

K12 materialEnglish 4 Teens

Pedagogical Guide for Teachers


A: Course description

1) Introduction

2) Level

3) Objectives

4) Organisation and content

5) Mode of use

6) Evaluation

B: Course outline

1) Course A

2) Course B

C: Course overview for tutors

1) Module overview

2) Approach to use in the classroom

D: Module-by-module guide for tutors

1) Course A

2) Course B

A: Course description


The Net Languages English for Teens course materials constitute a bank of resources delivered via Internet that are designed for learners in the 12- to 14-year-old age group. The courses aim primarily at consolidating and recycling language areas previously encountered in the classroom, although they can also be used for initial presentation. They are designed for both individual and group work, and are indexed (and therefore accessible) according to topic, lexical area and grammatical structure.


The course is targeted for learners with a good elementary to pre-intermediate knowledge of English (A2 or B1 of the Common European Framework) and complements existing coursebook provision. Although the grammar and vocabulary presented and practised in the course are selected for these levels, many of the texts provide challenges for children with a higher level of English.


· To provide alternative opportunities for exposure to English, as well as reinforcement and development of language areas studied in the classroom.

· To provide opportunities for learners to work independently of the teacher, thereby developing autonomy as learners.

· To provide opportunities for learners to work collaboratively on tasks, thereby promoting the formation of a positive group dynamic.

· To motivate learners and to instil a positive attitude to the learning of a second or another language through exposure to easy-to-use, attractive and enjoyable materials, including many with a game-like element.

· To cater for mixed-ability groups by including a range of degrees of challenge within each module.

Organisation and content

The resources consist of the following components:

· Two courses that each contain 10 theme-based modules; each module corresponds to approximately two and a half to three hours of study time (25 to 30 hours of study time in total).

· A teacher’s guide with suggestions as to how tasks can be accessed, sequenced and used. Follow-up classroom ideas are also provided.

The course content has been designed to complement thematic and linguistic areas typically covered in published coursebooks and in the KET and PET UCLES exams for this level and age group.

Four characters – Olympia, Skater Kate, Newton and Brandon – feature throughout the material in order to provide cohesion, enhance a sense of familiarity and add an element of humour to the course. The characters also offer a point of access to English-speaking culture and society, and teach learners important ethical lessons along the way.

List of topics

The following topics and vocabulary areas are covered:

Course A:

- describing people

- daily routines

- animal facts

- clothes and fashion

- television

- describing rooms

- Ancient Egypt

- eyes and vision

- endangered species

- shopping

Course B:

- the universe

- music

- stories

- advertising

- hobbies

- health and diet

- communication

- the arts

- the mind

- travelling

Organisation of modules

· Each module consists of approximately 16 automatically marked tasks, including multiple choice, look and listen, matching, ordering, text completion, pelmanisms, crosswords, and more – all enhanced with visuals, audio, animations and video. At the end of each module there is a quiz, which learners do to revise and consolidate what they have learned.

· The 16 tasks are grouped into four sections, each of which deals with a topic or situation related to the broad theme of the module. Most sections have at least one major reading or listening text, which might be an article, a recorded conversation, a video or an animation, plus some work on language related to the text(s). New language is first met in an authentic context before being presented formally and practised.

· Each module has a "Getting started" section. The tasks in this section serve the dual purpose of reviewing familiar vocabulary and grammar that learners will meet in other sections and of activating knowledge of the module’s theme.

· Tasks are mainly receptive, involving reading and listening, and including identification, recognition and discrimination tasks, but there are also some controlled writing tasks, such as text completion.

· The menu page of each module allows learners to choose the order in which they do sections. However, as tasks within sections do follow a logical order, learners will benefit from working through them in chronological order.

Mode of use

· Learners can work either individually or in groups, monitored or unmonitored.

· The material is self-sufficient and self-explanatory.

· Access to other Web-based resources (Internet, chat rooms, and so on) is not required.


All tasks are automatically marked on completion, feedback and a score is given (for example: "Well done! You got 10 out of 10!"). Learners are invited to improve their score by correcting their work or attempting the exercise again. Note that scores are not accumulated; teachers wishing to keep track of individual scores should ask learners to keep a pen-and-paper record. In addition, learners are eventually given correct answers and, when necessary, explanations in feedback.

Modules finish with an interactive 20-question quiz. This gives learners an indication of the progress they have made during the module, but no reference is made to passing or failing. Constructive feedback is given on all answers, and as questions come up in a random order, learners can do the quiz as many times as they want, to see if they can improve their score.



Net Languages S.L. - C.I.F. B61615142 – Insc. R.M. B. T. 30575 F. 0113

Trafalgar 14, 08010 Barcelona – Tel. (+34) 932 687 146 – Fax (+34) 932 680 239 – [email protected]

B: Course outline

Course A







1 Fame!

Talking and asking about people

Questions for learners

Do you have any favourite famous people?

Where are they from? What do they do?

Getting started

Nationalities: Chinese, German, South African, …

Colours on flags

Jobs: teacher, pilot, actor, musician, shop assistant…

Description adjectives: tall, short, good-looking, ugly, nice, horrible, funny, boring…

Describing people, where they are from and what they can do:

She’s Chinese. She can speak four languages.

Verb to be: affirmative and negation and contractions

Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives: I – my, you – your…

Fact sentences

1 Which flag is it?

2 Match pictures to job words

3 Read and choose correct adjectives

4 Read and guess the famous person

5 Write true sentences

6 Choose the correct word to complete sentences

Child star

Cinema vocabulary: actor, movie, career, director, Producer, award,…

A magazine article

1 Read and answer “true” or “false”

2 Read and complete the article

Who’s your favourite?

Age, nationality, occupations and describing people

Word order in questions about people:

What’s his name? How old is he? Where is he from? What does he do? What’s he like?

What does he like? vs. What is he like?


1 Listen and choose correct information

2 Put words in order to make questions

3 Choose the correct option, be or do

4 Write chat messages

5 What can you remember? Read and choose


As above

As above

Video interviews

1 Watch and complete the information

2 Watch and answer the questions


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Choose the correct word

3 Use auxiliary verbs to complete a dialogue

4 Write a description of a famous person for other students to guess

1 Do the “Fame” quiz

2 Routines

Talking and asking about daily routines

Questions for learners

What do you do every day?

Do different people have different routines?

Getting started

Daily routine verbs and phrases: get up, have lunch, start, finish…

Frequency phrases: every day, once a week, twice a week…

Present simple: routines, third-person ‘s’, negatives, questions and short answers.

Adverbs of frequency: always, often, sometimes, never

Questions: How much? How often? How long?

Possessive ‘s’

A video interview

A questionnaire

1 Look and match

2 Watch and choose the correct information

3 Choose the correct verb form

4 Read and complete a table

5 Word order with adverbs of frequency

6 Read and complete a questionnaire

7 Question words

A film star’s day

As above

Third person: affirmative, negation, questions and short answers: Does she have oatmeal for breakfast? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

An audio interview

1 Listen and mark “true” or “false”

2 Review and practise verb forms, listen and check

3 Complete dialogues, listen and check

A sumo wrestler’s day

Vocabulary in the comic: heavy, rich, hard, several hours…

As above

A comic

1 Look and read

2 Read and put sentences in order

3 Read and choose meaning of words in context

Brandon’s dream day

Review of routine phrases and vocabulary

As above

An animation story

1 Watch and match sentence parts

2 Read and correct sentences


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Write the missing words

3 Write the words in order to make questions and answers

4 Write a description of your daily routine

1 Do the “Daily Routine” quiz

3 Dolphins

Talking about animal facts and what animals can do

Questions for learners

What do you know about dolphins?

What can dolphins do?

