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  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz



    I, Parth Mishra, hereby declare that the project work entitled THUMPRESSIONZ is anauthenticated work carried out by me at JAIN SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. Under theguidance ofMs. NAVEEN JAIN for the summer training of the degree ofBACHELOR OFENGINEERING and this work has not been submitted for similar purpose anywhere elseexcept to APEEJAY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, SOHNA, GURGAON affiliated toMAHARSHI DAYANAND (M.D.) UNIVERSITY, ROHTAK.


    Place: Parth Mishra


  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz



    ASP.NET 2.0

    ASP.NET is a programming framework built on the common language runtime that can be usedon a server to build powerful Web applications. The first version of ASP.NET offered several important

    advantages over previous Web development models. ASP.NET 2.0 improves upon that foundation byadding support for several new and exciting features in the areas of developer productivity,administration and management, extensibility, and performance:

    Developer Productivity

    ASP.NET 2.0 encapsulates common Web tasks into application services and controls that can be easilyreused across web sites. With these basic building blocks, many scenarios can now be implemented with

    far less custom code than was required in previous versions. With ASP.NET 2.0 it is possible tosignificantly reduce the amount of code and concepts necessary to build common scenarios on the web.

    New Server Controls. ASP.NET 2.0 introduces many new server controls that enable

    powerful declarative support for data access, login security, wizard navigation, menus,treeviews, portals, and more. Many of these controls take advantage of core application

    services in ASP.NET for scenarios like data access, membership and roles, andpersonalization. Some of the new families of controls in ASP.NET 2.0 are described below.

    Data Controls. Data access in ASP.NET 2.0 can be accomplished completely

    declaratively (no code) using the new data-bound and data source controls. There arenew data source controls to represent different data backends such as SQL database,business objects, and XML, and there are new data-bound controls for renderingcommon UI for data, such as gridview, detailsview, and formview..

    Navigation Controls. The navigation controls provide common UI for navigating

    between pages in your site, such as treeview, menu, and sitemappath. These controlsuse the site navigation service in ASP.NET 2.0 to retrieve the custom structure you

    have defined for your site.

    Login Controls. The new login controls provide the building blocks to add

    authentication and authorization-based UI to your site, such as login forms, create userforms, password retrieval, and custom UI for logged in users or roles. These controlsuse the built-in membership and role services in ASP.NET 2.0 to interact with the user

    and role information defined for your site.

    Web Part Controls. Web parts are an exciting new family of controls that enable you

    to add rich, personalized content and layout to your site, as well as the ability to editthat content and layout directly from your application pages. These controls rely on thepersonalization services in ASP.NET 2.0 to provide a unique experience for each user in

    your application.


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    Master Pages. This feature provides the ability to define common structure and interface

    elements for your site, such as a page header, footer, or navigation bar, in a commonlocation called a "master page", to be shared by many pages in your site. In one simple

    place you can control the look, feel, and much of functionality for an entire Web site. Thisimproves the maintainability of your site and avoids unnecessary duplication of code forshared site structure or behavior.

    Themes and Skins. The themes and skins features in ASP.NET 2.0 allow for easycustomization of your site's look-and-feel. You can define style information in a common

    location called a "theme", and apply that style information globally to pages or controls inyour site. Like Master Pages, this improves the maintainability of your site and avoidunnecessary duplication of code for shared styles.

    Personalization. Using the new personalization services in ASP.NET 2.0 you can easily

    create customized experiences within Web applications. The Profile object enables

    developers to easily build strongly-typed, sticky data stores for user accounts and buildhighly customized, relationship based experiences. At the same time, a developer can

    leverage Web Parts and the personalization service to enable Web site visitors tocompletely control the layout and behavior of the site, with the knowledge that the site iscompletely customized for them. Personalization scenarios are now easier to build than everbefore and require significantly less code and effort to implement.

    Localization. Enabling globalization and localization in Web sites today is difficult,

    requiring large amounts of custom code and resources. ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005provide tools and infrastructure to easily build Localizable sites including the ability to auto-detect incoming locale's and display the appropriate locale based UI. Visual Studio 2005includes built-in tools to dynamically generate resource files and localization references.

    Together, building localized applications becomes a simple and integrated part of thedevelopment experience.

    Flexible Extensibility

    ASP.NET 2.0 is a well-factored and open system, where any component can be easily replaced with acustom implementation. Whether it is server controls, page handlers, compilation, or core application

    services, you'll find that all are easily customizable and replaceable to tailor to your needs. Developerscan plug in custom code anywhere in the page lifecycle to further customize ASP.NET 2.0 to their needs.

