  • 7/30/2019 Training and Development-bigbazar






    Submitted fort the partial fulfillment of the Award


    Bachelor of Business Administration Degree


    Ch. Charan Singh university, meerut

    (Session 2009-2012)

    Submi tted To: Submi tted By:


    Faculty, Management Department


    Roll. No.9673524



    Department of Management

    College of Applied Education & Health Sciences

    Gangotri , Roorkee Road, Meerut (U.P.)

    Telefax : +91-121-2610931, 2610200, 2610033

  • 7/30/2019 Training and Development-bigbazar



    Original Certificate

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    The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the completion of any task would be

    but incomplete without the mention of people who made it possible, whose constant

    guidance and encouragement crowned my efforts with success

    I consider it a privilege to express my gratitude and respect to all those who guided me

    in the completion of the project I feel gratitude to Ms. Abhilasha Vihan , Meerut their

    generosity kindness to help me to preserve with this study

    I would like to thank Mr. Naresh Kumar Marketing Manager for giving me the

    opportunity to under go the summer training in Parag .

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    Table of Contents




    Company Profiles

    Research Methodology

    Data Analysis






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    Training experience at Moser Baer India Limited (MBIL) was very nurturing and

    learning for us. All the classroom study got a practical approach and a very

    interactive session was added to our experience. A lot of thanks are to be given toevery member of organization for their support.

    I am thankful to Mr. Manoj Kumar Shekhawat, AGM-Training for introducing us

    to the companys each and every department and the working of company.

    I am extremely thankful to our industry guide Mr. Ashok Kumar Sharma, DGM-

    ER and the whole ER six-member team Mr. Vikram Singh, Mr. Sunil Sheoran, Mr.

    Prem Singh Bhati, and Mr. Ashish Tripathi for all the knowledge and support

    provided through the whole period of training.

    This project would not have materialized without help and guidance of HR

    department and Time office.

    And special thanks to Mr. Rajiv Sahdev Sr.GM-HR for his kind support to enter

    such an organization.

    Last but not least, we would like to show our gratitude to all the employees those

    who directly or indirectly help us to complete our project.

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    Retailing is the distribution channel function where on organisation buys products

    from supplying firms and manufacture the product themselves and then sell thesedirectly to consumers. Retailer is also reseller-obtain the product from one party in

    order to sell to other. The term "Retailing" refers to any activity that involves a sale to

    an individual customer. In India, the unorganized retailing sector comprises of 96.5%

    while that of organized sector just 3.5% that is mainly in major metropolitan and urban

    areas. Indian retailing traditionally dominated by a small family run "Kirana" store.

    Retailing in India is the second largest untapped market after China. Professional

    management and strong customer focus characterize organized retailing.

    Concept- To woo the customer to the store retailers are providing a wide range of

    product, Quality, and value for money, apart from creating a memorable shopping

    experience. Organized retailing has made a considerable headway in product like food

    & groceries, clothing books, and music.

    Five things for the retailer-

    1. Customer satisfaction2. Ability to acquire right product3. Product presentation4. Traffic building5. Keeping pace with technologyThe leading Indian retail player are-

    1. Westside (Tata)2. Pantaloon3. Big Bazaar4. food bazaar(PRIL)

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    5. Food world(RPG)6. Shopper's stop(Raheja Group)7. Reliance fresh8. Vishal mega mart9. Life style10. Ebony11. Hyper city12. Honey well13. SubhikshaDifferent format of retail-

    1. Mom-and-pop stores: These are generally family-owned businesses catering tosmall sections of society. They are small, individually run and handled retail



    Category killers: Small specialty stores have expanded to offer a range ofcategories. They have widened their vision in terms of the number of categories.

    They are called category killers as they specialize in their fields, such as

    electronics (Best Buy) and sporting goods (Sport Authority).

    3. Department stores: These are the general merchandise retailers offeringvarious kinds of quality products and services. These do not offer full service

    category products and some carry a selective product line. K Raheja's Shoppers

    Stop is a good example of department stores. Other examples are Lifestyle and

    Westside. These stores have further categories, such as home and dcor,

    clothing, groceries, toys, etc.

    4. Malls: These are the largest form of retail formats. They provide an idealshopping experience by providing a mix of all kinds of products and services,

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    food and entertainment under one roof. Examples are Sahara Mall, TDI Mall in



    Specialty Stores: The retail chains, which deal in specific categories andprovide deep assortment in them are specialty stores. Examples are RPG's

    Music World, Mumbai's bookstore Crossword, etc.

    6. Discount stores: These are the stores or factory outlets that provide discount onthe MRP items. They focus on mass selling and reaching economies of scale or

    selling the stock left after the season is over.

    7. Hypermarkets/ Supermarkets: These are generally large self-service outlets,offering a variety of categories with deep assortments. These stores contribute

    30% of all food and grocery organized retail sales. Example: Big Bazaar.

    8. Convenience stores: They are comparatively smaller stores located nearresidential areas. They are open for an extended period of the day and have a

    limited variety of stock and convenience products. Prices are slightly higher due

    to the convenience given to the customers.

    9. E-tailers: These are retailers that provide online facility of buying and sellingproducts and services via Internet. They provide a picture and description of the

    product. A lot of such retailers are booming in the industry, as this method

    provides convenience and a wide variety for customer. But it does not provide afeel of the product and is sometimes not authentic. Examples are,, etc.

    10. Vending: Smaller products such as beverages, snacks are some the items thatcan be bought through vending machines. At present, it is not very common in


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    View of a retail store-

    To have a clear picture and understanding of any matter it is very important to

    approach it from the grass root level therefore to understand retail in depth it becomes

    important to deal first hand with the customers to whom you shall be catering to.

    Moreover the retail store is the final destination of all retail operations, so it again

    becomes important to know the handling, operations and various dealings at the basicstore level. The employees, from the sales staff to the store manager, need to be highly

    customer driven and have the efficiency to meet the ever rising customer expectations.

    How can employees meet these rising customer expectations and alongside maintain

    efficiency of resources. The employees need to be well informed about stock

    availability, reorder points, latest trends, customer expectations, competitor strategies


    To meet such stiff competition retailers need to follow a hybrid approach which

    involves both standardization and customization of processes and services respectively

    as and when the need arises.

    The retail staff needs to be highly customer driven and their efforts should not be

    aimed at making a sale but at earning a loyal customer for it is rightly said that 80% ofthe sale comes from 20% of the customers.

    Retail is all about size. If you look at retail companies, margins are thin. So it is

    important to grow to such a size that even if margins improve by ten basis points, the

    impact on the bottom-line is large.

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    Therefore the processes need to be consumer friendly and apt according to the cost

    reduction and revenue generation policies of the company. Though the consumer

    behaviour is something that is highly unpredictable it needs to be motivated

    continuously for the benefit of the organization and definitely the customer too.

    Why retail is booming in India-

    1. Cultural habits changingpeople are acquiring Western look

    2. New retail format development to incorporate, Changing attitudes like

    Having a good time attitude driving growth of pubs, clubs, coffee bars, fast

    food joints etc.

