  • 8/10/2019 US vs Hon. Luis Reyes-cay


    US v. Hon. Luis R. Reyes- DIGEST[219 SCRA 192, March 1, 1993]

    G.R. No. 79253


    Private re!o"#e"t [Mo"to$a] i a" A%erica" citi&e", e%!'o$e# a a" i#e"ti(catio" )*.+.

    chec-er at the .S. Nav$ /0cha"e )N/ at the oi"t "ite# State Mi'itar$ Aita"ce

    Gro4! )SMAG hea#4arter i" 64e&o" Cit$. Petitio"er [ra#8or#] a'o or-e# at N/

    SMAG a a" activit$ %a"aer;. There a a" i"ci#e"t o" 22 a"4ar$ 19

  • 8/10/2019 US vs Hon. Luis Reyes-cay


    !a$ #a%ae. Thi i'' =e rear#e# a a cae aai"t the tate eve" i8 it ha "ot =e

    8or%a''$ i%!'ea#e#. 4t thi i "ot a'' e"co%!ai". *t> a #i?ere"t %atter here

    the !4='ic ocia' i %a#e to acco4"t i" hi ca!acit$ a 4ch 8or act co"trar$ to

    'a K i"D4rio4 to riht o8 !'ai"ti?. State a4thori&e o"'$ 'ea' act =$ it ocer.

    Actio" aai"t ocia' =$ o"e hoe riht have =ee" vio'ate# =$ 4ch act i "ot

    a 4it aai"t the State Li" the r4'e o8 i%%4"it$ o8 the State 8ro% 4it. The

    #octri"e o8 tate i%%4"it$ ca""ot =e 4e# a a" i"tr4%e"t 8or !er!etrati" a"

    i"D4tice. *t i'' "ot a!!'$ K %a$ "ot =e i"vo-e# here the !4='ic ocia' i =ei"4e# i" hi !rivate K !ero"a' ca!acit$ a a" or#i"ar$ citi&e". Thi 44a''$ arie

    here the !4='ic ocia' act Lo a4thorit$ or i" e0ce o8 the !oer vete# i"

    hi%. A !4='ic ocia' i 'ia='e i8 he acte# L%a'ice K i" =a# 8aith or =e$o"# the

    co!e o8 hi a4thorit$ or D4ri#ictio". )Sha48 v. CA A'o, SA v. G4i"to #ec'are#

    that SA i "ot co"8erre# ith ='a"-et i%%4"it$ 8or a'' act #o"e =$ it or it ae"t

    i" the Phi'i!!i"e %ere'$ =eca4e the$ have acte# a ae"t o8 the S i" the

    #ichare o8 their ocia' 84"ctio". *" thi cae, ra#8or# a 4e# i" her

    !rivateL!ero"a' ca!acit$ 8or act #o"e =e$o"# the co!e K !'ace o8 her ocia'

    84"ctio", th4, it 8a'' Li" the e0ce!tio" to the #octri"e o8 tate i%%4"it$.


    Re!4='ic o8 the Phi'i!!i"e



    /N ANC

    G.R. No. 79253 March 1, 1993N*T/+ STAT/S HF AM/R*CA a"# MA*N/ RA+FHR+, !etitio"er,


    HN. *S R. R//S, a Prei#i" 4#e o8 ra"ch 22, Reio"a' Tria' Co4rt o8 Cavite, a"#

    N/*A T. MHNTHA, re!o"#e"t.

    4"a, Sio" K Ma"a 8or !etitio"er.

    /ve'$" R. +o%i"4e& 8or !rivate re!o"#e"t.

    +AJ*+/, R., .:

    Thi i a !etitio" 8or certiorari a"# !rohi=itio" 4"#er R4'e I5 o8 the R4'e o8 Co4rt.

