Page 1: The World Bank Reform of Treasury Systems The experience of the World Bank Dominique de Roquefeuil

The World Bank

Reform of Treasury Systems The experience of the World BankDominique de Roquefeuil

Page 2: The World Bank Reform of Treasury Systems The experience of the World Bank Dominique de Roquefeuil

The World Bank

Presentation Plan

10 “Commandments” for Practitioners:

1. Know the state of the art in the field;

2. Help to build a “vision” ;

3. Look for collaboration and help from partners;

4. Help Implement a strongly integrated project management structure;

5. “Reward” all partners at regular and scheduled intervals;

6. Simplify and optimize procurement phases;

7. Closely monitor procurements, works and deliverables from suppliers;

8. By all means “stick to the standards”;

9. Insist on “Change Management”;

10. Contribute to create a cluster of competences in the country to ensure sustainability on the long run;

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The World Bank

Reform of Treasury Systems

1. Know the State of the Art in the Field (previous experiences, trends, technical opportunities and constraints);

- Strategic and historic trends: the rise of the ERP;- Definition of an ERP;- Using an ERP Eases Project Implementation;- ERP cover most of public management needs;- Present State of the ERP Market Offer;- “Hall of Fame” of ERP used in the Public Sector;- Technical Trends.

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The World Bank

1- Know the State of the Art in the Field Strategic and Historic Trends: the Rise of the ERP

States and State-owned Institutions are in the process of conducting Public Finance Integration Projects that can be compared to projects undertaken in the early 90’s in the Western World Private Sector : Ambition to reform and transform (functionally, organizationally,

transition to « client » oriented systems); Organizations and processes Integration; Decision oriented systems (Data warehouse, Balance

Scorecards); Large geographical scope, large number of End-Users; “Short” implementation timeframe.

Most of these projects rely on the implementation of Integrated software Packages (Enterprise Resources Programming Software = ERP).

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The World Bank

1- Know the State of the Art in the Field Strategic and Historic Trends: the Rise of the ERP




1980s 1990s

Centralized Systems

Proprietary systems

Basic Ergonomics




Open systemsWindows, UNIX, Linux, …



Tailor-made Applications

Partitioned Applications

ERP – additional sophistication (CRM, decision making, …)

Adaptable organizationsSecurity / workflow


Technology Experts

Specialized operators

Results drivenClient/End-User OrientedFocus on core FunctionsOutsourcing

ERPs represent an important milestone in the Industrialization of Information Systems

Business processes and Business CompetenciesmasteredDe-compartmentalization

ERP – Basic Functions

Integrated DataSharing/ Homogeneity

Decentralized systemsWindows, UNIX

Client/Server Architecture

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The World Bank

1- Know the state of the art in the field Strategic and historic trends: the rise of the ERP

1State Treasury

and Accounting system

3Line ministries Budgeting & Commitment

accounting system

3Line ministries Budgeting & Commitment

accounting system

2Line ministries

Budget InstitutionsBudgeting system

3Line ministries Budgeting & Commitment

accounting system

2Line ministries

Budget InstitutionsBudgeting system

3Line ministries Budgeting & Commitment

accounting system

2Line ministries

Budget InstitutionsBudgeting system

3Line ministries Budgeting & Commitment

accounting system

2Line ministries

Budget InstitutionsBudgeting system

3Line ministries

Planning, Budgeting, Commitment,Procurement &

Accounting system

Proliferation of Different Heterogeneous Systems (Patchwork Effect)

Interface / Interoperability Problems.

System Overall Evolution Issue.

What Happens Over Time with Unshared + Specific Public Finance IT Applications:

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The World Bank

1- Know the state of the art in the field Strategic and historic trends: the rise of the ERP

State Budget, Treasury and

Accounting system

State Budget, Treasury and

Accounting system

Line ministries Budget Institutions

Planning & Budgeting system

Line ministries Planning, Budgeting,

Commitment,Procurement &

Accounting system

Real time system

Accrual accounting = possible

Full Interoperability.

