Page 1: Using Grounded Theory Approach: From Start to Finish

Using Grounded Theory Approach


Philip Adu, Ph.D.Methodology Expert National Center for Academic & Dissertation Excellence (NCADE)The Chicago School Of Professional [email protected]@drphilipadu

Page 2: Using Grounded Theory Approach: From Start to Finish

This presentation is based on

Charmaz, K. (2014).

Constructing Grounded Theory.

London: SAGE Publications.

Gibbs, G. R. (2015, February 04). A Discussion with Prof

Kathy Charmaz on Grounded Theory. Retrieved October

05, 2017, from

Page 3: Using Grounded Theory Approach: From Start to Finish


1. Introduction to grounded theory

2. Meaning of a theory (from an interpretivist perspective)

3. Characteristics of a grounded theory approach

4. Data collection strategies (informed by ethnographic method)



Document/artifact collection

5. Data analysis process

Initial coding

Focused coding

Theoretical coding

6. Visual representation of the theory

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Introduction to Grounded Theory

Systematic and repetitive (iterative) process

Mining rich data (i.e. actions, events, and processes)

Driven by

the research problem/question

Gaps identified during initial data analysis (i.e. questions which the

current data are not adequate to address)

Developing theory to explain/understand a phenomenon

Charmaz (2014)

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Introduction to Grounded Theory

When to use grounded theory

Explain a phenomenon (Ex. Leadership, bullying, success, disability, discrimination, racism, loneliness, mental health stigma)

Examine an experience (Ex. Living with metal health issue, homelessness, domestic violence)

Understand actions, events or processes

Features of a grounded theory research question


Normally starts with ‘how’, ‘what’, or ‘why’

Charmaz (2014)

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Meaning of a Theory (from an Interpretivist Perspective)

Abstract description of how concepts are related

Representing data collected

Focusing on explaining an/a action, event or process

Different from a positivist perspective

Quantitative proposition tested through experiments/observations

Containing relationships between variables that are measurable

Charmaz (2014)

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Characteristics of a Grounded

Theory Approach 1. Grounded theorist should have no preconceived ideas

Bracketing your background and prior knowledge

No literature review before collecting and analyzing data (if possible)

No application of existing theories

2. Analysis should be data-driven

Rich data is sought to fill the gaps in the initial analysis

Actively searching for data to ‘test’ the categories and potential theory

Conducting theoretical sampling

3. The theorist should use constant comparison method

Comparing “data with data”, data with category/theory, and category with category (p. 132)

“Make efforts to learn and

examine how your past

influences the way you see the

world and your data.” (p. 116)

Charmaz (2014)

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Characteristics of a Grounded

Theory Approach

4. Write memo

Writing about anything you think it is important

Thought process during data collection and analysis stage

Definitions of the codes and categories

How theory is being developed

Experience in the field

5. Attain Saturation

Reaching a stage where new data doesn’t warrant an

adjustment to the categories or theory

Constantly comparing categories/theory with the data (Abductiveinference)

Very different from the traditional saturation in qualitative data collection Charmaz (2014)

Abductive inference entails

considering all plausible theoretical

explanations for the surprising data,

forming hypotheses for each possible

explanation, and checking these

hypotheses empirically by examining

data to arrive at the most plausible

explanation.” (p. 200)

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Data Collection Strategies (Informed by Ethnographic Method)

What constitutes ethnographic approach?

Going to the field (i.e. participants’ natural environment)

Actively searching for rich data

Engaging in participants’ observations with no or little intrusion

Actively interacting with participants and data

Getting close to the action

Spending time with participants and building trust

Similar to ethnographic approach, grounded theory focuses on mainly collecting primary data

“When you collect first-hand data,

however, you see the setting, observe

interactions, witness research

participants’ non-verbal behavior,

and hear their voices as well as see

written accounts” (p. 111)

Charmaz (2014)

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Data Collection Strategies (Informed by Ethnographic Method)


“Intensive interviewing” (p. 48) but not interrogative interviewing

Ask mainly open-ended questions

Give participants ‘space’ to share their experiences and thoughts

Empathize with them

Activity involved in the conservation


Decide what to observe (what are you looking for?)