Getting started

Animal types: reptiles, amphibians, mammals

Animals: squid, horse, shark, snake, dolphin…

Dolphin parts: tail, flippers, eye…

Can for ability, affirmative, negative, questions and short answers

Describing animal facts

Questions with How + adjective/adverb: How fast, How much/many

Fact sentences

Documentary video

1 Classify the animals

2 Label the animal parts

3 Quiz: Choose the correct answers

4 Watch and check your answers

5 Choose the correct option to complete the facts

All about dolphins

Animal verbs: swim, breathe, whistle, jump…

ancestors, four-legged, bones…

As above

Practise of question forms

Fact sentences

An interview with and expert

1 Read and choose: What can you remember?

2 Put the words in order to make questions then listen to check

3 Listen, read and choose the correct answer

4 Complete questions with how

5 Match the facts to the pictures

6 Listen and tick information


Echolocation vocabulary: whistle, click, map, whales, bats, abilities

As above

Documentary animation

1 Watch and put sentences in order

2 Reconstruct the documentary script

Shark attack

News report vocabulary: save, attack, chase, coast, sea, upside down, …

Narrating in the past

A video interview

A news report

1 Watch and mark “true” or “false”

2 Read and complete the article, then listen to check


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Write the missing words

3 Write the words in order to make questions

4 Draw a picture and write about a sea animal

1 Do the “Dolphins” quiz

4 Fashion

Talking about clothes and fashion, asking about clothes in a shop

Questions for learners

What is fashion?

What are your favourite clothes?

Getting started

Clothes: jeans, T-shirt, short-sleeved shirt…

Colours, adjectives, materials

How many …?

Are there …?

A clothes catalogue

A quiz

1 Match words to pictures

2 Memory game: Clothes

3 Read and answer

4 Look and describe clothes

Going shopping

Numbers: prices in pounds, euros and dollars

Describing clothes

Saying and understanding prices

This, that, these, those,

Adjective + noun: leather jacket, etc.

A shop dialogue

An animated shopping dialogue

1 Listen and choose the prices in euros, dollars and pounds

2 Watch and sort the clothes

3 Listen and complete a shopping dialogue

4 Practise this, that, these and those

Fashion victims

Opinion expressions: Not really, not particularly, …

Fashion vocabulary: designers, look good, stylish…

Expressing opinions: I think that…, People shouldn’t …, I absolutely love …, I like …

Conjunctions: and, but, or, because

Message board comments

A questionnaire

Video interviews

1 Read and answer questions

2 Practise and, but, or and because

3 Read and answer

4 Watch and complete information

5 Watch and match information, then watch to check

How to make a friendship band

Materials and making things:

string, tape, scissors, loop…

Imperatives for instructions

Instructions to make something

1 Look and listen: Materials

2 Read, look and make something


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Write the missing words

3 Complete a dialogue in a shop

4 Write about your favourite clothes

1 Do the “Fashion” quiz

5 TV

Talking about TV programme, viewing habits and preferences

Questions for learners

What TV words do you know?

Do you have a favourite programme?

Getting started

Types of TV programmes: cartoon, the news, documentary…

Talking about times

Questions about programmes: What time is it on? What type of programme is it? What channel …?

Is there …?

A TV guide

1 Read and answer

2 Read and complete the TV guide

3 Read and complete questions

I like TV

Positive and negative opinion adjectives: boring, interesting, sad, funny, …

Expressing likes and dislikes: questions, affirmative, negation and short answers

An animation story

Video interviews

1 Watch and match

2 Read and complete the dialogue, then listen to check

3 Sort the opinion adjectives

4 Look, listen and choose: What does Olympia think?

5 Write sentences, questions and short answers

6 Watch and complete information

7 Put statements in order, then watch to check

All about Anime

Anime vocabulary: cartoon, comic, Japan, superheroes, special powers…

Review of language from this unit

An article

Audio interviews

1 Read and choose headings

2 Put in order information in an article

3 Listen and complete information


TV vocabulary: switch on, remote control, channel…

Review of language from this unit

A comic story

1 Look and read

2 Remember: Who said what? Read to check


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Match programme types to definitions

3 Write words in order to make questions

4 Write a fact file about a programme you like

1 Do the “TV” quiz

6 Bedroom

Describing rooms and their contents, and favourite things

Questions for learners

What things do you have in your bedroom?

What’s your bedroom like?

Getting started

Prepositions of place: in, under, next to, on the right…

Bedroom lexis: furniture, contents and things: floor, bed, wardrobe, shelves, trainers…

Describing what there is and where things are

There is …

There are …

A magazine article

An audio bedroom description

1 Memory game: Prepositions of place

2 Read and place things in a room

3 Sort the words: Prepositions, clothes, furniture, objects

4 Look and complete sentences with there is and there are

5 Listen and match objects to places

My favourite thing

More things in a room: screen, rucksack, toy, teddy bear…

Questions and answers about favourite things: What’s your favourite thing? What’s it like? Where do you keep it? Where did you get it? Why do you like it?


1 Listen and complete information

2 Put the dialogue in order, then listen to check

3 Complete the dialogue

4 Reconstruct the dialogue

Where’s my DVD?

Prepositions of place: on, in, above, below, next to, under, near, on the left/right of

Questions and answers about where things are

Animated story

1 Watch and mark “yes” or “no”

2 Look, listen and answer

Bedroom sharing

Bedroom lexis: furniture, contents and things teenagers own

Describing rooms and activities

Audio story

Message board comments

Video interviews

1 Listen and choose “true” or “false”

2 Read and choose the answers

3 Watch and match the rooms and answers

4 Watch and complete a room description


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Look at the picture and complete the sentences

3 Match questions and answers

4 Write about a favourite thing

1 Do the “Bedroom” quiz

7 Ancient Egypt

Talking about history, processes and events in the past

Questions for learners

What things do you know about Ancient Egypt?

What things ca we see from Ancient Egypt?

Getting started

Lexis related to Ancient Egypt: civilisation, buildings, economy, gods, agriculture, culture…

Past simple for facts, regular and irregular verbs

Audio documentary

1 Do the quiz and listen to check your answers

2 Listen and read

3 Practise past forms: Sort the verbs

4 Read and identify past and present facts

5 Complete sentences with the correct verb form

Gods and goddesses

Describing appearance, animals and parts of the body: head, arm, leg, tail, feathers, statue, beetle, …

Past simple for facts, regular and irregular verbs

A video interview

1 Listen and choose “true” or “false”

2 Read and put pictures in order

3 Read and choose correct verb forms


Parts of the body: head, brain, heart, elbow, hand, …

Describing a process

Sequencing words: first, then, next, finally

An illustrated book


A diagram

1 Read and listen

2 Read and put stages in order

3 Label the diagram

The pyramids

hieroglyphic, letter, chart, meaning…

Talking about the past

Past forms (regular and irregular verbs): be, build, have, write, make, believe, produce, etc.

An animated documentary

An encyclopaedia entry

1 Watch and listen

2 Match sentence parts

3 Read instructions and decipher hieroglyphics

4 Look at hieroglyphics and write sentences


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Complete sentences with verbs in the past

3 Match parts to complete sentences

4 Write about what you did yesterday

1 Do the “Ancient Egypt” quiz

8 Eyes

Talking about eyes, vision, illusions and comparing abilities

Questions for learners

What do you know about eyes?

Are your eyes the same as animal eyes or are they different?

Getting started

Vision: image, lens, light…

Adjectives (opposites): long/short, wide/narrow, top/bottom, big/small, vertical/horizontal, straight/bent

Shapes: line, circle, rectangle, etc.

Describing how things work

Comparative forms

A scientific animation

A diagram

1 Watch and listen

2 Look at the pictures and choose the captions

3 Label parts of the eye

4 Picture dictionary: Adjectives

5 Look and read about optical illusions

6 Put words in order in comparative sentences

7 Write missing words in comparative sentences

Animal eyes

Eyes and seeing: iris, vision, eyelid…

Comparative and superlative forms

Fact files

1 Read and match definitions, then listen to check

2 Read and choose the answers

3 Write sentences with superlative forms


Braille vocabulary: blind, dots, alphabet, combinations, …

Past simple (some regular and irregular verbs): talked, was, cut, used, went, wanted, made, visited, was, was born

An encyclopaedia entry

1 Read and decipher Braille words

2 Read and choose correct pictures

3 Listen and read

4 Use verbs in the past to complete a text, then listen to check

Newton’s X-ray specs

Parts of the eye

Verbs: see, watch, show, look

A comic story

1 Look and read

2 Put story events in order


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Write opposites

3 Put words in order to complete sentences

4 Write to compare family members and friends

1 Do the “Eyes” quiz

9 Animal Rescue

Talking about animals in danger, explaining cause and effect, and narrating events

Questions for learners

Why are some animals in danger?