System adaptability

Normative but still adaptable (workflows, roles & habilitations).

What will happen if the system is an integrated system

Implemented in the MoF and rapidly extended to line ministries?

Integrated Packaged Software

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The World Bank

1- Know the State of the Art in the Field Definition of an ERP

ERPs offer a set of application modules.

Processes and data are integrated thanks to Standardized Data and User interface Format; A Powerful “Workflow System”; Shared Rules & Parameters; A Sophisticated “habilitation” (and Audit) system

Receipts Management

Clients Accounts


ManagementSuppliers Accounts



Production Stocks


General Ledger

Analytic Accounting

Budgetary Accounting

Cash Management

Basic Data

Decision Making

Performance Management




Exchanges with Suppliers

Exchanges with “clients”


Exchanges with Partners

Org. Basic Needs


Budget Preparation

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The World Bank

1- Know the State of the Art in the Field Using an ERP Eases the Project Implementation

Field Advantages Constraints

Project management

Kick start First results appear rapidly Easier to fine tune and test

ERP Development specific skills and competencies mandatory

Application Architecture

Integrated FunctionsApplication tested on a large scale

Complementary and specific developments often needed (80/20 rule)

Technical Architecture

Most recent technologiesTechnological and functional upgrades, updates and maintenanceOpen to IT standards (databases, exchange,…)

Needs a powerful Telecom network

Costs and Procurement issues

Mutualizes cost of Maintenance and Evolution (All ERP Clients involved)

Relationship with Software vendor, and hardware suppliers must be kept under tight control

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The World Bank

1- Know the State of the Art in the Field ERP Cover most of Public Management Needs (1/2)

Fields PROs CONs

Functional Perimeter Coverage

All Major ERP cover Functions needed in Public Sector

- Standardized processes & functional solutions in a complex environment

Processes Implementation

Functional Integrationextensively tested Modules and transactions

ERP Functions and Workflows are designed according to their finality and their coherent integration with other functions: steps may be different from End-Users Habits

Regulatory environment adaptability

Context adaptation through Classifications, "Triggers", roles and "Workflow" Parameterization

Specific cases and exceptions need specific developments

Best practices

ERP facilitates process re-engeneeringTemplates of best practices lead to reform and change

Important training needed to implement changes

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1- Know the State of the Art in the Field ERP cover most of public management needs (2/2)



Revenue Management

General Ledger

Journal Vouchers


Accounting Entries






Inquiry Budget



Cash Management

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The World Bank

1- Know the State of the Art in the Field Present State of the ERP market offer

Most common ERPs in the Public Sector SAP Oracle Financials PeopleSoft

Other well respected ERPs in the Public Sector Microsoft Solutions (ex Navision) FreeBalance EPICOR (Platinum) Lawson Sage Agresso SmartStream (non exhaustive list)

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The World Bank

1- Know the State of the Art in the Field Present State of the ERP market offer

“Hall of Fame”: Public Finance Management Systems using ERPsState Structure Pack.Software Project begins

South Africa State Specific 1993Australia State SAP 1996Singapour State PeopleSoft 1997France (ACCORD Project) State PeopleSoft 1998USA State of Texas PeopleSoft 1998Spain Cataluna Region SAP 1999USA Riverside County PeopleSoft 1999Kazakhstan State Oracle 2000Germany Land von Hessen SAP 2000USA State of Connecticut PeopleSoft 2002Belgium State ERP to be determ. 2002Italy State ERP to be determ. 2003/2004

Entity Structure Pack.Software Project beginsUSA (Department of Commerce) Ministry spécific 1994United Kingdom (Ministry of Agriculture) Ministry Oracle 1995Danmark (Copenhagen) Town Oracle 1998Russia (St Peterburg) Town Oracle 1998Finland (Ministry of Defense) Ministry SAP 1999Ireland (Ministry of Justice) Ministry Oracle 2001Holland (Ministry of Defense) Ministry PeopleSoft RH 2002

Entity Structure Project beginsWORLD BANK Inter Gov. Org. SAP+ Peoplesoft RH 1995EU Inter Gov. Org. SAP 1996NASA Agency SAP 2002UNHCR Agency ERP to be determ. 2002OSCE Agency Oracle 2003

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The World Bank

1- Know the State of the Art in the Field Technical Trends

Central Data Storage A



Central WebServer Cluster

Data Center +Internet / Intranet oriented IT infrastructure and Telecom network(Typical IT Architecture).