    Provider-driven Application Services. ASP.NET 2.0 now includes built-in support for

    membership (user name/password credential storage) and role management services out ofthe box. The new personalization service enables quick storage/retrieval of user settings

    and preferences, facilitating rich customization with minimal code. The new site navigationsystem enables developers to quickly build link structures consistently across a site. As allof these services are provider-driven, they can be easily swapped out and replaced withyour own custom implementation. With this extensibility option, you have complete control

    over the data store and schema that drives these rich application services.

    Server Control Extensibility. ASP.NET 2.0 includes improved support for control

    extensibility, such as more base classes that encapsulate common behaviors, improveddesigner support, more APIs for interacting with client-side script, metadata-driven supportfor new features like themes and accessibility verification, better state management, and


    Data Source Controls. Data access in ASP.NET 2.0 is now performed declaratively using

    data source controls on a page. In this model, support for new data backend storage

    providers can be easily added by implementing custom data source controls. Additionally,the SqlDataSource control that ships in the box has built-in support for any ADO.NETmanaged provider that implements the new provider factory model in ADO.NET.


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    Compilation Build Providers. Dynamic compilation in ASP.NET 2.0 is now handled by

    extensible compilation build providers, which associate a particular file extension with ahandler that knows how to compile that extension dynamically at runtime. For example,

    .resx files can be dynamically compiled to resources, .wsdl files to web service proxies,and .xsd files to typed DataSet objects. In addition to the built-in support, it is easy to addsupport for additional extensions by implementing a custom build provider and registering itin Web.config.

    Expression Builders. ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a declarative new syntax for referencing

    code to substitute values into the page, called Expression Builders. ASP.NET 2.0 includesexpression builders for referencing string resources for localization, connection strings,application settings, and profile values. You can also write your own expression builders tocreate your own custom syntax to substitute values in a page rendering

    C-Sharp( C# )

    C# syntax is highly expressive, yet with less than 90 keywords, it is also simple and easy to learn. The

    curly-brace syntax of C# will be instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with C, C++ or Java.Developers who know any of these languages are typically able to begin working productively in C#

    within a very short time. C# syntax simplifies many of the complexities of C++ while providing powerfulfeatures such as nullable value types, enumerations, delegates, anonymous methods and direct memoryaccess, which are not found in Java. C# also supports generic methods and types, which provideincreased type safety and performance, and iterators, which enable implementers of collection classes

    to define custom iteration behaviors that are simple to use by client code.

    As an object-oriented language, C# supports the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance and

    polymorphism. All variables and methods, including the Main method, the application's entry point, are

    encapsulated within class definitions. A class may inherit directly from one parent class, but it may

    implement any number of interfaces. Methods that override virtual methods in a parent class require theoverride keyword as a way to avoid accidental redefinition. In C#, a struct is like a lightweight class; it

    is a stack-allocated type that can implement interfaces but does not support inheritance.

    In addition to these basic object-oriented principles, C# facilitates the development of softwarecomponents through several innovative language constructs, including:

    Encapsulated method signatures called delegates, which enable type-safe event notifications.

    Properties, which serve as accessors for private member variables.

    Attributes, which provide declarative metadata about types at run time.

    Inline XML documentation comments.

    The C# build process is simple compared to C and C++ and more flexible than in Java. There are noseparate header files, and no requirement that methods and types be declared in a particular order. A

    C# source file may define any number of classes, structs, interfaces, and events.

    .NET Framework Platform ArchitectureC# programs run on the .NET Framework, an integral component of Windows that includes a virtual

    execution system called the common language runtime (CLR) and a unified set of class libraries. TheCLR is Microsoft's commercial implementation of the common language infrastructure (CLI), an

    international standard that is the basis for creating execution and development environments in whichlanguages and libraries work together seamlessly.

    Source code written in C# is compiled into an intermediate language (IL) that conforms to the CLIspecification. The IL code, along with resources such as bitmaps and strings, is stored on disk in an


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    executable file called an assembly, typically with an extension of .exe or .dll. An assembly contains amanifest that provides information on the assembly's types, version, culture, and security requirements.

    When the C# program is executed, the assembly is loaded into the CLR, which might take variousactions based on the information in the manifest. Then, if the security requirements are met, the CLR

    performs just in time (JIT) compilation to convert the IL code into native machine instructions. The CLRalso provides other services related to automatic garbage collection, exception handling, and resourcemanagement. Code that is executed by the CLR is sometimes referred to as "managed code," incontrast to "unmanaged code" which is compiled into native machine language that targets a specific

    system. The following diagram illustrates the compile-time and run time relationships of C# source codefiles, the base class libraries, assemblies, and the CLR.

