Page 1: Urban Areas or cities

URBAN AREAS OR CITIES.P E O P L E U S E T H E T E R M ’ S ‘ U R B A N ’ O R ‘ C I T Y ’ T O M E A N A S E T T L E M E N T C O N T A I N I N G A L A R G E N U M B E R O F P E O P L E . T H E W O R D U R B A N T H E R E F O R E R E F E R S T O A N A R E A T H A T I S A C I T Y O R T O W N . T H E A C T U A L D E F I N I T I O N O F A C I T Y T E N D S T O B E B A S E D O N T H E N U M B E R O F P E O P L E W H O L I V E I N A P A R T I C U L A R S E T T L E M E N T.G E N E R A L LY A C L U S T E R W H E R E O V E R 1 0 0 0 P E O P L E L I V E , W I T H A D E N S I T Y O F 2 0 0 P E O P L E P E R S Q U A R E K I L O M E T R E D E F I N E S A C I T Y O R U R B A N A R E A .

Page 2: Urban Areas or cities

ROLES OF CITIES IN HISTORYReligious centresTrade and banking centres Industrial centres Fashion centresArt centres Political and government centres Technological centres Colonies.

Page 3: Urban Areas or cities

POSSIBLE CITIES FOR EACH ROLEReligious centres – Jerusalem, Mecca & Vatican

City.Trade and banking centres – London &

Amsterdam.Industrial centres – Birmingham & Osaka-

Kobe.Fashion centres – Paris & MilanArt centres – Los Angles & EdinburghPolitical and government centres – Canberra &

Sao Paulo.Technological centres – San Francisco, Seattle

& BangaloreColonies – Sydney & New York (originally).

Page 4: Urban Areas or cities

URBANISATION AND URBAN SPRAWLUrbanisation involves the movement of people

from rural areas to cities and is measured as the percentage (or proportion) of a country’s population living in cities.

Urban sprawl involves the constant spreading out of cities through the growth of new suburbs. The more planning that goes into the growth of cities, the better urban sprawl can be managed. As cities grow there needs to be careful consideration given to the development of essential infrastructure.

Page 5: Urban Areas or cities

ONLINE ATLASWorld urbanisationMongolia Video.

Page 6: Urban Areas or cities

Why do people move from rural to urban areas?

What positive and negative consequences occur due to people moving from rural to urban areas?

Life opportunitiesAccess to jobsAccess to housingAccess to

educationAccess to healthAccess to

government services


Page 7: Urban Areas or cities

ONLINE ATLASMexico City. Video.

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CONSEQUENCES OF URBANISATIONCan be centres for: Wealth creationOpportunity Pollution CrimeDiseasePovertySocial unrest

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Page 11: Urban Areas or cities

ONLINE ATLASUrbanisation in Australia.Brisbane: an eco-city. Video.

Page 12: Urban Areas or cities

COMMON FEATURES OF A CITYCBD – central business district.Residential areas.Retail areas.Industrial areas.Transport facilities.Educational areas.Recreational areas.Emergency services.

Page 13: Urban Areas or cities

REFLECTION: MAPPING TASK – ROLES OF CITIESOn the blank map provided you will need to find one city from

across the world which fits into each role. You can not use the same city for more than one role.Ensure your map contains BOLTSSNAEnsure your city role is colour coded in your Legend.

Page 14: Urban Areas or cities


Page 15: Urban Areas or cities


Write about the positive and negative aspects of urban areas, using examples from the notes.

Page 16: Urban Areas or cities

MEGACITIESThe United Nations uses the term

‘megacity’ to describe a city with a population over 10 million.

Write a definition in your book or on your computer for the terms ‘city’ and ‘urban’.

Where are these megacities located?Are there any examples of megacities?

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