VPN / Intranet

Central Data Warehouse


Central Data Storage B


Central ApplicationServer A

Central Application

Server B(Backup)

Central DatabaseServer A

Central DatabaseServer B (Backup)

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The World Bank

Reform of Treasury Systems

2. Help to Build a “Vision”

- Importance- How to build a vision?

Do perso
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The World Bank

2. Help to Build a “Vision”


1. For the local “Sponsor” who sells the Project2. For the local Project Director who will implement it3. For the World Bank which lends funds4. For the Project’s co-financiers who will lend or

Grant Funds5. For the End-User who will use it on a daily basis

Build the vision as early as possible (PAD).Refine it all along the project.

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The World Bank 2. Help to Build a “Vision”

The Project’s “Box”(6 Sides)

1. Political, Managerial & Human

2. Strategic3. Functional4. Operational5. Financial 6. Timeframe

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The World Bank

2. Help to Build a “Vision” Political Managerial & Human Side

1. Overall Political Situation?2. Stakeholder Analysis?3. Champion Credibility and

Reliability?4. Relationships between State

Entities?5. Relationships between State and

Local Governments?6. Risk and Constraints Analysis?

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The World Bank

2. Help to Build a “Vision”Strategic side

1. Cash or Accrual?2. Extra Budgetary Funds?3. Treasury Accounts?4. Where to draw the Line (Entities):

Treasury, Budget Institutions, Spending Units?

State + Local govt. Financial Institution?

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The World Bank

2. Help to Build a “Vision”Functional Side 1/2

Where to draw the Line (Application Modules) : Budget Preparation? Budget Management? Budget follow-up? Accounting? Operations - Revenue? Operations – Expenditure? Operations - Payments? Finances – Cash Management? Finances – Debt Management? Payroll Management, Full HR Management?

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2. Help to Build a “Vision”Functional Side 2/2

State Treasury functions

Budget Operations Finances

Budget management

Budget follow-up Revenues Expenditures Cash


managementOther trea- sury functions

Warrant, Sub-warrant

Spending limits

Budget Allocation

Real time reporting

Budget discipline

Ex-ante control

Revenue assessment

Revenue collection



Receipts, Invoice

Accounts payable

Payment request

Cash balances

Trends and funding need

Debt service Amortization

External debt system

TGL control.

Variance analysis.


General ledger

Auxiliary ledgers

Reporting and analysis

Inventory Amortization

Fixed assets

Annual balances

Personal accounts

Payment function

Payment authorization

Delayed payments

Payment exceptions

Internal Audit

Reservation of resources

Penalties, interests


Payment confirmation

Cash flow forecasts

Bookkeeping Nat. Currency

Bookkeeping For. Currency

TSA and sub- account

Audit organization

Accounts receivable

Liquidity requirement

Cash desk operations

Cash management


Budget clas- sification

Budget Ap- propriation

Increase / Decrease

Budget transfers

Revenue forecasts

Expenditure forecasts

Exp/Rev for. matching

Cash req. forecasts

Chart of accounts

Rev.collect. classific.

Suppliers & evaluation


Reconcilia- tion, report

Orders, Contracts




Payments. classific.



Human resources



Recruitment + Changes


Risk requirement


Debt Re- evaluation

Payment consolidation.

