Page 1:…  · Web view*Absorbs the solar energy and converts it into chemical energy. Cellular respiration *The process

Vocabulary: Biology Unit: 5: photosynthesis and cellular respiration Date:

Picture Word Definition

Autotroph*An organism that can make its own food*Ex: plants, algae, photosynthetic organism

Heterotroph*An organism that cannot make its own food, it must consume other organisms.*Ex: animals, fungi, some protists

ATP*Adenosine triphosphate*Cellular energy*Made by adding a phosphate onto ADP.ATP=fully charged battery

Photosynthesis*The process of converting solar energy into chemical energy. Using sunlight to make sugar.*Plants, algae, photosynthetic bacteria6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight C6H12O6 + 6 O2

Chloroplast*The organelle where photosynthesis takes place.*Found in plant and other photosynthetic eukaryotes (protists)

Chlorophyll*The pigment found inside a chloroplast that gives plants their green color*Absorbs the solar energy and converts it into chemical energy.

Cellular respiration*The process by which food is broken down to release the energy held within the bonds for cellular processes.*Converts chemical energy into chemical energy.*Can occur with or without oxygen

Mitochondria *The organelle where aerobic respiration occurs.*Found in all eukaryotic cells (plants, animals, fungi and protists).

Page 2:…  · Web view*Absorbs the solar energy and converts it into chemical energy. Cellular respiration *The process

Aerobic respiration *Cellular respiration in the presence of oxygen.*Occurs within the mitochondria.

Fermentation*Anaerobic respiration*Cellular respiration when oxygen isn’t available.*Lactic acid fermentation produces sore muscles, yogurt, cheese*alcoholic fermentation produces alcohol and bread.

A + B Reactants*What goes into a chemical reaction*The ingredients

AB Products*What comes out of a chemical reaction*What is produced*The final product

Xylem*Vascular tissue in a plant that carries water from the roots to the rest of the plant.*Only moves water up

Phloem*Vascular tissue in a plant that carries food made in the leaves to the rest of the plant.*Can move food up and down

Stomata (stoma)*The openings on the underside of leaves.*Guard cells open and close stomata.*Regulates water loss and allows gas exchange.

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