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Water, Acidosis, and Expeimental Pyelonephritis


From the Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine,NewHaven, Connecticut 06510

A B S T R A C T The effect of water restriction and am-monium chloride acidosis on the course of Escherichiacoli pyelonephritis was determined in the nonobstructedkidney of the rat. To alter the chemical composition ofthe renal medulla, water intake was reduced in rats toone-half the normal daily intake. Water restriction in-creased the incidence of coliform pyelonephritis. Sys-temic acidosis, produced by giving a 300 mmsolutionof ammonium chloride, increased urinary osmolality tovalues comparable to water restriction and also predis-posed to pyelonephritis. However, when rats were fedthe same solution of ammonium chloride but were al-lowed access to tap water ad lib., urinary osmolalityvalues were comparable to those observed in normal ani-mals, and susceptibility to pyelonephritis was reducedor eliminated despite a degree of systemic acidosis simi-lar to that observed in rats fed ammonium chloride solu-tion without access to tap water. 'These results suggestthat water diuresis may overcome the inactivation ofcomplement produced by ammonium chloride acidosisand that renal medullary hypertonicity, produced byeither water restriction or ammonium chloride acidosis,is a major determinant of this tissue's unique suscepti-bility to infection.

INTRODUCTIONEarlier studies concerned with the pathogenesis of pyelo-nephritis have demonstrated that the medulla of the kid-ney is much more susceptible to infection than the cortex(1-5). Various studies have suggested that the vulner-ability of the renal medulla may result from its anatomi-cal location (6), its relatively poor circulation (7, 8),its high concentration of ammonia (9), and its habitualhypertonicity (5, 10). Two factors known to predisposethe renal medulla to infection are acidosis and dehydra-tion. Acidosis is thought to result in complement inacti-

Dr. Andriole is an Established Investigator of the Ameri-can Heart Association.

Received for publication 2 May 1969 and in revised form15 September 1969.

vation in the kidney (9), and its effect has been demon-strated on experimental Escherichia coli pyelonephritis(11). The effect of medullary hypertonicity on infection,however, has thus far been demonstrated only on experi-mental staphylococcal, candida, and enterococcal pye-lonephritis (5, 10).

The present experiments therefore were designed tostudy the effect of hydration and medullary tonicity onEscherichia coli pyelonephritis and to discern, if pos-sible, the relative importance of dehydration and acidosisin predisposing to renal infection. The results of thesestudies describe a simple method for inducing coliformpyelonephritis in the nonobstructed kidney of the ratwhich provides a model for studying many aspects ofexperimental pyelonephritis. Coliform pyelonephritis canbe produced in rats by increasing renal medullary tonicityby means of a decrease in water intake. Acidosis pro-duced by ammonium chloride also increased renal medul-lary tonicity, and increased the susceptibility of the ratkidney to coliform pyelonephritis but only when waterintake was also restricted. These results suggest thatwater diuresis may overcome the deleterious effect ofammonium chloride acidosis on complement activity andthat the increase in renal medullary tonicity produced byammonium chloride acidosis is the major factor responsi-ble for the increased susceptibility of the medulla toinfection.

METHODSAnimals. White female Sprague-Dawley CFE strain

rats (Carworth Farms, New City, N. Y.), weighing 125-200 g were used. Animals were weighed on the first day, onthe day of challenge, and the last day of each experiment,and were housed individually in metabolic cages which per-mitted the collection of urine without contamination byfeces. Urine was collected under mineral oil with thymolused as a preservative. The diet consisted of Purina lab chowpellets.

Bacteria. The strain of E. coli (ECY 9) used in thepresent experiments is nontypable when tested against 17serotypes and the details of its handling have been describedpreviously (12). A volume of 0.5 ml of a 4-hr culture(containing 2-3 X 10' organisms per ml) was injected intothe lateral tail vein of each rat. Tenfold dilutions in 0.85%

The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 49 1970 21

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sodium chloride solution were incubated in agar pour platesto enumerate each inoculum.