Procurement guidelines

Investment guidelines

Payments guidelines


Administrative structure

Staff classes +positions


Staff register

Signature samples

Aid-Grants framework

Interest & Curr. rates

Main Transactions and Permanent Files

Pensioners register

Budget Preparation

Budget limits


Budget initialization

Negociated changes





Salary +Benefits scale





System habilitations

Pers. Profile

Health safety

Time +Labor


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2. Help to Build a “Vision”Operational Side 1/4

Spelling out the Project’s Steps and making Partners’ Responsibilities clear.

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2. Help to Build a “Vision”Operational Side 2/4


IT SystemIT Project


IT systemModernization

Blueprint & Planning

IT System Functional& Architectural General Design

IT System Parameterization& Development

IT system Pilot Experimentation

& Full Implementation +


IT System Detailed Technical Design


Selection Process for IT System Realization

Project Phases

Activities &Actors

IT System technical definition, procurement & Implementation. System Functional




IT Project

IT systemModernization

Blueprint & Planning

IT System Functional& Architectural General Design

IT System Parameterization& Development

IT system Pilot Experimentation

& Full Implementation +


IT System Detailed Technical Design


Selection Process for IT System Realization

Project Phases

Activities &Actors

IT System technical definition, procurement & Implementation. System Functional



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2. Help to Build a “Vision”Operational Side 3/4

1. 4 Impl. Monitoring 1. 4 Impl. Monitoring

1. 3 Impl. Monitoring 1. 3 Impl. Monitoring

1. 2.Impl. Monitoring 1. 2.Impl. Monitoring

1.1.Blueprint, Modernization Plan,Functional Design

1.1.Blueprint, Modernization Plan,Functional Design

Part 2.1.6:

Overall IT

project m

anagement P

art I

Part 2.1.6:

Overall IT

project m

anagement P

art I

Part 2.1.1: Proj . Organization & Blueprint, Modernization Plan

Part 2.1.1: Proj . Organization & Blueprint, Modernization PlanIT system

ModernizationBlueprint & Planning

IT System Functional& Architectural General Design

IT System Parameterization& Development

IT system Pilot Experimentation

& Full Implementation +


Part 2.1.2: Functional& Architectural design

Part 2.1.2: Functional& Architectural design

IT System Detailed Technical Design

Selection Process for IT System Realization

Project Phases

Activities &Actors



m P



ry P




m I




on P


Part 2.1.3: Quick-Wins Development

Part 2.1.3: Quick-Wins Development

Part 2.1.4: TOR + RFP preparation

Part 2.1.4: TOR + RFP preparation

Part 2.15:


taff Kernel S

election &


Part 2.15:


taff Kernel S

election &


Part 3: Packaged software +Hardware & Telecoms Procurement bid

Part 3: Packaged software +Hardware & Telecoms Procurement bid

1. 4 Impl. Monitoring 1. 4 Impl. Monitoring

1. 3 Impl. Monitoring 1. 3 Impl. Monitoring

1. 2.Impl. Monitoring 1. 2.Impl. Monitoring

1.1.Blueprint, Modernization Plan,Functional Design

Part 2.1.6:

Overall IT

project m

anagement P

art I

Part 2.1.6:

Change M


Part 2.1.1: Proj . Organization & Blueprint, Modernization Plan

Part 2.1.1: Proj . Organization & Blueprint, Modernization PlanIT system

ModernizationBlueprint & Planning

IT System Functional& Architectural General Design

IT System Parameterization& Development

IT system Pilot Experimentation

& Full Implementation +


Part 2.1.2: Functional& Architectural design

Part 2.1.2: Functional& Architectural design

IT System Detailed Technical Design

Selection Process for IT System Realization


Activities &Actors IT System technical definition, procurement & Implementation.



m P



ry P


System Functional Definition

Part 2.1.3: Quick-Wins Development

Part 2.1.3: Quick-Wins Development + Implementation

Part 2.1.4: TOR + RFP preparation

Part 2.1.4: Bidding Documents Preparation

Part 2.15:


taff Kernel S

election &


Part 2.15:


taff Kernel S

election &


Part 3: Packaged software +Hardware & Telecoms Procurement bid

Part 3: Packaged software +Hardware & Telecoms Procurement bid

1 . Treasury System Concept Definition (SCD)

