Page 1: WesternFleetseesnewpromotions - eClerx...Jagdusha Nagar, Golibar Road, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai – 400 086 and holding Flat No.2 in the building of the society, died on 17th March 1998



NOTICEShri RATILAL PRANJIVAN SHAH a memberof Jagdusha Anjali Co-operative HousingSociety Ltd., having address at Plot No.6/8,Jagdusha Nagar, Golibar Road, Ghatkopar(W), Mumbai – 400 086 and holding Flat No.2in the building of the society, died on17th March 1998 without making anynomination.

The society hereby invites claims andobjections from the heir or heirs or otherclaimants / objector or objectors to thetransfer of the said shares and interest of thedeceased member in the capital / property ofthe society within a period of 21 days fromthe publication of this notice, with copies ofsuch documents and other proofs in supportof his /her/their claims / objections for transferof shares and interest of the deceasedmember in the capital /property of the society.If no claims /objections are receiving withinthe period prescribed above, the society shallbe free to deal with the shares and interest ofthe deceased member in the capital / propertyof the society in such manner as is providedunder the bye-laws of the society. The claims/ objections, if any, received by the societyfor transfer of shares and interest of thedeceased member in the capital / property ofthe society shall be dealt with in the mannerprovided under the bye-laws of the society.A copy of the registered bye-laws of thesociety is available for inspection by theclaimants / objectors, in the office of thesociety / with the Secretary of the societybetween, 7.00 to 9.00 A.M. from the date ofpublication of the notice till the date of expiryof its period.

For and on behalf ofThe Jagdusha Anjali Co-operative

Housing Society Ltd.,Sd/-

Hon.SecretaryPlace : Ghatkopar, MumbaiDate : 15/10/2016


5th Floor, Scindia House, N.M. Marg, Ballard Pier, Mumbai-400 038.

Tel: 22665473. Fax: 22665473




Next Date:25/11/2016

Bank of Baroda

C.P.Tank Branch ....Certificate Holder


M/s.Dreamfire Interactive

Systems Pvt Ltd.& Ors. ....Certificate Debtor



1. M/s.Dreamfire Interactive Systems Pvt.Ltd.

508,Gateway Plaza, Central Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai-400 076.

2. Mr.Prince John Periapurath

Periapurath House, parudeesa, Mulholapuram, Elanji, Ernakulam-686665.

3. Mr. Santosh Shivaji Lad,

201, Sterling Heights, 139,Infantary Road, Banglore,Karnataka-560 001.

In terms of the Recovery Certificate in O.A.No.14 of 2014 issued by the Hon’ble Presiding Officer a

sum of Rs.26,32,234.43 (Rupees Twenty Six Lacs Thirty Two thousand Two Hundred and Thirty

four Only.) with interest is due from you.

You are hereby called upon to deposit the above sum within fifteen days of the receipt of this Notice

failing which the recovery shall be made in accordance with law.

In addition to the aforesaid sum,you shall be liable to pay-

(a) interest as per the order in the recovery Certificate;

(b) all costs, charges and expenses incurred in respect of the service of this Notice and other process

that may be taken for recovering the amount due. Given in the Law.

(c) For costs

Given in my hand and under the seal this Tribunal.

Place:Mumbai Sd/-

Date:07-10-2016 (R.S.Jagatkar)

Recovery Officer

Debts Recovery Tribunal II




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MLC elections: No consensusin Cong-NCP over seat sharing● FPJ POLITICAL BUREAU


Congress and its ally in Ma-harashtra, the NationalistCongress Party, are yet ar-rive at a consensus for theseat sharing for the upcom-ing Maharashtra LegislativeCouncil election for 11 seats.On Saturday, state unitchiefs of both parties—Ashok Chavan and SunilTatkare—along with seniorleaders of both parties, Rad-hakrishna Vikhe Patil, Pra-ful Patel and MohanPrakash, met to discuss oncontesting together but nodecision was taken. “We hada detailed discussion on theseat sharing. We will discusswith our respective centralleadership and meet againsoon to finalise it,” said

Tatkare.Meanwhile, Chavansaid, “We are still working itout; nothing has been fi-nalised yet.”The term of 11 membersfrom local bodies, graduatesand teachers constituenciesends on December 5, includ-ing heavyweights likeMinis-ter of State for Home, Dr.Ranjit Patil of BharatiyaJanata Party.Of the total 11 seats, NCPhas themaximum five, whileCongress,BJPand Independ-ents have two each. Accord-ing to sources, Congress iskeen to have one of the threeseats held by NCP. The Con-gress has demanded eitherSangli-Satara local bodies,Bhandara-Gondia local bod-ies or Yavatmal local bodies,but NCP so far isn’t keen togive it up. Tatkare said,

“They can ask, but we needto discuss it with our centralleadership.”The election is crucial forBJP, which is looking to im-prove its tally in the Legisla-

tive Council, and also forNCP, which is eyeing to re-tain its position of the singlelargest party in the UpperHouse of Legislature.Meanwhile, Congress hasalready announced candida-ture for Nashik and Amra-vati Graduates constituen-cies. Sudhir Tambe is nomi-nated from the Nashik Grad-uates constituency and San-jay Khodake has been nomi-nated from the AmravatiGraduates constituency.Kho-dake will take on BJP’s Ran-jit Patil, who has been re-nominated by his party lastmonth. Tambe, who is a rela-tive of former state RevenueMinister Balasaheb Thorat,will take on BJP-nominatedPrashant Patil, a relative ofUnion Minister of State forDefence, Subhash Bhamre.

3-yr-old kidnapped, raped, left crying at crime scene

Diet boost for 100 Aids patients in Kandivali


APJ's b’day eclared'MaharashtraReading Day'MUMBAI:October 15, thebirthday of formerPresident A.P.J.Abdul Kalamwill be celebrated as"Maharashtra Reading Day"in the state, EducationMinister Vinod Tawdeannounced here onSaturday.Hundreds ofcolleges in the stateorganised their ownreading day programmes,literary and poetrymeetings, reading cornersand other events to markthe scientist-turned-politician Kalam's 85thbirthday anniversary.Tawdesaid that "MaharashtraReading Day" would inspirechildren and the youngergeneration to make readinga habit which is gettingchallenged with the adventof cellphones and otherdevices at an early age.OnFriday, in a stategovernment programme,Tawde distributed 100"talking book" volumes to21 schools for the visually-handicapped inMaharashtra, prepared incollaboration with NationalAssociation for Blind(NAB).Later, he presentedsets of 100 books to 21readers' groups at afunction in GokhaleEducation Society Collegein Borivali to mark the day.