    3. Increasing awareness and spending on grooming and lifestyle.

    4. High disposable incomes

    5. Reduction in import tariffs, excise duty

    6. More competition leading to fall in prices

    7. Before liberalization many consumer durables were not availableGovernment

    disallowed imports of most products Luxury items banned/had high import


    8. Post liberalization Enhanced availability of superior quality goods at affordable


    9. Two incidental factors Spread of cable and satellite television influencing

    consumer behavior.

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    Changing retail scenario-

    Demand = Ability + willingness to spend;

    Market = Demand + supply

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    Tag line-Is se sasta aur achha kahin nahi

    Different categories-

    1. Apparel, fashion and accessories2. Books and magazines3. Camera and photo4. Desk top, lap top and accessories5. Furniture and decor6. Gift and credit card vouchers7. Health beauty and personal care8. Jewellory and watches9. Kitchen and home appliances10. Mobile and service provider11. Music and mp3 player


    Software cds and vcds

    13. Toys sports and video games14. Other miscellaneous items

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    Big Bazaars Commitment

    Our commitment is to deliver sustained growth, through empowered people, acting

    with responsibility and building trust with customers. Heres I am explaining what thismeans:

    Sustained Growth is fundamental to motivating and measuring our success. Big

    Bazaars quest for sustained growth stimulates innovation, places a value on results,

    and helps us understand whether todays actions will contribute to our future. It is

    about growth of people and company performance. It prioritizes making a difference

    and getting things done.

    Empowered People means we have the freedom to act and think in ways that you feel

    will get the job done, while being consistent with the processes that ensure proper

    governance and being mindful of the rest of the companys needs.

    Responsibility and Trustform the foundation for healthy growth. Its about earning

    the confidence that other people place in us as individuals and as a company. Our

    responsibility means we take personal and corporate ownership for all we do, to be

    good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. We build trust between ourselves and

    customers by talking not by mouth but by our superior customer service and being

    committed to succeeding together.


    2. Service delivery / Logistics perception is weak3.Negative Environment4. High interest rate as compared to others housing finance institution.5. Top management takes large amount of time to approve high value loan


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    1.4 COMPETITION INFORMATION Westside (Tata) Pantaloon Big Bazaar food bazaar(PRIL) Food world(RPG) Shopper's stop(Raheja Group) Reliance fresh Visual mega mart Life style Ebony Hyper city Honey well Subhiksha

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    Purchasing, generally defined as a consumers unplanned purchase which is an

    important part of buyer behavior. It accounts for as much as 62% of supermarket sales

    and 80% of all sales in certain product categories. Though impulsive purchasing has

    attracted attention in consumer research. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of research

    on group-level determinants.

    This research suggests that the presence of other persons in a purchasing situation is

    likely to have a normative influence on the decision to make a purchase. The nature of

    this influence, however, depends on both perceptions of the normative expectations of

    the individuals who exert the influence and the motivation to comply with these

    expectations. Peers and family members, are the two primary sources of social

    influence, often have different normative expectations.

    Thus, it has been evaluated two factors that are likely to affect the motivation to

    conform to

    social norms:

    a) The inherent susceptibility to social influence and

    b) The structure of the group Group cohesiveness refers to the extent to which a group

    is attractive to its members. The theory proposed by Fishbein and Ajzen helps

    conceptualize these effects. This theory assumes that behavior is a multiplicative

    function of expectations for what others consider to be socially desirable and the

    motivation to comply with these expectations.

    Factors affecting buying behavior of SHOPING GOODS with special reference to big

    Bazzar in Meerut region.There are many factors which affect Consumers Buying

    Behaviour in SHOPING GOODS market but we

    are only analysing marketers driven factors which are:

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    Festival season

    Diwali , Holi, Christmas, Pongal Etc.

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    Introduction of Indian Retail Industries:

    Retail is Indias largest industry, accounting for over 10 per cent of the countrys GDP

    and around eight per cent of the employment. Retail industry in India is at the

    crossroads. It has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast paced industries with

    several players entering the market. But because of the heavy initial investments

    required, break even is difficult to achieve and many of these players have not tasted

    success so far. However, the future is promising; the market is growing, government

    policies are becoming more favorable and emerging technologies are facilitating

    operations. Retailing in India is gradually inching its way toward becoming the next

    boom industry. The whole concept of shopping has altered in terms of format and

    consumer buying behavior, ushering in a revolution in shopping in India. Modern

    retail has entered India as seen in Sprawling shopping centers, multi-storied malls and

    huge complexes offer shopping, entertainment and food all under one roof. The Indian

    retailing sector is at an inflexion point where the growth of organized retailing and

    growth in the consumption by the Indian population is going to take a higher growth


    The Indian population is witnessing a significant change in its demographics. A large

    young working population with median age of 24 years, nuclear families in urban

    areas, along with increasing working-women population and emerging opportunities

    in the services sector are going to be the key growth drivers of the organized retail

    sector in India.

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    Retailing is the final step in the distribution of merchandise -the last link in the Supply

    Chain -connecting the bulk producers of commodities to the final consumers.

    Retailing covers diverse products such as foot apparels, consumer goods, financial

    services and leisure.

    A retailer, typically, is someone who does not effect any significant change in the

    product execs breaking the bulk. He/ She are also the final stock point who makes

    products or services available to the consumer whenever require. Hence, the value

    proposition a retailer offers to a consumer is easy availabilities of the desired product

    in the desired sizes at the desired times.

    In the developed countries, the retail industry has developed into a full-fledged

    industry where more than three-fourths of the total retail trade is done by the

    organized sector. Huge retail chains like Wal-Mart, Carr four Group, Sears, K-Mart,

    McDonalds, etc. have now replaced the individual small stores. Large retail formats,

    with high quality ambiance and courteous.

    Retailing is the interface between the producer and the individual consumer buying for

    personal consumption. This excludes direct interface between the manufacturer and

    institutional buyers such as the government and other bulk customers. A retailer is one

    who stocks the producers goods and is involved in the act of selling it to the

    individual consumer, at a margin of profit. As

    Such, retailing is the last link that connects the individual consumer with the

    manufacturing and distribution chain.

    Retailing is more than selling goods:

    Retailing consists of the sale of goods or merchandise, from a fixed location such as a

    department store or kiosk, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the

    purchaser. Retailing is a well recognized business function which compromises

    making available desired product in the desired quantity at the desired time. This

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    creates a time, place and form utility for the consumer. The success of retailing is

    highly dependent on an efficient supply chain management. A well-developed supply

    chain reduces wastages and transaction cost thereby reducing the cost of inventories to

    be maintained by the producers and the traders. A reduction in the cost of inventory

    management leads to a reduction in the final price to the consumer.

    Retailing has been identified as a thrust area for promotion of textiles, processed

    foods, agricultural and horticultural produce. Retail Sector can be divided into

    organized and unorganized sectors:

    Unorganized Retail:

    Unorganized retailing is characterized by a distorted real-estate market, poor

    infrastructure and inefficient upstream processes, lack of modern technology,

    inadequate funding and absence of skilled manpower. Therefore, there is a need to

    promote organized retailing.

