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Ames First United Methodist Church Foundation is hosting a free meal and workshop called:


Wednesday, October 2

Meal from Hickory Park served at 5:40 p.m. Workshop begins at 6 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to attend the FREE meal and workshop!

You will learn strategies for donating a variety of assets (stocks, property, etc.) to non-profits, while decreasing your personal tax liability and maximizing the value of the gift. You may be able to give in ways you hadn’t thought about before!

Katharine Yarnell, Executive Director of the Iowa United Methodist Foundation, has 14 years of experience with Financial Stewardship and Estate Planning. She served a rural congregation in Kansas for ten years, and as Field Outreach Minister of the North Central District for five years. She has her M.Div. D. Min. CFRE FCEP and AIF®

For more information, please email [email protected] or call 515-974-8928.


Together we can find courage and hope, together we can overcome. Pastors Kerrin and Nikki will be preaching a series called “Unafraid Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times,” based on a book by that same name by Rev. Adam Hamiliton. This is the book we will be using for the All Church Study so you will have a chance for discussion during small groups and classes. You won’t want to miss a Sunday!

October 5/6: “Failure, Disappointing Others, Insignificance, Loneliness” (World Communion Sunday) October 12/13: “Apocalypse, Change, Missing Out, & Finances” October 19/20: “Aging, Illness, Dying, & Fear of the Lord”

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Psychologist Milton Rokeach struck upon an unusual way to treat three patients who suffered

from delusions of grandeur. Each believed himself to be unique among humanity – the messiah, the one called to save the world. Rokeach found it was very difficult to help each of the men accept the truth about their identity. So, he decided to put the three of them together, as a little community, to see if contact with each other would put a dent in their delusions. This led to some interesting conversations, to say the least. One would say, “I am the messiah, the son of God. I was sent here to save the earth.” “How do you know?” Rokeach asked. “Because,” the patient would reply, “God told me.” Then one of the other patients would counter, “I never told you any such thing!” Every once in a while, a small glimmer of reality would break in, but never for very long. The messiah complex was too deeply ingrained in each man. But what small progress Rokeach made was made by putting the men together. The power of Christian community to change us is no secret. The Bible says we are made to be in relationship with God and each other. God’s grace is experienced within the context of Christian community, for where two or three are gathered in Christ’s name, Christ is also there (Matthew 18:19). Small groups for study and support provide safe places to learn and grow. And quite frankly, we all need to have some of our unseen “delusions” dented from time to time! Only then are we able to name them for ourselves, so that we can seek the healing and transformation that comes from God. Even the seeking need not be done alone because we walk the same road together. Paul writes in Ephesians, “Speaking the truth with love, we will grow up in every way into Christ, who is the head. The whole body depends on Christ, and all the parts of the body are joined and held together. Each part does its own work to make the whole body grow and be strong with love.” (Ephesians 4:15-16) Before we all settle into our “fall routines,” I encourage each one of us to become a part of a small group that meets regularly, so that we may grow in Christ. Others will not be interested in what we have to offer until they see that we, ourselves, are willing to be changed by Christ’s love. Let Jesus lovingly dent a few “delusions,” so that His Body may be built up in love!

See you in worship! Yours for the Journey, Pastor Kerrin

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Are we putting all that you have to offer to it’s best use? Is there a certain group you are interested in but haven’t joined? Is there a committee that could use your talents? Are you new to the church and want to become more involved?


Contact the church office - 515-232-2750 and we can help you to make the connections if you aren’t sure who to ask.


Have you ever wanted to connect more deeply with this church family? Are you interested in learning about what small groups and classes meet here? Do you want to find a place where you belong? Are you interested in information about becoming a member of this church? Join us for Connections! On Sunday October 27th at 9:45 we will meet in the multipurpose room to talk about the opportunities in the church and get to know others who are looking for a group to connect with. All are invited! If you have questions contact Chad Copley, [email protected], or Pastor Nikki, [email protected], (515) 232-2750.