Microbiologic and histologic studies. Animals were killed8 days after intravenous bacterial challenge. Sterile tech-nique was maintained during all surgical procedures. Underpentobarbital anesthesia, the abdomen was cleansed with70%0 alcohol and incised so that the entire urinary tract andthe abdominal aorta were exposed. The animals were killedby aortic exanguination and the blood obtained was col-lected under oil in heparinized syringes. After urine wascollected in some animals, the kidneys were removed andplaced in Petri dishes for macroscopic examination andsectioning. A midline longitudinal section was made in somekidneys. Half the kidney was fixed in 10%o formalin, seriallysectioned, and every tenth section was mounted and stainedwith hematoxylin and eosin for histologic examination. Theremaining half was homogenized in 4.5 ml of sterile saline.Whole kidneys were cultured after homogenization with 9.0ml of sterile saline. These concentrations represented a 10-dilution. Subsequent tenfold dilutions were prepared insterile saline. Agar pour plates were made from thesedilutions, and colony counts were determined after incuba-tion for 48 hr at 370C as previously described (5). Theidentification of E. coli was confirmed by subculturing somecolonies on desoxycholate, Kliger's iron, and Simmonscitrate agar (13).

Urine culture. Immediately after opening the abdominalcavity, approximately 0.5 or 1.0 ml of urine was aspiratedthrough the bladder wall by means of a sterile needle andsyringe. One loopful of urine was streaked on blood agar.In some animals 10-' and 10' dilutions of urine were madein nutrient broth, and pour plates were made for final bac-teriologic counts. In addition, the bladder mucosa of mostanimals was swabbed with a sterile cotton applicator whichwas then streaked on blood agar base (10).

Criteria of infection. Kidneys were considered infectedwhen they contained 5 X 10' or more colonies (12). Urinecultures were considered positive when 10 or more coloniesof E. coli per milliliter of urine were recovered fromquantitative cultures, or 10 or more colonies of E. coli wererecovered from the bladder swab.

Chemical studies. All determinations were performed induplicate. Sodium and potassium in serum were determinedwith an internal standard flame photometer, blood ureanitrogen and urine ammonia by the Conway microdiffusionmethod, serum chloride by amperometric titration, serumCO content by the method of Van Slyke and Neill, andurine titratable acidity by a modification of the method ofPeters and Van Slyke (14). Occasionally it was necessaryto discard urine samples because of obvious fecal contamina-tion which caused elevation of the urinary pH above 8.

Statistics. The mean, standard deviation, and standarderror of the mean was calculated for the daily fluid intake,urine osmolality, serum bicarbonate, chloride, sodium, potas-sium, blood urea nitrogen, urine ammonia, and titratableacid in each group. Probability values and statistical signifi-cance were determined by the t test. Statistical significanceof infectivity rates was obtained by determining the valuesof chi-square employing the Yates correction factor (15).

Experiment I. Effect of water restriction on the suscepti-bility of the kidney to E. coli pyelonephritis. 68 rats weregiven 15 ml of tap water by stomach tube daily throughoutthe experiment. The tube feedings were divided into twoequal doses of 7.5 ml each given in the morning and after-noon. 38 animals (group I, controls) were allowed accessto tap water ad lib. No additional tap water was given to

the remaining 30 rats (group II, water restricted). On thethird day, all animals were challenged intravenously withE. coli. 8 days after bacterial challenge the animals werekilled, the kidneys and urine were cultured, and aortic bloodwas obtained for blood urea nitrogen and electrolyte deter-minations. During the experiment, daily intake, urine output,and urine osmolality values were measured. Urine sampleswere analyzed for osmolality with an Advanced osmometer(model No. 31-LAS). Furthermore, to determine the effectof water restriction on uninoculated control animals, six ratswere given 7.5 ml of tap water by stomach tube in themorning and again in the afternoon each day throughout theexperiment. They received no additional fluid intake norwere they challenged with E. coli. The animals were killedon the 10th day of the experiment and the kidneys wereremoved for microbiologic and histologic studies.

Experiment II. Effect of ammonium chloride on urinaryosmolality. 12 rats were given tap water ad lib for 4 days.The tap water was removed on the fifth day and the animalswere allowed to drink a 300 mm solution of ammoniumchloride ad lib for 7 days. On the 12th day the ammoniumchloride was removed and the rats were again given tapwater al lib. Fluid intake, urine output, and urine osmolalitieswere determined daily for each animal.