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    First time a Discount Hypermarket opens at a PVS Meerut Pantaloon Retail

    opens 2 Big Bazaars

    Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited, the countrys leading retailer, opens

    BIG BAZAARS in Meerut. The two BIG BAZAARS are located at the

    Wazirpur and Inderlok Metro Stations respectively. This is the first time

    a discount hypermarket has opened at a station and Big Bazaar is proud to be the first

    to offer a never-before shopping experience to the metro commuters. The national

    tally of BIG BAZAAR is now at 20 taking the total tally of BIG BAZAARin NCR

    region to 4.Both BIG BAZAAR, PVS & BIG BAZAAR, Millanz have FOOD

    BAZAARS within the store. This takes the national tally of Food Bazaar to 32 and

    total tally of Food Bazaar in NCR to 5.

    BIG BAZAAR will provide shoppers with a completely new shopping

    experience and make available -a range of products for every household

    need at never before prices Shoppers for the first time will have the widest range of

    products in every segmentWomens Apparel, Mens Apparel, Accessories like belts

    and bags, Cosmetics, Gold Jewellery, Kids Wear, Stationary and Toys, Footwear,

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    Plastics and Home Dcor products, Utensils & Home Appliances, Gift Articles, food

    and grocery items.Food Bazaar will offer services like Live Kitchen where

    customers can get vegetables cut and select gravies of their choice , Golden Harvest

    providing best quality grain, pulses & spices, Ready to cook and Hungry Kya the

    ready to eat food sections. In addition, regular Food Bazaar offerings of Grains and

    Provisions, Farm Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, Drinks & Beverages, Dairy Products,

    Fabric Care products, Music Cassettes and CDs, Chill Station, Home Care Products,

    Accessories, Kitchen Linen.

    On the occasion of the launch, Mr. Kishore Biyani, Managing Director, Pantaloon

    Retail (India) Ltd., said, We are very proud to open BIG BAZAARS in Meerut. As

    has been the homemakers experience across the country, the store is a support to the

    homemakers untiring effort of saving the maximum while giving the best to her

    family. Our opening of the 2 stores in Meerut after the runaway success of the other

    stores at Meerut & Ghaziabad shows our commitment to this region. It also reflects the

    love and affection the people of this region have showered on us!

    Living up to its motto of Is se sasta aur accha kahin nahin", all products in BIG

    BAZAAR will be available at prices lower than the MRP, often up to 60% discount. In

    addition to this, various offers, discounts and promotions will be regularly held at the

    store. The consumer will experience a new level of standard in price, convenience and

    comfort, quality, quantity, and store service levels. BIG BAZAAR in its true

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    hypermarket model will offer all of the above for both leading brands as also for its

    private labels.

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    Layout chart of Big bazaar located at Millanz





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    HELP DESKAs you can see from the layout, the Help Desk is located in a place

    where every one has their first sight that is in front of the entrance. This shows that

    when a person enters in to big bazaar it can get all information about the stores of big

    bazaar from the person sitting in the help desk. Help Desk uses paging service as a

    tool for the convenience of its employees and customers.

    KIDS SECTIONThe kids section is located just at the left corner of the entrance of

    big bazaar. In the kids section kids accessories like diapers, trolleys, suckers, water

    bottles are available in one part. Kids jackets and baba suits are available in another

    part. Kids casual wear (jeans and shorts) are placed in one part of it and infant shirts &

    t-shirts are also placed in another part. In this section the pillars are used for displaying

    information like size chart and section description. The apparels are available at a

    price of Rs59 onwards.

    MENS SECTIONNext to it is the mens section that is in the center. It is divided in

    to five parts. At one part men formal shirts are available. In other parts men trousers,

    suits and blazers, fabrics and ethnics are available respectively. Here the price ranges

    from a minimum of Rs99 to Rs899.

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    LADIES SECTIONNext to it is the ladies section that is in the extreme right side.

    The ladies section is segregated in to seven parts. Ladies section starts from ladies

    ethnics, ladies western wear, ladies formals (office wear), ladies accessories

    lingeries, ladies perfumeries, and ladies cosmetics respectively. Here the price of the

    apparel ranges from Rs99 to Rs1000 approx.

    Promotional schemeWith an add on to the above products there are various other

    products which are available with a promotional scheme. The various products under

    this scheme includes girl t-shirts, infant winter wear etc.

    Non-Promotional schemeThere are various other products available without any

    promotional scheme which includes jeans, infant baba suits, infant t-shirts, kids night

    wear, kids salwar suits etc.

    Sports StoreAt the extreme corner there is a sports store where various kinds of

    sport items are available.

    Food BazaarThe food bazaar is in the 1st

    floor of the building. Various kinds of

    food items, fruits and vegetables are available there. Sitting arrangements are well

    made so that people can sit and take tea, coffee or snacks or any other food item and

    can relax.

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    Cash CounterThe cash counter is located just near the exit

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    Product Layout Chart

    Ground Floor First Floor

    1. Ladies Western 1. Fruits and Vegetables2. Ladies Ethnic 2. Golden Items3. Saree and Dress Materials 3. Ready to eat4.Night wear/Lingerie 4. Ready to cook5. Boys and Girls 5. Sweets and Farson6. Infants 6. Spices7. Toys 7. Beverage8. Mens Formals 8. Confectionaries9. Mens Ethnic 9. Tea and Coffee10.Mens Casuals 10.Personal Cars11.Mens Accessories 11.Plastics12.Mens Party 12.Utensils13.Denim and T-shirts 13.Crockeries14.Sportswear 14.Appliances15.Footwear16.Home Linen17.Luggage18.Sunglasses and Watches

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    SWOT Analysis of Big bazaar

    A swot analysis is done to know the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

    of any company. This analysis will explain about the strengths, weaknesses,

    opportunities and threats of big bazaar.

    Strengths of Big bazaar

    Large variety option Cheap price Huge customer Base Volume sales

    Weaknesses of Big bazaar

    Lacks in branded products

    Low in product quality Unable to provide enough parking space to its customers

    Threats for Big bazaar

    Opening up of other discounted stores like Vishal mega mart

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    Convenience of customers to near by kirana stores Availability of products in other retail outlets

    Opportunities for Big bazaar

    To open up more and more number of big bazaars in different citiesof the country.

    To grab the rural market To bring in the customers of other retail outlet by dealing with

    branded products.

    Add more products to its product category

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    Bigbazar Company Bangalore consists of various departments

    Department play a vital role in the development of the company.These departments

    manage all operations of the company. They are as follows:


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    HRD functions is to satisfy the organisational needs, Selecting right persons for the

    right job and to manage people not only workers but also includes white collared

    professionals. Thus, the main objective is to maintain cordial relationship, by

    providing maximum welfare & thereby optimising the personal contribution for the

    effective functioning of the undertaking.


    Planning and consolidation of manpower data and projecting same tomanagement for approval.

    Recruitment, promotion. Transfer. Welfare and industrial relationship. Identify the needs & conducting training & development programs. Rewarding employees and boosting their morale. Development programs for job rotation, job enrichment etc. Grievance handling & implementing corrective actions. Updating of personnel performance records as appraised by the concerned Head

    of the department.

