
Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ ID: A


US History End-of-Course (Final Exam)

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1.

According to this graphic, one of the effects of Europeans exploring the Americas


a. new wealth for monarchies from taxes.

b. a desire for Asian spices, silks, and other goods.

c. new navigational instruments.

d. Spanish, French, and English settlements in the Americas.

____ 2. John Locke asserted that all people were born with the right to

a. life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. c. life, liberty, and property.

b. life, liberty, and self-government. d. life and self-government.

____ 3. Mercantilists believed that to become wealthy and powerful, a country had to

a. constantly increase production. c. sell raw materials to its colonies.

b. accumulate gold and silver. d. steadily raise prices.

____ 4. For most Southerners, John Brown’s raid offered proof that

a. slaves were plotting insurrections.

b. Northerners plotted to murder slaveholders.

c. they had to secede from the Union.

d. slavery would be banned in the South.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


____ 5. According to the graph, ____ was the difference between the Native American population at its highest

level and when it reached its lowest level.

a. 100,000 c. 75,000

b. 165,000 d. 300,000

____ 6. The Supreme Court case Wabash v. Illinois established the principle that

a. only the states can regulate the rates railroads charge for transporting freight.

b. the federal government may not interfere with corporations’ property rights.

c. only the federal government can regulate interstate commerce.

d. railroads may set whatever rates they see fit for transporting freight.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


____ 7. How many electoral votes did the state of Nevada award in the 1884 presidential election, according to

the graphic?

a. 13 c. 5

b. none d. 3

Political Inequality for African Americans

The Supreme Court overturned the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

Unfair voting laws disfranchised African Americans in the South.

Plessy v. Ferguson defended separate but equal public facilities for African Americans.

____ 8. According to the chart, African Americans faced political inequality

a. only in the South. c. across the nation.

b. only because of the Supreme Court. d. because the North won the Civil War.

____ 9. By the 1890s, more than half of all immigrants in the United States were

a. European Jews. c. Chinese.

b. eastern and southern Europeans. d. Japanese.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


____ 10. In the late 1800s, support grew in the U.S. for building a large modern navy to

a. protect the U.S. from invasion.

b. conquer Latin American countries.

c. conquer islands in the Pacific.

d. avoid being shut out of foreign markets.

“The sound of shots from our batteries and those from the enemy’s ships, which awakened

the citizens of Manila . . . transformed the character of our usual peaceful and happy

surroundings . . . [W]omen and children . . . sought refuge outside the city, while all the men

. . . repaired to their posts and took up arms. . . . “

—How the Spanish Saw the Battle of Manila Bay

____ 11. Which commander led the American forces in their attack?

a. George Dewey

b. Theodore Roosevelt

c. Emilio Aguinalda

d. Leonard Wood

____ 12. In the tragedy at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company

a. a number of children died due to lack of proper venitilation.

b. many children were hurt by dangerous machinery.

c. police killed a number of strikers.

d. workers died in a fire because doors were chained from the outside.

____ 13. President Wilson’s invasion of Veracruz was

a. opposed in Europe and Latin America.

b. supported by Britain and Germany.

c. applauded by Europeans.

d. welcomed by Latin Americans.

____ 14. The Triple Entente included

a. Germany, Bulgaria, and Italy. c. Britain, France, and Russia.

b. Germany, Turkey, and Russia. d. Britain, France, and the U.S.

____ 15. After the Emergency Quota Act was passed, admission to the United States was based on immigrants’

a. literacy test scores. c. wealth.

b. job skills. d. ethnic identity and national origin.

____ 16. The Ku Klux Klan began to decline in the late 1920s, largely as a result of

a. the arrest of key Klan leaders. c. scandals involving Klan leaders.

b. the Butler Act. d. the shift away from nativism.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


Controlling Immigration

Emergency Quota Act National Origins Act of 1924 Hispanic Immigration

Signed by President Harding in 1921

Made immigrant restriction a permanent policy

First wave of Mexican immigration followed Newlands Reclamation Act of 1902

Established a temporary quota system

Tightened the quota system to 2 percent of those already in the United States

Newlands Act provided funds for irrigation and farm projects in the American Southwest

Only 3 percent of the total number of people in any ethnic group already in the United States could be admitted in a single year

Eventually limited immigrants to 150,000 per year

By 1914, more than 70,000 Mexican immigrants had come to the United States due to Mexican Revolution and job opportunities in United States

____ 17. According to the chart, what trend did the new immigration laws establish?

a. Fewer Hispanics were allowed to immigrate.

b. Immigration restrictions were eased over time.

c. Immigration restrictions were made temporary.

d. Immigration became more and more restricted.