Experiment III. Effect of water intake on E. coli pyelo-nephritis induced by ammonium chloride. 58 rats were given10 ml of a 300 mm solution of ammonium chloride bystomach tube daily, that is, each rat received 3 mmoles ofammonium chloride per day. The tube feedings were di-vided into two equal doses of 5.0 ml each given in themorning and afternoon. 37 animals received no additionalfluid intake (group III, 3 mMNH4Cl, no water). How-ever, the remaining 21 rats were allowed daily access to tapwater ad lib. (group IV, 3 mMNH4Cl + water). After 2days of ammonium chloride administration all animals werechallenged intravenously with E. coli. 8 days after bacterialchallenge the animals were killed, the kidneys and urinewere cultured, and aortic blood was obtained for ureanitrogen and electrolyte determinations. During the experi-ment, daily intake, urine output, and urine osmolality valueswere measured.

An additional 22 rats were given 15 ml of a 300 mMsolution of ammonium chloride by stomach tube daily, ad-ministered in two equal doses of 7.5 ml each in the morningand afternoon, and were allowed access to tap water adlib. (group V, 4.5 mMNH4Cl + water). 16 additional ratswere given 20 ml of a 300 mmsolution of ammonium chlo-ride by stomach tube, administered in three doses of 7.5,5.0, and 7.5 ml daily, and were allowed access to tap waterad lib. (group VI, 6 mMNH4Cl + water). The microbio-logic and chemical determinations described earlier wereobtained in some animals in both groups (V and VI) 8 daysafter intravenous challenge with E. coli.

Experiment IV. Effect of water intake on renal capacityto excrete acid. 24 rats were given 20 ml of a 300 mmsolu-tion of ammonium chloride daily by stomach tube for 8consecutive days. 16 of these were allowed access to tapwater ad lib. (group VI, 6 mMNH4Cl + water). How-ever, the remaining animals received no additional fluidintake (group VII, 6 mMNH4Cl, no water). Urine wascollected under oil and analyzed for NH4 and titratable acidduring the last 2 days of the experiment.

RESULTSEffect of water restriction on the susceptibility of the

kidney to E. coli pyelonephritis. The mean daily osmo-

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TABLE IEffect of Water Restriction on E. coli Pyelonephritis

UrineGroup Kidneys* Rats* culture

I. Control 6/76 5/38 6/35P <0.005 <0.005 <0.005

II. Water restricted 29/60 19/30 17/27

* Number infected per number studied.

12 3 45 6 7 8 9 10DAYS

FIGURE 1 Mean daily levels of urinary osmolality (Uosm)of 38 control and 30 water-restricted rats. The arrowmarked challenge indicates the time of intravenous coliforminoculation.

lality of the urines of 38 control (group I, tube fed 15 mlof water daily + water ad lib.) and 30 water-restricted(group II, tube fed 15 ml of water daily, no water adlib.) rats are shown in Fig. 1. The first day's values are

base line observations and closely approximate valuesobtained in previous studies (5, 8). These values re-

mained relatively constant in control (group I) animalsthroughout the study. In contrast, the osmolality of theurine almost doubled in water-restricted rats (group II)tube fed only 15 ml of tap water daily. On the day ofbacterial challenge the urinary osmolality observed incontrol rats averaged about 1000 mOsm/kg of water as

compared with urinary osmolality values of over 2000mOsm/kg of water in water-restricted animals. Whenthe rats were killed 8 days after bacterial challenge,pyelonephritis was observed in 19 of 30 water-restricted(group II) animals and in only 5 of 38 control (groupI) rats (Table I). Gross abscesses were seen in 35% ofthe infected kidneys of water-restricted rats and in onlyone control kidney. Urine cultures were obtained in 35control and 27 water-restricted animals at the time therats were killed. E. coli bacteriuria was observed in thefive control animals with E. coli pyelonephritis and inone control animal without evidence of renal infection.Urine cultures were sterile in the rema ning 29 controlanimals who had no evidence of renal infection. Simi-larly, coliform bacteriuria was observed in 16 of 17 wa-ter-restricted rats with E. coli pyelonephritis and fromwhomurine could be obtained for culture. Urine cultureswere sterile in 9 of 10 water restricted rats studied whohad no evidence of renal infection.

