
Sunday, June 24, 2018 at 10 am

WELCOME to Asbury First United Methodist Church

We are a caring,

Christ-centered community;

Our hearts and doors are open to all.

We invite you to join us in worship,

in learning about faith,

and in loving our neighbor.

We are Asbury First, and we are glad you’re here.

AN INVITATION TO WORSHIPWelcome visitors! We invite you to sign the ritual of friendship pad during the service. Please complete a visitor card, found in the pews, and take it to the welcome desk in the Welcoming Hall, where we have a small gift for you. Informational brochures are available in the Welcoming Hall. If you’re interested in becoming a part of our community, please check the appropriate column on the ritual of friendship pad, or contact any pastor. Again, a deep WELCOME!

Worship Aids: Large-print bulletins, Bibles, and hymnals are available from the ushers. Braille hymnals and ASL interpreters are available with one week’s advance notice to the church office, (585) 271-1050, x103. A hearing loop in the sanctuary is available for those who have hearing aids with T switches; you may also request earphones from the ushers that will aid you in hearing the service if needed. CDs of our Sunday morning services or just the sermon may be borrowed or purchased; call or stop by the office and speak with the receptionist during the week.

Prayer Request Cards are in the pew racks. We invite you to place prayer requests in the offering plates, so that our pastors and the Intercessory Prayer Group may pray for you. Your prayer request is confidential.

Coffee Fellowship: You are invited to enjoy coffee, tea, or cocoa and conversation every Sunday, 9:30 am to 11:30 am, at Heavenly Grounds in the Gathering Center. Treats may also be available.

Giving to Asbury First: Donations to Asbury First may be made during the service by placing your gift (cash or check) in the offering plate when it is passed. You may also give online at Questions? Contact Morgan Dornsife at (585) 271-1050 x112 or [email protected].

As a community of faith, we believe that children are sacred gifts and they are welcome in our worship. We recognize that children can become restless during worship. Excellent nursery and childcare is offered. Children’s bulletins are available. Please see an usher for more information.

After the service we welcome you to sit in the chancel choir pews to meditate and listen to the organ postlude.

We kindly ask that as you enter the Sanctuary you turn off your cell phone.

Worship on Radio: Each Sunday morning from 11 am-noon you can tune your radio to WYSL 1040 AM or 92.1 FM to hear today’s worship service. You may also go to and hear audio of the service.

LIVE & Archived Worship on your Computer: We offer live video streaming of the 11 am service on our website at A video archive of past services is also available. We welcome your suggestions on how we may improve these offerings.

Reconciliation Statement: Asbury First United Methodist Church prayerfully strives to live in its community with open hearts, open minds and open doors. Affirming that each person is of sacred worth, we seek to be a fully inclusive church, believing that all people are God’s children, created in God’s image, loved and blessed equally by God. It is our purpose to be a Reconciling Congregation. This means extending hospitality and encouraging full participation of all, regardless of age, race, national origin, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, marital status or family structure, education or economic background, and physical or mental ability. We recognize that we hold a variety of opinions. We do not seek to erase our differences, but to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect. We believe that reconciliation to God and to one

another is central to our mission and ministry.2

Our Mission StatementLove God and neighbor.

Live fully. Serve all. Repeat.

Sound Bite Love. Live. Serve. Repeat.


5th Sunday after Pentecost • 10 am • June 24, 2018As the community gathers, may the music of the prelude draw your hearts and minds to God.

THE COMMUNITY GATHERSPrelude Three Romances for Piano, Op. 76—Cécile Chaminade


*Call to Worship All are invited to read the bold-faced type; the lay reader will read the unbolded type.(From MinistryMatters) Reach out your hand and touch our mouth, O God,

That authentic praise may flow freely from our lips.Put your words in our mouth, O God,That we might exalt you with reverence and awe.Empower us to speak truth to the nations and to build your kingdom here on earthLet it be so today and every day. Amen. Alleluia.

*Processional Hymn #529 “How Firm a Foundation”

*Greeting & Passing of the Peace

*Greeting Hymn #87 “What Gift Can We Bring” (vv. 1–4)

Prayer of Confession

(Adapted from Sara Teasdale’s “I Am Not


We are not yours. Not lost in you.We are not lost, although we long to beLost as a candle lit at noonLost as a snowflake in the sea.You love us,Yet here we are,

(continued on next page)

3* please stand, in body or in spirit


Longing to beLost as a light is lost in lightOh plunge us deep in love!Put out our senses!Let the tempest of your love sweep us away,As a taper rushing in the wind.