“The Village was no prude . . . no matter what you did you could hardly be conspicuous. On my street the

middle-aged lady in knickers who aired her cat on a pink ribbon twice a day and the rosy-cheeked damsel in

overalls who split kindling wood on the side walk . . . were hardly more conspicuous than the formal

citizenry. To become conspicuous you would probably have to shoot someone in the street.” —from New

York’s Greenwich Village

____ 18. Based on this excerpt, which of the following best defines the word “prude”?

a. extreme modesty c. outgoing

b. stuck up d. foreign

____ 19. Warren G. Harding won the presidency by appealing to Americans’ desire to

a. reform society.

b. become a world power.

c. return to normal life after the war.

d. repeal Prohibition.

____ 20. Some members of Congress tried to help farmers by proposing the McNary-Haugen Bill, which called for the

government to

a. place tariffs on foreign agricultural products to protect American farmers from foreign


b. set higher prices for agricultural products sold in the United States.

c. buy American crop surpluses and use them to feed the military.

d. buy American crop surpluses and sell them abroad.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


____ 21. When the countries agreed to reassert the “Open Door Policy” under the Nine-Power Treaty, they

failed to

a. accept Belgium, China, and Japan as partner countries.

b. preserve the equal commercial rights open to China.

c. negotiate the terms of the treaty.

d. specify how they would actually police the conditions of the treaty.

____ 22. President Hoover hoped that public works would

a. solve the budget deficit.

b. spur the construction industry.

c. provide jobs lost in the private sector.

d. spur industry to create more jobs.

Causes of the Great DepressionOverproduction and low demand leads to employee layoffs

Low wages reduce consumer buying power

High tariffs restrict foreign demand for American goods

Unemployment reduces buying power

____ 23. According to the graphic, high tariffs restricted foreign demand for American manufactured goods.

Why were these tariffs in place?

a. Hoover refused to allow any foreign imports into the country.

b. It was a provision of the Treaty of Versailles.

c. It was a constitutional requirement.

d. It made U.S. goods cheaper than foreign imports.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


____ 24. A decline in the sales of automobiles also mean the loss of demand for ____, according to the graphic.

a. tires c. repair shops

b. auto insurance d. oil

“In the daylight they scuttled like bugs to the westward; and as the dark caught them, they clustered like bugs

near to shelter and to water. And because they were lonely and perplexed . . . they huddled together; they

talked together; they shared their lives. . . . ” —from The Grapes of Wrath

____ 25. To which event does the author refer when he compares the migrant people to bugs?

a. Black Tuesday c. the Stock Market crash

b. the Dust Bowl d. the Bonus Army march

____ 26. Two causes of the rise of dictatorships after World War I were

a. the peace treaty and economic depression.

b. new political ideas and economic depression.

c. the peace treaty and lack of strong leadership after the war.

d. new political ideas and lack of strong leadership after the war.

____ 27. Adolf Hitler blamed Germany’s defeat in World War I on the

a. weak German ruler. c. Jews.

b. democratic form of government. d. Slavs.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


____ 28. Which choice best completes the diagram?

a. Spain c. Japan

b. USSR d. Austria

____ 29. The Nuremberg Laws

a. took citizenship away from Jewish Germans.

b. required all Jewish Germans to move to concentration camps.

c. required all Jewish Germans to leave the country.

d. authorized German police to shoot Jewish Germans.

____ 30. In the Battle of Britain,

a. British troops defeated the German ground invasion.

b. the British sunk most of the German ships that crossed the English Channel.

c. the German air force destroyed the Royal Air Force.

d. the Royal Air Force saved Britain from invasion.

____ 31. The German counterattack during the Allied invasion of Normandy came

a. from the LXXXIV Corps. c. from Caen.

b. against the U.S. V Corps. d. into the forest west of Balleroy.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


____ 32. Referring to the map above, how long did the D-Day invasion last?

a. One day c. One and a half days

b. Two days d. Less than one day

Name: ________________________ ID: A


____ 33. Which of the following best completes the diagram?

a. Germany must be Communist.

b. Germany must be divided.

c. Germany must make reparations.

d. Berlin must be placed under Soviet control.

____ 34. NATO formed for the purpose of

a. promoting free trade among members.

b. spreading democracy.

c. mutual defense.

d. settling international disputes.

____ 35. Eisenhower used the term “creeping socialism” to refer to

a. public support for national health care.

b. the expansion of Social Security.

c. the expansion of the welfare system.

d. the federal government’s continuing aid to businesses.

____ 36. The development of the transistor made possible the

a. mass production of radios. c. development of the computer.

b. miniaturization of radios. d. mass production of computers.