    Ensuring safe working conditions for personnel at work & ensure compliance ofstatutory of factories Act.

    Shakunt ELECTRIC. Recognizes its employees as the most important asset for its

    continued growthHRM in Bigbazar shall strive to ensure continuous organisational

    growth by nurturing the strengths of its employees and providing the environment and

    opportunity for every individual to raise to his/her highest potential. Identity and

    achieve his/her personal goal within the framework of organisational, societal, and

    national objectives.

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    It shall endeavour to uphold the dignity of individuals, by making them feel proud

    partners in progress, through the following measures:-

    Ensure a high degree of selectivity in recruitment of employees/traineesexplicitly on the criteria of their knowledge, skills and attitudes, so as to secure

    super achievers and nurture them to excel in there.

    Impart such induction, orientation and training, as to match the individual to thetask and inculcate a high sense of organisational and personal goals.

    Provides facilities for all round growth of the individual by training in andoutside the organisation, reorientation, lateral mobility and self-development

    through self motivation.

    Groom every individual to realize his potential in all facets while contributing toattain higher organizational and personal goals.

    Build teams and foster team work as the primary instrument in all activities. Recognize worthy contributions in time and appropriately so as to maintain a

    high level of employee motivation and morale. Appraisals and promotion shall

    be ethical and impartial.

    Implement equitable, scientific and objective system of rewards, incentives andcontrol.

    Contribute toward health and welfare of employees.RECRUITMENT PROCESS/PROCEDURES

    Vacancy from each department is analyzed and call is made for employment

    through the internet. The process of recruitment is as follows:

    Interim written test

    Aptitude test

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    General round

    Hr interview

    Analysis of technical qualification of the candidate and previous experience

    Analysis of expectations of salary

    Skill testing about the communication skill, leadership skill etc.

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    GM (P & IR)




    (Training &




    (Personnel &








    (Security, vigilance,

    telephone exchange,

    reception &




    Safety &




    (P & IR) &









    OFFICERS (2)







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    Total number of Employees;

    Staff & Executives55 Workers100

    In order to attract and retain talent, the company maintains the compensation structure

    on par with that of the industry. They continue to make efforts to people with an

    environment in which they can give their best and realize their full potential. Various

    hr initiatives have been taken to align the hr policies of the company with the growth

    projections of the company-

    Receiving resumes from the candidates.Conducting interview.Based on performance in interview, qualification, experience candidate is selected

    by the company.

    Application for appointment to be filled by candidates. Issue probationary engagement letter to candidate and take signature of candidate

    on all the copies of letters having accepted the terms and appointment conditions.

    Entries to be made in appointment register and adult register. To give employeenumber to candidates.

    Provident fund and gratuity fund application forms are to be filled by candidate. Issue of time card and brief about punching. Issue identity badge.Obtain bank A/C number. Induction by labour welfare officer.Sent to department head for reporting.

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    Workmen category paid on daily wages basis for 26 days

    Exclusive of Sundays in the month and also based on the attendance of the worker.

    In Bigbazar there 450 daily rated employees in Unit-1 in Bangalore near Govenhalli.

    DRE will work daily in 3 shifts-

    First shift; 6.30 am to 2.30 pmSecond shift; 2.30 pm to 10.30 pmNight shift; 10.30 pm to 6.30 am

    Production process will be going on 24 hours a day. Weekly once shifts will be

    changed to all the employees. In one shift 150-170 workers are working in Bigbazar

    shop floor plant.


    They are under the management category; they get salary on monthly basis. Yearlywise they get increment based on performance and experience fixed by management

    in Bigbazar.

    There are 200 monthly rated employees in Unit-1 in Bangalore.

    MRE will work daily in one shift.


    The company gives only stipend and doesnt attract any allowance to them.


    Their wages is only for 26 days, for learning certain work for certain period of time in

    order to gain practical training.

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    A fully fledged training centre provides training to senior executives, managers,

    supervisors and operators in the areas of management, marketing, technical,

    information technology, quality and general program in Bigbazar. Specific carer

    development courses are conducted at training centre such as Employee re-orientation

    training, customer service training, promoters training, MDPs, Retraining of operators

    etc. Employees are encouraged to acquire technical/management qualifications

    through sponsorship form premier institutions within India and abroad, they may purse

    PG course in areas that are useful to the organisation as well as in furthering their



    The new entrant shall be placed under the best manager in the organisation. This

    implies that the manager being a role model, shall himself is a top performer, have the

    necessary skills in inculcating the right values and attitudes in young people. The new

    employees shall be placed under senior e at the executive who will act as his mentor.

    This mentorship process will start at the probation stage and shall continue for next 5



    Awards are instituted by the company in the recognition of outstanding work

    performance, useful suggestions for the improvements, and contributions totechnical/academic knowledge.


    Company adopts an Accelerated Promotion Schemes for fast trackers in recognition of

    employees performance. Systematic job rotation is carried out to nurture the all round

    growth of the individual through lateral mobility. This will enhance employability as

    well as equip the person to shoulder higher responsibilities. Job rotation is based on

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    the individuals experience, personality, attitude, education and past performance, in

    addition to job related skills and knowledge. The individual will be assisted in

    developing new skills and have a greater appreciation of inter-departmental and inter-

    unit issues, thereby removing communication barriers.

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    It is also known as employee appraisal, is a method by which the job performance of

    an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, time and cost). It is a

    part of career development. The objective is to groom every individual to realize his

    potential in all facets by helping to identify and achieve his personal goals within the

    framework of organizational goals. This is achieved through objective assessment of

    performance and potential and identification of development actions to be taken in

    order to enhance Appraisal consists of four stages viz Self appraisal, Performance

    assessment, Development plan, Final evaluation and grading. Generally, the aims of a

    scheme are:

    Give feedback on performance to employees. Identify employee training needs.Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards.Form a basis for personal decisions: salary increases, promotions, Disciplinary

    actions, etc

    Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development.Facilitate communication between employee and administrator.


    Counselling services are provided to enhance employees competence and job

    satisfaction, to prepare them for future responsibilities, to establish better working

    relationships and to cope up with personal problems. Counselling is carried out by

    HRD Appraisers and professional counsellors.


    This is to ensure that people of the right calibre are available to meet the present and

    future requirements of organization. The process identifies the necessity inputs aim at

    imparting technical/managerial knowledge, inter-personal skills and attitudes that will

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    helping dealing with the external and internal environments. Other factors to develop

    potential include activities such as exposure to new functional projects.

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    Bigbazar follows a people centred approach to job enrichment with a view to enhance

    performance of employees, lending to higher job satisfaction. Job enrichment shall be

    supported through multi-skills operation, selfinspection and operator planning



    Every manager in Shakunt organization will prepare a succession plan to all position

    under him, identify the persons and provide required inputs to the probable successors.

    In order to identify the right incumbents with high potential for all positions,

    concerned HOD (head of the department) and unit chief shall implement the process.

    HR department shall co-ordinate this activity. Succession planning and career

    planning shall be reviewed every 6 months in the company.

