Page 1: The World of Photo Editing

The World of Photo Editing

The world of photography is growing every day. People get into photography for many reasons.

A picture can say so much. It can tell a story. Capturing the perfect picture, whether it is a

landscape, a person or an object can make a statement without any words. That’s the power

behind the world of photography.

However, sometimes what you thought would be the perfect shot actually turns out with some

imperfections. It can be someone’s eyes turning out red, it can be a person in the background that

you didn’t see or it can even turn out darker then you expected. This is where photo editing can

actually save your photo. When taking a digital picture you can edit the properties of that picture

in so many ways using editing software.

Editing software allows you to make corrections to the photo such as:

Fixing red eyes – too often people in a photo will appear to have red, slowing eyes due

to the light and angle of the shot. Many editing programs have a feature to remove the red

eye and return the eye color to a normal state.

Brightening a dark photo – in certain indoor settings or lighting, a picture can come out

darker than expected. This feature allows you to edit the photo and brighten it so that the

subject can be seen easily. You’d be amazed at how you can enhance a dark photo and

actually save the image.

Adjusting the pictures contrast and clarity – some pictures may seem a little fuzzy or

not as clear as they should be. By adjusting the pictures contrast, you can enhance the

clarity of the picture.

Straightening a picture – sometimes when you’re in a hurry a picture can be taken at an

angle. This feature allows you to rotate the image so that it is straight and more


Cropping a photo – When you crop a photo you are zooming in on one area and

removing everything else. So if you had a photo and there was a person in the

background to the left that you didn’t see at the time the photo was taken, you can crop

the photo and zoom in on what you want to see and remove the rest. Cropping allows you

to take one area of the photo and zoom on it and make it the main focus.

In addition with photo editing you can manipulate the picture to enhance the picture. So you can

add a decorative background to your photo or you can place your baby on top of a flower. These

are just a few ways that you can use photo editing to enhance your photos and truly make them

one of a kind.

Page 2: The World of Photo Editing

You can edit digital and traditional photos. When you edit a traditional photo it is called “photo

retouching”. When it comes to traditional photos things like airbrushing are used to enhance the


With digital photos you have several different online and desktop photo editing programs that

you can use to edit your work. Some programs are free; while others are paid programs. For the

beginner, starting out with one of the free programs will allow you to practice the art of photo

editing without having to spend any money.

Some of the free programs include:

Picasa – this is a Google based application that allows you to store and edit photos online

and on your desktop. It offers simple editing features which makes this an easy program

for most beginners.

Photoscape – this is a desktop editor which offers you the ability to customize your

photo with decorative backgrounds and images as well as traditional editing options.

Picnik – this online photo editing program offers many of the traditional editing features

for free. You also can gain access to more features through their paid program however

the free option is a great way to play around with photo editing.

Paid photo editing programs can range in price from $80 to well over $300 depending on the

program. Some of the popular programs used include:

Corel Paint Shop Pro

Adobe PhotoShop

Serif Photo Plus

Each program offers its own unique features but has many options to allow the user to really

enhance and edit their photos. Paid programs offer more feature then your standard free options

and can allow the user to really learn how to manipulate photo properties. The world of photo

editing is not as difficult as one may think. All it takes it patience and practice. Over time, you’ll

become a master at editing all your photos.

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