Beginning the last Sunday of October and continuing through November, the sermon series will be based on the book “Foolish Church” by Iowa UMC Pastor Lee Roorda Schott. Here is some information about the book: Messy, raw, and real aren’t the words most of us use when we say what’s good about our churches. But what if they were? Author Lee Roorda Schott found out, serving a beautiful church inside the Iowa women’s prison. A lifelong church person, she discovered more church, and greater faithfulness, in this most unlikely setting, with room for people the church has often overlooked. She shares the lessons she has learned there, with the hope that church leaders outside of prison might be inspired, equipped and encouraged to the kind of foolishness that allows the church to live out its call. We’ll explore church characterized by honest relationship, protection of the vulnerable, radical welcome and healthy boundaries. Practical application for the local church context and discussion questions for group study are included throughout. As we live out what Lee describes, we’ll find these messy, raw, real churches will also be making room. If you would like to get a copy of the book, you can purchase it on Amazon or Cokesbury. We encourage everyone to attend the weekend conference associated with this book.

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Iowa CEF and Ames First United Methodist Church are hosting a weekend of activities exploring what it means to be the church, foolishly present with neighbors we’ve been taught to overlook. Author and pastor Lee Roorda Schott will build on her book, Foolish Church: Messy, Raw, Real, and Making Room to share what we churches outside can learn from the church she has led for eight years, Women at the Well, inside the Iowa women’s prison in Mitchellville. We’ll consider welcome, authenticity, boundaries, relationship, accountability, and reconciliation. We’ll dare to believe that when we bring our whole selves to church, and allow others to do the same, we find ourselves living the gospel in ways we didn’t know we were missing. We’ll be joined by Women at the Well volunteers and staff, including its minister of reentry and congregational care, Rev. Paul Witmer, who brings gifts in visual arts and in leadership around spiritual practices and centering prayer. Our worship will be enriched with the presence of musician and psalmist Richard Bruxvoort Colligan, of Strawberry Point, who creates adventurous music for the ever-evolving church. Members of Ames First United Methodist Church who are interested in attending the conference need to register through Nicole. There will be a special reduced rate for members. Those details are currently being worked out (at the time of writing this article) but Nicole will be able to let you know what that is soon.

EDUCATION NEWS Nicole Smith, CFI Ministries Coordinator

Confirmation Corner

The Confirmation class has quickly gotten through their first module. They begin their second module this month and will learn more about sin and grace. They will also focus on the many roles Jesus has in our lives today and the roles he had in the lives of the people he walked with many years ago. The class meets on Wednesday evenings beginning at 5:00. The group will also start preparing for Faith Visits beginning next

month. Faith Visits are always a highlight of the confirmands, mentors, and parents! Contact Pastor Nikki, Nicole Smith, or Jackie DeLay if you have any questions about the class.

Pre-K Bibles

On October 20, our 4 & 5 year old preschool Class will be receiving their Pre-K Story Bibles during the 11:00 worship service. Miss Stephanie has been talking to the children since the first day of Sunday school this year about receiving their bibles and they are excited! Please contact Nicole to confirm that your child will be receiving a bible this year. [email protected].

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Children Singing in Worship

Also on October 20, the children will sing at the 11:00 service. They will sing “Even When the Lions Roar” which was a favorite from VBS this past summer AND ties in very well with their lessons about Daniel in the Lion’s Den. It also ties in well with the Unafraid sermon series!

EDUCATION NEWS Nicole Smith, CFI Ministries Coordinator

Trunk or Treat

On Wednesday, October 23 we will have our annual Trunk or Treat Halloween party. This celebration is open to all. We will have the parking area just south of the church blocked off beginning at 6:00p.m. If you plan to decorate your trunk, please park there. We will first have meal time in which all are invited to bring a Halloween themed dish.