    Petitio"er o4'# have a""4' a"# et ai#e, 8or havi" =ee" i4e# ith rave a=4e

    o8 #icretio" a%o4"ti" to 'ac- o8 D4ri#ictio", the Reo'4tio" o8 17 4'$ 19

  • 8/10/2019 US vs Hon. Luis Reyes-cay


    A a co"e4e"ce o8 a" i"ci#e"t hich occ4rre# o" 22 a"4ar$ 19

  • 8/10/2019 US vs Hon. Luis Reyes-cay


    S4%%o" a"# a co!$ o8 the co%!'ai"t ere erve# o" ra#8or# o" 13 Ma$ 19

  • 8/10/2019 US vs Hon. Luis Reyes-cay


  • 8/10/2019 US vs Hon. Luis Reyes-cay


    E/R/FHR/, D4#%e"t i here=$ re"#ere# 8or the !'ai"ti? a"# aai"t the #e8e"#a"t

    Ma0i"e ra#8or# aei" the 'atter to !a$ 4"to the 8or%er the 4% o8 P3QQ,QQQ.QQ 8or

    %ora' #a%ae, P1QQ,QQQ.QQ 8or e0e%!'ar$ #a%ae a"# P5Q,QQQ.QQ 8or act4a'

    e0!e"e a"# attor"e$ 8ee.

    No cot.

    SH HR+/R/+. 2

    ra#8or# receive# a co!$ o8 the #eciio" o" 21 Se!te%=er 19

  • 8/10/2019 US vs Hon. Luis Reyes-cay


    *"ter"atio"a' a. *t i c'ai%e# that the a!!'icatio" o8 the i%%4"it$ #octri"e #oe "ot

    t4r" 4!o" the 'a'e"e o8 the act or o%iio" attri=4ta='e to the 8orei" "atio"a' 8or i8

    thi ere the cae, the co"ce!t o8 i%%4"it$ o4'# =e %ea"i"'e a i"4ir$ i"to the

    'a'e"e or i''ea'it$ o8 the act or o%iio" o4'# (rt have to =e %a#e =e8ore

    co"i#eri" the 4etio" o8 i%%4"it$@ i" other or#, i%%4"it$ i'' 'ie o"'$ i8 4ch act or

    o%iio" i 8o4"# to =e 'a84'.

    H" the other ha"#, Mo"to$a 4=%it that ra#8or# i "ot covere# =$ the !rotective

    %a"t'e o8 the #octri"e o8 overei" i%%4"it$ 8ro% 4it a the 'atter i a %ere civi'ia"e%!'o$ee o8 SMAG !er8or%i" "o"Bover"%e"ta' a"# !ro!rietar$ 84"ctio". A"# eve"

    a4%i" ar4e"#o that ra#8or# i !er8or%i" over"%e"ta' 84"ctio", he o4'# ti''

    re%ai" o4ti#e the coverae o8 the #octri"e o8 tate i%%4"it$ i"ce the act co%!'ai"e#

    o8 i 4'tra vireor o4ti#e the co!e o8 her a4thorit$. Ehat i =ei" 4etio"e# i "ot the

    8act o8 earch a'o"e, =4t a'o the %a""er i" hich the a%e a co"#4cte# a e'' a

    the 8act o8 #icri%i"atio" aai"t Fi'i!i"o e%!'o$ee. ra#8or# a4thorit$ to or#er a

    earch, it i aerte#, ho4'# have =ee" e0ercie# ith retrai"t a"# ho4'# have =ee" i"

    accor#a"ce ith the 4i#e'i"e a"# !roce#4re 'ai# #o" =$ the cite# NAJR/SA/ACT,

    S4=ic *"t. Moreover, 4'tra vire act o8 a !4='ic ocer or e%!'o$ee, e!ecia''$ tortio4a"# cri%i"a' act, are hi !rivate act a"# %a$ "ot =e co"i#ere# a act o8 the State.

    S4ch ocer or e%!'o$ee a'o"e i a"era='e 8or a"$ 'ia=i'it$ arii" there8ro% a"# %a$

    th4 =e !rocee#e# aai"t i" hi !ero"a' ca!acit$.