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    Engineering department plays a major role in giving shapes the products i.e.

    electric motors, generators, transformers and controllers. It is mainly concerned

    with designing the product according to the needs and wants of customers. Highly,

    technically background employees will work together to ensure maximum

    satisfaction to the customer. This department consists of 75 employees. They also

    undertake 3 comprehensive reviews of products before adding new features.

    Engineering department interacts usually with various departments to bringeffective results to the company in the form of profits and maximize the wealth of

    the shareholders. The department outlays designs, drawing and sketches required

    by the production department and keep track of recent changes in the technology

    thereby diversifying the product produced by the organisation in the modern era of



    Converting customer specification into procurable, manufacturing andevaluating product specification.

    Design the product. Plan and arrange of raw material, manpower and other facilities required to

    meet schedule.

    Preparing production realization timing chart for new productiondevelopment.

    Ensuring that production is completed in time. To reduce wastages.


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    This department gives a supporting hand for engineering department by analyzing the

    products with respect to materials requirement, their capabilities, uses and specific

    functions involved in the materials and quality specifications. This department has 6

    employees. Research is conducted by research group. After research is done, product

    development starts and done by engineering department.


    Coming out with positive result with lots of constraints. Adapting them to changing market. More computer oriented applications.


    Branch or unit will receive the orders. Combine technical information along with commercial parameters (cost,

    delivery date, advance to be paid etc)

    The order will be released on customers engineering department.

    Make drawings, specification saying that specified that components should haveproperties.

    A document by name BILL OF MATERIALS will be prepared whichconsists of chronological order of materials along with their quantity.

    BILL OF MATERIALS is conveyed along with drawings, datasheets likecatalogues.

    Incoming material inspection will be done by quality control department. Stage quality inspection will be done if material is available in house. After this, materials are sent to assembly shop to form finished product. Final inspection with respect finished products is done by quality control

    department again verifying customers wants and meeting their requirements.

    After final inspection, packing and dispatching of product is done.

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    If there is any problem in the product, service department will take care.

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    Production department is the main department in any manufacturing unit as all

    manufacturing activities are undertaken by this department.

    Production department in any industry performs the functions of converting raw

    materials into finished goods requires a predetermined plan so that available resources

    of company are used to optimum level and more wastage is reduced to the greater


    Bigbazar has always tried to excel in what one knows the best. In the process ofprogress, Bigbazar has laid great emphasis to use the best technology.


    Based on marketing departments requirement and other documents received by

    planning and material management department the production activity is undertaken.

    Based on the requirement of the production department the stamping division plans

    production activity.

    Bigbazar has production shops which are supported by:

    Feeder shop Tool room Shaft line Machine shop


    Shop number I, II & VI are feeder shops.

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    To explain the various function carried out in the respective shops & organizational





    Drawing of materials.

    Industrial relations.

    Activities of tool room (shop I & II)

    Activities of tool crib (shop I & II)

    Fixing & revision of incentives (shop VI)

    Processing activities.










    Sub-Assembly of



    . Chromatin process for aluminium components.

    . Phosphate of mid steel components.

    . Premier painting

    . Unibake painting

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    Shop III & V are product shops


    To explain the various activities carried out in the respective shops & organizational





    Drawing of materials

    Industrial relations

    Interactions Production planning & controlling

    (shop V)

    Process activity

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    The production dept of K.E.C. unit I is divided into six different shops. These shops

    are inter-connected. The central planning sets the program and then the productionstarts. In case of standard products some specifications are mentioned, its numbers

    are given to each product for identification.

    The last stage is the dispatching of goods when all the products are assembled & they

    assure the quality, they are sent to painting & then to the dispatch section.

    Status of production at Bigbazar.

    Particulars % of production

    Out sourcing 40%

    Self manufacturing 60%

    Total 100%

    Compiled based on Personal Interview

    Percentage of discount available for the company for early payment;

    Days Percentage

    30 2%

    60 4%

    Immediate payment 5%

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    Compiled based on Personal Interview;

    The credit period of Bigbazar is 90 days

    In unit one Bigbazar is producing heavy electric motors like more then 1000

    KW DC and

    AC motors.

    Raw materials are purchased based on orders from clients,

    For purchasing of raw materials Bigbazar is adopted JIT technique.


    Totally 130 Vendors of the company.

    Vendor Development Department (VDD) performs the Vendor selection


    Steps followed in Vendor selection are:

    Step 1: Identification of company requirements.

    Step 2: Search for the Vendors.

    Step 3: Consideration of Vendor based on Infrastructure, financial status and Good

    will of the Vendor

    Step 4: Receiving Vendor Profile (based on spare facility, financial status, his

    Customers, workers qualification)

    Step 5: Final Selection of Vendor based on 3 Trial orders.

    Step 6: Vendor rating as A, B, C and feedback and training.

    MS-Excel is used to maintain Vendor database.

    Telephone and E-Mail are the mode of Communication between the company

    and vendors.

    Quality standards are fixed for each product of the vendor according to Quality

    Assurance department.

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    Rejected raw materials are returned to vendor and vendor has to bare all the cost.

    Vendor codes are given for financial transactions.

    Company selects new vendors only in the following cases:

    In case of increase in Production.

    In case of new product development- where the existing vendor fails to supply

    required raw materials.

    Misunderstandings between the company and the Vendor in payments.

    Company finds new vendors through the people of purchase department,

    Yellow Pages and through Internet.

    Risks involved in Vendor selection are:

    New Supplier Risk- In case of new suppliers, Vendor has to adjust for the Company


    Business Risk- Improper supply of quality raw materials.

    Time Risk- Delay in Delivery Time of raw materials. This is the main part of


    To reduce the risks involved in vendor selection, company considers few measures

    like Vendors infrastructure, good will and the employees of the vendor.

    Process of Negotiation:

    Company is finalizing the price for raw materials. Calculation of project cost and process cost which forms working cost is


    and finalized by Costing department.

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    Based on the working cost; Negotiation process is carried out. Vendor Development Department (VDD) is carrying the Negotiation process. Before receiving the raw materials, negotiation is carried out. 5% is the profit fixed by the company on all its finished goods.

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    There are two types of payment;

    Direct Payment-For DC department-90 to 100 days is the payment period.

    Letter of Credit-For AC department- 90 days is the payment period.

    Responsibility of Production Department:

    1. Creating awareness among department personnel.2.

    Identification of resource requirement & provision of adequate resource.

    3. Participation in design review when necessary.4. Implementation of storage/handling instructions.5. In-process & final product are identified.6. Quality assurance department will be provided information by production

    department for traceability of products.

    7. Modification to system documents to incorporate proven corrective action.8. Handling, storage and preservation of materials and product.


    Materials at the process stages shall be stored appropriately to prevent damages &

    deterioration of quality.

    Materials/Products/components are stored in identified locations.

    Customer supplied products shall be stored along with appropriate identification

    taking adequate care.

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    Through integration with other modules (for ex: materials management, production,

    sales and distribution, personnel management, and controlling) the data is alwayskept current and processes that are necessary for plant maintenance and customer

    service are automatically triggered in other areas (for ex: a purchase requisition for

    non-stock material in the material management/purchasing area).