What animals are in danger?

Getting started

Animals: koala, orang-utan, rhinoceros…

Environmental issues,

statistics (population, size, habitat, etc.)

Animal facts: size, population, habitat, danger…

Fact files

1 Listen and identify the animals

2 Match pictures to descriptions

3 Read and match animals to facts

Animal rescue

fishing, nets, whale, sea, photographer, boat…

Narrating, and explaining reasons and consequences

Past simple: affirmative, questions and negatives, and be vs. other verbs

Text cohesion (linking/sequencing): so, because, when, but, and, also, of course, finally

A written anecdote

1 Match words to pictures

2 Read and match, and predict what happens next

3 Read and choose the correct pictures

4 Match questions to answers

5 Choose so and because to complete sentences

6 Put words in order to make questions and answers about the past

Fauna bridges

Habitat vocabulary: safe, dangerous, cross roads, problem, solution

Text cohesion (linking/sequencing): so, because, when, but, and, also, of course, finally

An animated documentary

1 Watch and put sentences in order

2 Connecting ideas in a sentence

3 Write missing words to complete the text

Whales to the rescue!

Story vocabulary: whale, alive, afraid, windy, …

Questions in the past with the verb to be

Video interview

1 Watch and complete the summary

2 Complete the questions

3 Listen: Past or present?


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Use so and because to link information

3 Match questions to answers

4 Write about something that happened to you in the past, when you felt happy, afraid or surprised.

1 Do the “Animal Rescue” quiz

10 Shopping

Talking about shopping habits, and make and responding to suggestions

Questions for learners

What different types of shop can you think of?

What can you buy in each shop?

Getting started

Types of shops: toyshop, book shop, newsagent’s, chemist’s…

Shopping vocabulary: spend, buy, ask for…

Past simple to describe events

A description of a student project

1 Match pictures to words

2 Spell shop names

3 Read and summarise

Teenage shoppers

Statistics: About 60% of …

Prices and products

Talking about frequency: once a day, once a week…

Expressing preferences

Shopping facts

A radio programme

Video interviews

1 Read and predict, then listen to check

2 Watch and summarise facts

3 Watch and complete information

Going shopping

Clothing lexis: size, fit, etc.

It looks + adjective

Shopping expressions: Can I try these on? etc.

Making suggestions and responding:

Let's, How/What about ...?

All right, OK, Good idea!

A comic

A shop dialogue

1 Read and listen

2 Match suggestions with responses

3 Complete the dialogue

4 Listen and decide, then listen and read

5 Complete dialogues with shopping expressions

6 Listen and identify prices

Camden market

Markets: stall, shop, shoppers, tourists…

A shopping guide

An audio shopping guide

1 Match pictures to words

2 Read and choose paragraph headings

3 Complete the guide, then listen to check


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Match shopping dialogue questions and answers

3 Match questions to answers

4 Write a dialogue suggesting a plan for the weekend

1 Do the “Shopping” quiz

Course B







1 The Universe

Describing facts about the universe and the world, and telling a story

Questions for learners

What’s the difference between a star and a planet?

What universe words do you know?

Getting started

Planet and star lexis: planet, moon, star, atmosphere…

Geographical features; desert, mountain, coral reef…

Adjectives (opposites): near/far, dull/bright, slow/fast, etc.

Giving factual informationPresent simple: describing facts

Fact files

1 Label the chart

2 Listen and read, then match planets to gods

3 Match opposites

4 Read and match

5 Do the planet quiz

In the world today

Superlatives: biggest, highest, most populated...

Large numbers: 890, 6,200…

Giving factual informationPresent simple: describing facts


1 Do the quiz

2 Listen, read and choose the correct picture

3 Listen and choose the correct numbers

The night sky

Science vocabulary: sun, star, Earth, energy, light, gas, particles, reaction

Past simple: affirmative, questions and negatives, be vs. other verbs

Subject questions with who

A scientific chart

A descriptive text

A documentary animation

1 Look and match the sentence to the picture

2 Reconstruct a descriptive text

3 Listen and watch

4 Choose the correct answers

5 Use the verbs to complete the summary

Newton’s lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipse vocabulary: look, see, notice, telescope, moon

Narrative tenses in the past

Past simple and past continuous

A comic

1 Read and choose “true” or “false”

2 Put events in order


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Complete the planet descriptions

3 Write adjectives to complete world facts

4 Draw a new planet and write about it

1 Do the “Universe” quiz

2 Music

Talking about music, expressing opinions and making requests

Questions for learners

What different types of music can you think of?

What music do you like?

Getting started

Music lexis: song, sing, loud, melody, lyrics, etc.

Types of music: rap, reggae, rock, pop, etc.

Conjunctions: and, but, so, because

Language expressing likes and dislikes It’s got + noun, It’s + adjective

A quiz


Audio interviews

1 Do the Music quiz

2 Listen and identify music types

3 Match music types to definitions

4 Listen and complete summaries

5 Complete sentences with and, but, so and because, then listen to check

Skater Kate’s debut

Story vocabulary: debut, turn up/down the music, poster, lyrics, CD, song, concert

Expressing opinions and making requests:

Can you …?

Could you …?

Would you mind ...-ing …?

A comic story

1 Look and read

2 Put events in order

3 Read and decide who says what

4 Put words in order to make requests

Write a song!

Music vocabulary: lyrics, song, melody, to record, to organise, structure, …

make you feel good, ask yourself questions

it’s easy to …, it’s important to …

A wiki article

1 Read and choose headings

2 Read and complete

3 Reconstruct the article

Musical chairs

Game instructions

1 Read and listen

2 Do the quiz

3 Reconstruct the game instructions


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Use and, so, but and because to link sentences

3 Write words in order to make requests

4 Write about music that you like

1 Do the “Music” quiz

3 What a Story!

Talking about stories and mysteries, and telling jokes

Questions for learners

What different stories do you read or listen to?

Why do we like stories?

Getting started

Crime vocabulary: police, robber, wallet, siren…


Past simple vs. past continuous + while and when

While I was looking at Super Music Today, I heard the door open.

A comic

1 Listen and watch

2 Choose the correct options to complete the summary

3 Put words in order to complete sentences from the story

4 Choose the correct options to complete sentences, then listen to check

In the news

Story vocabulary: chase, shore, escape, …

Adverbs: carefully, suddenly, slowly, …


Past simple vs. past continuous + while and when

A news article

An eyewitness account

1 Read and match

2 Can you remember? Who said what?

3 Listen and compare versions of a story

Once upon a time

Parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs

Adverbial phrases: A long time ago…, One day…

Sequencers: First, second, then, after that, finally…

Ghost story language: dark night, castle, cottage…

Telling a story: story structure, beginnings and endings

A fairy tale

1 Read and identify parts of speech

2 Sort words into types

3 Match words to pictures

4 Construct a story

Very funny!

joke, funny…

Telling jokes

Putting events in order: First, second, then, after that…

Audio of short jokes

A written joke

1 Match two parts to complete jokes

2 Watch videos to check your answers

3 Read and choose the correct pictures

4 Link events in a story


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Match parts of speech to definitions

3 Do the quiz

4 Write about something funny that happened to you

1 Do the “Story” quiz

4 Advertising

Talking about advertising, defining what things are and writing persuasive texts

Questions for learners

What different types of advertising can you think of?

Is advertising important?