The water intake of control (group I) animals aver-aged 29 ml/day throughout the study period as com-pared with 15 ml/day in water-restricted rats (groupII). Urinary osmolality values for all control (group I)animals throughout the study averaged 1019 mOsm/kg ofwater as compared with a mean of 2124 mOsm/kg ofwater in those animals (group II) tube fed only 15 ml

TABLE IIEffect of Water Restriction on Chemical Composition of Blood and Urine*

Water Uosm Serum Serum Serum SerumGroup intake CO? Cl Na K BUN

ml mOsm/kg H2O mEqlliter mEq/liter mEq/liter mEqlliter mg/100 ml

I. Control 29 1019 21.7 99 142 5.0 2045 41254 :1:2.5 4:6.6 42 40.83 42

n = 380 n = 193 n = 25 n = 19 n = 8 n = 8 n = 7II. Water restricted 15 2124 19.9 104 148 4.5 25

±494 ±3.4 i6.7 ±8 40.63 ±4.6n=300 n=169 n=21 n=23 n=15 n=15 n=17

P <0.001 <0.001 NS NS NS NS NS

NS = not significant (P = >0.01).Uosm = urinary osmolality.* Values are mean ASD.

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UosmmOsmper kgH20






/ ~ ~~~~-_X---x,J..

o-o Water restricted- x---x Control4001

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of water/day. Serum sodium, potassium bicarbonate,chloride, and blood urea nitrogen concentrations in wa-ter-restricted (group II) rats were not significantly dif-ferent from those observed in control (group I) ani-mals (Table II). Although infected rats in both groupslost an average of 12% of their original body weight bythe end of the experimental period, there was no weightloss at the time of bacterial challenge. Weight changesin noninfected animals ranged from a 5% loss to a 7%gain. These weight changes are not sufficient to makethe rat kidney susceptible to infection with this strainof E. coli (11).

To determine the effect of water restriction on un-inoculated controls, six rats were given 15 ml of water

by stomach tube daily. They received no water ad lib.nor were they challenged with E. coli. When they werekilled 10 days later, their kidneys were normal on grossand microscopic examination and sterile on culture.

Half of each kidney from 12 control and 12 water-restricted rats was studied histologically. The remaininghalf was quantitatively cultured. The results observedby quantitative culture were then compared to grossand microscopic observations for each kidney. Histo-logically three distinct patterns were observed. Normalarchitecture was seen in those kidneys in which grossabscesses were absent and from which less than 5 X 10'colonies of E. coli were recovered on culture. Medullaryabscesses were seen with fairly large areas of inflam-

DAYSFIGURE 2 Mean daily values of fluid intake, urinary output, and urinaryosmolality (Uosm) in 12 rats drinking tap water for 4 days, followed byammonium chloride solution for 7 days, and then tap water for 4 days.

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mation in the renal medulla, with the apex of the in-flammatory reaction either in or pointing toward thepapilla. This lesion was characterized by dense poly-morphonuclear leukocytic exudates within and outsideof the tubular lumen, tubular destruction, and collec-tions of amorphous eosinophilic material in the lumenof some tubules. In some, an inflammatory exudate wasseen in the mucosa of the renal pelvis. This lesion waspresent in those kidneys in which gross abscesses wereabsent but from which more than 5 X 10' colonies ofE. coli were recovered on culture. Wedge-shaped ab-scesses were seen in those kidneys in which gross ab-scesses were observed and from which more than 5 X10' colonies of E. coli were recovered on culture. Theselesions were characterized by a wedge-shaped area ofinflammation with apex in the medulla and base in thecortex. Collections of polymorphonuclear leukocyteswere observed within and outside of the tubules, in thecortex, and on occasion, surrounding tubules containingcolloid casts. The glomeruli were normal. Only two ex-ceptions were noted. One kidney contained more than5 X 10' colonies of E. coli on culture but was normal onhistologic examination. Also, one kidney was grosslyabscessed, containing more than 5 X 10' colonies ofE. coli on culture, but had medullary abscesses withoutcortical involvement on microscopic examination; itseems possible that the grossly abscessed portion of thecortex was homogenized and cultured.

Effect of ammonium chloride on urinary osmolality.The mean daily values of fluid intake, urinary output,and urinary osmolality in 12 rats given tap water ad lib.for 4 days, followed by ammonium chloride (300mmoles/liter) ad lib. for 7 days, and then tap waterad lib. for 4 days, are shown in Fig. 2. Mean urinaryosmolality values ranged between 1150 and 1450 mOsm/kg of water during the initial 4 days of study. Subse-quently, however, mean urinary osmolality values roseabove 2000 mOsm/kg of water after 2 days of ammo-nium chloride ingestion and remained in that rangeuntil the animals were given tap water to drink.Within 2 days after ammonium chloride was discon-tinued, urinary osmolality values fell to pre-ammonium

chloride levels. Volume intake during ammonium chlo-ride ingestion fell approximately 35% when the ratswere drinking the ammonium chloride solution but stillaveraged 20 ml/day.