Craftsvilla Diwalisale to concludesoonEthnic online store,Craftsvilla, announced its‘Craftsvilla Grand DiwaliSale’ recently.The last dayfor the sale to end is 16October, 2016.The store isprovided specially curatedcollection of ethnic wear,accessories and homedécor products on theirwebsite with a minimum 50per cent off. Craftsvilla, chiefbusiness officer,ManishKalra, said,“Festive season isall about celebrations andconnecting back to one'sroots. In earlier days, thewhole family would gettogether and shop,do upthe house and indulge inscrumptious foods.However, in the present dayand age, the lack of timeand fast lifestyles has madethese age old traditionssometimes difficult toachieve.Craftsvilla’s widerange product portfolioincludes popular brandsacross traditional, fusionclothing and accessories tohome decor.With over25,000 sellers from acrossIndia,Craftsvilla has close to4 million products onlineacross categories including,clothing,handicrafts,jewelry and art amongothers.

Blood banks stock up for lean period



RearAdmiral Ravneet Singhhanded over the Commandof Western Fleet to Rear Ad-miralRBPandit onSaturday.Rear Admiral Singh hadassumed Command ofWestern Fleet on 10 Oct,2015. During his tenure, theWestern Fleet was deployedfor several operational de-ployments including nu-merous multinational exer-cises with friendly foreignnavies. The Fleet also un-dertook overseas deploy-ments to Colombo, Male,Persian Gulf, Western Indi-an Ocean littoral nationsand East/South Africa.The Fleet had also partici-pated in the InternationalFleetReviewoff Visakhapat-nam. Rear Admiral RavneetSingh is slated to take overthe responsibility of Chief ofStaff, Western Naval Com-mand on promotion to therank of Vice Admiral laterin themonth.Rear Admiral Pandit was

commissioned into the Indi-an Navy in Jul 1984. Analumnus of the National De-fence Academy, Khadak-wasla,DefenceServices StaffCollege, Wellington, the Col-lege of NavalWarfare,Mum-bai and the Royal College ofDefenceStudies, London, theAdmiral is a specialist inAnti SubmarineWarfare.The Admiral has held sev-eral key appointments in hisnaval career including Com-

mand of missile corvetteINSNirghat, frigate INSVin-dhyagiri and the LandingPlatform Dock INS Jalash-wa. On promotion to FlagRank, the Admiral held cov-eted appointments of theAs-sistant Chief of Naval Staff(ForeignCooperationand In-telligence) at Naval Head-quarters and Chief of StaffSouthern Naval Command,prior assumingCommand oftheWestern Fleet.



With the idea of providingdietary supplements toAIDS infected patients, asuburban NGO has adopted100 patients from ShatabdiHospital in Kandivali to pro-vide them with the requirednutrition.According to Dr GirishTrivedi of AIDS Combat In-ternational, there is a largenumber of AIDS infected pa-tients who are taking treat-ment at this hospital andmany of them are in needfor nutritional support.“This is also important forthese patients because they

need the nutritional supportas part of their treatment,”he explained.The NGO provides dal,pulses and other food grainitems as part of this dietarysupplement and this helps inbuilding the immunity ofthe patients, the doctor said.“The biggest difficulty thatthe AIDS infected patientsface is low immunity andwhich also causes complica-tions in their health condi-tion,” Dr Trivedi said.Hospital sources said thatthe activity is carried outevery Wednesday by thisgroup at the hospital and italso acts as a support systemfor their families. “In some

cases, the AIDS victims arethe only bread winners ofthe family and hence givingthem the foodgrains alsohelps in running theirhouseholds,” an officialsaid.“The new line of medi-cines is a boon for such pa-tients andmany of them arenow able to live a longer lifeand a good quality of life,”Dr Trivedi said. At ShatabdiHospital, these patients getfreemedicines and the treat-ment has helped to bring uptheir vital parameters, headded.Sources said that the goodnews is that there are veryfew fresh HIV cases in the

city and this has largely hap-pened due to good coun-selling and awareness byvarious social and officialgroups. “Even the rate ofmother-child transmissionis less now because of proj-ects started at variousmajorhospitals across the city,” an-other senior doctor said.According to Dr Trivedi,along with better treatmentof AIDS infection, there isnow greater acceptance ofthis disease in the society.“With proper medical treat-ment and nutritional sup-port, the patients are able tocarry out all their routineactivities and live a normallife,” he said.



Blood banks in the city aregearing for the upcominglean period during the Di-wali vacations, whenmost ofthe colleges are closed andthere are very few blood do-nation camps in the city.Sources said that collegesare a major source of bloodfor the city and there are sev-eral camps organisedthroughout the year. “Howev-er, most of the college stu-dents right noware currentlybusy with their exams andtheywill have their vacationsafter that,” said Vinay Shettyfrom Think Foundation.Therefore, most of the bloodbanksare in theprocessof or-ganising camps so that there

is enough stock to last themthrough the vacations, hepointed out. “At the sametime, professional colleges,like engineering and techni-cal, follow a differenttimetable and hence we areorganising camps at theseplaces at present,” he said.“The major worry for us isthe shortage of bloodplatelets that are needed forthe treatment of patients suf-fering from dengue, cancerandevenburns,”Shetty said.Since the life of platelets isonly five days, it becomescrucial to organise regulardrives.Medical sources said thatthe planning for blood dona-tion should be done in such away that the shortage peri-ods like summer vacations

and Diwali vacations shouldnot be a problem. “If theblood banks are aware thatthere are vacations comingup then they can draw up atimetable in a way that theyare properly spaced out andblood is always available forthe patients,” an activistsaid.Commenting on this issue,SangeetNair, a regular blooddonor, said that it is the re-sponsibility of every personto ensure that he or she do-nates blood on a regular ba-sis. “The good thing abouthave a large population isthat people can donate bloodon a regular basis so thatthere is never any shortagesituation and people do nothave to run around for thiscrucial thing,” he said



An unidentified man kid-napped a three-year-old girl,who was playing near herhome in MIDC-Andheri, andraped her on Thursdayevening.Thegirlwas left cry-ing at the crime scene.The accused is still at large.According to the police, thewhole incident of kidnap-ping is recordedon theCCTVwhich reveals that the ac-cused took the survivor be-hind a tempo and he is laterseen walking freely from the

crime scene.The matter came to lightwhen few other kids, playingwith the survivor, informedher parents that she was kid-napped by an unknown per-son. After which the parentsstarted a search for the sur-vivor and later found her ly-ing abandoned and crying inpain behind a tempo whereshe was allegedly raped bythe abductor.The accused took the sur-vivorwithhimon thepretextof giving her a chocolate.A case of kidnapping andrape has been registered at

MIDC police station and thesurvivor was sent to KEMhospital, where she is recu-perating.“Nowher conditionis stable and recuperatingfast,” said Dean of KEMhos-pital Dr Avinash Supe.Victim’s father is a fruitvendor, who stays with herfamily in a chawl in Andheri(East).The MIDC police haveformed a team to nail downthe unidentified accused af-ter registering a case undersections 363 (kidnap), 376(rape) of IPC and section 4 ofPOCSOAct.