Silent Confession All are invited to offer their personal prayers of silent confession.

Words of Assurance Beloved, hear the Good News:The love of God made manifest through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ knows no bounds. God’s love is already washing over us. Our deepest longings will be fulfilled. There is mercy enough. There is grace enough. There is love enough for all of us.In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.Glory to God. Amen.

*GloriaTune: Hymn #102

All glory be to God, all praise and thanks be given; Whose Son and Spirit reign as one in highest Heaven; Our one eternal God, whom earth and heaven adore; For thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore.


Hebrews 11:32–12:2And what more should I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets—who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched raging fire, escaped the edge of the sword, won strength out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight. Women received their dead by resurrection. Others were tortured, refusing to accept release, in order to obtain a better resurrection. Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned to death, they were sawn in two, they were killed by the sword; they went about in skins of sheep and goats, destitute, persecuted, tormented—of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.

(continued on next page)

Yet all these, though they were commended for their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better so that they would not, apart from us, be made perfect. Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.

Anthem “What You’d Call A Dream”—Craig Carnelia

There are two men out and it’s in the ninth, and the score is four to three.There’s a man on first and a man at bat, and the man at bat is me.And I’m sort a scared, and I’m sort a proud, and I’m stronger than I seem.And I take a swing, and my dad is there, and it’s what you’d call a dream.For the ball flies in the sun and it sails off as I run.The crowd is roaring, cheering as I go. So are all the guys on the team.And I run for home, and we win the game and it’s what you’d call a dream.And the sun shines like diamonds. The summer sun shines like diamonds.The summer sun high in a baseball sky, shines like diamonds.And the sun shines like diamonds.There are two men out and it’s in the ninth, and the score is four to three.There’s a man on first, and a man at bat, and the man at bat is me.And, it’s what you’d call a dream.

Children’s Time All children are invited forward at this time and may bring their prayer requests and offerings.

Lord's Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

*Hymn #344 “Tú Has Venido a la Orilla” (Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore) (vv. 1, 3) This song may be sung in either English or Spanish.During the singing of this hymn, children four years old through fifth grade are invited to exit the sanctuary for Enrichment Time. 5

Sermon Be the Cloud

Musical Meditation

LITANY OF GRATITUDE AND BLESSINGLoving God, you call us each in different ways; your Spirit is within and among usand we respond in love using the gifts you have given to us.

We thank you for how you have called Ian and blessed him in ministry among us during this last year. We pray that he continues to find meaningful ways to serve you and your people.

As we say goodbye to Ian, we give thanks for the joy, love, and peace he has shared with this community.

We pray that his new congregation will be blessed in the ways that he has blessed us.

Laying on of Hands God of change and transition, you have blessed Ian with particular gifts and have stirred in him a desire to use them to do more good. As he leaves Asbury First and moves on to Dulin United Methodist in Falls Church, Virginia, give him the strength, wisdom, and guidance to continue to serve you with the power of the Holy Spirit; shower him with the grace to be quick to serve, patient in listening, and attendant to your Word. In times of stress and in times of joy, give him a special measure of your mercy and peace.

Loving God, we thank you for Ian and his ministry among us. May he feel your presence as he goes about your work, bringing your deep love and healing to those who are burdened. Strengthen and surround him with your love. Guide, guard, and protect him now and forever as we all continue to live in your love. Amen.



TO RENEW COMMITMENTInvitation to Discipleship, Membership,

and Commitment

Our Creative God endows us with the gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Within this bulletin you will find invitations to enrich your faith journey and enhance your commitment. We invite you to prayerfully consider these opportunities.

We ask that you sign and pass the ritual of friendship pad from the center aisle down the pew. Prayer request cards are available in the pew racks and may be placed in the offering plate as it is passed, or they may be placed in the wooden boxes located in the Narthex and Welcoming Hall.