    3) Microsoft SQL Server


    1. T-SQL (Transaction SQL) enhancementsT-SQL is the native set-based RDBMS programming language offering high-performancedata access. It now incorporates many new features including error handling via the TRY and

    CATCH paradigm, Common Table Expressions (CTEs), which return a record set in a

    statement, and the ability to shift columns to rows and vice versa with the PIVOT and

    UNPIVOT commands.

    2. CLR (Common Language Runtime)

    The next major enhancement in SQL Server 2005 is the integration of a .NET compliant

    language such as C#, ASP.NET or VB.NET to build objects (stored procedures, triggers,

    functions, etc.). This enables you to execute .NET code in the DBMS to take advantage of

    the .NET functionality. It is expected to replace extended stored procedures in the SQLServer 2000 environment as well as expand the traditional relational engine capabilities.

    3. Service Broker

    The Service Broker handles messaging between a sender and receiver in a loosely coupled

    manner. A message is sent, processed and responded to, completing the transaction. This

    greatly expands the capabilities of data-driven applications to meet workflow or custom

    business needs.

    4. Data encryption

    SQL Server 2000 had no documented or publicly supported functions to encrypt data in a

    table natively. Organizations had to rely on third-party products to address this need. SQLServer 2005 has native cap

    5. Visual Studio Integration

    Tight integration with Microsoft Visual Studio and the .NET Framework streamlines

    development and debugging of data-driven applications. Developers can build database


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    objects, such as stored procedures, using any .NET language and can seamlessly debug

    across .NET and Transact-SQL (TSQL) languages.


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    1.0. Purpose

    1.1. Introduction

    This Software Requirements Specification provides a complete description of all the

    functions and specifications of the Project Thumbpressionz.

    1.2. Scope

    The objective of this application is to basically compare two thumb impressions and

    identify that those are of a same person or not. With the help of the employee thumb

    impression, we can access his record. The details of the employee are saved in the back end

    with the help of SQL server.

    The goal of this system to allow the users to successfully retrieve the records of any

    employee with its thumb impression. The employee is authenticated by only its thumb


    The benefit of having this system is that it saves time for user and employee. He does not

    need to remember any login id or password. His/her thumb gives them authorization of

    the system.

    1.3. Document overview

    The remainder of this document is two chapters, the first providing a full description of

    the project. It lists all the functions performed by the system. The final chapter concerns

    details of each of the system functions and actions in full for the software developers

    assistance. These two sections are cross-referenced by topic; to increase understanding by

    both groups involved.


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    2.0. Overall description

    2.1 Product Perspective

    2.1.1 System Interfaces

    The THUMBPRESSIONZ is integrated within the organizations Intranet. It

    consists of 4 major components namely: User module, Database and Admin Module.

    2.1.2 Software Interfaces

    The admin module must be page that must be able to run on a system. The module must

    integrate with the DBMS through Microsoft SQL Server Connectivity.

    2.2 Product Functions

    Admin Module:

    The admin module consists of a single administrator who will be the head.

    The various functions of the system are summarized below:-

    The system will consist of a Main Page which has 3 selections.

    (1) The first selection is ofLogin. The login will ask for a User id and Password.

    Only the administrator can give a user id and password for logging in.

    After the administrator has successfully logged in he will further be provided with 4

    selections :

    (i) The first selection for the administrator will be ofinserting a new

    record in the database.

    This page has lots of entry to be filled. These entries are of the


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    employee who joined the company. There are 3 tabs in this page.

    Personal detail, Professional detail, File path details

    The attributes of Personal Details are:-





    Marital Status

    Permanent Address

    Temporary Address

    Phone No.

    Mobile NO.

    Email Id

    The attributes of the Professional details are:-


    Date of joining


    Salary per annum

    Educational Qualification

    The attributes of file Path details are:-

    Image File path


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    Thumb Impression path

    Bits text file path

    The third columns field is automatically filled. User doesnt need to fill the path address.

    (ii) The second selection for the administrator will be ofEDIT records. In

    this there are two option :-

    a. Modify records

    b. Delete record:

    Single record

    All records

    (iii) The third selection for the administrator will be ofView.

    The administrator can view a single record by typing the employees Id or he can view whole

    records in a grid view.

    All the pages accessible only by the administrator will return to the admin main page only.

    3. Specific Functional requirements

    Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e., what

    services it will provide to the user. Nonfunctional (supplementary) requirements pertain to

    other information needed to produce the correct system and are detailed separately


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    1.1 System Environment

    1.2Admin Module

    3.2.1 Login as a Admin

    Brief Description

    The admin logs in as an administrator

    Step By Step Description

    For this use case to be initiated, the admin must be connected to the

    intranet and on the NLB home page.