Praful Patel

Western Fleet sees new promotions

Page 2: WesternFleetseesnewpromotions - eClerx...Jagdusha Nagar, Golibar Road, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai – 400 086 and holding Flat No.2 in the building of the society, died on 17th March 1998

2 ‘w§~B©, a{ddma, 16 Am°³Qmo~a 2016

Omhra gyMZmV‘m‘ OZVobm gyMZm ¶mÛmao XoʶmV ¶oVoH s, lr. M§ÐH m§V ‘hmXod Hw§ ^ma, gm¡.M§Ðà^m M§ÐH m§V Hw§ ^ma Am{U lr.Jm¡ad M§ÐH m§V Hw§ ^ma ¶m§Zr H¡ . lr‘Vrào‘m Or. ‘oZZ ¶m§Mo H m¶Xoera dmag-(1) gm¡. grZm g§Vmof Am{U (2) lr.amHo e ‘oZZ ¶m§À¶mH SyZ âb°Q IaoXrHo bm Amho. gd© 춺 s/º s¨ Á¶m§Mm{dH« s, AXbm~Xb, ~jrg, JhmU,à^ma, {dídñV, dmagmh¸ , H ãOm,^mS onÅm, YmaUm{YH ma qH dm AݶWmH moU˶mhr ‘mJm©Zo ˶m g§X^m©V H moUVmhrXmdm Agë¶mg ˶m nwîRçW© H mJXmonÌrnwamì¶m§gh gXa gyMZm VmaIonmgyZ 15{Xdgm§V 401/gr, A‘aZJa grE-MEg, gpñ‘am ‘mJ©, dair, ‘w§~B© -400 030 ¶oWo {ZåZñdmjarH mam§ZmboIr ñdénmV H i{dʶmMr ¶mÛmao{dZ§Vr H aʶmV ¶oV Amho, H gyadmaRaë¶mg gXa {‘iH VrMm àñVm{dVì¶dhma hm Aem Xmì¶mÀ¶m H moU˶mhrg§X^m©{edm¶ Am‘À¶m A{ebm§Ûmao nyU©H aʶmV ¶oB©b Am{U gXa ˶m{JVHo ë¶mMo g‘OʶmV ¶oB©b.

darb C„o{IV âb°QMo dU©ZgrQrEg H« . 1gr/1/213 ^mJ, JmdH m§{Xdbr Am{U VmbwH m ~mo[adbr ¶oWopñWV, dgboë¶m Am{U Aem MmaH monJm¶Ìr H mo-Am°n. hmD qgJ gmogm¶Q r{b., ßbm°Q H« . 125, AmaEggr-11,MmaH mon go³Qa H« . 2, H m§{Xdbr (n.),‘w§~B©-400067 ¶oWrb 1 ë¶m‘Oë¶mdarb ‘moO‘m{nV 730 Mm¡. ’y .MQB© joÌ, âb°Q H« . 11.

ghr/-gm¡. Z¶Zm g§Ho V RmHy adH sb, Cƒ ݶm¶mb¶

{XZm§H : 15 Am°³Qmo~a, 2016.

dmer emIm : -‘mH} Q H m°åßbo³g {~pëS ¨J, go³Qa 15/16,dmer Zdr ‘w§~B© - 400 703.

Xÿa. … 25512823, B©-‘ob : [email protected]

H ãOm gyMZm(ñWmda {‘iH VrH [aVm)

Á¶mAWu, {ZåZñdmjarH mam§Zr ~±H Am°’ B§{S¶mMo àm{YH¥ V A{YH mar ¶m Zm˶mZo{g³¶w[aQm¶PoeZ A°ÝS [aH ÝñQ´³eZ Am°’ ’ m¶ZmpÝeAb A°goQg² A°ÝS EÝ’ mog©‘|Q Am°’{g³¶w[aQr B§QaoñQ A°³Q, 2002 Am{U H b‘ 13(12) {g³¶w[aQr B§QaoñQ (EÝ’ mog©‘|Q) ê ëg,2002 ghdmMVm {Z¶‘ 8 AÝd¶o àmá A{YH mam§Mm dmna H ê Z {XZm§H 11.07.2016 amoOr‘mJUr gyMZm gXa A°³QÀ¶m H b‘ 13(2) AÝd¶o Omar H ê Z H O©Xma/JhmUdQmXma/h‘rXmalr. AaqdX Hw ‘ma AmoPm, lr‘. q~Xþ AmoPm Am{U lr. a‘oe Hw ‘ma Xþ~o ¶m§g gyMZoVrbEHy U Z‘yX a¸ ‘ åhUOoM é. 17,26,000/- (én¶o gVam bmI gìdrg hOma‘mÌ)(gyMZoÀ¶m VmaIon¶ªVMr g§{dXmË‘H WH ~mH s) À¶mgh ‘m{gH XamZo g§~§{YV9.70% à. d. XamZo ˶mdarb ì¶mO ¶m aH ‘oMr naV’o S gXa gyMZm àmárÀ¶m 60 {Xdgm§VH aʶmg gm§{JVbo hmoVo.aH ‘oMr naV’o S H aʶmg ¶oWrb darb Z‘yX H O©Xma/JhmUdQmXma/h‘rXma Ag‘W© Raë¶mZo,{deofV… ¶oWrb darb Z‘yX H O©Xma Am{U gd©gm‘mݶ OZVog ¶mÛmao gyMZm XoʶmV ¶oVo H s,{ZåZñdmjarH mam§Zr Imbr dU©Z H aʶmV Amboë¶m {‘iH VrMm H ãOm ˶m§Zm àXmZ H aʶmVAmboë¶m eº s¨Mm dmna H ê Z gXa A°³QÀ¶m H b‘ 13(4) A§VJ©V ghdmMVm gXa{Z¶‘mdbrÀ¶m {Z¶‘ 8 AÝd¶o 10 Am°³Qmo~a, 2016 amoOr KoVbm Amho.{deofV: ¶oWrb darb Z‘yX H O©Xma Am{U gd©gm‘mݶ OZVog ¶mÛmao Bemam XoʶmV ¶oVmo H s, gXa{‘iH Vrer H moUVmhr ì¶dhma H ê Z¶o Am{U gXa {‘iH Vrer H aʶmV Ambobm H moUVmhrì¶dhma hm ~±H Am°’ B§{S¶m, dmer emIoÀ¶m a¸ ‘ é. 17,26,000/- (én¶o gVambmI gìdrg hOma ‘mÌ)(gyMZoÀ¶m VmaIon¶ªVMr g§{dXmË‘H WH ~mH s) À¶mghg§~§{YV 9.70% à. d. XamZo ˶mdarb ì¶mO À¶mgh ˶mdarb Cnm{O©V Am{U Cnm{O©V hmoUmao^{dî¶mVrb ì¶mO Am{U AZwf§{JH IM©, qH ‘V Am{U à^ma B. aH ‘oÀ¶m ^mamAYrZ amhrb.