Offertory “Christ Is The World’s True Light”—Walter Kendall Stanton

Christ is the world’s true Light, its Captain of salvation;The daystar clear and bright of every race and nation.New life, new hope awakes where’er we own his sway;Freedom her bondage breaks and night is turned to day.In Christ all peoples meet, their ancient feuds forgetting,The whole round world complete, from sunrise to its setting.When Christ is throned as Lord, we shall forsake our fear;To plough-share beat the sword, to pruning hook the spear.One Lord, in one great Name, unite us all who own thee;Cast out our pride and shame, that hinder to enthrone thee.The world has waited long, has travailed long in pain;To heal its ancient wrong, Come Prince of Peace and reign.

*Doxology #95 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”

*Prayer of Dedication

God of Grace, we lay ourselves bare before you.May these gifts satisfy hunger, physically and spiritually, in this community and in the world. Amen.

TO DISPERSE IN MISSION*Recessional Hymn #553 "And Are We Yet Alive"


*Benediction Response



Postlude “Trumpet Voluntary”—John Stanley

PERMISSIONS: Back Ad Image: “Dr Seuss Printable Invitation Template" by


In the ServicePreacher: Ian C. UrriolaLiturgists: Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady II, Rev. Mike Mullin, Rev. Kathy Thiel, Rev. Jackie NelsonLay Reader: Cassandra JordanDirector, Summer Choir: Dr. William WeinertOrganist: David StrongAcolyte: Katie SchirrmacherCrucifer: Owen ColeAudio Operator: Tippett ReinsonVideo Operator: Liz RooteHead Ushers: Brian White and Tim Lamica

CELEBRATIONS AND CONCERNSThe flowers on the altars are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Doris Johnson Williams by her son the Rev. Dr. Timothy J. Johnson; in celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary of Judy and Greg Svenheim, with love from Erica, Ricky, Kate and Avery.

If you would like to place flowers on the altar, please contact Jeanne Ristau at (585) 223-4356, preferably two weeks

ahead of requested date.

We offer our prayers and concern for all those who are ill at home, hospitalized, or in hospice care. Known to be hospitalized is Maxine Morse at Strong.

If you are aware of anyone who is ill and in need of a pastoral visit, please call the church office at (585) 271-1050.

We invite you to pray for members of our church families known to be serving in the military:US Air Force: SSgt Charles Key; Amn Patrick “Rick” Smith.US Army: SGT Christopher M. Birdsall; CPT Nathan Lubba; MAJ Matthew Ristau; PV2 Kevin Keehn; SGT Christian T. Dahl; CPT Scott Moncrief.US Marine Corps: LT Craig R. Waldman; Lcpl John Lyons.*US Navy: IS2 Philip Anderson;* LT Adam Kreutter;CAPT Jeffrey A. Ward; PO2 Jacob Staples.US Army Reserves: PFC Wesley Regnier; SGT Michael DiPaola.


If you would like to add the name of a member or friend to our military listing, or if you know someone on this list who is no longer serving in the military, email Jamie Least at jleast@, or call (585) 271-1050, x109.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRYChildren's Activity Bags We invite the children to take activity bags as they enter the Sanctuary. There are two bags: one for children ages 3–6, and another for 7 and up. Please return bags after the service.

Is Children’s Ministry Meeting Your Child's Special Needs?As a part of our commitment to be open to all, we want to make sure we are making as many accommodations as possible in our children's ministry. Please contact Paula Dugan at (585) 271-1050 x111 or [email protected] if there is any way our children's ministry can be more welcoming to you and your child.

VBS Presents Camp Seuss: Aug. 6–9"Oh, the places you’ll go!” during Camp Seuss August 6–9. This Summer VBS is based on Dr. Seuss books and the life lessons that they hold. It is open to all children ages 4 through 5th grade. We have fun activities planned like games, drama, art, and much more. Please pick up a registration form in the Gathering Center or register online at For more information, please contact Paula Dugan at (585) 271-1050 x111 or [email protected].

GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTSFront Steps UpdateThe stone for the front steps of the church has been delivered and installation has begun! We expect the project to be completed in 4 - 6 weeks. If you have questions about the project, please contact Chuck Hanrahan at [email protected].

The Next Step: THANK YOU!During the month of May, we launched an initiative to raise funds for the Outreach Terrace project of our planned newly renovated Outreach Center. The purpose

of this initiative was to create new and meaningful ways for people to commit to the Better Together campaign for the first time. And what a success it has been! As of the end of May, we have received commitments from 12 individuals/families who are first-time donors to the Better Together Campaign. While unexpected, we had a number of people give to this project who have already made a Better Together Campaign pledge. To all who made a commitment, thank you for joining our legacy of generosity here at Asbury First. Your gift is helping further our vision to Do More Good through our Outreach. At the end of May, we received $25,850 from 30 individuals/families. The opportunity to give to this initiative will continue, and our prayer is that it will continue to bring in new donors to the Better Together campaign. For more information, please contact Morgan Dornsife at [email protected] or (585) 271-1050 x112.