    1) The admin fills in the Login ID and Login Password2) The admin clicks on Log In

    3) The request is send to the database

    4) The server validates the Login ID and Login Password5) If validation is true then the server passes the admin to the admin

    home page

    6) If validation is false the server retains the admin on the same page

    and informs him to login again due to incorrect login ID andPassword.


    Validate Login ID

    and Password


    Displays Main


    Log In page

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    Use Case Name: Log In as a Admin

    Priority Essential

    Trigger Menu selection

    Precondition User /Admin is connected to the Local server.

    Basic Path 1.User/Admin selects the Log In as a AdminLink2.The server passes the user/admin to Login Page

    3. The admin fills in the login id and password

    4. The admin clicks on login button

    5. Required Field validation is done at the client side

    6. If validation is not true then user is prompted toenter the login id and password again.

    7. If the required field validation is true then the

    request goes to the server.

    8. Validation of the user id and password is done

    9. If validation true then the server passes the user to

    the admin home page.10. If validation is false then the server returns the

    user to the login page notifying the admin that user idor password is incorrect and prompts him to enter

    again the user id and password.

    Alternate Path N/A

    Post condition Admin is on the Home Page

    Exception Path If there is a connection failure the Web Server returnsto the wait state

    Other The page will have an option for returning to theadmin home page


    3.2.2 Admin Selects Insert new record:-

    Brief Description

    The admin can insert a new record of an employee.


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    Step By Step Description

    1) The user selects the option Insert on the Main Page.

    2) The admin is displayed a new form with lots of textboxes

    3) The admin chooses a photograph of the user.

    4) After filling the entries, the admin clicks on the next button.5) Next form is opened. In this the conversion of image to byte is being shown.

    6) Click next.

    7) Again similar form is opened. This time conversion of byte to bits is shown.

    8) After clicking the update button the admin saved a new entry in the database.

    Use Case Name: Insert

    Priority Essential

    Trigger Menu selection

    Precondition Admin is connected to the Local server and is on

    the Admin Home page.

    Basic Path 1. The admin clicks on the Insert option2. Request is send to the server.

    3. The server passes the admin to the insert


    4. On the page is displayed all the entries to be


    5. The booking details displayed for each entry

    on the page consist of the following fields




    Date of birth

    Marital status

    Permanent address

    Phone no.

    Mobile No.

    Email ID


    Date of joining






    Status is

    updated an



    Main Page


    page of


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    Salary per annum

    Education Qualification

    6. The server passes the admin to the updation


    7. The user clicks on the next button

    8. The request goes to the server

    9. The server updates the status of that entry inthe corresponding table in the database.

    10. The server returns the admin to the admin

    home page

    Alternate Path N/A

    Post condition Admin is on the Admin Home Page

    Exception Path If there is a connection failure the Web Server returnsto the wait state

    Other The page will have an option for returning to theadmin home page


    3.2.3 View records:-

    Brief Description

    The admin can view all the records of either a single employee or the whole records.

    Step By Step Description

    For this use case to be initiated the admin needs to be connected to the Intranet and be

    on the admin Home page of the NLB

    1. The admin selects the view old bookings option on the admin home page.

    2. The server passes the admin to the view old bookings page\





    Records a



    Select ViewAll records


    Main Page

    Displays list

    of all


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    3. On this page is displayed in a tabular form all those booking entries whose

    status is either approved or disapproved.

    4. Each entry has column in which there is a delete button5. The user clicks on the delete button for a particular entry

    6. On clicking the deleting button the corresponding entry row is deleted from

    the from the database7. The server returns the admin to the view old bookings page

    Use Case Name: View Old Bookings

    Priority Essential

    Trigger Menu selection

    Precondition Admin is connected to the Patni web server and ison the Admin Home page of NLB

    Basic Path 1. The admin clicks on the view old bookingspage

    2. The server passes the admin to the view old

    bookings page.3. On the view old bookings page, all those

    entries whose status is set to Approved or

    Disapproved are listed in a tabular form

    4. Maximum entries that can be listed are 10

    5. On each row there is a delete option

    6. The admin chooses on entry to be deletes

    7. The admin clicks on the delete button for thecorresponding chosen

    8. On clicking the delete button, the

    corresponding entry is deleted from thedatabase.

    9. The server passes the admin to the view old

    bookings page.

    Alternate Path N/A

    Post condition Admin is on the View Old Bookings Page

    Exception Path If there is a connection failure the Web Server returnsto the wait state

    Other The page will have an option for returning to theadmin home page



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    3.2.4 Add Devices

    Brief Description

    The admin can view list of all devices. He can add or delete devices.