ñWmda {‘iH VrMo dU©ZB©³¶yE‘ âb°Q H« . 304Mm, nmH© ìøy, ßbm°Q H« . 143, go³Qa 10, Jmd VimoOm n§MmZ§X,Vm. nZdob, {O. am¶JS.{XZm§H : 10/10/2016 ghr/-ñWi : nZdob-VimoOm àm{YH¥ V A{YH mardoi … Xþ. 3.00 dm. ~±H Am°’ B§{S¶m

gyMZm ¿¶mdr H s, lr. gw{Zb am‘M§Ð ANnmb ho˶m§Mr {‘iH V Or âb°Q H« . 25, ‘moO‘m{nVA§Xm{OV 675 Mm¡. ’y . (MQB©) Am{U âb°Q H« .27, ‘moO‘m{nV Odinmg 725 Mm¡. ’y . (MQB©),""~rg'' Zm‘H B‘maVrÀ¶m 3 è¶m ‘Oë¶mda, Ordgbobr Am{U pñWV O{‘ZrÀ¶m ^mJ Am{U{d^mJmda Á¶mMm gr.Eg. H« . 211, gm¶Zhm°pñnQbÀ¶m g‘moa, gm¶Z (ny), ‘w§~B© -400022 ¶oWo Am{U Oo A{YH g{dñVa[a˶mImbrb n[a{eïmV dU©Z Ho bo AgyZ Oo gd© ^ma,A{YH ma Am{U Xmdo‘wº AgyZ gXaÀ¶m {dH« sgmRrAm‘À¶m A{ebm§er dmQmKmQr H arV AmhoV.

H moU˶mhr 춺 sg gXa âb°Q² gg§X^m©V qH dm˶mÀ¶m H moU˶mhr ^mJmda qH dm {déÕ H moUVmhrXmdm Agë¶mg Ogo {dH« s, JhmU, AXbm~Xb,^oQdñVy, H ãOm, dmagmh¸ , ^mS onÅ m,YmaUm{YH ma, gw{dYm{YH ma, {dídñV Am{U/qH dmAݶ Am{U qH dm gXa âb°Qg§X^m©Vrb Zm‘m{YH maXñVmdoOm§À¶m gmIirVrb H moU˶mhr ‘yi XñVm-doOm§À¶m H ãOm Agë¶mMm Xmdm Ogo H s, JhmU,YmaUm{YH ma, à^ma, VmaU qH dm Aݶ Agë¶mg{ZåZñdmjarH mam§g Imbrb Z‘yX nζmda gXagyMZm àH meZmÀ¶m Xhm {Xdgm§V H i{dUo Amdí¶HAmho, H gya Ho ë¶mg H moU˶mhr A{YH mam§Mm g§X^© ZKoVm Am‘À¶m A{ebm§Ûmao ì¶dhmamMr à{H« ¶m nyU©Ho br OmB©b Am{U gXa Agë¶mg ˶mMm A{Y˶mJHo ë¶mMo ‘mZbo OmB©b.

darb C„o{IV {‘iH VrMo n[a{eï

âb°Q H« . 25, ‘moO‘m{nV gw‘mao 675 Mm¡. ’y .(MQB©) Am{U âb°Q H« . 27, ‘moO‘m{nV gw‘mao725 Mm¡. ’y . (MQB©), ""~rg'' Zm‘HB‘maVrÀ¶m 3 è¶m ‘Oë¶mda, Or dgbobrAm{U pñWV O{‘ZrÀ¶m ^mJ Am{U {d^mJmdaÁ¶mMm gr.Eg. H« . 211, gm¶Z hm°pñnQbÀ¶mg‘moa, gm¶Z (ny), ‘w§~B© - 400 022.


‘o. ìhr. Xoenm§S o A±S H§ .

dH sb Am{U gm°{b{gQg©,

111/112, H m°‘g© hmD g,

140, Z{JZXmg ‘mñQa amoS,

’ moQ ©, ‘w§~B© - 400 023.

ñWi … ‘w§~B© {XZm§H … 16.10.2016

Omhra gyMZm ‘w§~B© H O© dgwbr ݶm¶m{YH aU H« . 25 dm ‘Obm, qg{X¶m hmD g, EZ. E‘. ‘mJ©, ~°bmS © {nAa,‘w§~B©-400 038. Xÿ.: 22665473. ’° ³g: 22665473dgwbr A{YH mè¶m§g‘j, H O© dgwbr ݶm¶m{YH aU,II

dgwbr H m¶©dmhr H« . 14 gZ 2014n[a. H« . 7

nwTrb VmarI: 25/11/2016~±H Am°’ Q §H emIm ... à‘mUnÌ YmaH{déÜX‘o. S´r‘’ m¶a B§QaA°p³Qìh {gñQåg àm. {b. Am{U Aݶ ... à‘mUnÌF UH mo