Rochester Pride ParadeJoin us as we march in the Rochester Pride Parade on Saturday, July 21! We will gather at noon on Alexander Street downtown and walk up Park Avenue, accompanied by a float featuring “Balloon Jesus,” as well as friends from other Reconciling UMCs. This is a great opportunity to show our LGBT brothers and sisters that all are welcome at our church and that God’s love is for everyone! It’s a day of fun and celebration of diversity. There are a few seats available on the float for those unable to walk the whole parade. Please contact Angie Burch to sign up, or if you have questions, at [email protected]. Visit the Ministry CornerEach week, we feature a group or two in the Ministry Corner (near the piano in the Gathering Center). If your group is interested in signing up, please contact Deb Bullock-Smith at [email protected] or at (585) 271-1050, x117.


DISCIPLESHIPSpiritual Life Ministry Spiritual ReflectionThe Spiritual Life Ministry offers you a weekly Summer Spiritual Reflection encouraging you to Rest, Renew, Relax, and Repeat. This week’s spiritual theme is “School’s out.” Do you remember the excitement of the last day of school each year? The way that the anticipation of “no more homework, no more books” opened our eyes and world to new possibilities? Try to reimagine the excitement, energy and enthusiasm of those days. How can you use this energy to reignite some aspect of your life that needs attention? This week’s reflection: The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

Community Ice Cream Social: Sunday, July 1In these divided times, the Rochester community is invited to come together over a dish of good local ice cream and share our perspectives on what being an American means to us, what’s hard for us about being Americans, and how our perspectives on this have changed. This will help us see the people behind their positions, expand our own understanding of

what it means to be an American, and deepen

our collective appreciation of what it means to be an American in these times. The event is 2-4 pm, Sunday, July 1, on the front lawn of the Asbury First United Methodist church (weather permitting), or inside 1010 East Ave. if the weather is rainy. The event is free, but we ask that you kindly RSVP by Monday, June 25. Enroll at or e-mail [email protected]. (This community event is sponsored by Rochester Pachamama Alliance’s Seeds of Hope, which meets at Asbury First on the first Sunday of every month.)

Summer Faith and Arts Class! Beginning Wednesday, June 27 at 6 pmJoin us as we continue to discover our gifts and passions as creative beings in the kingdom of God. Under the direction of our summer ministry intern, Brooke Caton, we will explore topics related to theology and the arts, with a different focus each week—starting with Faith & Jazz. Whether you can make it to one or all, we hope you will join us. This class takes place on Wednesday evenings from 6–7 pm, beginning on June 27 and ending August 1 (except July 4) in building 1040 and room 202 of the education wing.

CONGREGATIONAL CARE Changing Weighs Summer News!Changing Weighs is changing it up for the summer! We will have challenges via social media, meet-ups for walking, and Sunday morning weigh-ins. Connect with us on our “Changing Weighs” Facebook page or send an email to [email protected] and we can add you to our email list! Our new schedule starts on June 17. Have questions or want more information? Email us at [email protected]!


Please Take A Moment to Participate in the Communications Survey This Morning

The Asbury First Communications Team is seeking your input regarding the effectiveness of the

communications and information you receive from and about Asbury First. We ask you to take a few

minutes to fill out the survey located in the Gathering Center at the Ministry Corner table to evaluate

current communication tools and share your priorities for future communication. Please fill out and return

this form to the church office at 1050 East Ave during regular business hours.

Have a Care Request? Let Us Know! Bidden or unbidden, God is present. Here at Asbury First, we feel and know this to be true, and we rejoice in this good news! We work to share the presence of God with others, during the good times and during the bad times. Often, during the challenging times in our lives, we need a little help. Our caring ministries are here to support you as we are able to meet your needs. Do you—or someone you know—need some extra care and attention due to illness, bereavement, injury, or another pressing need? We want to be there for you and with you! Care Request forms are available at the Welcome Desk in the Welcoming Hall; please take one if there is a need that we can help address. For more information, please contact Rev. Kathy Thiel at [email protected] or (585) 271-1050 x106.