    Mo"to$a 84rther ar4e that =oth the act a"# !ero" o8 ra#8or# are "ot e0e%!t 8ro%

    the Phi'i!!i"e co4rt D4ri#ictio" =eca4e )a the earch a co"#4cte# i" a !ar-i" 'ot

    at Sco4t orro%eo, 64e&o" Cit$, o4ti#e the SMAG tore a"#, there8ore, o4ti#e the

    territoria' co"tro' o8 the .S. Mi'itar$ ae i" the Phi'i!!i"e@ )= ra#8or# #oe "ot

    !oe #i!'o%atic i%%4"it$ 4"#er Artic'e 1I)= o8 the 1953 Mi'itar$ Aita"ce

    Aree%e"t creati" the SMAG hich !rovi#e that o"'$ the Chie8 o8 the Mi'itar$

    A#vior$ Gro4! a"# "ot %ore tha" i0 )I other e"ior %e%=er thereo8 #ei"ate# =$hi% i'' =e accor#e# #i!'o%atic i%%4"it$@ 35 a"# )c the act co%!'ai"e# o8 #o "ot 8a''

    4"#er thoe o?e"e here the .S. ha =ee" ive" the riht to e0ercie it D4ri#ictio"

    )!er Artic'e 13 o8 the 197 Mi'itar$ ae Aree%e"t, a a%e"#e# =$ the, Me"#e&B'air

    Note o8 1Q A44t 19I5. 3I

    Fi"a''$, Mo"to$a %ai"tai" that at the ver$ 'eat, Phi'i!!i"e co4rt %a$ i"4ire i"to the

    8act4a' circ4%ta"ce o8 the cae to #eter%i"e hether !etitio"er ra#8or# i i%%4"e

    8ro% 4it or e0e%!t 8ro% Phi'i!!i"e D4ri#ictio". To r4'e otherie o4'# re"#er the

    Phi'i!!i"e co4rt !oer'e a the$ %a$ =e eai'$ #ivete# o8 their D4ri#ictio" 4!o" the

    %ere i"vocatio" o8 thi !ri"ci!'e o8 i%%4"it$ 8ro% 4it.A care84' revie o8 the recor# o8 thi cae a"# a D4#icio4 cr4ti"$ o8 the ar4%e"t o8

    =oth !artie $ie'# "othi" =4t the ea-"e o8 the !etitio"er ta"#. Ehi'e thi ca" =e

    eai'$ #e%o"trate#, Ee ha'' (rt co"i#er o%e !roce#4ra' %atter.

    +e!ite the 8act that !4='ic !etitio"er a "ot i%!'ea#e# a a #e8e"#a"t i" Civi' Cae No.


  • 8/10/2019 US vs Hon. Luis Reyes-cay


    Moreover, the ai# %otio" #oe "ot !eci8$ a"$ o8 the ro4"# 8or a %otio" to #i%i

    e"4%erate# i" Sectio" 1, R4'e 1I o8 the R4'e o8 Co4rt. *t %ere'$ recite tate i%%4"it$

    o" the !art o8 the !4='ic !etitio"er a"# i%%4"it$ o" the !art o8 ra#8or# 8or the reao"

    that the act i%!4te# to her a #o"e i" the !er8or%a"ce o8 her ocia' 84"ctio". The

    4!hot o8 thi co"te"tio" i act4a''$ 'ac- o8 ca4e o8 actio" O a !eci(c ro4"# 8or

    #i%ia' 4"#er the a8oreai# R4'e O =eca4e a4%i" ar4e"#o that Mo"to$a riht

    ha# =ee" vio'ate# =$ the !4='ic !etitio"er a"# ra#8or#, re4'ti" i" #a%ae or i"D4r$ to

    the 8or%er, =oth o4'# "ot =e 'ia='e there8or, a"# "o actio" %a$ =e %ai"tai"e# thereo",=eca4e o8 the !ri"ci!'e o8 tate i%%4"it$.

    The tet o8 the 4cie"c$ o8 the 8act to co"tit4te a ca4e o8 actio" i hether or "ot,

    a#%itti" the 8act a''ee# i" the co%!'ai"t, the co4rt co4'# re"#er a va'i# D4#%e"t

    4!o" the a%e, i" accor#a"ce ith the !ra$er i" the co%!'ai"t. 3

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