    To attend breakdown of any machine.

    To ensure enough spares are available. To ensure smooth work flow. To make sure all instruments are working properly. Maintenance of the whole building. To ensure all safety material is good condition.

    When there is breakdown in the company the supervisor of that section reports

    immediately to the maintenance department. Maintenance department immediately

    attend to that machine if the machine is under warranty then maintenance department

    solves the problem on their own. While working production supervision finds or

    receives message from machine operator, about the possible malfunctioning of

    machine completely stops. In such situation production supervisors writes the break

    down slips. The maintenance supervisor analyses the solution like breakdown.

    Technicians identify the exact failure and cause of the problem is solved and carries

    out the rectification work. Then to ensure that the identified problem is solved they

    check for trail runs of machine is handed over to the production and for completion of

    job on the breakdown.


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    Quality is the fitness to end use. It is all pervasive. In this modern & competitive

    world each & every company is training hard to introduce quality & detect free

    products. K.E.C. is one such industry whose priority is not to be number one inquantity but in quality and reliability.

    Bigbazar tries hard to see that the quality of a product is ensured by the total

    investment of all workers. There are very skilled & smart employees who actively

    take part in quality improvement.


    To continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality management system,

    conforming to ISO 9001:2008 Standard in design, manufacture, marketing & services

    at competitive prices, products of such Quality resulting in Customer Satisfaction

    Quality Reputation & Market Leadership.

    Total Quality Management Depends on:

    Shareholders Satisfaction

    Employees satisfaction

    Vendors satisfaction

    Customers satisfaction

    Quality Assurance Programmer takes into account the requirements of this part can

    be used, after agreement between the purchaser and the manufacture, to verigy the

    quality of the manufacturing process.

    Responsibilities of Quality Assurance Department:

    Achieving the quality requirement as per ISO 9001 for products manufactured. Delegation of duties to the staff along with issue, distribution and control of

    documents and data.

    Control of data prints & ensuring the same is maintained. Maintain records of products against identification and traceability. Carry out inspection/testing of products at predetermined stages.

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    Ensure usage of only valid calibrated measuring instruments or equipment. Responsibility for identification, documentation, evaluation & notification to

    the concerned department about the non conforming product to prevent their

    inadvertent use. Reviewing none conforming & implementing appropriate corrective actions. Identification of appropriate statistical technique.

    Inspection of Machine

    Before start up, the machine should be tested as detailed below for proper execution

    and readiness for operation:-Are the bolts are tightened at the feet of the machine. Is the machine is correctly coupled to the driving/driven machine. Is the machine is correctly connected.Do the brushes move freely in the boxes of the brush holders? Is the brush rocker in labelled position?Do the winding have minimum insulation resistance? Is the machine closed circuit cooling system in order?Are the bearings is in good condition and properly. Is the armature is free to rotate. Is the fuses and other protective device is in proper condition.

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    Material Management Department functions


    To exercise purchase budget control based on the material requirement. To prepare purchase order as for the procedure of company having. To plan for production item are based on the purchase requirement of MMD. To finalize the terms of purchase. Maintaining the document as per purchase of raw material. Maintaining the quality records in MMD. TO feed the materials to the production division at required delivery

    schedules at an economic cost.

    To plan and process material conforming to specification through adequateselection of sub contracts.









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    Incoming material inspection and testing of products received at stores as perspecified purchase requirement as per documented procedures.

    Suppliers quality rating.Assisting coordination in disposition of non conforming products.Preparation and maintaining of quality plans.Maintaining housekeeping and safety regulation in testing areas.Conducting routine engineering test on products.Generation of reports for analysis, review and initiating corrective and

    preventive actions.

    Ensuring proper identification, inspection status of products.

    Customer inspection.


    Quality objectives. Control of documents. Control of records.


    Determination of competency. Identification of trainee.


    Planning of measuring instruments requirements. Product status identification & traceability.


    Calibration of measuring devices. Providing inspection/test/quality plans. Verification of purchased product/in-process and find inspection & testing.

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    Monitoring and measurement of product. Control of non-conforming products. Analysis of product. Continual improvement. Corrective action/prevention action.


    In the field ofhuman resource management,training and development is the field

    concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of

    individuals and groups inorganizational settings. It has been known by several names,

    including employee development, human resource development, and learning

    and development.

    Harrison observes that the name was endlessly debated by the Chartered

    Institute of Personnel and Development during its review of professional standards in

    1999/2000. "Employee Development" was seen as too evocative of the master-slave

    relationship between employer and employee for those who refer to their employees

    as "partners" or "associates" to be comfortable with. "Human Resource

    Development" was rejected by academics, who objected to the idea that people were
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    "resources" an idea that they felt to be demeaning to the individual. Eventually,

    the CIPD settled upon "Learning and Development", although that was itself not free

    from problems, "learning" being an overgeneral and ambiguous name. Moreover, the

    field is still widely known by the other names.

    Training and development encompasses three main activities: training,

    education, and development. Garavan, Costine, and Heraty, of the Irish Institute of

    Training and Development, note that these ideas are often considered to be

    synonymous. However, to practitioners, they encompass three separate, although

    interrelated, activities:


    This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an individual

    currently holds.


    This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in

    the future, and is evaluated against those jobs.


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    This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization employing the

    individual, or that the individual is part of, may partake in the future, and is almost

    impossible to evaluate.

    The "stakeholders" in training and development are categorized into several

    classes. Thesponsors of training and development are senior managers.

    The clients of training and development are business planners. Line managers are

    responsible for coaching, resources, and performance. Theparticipants are those who

    actually undergo the processes. The facilitators are Human Resource Management

    staff. And theproviders are specialists in the field. Each of these groups has its own

    agenda and motivations, which sometimes conflict with the agendas and motivations

    of the others.

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    The conflicts are the best part of career consequences are those that take place

    between employees and their bosses. The number one reason people leave their jobs

    is conflict with their bosses. And yet, as author, workplace relationship authority, and

    executive coach, Dr. John Hoover points out, "Tempting as it is, nobody ever

    enhanced his or her career by making the boss look stupid." Training an employee to

    get along well with authority and with people who entertain diverse points of view is

    one of the best guarantees of long-term success. Talent, knowledge, and skill alone

    won't compensate for a sour relationship with a superior, peer, or customer. An

    innovative mind is what constitutes the difference between manufacturing and

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    designing. At Bigbazar Home Fashions, this exceptional talent of thinking out of the

    box is given the impetus to transform ideas into creations.

    We always welcome a fresh influx of designs and dreams and are looking

    towards enriching our team and providing a unique opportunity to fresh talent.

    o Designerso Merchandiserso Production managers/executiveso Industrial engineerso Textile engineerso Floor in-chargeso Production supervisorso The remuneration, level and terms would be dependent on the qualifications

    and pertinent experience.

    o For designing/merchandising, preference would be given to NIFT graduates.

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    o OPTIMUM UTILIZATION OF HUMAN RESOURCES- Training anddevelopment helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further

    helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their

    individuals goals.

    o DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE- Training and developmenthelps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of

    human resources technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also

    helps the employees in attaining personal growth.