    Step By Step Description

    For this use case to be initiated the admin needs to be connected to the Intranet and be

    on the admin Home page of the NLB

    1. The admin selects the update devices option on the admin home page.

    2. The server passes the admin to the update devices page.

    3. On this page one grid view appears displaying the list of all devices with a

    delete button with each device. If user wants to add any new devices there is

    one Add new devices button and a textbox to enter the new device name.

    4. If the admin selects a device from the list and clicks on the delete button.

    5. That particular entry of the corresponding row is deleted from the database.

    6. If admin wants to add new devices then he enters the details of new device tobe added and clicks on add new devices button.

    7. Clicking on it he can add list of new devices to the database.

    8. The server returns the admin to the modify devices page.




    Select Adddevices

    Delete devices




    Displays list of

    all Devices

    with Device ID


    devices ar

    added to


    SelectedDevices are

    deleted fromdatabase

    Enter devicename & click onadd new devices

    Selected Devices

    are updated

    Update devices

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    Use Case Name: Add Devices

    Priority Essential

    Trigger Menu selection

    Precondition Admin is connected to the Patni web server and ison the Admin Home page of NLB

    Basic Path 1. The admin selects the updatedevices option on the admin home


    2. The server passes the admin to the

    update devices page.

    3. On this page one grid view appears

    displaying the list of all devices with

    a delete button with each device. If

    user wants to add any new devices

    there is one Add new devices button

    and a textbox to enter the newdevice name.

    4. If the admin selects a device from

    the list and clicks on the delete


    5. That particular entry the

    corresponding row is deleted from

    the database.6. If admin wants to add new a device

    then he enters details of new deviceto be added and clicks on add new

    devices button.

    7. Clicking on it he can add list of new

    devices to the database.8. The server returns the admin to the

    modify devices page.

    Alternate Path N/A

    Post condition Admin is on the Modify Devices Page

    Exception Path If there is a connection failure the Web Serverreturns to the wait state

    Other The page will have an option for returning to theadmin home page


    3.2.5 Add Business Unit

    Brief Description

    The admin can view list of all Business Unit (Department). He can limit the lab


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    booking request from particular departments by editing the list of business units.

    Step By Step Description

    For this use case to be initiated the admin needs to be connected to the Intranet and be

    on the admin Home page of the NLB

    1. The admin selects the Add Business Unit option on the admin home page.2. The server passes the admin to the Add Business Unit page.

    3. On this page one grid view appears displaying the list of all business units

    with a delete button with each business unit. If user wants to add any new

    business unit there is one Add new business unit button and a textbox to enterthe new business unit name.

    4. If the admin selects a business unit from the list and clicks on the deletebutton.

    5. That particular entry of the corresponding row is deleted from the database.

    6. If admin wants to add new business unit then he enters the details of new

    business unit to be added and clicks on add new business unit button.7. Clicking on it he can add list of new business unit to the database.

    8. The server returns the admin to the Add Business Unit page.

    Use Case Name: Add Business unit

    Priority Essential

    Trigger Menu selection





    Add Business


    Delete Business unit




    Displays list of all

    Business Unit

    who can book the


    NewBusiness un

    are added to


    Business Unit is

    deleted from


    Add newBusiness Unit



    Business Unit is

    deleted fromdatabase

    Update selected

    Business Unit

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    Precondition Admin is connected to the Patni web server and ison the Admin Home page of NLB

    Basic Path

    1. The admin selects the Add BusinessUnit option on the admin home

    page.2. The server passes the admin to the

    Add Business Unit page.

    3. On this page one grid view appears

    displaying the list of all business

    units with a delete button with each

    business unit. If user wants to addany new business unit there is one

    Add new business unit button and a

    textbox to enter the new business

    unit name.

    4. If the admin selects a business unit

    from the list and clicks on the delete


    5. That particular entry of thecorresponding row is deleted from

    the database.6. If admin wants to add new business

    unit then he enters the details of new

    business unit to be added and clicks

    on add new business unit button.

    7. Clicking on it he can add list of new

    business unit to the database.

    9. The server returns the admin to the

    Add Business Unit page

    Alternate Path N/A

    Post condition Admin is on the Add Business Unit Page.

    Exception Path If there is a connection failure the Web Serverreturns to the wait state

    Other The page will have an option for returning to theadmin home page


    3.2.6 Add Location

    Brief Description

    The admin can view list of all locations. He can limit the lab booking request from

    particular locations by editing the list of locations.