Observe or participate in their activities (daily routine) with no or little intrusion

Take extensive notes (i.e. field notes)which could be

What you see

What you think is going on

Document/artifact collection


Intent of the authors

Situation that led to development of the document

Intended audience

Research problem/question

drives the choice of your

data collection strategies.

Charmaz (2014)

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Data Analysis Process

Data analysis involves

Examining underlying meanings of data

Reducing data to abstract concepts

Summarizing data

Things to think about when conducting a grounded theory analysis

Be open to multiple interpretation of the data

Be flexible as you look for leads and answers

Note that language is used to express ourselves

Multiple realities multiple expressions

Charmaz (2014)

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Data Analysis Process

Three main stages

Initial coding

Assigning labels to the significant portions of the data

Focused coding

Selecting relevant or dominant codes and determining their

connection with other codes

Theoretical coding

Creating connections between categories relating them to data

“Coding should inspire us to

examine hidden assumptions in

our use of language as well as

that of our participants” p. 114

Charmaz (2014)

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Data Analysis Process

Initial coding involves

Actively engaging with the data

Looking for implicit and explicit meanings

Assumptions behind participants’ statements

Implications of their statements

Labeling portions of the data

Coding actions, happenings, and processes

Using gerund (i.e. Verb + ‘ing’ = noun)

Ex. Feeling determined, making informed decisions, managing pain

Conducting line-by-line coding

Coding each line of the of the document

Using constant comparative method

Comparing data with codes, data with data, and codes with codes

“We gain a strong sense of

action and sequence with

gerunds.” p.120

Charmaz (2014)

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Data Analysis Process

Focused coding

Assessing the initial codes generated

Asking the following questions:

What is the practical meanings (empirical properties) of the codes?

What are assumptions associated to the codes?

Sorting codes

Select relevant or dominant codes

Generate categories

By grouping the remaining codes around the dominant codes

Finding patterns and gaps in the categories

By comparing the categories to the data

“At first, you compare data

with data to find similarities

and differences. For example,

compare interview statements

and incidents within the same

interview and compare

statements and incidents in

different interviews. Making

sequential comparisons helps.

Compare data in earlier and

later interviews of the same

individual(s) or compare

observations of events at

different times and places.” p


Charmaz (2014)

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Data Analysis Process

Theoretical coding

Integrating the categories (focused codes) to

form an abstract explanations of an/a action,

event, or process (Abductive inference)

Abstract statement theory

Initial theory is further compared with new

data generated through theoretical sampling

Constant comparison is done until saturation is

reached “Theoretical sampling

means seeking pertinent

data to develop your

emerging theory.” p.192

Charmaz (2014)

Abductive inference entails

considering all plausible theoretical

explanations for the surprising data,

forming hypotheses for each possible

explanation, and checking these

hypotheses empirically by examining

data to arrive at the most plausible

explanation.” (p. 200)

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Visual Representation of the Theory

Using ‘Inspiration App’ Using Cmap




Using NVivo



SmartArt: Word Document

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Grounded Theory Analysis

Examining Your Past

Preconception-free State

Initial Coding

Basic codes

Focused Coding

Focused codes


Theoretical Coding




Particular Abstract

Charmaz (2014)

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Page 19: Using Grounded Theory Approach: From Start to Finish

Philip Adu, Ph.D.

Methodology Expert

National Center for Academic & Dissertation Excellence (NCADE)

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

[email protected]

You could reach me at [email protected] and @drphilipadu on twitter.

To cite this document, copy the following:

Adu, P. (2017, October 05). Using Grounded Theory Approach: From Start to Finish. Retrieved October

05, 2017, from


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