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    o DEVELOPMENT OF SKILLS OF EMPLOYEES- Training anddevelopment helps in increasing the job knowledge and skill of employees at

    each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall

    personality of the employees.


    o QUALITY.



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    Training is a set of a systematic processes designed to meet learning objectives

    related to trainees' current or future jobs. These processes can be grouped into the

    following phases; needs analysis, design, development, implementation, and

    evaluation. The phases are sequential, with the outputs of the previous phases

    providing the inputs to those that follow. Figure 1 depicts the phases and their

    relationships. Training delivery methods consist of the techniques and materials used

    by trainers to structure learning experiences. Different training delivery methods are

    better or worse at achieving various learning objectives. During the design phase (see

    Figure 1) the different methods are examined to determine their appropriateness for

    the learning objectives. Once appropriate methods have been identified, they are

    applied to the training plan in the development phase.

    There are three categories of learning objectives: knowledge, skills, and

    attitudes (KSAs). Knowledge objectives are of three types: declarative, procedural,

    and strategic. Declarative knowledge is the person's store of factual information.

    Procedural knowledge is the person's understanding about how and when to apply the

    facts. Strategic knowledge is used for planning, monitoring, and revising goal-

    directed activity. Skill reflects one's proficiency at specific tasks such as operating a

    piece of equipment, giving a presentation, or making a business decision. Attitudes

    are beliefs and/or opinions about objects and events and the positive or negative

    affect (feelings) associated with them. Attitudes affect motivation levels, which in

    turn influence a person's behavior. Most training programs have learning objectives

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    The lecture is best used for creating a general understanding of a topic. Several

    variations in the lecture format allow it to be more or less formal and/or interactive.

    In the pure lecture, communication is one wayfrom trainer to trainees. It is an

    extensive oral presentation of material. A good lecture begins with an introduction

    that lays out the purpose, the order in which topics will be covered, and ground rules

    about interruptions (e.g., questions and clarification). This is followed by the main

    body of the lecture in which information is given. The topic areas should be logically

    sequenced so that the content of preceding topics prepares trainees for the following

    topics. The lecture should conclude with a summary of the main learning points

    and/or conclusions.

    During the pure lecture trainees listen, observe, and perhaps take notes. It can

    be useful in situations in which a large number of people must be given a limited

    amount of information in a relatively short period; however, it is not effective for

    learning large amounts of material in a short time period. Thus, an effective lecture

    should not contain too many learning points. Trainees will forget information in

    direct proportion to the amount of information provided. Because the pure lecture

    provides only information, its usefulness is limited; when the only training objective

    is to have trainees acquire specific factual information, better learning can be

    achieved at less cost by putting the information into text. This allows trainees to read

    the material at their leisure and as often as necessary to retain the material. The only

    added value provided by the lecture is credibility that may be attached to the lecturer

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    or the focus and emphasis provided by trainer presentation skills. Another major

    benefit of the lecture is that it is interactive, and that trainees can ask questions or

    have the presenter change the pace of the lecture if necessary.


    This method is a visual display of how something works or how to do

    something. As an example, trainer shows the trainees how to perform or how to do

    the tasks of the job. In order to be more effective, demonstration method should be

    accompanied by the discussion or lecture method.


    The discussion method uses two-way communication between the lecturer and

    the trainees to increase learning opportunities. This method uses a short lecture (20

    minutes or less) to provide trainees with basic information. This is followed by a

    discussion among the trainees and between the trainees and the trainer that supports,

    reinforces, and expands upon the information presented in the short lecture. Verbal

    and nonverbal feedback from trainees allows the trainer to determine if the desired

    learning has occurred. If not, the trainer may need to spend more time on this area

    and/or present the information again, but in a different manner.

    Questioning (by trainees or the trainer) and discussions enhance learning

    because they provide clarification and keep trainees focused on the material.

    Discussions allow the trainee to be actively engaged in the content of the lecture,

    which improves recall and use in the future. Trainee questions demonstrate the level

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    of understanding about the content of the lecture. Trainer questions stimulate thinking

    about the key learning points.

    The pure lecture is most useful when trainees lack declarative knowledge or

    have attitudes that conflict with the training objectives. The discussion method is

    more effective than the pure lecture for learning procedural and strategic knowledge

    because of the discussion and questioning components. If the training objective is

    skill improvement, neither the lecture or discussion method is appropriate.

    Both the lecture and discussion method are useful for changing or developing

    attitudes, though the discussion method is more effective. The lecture, and especially

    the discussion, modify employee attitudes by providing new insights, facts, and



    Many companies have implemented e-learning, which encompasses several

    different types of technology assisted training, such as distance learning, computer-

    based training (CBT), or web-based training (WBT). Distance learning occurs when

    trainers and trainees are in remote locations; typically, technology is used to

    broadcast a trainer's lecture to many trainees in many separate locations. Distance

    learning provides many of the same advantages and disadvantages as the lecture

    method. Distance learning can be much less expensive than paying for trainees in

    multiple locations to travel for a lecture, but it may reduce motivation to learn

    because of the remoteness of the trainer.

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    Computer-based training and web-based training are virtually similar. With

    this type of training, content is delivered through the computer, using any

    combination of text, video, audio, chat rooms, or interactive assessment. It can be as

    basic as reading text on a screen or as advanced as answering quiz questions based on

    a computerized video that the trainee has viewed. The difference between CBT and

    WBT is that, with CBT, the training program is stored on a hard-drive, a CD-ROM,

    or diskette. This means that it is not easy to update and may be more difficult for

    employees to access. Conversely, WBT is housed online through either a company's

    intranet or through the World Wide Web. This increases accessibility of training;

    employees may even be able to train from their home computers. Additionally,

    updates to content are quick and relatively easy. For example, if an error in the

    training content is found, one update on the training program housed on a server

    updates the content for every trainee who accesses it after that point. For a change to

    made to CBT, new CD-ROMs or diskettes would have to be produced.

    E-learning is an alternative to classroom-based training, and it can provide a

    number of advantages. E-learning can:

    reduce trainee learning time, by allowing trainees to progress at their own pace

    reduce the cost of training, particularly by reducing costs associated with travelto a training location

    provide instructional consistency, by offering the same training content toemployees worldwide

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    allow trainees to learn at their own pace thereby reducing any boredom oranxiety that may occur

    provide a safe method for learning hazardous tasks with computer simulations

    increase access to training to learners in locations around the world

    E-learning is effective at developing declarative and, in particular, procedural

    knowledge. It can be useful in developing some types of skills and for modifying

    attitudes. E-learning develops declarative knowledge through repeated presentation of

    facts, using a variety of formats and presentation styles. It can do an excellent job of

    describing when and how to apply knowledge to various situations. Procedural

    knowledge is developed by allowing trainees to practice applying the knowledge to

    various situations simulated by the software. This training delivery method is

    valuable because it can automatically document trainee's responses, interpret them,

    and provide appropriate practice modules to improve areas of weakness.