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    Step By Step Description

    For this use case to be initiated the admin needs to be connected to the Intranet and be

    on the admin Home page of the NLB

    1. The admin selects the Add Location option on the admin home page.

    2. The server passes the admin to the Add Location page.

    3. On this page one grid view appears displaying the list of all location with adelete button with each location. If user wants to add any new location there is

    one Add new location button and a textbox to enter the new location name.

    4. If the admin selects a location from the list and clicks on the delete button.

    5. That particular entry of the corresponding row is deleted from the database.6. If admin wants to add new location then he enters the details of new location

    to be added and clicks on add new location button.

    7. Clicking on it he can add list of new location to the database.

    8. The server returns the admin to the Add Location page.

    Use Case Name: Add Location

    Priority Essential

    Trigger Menu selection

    Precondition Admin is connected to the Patni web server and ison the Admin Home page of NLB

    Basic Path

    1. The admin selects the Add Location

    option on the admin home page.





    Add Location

    Delete Location




    Displays list of allLocation who can

    book the lab


    Locations are

    added todatabase


    Location isdeleted from


    Add newLocation button


    Location isdeleted from


    Update selected


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    2. The server passes the admin to the

    Add Location page.

    3. On this page one grid view appears

    displaying the list of all location

    with a delete button with each

    location. If user wants to add any

    new location there is one Add newlocation button and a textbox to

    enter the new location name.

    4. If the admin selects a location from

    the list and clicks on the delete


    5. That particular entry of the

    corresponding row is deleted from

    the database.

    6. If admin wants to add new location

    then he enters the details of newlocation to be added and clicks on

    add new location button.

    7. Clicking on it he can add list of new

    location to the database.

    8. The server returns the admin to the

    Add Location page.

    Alternate Path N/A

    Post condition Admin is on the Add Location Page.

    Exception Path If there is a connection failure the Web Serverreturns to the wait state

    Other The page will have an option for returning to theadmin home page


    3.2.7 Log Out

    Brief Description

    The admin logs out from the NLB


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    Step By Step Description

    For this use case to be initiated the admin has to be on the admin home page of


    1. The admin selects the option Log Out

    2. The server passes the admin to the NLB Home Page3. After logging out, the admin cannot access the admin home page without

    logging in

    Use Case Name: Log Out

    Priority Essential

    Trigger Menu selection

    Precondition Admin is connected to the Patni web server and ison the Admin Home page of NLB

    Basic Path 1. The admin clicks on the Log Out Button2. The server passes the admin to the NLB

    Home page

    3. The admin cannot access the Admin Home

    page without logging in again

    Alternate Path N/A

    Post condition Admin is on the NLB Home Page

    Exception Path If there is a connection failure the Web Server returnsto the wait state

    Other The page will have an option for returning to theadmin home page




    Displays NLB

    Home PageServer

    Selects Log Out


  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    3.3 User Module

    3.3.1 Make a new Request

    Brief Description

    The user makes a new request for booking the lab by filling in the form

    Step By Step Description

    For this use case to be initiated the user must be connected to the intranet and

    must be on the NLB Home page

    1. The user clicks on the link Make a New request

    2. The server passes the user to new request page3. The user is displayed a form

    4. The user fills in the Employee ID in the form

    5. The user clicks on the select booking dates link image to select booking

    dates.6. He can check the previously done bookings on the dates and time selected

    by him by clicking on Check Dates.

    7. The user can only book the dates if those are no previous bookings doneon the date time selected by him.

    8. The user is returned to the home page after choosing dates.


    Web Server



    Booking Dates


    Employee Details



    Mail Send

    to admin

    Add new requestto database

    Generate Booking IDfrom database

    Checks iffirst time


    Checks if

    dates areavailable


    RequestPageMake a new


    Fill the request form,upload attachments

    and click on submitbutton




    Checks if all theform details are

    filled correctly

  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    9. If the request is done for the first time than blank fields are displayed to

    the user but if the user has requested earlier also than his details are

    automatically displayed in the fields.10. He fills the form and uploads attachments related to the project.

    11. The user after filling the complete form clicks on submit button.

    12. The server checks whether the form is complete or not13. If the form is incomplete the server returns the user to the form and the

    user is prompted a message indicating the location in the form which is

    incomplete or not filled correctly and should fill in the incomplete fieldscorrectly to submit the request.

    14. If the form is complete then the server generates a new booking id for that

    booking and is displayed to the user with booking status pending.

    15. The server also retains the form values including the booking id on thedatabase, update the employee details if they are changed and send e-mail

    to the admin notifying him that a new request has been made.