Effect of water intake on E. coli pyelonephritis in-duced by ammonium chloride. 37 rats were tube fed10 ml of a 300 mmsolution of ammonium chloride daily(group III, 3 mmNH4Cl, no water). These animalsreceived no additional fluid intake. Another group of21 rats were also tube fed 10 ml of the same ammoniumchloride solution daily but were allowed access to tapwater ad lib. each day (group IV, 3 mmNH4C1 +water). The mean urinary osmolality of group III ratswas 2100 mOsm/kg of water on the day of bacterialchallenge as compared with a mean urinary osmolalityof 1350 mOsm/kg of water in rats given ammoniumchloride plus water (group IV). When the rats werekilled 8 days after bacterial challenge, pyelonephritiswas observed in 29 of 37 ammonium chloride (groupIII) animals and in only 7 of 21 rats (group IV) givenammonium chloride plus water (Table III). Gross ab-scesses, seen in one-third of the infected kidneys ofgroup III rats, were absent in the kidneys of infectedrats given ammonium chloride plus water. Urine cultureswere obtained in 36 animals in group III and 15 animalsin group IV at the time the rats were killed. Bacteriuriawas observed in 27 animals with pyelonephritis whichwere given ammonium chloride to drink without addedwater (group III) and in one animal who had noevidence of pyelonephritis. One animal in the samegroup who had evidence of pyelonephritis had sterileurine as did seven animals in this group which had noevidence of pyelonephritis. Similarly, bacteriuria wasobserved in five of the rats studied which were givenammonium chloride plus water to drink (group IV) andwhich had evidence of renal infection. Urine cultureswere sterile in 10 animals in group IV which had noevidence of renal infection.

The fluid intake (ammonium chloride + water) aver-aged 29 ml/day for animals in group IV as comparedwith 10 ml/day for animals (group III) tube fedammonium chloride only (Table IV). Furthermore, all

TABLE I IIEffect of Water Intake on E. coli Pyelonephritis Induced by Ammonium Chloride

UrineGroup Kidneys* P Rats* P culture* P

III 3 mMNH4C1, no water 47/74 29/37 28/36IV 3 mmNH4Cl, +water 10/42 <0.005 7/21 <0.005 5/15 <0.01V 4.5 mmNH4Cl, +water 0/10 <0.005 0/5 <0.005 NT

VI 6.0 mMNH4C1, +water 3/32 <0.005 2/16 <0.005 0/11 <0.005

NT = not tested.* Number infected per total number studied.

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determinations of urinary osmolality averaged 1544and 2501 mOsm/kg of water for animals in group IVand III respectively. Except for serum chloride, con-centrations of serum sodium, potassium, bicarbonate,and blood urea nitrogen were not significantly differentin the two groups of animals studied (Table IV).

Animals tube fed 3 mmoles of ammonium chloride perday lost an average of 10.2% of their original bodyweight by the end of the experimental period. However,there was no weight loss at the time of bacterial chal-lenge. Furthermore, these changes in body weight areare not sufficient to make the rat kidney susceptible toinfection with this strain of E. coli (11).

Half of each kidney from twelve rats tube fed 3mmoles of ammonium chloride was studied histologicallyand compared with the remaining half which wasquantitatively cultured. These observations were similarto the comparison described above. With one exception,the kidneys were normal when less than 5 X 10' coloniesof E. coli were recovered on culture, or containedabscesses in the medulla, or medulla and cortex whenmore than 5 X 10' colonies of E. coli were recoveredon culture.

During this experiment two additional groups of ratswere tube fed 4.5 (group V) and 6 (group VI) mmolesof ammonium chloride daily equivalent to 1j and 2times the daily millimoles of ammonium chloride givento rats in groups III and IV. All animals in both groups(V and VI) were allowed access to tap water ad lib.

