  • 1. Top 10 Mistakes of FibromyalgiaPatients
    Presented by:
    Dr. Eric Widhelm D.C.
    Cedar Park Fibromyalgia Relief
    201 S. Lakeline Blvd. Ste. 204
  • 2. 1. Auto-immunity
    Auto-immune conditions will perpetuate your fibromyalgia condition
    These must be tested for
    Are they being managed properly?
  • 3. 2. its all in your head
    This is a common excuse but there is some truth to it.
    Fibromyalgia is partially a mis-treated neurological condition.
  • 4. 3. wrong tests are ordered
    Have you had all the necessary testing done?
    Food sensitivity?
    Intestinal Pathogens?
    Antibody Testing?
    Adrenal Stress Indices?
    TH-1 and TH-2, Cytokines?
    FULL thyroid panels?
    Many more need to be ran!
  • 5. 4.Right tests, Wrong Results
    Laboratory reference ranges vs. Optimal Ranges
    Sickness vs. Optimal Health.
    You need to compare yourself to a healthy population and not a sick one if you want optimal health!
  • 6. 5. Medicate, medicate!!
    Do you know if your medications are helping or hurting you more?
    What studies have ever been done on the cross-reaction of different medication? NONE!
    Are they really treating the cause or just a symptom?
  • 7. 6.Dietary/ Lifestyle Changes
    Has anyone taken your lifestyle serious and made the proper recommendations?
    Have you explored things in your life that are actually KILLING you?
    Are you looking at blood sugar levels for optimal brain function?
    Have you eliminated inflammatory or allergenic foods?
  • 8. 7. Taking too many supplements
    Did you self prescribe your vitamins?
    Were the recommendations based off of valid lab results?
    TOO MANY supplements can throw your immune system out of whack.
  • 9. 8. What about the Thyroid
    Every single cell in your body has thyroid hormone receptors.
    There is over 24 WAYS that the thyroid can dysfunction.
    Without the proper lab tests you will never know the truth.
  • 10. 9. It is Reversible
    With the proper management fibromyalgia is reversible!
    You need to have the proper tests ran and a full neurological examination.
    Most doctors say You will just have to live with it.
    That is a BUNCH OF GARBAGE!!
    You can take your life back!!
  • 11. 10.Fibromyalgia is real
    A lot of doctors dont believe in fibromyalgia.
    They say It is all in your head.
    Truth be told, it is in your head, because it is a NEURODEGENERATIVE DISORDER perpetuated by many different things in your life.
    The only way to find out what is causing your fibromyalgia is to RUN THE TESTS!!
  • 12. TAKE action now!!!
    I can not stress how important it is to take action NOW!! We treat the PERSON, not the DISEASE. In order for me to add value to your life and get you on the road to recovery you need to make a CHANGE and take MASSIVE ACTION!
    CALL NOW: 512-537-3218

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