Part 4:

Technical Infrastructure



Part 5: Packaged Software Parameterization

System IntegrationPhased Implementation & Training

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The World Bank

2. Help to Build a “Vision”Operational Side 4/4

Installation & Parameterization

of Packaged Software

WANs & LANs Installation & Tests



Specific & Complementary Developments


& Basic SoftwareInstallation

& Integration


& Basic SoftwareInstallation

& Integration

Overall System Integration

External & internal

Data-Exchange Protocols

Technical design

Security & SafetyDossiers

Hardware & Basic Software

& NetworksDefinition & Assistance to Selection

Data Extraction from older systems, Files Reformatting, Testing and Loading into new system

New System Pilot Experimentation and Test (central site +1 Oblast + related Rayons

New System Commissioning and Operational Acceptance Phase

Detailed Technical Studies (processes),


munication, C

onduct of change

IT +

network specialists technical train

ing & K


ledge transfer

Overall project m

anagement +

Validation P


System Deployment; Operations Launch End-Users Training

Software Application Support and Maintenance

Technical InfrastructureSupport and Maintenance

Installation & Parameterization

of Packaged Software

WANs & LANs Installation & Tests



Specific & Complementary Developments


& Basic SoftwareInstallation

& Integration


& Basic SoftwareInstallation

& Integration

Overall System Integration

External & internal

Data-Exchange Protocols

Technical design

Security & SafetyDossiers

Hardware & Basic Software

& NetworksDefinition & Assistance to Selection

Data Extraction from older systems, Files Reformatting, Testing and Loading into new system

New System Pilot Experimentation and Test (central site +1 Oblast + related Rayons

New System Commissioning and Operational Acceptance Phase

Detailed Technical Studies (processes),


munication, C

onduct of change

IT +

network specialists technical train

ing & K


ledge transfer

Overall project m

anagement +

Validation P


System Deployment; Operations Launch End-Users Training

Software Application Support and Maintenance

Technical InfrastructureSupport and Maintenance

1. 4 Impl . Monitoring 1. 4 Impl. Monitoring

1. 3 Impl . Monitoring 1. 3 Impl. Monitoring

1. 2.Impl. Monitoring 1. 2.Impl. Monitoring

IT systemModernization

Blueprint & Planning

IT System Functional& Architectural General Design

IT System Parameterization& Development

IT system Pilot Experimentation

& Full Implementation +


IT System Detailed Technical Design

Selection Process for IT System Realization

Project Phases

Activities &Actors



m P



ry P




m I




on P


1. 4 Impl . Monitoring 1. 4 Impl. Monitoring

1. 3 Impl . Monitoring 1. 3 Impl. Monitoring

1. 2.Impl. Monitoring 1. 2.Impl. Monitoring

IT systemModernization

Blueprint & Planning

IT System Functional& Architectural General Design

IT System Parameterization& Development

IT system Pilot Experimentation

& Full Implementation +


IT System Detailed Technical Design

Selection Process for IT System Realization


Activities &Actors IT System technical definition, procurement & Implementation.



m P



ry P


Part 4:

Technical Infrastructure



Part 5: Packaged Software Parameterization

System IntegrationPhased Implementation & Training

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The World Bank

2. Help to Build a “Vision”Financial Side

Elaboration of Financial Estimates and Scenarios to be proposed to the Sponsor.


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The World Bank

2. Help to Build a “Vision”Timeframe Side

Elaboration of Timeframe and Procurement Forecasts.

Typical Timeframe:1stconsultant selection process 4 monthsPreparatory works and Quick-wins 9 months2nd selection process for System Implementation 9 monthsSystem development 12 monthsSystem full Implementation and End-Users Training 18 months


52 months


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The World Bank

2. Help to Build a “Vision”

When the Box is Closed, the “Vision” is born. All Partners Know:

What is the Project for;What Perimeter;What Functions;Who’s in Charge;Who Will Benefit;Who Pays for What;How the Project will Unfold;How Much it will Cost;When it will Happen;How Long it will Last.