Please keep any weapon parts and extremely scary or violent costumes at home-including fake blood. This is an event for all ages and we do not want to scare little ones or make anyone feel uncomfortable. Trunk Hosts/Decorators NEEDED!! If you’d like to park your car in the city lot on the south side of the church this evening, please know that will be reserved for those decorating trunks for the event. If you’d like to host and decorate your trunk (or back of van or truck) please contact Nicole at [email protected]

Fun Fall Intergenerational Opportunity

The Children, Family, and Intergenerational Ministries Team is working on plans for a fun fall afternoon for all ages. Be on the lookout for more details soon in bulletins, emails, and social media!

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EDUCATION NEWS Nicole Smith, CFI Ministries Coordinator

Wednesday Night

Kids Club- Wednesday Night Kids Club is open for kids in grades pre-K through 3. It’s a great way for kids to connect with God in the middle of their school week. They will have opportunities for service, learning about Jesus, connecting the bible to their own lives, playing games, doing science experiments, and having a lot of fun! Currently

the kids are going through their own “Unafraid” study and will soon focus on a fall mission opportunity. Kids Club meets in room E205 from 6:30-7:30p.m. on Wednesday nights.

Preteen- Our new preteen ministry is up and going! They are working on coming up with a name for their group and thinking about what sort of mission opportunities they can do. This group is open to all in 4th & 5th grade and is led by Carl Kirkpatrick. It meets in room E206 from 6:30-7:30p.m.

Sunday Mornings

Children’s Sunday School

All children will meet in the sanctuary at 9:45 to start the morning off with music time and announcements. This month the children will be practicing their song they will sing during the 11:00 worship service on October 20. They will also begin learning songs for the Christmas Program (12/15). Following music time the nursery (Rm 203), 2 & 3 year old (Rm E202), and 4 & 5 year old (Rm E204) preschool classes will head to their classrooms for their lesson. Parents/guardians are welcome to join them for the lesson, or they can pick them up at 10:45 from their classrooms. Kindergarten through Fifth grade will take part in rotations during the month of October. The rotations will include Drama, Art, and Games. Each rotation will focus on the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den. Kindergarten through Fifth grade are to be picked up at 10:45 from their dismissal rooms: K-3rd Rm E206, 4th & 5th Rm E205.

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EDUCATION NEWS Nicole Smith, CFI Ministries Coordinator

Upcoming Dates

Children sing – October 20 @ 11:00 pre-K bibles at 11:00 Trunk or Treat – October 23 No Children’s Wednesday Night Activities – October 30 No Children’s Wednesday Night Activities – November 27 Christmas Caroling – December 11 Children’s Christmas Program – December 15 Birthday Party for Jesus – December 22 No Sunday School – December 29 Noon Year’s Eve Party – December 31 VBS 2020 – June 22-25

Children’s Christmas Program

Yes-It’s that time of year again! The Children will begin learning songs starting October 6 for the Christmas program. All fourth and fifth grade children interested in having a speaking/acting part will be able to sign up by October 13. Speaking parts will be assigned with scripts handed out to them by October 20 and rehearsals beginning late October/Early November. The sign up letter will explain all of that and will be sent out via email October 1 and handed out in person October 2 and 6 at the different children’s activities that week. If we do not have enough fourth and fifth graders signed up for the parts, we will open it up to our third graders. If you have questions, contact Nicole Smith [email protected] or Mike Evans [email protected]

Nursery and Prayground Updates

If you use the nursery, you may start to notice some of the furniture being moved around and some new “stations” being added. Nursery staff members Clove, Meredith, and Andrea all work as educational associates in the Ames Schools and are excited to introduce some new sensory and relax areas and activities to the nursery. Be on the look out for these to continue to develop. Also, stop by and welcome our new nursery staff members Allison (ISU freshman in Psychology/Early Child Development) and McKenna (ISU freshman in English Education/Performing Arts). The Prayground space now has some new “rules” posted for kids to be able to see and understand for clean up after use. Children, Family, Intergenerational teams and Worship are working on adding a TV screen for the Prayground space that will tap into the video feed for the live stream so the worship service can be seen from all locations in the Prayground space. If you would like to donate towards the cost of the TV, contact Nicole Smith or Mike Evans or put a check in the offering with Prayground TV in the memo.

