), or select the new White Entities as Black option from the Import dialog (this option displays all white entities as black after the Import operation).


Enables users to view white entities as black when importing DXF and DWG files.

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Export Drawings to DWF

CimatronE version 9.0 allows users to convert CimatronE drawing files to DWF files via export. Cimatron attributes are mapped to DWF attributes using specific rules.

Benefits: Easily exports CimatronE drafting files to DWF


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Export DI, Controlling the Reference UCS in Assembly

The Export by UCS parameter enables users to select the reference UCS when exporting a file or assembly.

The dropdown list displays the available UCSs. For an assembly, this list shows the UCSs in the upper levels of the assembly.

Users should select the UCS that will be the reference UCS in the exported file or assembly.


Provides greater control over the reference UCS when exporting an assembly.

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Export to IGES and STEP – New Parameters to Control Assembly


In CimatronE version 9.0, users can export an assembly to an IGES or STEP assembly, and select the UCS of the target assembly by using the Export by UCS option in the General tab.

The UCSs in each exported part are always placed in the position of the original model UCS (this is the default Normal method).

The Assembly Construction parameter enables users to select the required assembly construction by selecting one of the following options:

Normal: Exports parts so that the UCS in each exported part is placed in the position of the original model UCS.

Automotive: Exports parts so that the original Assembly UCS becomes the model UCS of the part. This applies only to parts with an Active Part attribute in the file properties.

Electrode: Exports parts so that the active UCS of each part becomes the model UCS (after importing the assembly).


Saves time by enabling users to control assembly construction parameters.

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Plotting – Enhancements

The new Plot function delivers improved simplicity and ease of use. It has a new user interface and contains more mapping options.

The new Plot tool provides advanced control over the output result. An advanced General Settings tab controls the mapping, pen, width, and line font.

Benefits: A real preview is available on demand.

A rough preview of the plot area on-screen is constantly available.

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Export to PDF

Sending files from one customer to another requires users to usually convert files to other formats.

In CimatronE version 9.0, it is possible to plot or print the drawing or model as 2D to PDF format. The new format has a small file size and can be sent via email.

Benefits: Creates a light-size drawing.

Creates a PDF format that can be viewed on any PC without installing CimatronE.

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User Interface and Display

Scroll of Middle Mouse Button (MMB)

In CimatronE version 9.0, the middle-mouse button (MMB) roller was simplified to ease the selection of other functionalities.


Saves time, since rolling the MMB back and forth works the same way as waiting for the Select – Other Mode to appear.

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Texture Mapping

A new option in CimatronE version 9.0 enables users to attach textures to a face or object.

To attach a texture, users need to only select the required texture from the upper pane, and then pick the face or object to be textured.

Benefits: Increases text functionality by allowing users to

attach textures.

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Hide/Show in Sub-Assembly – Improvements

This new function handles Hide/Show attributes of sub-assembly instances. The Hide/Show attribute is displayed when the main assembly is active, or for other parts in the assembly (except the one to be changed).

If there is more than one identical sub-assembly, the hide/show operations do not affect all instances.

It is possible to display Hide/Show for each node.

Benefits: Eases the control over the Hide/Show display

of sub-assembly instances.

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Rotate to Plane – Enhancement

Defining a plane in the Rotate to Plane function now contains additional options:

Three points

Two lines

The new options allow users to rotate the component by selecting simple inputs.


Simplifies the process of defining a plane.

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Mark Hidden Lines as Dashes

A new parameter in CimatronE version 9.0 displays hidden lines as dash lines, so that hidden lines are now accurately displayed.


Provides better display of hidden lines.

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Crosshair Cursor

This new option changes the display cursor to a full screen crosshair. It stretches from one end of the display area to the other in both directions.

The new functionality makes it simple to reference from other entities while in any operation.

Benefits: Provides users with better control over the X/Y


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User Customization Retained when Upgrading CimatronE

If users upgrade their CimatronE version, or install an updated version side-by-side with the current version, the user’s customized files are now preserved with the legacy user settings.

Users are no longer required to copy customized files from one installation to the other.


Users no longer have to re-customize their settings after each upgrade installation.

CimatronE automatically handles these customized files when performing upgrades and side-by-side installations.

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Save and Control User Profile

It is now possible to edit and copy configuration files from one PC to another, in order that all company PCs have the same look-and-feel. All configuration files are collected from the entire installation, and placed in one utility.


Allows easy control to find configuration files for editing.

Allows easy control to find configuration files for copying from one PC to another.

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Control Panel

CimatronE version 9.0 features a new dialog for the control panel with new icons. The new dialog is more user-friendly and intuitive to use.

Benefits: Allows users to make easy modifications.

Self-explanatory navigation – new tabs, detailed descriptions, and new icon names.

Direct access to tutorials, and activation of multi-session mode.

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Drag-and-Drop from Browser to CimatronE Window

In CimatronE version 9.0, users can drag-and-drop documents into Cimatron like in any other software.

When a Cimatron file is dragged into the Cimatron window from the CimatronE Explorer, Windows Explorer, or any other window, it opens automatically in CimatronE.

Benefits: Saves time and eases the operation of

opening files.

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Pre-Selection – Improvement to Ignore Invalid Entities

If invalid entities are selected for an operation, these entities are skipped and the function is executed until completion.

For example, if a function calls for the selection of faces, and the user picks the required faces and also some edges, the edges (the invalid entities) are ignored, and the execution of the function is completed.


Saves time by skipping invalid entities.

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Picking the Center of an Edge of Cylindrical Face

If a cylindrical face intersects a free-form surface, its edge is neither a circle nor ellipse. Traditionally, the center of such a 3D edge could not be found.

In CimatronE version 9.0, it is possible to define the center point of a 3D edge of a cylindrical face.

Benefits: Eliminates the need to manually create

assistant geometry.

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Visualize Information when a Function Failed – in Taper, Shell,

Remove and Extend, Extend Object

For troubleshooting purposes, an erroneous entity is now highlighted so users can easily identify it. Such entities are highlighted in the following functions:



Remove and Extend

Extend Object functions

Benefits: Saves time by quickly identifying the cause of

the problem.

Facilitates the troubleshooting process.

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UCS Manager

The new option in the User Coordinate System (UCS) Manager allows users to show hidden UCSs without activating the component.

This option eases the work with the UCS Manager tool, and allows better control of the UCS visibility.


Enables easy selection of hidden UCSs.

Provides more control over the selection of UCSs.

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PDF Help

The online help for CimatronE version 9.0 is also available in PDF format. This provides users with another medium to view the Help and, more importantly, enables users to print hard copies of the entire Help, if they wish.

The PDF files are installed in the same folder as the online help files: Cimatron\CimatronE\Program.

Benefits: Increases usability of help files, since they are

available in more than one format.

Allows for easy printing of the entire online help.

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