Getting started

Advertising lexis: spam, sticker, poster, brand, consumer…

Expressing likes and dislikes

An advertising questionnaire

Video interviews

1 Match pictures to definitions

2 Answer the questionnaire

3 Watch and summarise


Advertising lexis: slogan, available, sensation, fit, light, comfortable, share

Defining and describing

Relative pronouns: that, where, who

Relative clauses

Advertising slogans

1 Match slogans to pictures

2 Listen and put the lines in order

3 Word order of relative clauses

4 Choose the correct relative pronouns

The world of advertising

Advertising: product, brand, consumer…

Adjectives used in advertising, comparative and superlative forms

Pronouns and substitution: these, they, it, one

An article

1 Read and summarise the article

2 Read. What do the pronouns refer to?

3 Read and match concepts to pictures

4 Read and complete the article

A victim of advertising

Story vocabulary: advert, optimistic, pass an exam, study, …

Too + adjective, not + adjective + enough

A comic story

1 Read the comic

2 Put the events in order

3 Complete sentences with too and enough

4 Match statements to pictures


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Write the missing words

3 Complete the sentences with relative pronouns

4 Write definitions of people, places and things

1 Do the “Advertising” quiz

5 Hobbies

Talking about hobbies and free-time activities, intentions, predictions and rules of games

Questions for learners

What different hobbies can you think of?

What things do people collect?

Getting started

Hobbies: painting, going swimming, playing board games…

Sports and games: tennis, football…

1 Look and listen: Hobbies

2 Classify hobby words

3 Match sports words to pictures


Sport lexis: court, player, to score…

Collocations with go, play, do

Sports commentaries

An interview

1 Listen and identify the sport

2 Match animations to sentences

3 Listen and put the sentences in order

4 Complete the interview then listen to check

Board games

Board game lexis: dice, counter, to throw, a move, …

Explaining rules

Obligation and permission: have to, don’t have to, can, can’t

An encyclopaedia entry

Game rules

1 Do the quiz: “The history of board games”, then read to check your answers

2 Match the words to the pictures

3 Choose the correct options to complete the rules

Unusual hobbies

Intentions and predictions: going to + verb

A comic story


1 Read and match

2 Remember and reconstruct the story

3 Put the words in order to make intentions

4 Look at pictures complete predictions

5 Read the instructions and play the spelling game


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Complete sentences with go, play and do

3 Choose the correct options to complete sentences about obligations

4 Write a description of a game or sport you like

1 Do the “Hobbies” quiz

6 Healthy Living

Talking about health and diet, and giving advice

Questions for learners

What can you do to stay healthy?

What do people do to relax?

Getting started

Food and diet lexis: vegetables, fruit, grain, fats, fibre, vitamins, minerals, balanced diet, etc.

Nationalities: Japanese, Italian, Mexican, British, Moroccan

Passive sentences:

… are made by …ing

is made from/with …

is served with …

A quiz

An food guide

1 Look and choose the answers

2 Do the food quiz, then listen to check your answers

3 Read and complete the summaries

Eating well

Food types: fish, meat, vegetables, calories, fats…

Giving advice: Should, shouldn’t, How about…? Why don't you…?

Text cohesion (pronouns): it, they, them

An article

1 Match health tips to pictures

2 Match the parts to complete tips

3 Complete sentences giving advice

4 Read and choose the correct pictures

5 Read and choose the correct pronouns


Problems: problem, nervous, worried, suggest, advice, help,

Describing problems and giving advice

Problem page letters

1 Read and match to summaries

2 Read advice and match it to pictures

3 Complete the sentences giving advice

4 Listen and order sentences to give more advice

How do you relax?

Ways of relaxing: play an instrument, surf the Internet, lie on the sofa, etc.

Giving advice

Giving advice: Should, shouldn’t, How about…? Why don't you…?

So and because

Video interviews

1 Match the pictures to the words

2 Watch and complete the summaries

3 Watch again and complete the table


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Complete descriptions of international food

3 Put words in order to give advice

4 Read about a problem and write advice

1 Do the “Healthy Living” quiz

7 Communica-tion

Talking about the history and future of communications and make predictions

Questions for learners

What different ways of communicating can you think of?

What do do you think communication will be like in the future?

Getting started

Communication lexis: telephone, email, the Internet, mobile phone, etc.

Mobile lexis: recharge, ring, text, credit, etc.

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs

Audio documentary

1 Look and listen: Communication

2 Put the examples in order

3 Listen and check your answers

4 Match the two parts to complete sentences

Mobile phones

Text message conventions and abbreviations: r u ok, c u 2moro, …

Mobile lexis

A quiz

A conversation

Video interviews

1 Mobile phone quiz

2 Complete the conversation, then listen to check

3 Match abbreviations to text messages

4 Look and write the complete sentences

5 Watch and complete the table, then watch again to check

6 Watch and match who said what

Future communication

Technology: interactive, exist, videoconferencing, …

Making predictions

Past simple

Predictions: will, I think, I don't think, etc.

Short answers using so in short answers

Audio interviews

1 Listen and choose the answers

2 Put the words in order to make predictions


Email lexis: download, attachment, send, etc.

Present simple to describe a process

An article

1 Read and choose the correct headings

2 Match words to definitions

3 Use the words to complete the article


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Practice mobile phone vocabulary

3 Put words in order to make questions

4 Write about mobile phones. Answer the questions

1 Do the “Communication” quiz

8 The Arts

Talking about arts and theatre and what people do

Questions for learners

What different types of art do you know of?

Do you think that art, theatre, music and literature are important? Why?

Getting started

Arts lexis: theatre, painting, photography, sculpture, etc.

Theatre lexis: play, director, audience, etc.

Subject/object questions

Who gave the book to Olympia?

Who did Kate give the book to?

A comic story

1 Look and listen

2 Read and put the names in order

3 Look and match questions to answers

4 Choose the correct options to complete the questions


myth, goddess, underworld, …

Defining and describing who people are

Possessive ‘s

A quiz

Animation: A Greek myth

1 Do the theatre quiz

2 Watch and complete the summary

3 Choose the correct options

4 Put the sentences in order

Street art

graffiti, motorway. bridges, underground, message, ancient, government, permission, illegal, …

Passive forms

More relative clauses

An encyclopaedia entry

1 Read and match words to definitions

2 Read and find passive forms

3 Choose correct forms to complete sentences

An artist’s day

Parts of the face: eyes, ears, nose…

Shapes: circle, line, dot…

A documentary video

1 Look and match

2 Watch and put the sentences in order

3 Use the words to complete the description

4 Reconstruct what the artist says


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Complete sentences about the arts

3 Write answers to the questions

4 Find an artist’s picture and write about the artist

1 Do the “The Arts” quiz

9 The Mind

Talking about the functions and abilities of the brain

Questions for learners

What are the five senses?

What do you know about the brain?

Getting started

Describing size and colour

Numbers and percentages

Character adjectives: careful, confident, open, dominant, …

Professions: scientist, lawyer, economist, librarian, actor, politician, artist, …

A quiz

An article: “The two sides of the brain”

1 Do the quiz

2 Label the diagram

3 Read and choose the correct pictures

4 Read and sort the items

The Five senses

The senses lexis: feel, taste, see, hear, smell

The brain lexis: nervous system, weigh, hemisphere, etc.

Indirect questions: Do you know…?, Can you tell me…?

A documentary animation

A comic story

1 Watch and listen

2 Look and complete the sentences

3 Listen and choose the correct picture

4 Look and read

5 Remember: Who says what?

6 Put the words in order to make indirect questions


Giving factual information and giving instructions

Dream interpretations

Audio: a Dream description

1 Read and predict, then listen to check your answers

2 Listen and choose the pictures and correct answers

Guided fantasy

Character adjectives: careful, confident, open, etc.

Following instructions

A radio programme

1 Match adjectives to definitions, then listen to check your answers

2 Listen and follow instructions

3 Read the key to interpret your dream


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Match character adjectives to definitions

3 Put words in order to complete indirect questions

4 Do a drawing and interpret its meaning

1 Do the “The Mind” quiz

10 Travelling

Talking about travel experiences and giving directions

Questions for learners

What travel words do you know?