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YOUTH NEWS Brooke Kruger, Director of Youth Ministries

Help Needed! Youth Leaders are needed for the 2019-2020 school year in our Wednesday Night Groups! Help is needed only one or two nights a month, from 6:30-7:30pm, though any leaders are welcome to come more often if they wish to! You can even come early and enjoy the Fellowship Meal before group begins! Wednesday Night Youth Group is our more relaxed group where we have informal discussions, games, local mission work, theme nights, and trips out of the church. This volunteer job is a LOT of fun and we have terrific youth to work with! Please contact Brooke Kruger, Director of Youth Ministries, at [email protected] or at 515-232-2750 if you are interested!

Youth Council Youth Council meeting on October 6th. Youth Council will meet in the Multipurpose Room during the Sunday School Hour.

Unafraid – Church-wide Study High school and middle school Sunday school classes will be continuing the church-wide study Unafraid through the end of the month. The final Sunday of October we’ll have a day of recognition for All Saints Day as well as some time for the youth to play games and have fun!

Wednesday Night Group October starts out with a great Main Street Scavenger Hunt on October 2nd. We had such a great time last year we’ve decided to make it an an-nual tradition! All youth will divide into chaperoned groups at the church, head out to Main Street, and the group to find the most items on the list in 45 minutes will get a prize! October 9th High School will have the second in their series of Coffee Talks while Middle School will have a game and discussion on how to keep their fire for God burning bright! October 16

th both groups will get to plan games and activities for the Oc-

tober 23rd Trunk or Treat Night. There will be no group on October 30th.

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Sunday Opportunities: Morning classes meet 9:45am-10:45am Sundays.

Faith and Reason

This group has a strong focus on faith and social action. They use a variety of video-based lessons, articles from various organizations, and books from noted writers and thinkers from around the world, as they discuss the relationship between religious fundamentalism and democracy, equality, and human rights. Join them for an invigorating discussion! Room E110

Coffee Talk

This group utilizes a great variety of video and book-based studies covering numerous relevant topics in regard to faith formation. Chad and Carrie Copley lead this group that always has an engaging and thought-provoking discussion based on the studies. Conference Room Parents Group

We will meet the 1st and 3rd Sunday from 4:00-5:00pm. The kids will play in the nursery while parents have a study. Afterwards we will gather in the nursery to read a family devotional. Then the 3rd Sunday everyone is welcome to have dinner at Pizza Ranch. Meeting Dates : October 6 & October 20 November 3 & November 17 December 1 & December 15 The theme of the six week study will be fear less pray more. We will talk about the many fears that come with parenting. We will pray for one another. We are asking $5 per child or $10 per family each meeting to pay for the nursery workers. Please email Stephanie with any questions. [email protected].

Young adult small group

We meet on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45. Grab a donut and a cup of coffee in the fellowship hall and meet us in the Sarah room just off of the fellowship hall. We will meet weekly to talk about faith and life as a young adult in today’s society. We will talk about current issues and what the Bible has to say about them, as well as how to apply our faith to daily life. See you there!

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“Foundations for Christian Faith”

Pastor Kerrin - “Foundations for Christian Faith” for adults. The class meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm. “Foundations” parallels what the Confirmation class is learning, but is not just for new or exploring Christians. It is designed for Bible study beginners as well as seasoned Bible study participants. The breadth of experiences in the class enriches the study for the whole group! “Foundations for Christian Faith” is divided into four modules of 6-7 weeks each. The first module covers the practice of Spiritual Disciplines such as how to study the Bible, pray, journal, worship, and do self-examination. The remaining three Modules explore who Jesus is and why that is important for us, the Holy Spirit and the Church, and outward Spiritual Disciplines, such as service, that express our faith as we live out our faith. The class will meet through mid-May 2020. A preliminary syllabus is available from the office.