None of five animals given 4.5 mmoles of ammoniumchloride plus water (group V) each day had pyelo-nephritis 8 days after bacterial challenge. Similarly,renal infection was observed in only 2 of 16 rats given6 mmoles of ammonium chloride plus water (group VI)each day and urine cultures, obtained in 11 animals inthis group who also had no evidence of pyelonephritis,were sterile (Table III). Forcing fluids was thereforeeffective in preventing the susceptibility to pyelo-nephritis induced by ammonium chloride.

Daily fluid intake averaged 33 and 36 ml and urinaryosmolality values averaged 1237 and 1220 mOsm/kg ofwater for animals in group V and VI respectively(Table IV), and were significantly different from thedaily fluid intake and urinary osmolality observed ingroup III rats. In contrast, serum electrolytes and bloodurea nitrogen values for animals in both groups (Vand VI) were not significantly different from similardeterminations in group III animals fed ammoniumchloride with no additional water.

Effect of water intake on renal capacity to excreteacid (Table V). Total excretion of hydrogen ion asurinary titratable acid and ammonium was not signifi-cantly different in animals given 6.0 mmoles of ammo-nium chloride daily without additional water (groupVII) as compared with rats fed 6.0 mmoles of ammo-nium chloride daily and allowed access to tap waterad lib. (group VI). Fluid intake averaged 36 and20 ml and urinary osmolality 1220 and 1816 mOsm/kg

TABLE IVEffect of Water and Ammonium Chloride on Chemical Composition of Blood and Urine*

Serum Serum Serum SerumGroup Intake Uosm C02 C1 Na K BUN

ml mOsm/kg HO mEq/liter mEqlliter mEqlliter mEqlliter mg/100 ml

III 3 mmNH4Cl, no water 10 2501 14.15 113 147 4.9 31±522 :44.6 4112.8 45 :0.7 ± 10.9

n = 370 n = 127 n = 24 n = 21 n = 22 n = 22 n = 21

IV 3 mmNH4Cl, +water 29 1533 13.96 100 144 4.7 274-3.6 :1235 ±3.5 ±7.2 44 :10.6 ±t11.6

n = 210 n = 171 n = 11 n = 16 n = 17 n = 17 n = 17

P <0.001 <0.001 NS <0.005 NS NS NS

V 4.5 mMNH4Cl, +water 33 1237 14.7 104 141 4.1 26:13.8 ±145 +3.9 ±7.9 16 :0.4 ::6

n=220 n=147 n=20 n=19 n=4 n=4 n=5

P <0.001 <0.001 NS NS NS NS NS

VI 6.0 mMNH4Cl, +water 36 1220 15.1 108 153 4.1 24:414.7 ±207 ±2.5 ± 14.8 ±7 ±0.5 ±6.2

n = 160 n = 148 n = 13 n = 21 n =4 n =4 n =5P <0.001 <0.001 NS NS NS NS NS

NS = not significant (P = >0.01).* Values are mean 4:SD.

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TABLE VEffect of Water Intake on Renal Capacity to Excrete Acid*

Group Intake Uosm UTA UNH4+ UTA+UNH4+

ml mOsm/kg H20 mEq/24 hr mEq/24 hr mEq/24 hrVI 6.0 mMNH4Cl, +water 36 1220 0.493 4.084 4.577

±4.7 ±207 40.241 4:0.885 :1=0.999n = 128 n = 148 n = 32 n = 32 n = 32

VII 6.0 mmNH4CI, no water 20 1816 0.405 4.278 4.5694371 A0.141 ±1.206 41.088

n = 64 n = 64 n = 10 n = 16 n = 10

P <0.001 <0.001 NS NS NS

NS = not significant (P > 0.01); UTA = urinary titratable acidity; UNH4+ = urinary ammonium.* Values are mean ±SD.

of water daily for rats in groups VI and VII respec-tively. The increased volume intake did not appear toresult in an increased ability of the kidney to excretean acid load.

DISCUSSIONThese studies demonstrate that Escherichia coli pyelo-nephritis can be induced in the nonobstructed, non-manipulated normal kidney of the rat simply by increas-ing the osmolality of medullary tissue through a decreasein daily water intake. When water intake is decreasedby one-half, urine osmolality doubles, and medullarysusceptibility to infection is significantly increased. Pre-vious data from this laboratory (5), together with muchmore accumulated by others (16-21), indicates thatthe blood and interstitial fluids of the medulla arehypertonic when the urine is concentrated, but approachisotonicity with a moderate water diuresis (10).