‘mJUr gyMZmà{V,1. ‘o. S´r‘’ m¶a B§QaA°p³Qìh {gñQåg àm. {b.508, JoQdo ßbmPm, g|Q´b A°ìhoݶy, {hamZ§XmZr JmS ©Ýg, ndB©, ‘w§~B©-400 076.2. lr. qàg Om°Z no[a¶mnwaWno[a¶mnwaW hmD g, néXrgm, ‘wëhmobmnwa‘, Ebm§Or, EZm©Hw b‘-686665.3. lr. g§Vmof {edmOr bmS,201, ñQ{bªJ hmB©Qg², 139, BÝ’ ÝQ´ r amoS, ~±Jbmoa, H Zm©QH -560 001.gÝ‘mZZr¶ nrRmgrZ A{YH mè¶m§Ûmao {ZJ©{‘V Amo.E. H« . 14 gZ 2014 ‘Yrb dgwbrà‘mUnÌmZwgma a¸ ‘ é. 26,32,234.43/- (én¶o gìdrg bmI ~Îmrg hOmaXmoZeo Mm¡Vrg Am{U ÌoMmirg n¡go ‘mÌ) Vw‘À¶m{déÕ Xa Am{U ì¶mO ¶oUo Amho.Vwåhmbm ¶mÛmao darb a¸ ‘ gXa gyMZm àmárÀ¶m n§Yam {Xdgm§V ^aUm H aʶmH [aVm~mobm{dʶmV ¶oV Amho. H gyadma Raë¶mg H m¶ÚmZwgma dgwbr H aʶmV ¶oB©b.darb aH ‘m§ì¶{V[aº Vwåhm§bm A{YH ^aʶmMo Xm{¶Ëd :-1) dgwbr à‘mUnÌmVrb AmXoemZwgma ì¶mO;2) ¶m gyMZoÀ¶m ~OmdUrg§~§Yr Ambobm Am{U WH sV aH ‘oÀ¶m dgwbrH [aVm H aʶmV¶oUmè¶m Cnm¶¶moOZodarb BVa gd© Xa, à^ma Am{U IM©.‘m¶m hñVo Am{U gXa ݶm¶m{YH aUmÀ¶m {e³³¶mZo {Xbr.ñWi : ‘w§~B© ghr/-{XZm§H : 07-10-2016 (Ama. Eg. OJVH a)

dgwbr A{YH marH O© dgwbr ݶm¶m{YH aU II

NOTICEShri RATILAL PRANJIVAN SHAH a memberof Jagdusha Anjali Co-operative HousingSociety Ltd., having address at Plot No.6/8,Jagdusha Nagar, Golibar Road, Ghatkopar(W), Mumbai – 400 086 and holding Flat No.2in the building of the society, died on17th March 1998 without making anynomination.

The society hereby invites claims andobjections from the heir or heirs or otherclaimants / objector or objectors to thetransfer of the said shares and interest of thedeceased member in the capital / property ofthe society within a period of 21 days fromthe publication of this notice, with copies ofsuch documents and other proofs in supportof his /her/their claims / objections for transferof shares and interest of the deceasedmember in the capital /property of the society.If no claims /objections are receiving withinthe period prescribed above, the society shallbe free to deal with the shares and interest ofthe deceased member in the capital / propertyof the society in such manner as is providedunder the bye-laws of the society. The claims/ objections, if any, received by the societyfor transfer of shares and interest of thedeceased member in the capital / property ofthe society shall be dealt with in the mannerprovided under the bye-laws of the society.A copy of the registered bye-laws of thesociety is available for inspection by theclaimants / objectors, in the office of thesociety / with the Secretary of the societybetween, 7.00 to 9.00 A.M. from the date ofpublication of the notice till the date of expiryof its period.

For and on behalf ofThe Jagdusha Anjali Co-operative

Housing Society Ltd.,Sd/-

Hon.SecretaryPlace : Ghatkopar, MumbaiDate : 15/10/2016


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gyMZm ¶mÛmao XoʶmV ¶oVo H s, lr. lrH m§V M§{SàgmX {V~«odmbm amhUma ‘w§~B© ¶oWoho ‘mo~Xë¶mH [aVm n[a{eïmVrb âb°Q {dH« s Am{U {ZH mbr H mTʶmgmRr BÀNwHAmhoV.H s, n[a{eïmVrb âb°Q hm ‘yiV: 1994 ‘ܶo {J{Z~mB© M§{SàgmX {V~«odmbm¶m§À¶mgh lr. lrH m§V gr {V~«odmbm ¶m§Zr g§nm{XV Ho bm hmoVm. {J{Z~mB© M§{SàgmX{V~«odmbm ¶m§Mo âb°Q‘ܶo 50% eoAg© hmoVo, ¶m§Mo 2000 gmbr {ZYZ Pmbo˶m§À¶m níMmV H m¶Xoera dmag åhUyZ ˶m§Mo nVr Am{U ‘wbo AmhoV. Am{U2015 ‘ܶo ˶m§Mo nVr M§{SàgmX {Ma§Orbmb {V~«odmbm ¶m§MogwÜXm {ZYZ Pmbo˶m§À¶m níMmV dmag åhUyZ ˶m§Mr ‘wbo AmhoV.

gd© 춺 s/º s¨gh H¡ . {J{Z~mB© M§{SàgmX {V~«odmbm Am{U M§{SàgmX{Ma§Orbmb {V~«odmbm ¶m§Mo H mhr H m¶Xoera dmag qH dm H moUrhr Aݶ 춺 sAgë¶mg Á¶m§Mm ^mS onÅm, YmaUm{YH ma, ~jrg, nadmZm, {dH« s, AXbm~Xb,gw{dYm{YH ma, JhmU, A{^hñVm§H Z, à^ma qH dm AݶWm H moU˶mhr ‘mJm©Zon[a{eïmVrb {‘iH V qH dm {VÀ¶m H moU˶mhr ^mJmda Xmdm Agë¶mg gXaVmaIonmgyZ 14 {Xdgm§V H mJXmonÌr nwamì¶m§gh EH {ÌV H mhr Agë¶mg AemXmì¶mMm {ZpíMV àH ma ˶m‘ܶo {deofV: Z‘yX H ê Z Imbrb Z‘yX nζmda boIrñdénmV {ZåZñdmjarH mam§Zm H i{dUo Amdí¶H Amho, H gyadma Raë¶mgn[a{eïmVrb {‘iH V qH dm {VÀ¶m H moU˶mhr ^mJmÀ¶m {damoYmVrb, ‘YrbqH dm darb Agm H moUVmhr Xmdm gmoSyZ {Xë¶mMo, ˶m{JV Am{U n[a˶m{JVHo ë¶mMo ‘mZʶmV ¶oB©b Am{U Vo Aem Xmì¶mÀ¶m H moU˶mhr g§X^m©{edm¶JhmUmMr ¶Wm¶mo½¶ à{H« ¶m nyU© H aVrb.