Wednesday Night Adults

Take a break in the middle of the week – come for the meal from 5:30 pm-6:30 pm and then join us for a video and some conversation from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm in the conference room. (Youth and children have fun every Wednesday; why shouldn’t adults?)

Though we’ve gone through many names (got any ideas?), our core principles remain the same: lively discussion and no homework.

First up this season, we’ll be joining the all-church study of “Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times” by Adam Hamilton.

Men’s Morning Lectionary

A group of men gather at Hy Vee (east) for a lectionary discussion on Wednesday mornings at 6am. If you are interested in this group, contact Chad Copley, 290-5266 for more details. All are welcome.

LIFE Groups

LIFE stands for Living and Learning In Faith Every day. Each group has between 5-10 members and may meet in the church or someone’s home. Groups walk along beside each other on their spiritual journey’s and may also participate in Bible Studies. Contact Chad and Carrie Copley if you’re interested in starting or joining a group.

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Hi there! I am Joan Hanson, a member of a new team set up by the Church Council. There was a need for coordination to sign up for serving coffee and donuts at fellowship time between worship services. Sally Peterson was asked to be on the team, I’ve volunteered to help Sally and Linda Woodworth is assisting us also. We could use one more team member. We will be “actively” signing up members in an attempt to fill up the months in advance. We have been asking members to go to the sign up “genius” site to volunteer for all of the many opportunities for serving our church on Sunday Morning. (see instructions below). This is the time to come forward as a couple, family or old friends working together. There are a couple of ways to use sign up genius. Either go through the church website at When you get to the home page for the church you will see that there is a section under volunteers

that looks like this. Click on the box that says sign up. It will take you directly there. OR type in the link: that will also take you directly to the sign up charts. It is fairly straight forward. You will receive a confirmation email after you have correctly signed up. Thank you and good luck!

HOSPITAL NOTIFICATIONS…...If you or a loved one are in the hospital and would like a visit please call the church office. Many times we do not find out from the hospital that a member is in the hospital until after they have been discharged. If you call the office directly to update your status, we will receive the news sooner and will be sure to come check on you.


Ames First United Methodist Church will be observing All Saints Day on Sunday, October 27. During both the 8:30 am and the 11:00 am worship celebrations we will name and remember all members and friends of the church who have died during the past year. On this day we will also dedicate any memorials and gifts that have been given to the church for service to this congregation and to the glory of God. We invite you to be present as we remember your deceased loved one in a meaningful ritual during the liturgy. Please notify other members of your extended family to be present as well. We will be lighting a candle in your loved ones memory.

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State of the Church – Finance – Questions and Answers

Following the State of Church presentation on September 15th,

there were several questions. If one person had this question, there are probably many others also wondering the same thing. The following are some of the questions and their answers. If anyone has additional questions, please feel free to contact Bruce Wight, Finance Chair; Clarence Cory, Church Treasurer; or Reid Cummer, Business Manager.

Where does money for apportionments come from? Our general Budget?

Yes - the payments we make for our apportionments are a part of our budget, which means we are not meeting our budget. Last year we paid 40% of the $128,672 apportionment obligation which leaves an unpaid balance of about $76,000 for 2018. This year, if we pay only the minimum, we will leave an unpaid balance of $73,468.

So, basically, we are getting our bills paid by not paying our apportionments in full. It is a substantial number for both years (a little less for 2020 due to massive Conference budget cuts). The numbers are large enough that "trimming" the budget won't do it. We would have to make some very difficult decisions about our ministry. A single large gift would do it for this year but not for the next. If we make deep cuts, it will affect our ability to do ministry, causing a downward spiral. It is a difficult place to be.

Are we expected to eventually come up with the unpaid balance for 2018?

If we pay at least 40%, once we get our act together and pay 100% for a full year, we may apply for forgiveness of what we owe. That is why Finance has set the minimum we MUST pay at 40%. So, the short answer is no, we will likely not have to pay back the balance, assuming that we will be forgiven. But the Iowa Conference will be tolerant of not receiving full apportionment for only so long because the Conference is having financial difficulty as well.