What can you learn when you travel?

Getting started

Airport lexis: luggage, ticket, trolley, check-in desk, gate, etc.

Airport phrases: look for a trolley, show your passport, get a boarding pass, go through passport control, wait in the departure lounge, …

1 Look and listen: At the airport

2 Crossword: At the airport

3 Put in order actions at the airport

4 Listen: Where am I? Listen again and read

Around the world

Present perfect contrasted with past simple: describing travel experiences

Past participles of regular and irregular verbs

Giving directions: Go across the bridge, etc.

An interview

1 Match experiences to places

2 Listen and put the pictures in order

3 Put words in order to describe experiences

4 Complete the verb table

5 Play the sentence casino game


Places and things in a city: traffic lights, bus stop, bridge, square, etc.

Giving directions

A comic

Written directions

1 Label the diagram: Places in a city

2 Look at and read the comic

3 Match directions to the pictures, then listen to check

4 Follow the directions


Verbs describing travel activities: see, visit, climb, etc.

Describing best and worst trips

Video interviews

1 Watch and complete the information

2 Watch again and complete what they say


Worksheet tasks

1 Write about what you learnt in this unit and your favourite new words

2 Use travel vocabulary to complete sentences

3 Mark sentences correct or incorrect

4 Write about a best or worst travel experience

1 Do the “Travel” quiz

C: Course overview for tutors

Module overview

· Each module has a carefully selected theme relevant to young teenagers’ daily lives and/or interests (famous people, music, TV, cinema, ecology, fashion, etc.).

· There are approximately 16 tasks in each module, grouped within four sections. Each section deals with a topic or situation that is closely related to the broad theme of the module.

· The majority of tasks in each module have a listening component, providing learners with frequent exposure to correct native-speaker pronunciation of the target language.

· Each module starts with a section called "Getting started". Its purpose is to review familiar vocabulary and grammar that learners will meet in other sections and activate knowledge of the module’s theme.

· Tasks within sections are clearly staged and build on the previous one, and most sections contain one main reading or listening text. These are generally authentic text types that have been graded appropriately for the level, and related exercises are designed to help learners develop reading and listening skills.

· The texts are varied and include magazine- and newspaper-style articles, interviews, stories, comic stories, dialogues, questionnaires, quizzes, activities and fact files. Some texts feature the four recurring characters and are humorous.

· Learners are generally exposed to texts containing the module’s target language before they have to identify or manipulate it, and, wherever possible, practice is provided in genuine communicative contexts.

· The lexis and grammar presented is implicitly recycled in texts in other modules.

· There is a 20-question quiz at the end of each module that reviews the vocabulary, grammar and facts that have been the focus of the module.

· There is a printable PDF worksheet at the end of each unit, with review and extension exercises as well as free writing tasks.

Approach to use in the classroom

The following are ideas that can be used at different stages of all modules.

Before you start

Below are ways of creating interest in the module topic and drawing on what learners already know:


· Brainstorm. Get learners to brainstorm lexis related to the theme. For example, before the "Routines" module, ask learners what verbs they know to talk about daily routines; or before the "Fashion" module, ask them what clothes they can name in English.

· Top Ten. Put learners in teams and ask them to think of 10 words from a lexical set (daily routines, clothes, etc.). The first team to think of 10 words wins.

· Word race. Learners in teams have exactly two minutes to write down as many words as they can think of related to the topic. Teams get one point for every word and two points for words that none of the other teams have thought of.

· Alphabet race. Learners in teams try to think of a word related to the topic for each letter of the alphabet. The team that comes closest wins.


· Talk about the theme. Ask learners questions about the theme (in L1 if necessary). For example, before the "Routines" module ask them what they do in the morning before leaving for school and in exactly what order they do things. Before the "Fashion" module ask them what clothes are in fashion at the moment and whether they follow fashion or have their own individual style.

During the lesson

Recording lexis

As learners progress through the modules it’s important for them to record the new words they learn. They can do this in a number of ways:

· Taking notes. Learners keep a special notebook (or use a special part of their regular notebook) in which they record the language they learn, including new words. Lexis should be recorded thematically rather than alphabetically, and children may record the meaning of the word using pictures, translations or example sentences.

· Graffiti wall. Cover a classroom wall with paper and get learners to write and illustrate the words they learn on the wall. As they learn more new words the wall will fill up, providing them with a stimulating visual representation of their progress. Fast finishers can write and illustrate the lexis on the wall.

· Vocabulary bag. Get learners to write new words from the class on cards, with a translation or definition on the other side. These cards are then held together using a paper clip and put in a plastic wallet, which could be labelled with the module’s name. The cards can then be used for practising the lexis at a later date. This could be done by getting learners in pairs to take turns reading out words and seeing if their partner can remember the translation/definition.

Lexis practice and revision activities

After studying a module, teachers should regularly revise the lexis. The following activities work well:

· Pictionary. Divide the class into two teams. Each team has a set of word cards with the target lexis written on them. The words in the two sets are the same, but each set has been shuffled so that the words are in a different order. One learner from each team takes the card at the top of his/her team’s pile and illustrates the word on the board. The respective piles have been shuffled, so learners will be illustrating different words. The rest of the teams have to call out the word their team-mate is drawing. Once a team member has called out the correct word, the person drawing stops and is replaced by another team member, who takes the next card from the pile and illustrates it. The first team to identify all the words is the winner.

· Mime. The same procedure as Pictionary, except that learners mime the words rather than illustrate them.

· Mouth the words. Silently mouth the words from a module to the learners, one at a time. The learners have to tell you which word you are mouthing.

· Outburst. Divide the class into two teams, A and B. Team A has to write down 10 words from a module (for example, "Fame"), and Team B has to write down 10 words from a different module (for example, "Dolphins"). Once both teams have completed their lists, Team B has one minute to call out all the jobs they can think of and Team B has to cross out any jobs on their list that Team A calls out. Next, Team A has one minute to call out animals and Team B has to cross out the ones Team A says from their list. The winner is the team that has most words left on their list.

· Scattegories. Choose four modules you have studied; for example, "Routines", "Fashion", "Bedroom" and "Shopping". Divide the class into groups of four learners. Say a letter (for example, f) and tell the learners that they have to think of a word or phrase from each module beginning with that letter; for example, footballer (from "Fame"), fish ("Dolphins"), favourite ("TV") and furniture ("Bedroom"). The first group to write a word from each module wins a point.

· Anagrams. Choose a module you want to revise (such as "Ancient Egypt"), and prepare some anagrams of the words (yrdipam for pyramid and so on). Write the anagrams on the board and tell the learners to copy and decipher them. Once they’ve finished, divide the class into pairs and tell them to prepare anagrams for other modules for the rest of the class. Each pair passes the anagram they have prepared to another pair to decipher.

· Hangman. Tell the learners you are going to revise the lexis from a module they have studied. On the board write a dash for each letter of the word. Invite learners to call out letters. If a learner says a letter that is in the word, then write it above the appropriate dash. If a learner says a letter that is not in the word, draw part of the hangman scaffold (see drawing). If the learners say 11 letters that are not included in the word, they lose the game.

· Odd one out. Write four words on the board: three from a lexical set and one that does not belong (for example, lens, pupil, shelves and retina). Shelves is the odd one out because it is furniture and the others are parts of the eye. Once you have done a few examples with the learners, tell them to prepare their own odd-one-out lists for their classmates.

Recording grammar

The ideas described previously for recording lexis can also be applied to recording new structures as they're learnt.

· Taking notes. Apart from taking notes on how new structures are formed and the ways in which they can be used, encourage learners to write example sentences, including the structure they meet in the module, with a translation into their own language.

· Grammar bag. Get learners to write sentences containing new grammar from the module on cards, with a translation or definition on the other side. These cards are then held together using a paper clip and put in a plastic wallet, which could be labelled with the module’s name. The cards can then be used for practising the lexis at later date. This could be done by getting learners in pairs to take turns reading out words and seeing if their partner can remember the translation/definition.