{‘iH VrMo n[a{eïJmd: dm§Ðo (Xm§Sm), VmbwH m dm§Ðo, {Oëhm ‘w§~B© CnZJaMm grQrEg H« . EZ/163,164, 165 Am{U 166 YmaH gìh} H« . 50, ßbm°Q H« . 4 (^mJ), gìh} H« . 5,ßbm°Q H« . 1 (^mJ), A§{V‘ ßbm°Q H« . 2 YmaH O{‘Zrda dgboë¶m {’ amoOemhamoS, gm§VmH«w P (npíM‘), ‘w§~B©- 400054 ¶oWo pñWV ""½b°ShñQ © grE-MEgEb'' Aem kmV B‘maVr‘Yrb Xþgè¶m ‘Oë¶mdarb âb°Q H« . 22.

{XZm§H : ‘w§~B© ghr/-{XZm§H : 14.10.2016 ‘o. gmB© H ÝgëQÝgr gpìh©gog

M|~a H« . 201, 2 am ‘Obm, Bñ’ mZr {~pëS ¨J,120/122, ‘moXr ñQ´ rQ, ’ moQ ©, ‘w§~B©-400 001.

Omhra gyMZm

ZmV§ ~±qH J n{bH SM§.....~±H Am°’ B§{S¶m, ~mo[adbr (npíM‘) emIm, A°SdmÝg {SnmQ ©‘|Q, Am°{M©S ßbmPm,

ZmQH dmbm boZ, aoëdo ßb°Q’ m°‘© H« . 8 Odi, Eg. ìhr. amoSbJV, ~mo[adbr (npíM‘), ‘w§~B© - 400 092.gyMZm

{g³¶w[aQm¶PoeZ A±S [aH ÝñQ´³eZ Am°’ ’ m¶ZmpÝeAb A°goQg² A±S EÝ’ mog©‘|Q Am°’ {g³¶w[aQr B§QaoñQ A°³Q,2002 (ga’¡ gr A°³Q) À¶m H b‘ 13(2) AÝd¶o ‘mJUr gyMZm.

~±H Am°’ B§{S¶mÀ¶m Imbrb emIoH SyZ H O©Xmam§Zr KoVboë¶m H OmªÀ¶m g§X^m©V Or Imbr {Xboë¶m VmaIm§Zm Imbrb Cd©[aVWH sV aH ‘o{Zer EZnrE Pmbr ˶m g§~§YmV Amåhr Vwåhmbm ¶m AJmoXaM a{OñQS © nmoñQ {dW A°³Zm°boO‘|Q Sçy Ûmam{g³¶w[aQm¶PoeZ A±S [aH ÝñQ´³eZ Am°’ ’ m¶ZmpÝeAb A°goQg² A±S EÝ’ mog©‘|Q Am°’ {g³¶w[aQr B§QaoñQ A°³Q, 2002 À¶m H b‘13(2) AÝd¶o g{dñVa ‘mJUr gyMZm 01.10.2016 amoOrg Omar Ho br hmoVr Vr nmoM Z hmoVm naV Ambr. gXa gyMZm à{gÜXrVmaIonmgyZ 60 {Xdgm§V Imbrb aH ‘oMo àXmZ H aʶmV H gya Ho ë¶mg A°³QÀ¶m H b‘ 13(4) Zwgma Vw‘À¶m ‘mbH sÀ¶m VmaUm-Mm H ãOm KoʶmMm Am‘Mm {dMma Amåhr H i{dV AmhmoV. Vnerb Imbrbà‘mUo :

Vwåhm gdmªZm g„m XoʶmV ¶oVmo (1) A{YH Am{U g§nyU© Vn{ebm§gmRr Vwåhmbm CÔoeyZ nmR{dbobo nmH sQ/‘yi gyMZm Am{U/qH dmQnmb àm{YH mè¶m§Zr naV Ho br Agë¶mg {ZåZñdmjarH mam§H SyZ àmßV H amdr Am{U (2) ga’¡ gr A°³Q AÝd¶o nwTrb H madmB©Q miʶmgmRr da C„oI Ho boë¶m gyMZoÀ¶m VmaIonmgyZ 60 {Xdgm§V Cd©[aV WH sV a³H ‘, ì¶mO d IM© B. hçm§Mo àXmZ H amdo.Oa Vwåhr Vw‘Mo Xm{¶Ëd {Z^mdʶmV H gya Ho br, Va Amåhr IM© d n[aUm‘m§À¶m gd©ñdr Vw‘À¶m Omo{I‘rda darb VmaU ‘Îmm§{déÕ{g³¶w[aQm¶PoeZ A±S [aH ÝñQ´³eZ Am°’ ’ m¶ZmpÝeAb A°goQg² A±S EÝ’ mog©‘|Q Am°’ {g³¶w[aQr B§QaoñQ A°³Q, 2002 À¶m H b‘13 AÝd¶o ~±Ho bm Agboë¶m A{YH mam§Mm dmna H ê .da dU©Z Ho boë¶m A{YH mam§Mm dmna H ê Z amoH S Pmboë¶m aH ‘m§‘YyZ àW‘ Amåhmbm Ambobm gd© IM©, AmH ma d n[a춶Am{U/qH dm ˶m AZwf§JmZo Pmbobm IM© ^mJ{dʶmV ¶oB©b Am{U Xþgao hçm gyMZoÀ¶m VmaIonmgyZ à˶j dgwbrÀ¶m VmaIon¶ªVg§{dXmË‘H XamZo ì¶mOmgh darbà‘mUo ~±Ho À¶m ¶oUo aH ‘oV dJ© H aʶmV ¶oB©b Am{U ˶mZ§Va ~±Ho Mr g§nyU© WH ~mH s a³H ‘ dgybPmë¶mZ§Va H moUVrhr a³H ‘ {e„H am{hë¶mg, Vwåhmbm Vr àXmZ Ho br OmB©b.VmaU ‘Îmm§{déÕ gXa A{YH ma dmnê Z dgyb Ho boë¶m aH ‘oVyZ Oa gXa g§nyU© WH ~mH sMr dgwbr Pmbr Zmhr Va Vw‘À¶mH SyZgd© AZwf§{JH IMmªgh Cd©[aV a³H ‘ dgyb H aʶmgmRr {XdmUr ݶm¶mb¶/SrAmaQrg‘moa Vw‘À¶m{déÕ H madmB© H aʶmMo Am‘MoA{YH ma Amåhr amIyZ R odV AmhmoV.

ghr/-àm{YH¥ V A{YH mar,

{RH mU : ‘w§~B© ~±H Am°’ B§{S¶m{XZm§H : 15-10-2016 ~mo[adbr (npíM‘) emIm

A.H« .