Caring for One AnotherAt Asbury First, we are a tightly-knit family and strive to care for one another every day—not just on Sundays. That’s why we are inviting you to reach out to individuals in our community whom you may not have seen around the campus recently. Perhaps there has been an especially busy or difficult time for someone in our church community and they could use words of encouragement, a meal, or prayers. We ask that you take a moment each week to reflect on the faces you have seen and those you may not have seen recently—and reach out to them, or let someone with the Asbury First staff know, and we can reach out for you! For details, please contact Rev. Kathy Thiel at [email protected] or (585) 271-1050 x106.

Asbury First Welcome Desk Needs Volunteers on Sunday Mornings!Our Asbury First Welcome Desk is the place to be—and we would love to have you there! The Welcome Desk is located in the Welcome Hall and it is open between the hours of 8 am and 11:30 am on Sundays during the Summer. Welcome Desk volunteers greet people as

they approach, hand out name tags and visitor welcome bags, answer questions, and guide people to the nursery, worship service, and coffee hour. We would love to have you volunteer at the Welcome Desk! We have available shifts for one or two hours—you may work however long you would like. It is a great way to meet people! If you have questions or are interested in volunteering, please be in touch with Janda Hemming at [email protected] or (585) 381-6902.

OUTREACHStorehouse Summer Sale DonationsWe are continuing to accept donations for the Summer Storehouse Sale! Please call the church office at (585) 271-1050 to schedule a time to drop off your antiques, as well as your vintage, household, linen, and decorative items, and more before Sunday, July 29. Please, no sports equipment, books, electronics. The sale starts Thursday, Aug. 2 at 4 pm, and continues Friday, Aug. 3, (10 am–4 pm), Aug. 4 (10 am–4 pm), and Sunday, Aug. 5 (11 am–3 pm). All proceeds benefit our Storehouse Ministry and our Rochester neighbors. If you have questions, please contact Elizabeth Church at (585) 461-9802 or [email protected].

Storehouse Seeking Receptionist VolunteersThe Storehouse is always looking for volunteers, but has a special current need of volunteers for the position of front-desk receptionist on Thursday and Saturday mornings. The position, stationed at The Storehouse front desk, involves answering phones and greeting our guests as they enter. For more information or if you are interested in volunteering, please contact Wendy Cohen at (585) 330-7628.


WANTED: Dr. Seuss BooksWANTED: Dr. Seuss books to help us create a Dr. Seuss library for our children as they participate in Vacation Bible School this summer, as well as in our permanent children’s library collection. Please bring any Dr. Seuss books you wish to contribute and put them on the desk in the church library in Building 1040. For more information, please contact Paula Dugan at (585) 271-1050 x111 or [email protected].

Asbury First and Harvest Home Coalition to Build a Habitat House This SummerGround breaking for a new Habitat House will take place on July 15. The address is 179 Whitney St. and it will be adjacent to a memorial for Tyshawn Caldwell. The Lutheran Thrivent Financial Organization is partnering with a group of churches (Harvest Home Coalition) to make the build possible this year. Asbury First is part of the Harvest Home Coalition and we will be looking for volunteers to help build the house through Flower City Habitat for Humanity. More information will be coming about the upcoming construction. Get those hammers ready!

The Grocery Bag Ministry Needs Your HelpThe true front lines of hunger in our community are just a few short miles from Asbury First! Our supplies and budgets are always stretched, even more so as in the last year your GBM has been also providing groceries to 30 refugee families joining our community! We need your donations of foods including: • jams• peanut butter• pasta sauce and pasta• canned fruits and vegetables• soups • tuna fish

Any donations may be dropped off in the wooden

box near the coat racks in the Welcome Hall. We thank each and everyone who makes a donation to ease hunger. Together we can make a real difference and help this essential outreach ministry continue. Thank you all! For more information, please contact the Rev. Jacqueline Nelson at [email protected].

Calling for All of Your Extra BiblesWe have continuing need for bibles of any type—English or Spanish—for our Dining and Caring Center, Storehouse, and several women’s support groups. Please drop them off at the church office. For more information, please contact Melody Guadagnino at (585) 271-1050 x103 or [email protected].