    Using e-learning, skill development is limited by the software's ability to

    mimic the trainee's job environment and context. For some situations, such as training

    employees in the use of word processing, spread sheet, and other computer-based

    software, e-learning is an appropriate choice for teaching skills. Here, the tasks and

    situations trainees will face on the job are easily simulated by the training software.

    On the other hand, it is very difficult to develop CBT software that realistically

    simulates interaction between two or more people or a person and an object in a

    dynamic environment. Other methods must be utilized for these situations.

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    E-learning can be effective at developing or modifying attitudes. The factual

    relationships among objects and events, and the consequences of particular courses of

    action, can be portrayed in many ways with e-learning technology. How objects,

    events and their relationships are perceived can be altered by the visual and textual

    presented in a CBT. However, since the objects and events are simulated, rather than

    real, the emotional or affective side of attitudes may not be activated. In addition,

    there is no opportunity during e-learning to discuss attitudes with others in a setting

    where a trainer can monitor, direct, and reinforce the discussion to support the desired

    attitude(s). This may be one reason many adult learners indicate a preference for e-

    learning to be combined with some form of instructor-based training. Trainees often

    prefer blended training, which is when both computer and face-to-face training are

    combined, and it is used by many organizations.


    With the world-wide expansion of companies and changing technologies, the

    demands for knowledge and skilled employees have increased more than ever, which

    in turns, is putting pressure on HR department to provide training at lower costs.

    Many organizations are now implementing CBT as an alternative to classroom based

    training to accomplish those goals.

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    Behavioral methods are more of giving practical training to the trainees. The

    various methods under behavioral approach allow the trainee to behave in real

    fashion. These methods are best used for skill development.

    The various methods that come under behavioral approach are:



    Behavior modeling is used primarily for skill building and almost always in

    combination with some other technique. Interpersonal skills, sales techniques,

    interviewee and interviewer behavior, and safety procedures are among the many

    types of skills that have been successfully learned using this method. While live

    models can be used, it is more typical to video tape the desired behavior for use in

    training. The steps in behavior modeling can be summarized as follows:

    1. Define the key skill deficiencies2. Provide a brief overview of relevant theory

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    3. Specify key learning points and critical behaviors to watch for4. Have an expert model the appropriate behaviors5. Have trainees practice the appropriate behaviors in a structured role play6. Have the trainer and other trainees provide reinforcement for appropriate

    imitation of the model's behavior

    Behavior modeling differs from role plays and games by providing the trainee

    with an example of what the desired behavior looks like prior to attempting the

    behavior. While this method is primarily behavioral, steps 2 and 3 reflect the

    cognitively oriented learning features of the technique. Feedback to the trainee is

    especially powerful when video is used to record both the model's and the trainee's

    performance. Through split screen devices, the performance of the model and the

    trainee can be shown side by side. This allows the trainee to clearly see where

    improvements are needed.

    Simulations are not good at developing declarative knowledge. Some initial

    level of declarative and procedural knowledge is necessary before a simulation can be

    used effectively. Although some knowledge development can occur in simulations,

    usually other methods are required for this type of learning. Simulations provide a

    context in which this knowledge is applied. Improving the trainees' ability to apply

    knowledge (i.e., facts, procedures, strategies) is the focus of simulations. Simulations

    do a good job of developing skills because they:

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    simulate the important conditions and situations that occur on the job

    allow the trainee to practice the skill

    provide feedback about the appropriateness of their actions

    Each of the different formats has particular types of skills for which they are more


    Mechanical, machine operation, and tool-usage skills are best learned throughuse of equipment simulators.

    Business decision-making skills (both day to day and strategic), planning, andcomplex problem solving can be effectively learned through the use of

    business games.

    The in-basket technique is best suited to development of strategic knowledgeused in making day-to-day decisions.

    Case studies are most appropriate for developing analytic skills, higher-levelprinciples, and complex problem-solving strategies. Because trainees do not

    actually implement their decision/solution, its focus is more on what to do

    (strategic knowledge) than on how to get it done (skills).

    Role plays provide a good vehicle for developing interpersonal skills andpersonal insight, allowing trainees to practice interacting with others and

    receiving feedback. They are an especially effective technique for creating

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    attitude change, allowing trainees to experience their feelings about their

    behavior and others' reactions to it.


    Business games attempt to reflect the way an industry, company, or functional

    area operates. They also reflect a set of relationships, rules, and principles derived

    from appropriate theory (e.g., economics, organizational behavior, etc.). Many

    business games represent the total organization, but some focus on the functional

    responsibilities of particular positions within an organization (e.g., marketing

    director, human resource manager). These are called functional simulations. Games

    that simulate entire companies or industries provide a far better understanding of the

    big picture. They allow trainees to see how their decisions and actions influence not

    only their immediate target but also areas that are related to that target.

    Prior to starting the game trainees are given information describing a situation

    and the rules for playing the game. They are then asked to play the game, usually

    being asked to make decisions about what to do given certain information. The

    trainees are then provided with feedback about the results of their decisions, and

    asked to make another decision. This process continues until some predefined state of

    the organization exists or a specified number of trials have been completed. For

    example, if the focus is on the financial state of a company, the game might end when

    the company has reached a specified profitability level or when the company must

    declare bankruptcy. Business games involve an element of competition, either against

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    other players or against the game itself. In using them, the trainer must be careful to

    ensure that the learning points are the focus, rather than the competition.


    Case studies are most often used to simulate strategic decision-making

    situations, rather than the day-to-day decisions that occur in the in-basket. The trainee

    is first presented with a history of the situation in which a real or imaginary

    organization finds itself. The key elements and problems, as perceived by the

    organization's key decision makers, may also be provided. Case studies range from a

    few pages in length to more than a hundred. Trainees are asked to respond to a set of

    questions or objectives. Responses are typically, though not always, in written form.

    Longer cases require extensive analysis and assessment of the information for its

    relevance to the decisions being made. Some require the trainee to gather information

    beyond what was in the case. Once individuals have arrived at their solutions, they

    discuss the diagnoses and solutions that have been generated in small groups, large

    groups, or both. In large groups a trainer should facilitate and direct the discussion.

    The trainer must guide the trainees in examining the possible alternatives and

    consequences without actually stating what they are.

    Written and oral responses to the case are evaluated by the trainer. The trainer

    should convey that there is no single right or wrong solution to the case, but many

    possible solutions depending on the assumptions and interpretations made by the

    trainees. The value of the case approach is the trainees' application of known

    concepts and principles and the discovery of new ones. The solutions are not as

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    important as the appropriateness with which principles are applied and the logic with

    which solutions are developed.


    Equipment simulators are mechanical devices that incorporate the same

    procedures, movements and/or decision processes that trainees must use with

    equipment back on the job. Among those trained with this method are airline pilots,

    air traffic controllers, military personnel, drivers, maintenance workers, telephone

    operators, navigators, and engineers. To be effective the simulator and how it is used

    must replicate, as closely as possible, the physical and psychological (time pressures,

    conflicting demands, etc.) aspects of the job site. To facilitate this, the equipment

    operators and their supervisors should be involved in the simulation design and pre-

    testing. This reduces potential resistance to the training and, more importantly,

    increases the degree of fidelity between the simulat

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