H O©Xma/h‘rXmamMo Zmd Am{U nÎmm emIoMoZmd

‘mJUr gyMZm VmarI/WH ~mH s a³H ‘ JhmU {‘iH V/VmaUm§Mo dU©Z

1 1. lr‘. ImoXoOm NÎmabr ‘m|Sb,B©-1, åhmSm H m°åßbo³g, em§Vr JmS ©Z, {‘am amoSnyd©, RmUo - 401107.2. lr‘. ImoXoOm NÎmabr ‘m|Sb,âb°Q H« . 504, 5 dm ‘Obm, ‘E’ ’ qdJ,VÝ‘¶ grEMEgEb, H Zm{H ¶m H m°åßbo³g,~oìhbu nmH© , {‘am amoS nyd©, RmUo - 401107.


gyMZoMr VmarI : 01.10.2016WH sV a³H ‘ : é. 37.54 bmI{XZm§H 14-09-2016 À¶mgh ‘m{gHXamgh {XZm§H 15-09-2016 nmgyZ9.65% à.gm. {dÚ‘mZ darb ~rAma0.00% XamZo nwT rb ì¶mOmgh Am{U2.00% à. gm. X§SmË‘H ì¶mOhr.

g‘ݶm¶r JhmU âb°QH« . 504, 5 dm ‘Obm,‘E’ ’ qdJ, VÝ‘¶g r E M E g E b ,H Zm{H ¶m H m°åßbo³g,~oìhbu nmH© , {‘am amoSnyd©, RmUo - 401107.

ZmV§ ~±qH J n{bH SM§....~±H Am°’ B§{S¶m, ~mo[adbr (npíM‘) emIm, A°SdmÝg {SnmQ ©‘|Q, Am°{M©S ßbmPm,

ZmQH dmbm boZ, aoëdo ßb°Q’ m°‘© H« . 8 Odi, Eg. ìhr. amoSbJV, ~mo[adbr (npíM‘), ‘w§~B© - 400 092.

gyMZm{g³¶w[aQm¶PoeZ A±S [aH ÝñQ´³eZ Am°’ ’ m¶ZmpÝeAb A°goQg² A±S EÝ’ mog©‘|Q Am°’ {g³¶w[aQr B§QaoñQ A°³Q,

2002 (ga’¡ gr A°³Q) À¶m H b‘ 13(2) AÝd¶o ‘mJUr gyMZm.~±H Am°’ B§{S¶mÀ¶m Imbrb emIoH SyZ H O©Xmam§Zr KoVboë¶m H OmªÀ¶m g§X^m©V Or Imbr {Xboë¶m VmaIm§Zm Imbrb Cd©[aV WH sVaH ‘o{Zer EZnrE Pmbr ˶m g§~§YmV Amåhr Vwåhmbm ¶m AJmoXaM a{OñQS © nmoñQ {dW A°³Zm°boO‘|Q Sçy Ûmam {g³¶w[aQm¶PoeZ A±S[aH ÝñQ´³eZ Am°’ ’ m¶ZmpÝeAb A°goQg² A±S EÝ’ mog©‘|Q Am°’ {g³¶w[aQr B§Q aoñQ A°³Q, 2002 À¶m H b‘ 13(2) AÝd¶o g{dñVa ‘mJUrgyMZm 01.10.2016 amoOrg Omar Ho br hmoVr Vr nmoM Z hmoVm naV Ambr. gXa gyMZm à{gÜXr VmaIonmgyZ 60 {Xdgm§V Imbrb aH ‘oMoàXmZ H aʶmV H gya Ho ë¶mg A°³QÀ¶m H b‘ 13(4) Zwgma Vw‘À¶m ‘mbH sÀ¶m VmaUmMm H ãOm KoʶmMm Am‘Mm {dMma Amåhr H i{dVAmhmoV. Vnerb Imbrbà‘mUo :

Vwåhm gdmªZm g„m XoʶmV ¶oVmo (1) A{YH Am{U g§nyU© Vn{ebm§gmRr Vwåhmbm CÔoeyZ nmR{dbobo nmH sQ/‘yi gyMZm Am{U/qH dmQnmb àm{YH mè¶m§Zr naV Ho br Agë¶mg {ZåZñdmjarH mam§H SyZ àmßV H amdr Am{U (2) ga’¡ gr A°³Q AÝd¶o nwTrb H madmB©Q miʶmgmRr da C„oI Ho boë¶m gyMZoÀ¶m VmaIonmgyZ 60 {Xdgm§V Cd©[aV WH sV a³H ‘, ì¶mO d IM© B. hçm§Mo àXmZ H amdo.Oa Vwåhr Vw‘Mo Xm{¶Ëd {Z^mdʶmV H gya Ho br, Va Amåhr IM© d n[aUm‘m§À¶m gd©ñdr Vw‘À¶m Omo{I‘rda darb VmaU ‘Îmm§{déÕ{g³¶w[aQm¶PoeZ A±S [aH ÝñQ´³eZ Am°’ ’ m¶ZmpÝeAb A°goQg² A±S EÝ’ mog©‘|Q Am°’ {g³¶w[aQr B§QaoñQ A°³Q, 2002 À¶m H b‘13 AÝd¶o ~±Ho bm Agboë¶m A{YH mam§Mm dmna H ê .da dU©Z Ho boë¶m A{YH mam§Mm dmna H ê Z amoH S Pmboë¶m aH ‘m§‘YyZ àW‘ Amåhmbm Ambobm gd© IM©, AmH ma d n[a춶Am{U/qH dm ˶m AZwf§JmZo Pmbobm IM© ^mJ{dʶmV ¶oB©b Am{U Xþgao hçm gyMZoÀ¶m VmaIonmgyZ à˶j dgwbrÀ¶m VmaIon¶ªVg§{dXmË‘H XamZo ì¶mOmgh darbà‘mUo ~±Ho À¶m ¶oUo aH ‘oV dJ© H aʶmV ¶oB©b Am{U ˶mZ§Va ~±Ho Mr g§nyU© WH ~mH s a³H ‘ dgybPmë¶mZ§Va H moUVrhr a³H ‘ {e„H am{hë¶mg, Vwåhmbm Vr àXmZ Ho br OmB©b.VmaU ‘Îmm§{déÕ gXa A{YH ma dmnê Z dgyb Ho boë¶m aH ‘oVyZ Oa gXa g§nyU© WH ~mH sMr dgwbr Pmbr Zmhr Va Vw‘À¶mH SyZgd© AZwf§{JH IMmªgh Cd©[aV a³H ‘ dgyb H aʶmgmRr {XdmUr ݶm¶mb¶/SrAmaQrg‘moa Vw‘À¶m{déÕ H madmB© H aʶmMo Am‘MoA{YH ma Amåhr amIyZ R odV AmhmoV. ghr/-

àm{YH¥ V A{YH mar,{RH mU : ‘w§~B© ~±H Am°’ B§{S¶m{XZm§H : 15-10-2016 ~mo[adbr (npíM‘) emIm

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1 lr. emXm~ Bñgama ImZ,¶oWo … âb°Q H« . 403, 4 Wm‘Obm, E qdJ, YaVrH m°åßbo³g, EìhaemB©Z EݳboìhOdi, {‘am amoS nyd©, RmUo -401107.