Gently Used Backpacks NeededWe are in need of backpacks for our Dining and Caring Center guests. Bags can be any type—backpack, rucksack, etc. Donations may be left at the church office or the Dining Center during business hours. For more information, please contact Michele Cooley at [email protected].

Asbury Blood Drive Successful AgainOnce again, our community answered the call to support hospital patients in need of life-saving transfusions. We collected 28 pints of blood that will potentially help 87 of our neighbors in critical need of blood. According to the Red Cross, less than 5% of eligible donors donate each year. There will be another opportunity to donate on Dec. 17, so mark your calendar. And thanks to all who participated!



Monday 9 am Monday Morning Crew—1040 12 pm Sanctuary Open for Prayer —1040

Tuesday 12 pm Rural and Migrant Ministry Meeting —1010 5 pm Sanctuary Open for Silent Prayer —1040

Wednesday 6 am Men's Devotional Group—1010 11:30 am Choir for People With Memory Loss —1040 4 pm Knitting Ministry—1010 5:30 pm Changing Weighs—1040 6 pm Summer Faith and Arts Class—1040

Thursday 6 pm Wellness Clinic—1040

Friday 10 am Outreach Leadership Meeting —1050




Rev. Stephen Cady II, PhD, Senior Minister, [email protected]

Rev. Kathy Thiel, Minister for Congregational Care, [email protected]

Rev. Mike Mullin, Minister for Youth and Discipleship, [email protected]

Rev. Jacqueline J. Nelson, Minister for Outreach, [email protected]

Paula Dugan, Director of Children's Ministry, [email protected]

Holly Temming, Children's Ministry Assistant; Director of Children's Music, [email protected]

Melody Guadagnino, Administrative Assistant, [email protected]

Ken Carr, Property Manager, [email protected]

Morgan Dornsife, Director of Development and Communications, [email protected]

Michele Cooley, Director of Dining and Caring Center, [email protected]

Richard Moncrief, Financial Administrator, [email protected]

Jamie Least, Communications Coordinator, [email protected]

David Strong, Church Administrator; Assistant Organist, [email protected]

Deb Bullock-Smith, Administrative Assistant, [email protected]

Ian C. Urriola, Ministry Intern, [email protected]

Maria Hackett, Outreach Intern, [email protected]

Brooke Caton, Summer Ministry Intern, [email protected]

RJ Pollard, Youth Ministry AssistantCailin Pollard, Youth Ministry AssistantWilliam Weinert, DMA, Director of Music, [email protected]

Duane Prill, Organist, [email protected]

Carol Lamica, Director of Youth Music, [email protected]

Brian Bohrer, Director of Asbury Singers, [email protected]

Elizabeth Church, Director of Asbury Ringers, [email protected]

Lawrence Dugan, DM, Director of Youth Theater, [email protected]

Church Office: (585) 271-1050

Church Website:

Guinness World Record AttemptThursday Night:

World Hopscotch RecordFood Trucks

Live MusicGames

Block Partyon East

Guinness World Record

Attempt Thursday Night

HopscotchAugust 7, 8, & 9 6 pm Nightly

Visit the Ministry Corner Today to

Learn More!


There’s Something for Everyone at Asbury First! Find out more at

Camp Seuss!

August 6-9| 9 am-12:30 pm

Details Within!

Help US Keep YOU Informed!

Take the Communication Survey located at the Ministry Corner table today!

VBS at Asbury First

Help us show our neighborhood what Do More Good looks like in action!Join Asbury First at Park Ave Fest

Saturday, August 410 am–6 pmSunday, August 511 am–5 pm

Interested in volunteering with

us? Contact Morgan Dornsife

at [email protected]

to learn more!

Would you like to become a member of Asbury First? For more information, or if you have questions, please contact Melody Guadagnino at (585) 271-1050 x103 or [email protected].

Faith and


After the Town Hall Meeting for a reception to honor our intern,

Ian C. Urriola and celebrate his last Sunday with us at

Asbury First!

Join Us This Morning

Childcare will be available!

Campaign and Building Committee town Hall meeting

In the sanctuary, following 10 am worship

tHis morning

• Hear updates on our plans for the Outreach Center, projects in Building 1040, accessibility features, and more!

a new class for the summerdetails inside

BeginsJune 276 pm

Join Us at the Rochester Pride Parade!

Saturday, July 2112 pmAlexander Street

full details inside

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