Grammar practice and revision activities

· Personalisation. Get learners to write sentences about themselves using new grammatical structures. This will help to make the new language more meaningful to them. To introduce a game element, get them to write, for example, four sentences, one of which must be false. Learners then show their sentences to a classmate, who has to guess which one is not true.

· Grammar casino. Play a game using the grammar you want to practise or revise. Prepare some sentences incorporating the grammar, and divide the class into teams. Explain that you are going to write the sentences on the board and that each team has to decide if they are grammatically correct or not. Teams have €100 and have to bet money on whether they think a sentence is correct or not. If they are sure, they can bet a lot; if they are not sure they can bet less. If the team is correct they get back their bet and win the same amount. The winner is the team with the most money at the end.

· Test your classmates. Get learners to prepare mini tests for their classmates to do. These could be multiple choice tests (sentences with gaps and two options to choose from to complete them), gap-fill exercises (sentences with gaps and verbs in brackets that learners have to put into the correct form), etc.

· Dictation. Dictations are a great way to test whether learners have understood new language. Prepare a short dictation using the grammar you want to practise or revise, or select some text from the module – sentences from an exercise, or part of a reading or listening text, for example.

Speaking activities

· Ten words. In pairs, get learners to select 10 words from the module. They should write these on slips of paper. They then pass these to another pair, who take turns turning over the slips one by one. Each time they turn over a slip, they have to say something about themselves using they word they see.

· Questions. In pairs, learners write some questions related to the module on slips of paper. They then pass these to another pair, who take turns turning over the slips one by one and answering the questions.

· Prepared dialogues. In pairs, learners prepare a short dialogue related in some way to the module. They then practise the dialogue and perform it for the rest of the class. They should perform the dialogue without reading if they can.

· 30 seconds. Give learners a topic related to the unit and tell them they are going to talk about this topic for at least 30 seconds without stopping. Give them a few minutes to prepare, and then put learners in pairs or small groups. One talks while the other looks at a watch to check that their partner talks for at least 30 seconds. The person timing should also note how long their partner talks in total. At the end of the activity, find out who in the class spoke for the longest without stopping.

Writing activities

· Messenger. Get learners in pairs to have a written conversation with each other, as if they were both on an instant messenger program. They should write what they want to say on a piece of paper that they then pass to their partner, who continues the conversation. The completed conversations could then be passed to other pairs to read, or you could select one or two and use them in the class to show where some good language has been used and to highlight and deal with a small selection of errors that the whole class could learn from.

· Stories round the class. In pairs or small groups, learners continue a story, description, email, etc., that other learners have started. For example, give out sheets of paper to each group with the first line of a story on it, perhaps including a tense that you want learners to practise, and give them a time limit in which to continue it. For example: I was walking home from school one day when …

· Diaries. Get learners to keep a diary in the back of their notebook and give them regular opportunities to make entries. This can work well at the end of the class or at the start of a class, perhaps after the weekend. Learners could write about whatever they want, but it’s a good idea to also suggest a theme or provide a question related to the module for learners who find it difficult to come up with ideas. From time to time, read their entries and respond to what they write. You could also correct any serious errors, though it’s usually best not to correct every mistake they make, as this can be demotivating.

D: Module-by-module guide for tutors

Course A

Module 1 – Fame

· Writing task: Mystery Star. Get learners to write a short description of a famous person using the text about Johnny Depp as a model (tasks 7 and 8). They should not write the star’s name. Learners then pass their "mystery star" description to their classmates, who have to read it and try to guess who it is.

· Speaking task: Famous People Game. In pairs or small groups, learners play the Famous People Game. First, write on the board the various star jobs the learners have studied in the unit and ask them to think of people who are famous for doing these jobs. Next, the group should prepare about 20 slips of paper with the name of a famous person they have thought of on each one. When they finish, get them to exchange their slips with another group. Now tell them that each member of the group should take a slip of paper, and the others should ask yes/no questions until they have identified the person. For example: Is it a woman? Is she Australian? Is she an actor? Is she Nicole Kidman? Then the next person takes a slip, and the process is repeated. The winning group is the one that can identify all the famous people on their slips first.

· Project: Our Heroes. Create a wall display in the class with information about the class’s heroes on it. Either individually or in pairs, learners should prepare a small poster about their hero with a description and, if possible, a photo on it. The description (tasks 7 and 8) and the texts in "Who's your favourite?" (tasks 9 to 13) provide models for this. Learners should be given time to find out about a person they admire (for example, by consulting the Internet).

Module 2 – Routines

· Writing task: My Daily Routine. Get learners to write a short description of their daily routine. Check their work, and then get them to make a gap-fill version of their routine by writing it out again with the routine verbs (get up, etc.) missing. Learners then pass their description to someone else. Can their classmate guess which verbs go in the gaps?

· Speaking task: Are You Busy? In pairs or small groups, learners use the questions in tasks 7 and 8 in the module to interview each other. Who is the busiest person in the group? Next, the whole class interviews the busiest people in each group to see who the busiest person in the class is.

· Project: Dream Days. Following on from "Brandon’s Dream Day", learners interview members of their family about their dream day, and choose one they think is interesting. They then write a description of it, and the descriptions are displayed on the wall in the class. When the display is complete, learners read about all of the dream days and vote on which one they like best.

Module 3 – Dolphins

· Writing task: Mystery Animal. Learners write a short text about an animal, including a description and some of the things it can and can’t do. They then read out their descriptions to the class. Can their classmates guess what the animal is?

· Speaking task: 20 Questions. In small groups, learners play 20 questions. One learner thinks of an animal, and the others have to ask questions to help them identify it. The person answering the questions can say only “Yes” or “No”. Start by getting learners to ask you questions and make sure that these are well formed – Can it …? Does it …?

· Project: Animal Facts. Using the text about dolphins in the module as an example (tasks 4 and 5), learners research and write about another animal that lives in the sea. The results could then be made into a wall display with the title "Blue Planet", named after the popular BBC documentary about sea life.

Module 4 – Fashion

· Writing task: Fashion Today. Learners write about the different styles that are in fashion at the moment. For each style they should write the name in their own language and a sentence underneath it that describes what the people who follow the style wear.

· Speaking task: Clothes Interview. Dictate the following questions, and then get learners in pairs or small groups to interview each other.

What clothes do you normally wear to school?

What clothes do you wear when you go out with your friends?

What do you wear when you are at home at the weekend?

What clothes don’t you like?

Do you follow fashion? Why / Why not?

Who chooses your clothes – you or your parents?

· Project: Fashions Past and Present. Learners prepare a wall display about fashion in different decades. Split the class into groups and give each group a different decade from the following options – the 1950s, 1960, 1970s and 1980s. The group members then have to interview older family members about what fashion was like in their decade, or they can look on the Internet for information. They then have to work together to produce a poster about their decade with drawings and a short text that says what people wore.

Module 5 – TV

· Writing task: My Favourite Programme. Learners write a fact file for their favourite TV programme. The fact file should be organised according to the model below, but with complete sentences after each heading, such as It’s on Channel 5. Next to “My opinion”, learners should write a short explanation of why they like it.

My favourite programme




Presenter(s) / character(s) / star(s):


My opinion:

· Speaking task: Name That Programme! Play a game. Learners work in groups of three or more. Set a time limit, and then tell them to take turns describing programmes, but without naming them. They can say when the programme’s on, what channel it’s on, who’s in it, what it’s about, etc. The others in the group have to guess what the programme is, and then write the name down when they know it. Which group has the most programmes on their list when the game’s over?

· Project: Our TV Habits. In small groups, learners prepare a class survey on TV habits. First, they should prepare between five and eight questions to ask their classmates. These could be about when people watch TV, how much TV they watch, what programmes or types of programmes they watch, whether they have to do their homework first, whether they have the TV on when they are having dinner, etc. After asking the other members of the class their questions, each group should collate their answers and present the results in the form of a wall chart. This could just have statements on it (e.g. Most people in the class watch TV between 7 and 9 o’clock.) or include graphs too.