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1. g‘ݶm¶r JhmU âb°QH« . 403 Mo , 4 Wm ‘Obm,E qdJ, YaVr H m°åßbo³g,EìhaemB©Z Eݳboìh Odi,{‘am amoS nyd©, R mUo -401107.

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H§ nZr A{Y{Z¶‘, 2013 Mo H b‘ 110 Am{U H§ nZr A{Y{Z¶‘, 2013 À¶m Aݶ H moU˶mhr Agboë¶m à¶moÁ¶ VaVwXr ghdmMVmH§ nݶm§Mo (ì¶dñWmnZ Am{U àemgZ) {Z¶‘, 2014 Mm {Z¶‘ 22 (gܶm àM{bV Agboë¶m ˶mÀ¶m H moU˶mhr d¡Ym{ZH Xþéñ˶m qH dmnwZA©{Z¶{‘Vrgh), gy{M~ÜXVm {d{Z¶‘ Am{U à¶moÁ¶ Ago Aݶ {Z¶‘ Am{U {d{Z¶‘ hçmg AZwgê Z, H§ nZrbm {XZm§H 29 Am°JñQ,2016 À¶m gyMZoV ‘m§Sboë¶m ~m~VrV {deof Ramdm§À¶m ‘mܶ‘mVyZ Qnmb ‘VXmZ/B©-ìhmoqQJ‘m’© V {VÀ¶m g^mgXm§Mr ‘§Owar nm{hOo hmoVr.VnmgUr A{YH mè¶m§À¶m {XZm§H 14 Am°³Qmo~a, 2016 À¶m AhdmbmÀ¶m AmYmao H§ nZrÀ¶m Qnmb ‘VXmZmMm {ZH mb Imbrbà‘mUo :1. g‘^mJm§À¶m nwZI©aoXrg ‘§Owar

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g§MmbH ‘§SimÀ¶m AmXoemdê ZB©³b³g© gpìh©gog {b{‘Q oSgmRr

ghr/-14 Am°³Qmo~a, 2016 Jm¡ad Qm|{J¶m‘w§~B© H§ nZr goH«o Qar

ZmJnya, {X. 15 (d¥Îmg§ñWm) -‘mJÀ`m AZoH dfmªnmgyZ aISboë`mnwUo ‘oQmo àH ënmbm H mb gmd©O{ZHJw§VdUyH ‘§SimZo ‘§Owar {Xë`mZ§VaAmVm nwUo ‘oQmo àH ënmÀ`m C^maUrMoH m‘ ZmJnya ‘oQmo H m°nm}aoeZH So XoÊ`mV`oUma Amho. ‘w»`‘§Ìr Xod|Ð ’ SUdrg`m§Zr AmO ZmJnwamV hr KmofUm Ho br.nrAm`~rÀ`m ‘§OwarZ§Va AmVm H| Ðr`

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ñdmaJoQ-qnnar qMMdS ‘oQ´moMm ‘mJ©16. 59 {H ‘r bm§~rMm Agob VadZmO-am‘dmSr ‘oQmoMm ‘mJ© 14.29{H ‘r bm§~rMm AgUma Amho. amÁ` dH| Ð gaH maÀ`m Vm§{ÌH {d^mJmMr‘mÝ`Vm {‘imë`mZ§Va nwUo ‘oQmoMm àñVmdnrAm`~r g‘moa ‘m§S Ê`mV Ambm.‘§OwarAmYrM nwUo ‘oQmo gmRr gmSoghmhOma H moQ r én`m§Mo H O© ‘§OyaPmbo Amho.

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hm°Q obH So naV OmV hmoVo, VoìhmÀ`mË`m§À`m JmS rbm AnKmV Pmbm.ñWm{ZH MmbH Ë`m§Mr JmSr MmbdVhmoVm, ‘mÌ Ë`mMdoir Ë`mbm AMmZHImoH bm Amë`mZo Ë`mÀ`m Smoù`m§g‘moaA§Ymar ngabr. Ë`m‘wio MmbH mMmJmSrdarb Vm~m gwQbm Am{U JmSrañË`m bJVÀ`m VmaoÀ`m Hw§ nUmdaOmD Z YSH br. MmbH mÀ`m ~mOybm~gboë`m gwajmajH mZo JmSrMm VmobOmD Z XoÊ`mMm à`ËZ Ho bm nU Ë`mbm’ mago `e Ambo Zmhr. gwX¡dmZo `mAnKmVmV H moUrhr J§ ra Pmbobo Zmhr.

dYm©, {X. 15 (d¥Îmg§ñWm) - H moOm{Jarbm gm`§H mirXyY AmQdyZ Vo J«hU H aÊ`mMr àWm Amho. eoSZoQnm°brhmD g g§X^m©V emgZmÀ`mdVrZo am~{dÊ`mV Amboë`memgZmÀ`m MwH sÀ`m YmoaUm‘wio eoVH ar H O©~mOmar

Pmë`mMm Amamon H arV dY}V eoSZoQ , nm°brhmD g eoVrCËnmXH Am§XmobZ g{‘VrZo e{Zdmar {Oëhm{YH marH m`m©b`mg‘moa XyYmEodOr nmUr AmQdyZ H moOm{Jar gmOarH arV emgZmMo bj doYbo.

Z m J n ya ‘ oQ ´m o H m °n m }a oe Z b m { ‘ i U m an wU o ‘ oQ ´m o à H ë n C ^ m a U r M o H m ‘

A n K m V m Z §V a h r H § J Z m Z og wê R od b o { M Ì n Q m M o e yq Q J

d Ü ` m ©V n m U r A m Q d yZ H o b r H m oO m { J a r

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