“You search for words to describe the speed of this flight. You are whisked . . . from an ocean on one side of

the continent to an ocean on the opposite side in less time than it takes the sun to trace a 90-degree arc across

the sky.” —Carl Sandburg

____ 37. Reading the passage above, which of the following might have been the route of the flight Sandburg


a. New York to London c. New York to Hawaii

b. New York to Los Angeles d. New York to Florida

Name: ________________________ ID: A


Urban Renewal Programs

Problem: Poverty

Government’s Solution: Tear down slums and build new high-rise buildings.

New problem: Increase in violence due to crowded, anonymous living conditions.

____ 38. The chart above reflects the fact that urban renewal programs sometimes

a. generated undesirable and unforeseen results.

b. resolved in over-crowding issues.

c. targeted only the wealthy residents.

d. were run by corrupt government officials.

____ 39. Kennedy was unable to pass many of his domestic programs because

a. the Republicans held a large majority in the Senate.

b. the Republicans held a large majority in the House of Representatives.

c. Republicans controlled the most influential committees in Congress.

d. many Democrats in Congress did not feel that he helped them win their seats.

____ 40. Reapportionment required by the Warren Court boosted the political power of

a. poor rural farmers. c. African Americans.

b. Southern conservatives. d. big business.

Cause and Effect

Economic Problems Kennedy’s Solutions

GNP growth rate was only 2 percent Proposed tax rate cuts

Unemployment rate was second highest since World War II

Asked labor leaders to hold down pay increases; asked business to hold down prices

Funds needed in poor areas of the country Area Redevelopment and Housing Acts

____ 41. Which group most likely disliked Kennedy’s solutions to the economic problems?

a. the poor c. labor unions

b. business leaders d. both b and c

____ 42. The “educational hearings” on Vietnam were intended to

a. boost public support for the war. c. explain the war to the Senate.

b. protest the war. d. explain the war to the public.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


____ 43. According to the time line, when did the first U.S. combat troops arrive in Vietnam?

a. immediately after the signing of the Geneva Accords

b. a year after the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

c. just prior to the Tet Offensive

d. shortly after student protest at Kent State University

“You have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the

certainty that it will go over very quickly. . . . Asia, after all, has already lost 450 million of its peoples to the

Communist dictatorship, and we simply can’t afford greater losses. . . . ” —President Eisenhower

____ 44. Eisenhower’s comments above have become known as the “____ theory.”

a. democratic c. domino

b. trickle down d. anti-communist

“I have concluded that I should not permit the presidency to become involved in the partisan divisions that

are developing in this political year. Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my

party for another term as your President.” —President Lyndon B. Johnson, March 31, 1968

____ 45. Which of the following answer choices correctly states one reason Johnson refused to run for


a. Congress was investigating the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

b. His approval rating was very low.

c. Civil rights leaders were calling for his removal.

d. Leaders of the Democratic Party begged Johnson not to run for the nomination.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


____ 46. Some opponents of bilingualism argued that

a. it would prevent students from learning English.

b. total immersion in English was the soundest road to educational success.

c. it would hold back the education of native-English-speaking students.

d. the Constitution established English as the nation’s only official language.

____ 47. The Indian Civil Rights Act

a. returned a number of land and water rights to Native American groups.

b. legalized casinos on reservation land.

c. recognized the legitimacy of local reservation law.

d. authorized reparations to several groups for land lost to white settlement.

____ 48. To make good on his campaign promise to fight crime, Nixon targeted

a. Communists. c. organized crime syndicates.

b. African Americans. d. antiwar protesters.

Economic Problems of the 1970s

Decline of manufacturing sector due to increased international competition and inefficiency of old plants

led to closure of many factories

which led to loss of jobs for millions of workers

which led to unemployed industrial workers who were not trained for growing information and service-oriented jobs.

which led to stagflation, a combination of rising prices and economic stagnation.

____ 49. The economic condition called stagflation had its beginning when

a. falling prices and inflation caused the loss of jobs.

b. economic stagnation and increasing costs on goods took hold.

c. under skilled employees were laid off.

d. manufacturing declined.