Module 6 – Bedroom

· Writing task: My Favourite Thing. Dictate the questions in tasks 7 and 8 of the module about a favourite thing, and then get learners to write their answers. Review the language they will need before they write (task 8).

What’s your favourite thing?

What’s it like?

Where do you keep it?

Where did you get it?

Why do you like it?

· Speaking task: Bedroom Dictation. Draw a plan of your bedroom on the board and mark where the door is. Tell learners to copy this and then say you are going to tell them where the furniture and window are. They have to listen and draw the things you describe in their copy of the plan. When you finish, complete the plan yourself and get learners to check their drawing. Next, review the language you used to do this – furniture vocabulary, there is/are and prepositions. Now put learners in pairs and get them to do the same activity based on their own room. Each learner should draw the outline of their room first, and then give it to their partner, who will do the drawing.

· Project: My Bedroom. Get learners to bring a photo of their bedroom to class. They stick the photo onto a piece of paper and label things in the room with a sentence or two to say what it is and give some information about it. For example: This is my tennis racket. I play tennis three times a week after school. When they finish, make a wall display with the photos.

Module 7 – Ancient Egypt

· Writing task: Dear Diary. To practise using the past simple, get learners to start a diary in their notebooks, maybe at the back so that they can keep subsequent entries in the same place. Tell them to start with "Dear diary," and then to write about what they did yesterday after school, or at the weekend if it’s Monday.

· Speaking task: Spot the Lie! In pairs or small groups, get learners to talk about what they did at the weekend, but they should include two pieces of false information in their account. Give them time to prepare for this by writing sentences. When they are ready they describe their weekends. Can their partner or group identify the two pieces of false information?

· Project: Pelmanism. Give learners a piece of paper each and get them to fold and then cut it into 16 equal-sized cards. On eight of the cards they should write eight new words they have learnt in the unit. On the other eight cards they write the words in hieroglyphics using the alphabet in task 14 of the module. In pairs they can now do a pelmanism. The cards are all set face down on the table, and learners have to turn over two cards at a time. If they turn over the same word in English and hieroglyphics, they keep the pair of cards. The learner with the most cards at the end wins. Get them to play the game again and again with other classmates.

Module 8 – Eyes

· Writing task: Class Comparisons. Get learners to write six sentences comparing different people in the class. For example: Marc is taller than Julia. Tell them to include one false sentence. Learners then read out all the sentences to their classmates, who have to listen without interrupting. When they finish, the others have to say which sentence was false and correct it.

· Speaking task: Family Facts. Get learners to quickly draw a picture of their family, with the family members' names on it. In pairs, learners show each other their pictures. One learner then makes sentences about the people in the picture. Their partner has to say if these sentences are true. For example: “Your mother is taller than your father.” “That’s right.”

· Project: Superlatives Quiz. In groups, learners find information to use in a 10-question superlatives quiz. Questions should be in the form Which is/are the …? To help, you could give learners a selection of adjectives to use in their quiz – tall, short, long, high, heavy, big, wide, etc. Then get the members of the group to take responsibility for an equal number of adjectives each and to think of a question for their adjectives as homework. Once they have written their quiz, organise a quiz competition in class. Each group reads out their questions to the class and the other learners write down their answers. Check answers. Who got the most answers right?

Module 9 – Animal Rescue

· Writing task: A Memorable Incident. Begin with a review of the question forms presented in tasks 7 and 14. Learners think about something that happened to them that is memorable because they were very happy, frightened, surprised or angry. They then write a short account of the incident, saying where and when it happened and exactly what happened. Tell them to include at least four of these words: and, but, also, finally, so, because, when. They then pass their account to a classmate, who has to write two questions about it that they want answered. The first learner then answers these questions.

· Speaking task: Your Weekend. Put learners in pairs. Tell them they are going to interview another pair about their weekend. They have to prepare yes/no questions and predict the answer from each learner. For example:


Did you go to the cinema on Saturday?YesNo

Were you at home on Sunday afternoon?NoYes

Pairs then ask each person in the other pair their questions and see if their predictions were correct. The pair asking the questions also has to ask another question in reaction to the answer. For example:

What film did you see?

How did you get to the cinema?

Why did you stay at home?

Where did you go in the morning?

· Project: Endangered Animals. As part of a wall display in class, learners prepare a fact file about an endangered animal like the ones in task 3 of the module. They could find out about any animal, or choose one from the following list: elephant, Western gorilla, red wolf, tiger, giant panda, black rhinoceros.

Module 10 – Shopping

· Writing task: Let’s Meet. Get learners in pairs to write an imaginary phone dialogue in which they arrange to go out on Saturday. Tell them they need to include all of the following language from tasks 7 to 9 in the module: Let’s, How about, What about, shall, all right, OK, good idea. When they have finished, they read their dialogue out to the rest of the class.

· Speaking task: Plan a Day Out. First, review the language of making suggestions in the language box in task 9 of the module. In small groups, learners plan a complete day out with each other that includes activities that everyone in the group want to do. When they finish, they present their day out to the class.

· Project: Shopping Survey.

To tie in with the video about teenage shoppers (tasks 5 and 6), learners in small groups prepare a class survey on shopping habits. They can use questions from the video and/or invent their own. After asking the other members of the class their questions, each group should collate their answers and present the results in the form of a wall chart. This could consist of statements only (e.g., Most people in the class like shopping. Zara is the class’s favourite shop.), or it could include graphic representations of the information too.

Possible questions:

Do you like shopping?

How often do you go shopping?

Who do you go shopping with?

What are your favourite shops?

What’s the last thing you bought?

Course B

Module 1 – The Universe

· Writing task: A New Planet. Learners work in pairs to invent a planet. They then write a description of the planet as part of a short news story announcing its discovery. The story should start, “Scientists have discovered a new planet. The planet is called …”. Before writing, learners look again at task 4 in the module to get ideas and note down expressions to use in their description. They then describe exactly what their planet is like and think of a name for it.

· Speaking task: Quiz Time. In pairs or small groups learners research and then write a quiz for other class members, basing their questions on those in task 6 of the module. Designate a Quiz Day on which all groups must have their quiz ready to give to the rest of their classmates, who play against each other in teams.

· Project: Planets. Divide the class into nine small groups and assign each group one of the nine planets. Learners have to do more research about their planet and then create a poster about it. The poster could be in the form of a text or a fact file, or it could have a number of facts about the planet on it, such as "Ten things you should know about Pluto”, for example. Display posters on the classroom wall.

Module 2 – Music

· Writing task: Mystery Requests. Learners work in pairs and write imaginary requests. These imaginary requests have to be made by the learners who wrote them, or by other classmates to them. Learners take turns reading out requests while their classmates listen and guess who made the request or who the request was made to.

· Speaking task: Music Interviews. In pairs or small groups learners prepare questions they can ask their classmates to find out about their music habits and preferences. They should first look again at task 1 in the module for ideas, and then add questions of their own. Next, put two groups together, and get learners to interview each other. The interviewers take notes, and each person in the group is responsible for writing a short musical profile of one of the members of the other group. These are then shown to the person interviewed, who has to agree with what is written or correct any factual errors.

· Project: Song Sheets. Learners go online to find the lyrics of one of their favourite songs. They cut and paste the lyrics into a word-processing document and then create a worksheet for their classmates to do. Give them a few ideas, such as taking some words out and adding blanks, putting the lines in a different order, adding mistakes to correct, cutting lines in half and jumbling the order of the second halves for their classmates to match with the correct first halves, etc. The worksheets can be done in class over the following weeks or months.

Module 3 – What a Story

· Writing task: Stories Round the Class. Divide the class into pairs or small groups and give each a blank piece of paper with the beginning of a story at the top. For example: Once upon a time..., One dark night..., One sunny morning..., One rainy afternoon..., A very long time ago..., etc. Give groups two minutes to write a continuation for the story. When the two minutes are up, each group should pass what they wrote to another group and so on until all groups in the class have added to it. Next, put the stories on the wall for the whole class to read. Which do they think are the best and worst stories? Finally, you could deal with the errors in some of the stories with the whole class.