The present studies also demonstrate that the osmo-lality of medullary tissue, as reflected in the osmolalityof the urine, is increased considerably by allowing ani-mals to drink a 300 mmsolution of ammonium chlo-ride. Freedman and Beeson (11) observed that ratsdrinking a 1.6% (300 mM) solution of ammoniumchloride ad lib. have an increased susceptibility toE coli pyelonephritis. The present studies support theseobservations. Freedman and Beeson suggested that thedecreased resistance to renal infection was related toan increased renal content of ammonia resulting from asystemic acidosis induced by drinking ammonium chlo-ride, which increased the output of ammonia in the urineand induced a rise in the activity of renal glutaminase(11). In the present study, however, renal susceptibility

to infection was significantly greater in rats givenammonium chloride solution without additional waterthan in rats given the same amount of ammonium chlo-ride solution plus water even though a similar degree ofsystemic acidosis was observed in both groups. Further-

more, the susceptibility of the rat kidney to coliforminfection was also increased in the present studiessimply by decreasing the intake of water and this wasnot accompanied by systemic acidosis.

The protection afforded the renal medulla of animalsgiven ammonium chloride plus water cannot be attrib-uted to an increased ability of the kidney to excretemore acid as a result of the increased volume intake,since urinary titratable acid and ammonium in theseanimals was not significantly different from that ob-served in animals given the same quantity of ammoniumchloride daily without additional water. Water diuresisis also without important effect on acid excretion inman (22). It is unlikely that the increased susceptibilityof the kidney to coliform infection during ammoniumchloride ingestion can be attributed to structural altera-tions in the kidney produced by ammonium chloridesince previous studies have shown that rats drinking asimilar solution of ammonium chloride do not developan abnormal urinary sediment, proteinuria, or morpho-logical evidence of renal injury even after 3 months ofammonium chloride ingestion (11).

The present data strongly suggest that hypertonicityis responsible for the vulnerability of the renal medullato coliform infection in those rats given either a re-stricted water intake or a solute load without additionalwater. There are a number of possible mechanisms whichmight explain the profound influence of water intakeand urinary osmolality on the susceptibility or resistanceof the renal medulla to bacterial infection. The impor-tance of rapid polymorphonuclear leukocyte mobilizationto the site of bacterial lodgment has been well estab-lished as a major determinant of the fate of invadingmicrobial agents (23-26), and deficiencies in granulo-cyte mobilization have been shown to play an importantrole in the increased susceptibility of the renal medullato infection (27). Furthermore, the effect of medullaryosmolality on granulocyte mobilization has been pre-

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viously established (8). In those studies, the granulo-cyte response to an inflammatory stimulus was delayedand diminished in intensity in the renal medulla of ratsexcreting a concentrated urine, whereas the mobiliza-tion of granulocytes was enhanced in the renal medullaof rats excreting a more dilute urine (8). Medullaryosmolality may also influence susceptibility to infectionby affecting phagocytosis per se. A direct correlationbetween the antiphagocytic properties of solutions andtheir osmolalities has been observed previously (28).Hypertonic saline solutions have been shown to inhibitphagocytosis in both in vitro (29) and in vivo (30)systems. Furthermore, phagocytosis of Escherichia coliby human leukocytes has been shown to be inhibited byhypertonic concentrations of sodium and urea as wellas by highly concentrated human urine, whereas moredilute urines permitted phagocytosis to proceed at amore normal rate (28).

Medullary osmolality may also affect humoral mecha-nisms of tissue resistance. The bactericidal action ofserum against Gram-negative rods has been shown torequire complement and antibody which act to disruptthe cell wall (31, 32). Hypertonic saline has been shownto inhibit the activity of complement (33). Furthermore,Bulger (34) has observed that the bactericidal activityof healthy human serum against Escherichia coli wasstrikingly inhibited in a hypertonic environment. Theosmolality of the environment used in Bulger's experi-ment was designed to reflect the most likely chemicalenvironment of the human renal medulla during hydro-penia and urinary concentration (34). In addition,Acquatella, Little, DeWardener, and Coleman (35)have observed the loss of bactericidal activity of normalhuman plasma against Escherichia coli and Proteusmirabilis when studied in concentrated human urineobtained from dehydrated subjects. In contrast, thebactericidal activity of plasma was maximal in humanurines which were hypotonic or only moderately hyper-tonic. Both Bulger (34) and Acquatella and colleagues(35) noted a similar loss of bactericidal activity whenserum or plasma respectively, was heat inactivated at56°C for 30 min. These observations suggest that thehypertonic environment of the renal medulla couldeasily interfere with that tissue's defense mechanismspossibly through an inhibitory effect on the complementsystem.