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The World Bank

Reform of Treasury Systems

3. Look for Collaboration and Help from Partners

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The World Bank

3. Look for Collaboration and Help from Partners

1. Strategic Level- IMF, EU

2. Functional Assistance- IMF (Treasury Concept Document)- Advisors (i.e.: IMF, UNDP, USAID, DFID, Other West. European

Treasuries)- WB Technical &Working papers

- Treasury Reference Model (Ali Hashim, Bill Allan)- Treasury Diagnostic Toolkit (Ali Hashim, Allister Moon)- Bill Dorotinsky’s works

- WB “Treasury specialists”- System Integrators seen as Partners

3. Financial engineering (Grants, Co-financing)- Japan PHRDs- Other Grants from Trust Funds- Other International Organizations

Collaboration benefits to the Client Country.

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Reform of Treasury Systems

4. Help Implement a Strongly Integrated Project Management Structure

- Build a robust Project management structure - Initial push: Know-How transfers through the first Contracts (i.e.: TOR+RFP)- Bank Procurement and disbursement processes

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The World Bank

4. Help the Project Management StructureRobust Management Structure 1/3

Unified Project Management Structure (several levels) Project management structure: Distinction between strategic and

operational levels, Arbitration processes Management of Regulation specialists and End-Users expectations Strong inter-levels Coordination, Convergence of Functional discussions, Applications implementation &

Change Management Changes in Functional perimeter, Releases and Upgrades management

Integrated Teams: Reduced Needs<>Solutions<>Validation delays Teamwork with respect for mutual expertise, background and

constraints Will to Favor standardized & durable solutions (industrialization)

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The World Bank

4. Help the Project Management StructureRobust Management Structure 2/3

Shape Management Structure so that Operations & Maintenance Issues are Integrated from Beginning of Project:

Maintenance and operations teams involved in the project from the beginning

Knowledge transfer initiated very early in the project Transition from project mode to post-project mode

established far in advance

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The World Bank

4. Help the Project Management StructureRobust Management Structure 3/3

Treasury Project Steering committee

Chairperson:Deputy minister of Finance in

charge of GTAC/PEM

-Treasury ReformCoordinator

(Permanent Secretary of the Steering Committee)

Director of Treasury Project Implementation

Heads of Budget, line ministries (2 or 3) GTAC PIU/PEM Coordinator and other

Financial or Audit Institutions (i.e. Central Bank)

“Change network” and Modernization working groups

IMF + WB Advisors


Budget and Line ministriesEnd-Users Panels

Budget & Line MinistryExpert Panels

Line Ministries or financial institutions developers

Direction of Treasury Project Implementation

Development Unit

Implementation Unit

Operations &


Software Package Implementation Consulting Team

Development Unit

Implementation Unit

Operations & Maintenance



, Mod




& C




n St






on S



Budget and Line ministriesTreasury Reform correspondents

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Reform of Treasury Systems

5. “Reward” all Partners

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The World Bank5. “Reward” all Partners

The Sponsor, Partners and Financiers must be “rewarded” on a regular basis (each year is advisable):

“Quick-Wins”i.e.: Early equipment & network at central level => use of

productivity software;i.e.: Website (3 layers: Extranet, Inter ministerial Intranet,

MoF Intraneti.e.: Public Finance Central Data Warehouse

Staged Implementation:i.e: 2 regions with administrative sub-levelsi.e.: Staged implementation in terms of Application

Modules.“Change Management”

Sponsor must be given central role

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5. “Reward” all Partners Quick-Wins: Public Finance Central Data-warehouse (1/3)

WEB Visualization,Query


Control panels(requested or


Imported Files

Central Data



Extracted FilesIT Dept. Bishkek

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The World Bank

5. “Reward” all Partners Quick-Wins: Public Finance Central Data-warehouse (2/3)

Requested Objects


Objects Repository

Data Warehouse Query Interface.