    Use Case Name: Make a New Request

    Priority Essential

    Trigger Menu selection

    Precondition User is connected to the Patni web server and ison the Home page of NLB

    Basic Path 1. The user clicks on the make a new requestbutton

    2. The server passes the user to the request page

    which consists of the form

    3. Initially user has to fill his Employee Id

    before proceeding further.4. Initially the following input fields are

    displayed to the user:-

    Start Date

    Start Time

    End Date

    End Time

    5. On entering the above details the request is

    send to the server6. The server checks whether the fields are

    complete or not7. If not complete then the server prompts the

    user to enter the complete details

    8. If complete then the server should perform

    the following validations

    i. The end date must not be

    less than start date


  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    ii. The end time must not

    be less than start time

    iii. The start date and end

    date entered by the user

    should not lie in between

    any of the dates in the

    database9. If the validation is false then the user is

    prompted that the dates are not available or

    the dates are not valid depending on the

    validation that went wrong. If the validation

    is true then the user must be prompted that

    the dates are available.

    10. The user can check all the bookings on the

    dates selected by him by clicking on check

    status button.

    11. The server checks whether any previousbooking has been made or not on the

    employee ID entered by the user

    12. If a previous booking has not been made then

    the following details should be entered by

    the user





    Business Unit

    Extension No

    If a previous booking has been made then the

    following details should be automatically


    13. The user can upload maximum of three files

    and select list of devices.14. The user submits the form by clicking on the

    submit button

    15. The request is send the server

    16. The server checks whether the fields are

    complete are not

    17. If incomplete fields are there then server

    returns the user to the request page again and

    prompts him to fill in all the mandatory fields

    or fill the incorrect fields correctly.

    18. If the form is complete then the servergenerates a booking ID which is displayed to

    the user with booking status Pending.

    19. Also the sever retains all the form values

    including the booking ID generated on the

    database and a mail should be send to the


    20. The mail should consist of the following

    Employee Id


    Business Unit

    Extension No

    Booking ID


  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    Project name

    Mail ID

    Attachment(Downloadable by the


    Booking start date time

    Booking End date time

    21. The server prompts the user to check hisstatus after some time using the booking IDgiven to him

    22. The server returns the user to the NLB Home


    Alternate Path N/A

    Post condition User is on the NLB Home Page

    Exception Path If there is a connection failure the Web Server returnsto the wait state

    Other The page will have an option for returning to theNLB home page.


    3.3.2 Check Status

    Brief Description

    The user can check the status of his booking request by entering his booking ID

    given to him at the time of making the request.






    eSelectCheck Status

    Searches fromDatabase anddisplays the status

    to the user

    Clicks on Checkstatus button


    Booking ID

  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    Step By Step Description

    For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the intranet and

    must be on the NLB Home Page

    1. The user clicks on the Check Status option

    2. The server passes the user to the to status check page

    3. On the page the user is required to enter the booking ID that was givento him at the time of making the request

    4. The user clicks on the Check Status button

    5. The server checks with database if booking id is valid and if valid

    generates the status of the booking.

    6. If booking id is not valid then the server returns the user to the form

    and the user is prompted that the booking id is not valid and should fill

    a valid booking id.

    Use Case Name: Check Status

    Priority Essential

    Trigger Menu selection

    Precondition User is connected to the intranet and is on theNLB home page

    Basic Path 1. The user clicks on the Check Statusoption

    2. The server passes the user to the status

    check page3. The user enters the booking ID given to

    him at the time of making the request4. The user clicks on Check Status button

    5. The request goes to the server

    6. The server checks whether the booking

    ID has been entered or not

    7. If not entered then the server returns the

    user to the status check page and

    prompts the user to enter the booking ID

    8. If booking ID entered the request is sendto the server

    9. The server gathers all the booking details

    related to the booking ID entered and

    displays it to the user

    10. The user can go back to the NLB HomePage

    Alternate Path N/A

    Post condition User is on the NLB Home Page

    Exception Path If there is a connection failure the Web Server returnsto the wait state


  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    Other The page will have an option for returning to theNLB home page


    3.3.3 Cancel Booking

    Brief Description

    The user can check the status of his booking request by entering his booking ID

    given to him at the time of making the request.

    Step By Step Description

    For this use case to be initiated, the user must be connected to the intranet andmust be on the NLB Home Page

    1. The user clicks on the Cancel Booking option

    2. The server passes the user to the to Cancel Booking page3. On the page the user is required to enter his Booking ID that was given to him at

    the time of making the request and his Employee ID

    4. The user clicks on the Show Booking button5. The server checks with database if booking id and employee id is valid and if

    valid generates the complete booking details.



    Validate Booking

    ID and corresponding

    Employee ID






    Click on show

    booking button


    Booking ID

    and Employee


    If valid searches from

    Database and displays theBooking to the user

    The Booking

    ID is deletedfrom the


    Click on Deletebutton

  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    6. If booking id and employee id are not valid then the server returns the user to the

    form and the user is prompted that the booking id is not valid and should fill a

    valid booking id.