Type-specific circulating antibody has been shownto be a significant determinant in the pathogenesis ofboth hematogenous and retrograde experimental pyelo-nephritis in the nonobstructed kidneys of rats infectedwith strains of Gram-negative bacilli, including Esche-richia coli (36). However, the effectiveness of circu-lating antibody in renal environments of varying osmo-lality had not been previously studied and no attempt was

made to do so during the course of the present experi-ments. Nevertheless, the possibility exists that antibodyactivity, like both phagocytosis and complement activity,might be inhibited in the medulla of the hydropenicanimal.

The influence of medullary osmolality and medullaryblood flow upon the susceptibility of the renal medullato infection are difficult to separate since there is aclose relationship between medullary blood flow andurine concentration (37). Medullary blood flow, esti-mated from dye dilution curves, is greatly increasedduring water diuresis (38). Blood flow is also increasedduring osmotic diuresis but is diminished during hydro-penia or after the administration of antidiuretic hor-mone (38). Furthermore, a decrease in renal bloodflow causes a rise in urine osmolality (39). These ob-servations suggest that medullary blood flow, because ofits effect on urine concentrations and medullary osmo-lality, may be the factor of major importance in deter-mining this tissue's resistance to infection. Waterrestriction in the nonobstructed kidney would result indecreased blood flow to the medulla, increased urineconcentration and medullary osmolality, and an increasedsusceptibility of this tissue to infection. In contrast, anincreased fluid intake would increase medullary bloodflow, decrease urine concentration and medullary osmo-lality, and decrease susceptibility to infection. The in-crease in renal medullary blood flow during waterdiuresis may also result in a more rapid delivery ofgreater numbers of phagocytes and other serum factorsthat contribute to natural tissue defenses, as well asprovide a favorable environment in which these factorscan operate.

Although nonobstructed renal parenchymal infectionsclearly benefit from water diuresis, the data should notbe interpreted to mean that water diuresis is also effec-tive in preventing coliform bacteriuria. Factors whichenhance bacterial multiplication in the urine and lowerurinary tract may be distinguished from host factorsaffecting susceptibility of the renal medulla to infection.Concentrated human urine appears to contain an anti-bacterial substance which is less active in dilute urine(40). In the rat, water diuresis has been shown todecrease the normally antibacterial effect of hypertonicurine against E. coli and to permit the multiplication andpersistence of coliform organisms when they are intro-duced into the bladder urine (41). In the mouse, E. colimay multiply so rapidly in dilute urine that the kidneyis invaded (42). It is well known that the multiplicationof E. coli is inhibited in urines with osmolalities above800-1400 mOsm/kg depending upon the pH of urine(43). In rats and mice normal urinary osmolality rangesbetween 1000 and 2000 mOsm/kg (5. 10). If the mecha-nism of dilution is responsible for enhanced bacterial

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multiplication in the urine then, in the rat, water di-uresis would decrease urinary osmolality from levelsthat inhibit bacterial multiplication to levels whichsupport bacterial growth in urine. However, this is notlikely to be of clinical importance in man where urinaryosmolality is usually below 800 mOsm/kg (43). Theobservation that water diuresis promotes the persistenceof coliform bacteriuria in rodents (41) is thereforeentirely compatible with studies which indicate thatwater diuresis protects the renal medulla from infection.

The present data, combined with previous observa-tions in this (5, 8, 10) and other laboratories (27-35)provides formidable evidence which indicates that medul-lary hypertonicity can promote renal parenchymal in-fection (5, 10); that medullary hypertonicity can bedecreased by water diuresis (5, 10, 16-21); and, thatby means of a water diuresis the renal medulla caneither be protected from or cured of infection producedby a number of microbial agents, especially Escherichiacoli.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe author is indebted to Dr. Franklin H. Epstein for hisinvaluable suggestions and critical review of this work,and to Nancy Chalifoux, Joyce Kuczka, and Daria DeRosefor their expert technical assistance.

This paper was supported by Grant AI 06308 from theUnited States Public Health Service and by a grant fromthe American Heart Association.

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