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For my Final Major Project, I will be further exploring movement and journeys. I feel there is a lot of depth to these subjects and it’s a unique area I can focus a study on. I would like to use a variety of mediums, including video, photography, digital image and design, typography and info graphics. My previous portfolio was a helpful start to this project, which has helped me to identify possibilities for my FMP.

After having enjoyed creating work using photography and video, I’d like to further explore the possibilities of these mediums in my work. High speed video, shot at a very high frame rate would be a great medium to express the huge amounts of detail and values related to all kinds of movement. I’d like to make videos with motion graphics to express these details and values, resulting in a short film. I also really enjoyed long exposure photography, and want to try and mix using light in long exposure photography with film. I’d ideally like to create one video about extreme sports, and one video relating to olympic sports.

I would like to create some work relating to the 2012 Olympics, as athletics provide a great opportunity to explore movement, and it gives me a subject to create work for. I felt this current event offers an opportunity to create work that will engage interest because of it’s popularity, and ties in very well with movement. One of my main ideas is to use high speed video and create a short film.

I’d like to continue work with the journeys subject as well as movement, and create a small publication of the info graphics I create based on all varieties of journeys, as suggested to me in the previous semester. I’d also like to create a publication of illustrated photography about journeys, to express a personal feel. This will involve some further exploration into high quality book binding; something I’ve been interested in and previous touched on due to my interest in hand made items.

I’m also going to be looking into cars as a subject of movement and journeys. Cars are a big interest of mine, and with the rise of eco-friendly cars, there’s going to be demand for car related graphics, giving me another audience to aim for. I will be using data collection and info graphics, as well as creating images/design relating to various forms of journeys involved with a car.

I’m also going to try and put a website together to specifically showcase the work of this project, which is another skill I am still developing. At the end of the project, I aim to have 2 films, a study of movement and journeys, info graphics, photography and some publication work.











From my planning, I have identified three different possible areas to aim my work - these three areas have different audiences. I have researched into where my planned ideas would fit best and attract.

The top three images show examples of the audiences I would be aiming for with the extreme sports study and high speed videos. From left to right, these are: video sites (MPORA is a video site designed just for extreme sports), company advertisments (like GoPro who’s cameras are designed for extreme use) and extreme sports blogs covering all kinds of sports.

The middle three images show the examples of the audiences I would be aiming the car related work to, which includes high speed video, info graphics. From left to right, these are: Car magazines, for use in articles, vehicle testing, specifications and statistics etc, Car adverts, especially due to the changing ways of vehicle economy and design, and car enthusiasts blogs for those who appreciate all kinds of cars and motorsports. I’ve also found these areas to usually be very strong in design style.

The bottom three images show areas I could aim my Olympic themed work to, which includes high speed video, photography, publication and graphics. These are scientific and appreciation sites/tv channels etc, where the study of movement could be appreciated in depth, the 2012 Games website and Leisure Centres etc to interest and attract people with fitness interests.

As well as these specific areas, there’s a lareg number of social networking sites, my new website in progress, shows, contacts I have in certain areas like car/motorsport and skateboarding, my own publications and many others. I will be exploring the use of these areas and creating my work for a specific audience.





At this point, I have collected a fair amount of ideas, but I still feel as though I am in the early stages, and I’m going to have to push myself to progress to fit in the work I want to achieve.

From here I am going to be creating a collection of info graphics and designs in relation to cars and journeys, as well as touching on the 2012 Olympics as a subject. I am going to be filming very soon as the amount of filming and time involved in editing will be vast. I will be trying to document my progress and show the steps of filming and editing in my final portfolio.

I am doing a 40 mile tunnel run for charity on the 11th March with a GoPro HD camera, which will provide footage for more video material relating to cars and journeys. I am going to be filming skateboarding, drifting, bmxing for the extreme sports videos, and Olympic sports such as running, cycling and swimming for the Olympics related video. This will involve a lot of planning and use of restricted space, so I have a lot of work ahead of me in that respect. As well as all the video work, I am going to continually explore further ideas to help give my portfolio substance as I really want to produce an in depth body of work.

I am also in the early stages of the web design, and will be creating test sites as soon as I have enough material to show. The website will be constructed alongside my other work to try and stay ontop of the tasks I have set myself. I do feel like I have set myself a lot of work, and looking at my timeplan, I feel like I don’t have a lot of time, especially to make it the quality I picture in my head, but I am trying to keep ontop. I feel like the areas I am covering inform what I want to try and do as a career after university, namely areas such as motion graphics, simple design and publication.






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