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The World Bank

5. “Reward” all Partners Quick-Wins: Public Finance Central Data-warehouse (3/3)

Pivot tables, Pivot Charts Data Drill down

Graphs, Control Panels (On request or « pushed »).

Query functionalities.

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Reform of Treasury Systems

6. Simplify & Optimize Procurement Phases

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The World Bank

6. Simplify & Optimize Procurement Phases

Important Reminder: 30% of a WB funded Treasury Project is spent in Procurement Processes.

- “Parallelize” Procurement Processes once Preparatory Studies are carried out;

- Design Self-Contained Modules: something fully functional must be achieved at each step and could remain operational even if the project was to be stopped.

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Reform of Treasury Systems

7. Closely Monitor Procurement Bids and Works Deliverables

from Integrators & Suppliers

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The World Bank

7. Closely Monitor Procurement Bids, Works & Deliverables from Integrators & Suppliers

1. Monitor Administrative delays and harass the PIU and Project directors;

2. Be aware of the Lack of real State Treasury Specialists on the Market;

3. Be aware of possible “influences” in local procurement;4. Make clear & precise TORs and Stick to them;5. Prepare test and commissioning protocols in advance;6. Arrange external reviews of the project (IMF, Independent

technical Auditors).

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Reform of Treasury Systems

8. By all means “stick to the standards”;

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8. By All Means “Stick to the Standards”

Stick to the Proposed Best Practices (Avoid Specific Developments: 15% of modified transactions should be a maximum)

Stick to standardized processes featured by the Packaged software Go for specific development only if :

No alternative solution, Within a financial envelope and after a cost/advantage study, With consideration to the ERP integrity and evolutivity (no

modification of core layers, addition are admissible only on periphery).

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Reform of Treasury Systems

9. Insist On “Change Management”

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The World Bank

Reform of Treasury Systems9. Know That You’ll Never Be Insistent Enough On “Change Management”

Proactive “Change Management”: Homogeneity of workflows, roles & processes reinforces Change

management, Training and Organization Middle Management and End-Users must play central role in new

workflows and processes validation. Organizations, Roles and Competencies Review & Re-Engineering + draft

of related Change Management Plan Actions :

=> “Change Network” to be built to prepare, review, enforce Evolutions, Processes, Organizations, Tasks, Roles and

Competencies Management Training : Tasks and Application On-Site Support during phases launch

Page 48: The World Bank Reform of Treasury Systems The experience of the World Bank Dominique de Roquefeuil

The World Bank

Reform of Treasury Systems

10. Contribute to Create a Local Cluster of Competences

to Ensure Sustainability on the Long Run

Page 49: The World Bank Reform of Treasury Systems The experience of the World Bank Dominique de Roquefeuil

The World Bank

10. Contribute to Create a Local Cluster of Competences to Ensure Sustainability

In the MoF• Kernel at Central level (14 pers.

Minimum)• Management• Development• Operations

• Support Network at regional and local level

In the Country• Local partners relaying the


1 Head of Department

1 Head of Developme


(+Package Developer)2 Int. Package Developers

2 Help desk +

MS Office specialists

2 Trainers + Developers

1 Head of Operations

(+Database & Pack.

Soft.Manager)2 O.S. &

Database Specialists

1 Packaged Software Manager

2 Networks and Security


14 Trained specialists are mandatory to make the system work.

1 Head of Department

1 Head of Developme


(+Package Developer)2 Int. Package Developers

2 Help desk +

MS Office specialists

2 Trainers + Developers

1 Head of Operations

(+Database & Pack.

Soft.Manager)2 O.S. &

Database Specialists

1 Packaged Software Manager

2 Networks and Security


14 Trained specialists are mandatory to make the system work.

Page 50: The World Bank Reform of Treasury Systems The experience of the World Bank Dominique de Roquefeuil

The World Bank

The End

Reform of Treasury Systems

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