Can I make a designated gift to go to Apportionments?

If you want to make a specific additional gift toward apportionments, you can do that by designating your desire on your contribution.

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How can I make a direct gift to reduce our building Mortgage?

Congregational members are still donating to Capital Campaign 3 (i.e., our last campaign for the new building addition). You can certainly provide a designated gift toward reducing our “Building Mortgage.” If you provide a donation, designate your desire on the donation.

How many people make automatic monthly direct donations from a bank account? We have been doing it for years and it is very helpful when we are traveling out of town.

About 15-20% of the congregational regular givers contribute via automatic withdrawals from a bank account. If more people would do this, our up and down cash flow from month to month would be improved. This past year we implemented online giving through Realm and a few people are using that approach. If you would like to learn more about how contribute this way, please contact the Church Business Office. What are you really “buying” by giving to Ames First UMC? Perhaps some of the following:

People having a conversation with others who really care about them.

A time to sing praises and hear how God loves us. More children singing praises to God and professing their

faith. Generations behind me worshipping God here.

We sincerely thank you all for the support you continue to provide to Ames First UMC.

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The Holiday Fair Committee would like to once again make it easier for you to bring donations to us for Grandma’s Attic, Seasonal Décor and Made with Love. Items can be brought to the church anytime. If you are planning to attend Wednesday night activities, you can bring your items to the church then. If you cannot get your items to the church, we can arrange for home pick-up. However, home pick-up would not be available the week of the Fair. If you are interested in any of these options, or have other questions about the Fair, please contact any of the Chairs listed below. Carolyn Yorgensen 292-5648 Donna Banker 515-419-4966 Margaret Torrie [email protected] Joan Peterson 515-451-3011


It is soon time to get out the rolling pins! No

experience is necessary for this job, so please

plan to join us for this important Holiday Fair

project. We always run out of noodles early in

the morning the day of the Fair so we could

really use your help to make as many noodles

as possible. The dates are September 24 & 25,

October 1 & 2, and October 8 & 9. We roll out

and cut the noodles in the main kitchen on Tuesdays, beginning about

7:30am and then bag the noodles beginning about 8:00am on

Wednesdays. Hope to see you there!! For questions call Carolyn

Yorgensen at 292-5648.

No Kitchen Corner this year!

Due to space issues, we regret that we will not be able to offer

Kitchen Corner this year.

This is a reminder that each church family is asked to provide a home made pie for the lunch at Holiday Fair. You may bring your pie to the church on Friday, Oct. 18 during the day and until 6:00pm. Also, there will be pick-up available at the south door of the church beginning at 7:30am on Sat. Oct.19. For any questions, please contact Carolyn Yorgensen at 292-5648.

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Seasonal Décor The Seasonal Décor room is again looking for Fall,

Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Birthday or any

decorations for special events. If you have such items

that are clean and in good shape, we would love to

have them for this room. This could include dishes,

tablecloths, centerpieces or aprons for special


Grandma's Attic needs your donations!

Please consider donating some nice antiques, collectibles, vintage jewelry, linens, furs, serving dishes, and older/unique odds and ends. We have limited space, but could take a few small pieces of furniture, but please call first. If you want a certain price on your donation, please leave your name, phone # and price. Especially, if you want the items back - we need it labeled. Please be choosy - items should be clean and in good shape. Thank you so much! Call Mary Mekemson (515-451-3151) if you have questions or need help.

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The “Made With Love” room welcomes your hand made, functional items for the UMW Holiday Fair. We also again welcome needlework kits/projects/sewing notions you no longer want. You may drop off all items at the church office any Sunday morning or during office hours by Wed., Oct 16. Please remember to label with your name and phone number and whether you want unsold items returned to you. Any questions, please call or text Joan Peterson at 515-451-3011. Thank you very much!