____ 50. One can infer, from the diagram above, that most of the economic problems of the 1970s were related

to the ____ industry.

a. automotive c. manufacturing

b. service d. foreign goods



US History End-of-Course (Final Exam)

Answer Section


1. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 21-22. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 101, and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.1 MSC: Document Based Question

2. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 21-22. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 111, and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 2. For

additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 2 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.1.1

3. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 21-22. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 110 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 2. For

additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 2 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.1.3

4. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 21-22. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 199 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 2, section 3. For

additional practice, complete chapter 2, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.1.3

5. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 23-24. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 242 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.1.4 MSC: Document Based Question

6. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 23-24. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 276 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 5. For

additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 5 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.2.6 | CA 11.2.9

7. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 23-24. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 273 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 5. For

additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 5 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

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8. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 39-40. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 280 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 5. For

additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 5 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.1.4 | CA 11.10.2

MSC: Document Based Question

9. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 23-24. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 255 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For

additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.1.4 | CA 11.2.2

10. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 27-28. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 299, and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.2.6

11. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 27-28. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 303, and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 2. For

additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 2 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.4.2 MSC: Document Based Question

12. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 29-30. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 334 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 5, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 5, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.2.1

13. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 27-28. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 368 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.4.4

14. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 27-28. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 369 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

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15. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 29-30. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 409 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.5.2

16. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 29-30. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 408 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.5.2

17. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 29-30. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 409 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.5.2 MSC: Document Based Question

18. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 29-30. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 419 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 2. For

additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 2 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.5 MSC: Document Based Question

19. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 29-30. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 445 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 8, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 8, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.5.1

20. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 29-30. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 455 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 8, section 2. For

additional practice, complete chapter 8, section 2 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.5.1

21. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 29-30. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 459 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 8, section 3. For

additional practice, complete chapter 8, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.5.1 MSC: Document Based Question

22. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 31-32. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 483 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 9, section 3. For

additional practice, complete chapter 9, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.6.2



23. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 31-32. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 473 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 9, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 9, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.6.2 MSC: Document Based Question

24. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 31-32. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 473 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 9, section 1. For

additional practice, complete chapter 9, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.6.1 MSC: Document Based Question

25. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 31-32. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 479 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 9, section 2. For

additional practice, complete chapter 9, section 2 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and

visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.6.3 MSC: Document Based Question

26. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 33-34. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 537 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 11, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 11, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.7

27. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 33-34. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 538 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 11, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 11, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.7

28. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 33-34. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 540 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 11, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 11, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.7

MSC: Document Based Question

29. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 33-34. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 550 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 11, section 3.

For additional practice, complete chapter 11, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.7



30. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 33-34. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 548 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 11, section 2.

For additional practice, complete chapter 11, section 2 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.7

31. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 33-34. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 609 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 12, section 5.

For additional practice, complete chapter 12, section 5 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.7.2

MSC: Document Based Question

32. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 33-34. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, pages 606-607

and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 12, section

4. For additional practice, complete chapter 12, section 4 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.7.2

MSC: Document Based Question

33. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 37-38. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 630 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 13, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 13, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.7.8 | CA 11.9.1

MSC: Document Based Question

34. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 37-38. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 635 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 13, section 2.

For additional practice, complete chapter 13, section 2 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.9.2

35. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 35-36. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 671 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 14, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 14, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.8.5 | CA 11.11.2

36. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 35-36. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 678 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 14, section 2.

For additional practice, complete chapter 14, section 2 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.8.7



37. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 35-36. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 679 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 14, section 2.

For additional practice, complete chapter 14, section 2 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.8.7

MSC: Document Based Question

38. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 35-36. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 690 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 14, section 3.

For additional practice, complete chapter 14, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at

STA: CA 11.8.4 | CA 11.11.6 | CA 11.11.7 MSC: Document Based Question

39. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 41-42. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 707, and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 15, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 15, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.11

40. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 41-42. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 710, and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 15, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 15, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at

STA: CA 11.10.2 | CA 11.10.5 | CA 11.11.2

41. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 41-42. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 708, and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 15, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 15, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.11

MSC: Document Based Question

42. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 37-38. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 787 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 17, section 3.

For additional practice, complete chapter 17, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.9.3

43. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 37-38. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 768 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 17, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 17, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.9.3

MSC: Document Based Question



44. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 37-38. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 775 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 17, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 17, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.9.3

MSC: Document Based Question

45. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 37-38. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 790 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 17, section 3.

For additional practice, complete chapter 17, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.9.3

MSC: Document Based Question

46. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 39-40. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 829 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 18, section 3.

For additional practice, complete chapter 18, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.10

47. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 39-40. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 829 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 18, section 3.

For additional practice, complete chapter 18, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.10.5 | CA 11.10.6

48. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 41-42. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 852 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 19, section 1.

For additional practice, complete chapter 19, section 1 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.9.4 | CA 11.11.2

49. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 41-42. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 864 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 19, section 3.

For additional practice, complete chapter 19, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.11

MSC: Document Based Question

50. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Review this standard in The American Vision: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home Standards

Practice, page 41-42. Learn more about this question in The American Vision: Modern Times, page 864 and

in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 19, section 3.

For additional practice, complete chapter 19, section 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM,

and visit Study Central at STA: CA 11.11

MSC: Document Based Question

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