    Use Case Name: Cancel Booking

    Priority Essential

    Trigger Menu selection

    Precondition User is connected to the intranet and is on theNLB home page

    Basic Path 1. The user clicks on the Cancel Bookingoption

    2. The server passes the user to the Cancel

    Booking check page

    3. The user enters the employee Id and

    booking ID given to him at the time ofmaking the request

    4. The user clicks on Show booking button5. The request goes to the server

    6. The server checks whether the booking

    ID has been entered or not

    7. If not entered then the server returns the

    user to the status check page and

    prompts the user to enter the booking ID8. If booking ID entered the request is send

    to the server

    9. The server gathers all the booking details

    related to the booking ID entered and

    displays it to the user

    10. The user can delete his booking by

    clicking on delete button11. The user can go back to the NLB HomePage

    Alternate Path N/A

    Post condition User is on the NLB Home Page

    Exception Path If there is a connection failure the Web Server returnsto the wait state

    Other The page will have an option for returning to theNLB home page


    4. User Characteristics


  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    The user of NLB Systems will be the employees of the organization. The

    users are expected to have high educational qualifications having a good

    experience working online. The user expect a comfortable UI design


  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    There are 2 modules in NLB:

    1. Administrator

    2. User


    A B C

    Select to login as


    Select toCHECK STATUS





    Choose One Option


  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz




    Enter Login id & Password




    Select the operation to be performed



    ModifyDevices View NewRequests View OldRequests

    Update Status


    Delete Booking



    Home P

    Send mail to user

    if approved

    Search ByBooking ID

    Search By

    Start DateAddBU AddLocation

    device_list Table

    booking_empdetails Table

    booking_projdetails Table

    admin_login Tablebu Table

    emp_details Table

    location Table



  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz




    Enter BOOKING ID








    Please entervalid BookingID


    Return to Check Status Page

    Booking Details Database

  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz








    Display the name and

    contact details of theperson who has already

    booked the lab for thattime

    Enter employee id


    if dates




    Select Booking Dates

    Make a NEW REQUEST

    Return to HOME PAGE

    device_list Table

    booking_empdetails Tabl

    booking_projdetails Tabl

    bu Table

    emp_details Table

    location Table

    Enter all personal


    Checkif user


    s for



    Enter all projectdetails and select


    Fill all employeedetails automatically

    from the database by

    comparing employee

    id from database

    Add to database

    Upload Attachments

    containing details about

    topology, project

    Generate Booking ID

    Send Mail to Administrator

    Show Booking ID to user

  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz




    Enter BOOKING ID





    Displays theBooking



    Please entervalid BookingID


    Return to Cancel Booking Page


    Click on DELETE to

    CANCEL Booking

    Do you want

    to cancelyour



    Delete the bookingform the database


    booking_empdetails Table

    booking_projdetails Table

  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz



  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz
































    loc_name loc_name

    bu_name bu_name




  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz



    1.1 admin_login

    Column Name Data Type Size Null Value Description

    login_id varchar 50 Not allowed Primary key

    login_passwd char 10 Not allowed

    forget_ques varchar 50 Not allowed

    forget_ans varchar 50 Not allowed

    1.2 emp_personeldetails

    Column Name Data Type Size Null Value Description

    emp_id int 04 Not allowed Primary key

    emp_name varchar 50 Not allowed

    emp_gender Varchar 50 Not allowed

    emp_dob Int 04 Allowed


    Int 04 Allowed

    emp_mobileno nchar 10 Not allowed

    emp_address varchar 50 Not allowed

    emp_mailid varchar 50 Not allowed

    1.3 emp_professionaldetail

    Column Name Data Type Size Null Value Description

    emp_id Int 04 Not allowed secondary key

    emp_department Varchar 50 Not allowed

    Emp_designation Varchar 50 Not allowed

    Emp_doj Date 10 Not allowed


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  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    1.6 bu

    Column Name Data Type Size Null Value Description

    bu_id int 04 Not allowed Primary key

    bu_name varchar 50 Not allowed

    1.7 location

    Column Name Data Type Size Null Value Description

    loc_id int 04 Not allowed Primary key

    loc_name varchar 50 Not allowed


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  • 8/14/2019 Thumbperrionz


    The NLB is to be deployed on the intranet and can be accessed bythe users by logging onto the intranet.

    The system can be integrated with the employee database

    It can be deployed on the intranet so that the users can havedirect access from their local machine

    It can be integrated with the Global Help desk

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