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Team Bake Shoppe needs YOU! It takes a team effort to provide all the goodies for the Bake Shoppe so tie on those aprons and pull out your favorite recipes. We need lots of cakes, cookies, rolls, pies, muffins, candy, jam, jelly and other specialties for the Bake Shoppe on October 19th. All items should be visible, please don’t wrap in foil.


Please bring items to the Bake Shoppe (upstairs in the West Youth Room) on Friday (10/18) or early Saturday morning (10/19) so they can be priced and arranged. Candy will be weighed and priced. Baked goods will be priced depending on size, ingredients and decorations. If you have questions, please contact Carol Miller (233-5516) or Peggy McConnell (290-1400).



Need a gift for a loved one or a warm blanket for yourself? The quilters have just what you need! Be sure and stop by the quilt room during the Holiday Fair and see the pretty colors and patterns woven into the beautiful, warm quilts. They are all for sale through a silent auction. Please stop in and say “hi”!

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Report from Ames Ecumenical Housing Inc. (AEH)

On August 20th Ecumenical Housing board met at Keystone apartments. The HUD compliance fine will need to be paid by June 2020, so funds will need to be used for this payment after the first of the year. The occupancy of the 110 units is presently at 88% with there still being 13 vacant apartments at both locations with eight being at Stonehaven (all one bedrooms) and five at Keystone (2 efficiencies, 2 one bedroom, 1 two bedroom). All individuals on the waiting list have been called or the individuals are under 62. There are presently 8 people under 62 on the waiting list and it is a first come/first serve basis. Maintenance which has occurred in August is the distribution of key fobs. The plumbing issues at Keystone have been put on hold since the repairs would be to replace a major portion of the ground floor piping system. Some of the other issues being addressed based on residence concerns were to provide the property mgr. with a cell phone that can be answered from either location, restarting the beauty shop at Keystone, and possibly hiring of a social worker/social coordinator. In September the monthly birthday parties will start again with some assistance from several of the funeral homes in Ames and weekly social hours by the property manager. The weekly events such as coffee hours, bingo and Tai Chi continue at both locations.

The next board meeting is on September 17th at Stonehaven. Submitted by Steve J. Hanlin board representative for FUMC

Join the community for a 3 mile walk to raise funds and awareness for hunger relief. The CROP Walk will be Sunday, October 13, at Brookside Park, Ames. Registration begins at 1:00, and we'll walk at 1:30. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of CROP Walk, free t-shirts will be given to the first 200 people who complete the walk. You can sign up online ( to join the FUMC team and donate online. Or write a check to FUMC and put CROP in the memo line. The money is split between 7 local organizations and a project addressing the need for clean water in Gran Chaco (South America). In Gran Chaco, they walk long distances to find clean water, so we walk to remember them and to do our part to help! Questions? Call/text Ellen Johnsen at 515-708-1472.

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FUMC Coffee Mugs Are Still Available! Have You Got Yours?

We call them coffee mugs, but since it's summer they will hold iced tea too! Your purchase of a $10 mug helps make it possible for us to gift one to a newcomer. They are available in the church office or from a Welcome and Marketing Committee member during coffee hour or any other time you might see them at church.

Chancel Choir is looking forward to Lloyd Larson's Christmas cantata "Morning Star" which will be presented December 29 at 9:30 a.m.

We have a book for YOU and hope you will join us as we prepare for this

cantata celebrating the everlasting Light of Christmas.

We practice at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings except for ISU basketball nights.

Chancel Choir ALWAYS welcomes NEW members!

Technology Help

Are you seeking “FAITH” -- Friendly, Accessible, and Informed Technology Helpers? Whether it's troubleshooting or some basic instruction, we'll do our best to resolve your technology irritations. (And while we can't perform repairs, we can offer advice on whether a more serious procedure might be necessary.) Remember: this is a FREE service provided by church volunteers! You can find (this kind of) FAITH via email ([email protected]) or phone/text (515-446-8637).

Page 19: UNAFRAID ALL CHURCH on the many roles Jesus has in our lives today and the roles he had in the lives of





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