· Speaking task: Jokes. In pairs, learners think of a joke in their language and then decide how they could translate it into English. When ready, pairs read out their jokes to the rest of the class. Are they funny in English?

· Project: Story Competition. Write each of the characters, places, objects and beginnings of stories from task 11 in the module on cards, and put them face down on your desk in four piles. Invite four volunteers to come up and turn over one beginning card and two of each of the other cards. Pairs then have to plan and write a story that uses the beginning and includes the characters, places and objects. Display the stories on the wall and have a vote to select the best one.

Module 4 – Advertising

· Writing task: Definitions. Learners look again at the relative clauses they studied in tasks 6 and 7 in the module. In pairs, they next write definitions of people, objects and places using relative clauses. They read these to the other class members, who have to guess what each sentence defines.

· Speaking task: Guess the Advert. Write the following heading on the board: People / Place / Plot. In pairs, learners take turns describing an advert they have seen on TV, saying who’s in it, where the people are and what happens. Give pairs a few minutes to prepare. They then describe the advert to other class members, who have to say what the advert is for. Are there any cases of adverts that other learners recognise but can’t remember the name of the product being advertised?

· Project: Prepare an Advertising Campaign. In groups, learners prepare an advertising campaign for a product or service. They should first look back at tasks 4 to 7 in the module, and then produce a poster with a slogan on it. These could be displayed on the classroom wall. Learners could then write and perform either a radio or a TV advert. These could be recorded or filmed, and then edited into a whole commercial break that the class could later listen to or watch together.

Module 5 – Hobbies

· Writing task: What’s the Game? In pairs or small groups, learners write the description of a game or sport, saying what you have to do, don’t have to do, can and can’t do, but without mentioning it by name. They should look back at tasks 9 and 10 in the module before they do this. They then read their descriptions to their classmates, who have to guess what the sport or game it is.

· Speaking task: Plans. Write prompts representing life events on the board (go to university, get married, go to live in another country, have children, etc.). Next, focus again on the language of predictions and intentions in tasks 13 and 14 of the module. Establish the question, “Are you going to …?” Learners then ask a partner questions based on the prompts on the board and compare answers, saying, “Me too”, “Me neither”, “I’m not” or “I am”. How many intentions and predictions do the two learners have in common?

· Project: My Year. Learners write about their predictions and intentions for the rest of the school year using the language they met in tasks 13 and 14 of the module. Display what they write on the classroom wall, so they can see if what they wrote actually happens as the year progresses.

Module 6 – Healthy Living

· Writing task: Problem Page. Learners write a short letter to a problem page describing a real or imaginary problem. Before they do this, get them to look again at tasks 9 to 12 in the module. Once the letters are written, collect them and hand them out again so that nobody gets their own letter. Each learner has to write a reply to the letter they receive, giving advice to the writer. They then hand their reply to the writer. Does the writer think the advice is good?

· Speaking task: What’s the Problem? Each learner thinks of a problem and writes a sentence to describe it. Give out blank sticky labels, and get each learner to write their sentence on one of them. Collect the labels, and have each learner stick one onto their forehead (NOT their own label) without looking at it. They now give each other advice for the problem on the labels. Each learner has to use the advice to guess what their problem is. Go over the advice language in tasks 6 and 11 of the module before doing the activity.

· Project: Healthy Living Poster Campaign. In pairs or small groups, learners design a poster to promote healthy living. They should use the language of advice studied in tasks 5, 6, 10 and 11 to do this, and they can add photos, drawings, etc. When the posters are finished, make a wall display of them.

Module 7 – Communication

· Writing task: SMS Exchange. In pairs, learners write a short text exchange between two friends using the abbreviations they see in task 7 of the module plus any others they care to invent. They pass the exchange to another pair, who have to "decode" the message by writing out the full version of the abbreviations. They then pass this back to the first pair, who check to see if it is correct.

· Speaking task: Mobile Interview. In pairs, learners use the questions from the video tasks in the module – tasks 9 and 10 – to interview each other about their mobile phones. They can take notes during the interview and then use them to write a brief summary of the interview, which they should then show to the other learner. Do the interviewees agree with what is written?

· Project: Future Visions. In small groups, learners prepare posters showing their predictions for the year 2100. They should express these using the language in tasks 11 and 12 of the module. Their predictions can be about any aspect of life, and it might help to brainstorm some areas before they start working (for example, the climate, life expectancy, robots, etc.). Display the posters on the wall and compare their predictions, discussing any differences.

Module 8 – The Arts

· Writing task: Passive Sentences. First, review tasks 10 and 11 in the module. Then, write prompts like the following on the board: is/are made, is/are spoken, is/are eaten, is/are sung, is/are celebrated, etc. In pairs, learners have to write true sentences incorporating the prompts (for example, Champagne is made in France). Pairs then read out their sentences to the rest of the class, but without the ending (for example, Champagne is made in ….). Other learners have to call out the endings to the sentences.

· Speaking task: Arts Questions. Review subject questions from tasks 3 and 4 of the module. Then write the categories in task 1 on the board. Working in pairs or small groups, learners take turns thinking of and asking subject questions related to one of the categories. Put prompts on the board to help them with this, such as Who wrote / directed / was in / etc. Learners must not ask questions about the same category twice in a row.

· Project: Great Artists. In pairs or small groups, learners research the life and work of a great artist in any of the areas from task 1 in the module. They then pool their information and prepare an informative poster about the artist and their work, with visual support if they can find any on the Internet or from other sources. The posters should then be displayed on the class wall. You could ask learners to write some questions about their artist, which their classmates then answer by looking at the poster.

Module 9 – The Mind

· Writing task: Indirect Quiz. After reviewing task 10 in the module to remember how indirect questions are formed, learners work in pairs to write 10 general knowledge questions. Write prompts on the board like the following for support: Do you know where / what / who / why, etc. One learner from each pair then sits with a learner from another pair and ask each other their questions. The person answering says only “yes” or “no”. They then check answers. Did the person answering the questions get the ones right that they said they knew the answer to?

· Speaking task: Psychology. Get learners to copy a larger version of the diagram below in their notebooks. Then give them one minute to complete a small drawing in each square incorporating the line or shape that is given. In pairs, learners then take turns analysing each other’s drawings. Emphasise that this is a fun activity and that they are to use their imagination. Revise the personality adjectives from task 13 in the module before learners do the activity, and encourage them to use these.

· Project: Our Dreams. Learners write a short description of a dream they have had at the top of a piece of A4 paper. Display all the dream descriptions on the wall. Learners read the descriptions and write comments about the dream in the space underneath it. Review tasks 11 and 12 in the module to give learners an idea of the type of comments they could write.

Module 10 – Travelling

· Writing task: Directions. Review tasks 12 and 13 before doing this activity. Either individually or in pairs, learners write directions from their school to somewhere in their town or city. When ready, they read out the directions to the class, who have to try and follow them and guess where the directions take them.

· Speaking task: Have you? Write the following prompts on the board, adding any extra ones that you think would be suitable in your teaching context:

A book everyone has read

A film everyone has seen

A TV programme everyone has watched in the last week

A place in another part of your country that everyone has been to

A place in your country that only you have been to

Check meaning, and then get learners to work in silence and write a prediction in response to each prompt. They should then take turns asking the class questions to establish whether their predictions are correct. These questions practise the language met in tasks 6 to 8 of the module (that is, Have you + past participle …?). At the end, see who got the most predictions correct.

· Project: Best and Worst Trips. Based on video tasks 14 and 15 in the module, get learners to write about their best and worst trips, saying what they did and why the trips were so good and so bad. Make a wall display of the results and get learners to read them. They should all write a question to ask at least five other classmates in reaction to what they read. Make time in class for the questions to be asked and answered.

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